May 23 - 29, 2013
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Kirk A. Davis President Kathleen Real Publisher x153 Brittany Durgin Editor x155 Steven King Photographer x278 Walter Bird Jr. Senior Writer x243 Brian Goslow, Janice Harvey, Jim Keogh, Josh Lyford, Taylor Nunez, Jim Perry, Matt Robert, Gary Rosen, Barbara Taormina, Al Vuona Contributing Writers Don Cloutier Production Manager x380 Kimberly Vasseur Art Director/Assistant Production Manager x366 Bess Couture x366, Becky Gill x366, Stephanie Mallard x366, Graphic Artists Helen Linnehan Sales Manager x147 Rick McGrail x557, Account Executive Amy O’Brien Sales Coordinator x136 Carrie Arsenault Classified Manager Worcester Mag is an independent news weekly covering Central Massachusetts. We accept no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts. The Publisher has the right to refuse any advertisement. LEGALS/PUBLIC NOTICES: Please call 978.534.6006, email, or mail to Central Mass Classifieds, Leominster Plaza, 285 Central St., Suite 202B, Leominster, MA 01453
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inside stories
f you’ve ever been to a City Council meeting or picked up a copy of your local paper, chances are you’ve seen a picture or two of Bob Moylan. Maybe you thought it was an advertisement for Saks Fifth Avenue; Moylan, you see, is known as much for his impeccable taste in what to wear as he is as the no-nonsense, get-the-job-done Commissioner of Public Works and Parks in Worcester. Although he showed up on the scene of November’s water main break outside Worcester State University in jeans, more often than not Moylan sports a full suit and tie – pocket square optional. City officials, however, will readily tell you he’s not just another suit. Moylan has more than 40 years on the job with the DPW, the last 20 as commissioner. He recently announced his retirement, which takes effect “on or about” Dec. 31. That opens up an opportunity for 20-plus-year DPW official Paul Moosey; it also opens up the memory vault for Moylan, who this week dishes on the biggest challenge of his career – which also happens to be among his proudest accomplishment – as well as his “worst day” as DPW chief. In between, he also channels his inner Rodney Dangerfield on the topic of whether his department gets enough respect. Oh yes, there’s much more to the man than top-shelf clothes.
-Walter Bird Jr., Senior Writer
Worcester Mag is not liable for typographical errors in advertisements.
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ABOUT THE COVER Photo by Steven King Design by Kimberly Vasseur
M AY 2 3 , 2 0 1 3 • W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M
{ citydesk }
May 23 - 29, 2013 ■ Volume 38, Number 38
Police, fire departments getting by in smaller numbers Walter Bird Jr.
he city’s police and fire departments are facing staffing shortages, but there will be no new police officers and firefighters in Worcester until at least September. City Manager Mike O’Brien’s proposed fiscal 2014 budget calls for a delay from the original plan to fund new classes of 25 and 20 recruits, respectively, by July 1. That should not pose any immediate problems, but putting off new recruits any further could spell trouble. “A further delay in the start of the recruit class would be problematic, potentially causing operational gaps that we are attempting to close with the additional police personnel,” Police Chief Gary Gemme says. “The sooner we get these new officers on board, the sooner we will be able to institute more foot patrols and increase traffic enforcement.” In his preliminary budget proposal, O’Brien says the delay in putting the two classes through academy is necessary to meet his funding goal of roughly $326 million for the city’s public schools. He does not promise the classes will be a go for September, saying they could come on even later. The Police Department hasn’t exactly been left in the lurch, having just welcomed 20 new recruits in April, but the department is still around the low 330s as far as uniformed officers, largely because of cutbacks and retirements. The Fire Department also is running under its maximum staff level, with approximately 394 uniformed personnel at the moment.
That number is expected to drop another eight to 10 by the end of the year because of retirements, dropping to about 384. Twenty new recruits would put the department at 404, just two below its preferred level. “If we have to go to a class of 22 to get to 406 we would push for that,” Deputy Chief Geoffrey Gardell, the department’s public information officer, says, adding the Fire Department was expecting the September start date. He points out that is not yet a certainty. “We’re all feeding from the same cookie jar. I think Mike O’Brien’s done a really good job.” In fact, District Fire Chief Dennis Dolan does not see the planned September academy date as a delay. “My original hope was for around September,” he says. “Just knowing how long it takes to get background [checks] done, the testing, there’s a whole process that actually has to get done before the guys actually go through [the academy]. I don’t feel it’s a delay.” The police and fire departments have seen rises in specific incidents with the onset of warmer weather, with police responding to a greater number of breakins and thefts and firefighters battling a scourge of dumpster fires. A recent string of arrests should help in that regard, although a second suspect was still being sought earlier this week. Gemme says as a result of being asked by the city manager to re-evaluate the planned start date, his department will adapt to the change and plan for an early spring graduation of new recruits. If both
WOO-TOWN INDE X A weekly quality of life check-in of Worcester
For police it has been shootings and break-ins, for firefighters it has been dumpster fires. Spring has kept emergency crews on their toes, with a rash of house and car breaks befuddling police and a string of dumpster fires plaguing firefighters. -4
The Spirit of Knowledge Charter School in Worcester scrutinized for poor academic performance and other issues, faces probation from the state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education. -3
Clark University Assistant Professor Alex Gardner joins other colleges in studying the contributions of glaciers to the rise of sea level. +2
the fire and police departments welcome new classes by then, it would be just in time for the start of the warm season and the expected uptick in crime. “This should give us adequate time to field train and prepare the new officers for their assignment prior to the start of our busiest months,” Gemme says. “The department Worcester firefighter recruit Kyle Green helps continues to work inventory Special Operations backpacks at hard to maintain a the Webster Square firehouse. safe community and despite the delay in chairs the Committee on Public Safety and the recruit class we has led the charge to add more emergency are committed to this objective.” personnel to the city’s public safety Gardell, noting the fire department is departments, was not initially thrilled to “actually doing pretty good right now” learn that the new class of police recruits with staffing, thanks to having added 70 would not be entering the academy in new firefighters over the past three years, July. isn’t ready to say the situation would be “If we’re talking two to three months, critical were the September class delayed, but it wouldn’t be the best scenario, either. that’s not [a huge delay],” Eddy says. “If it’s December or January – that would be “Obviously, it would put us into a shortvery concerning. As long as they’re on handed position, which we don’t like for September, that’s what the manager’s to see,” he says. “Through overtime, we intent is and that isn’t lost on people. could remain fully-staffed if, in fact, they I was a little concerned with ‘at least authorized a full OT account.” September.’” Although it has not had to in recent Three of the newest Worcester years, the Fire Department could firefighters are coming up on their first implement “brownouts,” shutting down anniversary, but in that short time they’ve certain fire companies for a shift. District 5 Councilor Bill Eddy, who continued on page 6
Worcester Police Officer Peter James Kneeland among those paid tribute in a statement from US Sen. Elizabeth Warren during National Police Week. Kneeland died last year after spending more than two decades unable to care for himself as the result of being struck by a drunk driver in 1991. +3
Total for this week:
UMass negotiations turn into game of chicken, with one group of nurses avoiding a collision date with a strike while the other remained steadfast and ended up with a lesser contract offer. -3
More than 50 robotics teams from high schools throughout the Northeast compete in the 14th annual BattleCry at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). +2
+3 +2 +2 +2 -4 -3 -3 +1 One man arrested, another sought in connection with the recent dumpster fires in Worcester, according to news reports. +2
W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M • M AY 2 3 , 2 0 1 3
Irene Belliveau, a principal clerk in the city’s Purchasing Department, named City Hall Employee of the Month for May. +1
{ citydesk }
On the move: Transfer of students from school to school ‘disruptive’ Walter Bird Jr.
ore than 600 high school students in Worcester transferred to another school in the city in 2011-12, 96 of them more than once. In one case, a student transferred to four different schools during the year. While the total number of individual student transfers, 645, represents a fraction of the roughly 24,000 students in the Worcester Public School system, that accounts only for high school students. School officials are paying attention and have asked to receive quarterly reports on school-to-school movement among high school students. They also want to track student transfers at the lower grade levels. “We always talk about mobility of our students,� says School Committee member Dianna Biancheria, who chairs the Standing Committee on Accountability and Student Achievement (ASA) and who recently asked for more detailed and frequent reports. “This gives us more accurate information [as to why they are transferring]. When you look at the transfers of high school students, it matters if it’s career goals, if that’s the [reason] of why they transfer or are they transferring because they moved?� Housing issues, according to South High Community School Principal Maureen Binienda, are the biggest reason students transfer from school to school. Her school saw 202 students transfer to different schools in 201112, roughly 16 percent of the student population, and the most of the district’s comprehensive high schools. The next highest number was 166 at North High School. The greatest number of transfers by grade was among sophomores, at 261. There were 245 transfers among seniors. The least amount of transfers among high schools was at University Park Campus School, which had just six. The highest number of student transfers from each of the high schools was for alternative programming, 399. At South High, there were 117 transfers to an alternative education school in 2011-12. “It’s the economy, housing,� Binienda says of why a student might transfer one or more times during the year. “Every single one of the transfers we have is for housing. In some cases, families got an upgrade, like moving to Lakeside [Apartments] from Great Brook
Valley. We had three families in one month do that. It’s all based, really, on the movement of housing. It’s always in flux.� Children involved with the state Department of Children and Families (DCF) are part of the transfer numbers, according to Binienda, including those coming in from another city. “DCF transfers, that’s another big one,� she says. “If there’s a kid that has problems [DCF] tends to bring them out of their city and town and into Worcester. A good amount of kids arrive in Worcester with a DCF worker or with foster care. Sometimes they come, then they go out again [back with their families]. The DCF philosophy is reunification.� Students who transfer in the middle of a school year are afforded the opportunity to finish out the year in their home school. Depending on where their family moves to, however, transportation can become an issue. School Committee member and ASA Vice Chair Tracy O’Connell Novick agrees housing is a key factor in determining student mobility. “With the economic downturn families became more mobile,� she says. “We’re seeing more of that. We’ve seen kids where their family moves a couple times a year. It’s really disruptive. We’re at the mercy of the community and they’re at the mercy of the economy.� Chief Research and Accountability Officer David Perda notes the majority of student transfers involved students switching to alternative schools. He also points out that students do not have to leave their school if they move during the school year. If they do, however, he says the district tries to make the transition as easy as possible on the student. “We try to be as systematic as possible with the curriculum, so when there’s a transfer it is as seamless as possible,� Perda says. “If a kid is in elementary school and working on fractions and has to move to another school, plus or minus a few days, they’re going to be in the same place they were in the classroom. Admittedly, it’s a little hard in high school.� Dealing with student transfers is easier now that the district follows the Common Core State Standards Initiative. While controversial – some schools have resisted adopting Common Core – Binienda says it helps in the case of
transfers. “Academically, kids can move right in wherever they go,� she says. “They should be in roughly the same space.� That does not mean a move from one school to another is without challenges. For instance, while transfers require approval, if a student shows up at a new school he or she is not going to be turned away, Novick says. “We literally have kids show up on our doorstep all the time,� she says. “It is not uncommon for there to be turmoil within a family that requires kids to have to move. We tend to just get them right into class.� There is also the added strain of students transferring into Worcester schools from outside the system. According to Perda, there were 396 transfers into the district during 201112. Of them, 99 were from another country.
In order to more closely and effectively keep track of students, schools require more resources, Novick says, citing the need for additional guidance and adjustment counselors. Assistant principals, also, have been given more responsibilities. “If we give them the ability then they can often find things out ahead of time [before a new student transfer],� Novick says. “We can let them know they don’t necessarily need to transfer.�
Have a news tip or story idea? Email Walter at wbird@worcestermag. com, or call him at 508-749-3166, ext. 243. Follow Walter on Twitter @ walterbirdjr and catch him on WTAG 580AM Thursdays at 8:35 a.m. with Paul Westcott
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{ citydesk }
POLICE/FIRE continued from page 4
recognized the need for more brothers and sisters in the department. First and foremost, there is a need at some stations for more bodies just to have a complement of four firefighters on a truck to respond in an emergency. “Definitely,” 26-year-old Brian Cobill says of the need for more firefighters. He works out of the Greendale Fire Station on Ladder 6. “There’s always a need for more guys on our job, that’s for sure.” Cobill was part of the 2012 class of 31 recruits, which included 24-year-old Kyle Green, who mans Ladder 4 in Webster Square, and 24-yearold Steve Brotherton, out of the Pleasant Street station on Engine 9. Brotherton is a son of the late Paul Brotherton, who was one of six Worcester firefighters who perished in the Dec. 3, 1999 Worcester Cold Storage fire. Steve has two other brothers in the department. Like Cobill, he and Green know that, even with last year’s new firefighters, there is always a need for more. “The guys in the department always talk about how we should always have a full truck,” Green says. “In Worcester it’s four guys, although in reality it should be five guys. We sometimes run with three. If we get five it makes it much better.” Have a news tip or comment? Contact Walter Bird Jr. at 508-749-3166, ext. 243, or email Follow Walter on Twitter @walterbirdjr, find him on Facebook and don’t miss him with Paul Westcott on WTAG 580AM Thursdays at 8:35 a.m.
STUNG: It wasn’t a good week to sell sex – or buy it, for that matter. Vice Squad officers snared 15 people in an undercover prostitution sting in Main South on Thursday, May 16. Ten women and five men were charged with sex for a fee. Two were also charged on drug offenses. Arrested for sexual conduct for a fee were Cassandra McAuliffe, 30, 61 Cedar St.; Jo Ann Reed, 31,26 LaFayette St.; Michael Sanok, 52, 12 Union St., Exeter, NH; Sharon Perry, 36, 765 Main St.; Alisha Frasier, 29, 776 Main St.; Jessica Moody, 26, 44 Grand St.; Nicole Bell, 32, 5 Jackson St.; Colleen Montalvo, 44, 580 Main St.; Lisa Flagg, 46, 43 Woodland St.; Richard Sease, 45, 2 Linda Circuit, Grafton; Kevin Aucoin, 50, 217 West Main Street, Northboro; Owen McQuaid, 60, 37 West Hill Road, Brookline, NH; Lisa Blanchette, 39, 12 Winslow St.; Chalaya Jones, 22, 6 Harlem St.; and Carlos Ruiz, 33, 14 Pearl Street, Natick (also on an outstanding motor vehicle warrant). Charged with drug offenses were Gilberto Valentin, 48, 2 Waller Ave. (Distribution of Class A substance) and Joshua Schnieder, 23, 106 Plantation St. (Possession of Class A substance. Also had an outstanding warrant for uttering a false instrument – check, receiving stolen property, attempting to commit a crime and conspiracy). IN THE DUMPS(TERS): What, they don’t have dumpsters in Leicester? Police arrested 26-year-old Brian Sampson, 38 Siani Rd., Leicester in connection
with a string of dumpster fires in Worcester on Tuesday, May 14. The first fire was around 10:10 p.m. at Standard Auto, 257 Granite St. The dumpster was at the side of the building. Second and third fires were reported at 10:15 and 10:39 p.m., respectively. The third fire involved two dumpsters at Holy Name High School, according to police. A tip on Thursday, May 15 led investigators to identify Sampson as one of the suspects. He was arrested at his home and charged with four counts of willful and malicious destruction of property and one count of arson. Police have identified the second suspect as 29-year-old John Shyllberg, with no known address. There is a warrant for his arrest on the same charges facing Sampson. A dangerousness hearing was held this week. DON’T BANK ON IT: Michael McGann might have figured the threat of two weapons is better than one, so when he approached tellers at Unibank on Gold Star Boulevard around 4:41 p.m. Monday, May 13, he told them he had a bomb and a gun. That’s what police say of the alleged robbery, which saw the 22-year-old resident of 10 Hemans St. make off with an undisclosed amount of cash. If he thought it was money in the bank, however, he was wrong. Police caught up with him Tuesday after pouring through evidence. Surveillance video assisted in their investigation. McGann was charged with armed robbery while masked and making a bomb threat. He also had an outstanding arrest warrant for larceny over $250.
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W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M • M AY 2 3 , 2 0 1 3
{ worcesteria } A special extended edition Worcesteria
ON YOUR MARK, GET SET …: It’s a go for the city’s first-ever Worcester Running Festival, which will be held next year on Sunday, June 15, 2014. So get out those running shoes, stretch your legs and stock up on pasta. The festival will include a half-marathon, 5K and 1K Youth Fun Run. It is yet another feather in the cap of race promoter Charles Breagy, a former member of Central Mass Striders (CMS), but it is also a credit to the city’s health department and Public Health Director Derek Brindisi, who along with colleagues and dozens of community participants, rolled out Worcester’s Comprehensive Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), which has physical health and efforts such as walking and running among its key components. The CHIP aims to make Worcester the healthiest city in New England by 2020. Also taking a bow for introducing the festival, and for working with Breagy to continue other running events such as the “Tour de Worcester,” is Fire Lt. John Franco. The Festival adds to the major running events in the city – there are three under the “Tour de Worcester”: the Jay Lyons Memorial Road Race, the Worcester Firefighters Memorial (WFM) 6K and the Canal Diggers 5K. This year’s WFM 6K, by the way, is Sunday, June 9. In addition, there is the Monster Dash, the first of which was held last October, and this year’s inaugural Jingle 5K, which will be held Dec. 1.
Walter Bird Jr.
STIFF COMPETITION? Worcester Republican Carol Claros is exploring a possible run against embattled Democratic state Rep. John Fresolo in 2014 – or in a special election should he step down, depending on the results of a House Ethics Committee investigation of which Fresolo is widely said to be the subject. You probably know by now multiple sources identified Fresolo as the state lawmaker against whom a complaint by a House employee was filed. According to sources, he is being investigated for allegedly misrepresenting his per diem payments as well as sending an inappropriate picture of himself to a Statehouse computer. Claros says she wants her daughter to grow up respecting her elected officials and that new leadership is needed in Boston. “As a mother, I believe that it is important to lead by example,” the 17-year city resident says. “I don’t want my daughter to grow up in our state and city where our elected officials are [not] well respected. We need leadership at the State House that we can trust. That’s why today I am taking the first steps to test the waters for running for State Representative.” Claros, who has already opened an official campaign account with the state Office of Campaign and Political Finance (OCPF), says, “Unlike legislators, we don’t get paid to drive to work. It is time for a representative who will stand up for the taxpayers and honorably serve this district.”
