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WORCESTER June 20 - 26, 2013 worcestermag.com

A towering concern on Tory Fort Lane Page 5


Food truck festival returns Page 15





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inside stories

hroughout my early adult life, I went on a parallel journey with the members of Worcester band Zonkaraz. While I was out playing with Albatross, Paul Vuona and the rest of Zonkaraz were doing their thing. We hardly ever saw each other, but we were still close. Not too many people get to experience what we all went though. After our lives settled down to a semblance of normalcy, Paul took over a edgling watering hole in downtown Worcester called the Firehouse Cafe. It was Walter Crockett who actually convinced me to go visit Paul and ask for a chance to play piano and sing at his bar (Walter also convinced me to try writing). This is where I got to know Paul as the gentleman that he is. Other characters in this week’s story about Zonkarz’s musical journey have been in and out of my life in special ways, from Joanne in my high school years, to Jon Webster, who I had the honor of playing in bands with, to Ric Porter, who I have only recently had a chance to get to know better. These relationships made writing this story very personal and fun. Life long friendships create a special bond and ours are still strong.

-Jim Perry, Contributing writer

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ABOUT THE COVER Photo by Hilary Markiewicz Design by Kimberly Vasseur




{ citydesk }

June 20 - 26, 2013 ■ Volume 38, Number 42

Accidents common in areas around planned road projects HILARY MARKIEWICZ

Walter Bird Jr.


here have been dozens of accidents in and around the two areas where the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) will be performing massive road work, lending a heightened sense of concern over the safety of motorists and pedestrians both during and after the projects. The MassDOT is planning multimillion-dollar projects that include the reconstruction of the Belmont Street Bridge over Interstate 290 (about $9.7 million) and the Lincoln Street Phase 2 Reconstruction Project (about $5.5 million). In both cases, construction will be done in areas that have seen a number of motor vehicle- and pedestrian-related accidents in recent years. Many area residents, city officials and businesses have attended public hearings for both projects, voicing loud and clear their concerns, not just about the inconvenience that will be caused, but about safety issues they fear could become worse as a result of ongoing construction, even though safety is among the reasons the projects are being done. “I think it’s going to make [safety] worse,” says Bruce Hoffner, owner of Lincoln Auto & Truck at 590 Lincoln St. and a vocal critic of the project design. “I’m not opposed to the project. I’m opposed to the piss-poor engineering.” The Lincoln Street project will include

widening of the street to include a fourfoot-wide shoulder on each side, new sidewalks and turning lanes at Lincoln Plaza. In addition, a roundabout will be constructed at the intersection of Lincoln Street, Boylston Street and Benson Avenue. If the hope is to ease the congestion of a notoriously congested road, Hoffner says state officials are striking out. “I own property in Manhattan,” he says. “I can get from 42nd Street to Grand Central Station in the same time or less than it takes to drive up Lincoln Street.” The planned Belmont Street Bridge project will replace the road deck, superstructure and center pier of the bridge. The new bridge will be wider than the current bridge, creating a leftturn lane for vehicles turning left off Belmont Street onto I-290 westbound. During the project a temporary pedestrian bridge will be installed. As part of their efforts to promote safety, planners are considering the use of rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFB) and signage with high-intensity lighting. Residents and officials want more. Of particular concern is the crosswalk area in front of UMass Memorial Hospital, which is just up the road eastbound from the project area. “I would hope that this is not the final decision on that crosswalk area because it is such a critical area,” District 2 City Councilor Phil Palmieri says. “I wouldn’t know what one of the high-intensity lights look like or whether they’re

Lincoln Auto & Truck owner Bruce Hoffner stands beside his business on busy Lincoln Street. strong enough to catch the undivided attention of vehicles that are passing [through]. There are lots of vehicles, lots of pedestrians, and whether high intensity lights are answer to this issue, I’m not convinced at this point. I would hope we would also look at some of these intersected streets that cross on Belmont as well.”

WOO-TOWN INDE X A weekly quality of life check-in of Worcester

CSX declares “substantial completion” of its rail yard project and pays the city $5 million for the Neighborhood Improvement Fund, which City Manager Mike O’Brien subsequently recommends for three specific uses. +3

On one recent warm and sunny day, the prostitutes were out in force in Main South, with one of them approaching a reporter’s car and asking if he “wanted to go for a ride.” The answer was no. -2

The issuing of parking tickets in Worcester is always contentious, but even more so for one motorist who parked alongside a building on Oread Street where there were absolutely no signs denoting it a no-parking area – and earned a $50 fine. -2

An otherwise dreary week of weather gave way to a near-perfect weekend of sunshine in the Worcester area, which proved a good thing for events such as Rep the Peace in Main South. +3