Secondary and Elementary Education (ESE) has placed Worcester’s Spirit of Knowledge Charter School (SOKCS) on probation until 2015, when its charter expires unless it is renewed. The board’s action Tuesday, May 21 came on a 7-1 vote and followed a recommendation by state Education Commissioner Mitchell Chester, who in a scathing letter earlier this month in which Chester accuses the school’s board of trustees of failing to oversee SOKCS effectively. Several conditions are attached to the probation notice, including submitting board meeting agendas, materials and minutes prior to each state board meeting at the same time they are sent to the school’s board members. The Department can at any time request additional information, including quarterly or monthly financial statements. In addition, the school must submit a facilities plan by July 1. By Aug. 1, SOKCS must submit an annual report for fiscal 2013 and by Oct. 1, the school’s board of trustees must engage in training conducted by an outside consultant. There are several other conditions as well. “In nearly three years of operation, SOKCS has employed four executive directors, has not maintained a sound or stable financial condition, has failed to maintain adequate membership on its board of trustees, has not provided the academic model proposed in its charter, has not shown promising academic results, has a significantly decreased enrollment from what it projected in its application, and will face financial challenges as a result of its drop in enrollment,” Chester says. “It is clear to me that the school’s board of trustees has failed to oversee SOKCS effectively.” He listed more than 10 concerns continued on page 8
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M AY 2 3 , 2 0 1 3 • W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M
{ worcesteria }
continued from page 7
about the school, including a lack of adherence school’s mission as laid out in its charter application, the high turnover of executive directors and an educational program that is not well articulated. The school’s current executive director, Paula Bailey, did not immediately return a phone call seeking comment.
SMARTER GRID?: Things may not be going too smoothly for National Grid and its smart grid pilot program in Worcester, but if and when the problems are resolved the Main South area will have a new Sustainability Hub that will aim to educate consumers about energy efficiency and new technologies. The announcement was made recently as National Grid Massachusetts President Marcy Reed joined District 4 City Councilor Sarai Rivera, Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Rick Sullivan, Clark University President David Angel and others at a May 16 ceremony under a pop-up tent across the street from 912 Main St., where the new Hub will be operate. It is essential that National Grid work out its issues with the city as far as permitting for the smart grid program, because the hub is an “integral” part of it. About 15,000 customers are expecting to take part in the program. “This facility will be the first of its kind in the state and represents a larger effort by National Grid to modernize its grid with smart grid pilot program in Worcester,” Sullivan says. “The Hub will connect National Grid’s customers with the information and tools available to make cost-effective energy decisions in their homes and businesses.” Among the Hub features: interactive exhibits and educational materials; local student ambassadors from Clark University, Holy Cross and Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI); an abstract mural on the outside wall of the building, designed by six students from Claremont Academy’s art studio, electric vehicle charging station and more.
JET BLUE AND BLACKJACK? One of the more unusual casino proposals that never materialized once the state legalized casino gaming came from The Seafan Trust, doing business as Sun Moon Casino and Resort. In a Jan. 15 letter to the Massachusetts Gaming Commission (MGC), Kathryn Wheaton, identifying herself as the sole trustee of The Seafan Trust and claiming to be Nipmuk Indian, says a development called Sun Moon Casino and Resort would be built in either central or western Mass and promised it would be “one of the most unique, best and largest” in the northeast region, the country and the world. And in an April 23 letter to Mayor Joe Petty, Wheaton gave “formal notice” of the Trust’s intent to engage the city in negotiations for the casino. The chosen site: Worcester Regional Airport (ORH). Apparently, Wheaton never got the memo that the city no longer owns the airport. She also was shown no love by the city in a reply sent by City Manager Mike O’Brien in May, in which he noted the obvious: that the Massachusetts Port Authority owns the airport; that the Trust was listed nowhere as having filed a preliminary application through the MGC; and that the Nipmuks would need to be a federally recognized tribe. They are not (the Nipmuks were originally approved under President Bill Clinton, but President George Bush reversed that decision). MGC spokesperson Elaine Driscoll notes the Trust never submitted a Phase 1 application or the fee that was required by Jan. 15. ELECTION CANDIDATES: The deadline to submit nomination has passed and now it’s up to the Election Commission to draw names and set the order of the ballot for the November ballot. There will be no preliminary election in either the City Council or School Committee races. Candidates for Councilor-at-Large: Bill Coleman, Carmen Carmona,
Mesfin Beshir, Michael Gaffney, Morris Bergman, Peter Kush, William Feegbeh and incumbents Mayor Joe Petty, Kate Toomey, Konnie Lukes, Mike Germain and Rick Rushton; District 1: Chris Rich and incumbent Tony Economou; District 2: Jennithan Cortes and incumbent Phil Palmieri; District 3: incumbent George Russell; District 4: incumbent Sarai Rivera; District 5: Gary Rosen and incumbent Bill Eddy; School Committee: Doug Arbetter, Hilda Ramirez, Robert Cohane and incumbents Brian O’Connell, Dianna Biancheria, Donna Colorio, Jack Foley, John Monfredo and Tracy O’Connell Novick. The next deadline is May 30, to withdraw from or challenge a nomination.
CLEANING UP: If it were a baseball game, City Manager Mike O’Brien might be batting cleanup. His “Clean Team” will be hitting the streets in the Union Hill neighborhood Saturday, June 1 as part of the Keep Worcester Clean (KWC) program. The initiative, which is supported by UMass Memorial Health Care, kicked off last month with a trash clean-up effort in the Bell Hill area. According to a press release, the “Clean Team” has collected more than 53,000 pounds of trash since 2007. Volunteers gathered up 5,270 pounds of trash during the Bell Hill cleanup. If you want to take part in the Union Hill effort, go to the Oak Hill Community Development Corporation (CDC), 74 Providence St., at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, June 1. The cleanup runs to 10:30 a.m. For more information, such as how to organize your own neighborhood cleanup, call City Manager Mike O’Brien’s office at 508-799-1175 or email
THE NURSES STRIKE BACK: After talks broke down Tuesday, May 21 nurses at UMass Medical Center’s (UMMC) University Campus will go ahead with a one-day strike on Thursday, May 23. They will do so, after nurses at UMMC’s Memorial and Hahnemann campuses reached an agreement late last week and averted the strike. About 1,000 nurses are expected to take part in the strike, which will kick off with a prestrike rally on Wednesday, May 22 at Coral Seafood Restaurant at 6 p.m. Negotiations on Monday and Tuesday came after UMMC officials had pulled their “last, best and final offer” off the table on Friday, saying that was the deadline to enter a contract with the staffing company that will provide nurses to work during the strike and a four-day lockout the hospital says it could impose after the strike. Nurses on April 11 voted overwhelmingly to strike if they felt it was necessary.
BY THE NUMBERS: The Research Bureau is releasing a new report Thursday, May 23, the second in a series of reports titled “Worcester by the Numbers.” The report includes several findings related to the city’s economy and jobs, including: The average number of people employed in Worcester decreased by 4 percent during the first decade of the 21st century; the biggest decrease in jobs during that time was in manufacturing, 33 percent, and professional and business services, 31 percent; education and health services saw the greatest increase in jobs over the same timeframe, 20 percent; and Jobs in education and health services now account for 45 percent of all jobs in Worcester. Research Bureau President Roberta Schaefer says the series of reports was initiated by a request from Chief Development Officer Tim McGourthy and is sponsored by MassDevelopment, the state’s agency devoted to developing programs that promote and fund economic funding. Have a news tip or comment? Contact Walter Bird Jr. at 508-749-3166, ext. 243, or email Follow Walter on Twitter @walterbirdjr, find him on Facebook and don’t miss him with Paul Westcott on WTAG 580AM Thursdays at 8:35 a.m.
Congratulations to all 2013 graduates of the Worcester-area colleges and universities! Like many students and staff, Spiral-bound will be taking a summer break, but we hope you all will continue to keep us posted on news and events happening on and off campus. Have a great summer, and be sure to find Spiralbound back in print and online in late August! W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M • M AY 2 3 , 2 0 1 3
commentary | opinions
All aboard the Smile Train Janice Harvey
By Steven King
1,001 words
ast August, I became someone’s Nana, a change in status unlike any other. Becoming a parent meant I’d grown up; becoming a grandparent meant something else entirely. Everything I’d ever heard about grandmother love being different from mother love is absolutely true: It differs in that I am now old enough to recognize that love has absolutely no limits, boundaries or rules. A person who hadn’t yet taken a first breath 10 months ago is now the first person I think of when I wake up in the morning. Jack was born with a partially cleft palate and a unilateral cleft lip. Before an ultrasound at 18 weeks revealed this abnormality, I knew nothing about clefts, other than the fact that Kirk Douglas has one in his chin, and it was considered a plus. A cleft lip and palate are not considered such. In fact, they can be overwhelming birth defects that try a family in ways they never imagined. My daughter and her husband were faced with enormous challenges that went far beyond the usual worries of bringing home a first child. Feeding 5 pound Jack became an all-consuming task. Brooke and Jason would soon discover that despite the myriad problems that
accompany cleft palates, there is an army of supporters in both the medical field and the cyber world. With constant assistance from UMass pediatrician Dr. Carolyn Keiper, Jack’s parents were guided thorough what would prove to be a year that tested even the toughest souls. Bouts of “thrush” plagued the baby when liquid pooled in places where most mouths don’t have an open runway. Ear infections followed, yet another common occurrence in cleft babies, and an intolerance of traditional formula led to the use of soy. Specialized bottles with unique nipples costing $3 each and lasting 24 hours before collapsing, made Christmas shopping easy: I placed a case of nipples under the tree.
During this time, Brooke became acquainted via the Internet with other mothers and dads whose babies were born with Jack’s problems. This connection would prove to be an invaluable source of reassurance and solace, one that helped her understand that there was indeed a light at the other end of this confounding tunnel. At 10 weeks, Jack entered UMass Memorial
Medical Center, where cranial clinic Director and section chief of pediatric plastic surgery Dr. Janice Lalikos performed the first of planned surgeries to repair his clefts. The 10 pound baby spent many hours on the operating table, having tubes placed in his ears to drain fluid, and his lip closed. The palate would have to wait until Jack turned 10 months. For the first time since his birth, Jack passed a hearing test. Now, I’m not one to believe in miracles and such, but I must say, Dr. Lalikos is the closest thing to a miracle worker I’ve ever met. Jack is lucky to have been treated by one of the selfless individuals who make up a group of dedicated surgeons who travel to third-world countries to repair cleft palates. The work these individuals perform can’t be measured in its power to provide children with the opportunity to live normal lives. Lalikos is nothing short of an artist in my eyes, molding, mending and creating beautiful faces where imperfections once threatened patients’ health and well-being. Two weeks ago, Jack returned to UMass for what we hope will be his final trip to the OR. After four hours on the table, Jack emerged with new tubes in his ears thanks to otolaryngologist Dr. Syed Kamil, a revised lip to perfect the smile Dr. Lalikos had already created, and a palate closed completely. To understand just how incredible the work done by the surgical team really is, my daughter and son-in-law graciously allowed me to run before and after photos of our boy. I tell Jack’s story to underscore the dedication of his surgeons, the importance of the Internet in connecting families, and to urge anyone looking for a charity to support to consider sending their dollars to or Operation Smile. Right now, our only real headache is keeping Jack fed without his beloved bottle until his sutures have thoroughly healed. He’s inconsolable without it at bedtime, and the arm restraints designed to keep his hands away from his mouth are frustrating the heck out of our little warrior. He won’t remember any of what he’s been through in this short and remarkable time in his life, and that’s a good thing. But those of us who have cared for him will never forget the doctors and nurses who made our beautiful boy more beautiful than we ever dreamed possible.
M AY 2 3 , 2 0 1 3 • W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M
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ob Moylan had already been with the city’s Department of Public Works (DPW) more than 20 years, having worked his way up the ranks from his early days as a junior civil engineer, when he was named commissioner. The dapper dresser barely had time to press his Armani suits and fold those pocket squares when he found himself smack in the middle of a good old-fashioned Worcester controversy. There was a budget crunch and the DPW, like other municipal departments, was being forced to make cuts. So Moylan suggested a massive cut in the form of eliminating residential trash service to “let people fend for themselves.” That did not happen – the city moved toward the “Pay as You Throw” (PAYT) program that required people to buy their own city trash bags. It also introduced curbside recycling. Those who did not already know it learned something about Moylan: He is not afraid to wade into muddy waters and can be counted on to let his true feelings known. He did it with trash, he has done it with the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) when he has felt it was enforcing unreasonable mandates, and he is not shy about letting you know whether he thinks his department always gets the credit it deserves (Spoiler alert: He doesn’t). That candor and confidence in what he thinks is right is unlikely to abandon Moylan now, even after announcing he will retire at this year’s end. He can talk as bold as he dresses and with over 42 years with the city, including the past 20 as commissioner, he has walked the walk. Says Mayor Joe Petty: “[Moylan] was never afraid to tell it how it was, but always wiling to work with us.” Now, at 65 and with his successor waiting in the wings – Assistant Commissioner of Engineering and Architectural Services Paul Moosey will spend six months as deputy commissioner – Moylan says four decades is enough; he is ready to call it a career.
s he nears the end, the Worcester born-and-raised Moylan can look all the way back to the beginning of his commissioner’s days at what he says remains one of his biggest challenges – and one of the biggest sources of pride. It was 1993 and another budget crisis had visited the city – “I’ve had 42 years of budget crises,” Moylan cracks. It was an election year, also, and eventual mayoral winner Ray Mariano, who currently heads up the Worcester Housing Authority (WHA), was running against former Mayor John Anderson. The City Council, by a razor-thin margin, voted to adopt a system whereby residents had to buy city trash bags at local stores and use only those bags to dispose of their rubbish. At the time it cost 50 cents a bag. The hook, as Moylan explains it, is the city implemented curbside recycling at the same time. The volume was high among both critics and supporters; the political sides were sharply drawn – Mariano campaigned against the new program, Anderson for it. The DPW had mere months to roll it out. “Nowhere in the Northeast was this program
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Worcester Public Works Commissioner Bob Moylan.
{ coverstory } successful in a community near the size of Worcester,” Moylan says. “Keep in mind the mentality of Worcester at the time. We really weren’t a city on the move at that time; let me put it that way. That was January of that year. Budget time was around June. We were told in June we had to get it up and running by September. At the same time, we had to introduce curbside recycling. Some communities take years to introduce curbside recycling; we had to do two things in just three months.” The schedule lagged and Moylan ended up needing until the end of November to start the program. The election campaign was in high gear, and as Moylan recalls it, Mariano was running on a promise to end PAYT if elected; Anderson believed it was more economical and progressive. (Mariano says it wasn’t so much that he was against the program, he just wanted the tax rate to go down accordingly.) The city pulled out all the stops to promote PAYT and raise public awareness. “It was the issue,” Moylan says, adding the city rented around a dozen billboards to spread the word. “We had this enormous campaign that this drastically new program was going to come. It was a campaign that you had to comply. We had the public education piece, enforcement, billboards.” On Thanksgiving Day, when the city’s high school football teams were playing for parents and friends in their annual Turkey Day games, the city rented a plane that carried a banner letting folks know that the program would start the Monday after Thanksgiving. The way it would work is customers would buy the bags at local stores – the big supermarkets resisted, because they were receiving no profit, but ultimately relented once Spag’s jumped on board. Mariano had won the
election and Thanksgiving came and went, giving way to that fateful Monday. “It was,” Moylan says, “an instant success and all the things people said could happen and would happen – illegal dumping, throwing of trash across the city – never happened. We went from recycling 2 percent of our waste to 38 percent in one week. We went to like 99 percent compliance because I had a program that ensured, even if you tried to leave out a black bag, we had this whole program where we would drive the neighborhood the next day. If your collection day was Friday, I had a team
of people that would drive every street on Saturday. If there was a black bag in front of a house we’d pick it up. We would say you’ve got one pass, your next time it’s going to be 25 bucks, then 50 bucks, and so very quickly people realized we had this really great enforcement program. Compliance … was almost perfect.” Moylan says it was the biggest issue of the day, equating it to the current debate over a proposed slots parlor. “We literally went on the map,” says Moylan. “My friends with the EPA did a whole video of the program to promote it across the country as to say, ‘Here’s a community
“Bob was a great commissioner and still is,” Mariano says of the man he ended up working with as mayor. “He is thorough and he takes all of the stuff personally, and generally that produces a better result. It ruffles feathers at the time, but in the end it gives you a better result.” Yes, Moylan can ruffle feathers. “Oh heck, all the time,” Mariano says. “And I ruffled his. I was chair of the [council’s] public works committee for six years. We didn’t always agree. There were ruffled feathers. You push, he pushes back, but he was always professional.” “Professional,” or similarly positive STEVEN KING
that is not wealthy, a working-class community and they were able to, in a community of 180,000, to implement pay as you throw.’”
Worcester Public Works Commissioner Bob Moylan (center), Mayor Joe Pettey (right) talk to Lt Gov. Tim Murray while on a tour of neighborhoods in the Quinsigamond Ave. area of Worcester Aug. 2012.
nside his first year as commissioner, Moylan had made a bold statement that he would do what he thought was right. In the case of PAYT, he certainly did not do it alone, but as he had done before and would do many times after, he had done something the way he thought it should be done. PAYT became wildly successful, used by the state more than 10 years later as a model to other communities – and Moylan and his impressive duds were right in the middle of it.
descriptive expressions, is used often when Moylan is the subject – “He is the consummate professional,” Petty says. Sure, you can rarely talk about him without mentioning his penchant for dressing better than most, if not all, other DPW chiefs in the state (Moylan insists it is “in my DNA” and that his paternal grandfather, a career private in the fire department, and mother, a school aide both dressed beyond their job titles). But it is not just about looking good. “Bob is loyal to his staff, an extremely hard worker,” says Moosey, who admits he probably will not carry on Moylan’s reputation as a sharp-dressed man. “He is here day and night. I imagine he’ll be like that to his last day.” continued on page 12
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{ coverstory } continued from page 11
oylan will tell you all of his employees are like that – and when he starts explaining why, he slips into another moment of candor. Moylan makes it clear: He believes some people see the DPW as the ugly stepsister to other city departments, especially around budget time. “You know what? The people here are
more than any other aspect of municipal government,” says Moylan, pointing out that when it comes to departmental budgetary priorities, the DPW usually comes up on the short end of the stick. For example, it is common knowledge that the police department is and has been operating well under maximum staff levels for years; the fire department, although not to the same extent, also has a shortage of personnel. But the DPW is in the same boat, down to about 460 or so employees from its heyday of 600 or more, according to Moylan. “I think it’s the reality of the public works profession and I think it’s the STEVEN KING
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just great,” he says. “They’re the salt of the earth people, you know. Just the guys … the worker bees don’t necessarily get the notoriety or the recognition of the men in blue. That’s not to take anything from police or fire. People here come in and they do a job that maybe a lot of people wouldn’t like to do, but they understand it’s a job that needs to be done. They’re great people, they work hard and they do a job they don’t get a lot of notoriety for.” The work his crews do, says Moylan, defines the quality of life in Worcester, but it is easy to take it for granted. Water? It’s always there, until it isn’t, such as in November last year when a water main break near Worcester State University (WSU) forced water to be shut off throughout the city. Winter? It’s just a hassle, until a major snowstorm drops mounds of snow on the ground, rendering streets and sidewalks virtually impossible. Sewers? They’re those disgusting things underground, out of sight and out of mind, until there is a blockage and runoff spills into the waters of Lake Quinsigamond. And then there’s the city’s many parks, which used to fall under a separate department, but was folded into the DPW several years back. “All of those things, in my mind, define the quality of life for a Worcester resident, WORCESTERMAG.COM
• M AY 2 3 , 2 0 1 3
reality of a number of things,” he says of whether his department gets short shrift among other department. “Again, not to take anything away from the other public safety departments, the irony is public works is every much a public safety department as those departments. If water is not running through mains to hydrants, that’s public safety. If water isn’t fit to drink, that’s public safety. If there is contamination as result of sewer backup, that’s public safety and public health. If ambulances can’t get down the street because of snow or whatever the case may be, that’s public safety.” Sometimes, Moylan says, that gets lost in the shuffle. “I think for all of us in public works, not just in Worcester, it gets a little frustrating and it gets a little old when we all see there is a hierarchy, generally speaking, of the distribution of money at the local level. So we are public safety when it is opportune for someone to make an argument that we are public safety, but we aren’t typically public safety when budget time comes. That’s the reality of it. It’s a given and I certainly understand it and … it gives us all the more motivation to make sure people understand what it is we do and how well we do it and how sorely it will be missed if we don’t do it.”