A recent discovery at UMass Medical School involving fruit flies could lead to better understanding of how the brain uses memory and stimuli to produce classically-conditioned responses. +2

The Ed Markey Rally at WPI was frustrating for some reporters, including a Boston Herald scribe, when they were told after the rally they, unlike the rest of the crowd, were not allowed to approach the receiving line for Markey, Bill Clinton and other special guests. They were allowed only after being told they could not pose any questions. -2

Residents, city officials and business owners and representatives in both instances have stressed the need to emphasize safety both during and after construction. In the case of the Lincoln Street project, one man suggests the work will actually make the area less


continued on page 6

Total for this week:

A mini-WRTA bus is observed swerving onto the other side of a road to prevent a vehicle from passing – even though it was an area marked with dotted lines, allowing vehicles to pass. The operator of the bus then slammed on its brakes. Road rage, anyone? -2

+3 -2 -2 +3 +2 -2 +2 -2 4


Clark University hosts screening of SPIT-IT Youth Produced Films, featuring work from several Worcester youths. +2

{ citydesk }

A towering concern on Tory Fort Lane Walter Bird Jr.


im Sullivan describes it as four years of hell. National Grid calls it an inconvenience. City officials and other area residents appear to land more in Sullivan’s camp when it comes to the National Grid (NGrid) substation on Tory Fort Lane, where company officials want to build a new 80-foot tower as part of the Smart Grid pilot program. Area residents are saying, “Not in our backyard,� and in some cases the project is almost literally in the backyard of homeowners. Sullivan for example, can kneel on the deck behind his house and get a clear view of the Cooks Pond substation, which is less than 100 feet from his home. He is 100 percent against the proposed new tower. Many opponents are also firm in their resolve against the Smart Grid program itself, an effort that involves roughly 15,000 Worcester residents who would utilize so-called smart meters that NGrid says are aimed at helping customers better understand and monitor their energy consumption. Critics say it could actually increase their monthly bills. Their anger also stems from having to opt out of the program, which is otherwise automatically implemented for customers within the service area. Tory Fort Lane residents, in particular, are outraged over what they say has been the gradual elimination of a playground they used as kids, but has since been virtually eliminated by the substation – even though a sign still indicates there is a playground in the area. “The park was the front yard of the substation,� Sullivan says. “Four years ago they started the construction project next door. It has been four years of hell. There are port-a-potties and a drainage ditch in the project area. The noise is constant. I live with a hum 24 hours a day. I’ve lived there 18 years and I have three kids. For 14 years I used to have a beautiful field. I used to help take care of it. I played football there, softball, soccer with my kids. We’d like it back.� NGrid officials have contended there was no playground in the area. However, they have also indicated they are listening to customers’ concerns – a recent meeting drew protesters and some city officials out in droves. A scheduled hearing with the Zoning Board of Appeals

on the proposal for Tory Fort Lane for Monday, June 17 was postponed until Monday, July 8 to allow NGrid officials a chance to address some of the concerns. The company is seeking a special permit to go ahead with the new lattice tower, which would replace the existing 55foot wooden pole as well as install three WiMAX-mounted antennas and two microwave antennas to a 10-foot mast extension on the new pole. Two other proposed projects – at the existing Vernon Hill and Greendale electric substations – remained on the agenda. “After the [previous] meeting we agreed we’d go back and look at [the proposal],� says NGrid Smart Grid Project Manager Bill Jones. “The ZBA meeting was a week away and we didn’t feel it was fair to move ahead until the neighbors had responded to our plans to address their concerns.� Jones says NGrid has been “exchanging emails� with one neighborhood representative of Tory Fort Lane, who he identified as Karen Belliveau. Her house is just up the hill and also affords a clear view of the proposed antenna. Jones says NGrid representatives will meet directly with area residents, although a date has not yet been chosen. Jones says it is important to be able to build the new tower at the substation to be able to maintain a quality of service. “We heard what they said,� Jones says of the neighborhood’s concerns. “We’re working with the community and neighborhood to continue the dialogue.� The issue goes even deeper than one neighborhood’s concerns. The group HaltMAsmartmeters (HMSM) has rallied against the installation of smart meters and was in Boston earlier this week supporting a bill aimed at helping residents negatively impacted by the meters. Their concerns include the health effects of smart meters, which they say emit radiation that may exceed federal limits. They also believe the meters are an invasion of privacy. For some people, such as Sullivan, the only words they want to hear from NGrid and its smart meter program are “We’re out of here.� He says NGrid has only just now started tending to the area – after a neighborhood outcry. “It had been nothing but a field of grass,� he says of the one-time playground area. “Now,

continued on page 6


Tim Sullivan, a Tory Fort Lane resident, looks off his deck at National Grid’s Cooks Pond substation.