{ coverstory } At-large City Councilor and former Mayor Joe O’Brien agrees the general public may not always fully appreciate what the DPW does on a daily basis. “Absolutely,” he says of whether the department is under-appreciated. “For all they do, most of what they do, you don’t see. You only think about snow plowing when your street doesn’t get plowed. You only think about the streets when you hit a pothole.”
h, potholes. Moylan and his department have hit a few over the years – “There were good days and bad days,” he says. He still remembers one of the bad ones. We’ll let him tell it. “There was a day when something happened,” he starts. “We ended up … some of our guys ended up paving a
maybe poor judgment, but certainly nothing intended. In the big scheme of things, I didn’t like it at the time.” Moylan cracks a smile recalling that Worcester Mag ran with the story for weeks. “They had a little cartoon,” he says. “They even nicknamed it something, something ‘gate.’ For the most part, they’ve all been good days.” To many of his peers, Moylan’s time with the DPW has brought the city a lot of good days. To hear some tell it, he was and is the best at what he does. If Moosey is worried about measuring up to that, he does not let it show, although he admits to having some jitters about ascending to the top spot after Moylan leaves. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t [nervous],” Moosey says. “I really enjoy public service. I enjoy the fact that the things we’ve designed and built are going to be around for 100 years. I’ve made a commitment to manage the department as best I can.”
Worcester Public Works Commissioner Bob Moylan talks with Deputy Commissioner Paul Moosey.
private street and private streets are verboten. We don’t have the authority to be on them, but they were following a practice that had been, you know, a historic practice and there were a lot of historic practices, like many years ago, if you were leveling off your lot and you needed dirt, you’d call the public works departments and we’d say, ‘Yeah, when we’re up in that area.’ We don’t do that anymore.” “We got into paving the street,” Moylan continues. “What happened was, they had paved a nearby street and they had a truckload of asphalt left and they thought they were doing the right thing. It wasn’t the right thing. I found out. I got upset because it did hurt the credibility of our department being a fly-straight department. We don’t give things a wink and a nod, you know, there are protocols. The integrity of the department, I think, was called into question. Ultimately, my guys were exonerated from anything malicious. They were found guilty of
Officials say they have faith in Moosey’s abilities – he admits to having to broaden his knowledge of things such as parks operations – but you won’t find too many who think Moylan can be replaced. At-Large Councilor Kate Toomey needs no prodding when asked about the retiring DPW chief. “It never ceases to amaze me the depth of knowledge that man has,” she says, adding she was very upset when she learned Moylan was retiring at year’s end. “Certainly, there have been many people who dedicated their lives to the city, but I don’t know if there has ever been a city employee who has earned the respect of so many people throughout the country and around the world.” Have a news tip or comment? Contact Walter Bird Jr. at 508-749-3166, ext. 243, or email Follow Walter on Twitter @walterbirdjr, find him on Facebook and don’t miss him with Paul Westcott on WTAG 580AM Thursdays at 8:35 a.m.
Summer Guide 2013 Worcester County’s Official Guide to Summer! Our Annual Guide to the season of fun and play is JAM-PACKED with the special pleasures in and around Central Massachusetts during the summer season. This is a keeper — the one our readers turn to AGAIN and AGAIN to find the hidden JOYS of the best time of year! Issue date: June 13 Ad Reservation deadline: June 4 To reserve your preferred position today, please call Helen Linnehan at 508-749-3166 x 147 or email
M AY 2 3 , 2 0 1 3 • W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M
A special thank you to The Hanover Theatre, 7 Nana, El Basha, Niche Hospitality, Co-MC Paul Westcott of WTAG and musical guest, the Jediah Trio for making the 14
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Smokestack Urban Barbecue, Sweet,, Best of Worcester 2013 Party a greatt ssucess! ucess! M AY AY 2 3 , 2 0 1 3 • W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M
15 15
night day &
art | dining | nightlife | May 23 - 29, 2013
Residents present “Opposing Directions” at WCC
Work by David Choi
Taylor Nunez
The “Opposing Directions” exhibit may have quite the varied collection of artwork, but all have one thing in common: They are created by dedicated residents of the Worcester Center for Craft’s (WCC) Artist in Residence Program (AiR).
• JANUARY 3, 2013
“Opposing Directions” will serve as the traditional crowning event of the artists’ residency and will feature a plethora of mediums including clay, glass and metals. The exhibit will kick off with an opening reception on Thursday, May 23 at the WCC’s Krikorian Gallery and will be on display until June 15.
night day &
Work by Emery Wenger
{ art}
Long before the triumphant AiR exhibit is the competitive process of being chosen for the AiR program, consisting of a portfolio review and an interview. “The process is aimed at identifying young artists whose work and words show a commitment to developing their art and themselves,” explains Honee Hess, executive director at WCC. Once selected as a resident, the artist is given the opportunity to develop their art. The residency provides studio space, access to equipment and materials, and creative support through individual and group critique. WCC advisors also work with the artists to develop their own goals for their residency and what they wish to accomplish. During their time in residency, the artists will teach and assist WCC’s programs. For the artists chosen for the AiR program, the opportunity is one that can mark the beginning of their professional career as an artist. Many of the selected residents have not yet formed a mature studio practice and need guidance and support to fulfill their goals. As Hess states, “Residencies provide young artists with a stepping stone to their mature studio practice, in a supportive and nurturing community without the burdens one would have doing so independently.” This year’s crop of residents are unique as a range of mediums are used among the artists and the exhibit will be a true reflection of their artistic differences. “The residents themselves organize the show. The title of this one, Opposing Directions, says something about their collective work being very different and diverse,” Hess says. She also notes that this year’s group of artists in
residence are very media-specific, even though the range of material and process is at the discretion of the artist and each have the opportunity to move freely from media to media. In the past, groups of artists worked across media and even collaborated, just another aspect that makes this year’s group so different.
As a counterpart to the AiR exhibit is the “Artists Talk” event that takes place halfway through it’s exhibit dates on June 1. “The great thing about contemporary craft is that you get to meet the artists! The ‘Artists Talk’ is an opportunity to join in a public forum on the artist’s work in situ at the gallery,” Hess explains. “Artists Talk” gives each artist the opportunity to discuss their practice as defined in their artist’s statement, share what their intention was in their pieces and answer questions from the public. Not only does it give the public a glimpse into the mind of the artist, but it allows the artist to receive the public’s response to their works. The overall goal of the show is simple - to support the mission of the craft center by “sustaining craft as a vital part of our community.” The show will present all those in the community the different works the artists have to offer and their distinct visions. Ultimately, it makes the public aware of craft in today’s world and what can be created. “Opposing Directions” will serve as a capstone for the those in the AiR program and is sure to offer the unique works of young artists in the community as they embark on their careers. The “Opposing Directions, Artists in Residence Collection” will open Thursday, May 23 in the Krikorian Gallery with a reception from 5:30-8 p.m. and will be on display until June 15. To learn more about the artists and their goals, make sure to attend, “Artists Talk,” on June 1 at 2 p.m. For more information of the Worcester Center for Crafts and the Artists in Residence program, visit
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M AY 2 3 , 2 0 1 3 • W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M
night day &
{ music}
Boo City does rhythm and blues right Ian Griffin
Rhythm and blues have really been bastardized these days. It has evolved so much and, better yet, expanded into so many genres. But much like the Ramones and Fall Out Boy encompass punk, R&B (as it can be glibly called) can be anything from Buddy Guy to new sensation Frank Ocean to, unfortunately, Chris Brown. This type of music used to provoke and make you move your hips. It had soul and heart and still made you cut
a rug. With one song you could cry right there with the singer about a lost love and the next moment shake your ass to a love that has betrayed. Rhode Island’s Boo City claims that there is “magical and unheard material” on their forthcoming EP “Anchortown,” and nowadays with all the crap that is being branded as R&B, to some listeners it may seem to be just what it says to be. With only five tracks Boo City shows you that they are a band to listen to. Each track is its own discovery, yet still cohesive to the collection presented. Every line is earnest. Andrew ‘Moon’ Bain’s soft, velveteen voice lulls you into the corner telling you “these sad songs are pouring out of his heart.” Tai Awolaju’s voice pierces you, her timbre methodically hitting you where
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• M AY 2 3 , 2 0 1 3
it hurts. There are two more voices in this makeup, however, and they help the listener understand the pain or loss told through tune. Much like the voice of Radiohead’s Thom Yorke is considered another instrument in their ensemble, Grayson Farmer’s trumpet and Frankie “Ranks” Moniz’s saxophone help the listener understand, on a different level, sans words and just the right notes. The solo on “You Ain’t Ready” helps Awolaju lament of being used, yet independent. Every note from Farmer enhances the feeling that backs up Awolaju – not like a horn section can be used, but more like a best friend in a fight, there for you and on the same
page. The same goes for “Long Gone,” just another testament to the solidarity this band emanates. The musicianship as a whole is really the highlight of this band’s existence. They are all very good at their instruments. Bain can also rip it on guitar as it is highlighted on “What’s Your Deal.” Harrison Milloff and Carey Bowman lay it tight and right repeatedly and steadily throughout this EP. With just a taste of their chops on this release, one anticipates, not just a great performance based on their technicality, but on their energy that seeps through the speakers. Boo City is notoriously a big hit live and they give off that air in just five songs. They don’t just play ass-shakin’ R&B either, their last track “Sweetness” is a sexy love song complete with strings and backing vocals, something to listen to before your night is going to begin again. Boo City’s “Anchortown” is a great release. Note, that it is not stated as just a great local release. Anyone who is a fan of music can get behind this EP and a band like Boo City. They represent what rhythm and blues has always truly been, not what it has painstakingly evolved into. This not only would put Chris Brown to shame, but maybe with their tender earnestness get Brown to stop being a misogynist and respect someone for a change.
night day
Dine Outdoors!
Patio is now open for Lunch, Dinner or Drinks.
{ film }
J.J. Abrams’ space shot Jim Keogh
Conventional wisdom has long held that even-numbered “Star Trek” movies are superior to their odd-numbered counterparts. So in the Shatner era “The Wrath of Khan” (No. 2) is a classic, and “The Voyage Home” (No. 4), in which Spock swims with the whales, was the most flat-out fun.
The paradigm has shifted with the new Trek movies. The J.J. Abramsdirected 2009 “Star Trek” reimagined the characters as young men and women launching their intergalactic careers aboard the Enterprise, bringing with it a sense of discovery and wonder as we witnessed the first test of the starship crew under fire. The film was a finely crafted origin story, an obvious franchise-starter with plenty of kick to go on for years. The follow-up, “Star Trek Into Darkness,” brings everyone back for a second adventure and goes after the same spirit as its predecessor. The crewmates zing each other, lots of stuff blows up, and a villain intent on 1) revenge, 2) world domination, 3) humiliating Kirk, 4) all of the above, gets to do some pretty nasty stuff before the forces of good show him the light of their Phasers. The planets are aligned for a fantastic sequel, but, to quote the late, great Roger Ebert, the film plays the chords but it doesn’t know the music. Abrams has decided to make this one into an Indiana Jones serial, in which the crew led by Kirk (Chris Pines) and Spock (Zachary Quinto) bounce from crisis to crisis until the perpetually besieged Enterprise is left in tatters. (Side note: Has any vessel in history taken such a beating as the Enterprise has over the course of the “Star Trek” TV series and movies? By now, there shouldn’t be a remaining piece large enough to float Tom Hanks across the Pacific in “Cast Away.”) The plot is a mishmash of shout-outs to earlier Trek movies and a twist that wouldn’t fool the stupidest Klingon. “Star Trek Into Darkness” seems most keen on spinning thematic threads from old stuff
to create new gold. Abrams is overly concerned with connecting the dots to Trek history (to please fanboys?), so that the passionate utterance of a single word drew a laugh of recognition from the audience at the showing I attended. The thing plays like a scavenger hunt for Trek references — biggest nerd wins! Intergalactic terrorist John Harrison (Benedict Cumberbatch) is the bad guy du jour; his physical and mental gifts suggest he’s a genetically-engineered superman (he comes with a secret that I won’t reveal, though if you really want to know just check out the movie’s IMDB entry). The Federation’s mission to capture Harrison is resonant of the hunt for Osama bin Laden, and one sequence involving a starship employed as a lowflying missile over a US city is clearly inspired by 9/11 imagery. Harrison’s reign of terror spurs the fleet admiral (a cadaverous Peter Weller) to issue a bitter Jack Nicholson-inA-Few-GoodMen rant about the need to engage in force, even when it’s unpopular, before he makes a few unpopular moves of his own. What’s lacking here is a truly compelling story. Amid all the action set pieces — some of them spectacular — the crew never seems to get much beyond the immediate need to open this hatch or flip that switch to save the day, and the universe. Bones (Karl Urban) and Scotty (Simon Pegg) spew so vehemently it’s as though they’ve neglected to take some necessary meds and are experiencing reactive seizures. We need more Cumberbatch and less huffing and puffing. Is the film entertaining? Sure, it’s great to look at and I laughed out loud at some of the exchanges (Spock, in particular, is on fire). But it’s all spectacle, not very thoughtful, and kind of pointless. The movie will make a ton of money, and a third installment is a lock. Rather than mine the past, maybe next time Abrams and company will boldly go where no “Star Trek” movie has gone before.
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S U N . - W E D . : 1 1 A M - 1 1 P M • T H U R S . : 1 1 A M - M I DN I G HT • FR I . -SAT. : 11AM-2AM
Adv. Tix on Sale AFTER EARTH EPIC IN REAL D 3D [CC,DV] (PG) No Passes Fri. - Mon.(1240 350) 645 930 Tue. - Thu.(1240 350) 645 920 FAST & FURIOUS 6 [CC,DV] (PG-13) No Passes Fri. - Sun.(1150 1220 100 145 340 420) 640 710 740 1020 1040 Mon.(1150 1220 100 145 340 420) 640 710 740 1020 Tue. - Thu.(1220 1250 340 420) 710 740 1010
THE HANGOVER 3 [CC,DV] (R) No Passes Fri. - Sat.(1140 1205 1225 215 245 315) 500 530 600 720 750 820 940 1010 Sun. - Mon.(1140 1205 1225 220 245 315) 500 530 600 740 750 820 1010 1015 Tue.(1205 1225 1240 245 315) 400 530 600 720 750 820 950 1010 Wed.(1205 1225 1240 245 315) 400 530 720 750 950 1010 Thu.(1205 1225 1240 245 315) 400 530 600 720 750 820 950 1010
FAST & FURIOUS 6 [CC,DV] (PG-13) No THE HANGOVER 3 [CC,DV] (R) No Passes Fri. - Sun.(1200 Fri.(1100 1200 1250 230 Passes 1245 300) 400 710 730 1015 1025 330 430) 500 650 720 750 820 920 1000 1030 Mon. Thu.(1200 1245 300) 400 710 730 1015 Sat. - Sun.(1100 1200 1250 230 330 430) 510 650 720 750 820 920 1000 1030 Mon.(1100 1200 1250 230 330 430) 500 650 720 750 920 1000 1030 D 3D [CC,DV] (PG) No Passes Tue. - Thu.(1200 1230 100 225 330) 410 450 EPIC IN REAL Fri. - Mon.(1130 210) 440 715 945 700 730 800 930 1000 1030 Tue. - Thu.(1250 PM) 715 PM FIRST: THE STORY OF THE LONDON 2012 OLYMPIC GAMES (NR) Thu.730 PM EPIC [CC,DV] (PG) Fri. - Thu.(1210 235) 510 745 1010 EPIC [CC,DV] (PG) Fri. - Mon.(1130 210) 440 730 1015 Tue. - Thu.(1200 230) 500 735 1015 AURANGZEB (NR) Fri. - Thu.(340 PM) 1000 PM STAR TREK: INTO DARKNESS [CC,DV] (PG-13) No Passes Fri. - Mon.(1140 1235 310) 405 630 725 935 1025 STAR TREK: INTO DARKNESS [CC,DV] (PG-13) No Passes Fri. - Mon.(1150 250) 700 955 STAR TREK: INTO DARKNESS [CC,DV] (PG-13) Tue. - Thu.(1205 1235 310) 405 630 725 925 1025 STAR TREK: INTO DARKNESS STAR TREK: INTO DARKNESS IN REAL D 3D [CC,DV] (PG-13) Tue. - Thu.(1150 250) 700 955 [CC,DV] (PG-13) No Passes Fri. - Mon.(1210 105 335) 435 655 800 955 Tue. - Wed.(1210 105 335) 430 655 750 955 Thu.(1210 105 335) 430 750 STAR TREK: INTO DARKNESS IN REAL D 3D [CC,DV] (PG-13) No Passes Fri. - Thu.(1220 320) 725 1020 THE GREAT GATSBY [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Mon.(1155 325) 700 1005 Tue. - Thu.(1215 325) 650 955 THE GREAT GATSBY [CC,DV] (PG-13) IRON MAN 3 [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Thu.(1215 330) 655 1005 Fri. - Mon.(1230 355) 705 1010 Tue. - Thu.(1255 355) 705 1010 IRON MAN 3 [CC,DV] (PG-13) IRON MAN 3 IN REAL D 3D [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Sun.(1155 310) 735 1030 No Passes Fri. - Mon.(320 PM) 945 PM Mon. - Thu.(1155 AM 310 PM) 735 PM Tue. - Thu.(1225 320) 635 945 THE CROODS [CC,DV] (PG) IRON MAN 3 IN REAL D 3D [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Mon.(1110 AM 155 PM 445 PM) No Passes Fri. - Thu.(1230 PM) 705 PM Tue. - Thu.(1210 235) 500 730 955 Times For 24 May, 2013 - 30 May, 2013
© 2013
M AY 2 3 , 2 0 1 3 • W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M
night day &
ďŹ lm times
-The Employees of SAWCO
3:15, 7, 9:45
Solomon Pond Thurs: 10 p.m., Fri-Wed: 11:50, 12:20, 1, 1:45, 3:40, 4:20, 6:40, 7:10, 7:40, 10:20, 10:40 Westborough Thurs: 10:05 p.m., Fri-Wed: 12, 12:45, 3, 4, 7:10, 7:30, 10:15, 10:25 Worcester North Thurs: 10 p.m., Fri-Wed: 1:10, 1:40, 4:10, 4:40, 7:10, 7:40, 10, 10:30
42 (PG-13) Westborough Thurs: 12:05, 3, 6:35 Worcester North Thurs: 1:15, 4:05, 7:10,
G.I. JOE: RETALIATION (PG-13) Strand Fri-Sun, Tues, Wed: 7
10:10, Fri-Wed: 12:20, 3:55, 7:05
IRON MAN 3 (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 11:15, 1:15, 1:45, 2:25,
AURANGZEB (NR) Westborough Thurs-Wed: 3:40, 10:10
Thanks Worcester for Voting us your favorite salvage yard! It means a lot to us!
12:05 a.m.
Cinemagic Thurs: 10 p.m., Fri-Wed: 12:15,
EPIC (PG) Blackstone Fri-Wed: 11:45, 2:20, 4:55, 7:10, 9:40, 12:15 a.m.
Cinemagic Fri-Wed: 11:50, 2:10, 6:50 Solomon Pond Fri-Wed: 11:30, 2:10, 4:40, 7:30, 10:15
Westborough Fri-Wed: 12:10, 2:35, 5:10, 7:45, 10:10
Worcester North Fri-Wed: 1, 4:35, 7, 9:35 EPIC 3D (PG) Blackstone Fri-Wed: 11:15, 1:50, 4:25 Cinemagic Thurs: 4:30, 9:10 Solomon Pond Fri-Wed: 12:40, 3:50, 6:45, 9:30
Westborough Fri-Wed: 11:30, 2:10, 4:40, 7:15, 9:45
Worcester North Fri-Wed: 12:30, 4:05, 6:30, 9:05
4:20, 4:50, 5:20, 7:20, 7:50, 8:20, 10:15, Fri-Wed: 12:05, 12:35, 3:20, 3:50, 6:20, 7:15, 9:20, 10:15, 12:10 a.m. Cinemagic Thurs: 11:50, 2:40, 6:45, 9:30, Fri-Wed: 11:50, 2:40, 6:45, 9:30 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:40, 1:15, 4, 4:50, 7:10, 8:10, 10:05, Fri-Wed: 12:30, 3:55, 7:05, 10:10 Westborough Thurs: 12:10, 1, 3:10, 4:25, 6:50, 7:30, 9:50, Fri-Wed: 11:55, 3:10, 7:35, 10:30 Worcester North Thurs: 1:05, 1:35, 3:55, 4:25, 6:55, 7:25, 9:50, 10:20, 10:25, Fri-Wed: 12:45, 1:05, 3:40, 4, 6:45, 7:05, 9:35, 10:05, 10:35
IRON MAN 3 3D (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 12:45, 3:50, 6:50, 9:45 Cinemagic Thurs: 12:10, 3:30, 7, 9:45 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:10, 3:10, 6:30, 9:35, Fri-Wed: 3:20, 9:45 Westborough Thurs: 12:50, 7:10, Fri-Wed: 12:30, 7:05 Worcester North Thur: 12:35, 3:25, 6:25
MUD (PG-13) Cinemagic Thurs: 12, 2:45, 7, 9:50, Fri-Wed: 12, 4:30, 7:15, 10 Worcester North Thurs: 12:15, 3:40, 6:45, 9:40, Fri-Wed: 12:15, 3:40, 6:35, 9:45
86 ( $87 ' 3$5 2 76
NORMA RAE (PG) (1979) WPL Sat: 2
6,1&( )$0,/< 2:1('
OBLIVION (PG-13) Elm Fri-Sat: 7, 9:30, Sun, Tues, Wed: 7:30 Worcester North Thurs: 1:40, 7:35, Fri-Wed:
1:05, 7:25
OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN (R) Elm Thurs: 7:30 Strand Thurs: 7 Worcester North Thurs: 12:55, 3:35, 6:40,
&DOO 7ROO )UHH Â&#x2021; Â&#x2021;
PAIN & GRAIN (R) Blackstone Thurs: 11:35 a.m., Fri-Wed: 11:10
Ask Us about Charity Cars for Friendly House
â&#x20AC;˘ M AY 2 3 , 2 0 1 3
Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:25, 3:40, 7, 10:15 Worcester North Thurs: 4:40, 10:35, Fri-Wed:
FAST & FURIOUS 6 (PG-13) Blackstone (reserved seating) Fri: 12:10, 3:10,
4:25, 10:20
6:35, 9:45 Blackstone Thurs: 10 p.m., Fri-Wed: 12:40, 1:10, 3:40, 4:10, 7:05, 7:35, 10:15, 10:45,
PEEPLES (PG-13) Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:05, 2:20, 4:45, 7:40,
night day &
{ film times}
9:55, Fri-Wed: 12:35, 3:45, 6:50, 9:55
Worcester North Thurs: 1:55, 4:45, 7:05, 9:20
THE HANGOVER PART III (R) Blackstone (reserved seating) Thurs: 1:30, 4,
STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 12:30, 1:30, 3:30, 4:30,
6:50, 9:30, Fri-Wed: 1:30, 4, 6:50, 9:30, 12 a.m. Blackstone Thurs: 11:30, 2, 2:30, 4:30, 5, 7:20, 7:50, 10, 10:30, Fri-Wed: 12, 2, 2:30, 4:30, 5, 7:20, 7:50, 10, 10:30, 12:30 a.m. Cinemagic Thurs: 12, 2:20, 4:40, 7:15, 9:30, Fri-Wed: 12, 2:20, 4:40, 7:15, 9:30 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12, 12:30, 1, 2:30, 3:50, 4:20, 5, 6:50, 7:20, 7:50, 8:20, 9:30, 10, 10:30, Fri-Wed: 11, 12, 12:50, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30, 5, 6:50, 7:20, 7:50, 8:20, 9:20, 10, 10:30 Westborough Thurs: 12, 12:25, 12:55, 2:30, 3:05, 3:30, 5, 6:55, 7:20, 7:45, 9:15, 9:55,
6:30, 7:30, 9:35, 10:30, Fri-Wed: 11, 11:50, 1:20, 2, 4:20, 5, 6:25, 7:25, 7:55, 10:20, 11 Cinemagic Thurs: 12:10, 4:10, 7:10, 10, FriWed: 11:50, 2:40, 6:45, 9:40 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:50, 4:10, 7:30, 10:10, Fri-Wed: 11:40, 12:35, 3:10, 4:05, 6:30, 7:25, 9:35, 10:25 Westborough Thurs: 12:15, 3:35, 6:40, 9:45, Fri-Wed: 11:50, 2:50, 7, 9:55 Worcester North Thurs: 1, 1:30, 4, 4:30, 7, 7:30, 10:05, Fri-Wed: 12:55, 1:15, 4, 4:15, 6:55, 7:15, 9:50
Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner NOW OPEN 7 DAYS!
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Hours: Mon. - Sat. 7-3pm, Sun. 8-3pm Till 10 Wed.-Sat. Ebo^ Fnlb\ Mankl]Zr Gb`am
Booking for Graduation Parties
508-926-8861 1394 Main St., Worcester •
Blackstone Valley 14: Cinema de Lux 70 Worcester/Providence Turnpike, Millbury, MA 01527 Showtimes for 5/24 - 5/30. Subject to change.
STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS 3D (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 12, 1, 3, 4, 6:05 7, 9:05,
· Epic (PG) DIGITAL PROJECTION; 1 hr 42 min 11:45 am 2:20 pm 4:55 pm 7:10 pm 9:40 pm 12:15 am
10, Fri-Wed: 6:55, 9:50
Cinemagic Thurs: 11:50, 3, 6:45, 9:40, FriWed: 12:10, 4:10, 7:10, 10 Solomon Pond Thurs: 11:50, 12:20, 1:10, 3, 3:30, 4:40, 6:20, 6:55, 8, 9:20, 9:50, FriWed: 12:10, 1:05, 3:35, 4:35, 6:55, 8, 9:55 Westborough Thurs: 12:30, 12:50, 3:55, 4:15, 7, 7:50, 10:05, Fri-Wed: 12:20, 3:20, 7:25, 10:20 Worcester North Thurs: 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30, 9:45, Fri-Wed: 12:25, 3:30, 6:30, 9:25
· Epic in 3D (PG) REAL D 3D; 1 hr 42 min 11:15 am 1:50 pm 4:25 pm · Fast & Furious 6 (PG-13) DIGITAL PROJECTION; 2 hr 10 min 12:40 pm 1:10 pm 3:40 pm 4:10 pm 7:05 pm 7:35 pm 10:15 pm 10:45 pm · Fast & Furious 6 (PG-13) DIGITAL DIRECTOR'S HALL; 2 hr 10 min 12:05 am · Fast & Furious 6 (PG-13) DIGITAL DIRECTOR'S HALL;Reserved Seating; 2 hr 10 min 12:10 pm 3:10 pm 6:35 pm 9:45 pm
THE CROODS (PG) Solomon Pond Thurs: 12, 2:25, 4:55, FriWed: 11:10, 1:55, 4:45 Westborough Thurs: 12:35 Worcester North Thurs: 1:45, 4:10, 6:35, FriWed: 1:45, 4:30
· Iron Man 3 (PG-13) DIGITAL PROJECTION; 2 hr 15 min 12:05 pm 12:35 pm 3:20 pm 3:50 pm 6:20 pm7:15 pm 9:20 pm 10:15 pm 12:10 am
THE GREAT GATSBY (PG-13) Blackstone (reserved seating) Thurs: 11:50, 3:10, 6:15
Blackstone Thurs: 12:50, 4:10, 7:15, 9:20, 10:20, Fri-Wed: 12:30, 3:05, 3:35, 6:45, 9:15, 10:05 Cinemagic Thurs: 12, 3, 6:50, 9:50, FriWed: 12, 3, 6:50, 9:50 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:45, 4:05, 7:35, FriWed: 11:55, 3:25, 7, 10:05 Westborough Thurs: 3:45, 6:55, 10, Fri-Wed: 12:15, 3:30, 6:55, 10:05 Worcester North Thurs: 1:10, 4:15, 7:20, 10:25, Fri-Wed: 1:25, 4:20, 7:20, 10:25
10:15, Fri-Wed: 11:40, 12:05, 12:25, 2:15, 2:45, 3:15, 5, 5:30, 6, 7:20, 7:50, 8:20, 9:40, 10:10 Worcester North Thurs: 12:50, 1:20, 1:50, 3:50, 4:20, 4:50, 6:50, 7:20, 7:50, 9:30, 10, 10:30, Fri-Wed: 12:50, 1:20, 1:50, 3:50, 4:20, 4:50, 6:50, 7:20, 7:50, 9:30, 10, 10:30
THE GREAT GATSBY IN 3D (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 12:20 3:40, 6:45 Cinemagic Thurs: 12:30, 4, 7 Solomon Pond Thurs: 11:55, 3:20, 6:40, 9:55 Westborough Thurs: 12, 3:15, 6:25, 9:40 Worcester North Thurs: 12:40, 3:45, 6:50,
10:15, Fri-Wed: 7:25, 10:25
THE PLACE BEYOND THE PINES (R) Worcester North Thurs: 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, Looking for your favorite theater and don’t see it listed? Email editor@ and we’ll do our best to include it in the coming weeks.
Blackstone Valley Cinema de Lux, 70 Worcester/Providence Turnpike, Millbury 800-3154000; Cinemagic, 100 Charlton Rd., Sturbridge 508-347-3609; Elm Draught House Cinema, 35 Elm St., Millbury 508-865-2850; Regal Solomon Pond Stadium, 591 Donald Lynch Blvd., Marlborough 508-229-8871; Regal Westborough Stadium, 231 Turnpike Rd., Westborough 508-366-6257; Showcase Worcester North, 135 Brooks St. 508-852-2944; The Strand Theatre, 58 High St., Clinton 978-365-5500; Worcester Public Library (WPL) Saxe Room, 3 Salem Sq.
· Pain & Gain (R) DIGITAL PROJECTION; 2 hr 9 min 11:10 am · Star Trek Into Darkness (PG-13) CC/DVS IN DIGITAL PROJECTION; 2 hr 3 min 11:00 am 2:00 pm 5:00 pm 7:55 pm 11:00 pm · Star Trek Into Darkness (PG-13) DIGITAL PROJECTION; 2 hr 3 min 11:50 am 1:20 pm 4:20 pm 6:25 pm 7:25 pm 10:20 pm · Star Trek Into Darkness 3D (PG-13) REAL D 3D; 2 hr 3 min 6:55 pm 9:50 pm · The Great Gatsby (PG-13) DIGITAL PROJECTION; 2 hr 23 min 12:30 pm 3:05 pm 3:35 pm 6:45 pm 9:15 pm 10:05 pm · The Hangover Part III (R) CC/DVS; 1 hr 40 min 12:00 pm 2:30 pm 5:00 pm 7:50 pm 10:30 pm · The Hangover Part III (R) DIGITAL PROJECTION; 1 hr 40 min 2:00 pm 4:30 pm 7:20 pm 10:00 pm 12:30 am · The Hangover Part III (R) DIGITAL DIRECTOR'S HALL;Reserved Seating; 1 hr 40 min 1:30 pm 4:00 pm 6:50 pm 9:30 pm 12:00 am M AY 2 3 , 2 0 1 3 • W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M
night day &
Mountain Barn Restaurant
{ dining}
FOOD ★★★1/2 AMBIENCE ★★1/2 SERVICE ★★★ VALUE ★★★★ 174 Worcester Rd., Princeton
Home cooking worth driving to Michael Brazell
Approximately 20 minutes northwest of Worcester sits the Mountain Barn Restaurant in Princeton Mass; a comfortable, if rather well-trodden, tavern and family restaurant only minutes from Wachusett Mountain from where it gets its name. The three of us pulled up to the Mountain Barn on Route 31 on a damp and rainy Sunday night, and we were sat immediately. The entrance to the restaurant harkens to a time past, with coin-operated “health meters” and a cozy, comfortable interior that you rarely find anymore. The restaurant is divided into two sections, a bar area that is nestled away
to the right, and a dining room with dozens of booths and tables. Our wooden booth was comfortable, but the area of the restaurant that we were sat in was dark and uncomfortably cold. Thankfully, our friendly and welcoming server more than made up for the ambient chill and we settled into the Mountain Barn’s huge menu. The menu is divided into some six or seven sections, with entrees partitioned into divisions that are “from the stockyard,” “from the barnyard,” pasta, seafood, and the nondescript “old favorites.” Items are generally traditional American fare, though prices are more than reasonable, as almost every option is listed below $15, with only one – the 16 ounce sirloin steak – breaching that mark. The three of us started with an order of boneless buffalo wings ($7). Eight crunchy, breaded wings came out with a sizzlingly vinegary buffalo sauce, accompanied by a dish of cool blue cheese and vegetables to take the edge off. Lillian and I both followed this up with cups of New England clam chowder, which came served delightfully hot in a nicely sized crock-pot and at just $4, was well worth the price. Moments later we placed our
orders, with Lillian and Markos choosing items from the nightly specials menu while I went for an old favorite – the Mountain Barn’s locally famous slowroasted prime rib. Lillian ordered a dinner-sized special wedge salad ($9). While most wedge salads are iceberg wedges, the Mountain Barn’s is a full stock of romaine lettuce, served with slices of fresh tomatoes, and a bacon and blue cheese dressing. Topping the entire salad off is a crown of fried onion strings, making for a crispy, crunchy, and savory dinner salad – though Lillian remarked that diced tomatoes would have gone better than the thin slices. Markos opted for the cajun steak tips ($14), which were over a half dozen peppery tips smothered in onions, peppers, and cheese and sitting atop a bed of creamed spinach. Markos’ steak tips were cooked well and the cajun spices made for a unique twist on a traditional dish. My 10 ounce prime rib arrived swimming in a salty, delicious roasted garlic au jus dressing, accompanied by a dish of rice pilaf (though potato options were also available). The cut was thick, pink, and appropriately fatty, with enough perfectly tender, marbled meat to
fill me up. Cutting the prime rib barely required a knife, and the fluffy rice was the right compliment. At only $14, I can see why this has become a famous dish for the restaurant. Service at the Mountain Barn was friendly and mostly good, although we were a little puzzled why our table never received the fresh baked bread baskets that others received. Also, my prime rib apparently came with a side salad (which my served took a dressing order for), but this never arrived. Given the enormity of our meals, we did not miss any of these absent items, but is worth noting. The atmosphere at the Mountain Barn is a mash-up of country kitchen and Southwestern Americana, as no one theme really dominates – an old fashioned gas advertisements fits in well with the antique model engine and other automotive memorabilia, but doesn’t quite fit with the Native American blankets that are pinned up to the walls. The Mountain Barn persists, though, as a friendly and welcoming restaurant with excellent prices and good home cooked meals just 15 minutes outside of Worcester — it’s worth the drive.
American Cuisine • FRESH Seafood Delivered Daily Create-Your-Own Pasta Dishes • $5 Appetizers Full Bar • $5 Martinis 25¢ Wings at the Bar on Sunday and Monday Nights PROUDLY SERVING RICHARDSON’S ICE CREAM “A welcome addition to the west-side neighborhood.””
Window The Ice Cream is Now Open! Take-Out! Also offering amburgers, Fried Clams, H More! Hot Dogs and
-Worcester Mag review, March 20 2013 013 013
Sat., May 25 , 10am Leicester v Northampton TH
638 Chandler St., Worcester • 508-792-0000 Open 7 Days 11:30am-11pm
THE KITCHEN IS NOW OPEN Serving Lunch & Dinner Tuesday-Saturday plus our “Late Night Chipper” 11pm-1am
Restaurant Eat-in or Take-Out (Cash Only)
139 Water St. • Worcester 508-754-6100 Proudly Supporting Worcester Rugby, The Shamrocks, Faded Blacks and The Worcester Gaelic Athletic Association
• M AY 2 3 , 2 0 1 3
★ Texas Bread Banana Foster ★ Fresh Salmon omelette with spinach, cheese, garlic and dill ★ Black & Bleu Benedict: Blacken shaved steak with bleu cheese and hollandaise sauce ★ Happy Burger on grilled Texas bread with bacon and cheese ★ Stuffed French Toast with fresh strawberries, blueberries, bananas and whipped cream cheese
Open Friday ’til 8pm. BYOB Fish & Chips 1lb Prime Rib $14.95
OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! Mon.-Thur. 6am-2pm; Fri. 6am-8pm Sat. 6am-Noon; Sun 7am-Noon
171 STAFFORD ST., WORCESTER • 508-755-2604
night day &
BITES ... Brittany Durgin
GALA TO BENEFIT STONE SOUP The Stone Soup Full Moon Gala dinner on Thursday, May 23 from 6-9 p.m. at Byblos in Union Station will benefit the nonprofit community center. All ticket proceeds - $45 per person – will directly help in the funding of the rebuilding of the Stone Soup Community Center in Worcester. Tickets include dinner and entertainment. Awards will be presented to Allen Fletcher, Fatima Mohamed and Peter Cutting at the event. For more information and to buy tickets, visit
’GANSETT SUMMER RETURNS Narragansett Beer has announced the return of its Summer Ale craft brew. The beer is available in classic 16 oz. tallboy cans, and new this year are 12 oz. cans. To celebrate the return of the seasonal beverage, fans are encouraged to enter the First Taste of Summer photo contest by posting photos of themselves enjoying the beer with the hastag #FirstTasteOfSummer on Instagram or Twitter. Selected users will win a case of the Summer Ale. To find a distributor, visit
A new Beer Works restaurant has opened in Framingham. The brewpub, also in Boston, Hingham, Lowell, and Salem, Mass., s offers 18-20 house-brewed beers on tap, a full bar and a food menu that includes pub classics and unique specialties. The Framingham Beer Works will always have a rotating selection of continued on page 24
139 Green St., Worcester 508-363-1111
Finding what’s between the buns in Worcester ...