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{ citydesk }

ACCIDENTS continued from page 6

safe. State highway officials, who have welcomed dozens at public forums on both projects, insist they are listening. At a recent hearing on the Belmont Street Bridge project, MassDOT Highway Division representative Tom Emerick assured about 20 or so people safety is not being left on the drawing board as the department makes its plans. “Our ultimate goal is to have the safest project we can,” Emerick says. “We decided we really need to get pedestrians away from the work zones, away from equipment, away from vehicles. Adding signalized crossings, we thought, was important. All the temporary ramps will be ADA accessible. Everybody should be able to traverse both sides of bridge. If things aren’t quite the way we think they are, we’ll get better signage.” On Belmont Street, the two most dangerous areas are just east of the


bridge. According to data provided by the Police Department’s Traffic Division, the intersection of Belmont Street and Oak Ave., just before UMass Memorial Hospital heading up Belmont Street, saw 30 reported accidents from 2008-10. Of them, eight were hit-and-runs and one involved a pedestrian. The second most dangerous spot, according to the statistics, is the area at 104 Belmont St., across from the hospital. From 2008-10 there were 26 reported accidents. As with Belmont and Oak, there were eight hit-and-runs and an incident involving a pedestrian. A bit west of the proposed construction site, at 1 Belmont St., there were 7 accidents, including a hit-and-run and a pedestrian-related incident. For Lincoln Street, Worcester Mag examined reported accident history of 2012. Long a congested road that carries motorists north from downtown Worcester to Lincoln Plaza and toward



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Boylston, Lincoln Street is fed a steady diet of motor vehicle accidents. It is the densely inhabited area around Lincoln Plaza – and near Hoffner’s business – that saw the most activity in 2012. At 591 Lincoln St., at the corner of Oriol Drive, there were five reported accidents in 2012. A little south, near Lincoln Plaza, at 548 Lincoln Street there were 10 reported accidents, two involving a pedestrian and one hit-and-run. The area at 541 Lincoln Street was the site of 12 reported accidents, including four hit-and-runs. The only other area along that stretch with as many hit-and-runs was 481 Lincoln Street, where there were seven accidents. While the police department’s data did not identify which incidents resulted in fatalities, Hoffner notes there have been pedestrians killed around that area of Lincoln Street after being struck by a motor vehicle. “There is a high probability of accidents in that area,” he says. In particular, Hoffner highlights the Methadone clinic at Spectrum Health Services, located at 585 Lincoln St. In addition, there is a hotel on Oriol Drive as well as elderly care services. Across the street there is an eye doctor. “They can’t see too well coming out of there,” Hoffner

says. “You have the Methadone clinic. They have to be there at certain times to get their fix. They come out and they’re not on top of things. You get people not familiar with the trappings of the area.” The area is especially dangerous, he adds, because of the hotel where some homeless families find shelter. “You’ve got school buses coming in and out and little kids around because they’re basically homeless, walking to the hotel, dodging all those cars.” Hoffner says he has sought copies of the construction plans so he could have them analyzed and respond to them, but has not been given all of the information. He does not believe the project will have the intended result of increasing safety. “They say they have this study and that study,” he says. “Well, their data is screwed. They’re in total denial that they’ve screwed it up. All you have to do is drive up the street and look.”

NATIONAL GRID continued from page 5

will go up instead of down. “If the true purpose is to get people more energy efficient, then incentivize people by discounting them in certain ways. It’s clear the opposite’s going to happen. They’re going to wind up charging people more for using energy in peak hours. This whole notion they’re trying to save people money and educate people without telling them, ‘At the end of the day, we’re charging you more.’” While people like Sullivan contend that NGrid pulled out its trucks only after complaints were made, Jones says NGrid was just finishing up work there and relandscaping the area when it convened the meeting. It was, he suggests, a matter of timing. “We were expecting they would be concerned about some of those elements,” he says. “We were really concerned they were inconvenienced for that long period of time.” That said, Jones believes the work that has been done at the substation, along with Smart Grid, will benefit customers in and around Tory Fort Lane. “I’d like to believe people will see those benefits,” he says. “At the end of the day, if we’re unable to do this the customers many not get the benefits of this advanced [system].”