FOOD ★★★★ AMBIENCE ★★★★ SERVICE ★★★★½ VALUE ★★★★½
Smokestack Urban Barbecue Sara Jane Nelson
Smokestack Urban Barbeque on Green Street dominates in the barbecue arena, offering southern favorites, and slow-cooked smoked meats, and did I mention bacon happy hours on Thursday? Since this is still national burger month, I had to fight off the urge for a plate of pulled pork. I ordered the Smokestack Burger with bacon, cooked medium rare. This came with American cheese and crispy, fried onion strings, as well as lettuce and tomato. It seemed only natural, so I doused mine with some Kansas kick BBQ sauce, and a little mustard. The flavor of the beef was great, but dominated by the beef, onion rings, and BBQ sauce. The lettuce and tomato looked fresh, the cheese nicely melted, the beef was mildly over-cooked for medium rare, but still good, and each bite tasted consistently like the last. Again, the flavor was great, but I’d warn that you choose your condiments carefully, as they may overrun even the smokey bacon. The Smokestack Burger will cost you $9.99. It comes with a healthy portion of fries, as well as enough crispy onion rings that you may find yourself snacking on as a side, and a pickle. If your heart is set on a burger, then I’d suggest going in on a Wednesday for the $10 Smokestack Burger and Brew – a burger and beer for the price – which is the best value I’ve seen! Editor’s note: The veggie burger at Smokestack is just as pleasing and should not be passed up by those looking for a non-meat dish.
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Udi’s Hotdog Rolls $4.49 Burger Buns $3.99
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232 Chandler Street . Worcester 508.753.1896 M AY 2 3 , 2 0 1 3 • W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M
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BITES ... nom, nom, nom continued from page 23
Raising a glass to wine everywhere
Vino Española
Al Vuona
o you want to know a good wine from Spain. That’s a tall order. Like many European countries, the Spanish have been producing wine for hundreds of years and that translates into a lot of great wine. As the third largest producer of wine in the world, Spain has many highly-regarded wine regions such as Rioja, Priorat, Rias Baixas and Ribera Del Duero. What I can do is make a few recommendations of wines that have a consistent track record from vintage to vintage. One that immediately comes to mind is Alvaro Palacios from Priorat. He does a nice job blending carignan, garnacha, cabernet and syrah. His wines are rich, well balanced and delicious. The 2011 Camins del Priorat is a bold red with a solid core and sells for about $21. In Rioja I enjoy red wine from Finca Allende, Remelluri and Muga. For white wine try a lip smacking Albarino from Rias Baixas or a refreshing Verdejo from the Rueda region. Martin Codax and Marques De Riscal are well-regarded producers from these areas. The wines retail between $12 to $25 and have good availability. Cava is Spain’s version of sparkling wine and producers such as Freixenet and Codorniu pretty much dominate the market here. Sherry is a fortified wine made primarily from the Palamino grape in and around the Jerez region. It is produced in styles ranging from light bodied to deep, hearty versions, so take your pick. Red, white, sparkling or fortified, Spain has something for every wine lover. As always, try to sample as many wines as you can. This is indeed the best way to gauge which wines and producers best suit your palate. Because I feel the marriage of food and wine is so important, be sure to try these wines while dining – this will give you a true sense as to which wines go best with beef, poultry, seafood, etc. OF THE WEEK I caution you though: The experience just might add some Finca Luzon: Luzon, entusiasmada, or as we say, excitement, to your life.
light, amber, pale, dark and cask beers on tap, all of which are brewed on the premise. A patio with 100 seats and space heaters will open later this month. Framingham Beer Works is located in the former Bugaboo Creek location at 345 Cochituate Rd., Framingham.
The Greyhound Pub on Water Street has just started serving lunch. Also, did you know they do take-out? Visit The Greyhound Pub at 139 Water St. in Worcester and at
NEW AT PERFECT GAME Perfect Game, a Water Street sports bar, has recently renovated a function room that is available for private gathering space. It includes a full bar, video presentation screen, dance floor and entertainment center. Executive Chef Gary Killeen is available to design a menu to fit any budget with food items ranging from sliders to sautes.
FRESH AND LOCAL VEGGIES Nuestro Huerto is offering a 20-week CSA this summer. The CSA provides participants with fresh, local vegetables from June through October. Half- and full-share options are available. EBT and payment plans are welcome. Email for pricing and more information. The farm is located at 20 Southgate St. in Worcester.
FARMERS MARKETS AROUND THE CORNER The Regional Environmental Council’s (REC) community farmers markets begin June 15.
PICK EVO’S NEW MENU ITEMS EVO Dining’s chef Albert Maykel III is asking Worcesterites to submit dish and food suggestions to him before he completes a new menu that will be released at the end of this summer. Suggestions should be submitted through EVO’s Facebook page or via email
Spain 2010 $12
Fridays Live Music Daily Specials “ ... Best Italian-style pizza in the heart of the Commonwealth.” - Krave 10/16/12 Best of Both World Pizza: 1/2 Buffalo Chicken, 1/2 potato/bacon
THE RESTAURANT SHOW Each week your host Ginny talks to restaurateurs from some of the top local eateries to spotlight what they do — their stories, their menus, and what makes the local restaurant scene so great.
TUNE IN Saturday 10am-11am and Sunday Noon - 1pm 274 Franklin St., Worcester (Next to Worcester Fire Dept.)
Tues-Thurs 11am-11pm • Fri 11am-1am Sat 2pm-1am • Closed Sun & Mon
• M AY 2 3 , 2 0 1 3
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music >Thursday 23 Coffee & Jam with The Flair (duo). The Flair duo includes Roger Fluet on acoustic guitar and Lee Villaire with vocals & acoustic guitar. Together, they deliver an exciting performance, not to be missed! No Cover Charge, but a suggested $5 Pass-the-Hat donation appreciated. Coffeelands World Gifts Espresso Cafe, 50 High St., Clinton. 978-270-2457 or Reality. The Raven, 258 Pleasant St. 508-304-8133 or Dale LePage Trio. 6-9 p.m. CERES Bistro at Beechwood Hotel, 363 Plantation St. 508-754-2000. Night Train (Roots/Blues, LIVE MUSIC). No Cover. 7:15-9:45 p.m. The Mill at 185 West Boylston Street, 185 West Boylston St., West Boylston. Havana Night Live Latin Jazz. Live band playing/ singing classic latin rhythms/ jazz/ samba and bossa nova, no cover. Guest collaborations may be arranged. 7:30-10:30 p.m. Cantina Bar & Grill, United States, 385 Main St. 508-579-8949 or Open Mic Thursdays with Bill Mccarthy. Visit for info and the latest signup schedules. Email Bill McCarthy to reserve a spot at Openmcc@verizon. Free. 7:30-11:30 p.m. Park Grill and Spirits, 257 Park Ave. Royal Southern Brotherhood. Think Allman Brothers meet Neville Brothers. Think James Brown, Government Mule & The Meters jammin’ in a smoky New Orleans after-hours joint. Their highly anticipated debut recording, “Royal Southern Brotherhood,” was released by Ruf Records in May, debuted at #5 on the Billboard charts and stayed there for 17 weeks. $32 advance; $36 day of show. 7:30-10:30 p.m. Bull Run Restaurant, Sawtelle Room, 215 Great Road, Shirley. 978-4254311 or Blues Jam. Blues Jam at Rivalry’s Pub, 274 Shrewsbury Street, Worcester, MA Every Thursday from 8:00pm to 12:00am Host by “BlueSwitch” Come sing/play and have fun! Free. 8 p.m.-midnight Rivalry’s Sports Bar, 274 Shrewsbury St. 774243-1100. Jon Short. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Rye & Thyme, 14 Monument Sqare, Leominster. 978-534-5900. A SPECIAL 90’s party with HOW BIZARRE! with Ways To Fall and Stephanie Forryan. specializing in mostly Top 40 hits (pop, rock, alternative, dance, etc) from the 90s. ( Their sound can range from light and folky, to heavy and emo. Stephanie Forryan ( $5. 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or Dana Lewis LIVE! Playing the Greatest Hits from the 50’s to the 80’s. “The soundtrack of your youth” FREE! 8:30-10:30 p.m. Grafton Inn, The, 25 Grafton Cmn, Grafton. 508-839-5931. Karaoke Thursdays! Every Thursday Night! Hosted by DJ Fast Track! 18+ NO COVER! Come Rock the Mic Every Thursday Night at Karaoke! 8:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Club Remix, 105 Water St. 508-756-2227. Cara Brindisi and the Feather Merchants. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St. 508-752-9439. Metal Thursday! 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543. Russo Brothers! No Cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Jim Devlin. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Michael’s Cigar Bar, 1 Exchange Place. 508-459-9035. Thirsty Thursday with DJ Matty J. No cover charge. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Center Bar & Grill, 102 Green St. 508-4380597.
>Friday 24 Swede & Grand Evolution. 12:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Tammany
Hall, 43 Pleasant St. 508-753-7001. Dana Lewis LIVE! Classic Radio Hits from the 50’s to the 80’s “The Soundtrack of your Youth” FREE! 5:30-8:30 p.m. Webster House Restaurant, 1 Webster St. 508-757-7208. Dr. Nat 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., then Blonde on Blue! 9 p.m. till Close! No Cover. 5:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Thank Friday It’s Dr. Nat. Thank Friday It’s Dr. Nat (TFIDN) is an unfettered romp through Nat’s musical imagination backed up by his hefty piano chops and hip vocals! Special guests are welcome to sit in, and often do! No cover charge = tips appreciated! 5:30-7:30 p.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, Cabaret Room or Outdoor Patio, 124 Millbury St. 508-579-5997 or Open Mic. Open to musicians, poets, comedians or anyone with a talent! Hosted by Patrick McCarthy. 6:30-9 p.m. Nu Cafe, 335 Chandler St. 508-926-8800 or John Polce. John Polce brings a sweet spirit of praise and thanksgiving to the altar as a solo singer/songwriter and guitarist. We absolutely love having him at the Mill Church Cafe and if you come out you will find out why! Free. 7-9:30 p.m. Mill Church Cafe, 45 River St Millbury MA, Millbury. 508-8651517 or R-Generation. Local cover band. 7 p.m.-1 a.m. The Cannery @12 Crane Street, Southbridge, MA 01550, 12 Crane St., Southbridge. John Henry’s Hammer Coffeehourse Open Mic. 7:30-9:30 p.m. First Unitarian Church, 90 Main St. 508-7958174. Brett Brumbie. Great Sounds! $5. 8-11 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Karaoke. Karaoke by Star Sound Entertainment. 8 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Chooch’s Food & Spirits, 31 East Brookfield Road, North Brookfield. 508-867-2494. Live Bands. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Black Sheep Tavern, 261 Leominster Road, Sterling. 978-422-8484. The City Boys. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Rye & Thyme, 14 Monument Sqare, Leominster. 978-534-5900. MULLETHEAD, the fabulous 80’s hair/glam metal band finally returns to Worcester. Also: Fox Force Five and The Genre Whores. FoxForce5, an all Female band from the Worcester area and we’re ready to ROCK YOUR WORLD! Playing all your favorite Classic and Alt rock tunes, our not-so-secret mission is to get you all fired up and dancing all night long. THE GENRE WHORES return as well! $8. 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or An Excellent night of rock with: Day One, Rusty Shovels, Answerman, and Ghost Hammer! 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-7539543. DJ Karaoke with DJ Bobby J. $5. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Jillian’s - Worcester, 315 Grove St. 508-793-0900. NEW! “High Voltage Friday’s” High Energy Hardcore with DJ Chananagains! Every Friday Night! 18+ $10, 21+ $5. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Club Remix, 105 Water St. 508-756-2227. The Flock of Assholes. Relive the hits of the 80’s with the Wrocester area’s favorite tribute to the decade of excess and craziness! Rock out all night long! 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m. JJ’s Sports Bar and Grill, 380 Southwest Cutoff, Northborough. 508-842-8420. The Ric Porter Band. North-Eastern high-lonesome, country, roots-rock with legendary local front-man Ric Porter. $5 cover. 9 p.m.-midnight Blue Plate Lounge, 661 Main St., Holden. 508-829-4566. Bill Mccarthy @ Michael’s Cigar Bar. Classic & Contemporary Acoustic and Not-So-Acoustic Rock! FREE. 9:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Michael’s Cigar Bar, 1 Exchange Place. 508-4599035. Bass Kebab FREE EDM. Worcester Newest Night For EDM Featuring the hottest DJ’s every week from all over New England. Like us on Facebook for the week update
on whos’s playing! Free. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Sahara Cafe & Restaurant, 143 Highland St. 508-798-2181 or BassKebab?ref=ts&fref=ts. Big Eyed Rabbit. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. 508-926-8877. Brazilian Dance Party Bands & DJ. Free. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Speakers Night Club, 19 Weed St., Marlborough. 508-4808222 or Friday Night Dance Party with DJ Blackout. DJ Blackout bringin’ the energy to get the party poppin’ all night long No cover charge. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Center Bar & Grill, 102 Green St. 508-438-0597. Supernova Friday. The Supernova has arrived Worcester! Come out every Friday to Worcester’s hottest new nightclub, Bar FX, and be a part of Worcester’s growing EDM scene. Resident DJ’s Frankie Feingold & Goofy Bootz hit you with the hardest house in the city every Friday night. $10 (18+). 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Bar FX, 90 Commercial St. 774-823-3555 or barfx.worcester.3. Celebrate Bob Dylan’s Birthday at WAM Bob Dylan turns 72 today! In honor of Bob’s birthday and the last week of Kennedy to Kent State, WAM invites you to celebrate Bob’s birthday with free admission to WAM all day if you come dressed as Bob. Images of Bob are featured in WAM’s photography exhibition, Kennedy to Kent State: Images of a Generation, which closes June 9. Harmonicas welcome, sorry, please leave the guitars at home! Worcester Art Museum, 55 Salisbury St.
>Saturday 25 Little Sugar and The Big Spoonful. The sound of Little Sugar and The Big Spoonful is a potent blend of the grit of Chicago blues, the soul of Stax, and the raw power of ‘60s British blues boom. $5. 9-1:30 a.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. 508-926-8877. Song Recital by Martha Sullivan, Soprano. New York-based opera singer and composer Martha Sullivan revisits her Worcester roots with an enticing program of classic and contemporary songs. Free. 4-5 p.m. All Saints Church, 10 Irving St. 508-752-3766. Dana Lewis Live! Dana Lewis, Playing the greatest Hits from the 50’S to the 80’s. “The sound track of your youth” 7-10 p.m. Nancy’s Quaker Tavern, 466 Quaker Hgwy (Route146a), Uxbridge. 508-779-0901. Bill Mccarthy @ Guiseppe’s Grille. Classic & Contemporary Acoustic and Not-So-Acoustic Rock! FREE. 7:30-10:30 p.m. Guiseppe’s Grille, 35 Solomon Pond Road, Northborough. 508-393-4405. Café con Dios. Donation. 7:30-10 p.m. Faith Baptist Church, Main Auditorium, 22 Faith Ave, Auburn. 508-579-6722. Benefit Concert To Raise Money For The One Fund Boston! Erin Ollis and the Whiskey Rye Band will be having a benefit concert in order to raise money for the One Fund Boston. Cover charges will be $10 and ½ of the cover charge proceeds will be donated to the fund while the other ½ will be used for the venue. We will also be having raffles as another way of raising money to donate to the One Fund. In the spirit of Boston Strong, we would like to do our part to give back to our wonderful city. If you are interested in donating a raffle basket for our event, please e-mail us at $10. 6-8 p.m. Dance Ranch & Saloon, 70 James St. 508-7576977 or JAZZED UP Trio LIVE. JAZZED UP trio will be featuring bassist Eduardo Ortiz, drummer Ed Conley, and pianist/vocalist Mauro DePasquale. Nominated BEST JAZZ ACT 2012 and 2013 Worcester Music Awards! No Cover. 7:30-9:30 p.m. Byblos Lounge Union Station, Columbus Square, Worcester. 508-756-2232. Jay Graham. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Rye & Thyme, 14 Monument Sqare, Leominster. 978-534-5900. Karaoke Dance Party With CJ/DJ @ Eller’s Restaurant. Hey Everyone Come Down and Join CJ/DJ at Eller’s Restaurant Lounge for a Karaoke Dance Party. We
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will have a blast singing songs from yesterday and today and maybe some dancing too. No Cover! 8-11 p.m. Eller’s Restaurant, Lounge, 190 Main St., Cherry Valley. 508-868-7382 or Live Bands. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Black Sheep Tavern, 261 Leominster Road, Sterling. 978-422-8484. CLUTCH GRABWELL is BACK in Worcester! Their relentless energy and swagger are the foundation of a raging live show that has gripped crowds from Boston to Los Angeles. Their unparalleled mix of hard rock and pop has earned praise from fans and critics alike. The band features guitarist and leader Mark Campbell, lead vocalist John Boyle, the horn section of Andrew Hickman and Lennie Peterson, and the bass and drums of Jeff Campbell and Tony Dintino. $8. 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or ROCKHOUSE Power Trio! ROCKHOUSE is a power trio that plays hits from artists such as Hendrix, SRV, Van Halen, Led Zep, etc. Come on down and party with us! 8:30 p.m.12:30 a.m. Upper Deck Sports Bar & Grille, 377 Stetson Road, Barre. 978-355-2224. Cosmic Slim & His Intergalactic Plowboys. Jugbandy, rhythm-and-bluesy, country-rocky, jam-bandy eclectic electric music expressly designed for toe-tapping and rugcutting. From the Mississippi Sheiks to Buck Owens, Burrito Brothers to Nat King Cole, Slim’s roots run deep and wide, guaranteeing a good time to be had by all. $5. 9 p.m.-midnight. Blue Plate Lounge, 661 Main St., Holden. 508-829-4566. Ed Dave’ & Tee’s 7 Piece Trio w/ Joey Bubbles. Only $5. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Sadie Slow Gin is back at Ralphs! Bands TBA. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543. The Tony Soul Project. Tony Soul continues to amaze with great hits all night long! check him out at JJ’s, no cover! 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m. JJ’s Sports Bar and Grill, 380 Southwest Cutoff, Northborough. 508-842-8420. Virginia Rubino, Live at the Sahara. The music of Virginia Rubino, with keyboard accompaniment and possible special guest appearances. Ms. Rubino was previously a diva of the music scene in both Worcester, where she played with “Where’s Virginia?” and “The Amazing Box Band”, and the Los Angeles area, where she performed and recorded with Bebe K’Roche. She sings in a variety of styles, from reggae to the classics. Relax in the oasis of the Sahara, with Virginia Rubino and her special guests. No cover. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Sahara Cafe & Restaurant, 143 Highland St. 508-798-2181. “Tantrum Saturdays” Dance Party Every Saturday Night with DJ Tony T. Get ready Worcester for some great dancing to the beats of Tony T. Watch for the surprise contest each week. 18+ only $10 21+ only $5. 10 p.m.-1:45 a.m. Club Remix, 105 Water St. 508-756-2227 or remixworcester. com. Brett and Lisa Brumby. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Michael’s Cigar Bar, 1 Exchange Place. 508-459-9035. Little Sugar & The Big Spoonful. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. 508-926-8877. Saturday Nights with DJ E-Class. DJ E-Class bringing the R & B remixes to get you out on the dance floor all night long ! No cover charge. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Center Bar & Grill, 102 Green St. 508-438-0597. Friendship Reunion Bash Celebrating the Memorial day weekend with old friends. There will be commerative T-Shirts on sale and a Buffet. entertainment by Molly Gain..Quadraplane.. Achilles(reunion) and Altic. Doors open at 7pm. $5 cover. London Billiards/Club Oasis, 70 James St.
>Sunday 26 Revolution Sunday’s! Drag Show Extravaganza Hosted by Lady Sabrina and Bootz! Featuring The M AY 2 3 , 2 0 1 3 • W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M
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night day &
Remix Girls, Special Guests, and DJ Whiteboi Spinning Beats! 18+ $8, 21+ $5. Midnight-1:30 a.m. Club Remix, 105 Water St. 508-756-2227. Bah Jam Open Mic with A Ton of Blues. 2-7 p.m. Black Sheep Tavern, 261 Leominster Road, Sterling. 978-4228484. Open Mic Night with Dani Red and Friends. Sign up for the open mic is 4:30 p.m. There is a different feature every week! Come on down to enjoy good food, good music, and talented musicians! Free. 4:30-9 p.m. cafe neo bar and grille, 97 millbury St. 508-615-7311. Big Jon Short - solo acoustic country blues. Free. 5-8 p.m. Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St. 508-752-9439. Worcester BILine Release Party! 5 p.m., then Dick Odgren Trio at 9 p.m! No Cover. 5 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Blues Jam w/Jim Perry. Blues Jam with special guests weekly free. 6-10 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Open Mic Sundays at Perfect Game With Bill McCarthy. Book your half-hour set in advance at myspace. com/openmicworld. Email Bill McCarthy to a spot at Free. 6-10 p.m. Perfect Game Sports Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263 or MySpace. com/OpenMicWorld. Flock Of A-Holes ANNUAL MEMORIAL DAY EVE BASH! Every year the Flock packe ‘em in on this un-official kick off to the Summer party. No work on Monday! Let’s tear it up 80’s style TONIGHT! More acts to be added. $7. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or Sunday Funday Karaoke with DJ Matty J. No cover charge. 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Center Bar & Grill, 102 Green St. 508-438-0597. The NEW 90’s PARTY BAND “How Bizarre” featuring members of The Flock, Squeezer, The Vig and Neon Alley. You LOVE the 90’s? Members of The Flock, Squeezer, Neon Alley and more bands all combine to bring songs by EMF, Dee-Lite, Chumbawumba, STP, Alannis Morissette, C+C Music Factory, Right Said Fred, The Cardigans, OMC, Nirvana, Len, The B-52’s and even Billy Ray Cyrus to LIFE! $5. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or
>Monday 27 The ISSUES at Grafton Legion Post 92 Memorial Day cookout. The ISSUES will be playing all of your favorite Rock, Top 40, Blues and Throwback hits from 12:30pm-4pm. 12:30-4 p.m. American Legion: Delisle-Goulet Post 92, 69 Worcester St., Grafton. 508-839-4169 or Driftin’ Sam at 7pm, then Big Game Triva and Karaoke at 9pm till Close! No Cover. 7 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Karaoke. Karaoke by Star Sound Entertainment 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m. London Billiards / Club Oasis, 70 James St. 508-7997655. Bop & Pop Jazz Organization. Classic Hammond Organ Quartet grooves every Monday night at the Dive. Free. 9 p.m.-midnight Dive Bar, 34 Green St. BopNPopJazzOrganization.
>Tuesday 28 Leslie Lee and Steve Gretz sing folk and gospel music. Leslie Lee and Steve Gretz sing folk and gospel music from a variety of traditions. They have been singing in churches, coffeehouses and festivals for almost ten years. Their repertoire includes bluegrass, southern, old-time and contemporary gospel songs. You will be inspired by their perfromance of uplifting and encouraging songs. Free. Briarwood Continuing Care Retirement Community: Birches Auditorium, 65 Briarwood Circle. 508-852-9007. Open Mic Night w /Bill McCarthy Open Mike!
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Book your half-hour set in advance at: openmicworld. Email Bill McC at: OPENMCC@VERIZON.NET. Free! 7:30-11:30 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. “See You Next Tuesday” with DJ Poke Smot! Downstairs! Guest DJ’s and Bands each week! No Cover! Check our Facebook page {} for guests each week. 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543. Jon Bonner. 9 p.m.-midnight Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St. 508-752-9439. Nick’s All-Star Orkestra! No Cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. VII Dubstep. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Tammany Hall, 43 Pleasant St. 508-753-7001.
>Wednesday 29 Open Mic Night. The Raven, 258 Pleasant St. 508-3048133 or Open Jam w/Sean Ryan. Open Jam Free. 8:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Luanne Crosby at Twigs Cafe. Tower Hill is pleased to announce our “Twilight at Twigs Cafe” series on Wednesday evenings in the spring and summer with an exciting array of performers to accompany our savory delights. LUANNE CROSBY Songster and guitarist Luanne Crosby performs a repertoire of songs in a wide array of styles from musicals to motown, from blues to folk, from country to jazz and from pop to rock — all on her ukulele. Learn more at LuanneCrosbySongster and at Included with Admission: $12/adult, $9/seniors, $7/youth (6-18), Children under 6 free. 6-8 p.m. Tower Hill Botanic Garden: The Great Hall, Twigs Cafe, 11 French Drive, Boylston. 508-869-6111. Live Music with Matt Robert. Matt Robert’s solo Wednesday night shows present a loose, rambling trip through the songbook he’s developed over thirty years of performing. The Worcester-based guitarist plays a blend of rootsy originals and interpretations of ancient folk, blues, and jazz, as well as current roots and rock tunes. Incorporating a wide range of guitar styles, including open tunings and slide, as well as mandolin and harmonica, Matt ties a thread between all types of seemingly disparate musical genres all with a sound of his own. All donations to the Worcester County Food Bank. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Nu Cafe, 335 Chandler St. 508-926-8800 or Open Mic w/Feature Act. This Open Mic has been running for a year now. A great sounding room for acoustic performance. SongWriter’s Night the first Wednesday of every month. Great food and friendly staff. Hosted by Brett Brumby, all mics and cables supplied, just bring your instrument and love of music! Free. 7:30-11 p.m. Route 56 Roadside Bar & Grill, 24 Leicester St., North Oxford. 508-987-8669 or Wednesday Night Open Mic/local Musicians’ Showcase w/ Bill Mccarthy @ Guiseppe’s. Visit for info and the latest sign-up schedules. Email Bill McCarthy to reserve a spot at Openmcc@verizon. Free. 7:30-10:30 p.m. Guiseppe’s Grille, 35 Solomon Pond Road, Northborough. 508-393-4405. “Krazy Wednesday Jam Session” with The “Get On Up Band”. The music is hot motown/funk/swing/blues style. We offer a drum kit, bass rig and a full PA system for all to use, so bring what you play and “ get on up” Free. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. The Krazy Horse Bar & Grill, 287 Main St. Worcester. 1-774-823-3131. Brendan Kelley. 8-11 p.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. 508926-8877. Karaoke. Karaoke by Star Sound Entertainment 8 p.m.midnight Dark Horse Tavern, 12 Crane St., Southbridge. 508764-1100. Karaoke. 8-11 p.m. Rye & Thyme, 14 Monument Sqare,
July 8th - July 26th
2 -12 including recent high school graduates • 5 days! Mon.-Fri. • 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Camp show performances on July 27th & 28th Your child will enjoy a summer of music, art, drama and dance at our 3 week, state certiÀed theatre camp held in Worcester. Campers will also produce a full show for family and friends at the conclusion of camp. Students will learn all the aspects of producing a show from acting, singing & dancing to set building, costumes and more!
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{ listings}
Leominster. 978-534-5900. Open Jam with Sean Ryan. Open Jam welcome to newcomers also. Free. 8:30 p.m.-noon Greendaleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Wacky Wednesday Night Jam @JJâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Sport Bar. open mic jam session, all are welcome. we offer a drum kit. bass rig and a full PA system for all to use. guitar players please bring your own amp, great club, great food, great drinks and great music. Free. 8:30-12:30 p.m. JJâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Sports Bar and Grill, 380 Southwest Cutoff, Northborough. 508-842-8420. Woo Town Wednesdays. Bands TBA. FREE to get in! 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508363-1888. Clayton Willoughby! No Cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Ladies Night with DJ Blackout. No cover charge. 101:30 p.m. Center Bar & Grill, 102 Green St. 508-438-0597. Lori Martin. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Michaelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cigar Bar, 1 Exchange Place. 508-459-9035.
ADC Performance Center (@ The Artist Development Complex), 18 Mill St., Southbridge. 508-764-6900 or ARTSWorcester, The Fifteenth ArtsWorcester Biennial, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through May 31. Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 1-4 p.m. Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday - Friday, 1-4 p.m. Saturday. Admission: Free. 660 Main St. 508-755-5142 or Asa Waters Mansion, Admission: $3 for guided tour, $7-10 for tea. 123 Elm St., Millbury. 508-865-0855 or
Bookloversâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Gourmet, Glimpse: Extraordinary Details of Life, by Melanie M. Guerra, Through May 31. Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday - Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. 55 East Main St., Webster. 508-949-6232 or Clark University: University Gallery, Hours: Noon5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, Noon-8 p.m. Wednesday, Noon-5 p.m. Thursday - Saturday. 950 Main St. 508-793-7349 or 508-793-7113 or Clarkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cafe and Art On Rotation Gallery, Hours: 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday - Saturday. Admission: for gallery. 310 High St., Clinton. 978-549-5822 or 978-365-7772 or College of the Holy Cross: Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Art Gallery, The Fruits of Chance & Necessity, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through May 24. Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, 2-5 p.m. Saturday. 1 College St. 508-793-3356 or Danforth Museum of Art, Hours: Noon-5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, Noon-5 p.m. Wednesday - Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday - Saturday. 123 Union Ave., Framingham. 508-620-0050 or Dark World Gallery, Hours: closed Sunday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday - Saturday. 179 Grafton St. DZian Gallery, Hours: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday - Saturday. 65 Water St. 508-831-1106 or EcoTarium, Hours: noon-5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. Admission: $14 adults; $8 for children ages 2-18, $10 college students with IDs & senior citizens. Children under 2 & EcoTarium members Free. Additional charges apply for Tree Canopy Walkway, Explorer
Worcester Magâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Walter Bird Jr. joins Paul Westcott, live, every Thursday at 8:35 a.m. Paul Westcott Show WTAG 580 AM 5 a.m. - 9 a.m.
Charter TV3 7 a.m. - 9 a.m.
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Express Train, planetarium programs & other special progra. 222 Harrington Way. 508-929-2700 or Fisher Museum Harvard Forest, 324 N. Main St., Petersham. 978-724-3302 or museum.html. Fitchburg Art Museum, Hours: Noon-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, Noon-4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. 25 Merriam Parkway, Fitchburg. 978-345-4207 or ďŹ Fitchburg Historical Society, Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday - Tuesday, 10 a.m.-Midnight Wednesday, closed Thursday - Saturday. 50 Grove St., Fitchburg. 978-3451157 or ďŹ Framed in Tatnuck, Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday - Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. 1099 Pleasant St. 508-770-1270 or Fruitlands Museum, 102 Prospect Hill Road, Harvard. 978-456-3924 or Gallery of African Art, Gallery of African Art Free Tours, Thursdays, through Dec. 19; Weekly Thursday Tours at the Gallery of African Art, Thursdays, through Dec. 26. Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday - Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday. 62 High St., Clinton. 978-368-0227 or 978-598-5000x17 or Higgins Armory Museum, WOO Card good at Higgins Armory Museum, Through Dec. 31. Hours: noon-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. Admission: General Admission: $12 for Adults, $10 for Seniors (age 60+), $8 for Children (age 4-16), Children 3 and under are Free. 100 Barber Ave. 508-853-6015 or Mass Audubon: Broad Meadow Brook Conservation Center and Wildlife Sanctuary, Hours: 12:30-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. 414 Massasoit Ave. 508-753-6087 or Museum of Russian Icons. Matryoshka: The Russian Nesting Doll, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through July 20; Series of â&#x20AC;&#x153;One Iconâ&#x20AC;? exhibitions, Through Aug. 20. Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 11-3 a.m. Tuesday - Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, 11-3 a.m. Friday, 9-3 a.m. Saturday. Admission: Adults $7, Seniors (59 and over) $5, Students (with ID) & children (3-17) $2, Children under 3 FREE, Groups (any age) $. 203 Union St., Clinton. 978-
598-5000 or 978-598-5000x17 or Old Sturbridge Village, Admission: $7-$20 charged by age. Children under 3 free. 1 Old Sturbridge Village Road, Sturbridge. 800-733-1830 or 508-347-3362 or Park Hill Gallery, Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday - Friday, closed Saturday. 387 Park Ave. 774-696-0909. Post Road Art Center. Abstract Show 2013, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through May 29. Hours: closed Sunday, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday - Saturday. 1 Boston Post Road, Marlborough. 508-485-2580 or Preservation Worcester, Hours: closed Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, closed Saturday. 10 Cedar St. 508754-8760 or Prints and Potter Gallery, American Contemporary Art & Craft Gallery, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through Dec. 31; PAINT AND SWITCH, Through June 16; Paint and Switch - Worcester / Cape Cod, Through May 26. Hours: closed Sunday, 10-5:30 a.m. Monday - Tuesday, 10-7 a.m. Wednesday - Thursday, 10-5:30 a.m. Friday, 10-5 a.m. Saturday. 142 Highland St. 508-752-2170 or Quinebaug Valley Council for the Arts & Humanities, the Arts Center. Shades of Green: Artist Call for Exhibition, Friday - Sunday. Hours: 2-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Friday, 2-4 p.m. Saturday. 111 Main St., Southbridge. 508-346-3341 or Quinsigamond Community College: Administration Building, 670 West Boylston St. Rollstone Studios, Hours: 11-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday - Saturday. Admission. 633 Main St., Fitchburg. 978-348-2781 or Salisbury Mansion, Hours: closed Sunday - Wednesday, 1-8:30 p.m. Thursday, 1-4 p.m. Friday - Saturday. 40 Highland St. 508-753-8278 or SAORI Worcester style Weaving Studio, 18 Winslow St. 508-757-4646 or 508-757-0116 or Taproot Bookstore, Hours: Noon-5 p.m. Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday - Thursday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. 1200 West Boylston St. 508-853-5083 or Tatnuck Bookseller & Cafe, Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
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Upload your listings at Click the Night & Day toolbar, then choose Calendar to place your event listing in both our print and online weekly calendar. Sunday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday - Saturday. 18 Lyman St., Westborough. 508-366-4959 or The Sprinkler Factory, Six Senses, Saturday; Six Senses, Sundays, Thursdays, Saturdays, May 4 - May 30. Hours: noon-6 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, closed Saturday. 38 Harlow St. Top Fun Aviation Toy Museum, Hours: 1:30-4:30 p.m. Sunday, closed. Monday - Friday, 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday. 21 Prichard St., Fitchburg. 978-342-2809 or 978297-4337 or Tower Hill Botanic Garden, Art in the Garden: “Birds, Beasts & Blossoms”, Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through June 16; Guided Garden Tour, Sundays, through Dec. 30. Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. Admission: $10 Adults, $7 Seniors & $5 Youth, FREE to Members & Children under . 11 French Drive, Boylston. 508869-6111 or Westboro Gallery, Hours: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday - Saturday. 8 West Main St., Westborough. 508-870-0110 or westborogallery. com. Worcester Art Museum, Kennedy to Kent State: Images of a Generation, Through June 9; Looking at the Stars: Prints by Imamura Yoshio, Through May 30; The Allure of Blanc de Chine, Through Aug. 31; Family Discovery Tour, Saturdays, through April 13; Zip Tour: “Earth Mother”, Saturday; Public Tour, Sundays, through April 28. Hours: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. Admission: Free for members, $14 adults, $12 seniors, Free for youth 17 and under. Free for all first Saturdays of each month, 10am-noon. 55 Salisbury St. 508-799-4406 or Worcester Center for Crafts, Artist-In-Residence Exhibition, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, May 23 - June 15; Opposing Directions: An AiR Collection, Thursday; Opposing Directions: An AiR Collection, Thursday - Saturday. Hours: closed Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, closed Saturday. 25 Sagamore Road. 508-753-8183 or Worcester Historical Museum, Casey at the Bat: 125 Years, Through Aug. 10; In Their Shirtsleeves, Through Dec. 31; Stories They Tell, Through Dec. 31. Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday - Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday - Saturday. 30 Elm St. 508-753-8278 or Worcester Public Library, Hours: 1:30-5:30 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thursday - Saturday. 3 Salem Square. 508-799-1655 or WPI: George C. Gordon Library, Invented - WPI Patents Past & Present, Through Oct. 31; when 4x4 = 8, Friday; when 4x4 = eight, Friday - Sunday. 100 Institute Road.
class/ workshop >Thursday 23 Web 2.0 for Genealogists. Register online through the library’s Calendar of Events. For more information, call Joy Hennig at 508-799-1670. Third floor, Main Library. Free. 9:30-11 a.m. Worcester Public Library, Computer Lab, 3 Salem Square. 508-799-1655. Mud, Minerals and Fire. The alchemy of ceramics has been a wonder for tens of thousands of years. From the earth into the fire, then into our homes and onto our tables, how do all these materials do what they do? If you have been interested in what makes a glaze tic, from materials to firing, without getting awash in chemistry and theory, then this class is for you. We will take an empirical approach to the ceramic
materials, and learn why they behave or misbehave, through a series of fun, and engaging exercises. Class time will be divided between presentations, and hands on lab work, with students having the opportunity for self-directed glaze testing. $214. 6:30-9:30 p.m. Worcester Center for Crafts, 25 Sagamore Road. 508-753-8183 or Multi-Level Photography - a mixed-level class. Whether you are new to photography or dusting off the cobwebs after a few years away from the film camera, this multi-level class is appropriate for individuals with any level of experience. Students will be encouraged to develop a personal vision while improving your craftsmanship and understanding of photographic composition, metering, and the importance of light. The instructor will structure presentations and demonstrations based upon student needs and input. This learning culminates at the end of each session with a critique night when each individual’s work is reviewed by the entire group in a convivial atmosphere. $214. 6:30-9:30 p.m. Worcester State University Photo Lab, 486 Chandler St. 508753-8183 or
process behind creating beautiful blown glass creations at the New Street Glass Studio. Students will be guided through the steps from gathering, to blowing the bubble, to shaping a cylinder, and adding a handle. No experience necessary, all materials are included. Pick up your finished Stein the following Tuesday after 5pm at the Boynton Restaurant and receive a free Wachusett draft. $90. 4:30-7:30 p.m. New Street Glass Studio, 35B New St. 508-753-8183 or
>Friday 24
HOW TO: Use Smartphones & Tablets to Make Your Business More Profitable. Did you know that you can use the latest technologies for your business needs? Take advantage of today’s technology! Amcomm speakers will bring over 20 years of experience in business technology, operations and management, social media, and strategic planning with both retail and b2b partners. Free. 6-8 p.m. Center for Women & Enterprise (CWE) Central Massachusetts, 2nd Floor, 50 Elm St. 508-363-2300 or
Remembrance Week: Veterans’ Shadow Box Workshop. This “Remembrance Week” legacy event is a workshop for veterans who would like to place their military medals and memorabilia in shadow boxes. The shadow boxes will be provided, as will help for the veterans in completing this project. Family members are welcome to help as well. Please R.S.V.P. to Anita Thomas at Briarwood at 508-852-2670. This workshop will be held in the Assisted Living building at Briarwood. 10-11 a.m. Briarwood Continuing Care Retirement Community, 65 Briarwood Circle. 508-852-2670. Fun With Watercolors, Class 2. These classes are an adventure in working with a simplified color palette to make beautiful and harmonious paintings. Materials list provided. Class 2: Create a fresh clean watercolor painting using pristine clear color. No more muddy colors! Non-members, $36., Members, $30. 2-5 p.m. Tower Hill Botanic Garden, 11 French Drive, Boylston. 508-869-6111124 or Friday Night Fun with Glassblowing Paperweights. Get a taste of the ancient art of glassblowing in this fun one night course. In one evening you will learn about the history and process behind creating beautiful blown glass creations at the New Street Glass Studio. Students will choose their own colors and will be guided through the steps from gathering, creating air traps or simple color patterns, to shaping their own paperweight. No experience necessary. Materials: All materials are included. $80. 6:30-9:30 p.m. New Street Glass Studio, 35B New St. 508-753-8183 or
>Saturday 25 Tasty Tomato Growing. Learn how to prepare a raised bed, fertilize it with certifiably organic inputs, plant tomato seedlings, mulch and cage them. Free. 10 a.m.-noon Regional Environmental Council, Inc., 9 Castle St. 508-799-9139 or The Healing Journey. Travel along with Psychic/Medium Diane Lewis as she transports you and the group to a realm beyond our own. Although journeying with the group you’ll still maintain your individuality as you travel and connect to messages given to you for your self discovery. The innovative concepts used on this journey and the interactive aspect only enhance the total experience for both the individual and the group. Wear comfortable clothing. Light refreshments will be served. All persons must be prompt. Once door is closed there will be no interruptions. 60 per person - with Military ID FREE. 10 a.m.-noon Sturbridge Host Hotel & Conference Center, 366 Main St., Sturbridge. 617-645-6415 or sturbridgejourney.html. Make Your Own Beer Stein. Get a taste of the ancient art of glassblowing in this fun one night course offered in collaberation with The Boynton Reastaurant and Wachusett Brewery. In one evening you will learn about the history and
night day &
{ listings}
Youth: $7 Non-Member Child: $4 (12 and under) Overnight camping available Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. 1-10 p.m. Camp Marshall, 92 McCormick Road, Spencer. 508-3664944 or
>Tuesday 28 Web 2.0 for Genealogists. Register online through the library’s Calendar of Events. For more information, call Joy Hennig at 508-799-1670. Third floor, Main Library. Free. 7-8:30 p.m. Worcester Public Library, Computer Lab, 3 Salem Square. 508-799-1655. Regatta Point Community Sailing. Adult beginner sailing classes starting from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. No experience required. 10 Lake Ave. North, Worcester. 508-757-2410 or
>Wednesday 29
fairs & festivals >Saturday 25 AIS 45th Annual Memorial Powwow. RAIN OR SHINE! Bring lawn/camp chairs for seating. Northern & Southern Drums, Seminar, Gourd Dance, Afternoon and Evening Intertribal Dance Sessions, Traders, Saturday evening feast, and more! Admission (Day Visitors): Adult & Youth 15+: $5 Youth 14 & younger: $2 Admission (Weekend - includes camping and feast) AIS Member: $7 (18+) AIS Youth: $3 (13 - 17) AIS Child: $1 (12 and under) Non-Member Adult: $15 Non-Member
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508-400-1977 "That's the Thinga"--gotta it? Los Angeles Times Sunday Crossword Puzzle JONESIN’ by Matt Jones Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
130 Gender-specific 26 Like many 98 First word of 97 Computer 61 Waiter’s pronoun Dante’s “Inferno” image formats question ending shoppes Dossier letters 131 It’s in Off! 98 Stable 62 Forty-__ 28 Chewy 1 Ozone layer101 destroyers 102 New Hampshire 99 Dubai or 63 He said, “I die,” confection DOWN city Sharjah and then did 33 Aphorisms 5 ACROSS Rear admiral's rear 1 Coastal 100 You can build a 64 Head honcho 34 Sidewalk sides 1 “Thick & Fluffy” 105 Miss Piggy’s 8breakfast "Family Guy" town recession pronoun 5,922-piece Taj 65 School collars 35 Eggs from the brand 2 Record tracks 106 Comfy (with) Mahal replica 71 Great Plains sea 5 14 He edged TissueTED additive 3 Seals that avoid 36 Protestant 108 Friends with the largest language family in 1948 15 "Excusez-___!" water? 110 Bald assertion? one ever made 73 First name in denom. 8 __ out: 4 Cooperstown’s 103 First step in a spydom 38 Latin goddess thoroughly 16 Dethrone 113 Not the best Lake plan for progression 74 Sierra Nevada 42 Pea jacket 14 Brutus 17 Xbalanque, for instance? 5 Slop slurper becoming a 104 Often-allergic resort relative accomplice 6 Rueful millionaire condition 46 China supporter 77 Classic British 19 19 Mouthy minor Kind of sale or tax 7 Winnie’s title? 115 Orch. section 107 Suspended two-seaters 49 Smallest of the 20 18-Down 20 Fragrant bouquet 8 Old comm. 116 Confessional 109 Note taker using 80 Can opener roaring cats reaction giant symbols 83 “Cut out the 50 Coat-of-arms 21 21 British Catty remark? music genre 9 Queen 117 Ecuadoran 111 With “The,” L.A. racket!” science magazine 23 West end? Amidala’s “Star province once theater at 84 Vermont ski 52 Common founded in Wars” home for its which Neil resort church name 1709 24 "Are we havingfamous fun ___?" 10 Crave, with “for” 53 Take __ view of 85 One who sits for gold Diamond 22 On the bias 25 The Dalai Lama? 11 Schoolyard 118 Mission recorded “Hot SATs 55 La 23 Head honcho threat statement? August Night” 89 Brief application Méditerranée, 24 30 Heated words? Outscore 123 Preceders of las 12 Sun City 112 Pizazz 90 A pricey one e.g. 27 Symbolic yet 32 Hall-of-Fame QB Dawson developer Webb 56 Bacteria in 124 Coeur d’__ may be made of 114 Govt. agents insubstantial 13 Interjections of 125 Fluoride 118 See 119-Down koa wood grapelike 29 33 Dash letters network, "Dexter" for short indecision beneficiary 119 Reaction to a 91 Broken mirror, clusters 30 Kitty’s bit 34 Port type 14 Stylish eatery 126 Fluoride-in118-Down for some 57 Houston player 31 Performed an 15 Equidistant water meas. 120 Genetic building 93 __ Na Na 58 Double-parker entrechat 35 In the style of 16 127 Italian noble blocks 94 Remain beyond, who gives out 32 Blanket It’s planted in 36 Shoe brand ___family McAn 121 Michaels and as one’s tickets expression? the snow 128 Mortise mate Franken welcome 59 “The Divided 37 37 Winding way, 17 Sure Talks that may "What's 129 ask One-person 122 Partner of Self” author R.D. 96 Waterside maybe 18 Wonder craft ’earth? stopover it like having a palace in 60 Come to terms 39 Winding way, 25 Play the jester maybe Tatooine"? 40 Tulsa sch. 41 42 OneNeutral rushing into hue a relationship? 43 President pro ___ 6 Easy Listening or Classic 47 Eternal 43 Pinocchio’s peccadillo 44 Reznor band, for short Rock 48 "The Sopranos" consigliere 44 Plural maker 7 They come in and out 49 Admiration 45 45 Big Season oil sourcein Bordeaux 47 46 Luau garland "Whatevs" grunt 8 "Huh?" from Jose 51 Name on African maps (at 48 Justice Kagan "Relax!" 9 Sight ___ least up to 1997) 50 47 “What __ God wrought?” 50 Creature that Àre-roasts its 10 "Ad ___ per Aspera" (Kansas 52 Neckwear for a Mystery 51 Org. with an own pies? motto) Machine passenger Arrow of Light award 53 "Was ___ das?" 11 They, sometimes 54 ___ Haute, Ind. 54 Hook’s mate "Like that'll ever happen!" 12 Granola piece 58 "Clumsy me!" 56 55 Formal request? 66 56 Peterhof Fair Palace ___ laws 13 Bell competitor, back in the 59 Everest, K2, et al. resident "AfÁwaste iction" star Nick day 60 "A clue!" 67 57 Foundry 68 59 “La 1975 Bohème” "Thrilla" city 18 Peace Nobelist from Poland 61 Beast of burden heroine End of a deep sleep? 22 2008 Pixar robot 63 My, in Marseilles 69 62 News item 70 64 Where most "___ always money in the 26 Like those dressed as nuns states have their Last week's solution 27 Instructional video title start ownbanana page stand!" (George 72 SkyBluth) 28 Self-help site 75 “First Blood” 65 29 CD- ___ hero"Bravo!" relative 76 66 Opening bout, Yacht spot 31 Clothing company founded in briefly Bank 1992 78 67 Verging onpatrons 79 68 1-Down relative 6-pt. scores 35 Cash source 81 Dancer’s 69 A portion restraint 36 Alec's sitcom co-star 82 Frank talk? 37 Versatile army vehicle 86 One way to make up for lost Down 38 Dramatic introduction? time Beauty 39 USSR head known for his 87 1Suggest, as abar brand 2priceGot redder bushy eyebrows 88 Unfolds, in 3verse Clifftop howler 40 '60s jacket style 89 4White House line? Fashion 41 Boys' Choir home nickname 5 "I love," 46 Composer Gustav 92 Mil. support Caesar 95 Old Flatbush field ©2013 Jonesin’ Crosswords ( For answers to this puzzle, call: 1-900-226-2800, 99 cents per minute. 6/9/13 ©2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
Must be 18+. Or to bill to your credit card, call: 1-800-655-6548. Reference puzzle #624
Home Of The Free, Thanks To The Brave MILITARY HERO OF THE WEEK Is there a special service person in your life? The Central Mass Classifieds would like to feature members of our Armed Forces on a regular basis. If you have a special service person in your life, please email with some information, photo, brief summary of his/her service, and we will be happy to recognize them in the Central Mass Classifieds. The brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces should be remembered all year long.
Call Carrie at 978-728-4302 or email
for more information.
Fun By The Numbers Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test! Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
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Join the Rotmans Sales Team! See what has made us a leader in the Home Furnishings Industry for decades!
Full Time Sales Associate Provide the best sales experience for our customers, through product knowledge and a dedication to perfection! Earning potential: $35,000 - $70,000 Qualifications include: • retail/sales experience • strong verbal and written skills • computer/internet proficiency • ability to work nights & weekends Benefits for all associates include paid vacations, 401K plan and an employee discount. Full-time employees also receive medical and dental benefits, life insurance and tuition reimbursement.
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Town Of Sutton Office of the Town Administrator JOB POSTING: Transfer Station Operator The Town of Sutton (Southern Worcester County/Blackstone Valley, Population 9600) seeks applicants for the full time position of Transfer Station Operator. Preferred candidate will perform the daily operations of the solid waste transfer station and recycling center such as maintenance of the facility and its grounds, all trash and recyclables placed in the proper areas, verification that all users of the Transfer Station have valid permits and use of the “pay as you throw” bags. Operation of hydraulic compactor equipment is essential to ensure transfer containers are filled efficiently as well as other small non-CDL equipment to maintain the Transfer station. Position is full time (35 hours per week) and fully benefited. Starting pay is $19.32/hour. Interested candidates shall send letter of interest and paper resume to James Smith, Town Administrator, Town of Sutton, Sutton, MA 01590, Applications accepted until Wednesday June 12, 2013. The Town of Sutton is EO/AA Employer.
“Oh My Gosh”
LANDSCAPING & LAWN MAINTENANCE Jack Longone Landscape Contractor Specialists in Lawn Maintenance Clean-ups Pruning Planting 508-791-2668 or CELL 508-826-2338 Le’s Professional Landscaping Commercial & residential. Spring clean up, complete lawn maintenance, aerating, thatching, sprinkler systems, rock gardens, decks, fences, steps, lighting. FREE estimates. We do it all. All work guaranteed. 508-865-4248 Mr. Le Landscaping Complete Lawn Maintenance Mowing-Weeding-Fetilizing -Aerating-Thatching4 Season Clean-ups-Rock Gardens-Steps-Retaining Wall-Flagstone-PavestoneBrick-Decking & FencingPatio-Trimming-Garden Lights-Walkway-Trees www.mrleservices. canlelandscaping@ 774-823-3029 PERRONE LANDSCAPING Mulch Sales & Delivery. Mowing. Parking lot sweeping. Planting & Design. Walkways/Retaining Walls. Residential & Commercial. Free Estimates. Fully Insured. 508-735-9814 MULCH & LOAM
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Loam-Crushed Stone Stone dust-Driveway gravel. Delivered, small amounts. 1-6 yd. Loads. Call 508-865-3496 or 508615-8928 MULCH & LOAM Hemlock, Black Bark, NE Blend, Red Cedar, Screened Loam, Pick up or Home Delivery MIKE LYNCH ENTERPRISES 774-535-1470
ANIMAL CARE TECHNICIAN Synageva BioPharma is hiring multiple Animal Care Technicians to join our new Holden, MA Facility DUTIES INCLUDE: ** Providing daily care to the animals (food, water, and health monitoring ) ** Provide daily cleaning and sanitizing of enclosures ** Follow strict guidelines for all required tasks ** Maintain written documentation Synageva offers a generous & competitive employee benefits package including Health & Dental Insurance, Paid Vacation Time, Holiday Pay, and a 401K Plan with company match
19” Sanyo TV, remote & manual. Works perfect. $30.00 Firm. |508-853-1385
Help build a better life for a foster child with Massachusetts MENTOR. As a foster parent you will receive a $350 tax free weekly stipend per child, 24/7 support, & ongoing Skill Development Opportunities. Foster Children have their own health insurance & additional money is provided for quarterly clothing allowances, birthdays, & holidays. Please call MENTOR today at 508-368-2710 or visit www.makeadifference
BICYCLES-2 Huffy Rockslide Mountain Series. 10 speed index. 26" wheels. $100 B/O 978-534-6974 Color TV, 19”. Good spare. Needs cable or digital converter. $20.00 508-425-1150 Couch 78’’ Brown contemporary/2 paisley pillows excellent condition $100.00 508/886-8820 Glass top kitchen/dining room set. 36”x60”, 4 fabric captains chairs. $325.00 508-886-6036 Jeep Wrangler Hard Top, gray, power rear wiper, good condition. Fits 1987-1995 $350.00 978-464-5799
ITEMS UNDER $2,013 Man’s Electric Hair Clippers w/attachments. Only used twice. $5.00 Call 978-534-8632 Matching coffee table and side table. Exc. cond. Asking $40.00 or b.o. Cash. Will deliver locally. 508-829-9240 Michelin Tires (3x) MXV4/ XSE-205/55R16 70% Orig. thread. $130 508-756-7957 New Boston Red Sox World Series T-Shirt $25.00 508-764-1439 New Material, Stripes Brown & Red. 54” wide by 9.33 yards. $10.00 978-534-4373 Pool Equipment: Hayward filter & pump+deck, ladders, sol/win covers for lg ag pool $500/BO 978-464-5875 Soloflex Exc. Cond. Butterfly attachment. $100 508-752-1471 Stearns Inflatable Kayak- IK116, 1person$300 508-847-3000
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Call Carrie at 978-728-4302 or email Deadline: Monday, Noon.
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33 Items Under
in the
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WORCESTER-Lg, 3 bds, 3rd fl, Hardwoods, Hookups, fully applianced, gas heat. Very sunny & Bright, on Grafton Street & corner of a Dead in Street, only $ 880.00 call 508523-9719 or caroline@ 508-523-9719
AUTO/ATV Old Orchard Beach 2BD, 2BA Sleeps six. Enclosed porch w/dining. Walk to beach. Close to amusements. No smoking, no pets. $1400/week. Call 508 -347-9804
2005 Suzuki King Quad 700 Less than 1400 miles. Mint condition. Has winch and plow. $4500.00 508-987-1109 AUTO/MOTORCYCLE
MILLBURY-3RM, 1BD Close to Mass Pike, Rt. 20, 146. Off 122. Off st. prkg. Stove, refrig, ht wt. $700/m 1st/sec. 508-757-4610 Please leave message.
2008 Honda Metropolitan Scooter Black and gray. Mint cond. 469 miles. Asking $1650.00. Includes helmet. 207-289-9362 OR 207-4501492.
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RUTLAND CENTER 3BD Carriage House. Sun deck, cathedral ceilings, skylights. 1.5BA $1095/m Incl. FREE HOT WATER. Refs. req. No pets. 978257-0202
_________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
Maximum 4 lines (approx. 20 characters per line). We reserve the right to edit if ads come in that are too long. NO phone orders accepted. See ways to submit above. Merchandise Ads Only - NO autos, snowmobiles, RV’s, trailers, boats, ATV’s, etc. We have a special rate for these ads ($20 till it sells). NO business Ads accepted for this section. If we suspect the ads are being sent in by a business, we reserve the right to refuse. Limit 1 ad per name/address/phone number every 2 weeks. Ads will run for 2 weeks. Limit 1 item per ad (group of items OK if one price for all and under $2013) Price must be listed in ad. NO Cemetery Plots
DEADLINE FRIDAY 5 PM to begin following week • HAPPY TREASURE HUNTING! ITEMS UNDER $2,013 Utility Trailer $50.00 firm. 978-249-4596 Yale Combination Safe. Cir 1920’s 2’w x 2’d x 3’h U pick up. $249.00 978-422-7792 FURNITURE BRAND NEW Queen Pillow Top Mattress Set $150.00 508-410-7050 Queen pillowtop mattress set -NEW- $149
Still in plastic, can deliver. Call Luke 774-823-6692 WANTED TO BUY
HOLDEN-30 Valley Hill Dr. Saturday, May 25th, 8am2pm. Fifty years of accumulation. Household goods, antiques & collectibles, tools and more. Take Lovell Rd. to Scenic to Valley Hill.
NORTH BROOKFIELD TOWN WIDE YARD SALE Sat. May 25, 9-3 Maps sold day of sale at Town House on Main St info
Buying All Nintendo related stuff or any toys from the 70’s & 80’s Call Mike 508-579-5048
SUTTON-403 Central Turnpike May 25th & 26th, Saturday & Sunday, 8am1pm. Christmas items, furniture, children’s toys, antiques and more. WORCESTER29 Cliveden St. May 25th & 26th, Saturday & Sunday, 9am-3pm. Clothing, end tables, coffee table, lamps,iComfort king mattress, and much more
REAL ESTATE APARTMENT FOR RENT BURNCOAT/GREENDALE 1 BD, laundry, appl’s & off st. park. HT/HW incl’d. From $775.00. 508-852-6001
• M AY 23 , 2 0 13
HOUSE FOR RENT MAGNIFICENT TRI LEVEL TOWN HOME AT Salisbury Green, 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, updated kitchen, Huge Master Suite, Deck, Double deep Garage, finished Walk out basement to very private yard. POOL, Throw Away your shovel. EASY living at it’s best. Only $259,900.00 or rent for $1995/m. 508523-9719 or caroline@ CONDOMINIUM FOR SALE Holden- Village at Westminster Place 2 Units available now. One floor living 2 bed 2 bath 2 car gar, full basement, hardwood floor, granite countertops, stainless appliances $319,990 & 3 bed single family 2 car gar $349,990. Only one member of the household need be over 55. Call today for showing 508-881-6662 Fafard Real Estate VACATION PROPERTY FOR RENT Cape Cod, S. Harwich Comfortable home w/all amenities. Sleeps 6. Secluded yet near everything. Avail. July 13-20; August 10th on. 7/10th of a mile to beach. $1200/w Call 774364-1604
Car For Sale? Truck for Sale? RV? SUV? RUN YOUR AD UNTIL IT SELLS! ONLY $20 FOR SIX LINES FOR ALL 4 PAPERS UNTIL IT SELLS! Reaching 90,000 readers in PRINT & ONLINE Contact Carrie at 978-728-4302 (we monitor daily for scammers!)
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TOWN OF MILLBURY MILLBURY FINANCE COMMITTEE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE, in accordance with Section 6-7: Action on the Budget, of the Millbury Charter, the Finance Committee will hold a public hearing on the proposed Fiscal Year 2014 operating budget. The hearing will be held at the Millbury Municipal Office Building on Monday, Monday, June 3, 2013 at 7:00PM. Michael O’Connor, Chairman 5/23/2013 MS
TOWN OF MILLBURY MILLBURY PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE In accordance with Chapter 41 of the Massachusetts General Laws, Section 81-T, the Millbury Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Monday, June 10, 2013 at 7:45 p.m. in the Municipal Office Building, 127 Elm Street, Millbury, MA on the application of Jennifer Dufresne, property located at 25 Upton Street, Millbury, Massachusetts, owned by Karen McFadden, for a Definitive Subdivision Plan, creating one additional lot that has insufficient frontage. The plan is available for inspection in the Planning Board office. Anyone wishing to be heard on this application should appear at the time and place designated above. Richard Gosselin Chairman 5/23, 5/30/2013
TOWN OF SUTTON ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TO ALL INTERESTED INHABITANTS OF THE TOWN OF SUTTON In accordance with the provisions of M.G.L. Ch. 40A, §11, the Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing at the Sutton Town Hall, on June 6, 2013 at 7:30pm on the petition of Gary Vaillancourt. The petitioner requests a variance from III(B)(3)( Footnote 13) of the town’s zoning bylaws for relief from the 60% contiguous upland requirement . The property that is the subject of this petition is located at 612 Central Turnpike, Sutton MA on Assessors Map #35, Parcel #44. The property is located in the R-1 Zoning District. A copy of the petition may be inspected during normal office hours in the Town Clerk’s Office located in the Town Hall. Any person interested or wishing to be heard on this variance petition should appear at the time and place designated. Richard Deschenes Board of Appeals Clerk 5/23, 5/30/2013
WORCESTER HOUSING AUTHORITY INVITATION FOR BIDS The Worcester Housing Authority will receive sealed bids for the Proposed Elevator Upgrades until 10:00 AM on Thursday, June 20, 2013 at the office of the Worcester Housing Authority, Modernization / New Development Office, 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01605 at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. The project consists of 3 locations; work includes but is not limited to: · Lafayette Place: Hydraulic Elevator – Full Modernization · Curran Apartments, Alternate #1: Hydraulic Elevator – Full Modernization · Webster Square Towers East, Alternate #2: Traction Elevator – Selected Component Upgrades Estimated construction cost is $744,130. All bids must conform with provisions of Mass. General Laws, Chapter 30, Section 39M and Chapter 149, Section 44A to 44L inclusive and the Instruction to Bidders. This is a Little Davis Bacon Federal Wage Rate Project. General Bidders shall be certified by the Division of Capital Asset Management (DCAM) in the following category of work: Elevators. Bid Forms and Contract Documents will be available for pickup at Worcester Housing Authority, 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01605 (Telephone 508-635-3302) after 8 am until 4:00 PM beginning Wednesday, May 22, 2013 by depositing $50 in the form of a company check, made payable to the Worcester Housing Authority, for each set obtained. The amount of the deposit will be refunded to each person who returns the plans, specifications and other documents in good condition within ten (10) days after bid opening. Bidders requesting Contract documents be mailed to them shall include a separate check in the amount of $40.00 for each set payable to the Worcester Housing Authority to cover mailing and handling costs. The Contract Documents may be seen, but not removed at: F.W. Dodge, MHC/Joseph Merritt & Co., 17 Everberg Rd, Unit C, Woburn, MA 01801 (781-430-2008) Reed Construction Data, 30 Technology Pkwy South, Ste 500, Norcross, GA 30092 (203-426-0450) Project Dog, 18 Graf Road-Unit 8, Newburyport, MA 01950, Tel: 978-499-9014 Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid guaranty in the form of a bid bond at 5%, issued by a responsible surety company licensed to do business in Massachusetts, or a certified check, or a treasurer’s or cashier’s check issued by a responsible bank or trust company, made payable to the Worcester Housing Authority as follows and attention is called to the following: a. Provisions for Equal Employment Opportunity. b. Provisions for payment of not less than the minimum wages set forth in the Specifications. c. Provisions of Ch 14, Acts of 1966, Imposing a Temporary Sales Tax, Section 1, Subsection 6 (d) and (k) exempting the Authority from the operation of such a chapter. d Requirement to furnish and pay for a Performance Bond and Labor and Materials Bond as set forth in the Specifications. e Insurance Certificate indicating coverage for public liability, property damage and workers compensation, in accordance with the Contract Requirements, must be filed by the successful bidder upon signing of the Contract. Each General Bid shall be accompanied by: (1) Form of General Bid (2) Signed Prime/General Update Statement (3) Bid Bond (4) Form HUD-5369A Representations, Certifications & Other Statements of Bidders (5) Form of Non-Collusive Affidavit (6) Previous Participation Form HUD 2530 A Pre-Bid Conference will be held at all Project sites beginning at 2 Lafayette Place, Lafayette Place, Worcester, MA, then proceeding to the other two sites as mentioned in the bid documents at 1:00 PM on Wednesday, June 5,, 2013 at which time bidders will be invited to visit the project site(s) with the Engineer and a Worcester Housing Authority Representative. Failure to attend or visit the premises shall be no defense in failure to perform contract terms. The Worcester Housing Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waiver any informalities in the bidding if it is in the public interest to do so. No bid of a General Bidder shall be withdrawn, after opening thereof, prior to thirty (30) days, Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays excluded, of the award of the general contract, without the consent of the Worcester Housing Authority. Worcester Housing Authority Arthur T. Sisko, Chairperson
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Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Probate and Family Court Worcester Probate and Family Court 225 Main Street Worcester, MA 01608 Docket No. WO13D1271DR DIVORCE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION AND MAILING Nora Sanford vs. Wesley Sanford To the Defendant: The Plaintiff has filed a Complaint for Divorce requesting that the Court grant a divorce for Cruel and abusive treatment or a 1B no fault. The Complaint is on file at the Court. An Automatic Restraining Order has been entered in this matter preventing you from taking any action which would negatively impact the current financial status of either party. SEE Supplemental Probate Court Rule 411. You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon: David William Sugarman Esq. Glickman & Sugarman 11 Harvard St., Box 2917 Worcester, MA 01613 your answer, if any, on or before 07/26/2013. If you fail to do so, the court will proceed to the hearing and adjudication of this action. You are also required to file a copy of your answer, if any, in the office of the Register of this Court. Witness, Hon. Denise L. Meagher, First Justice of this Court. Date: May 7, 2013 Stephen G. Abraham Register of Probate 05/23/2013 WM
Central Mass
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ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The Worcester Housing Authority, the Awarding Authority, invites sealed bids from General Contractors for the Curtis Apartments’ Entry Concrete Repair Project of Housing for the Worcester Housing Authority in Worcester, Massachusetts, in accordance with the documents prepared by Lenard Engineering, Inc. The Project consists of: The removal and repair of concrete landings and stairs including partial demolition, removal and resetting of handrails, concrete crack repair and shallow spall repair. The work is estimated to cost $95,612 Bids are subject to M.G.L. c.149 §44AJ & to minimum wage rates as required by M.G.L. c.l49 §§26 to 27H inclusive. General Bids will be received until 2:00 PM Wednesday June 5, 2013 and publicly opened, forthwith. All Bids should be sent to: 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01605 and received no later than the date & time specified above. General bids shall be accompanied by a bid deposit that is not less than five (5%) of the greatest possible bid amount (considering all alternates), and made payable to the Worcester Housing Authority Bid Forms and Contract Documents will be available for pick-up at 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01605 on May 22, 2013 after 9:00 AM. There is a plan deposit of $50 per set (maximum of 2 sets) payable to the Awarding Authority. Deposits must be a certified or cashier’s check. This deposit will be refunded for up to two sets for general bidders and for one set for sub-bidders upon return of the sets in good condition within thirty days of receipt of general bids. Otherwise the deposit shall be the property of the Awarding Authority. Additional sets may be purchased for $50 Bidders requesting Contract Documents to be mailed to them shall include a separate check for $40 per set for UPS Ground (or $65 per set for UPS Overnight), payable to the Worcester Housing Authority, to cover mail handling costs. The site will be available for inspection at 1:00 PM on Tuesday May 28, 2013, at 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01605. For an appointment call John Sullivan at 508.635.3313. The Contract Documents may be obtained by electronic media at: F.W. Dodge, 34 Crosby Drive, suite 201, Bedford, MA, 01730 (860-474-5387) Reed Construction Data, 30 Tech Pkwy South, Ste 500, Norcross, GA 30092 (203-426-0450) Project Dog, 18 Graf Road-Unit 8, Newburyport, MA 01950, (978-499-9014) 5/23, 5/30/2013 WM
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A.C. 92A 13E0023PP COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS WORCESTER, SS. PROBATE COURT To Eric T. Shaw and Anita Tsantinis both of Leicester in the County of Worcester and to all other persons interested. A petition has been presented to said Court by Stacey Anderson-Milburn of Shepersville in the State of Kentucky and Stefan Anderson of Murrieta in the State of California representing that they holds as tenant in common undivided part or share of lying in Leicester in said County Worcester and briefly described as follows: See Attached Description setting forth that they desires that all the aforesaid described part of said land may be sold at private sale for not less than $115,000.00 dollars, and praying that partition may be made of all the land aforesaid according to law, and to that end that a commissioner be appointed to make such partition and be ordered to make sale and conveyance of all, or any part of said land which the Court finds cannot be advantageously divided either at private sale or public auction, and be ordered to distribute the net proceeds thereof. If you desire to object thereto you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said court at Worcester before ten o’clock in the forenoon on the twenty-eighth day of May 2013, the return day of this citation. Witness, DENISE MEAGHER, Esquire, First Judge of said Court this twenty-ninth day of April 2013. Stephen G Abraham Register of Probate 5/9, 5/16, 5/23/2013 MS
• M AY 23 , 2 0 13
TOWN OF MILLBURY SPECIAL TOWN MEETING The Board of Selectmen, Town of Millbury, has called a special town meeting for Tuesday, June 18, 2013 at 7:00 pm in the auditorium of the Millbury Memorial High School, 12 Martin Street. Petitioned warrant articles are due in the Office of the Board of selectmen no later than 4:30 pm on Thursday, May 23, 2013. A special voter registration will take place on Saturday, June 8, 2013 from 8:30 am to 8:00 pm in the Town Clerk’s office at 127 Elm Street, Millbury. 5/16, 5/23/2013 MS
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SGT. Bakerlis, Neal Paul, almost 5 years of service in the U.S. Army, stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Neal is a combat engineer, and military airborne. This is his second deployment, his first deployment was in Iraq in 2010. We are so happy you are home safe Neal, we are so proud of you! Neal returned home in March after a 9 month deployment to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Neal is a 2007 graduate of Bay Path Vocational Technical High school in Charlton, grew up in Dudley. When he is home he lives in Worcester. We are so proud of him and thank him and his troops for their enduring sacrifice and service to our country!!! Happy Memorial Day to you and your troops! Written by Julie Ugalde, mom (Worcester, MA), Mark P. Bakerlis of Sterling MA., (dad), Jeff Ugalde, step-dad of Worcester, MA.
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Home Of The Free, Thanks To The Brave MILITARY HERO OF THE WEEK: PFC ANDREA STOLFI PFC Andrea Stolfi is a 2012 graduate of Leominster High. She entered the U.S, Marine Corp. on December 16, 2012 graduated from Parris Island, SC Marine Boot Camp March 15, 2013 and is now attending Electrician schooling in Camp LeJuene, NC. We are very proud of Andrea and her accomplishments and we feel blessed to be part of the U.S. Marine.Corp family. God Bless our Troops! Submitted by proud Mom & Dad, Debbie & Carl Stolfi.
Eric Dittelman
From joining the underground improv group Penguin Apocalypse to becoming a semi-finalist on the starstudded reality show, “America’s Got Talent,” Central Mass. comedian and mind-reader Eric Dittelman has recently made a name for himself. On Friday, May 24, Dittelman, in addition to a few other performers, will be coming to The Hanover Theatre for the Worcester Cares – Boston Strong variety show to benefit The One Fund Boston. In addition to his comedic stage performance, Dittelman also has a passion for his community and wants Boston to know that Worcester is about community, support and joining together amidst a national tragedy. Worcester Mag caught up with Dittelman to talk about the upcoming benefit show.
Where in Central Mass. did you grow up? I lived and grew up in Westborough. I’ve been to Worcester many times, but this will by first time being inside The Hanover Theatre.
Is the show family friendly? Yes, the show will be a benefit show and it is good for all ages. All of the proceeds will go to the One Fund. None of the acts in the show are getting paid. We’re all doing this for Boston.
How did the show come about? The show is sort of my brainchild. After being a semi-finalist on “America’s Got Talent,” I have a newly-acquired celeb. status. I got affected by the [bombing] tragedy, hitting close to home, so I helped out. I found and contacted acts even before I got a venue. Hanover [Theatre] was more than happy to host the event, and things leading up to the show have been going great. I knew a guy from the a capella group, Five O’Clock Shadow, but most of the acts were happy to do it because it was for a good cause. All the judges from “America’s Got Talent” were really supportive, [Howard] Stern talked about me, he got my name out there. Last week I was on the Ellen DeGeneres show. I loved Ellen and she liked what I did, she wanted me to come back on.
What inspired you to do comedy and mind reading? I got into magic tricks
when I was young; I watched David
Copperfield and I started to did tricks as a hobby. Separately, I was involved in improv. I always wondered why magic works on people and the psychology behind it. I then went to Vegas and started studying with professional mentalists. My main goal is just to entertain people and have fun. I’m not making anyone great claims, anyone can do what I do in 10 years training.
What has been your best and worst reaction to a joke or to a mind-read? (Laughs) No reactions are ever really bad, people freak out when you reveal names because the name can be so personal to them. The audience feels great because they are involved in the process. Sharon Osbourne had one of the best reactions ever when I revealed a name she just created in her head.
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? I’m constantly working on new routines and I’m in an improv troupe based out of Westborough and Natick. We go by two names usually, Natick Improv and Penguin Apocalypse.
What is your favorite trick? I call them routines, but my favorite is my blindfold routine. I pick out a member of the audience and I have them draw whatever they want. I then tell them what they drew even though I can’t see it. My show is all about fun and inspired by games and things people
Two minutes with...
do for fun. I like to think of it as a live version of Pictionary.
In your blogs, every picture you take is with Waldo from “Where’s Waldo?” Why is that? That’s something fun that I’ve been doing when I’m on the road. It encourages me to go out into the world and kind of see where I’ve been. Since being on television, a lot of people recognized me, especially for my last name, Dittelman.
What will you be doing at the benefit show? Do you have any new tricks lined up for the show? I’m going to be doing some stuff that I was known for on “America’s Got Talent.” I’m also doing some brand new routines, it’s pretty amazing and I can’t say anything more than that until you see the show.
What were you doing during the Boston Marathon this year? I was home in Westborough. I was actually supposed to go to a Red Sox game but I couldn’t get tickets. So I just stayed home and just watched the marathon. It was pretty shocking and devastating, it hit so close to home and there were so many people affected by it. The show is called Worcester Cares and it’s about the Worcester community showing support. I’ve done a lot of shows within Worcester County, and I had some connections to Worcester. Worcester does care.
What can you tell us about the other performers from the show? Sam James, from “The Voice,” he was on Adam Levine’s team. I just called him up and he was more than happy to join and hop on; he can sing, he’s from
Worcester. I encourage everyone to come out and see that. The a capella group, Five O’Clock Shadow, has traveled all over the world. They were voted VH1’s best undiscovered vocal band. These are six guys making music and vocals with just the sound of their voice. That will be fun. Shanna Jackson, another performer from Central Mass., country singer will be there. She has opened up for Blake Sheldon and is on the next country singers to watch list. “X-Factor” singer Skyler has performed all over the East Coast. Steve Donovan from WXLO will be emceeing the event. He is a great comedian in his own right. I’m really excited to say this, but I have recently just added another act but I cannot announce who it is. It’s a mystery act. To find out who it is, go to the show. All I can say is that the mystery act may or may not be from “America’s Got Talent.” This show is very endearing to me. We want to show that we are a true community that comes together for a good cause.
Will Waldo be visiting the Hanover Theatre? (Laughs) Haha, I don’t think so, Waldo has been to Worcester many times already. The show starts at 8 p.m. All proceeds will go directly to The One Fund Boston. The Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts, 2 Southbridge St. Tickets are $30-$40, and are also available by calling 877-571SHOW (7469). More information and tickets can be found at www.
-Colin Burdett, Contributing Writer JANUARY 3, 2013 • WORCESTERMAG.COM
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