[two weeks ago], all of a sudden, the landscape trucks showed up when they found there was going to be a problem. When they found out they were going to have a fight, all of a sudden things started getting cleared out. All the trailers that were there are gone. They planted bushes and trees. They brought in loam and hydro-seeded it, which is all washed up now because of the rain.” Sullivan says the most troubling issue for him is what he sees as empty promises made. “My biggest thing is for four years they’re saying, ‘We’re good neighbors.’ The first I heard of this was when I went to a Conservation Commission meeting.” He had gone there, he says, because NGrid needed to change its easement for drainage purposes. “I asked them to stake the property line this time. When they did it a year or two earlier, they had put steps in … they were a foot or two on my property. I wanted them removed. That was a two- or three-month process. I find it hard to believe anything they say. I’m very exasperated by this.” Morris Bergman, who is seeking an at-large seat on the City Council, was at the meeting earlier this month where neighbors voiced their concerns. “I think everyone is on the same page that this is a serious concern for the neighborhood,” he says. “[The substation] doesn’t seem like it ever belonged. I think National Grid heard a lot of anger, a lot of legitimate complaints.” Bergman is among those opposed to the Smart Grid program overall, because he believes customers’ electricity rates

Have a news tip or story idea? You can reach Walter Bird Jr. at 508-7493166, ext. 143 or by email at wbird@ worcestermag.com. Follow Walter on Twitter @walterbirdjr. And don’t miss Walter every Thursday morning at 8:35 with Paul Westcott on WTAG 580AM.

Have a news tip or story idea? You can reach Walter Bird Jr. at 508-7493166, ext. 143 or by email at wbird@ worcestermag.com. Follow Walter on Twitter @walterbirdjr. And don’t miss Walter every Thursday morning at 8:35 with Paul Westcott on WTAG 580AM.

{ citydesk } V E R BATI M I’m proud to be a Democrat and I’m proud to be from Worcester, Mass. We’re the party that cares for every working man and woman throughout America and the world.” – Worcester Mayor Joe Petty, the first speaker at a rally at WPI for Democratic US Sen. Candidate Ed Markey on Saturday


CUT-RATE THIEF: If you’re going to smash a car window to break in, maybe you should wear gloves. Oh, and keep your shoes on. Matthew Pellerin, 32, 41 May St., apparently did neither. Police say he broke into a woman’s car near May and Hollywood streets Tuesday, June 11 around 2 a.m. When she and a friend ran after him, he took off into the building at 41 May. Police at the scene observed a smashed-out rear window and found blood on the center console. They also found a sneaker. Turns out it belonged to Pellerin. Cops found him in a room inside the May Street building, where he was wearing a black sweater and grey sweatpants. He was also soaking wet and was bleeding from a cut on his hand. After the woman identified him as the person she saw fleeing her car, police arrested Pellerin and charged him with breaking and entering in a motor vehicle with the intent to commit a felony. (UN)FAIR FIGHT: Jamal Blakney apparently wanted an edge during a recent fight because witnesses say the 18-year-old pulled a gun and aimed it at a victim during a fight Sunday, June 16 shortly after midnight. With a detailed description, cops soon found Blakney walking along Vinton Street. When they attempted to approach him, police say he reached for his waistband and started running. He didn’t get far; police apprehended him after a brief chase and found a loaded handgun on him. Blakney, who gave an address of 657 Main St., Apr. 405, was charged with assault with a dangerous weapon, firearm use in a felony, resisting arrest, carrying a firearm without a license and carrying a loaded firearm without a license. FIRED UP: Juan Gualdarrama set a house on fire over the weekend and then returned home and hid in his bedroom and wouldn’t come out, according to police. The 48-year-old Ellsworth Street resident ended up being arrested, anyway, and charged in connection with a fire at 61 Penn Ave. around 4 a.m. Sunday, June 16. Police say they responded to a fire at a single-family home and were able to douse it. Firefighters arrived and checked the rest of the house after the flames were extinguished, police say. Cops went to Gualdarrama’s house around 4:30 a.m. and were let in by one of his relatives. He would not immediately come to his bedroom door, but police got in and arrested him. He was charged with arson of a dwelling and violating an abuse prevention order. Police say Gualdarrama is known to the department. UP AGAINST THE WALL: Danny Nguyen probably wanted to paint the bridge wall on Gates Street, not end up against it. But when a police officer saw Nguyen get out of a car and run toward the concrete wall that is part of the bridge at the end of Gates Street, the 20-year-old went from being the one doing the tagging to being the one tagged. The incident allegedly took place around 4 p.m. Wednesday, June 12. Nguyen, of 7 North Court, Leicester, allegedly vandalized the wall with blue-colored markings. Police say there was evidence linking him to the crime. Nguyen was charged with vandalizing and tagging property.



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an ex-president in town, it’s bound to attract a bevy of local notables. Bill Clinton’s visit last weekend to Worcester Polytechnic Institute’s (WPI) Alden Hall to stump for Democratic US Senate candidate for Ed Markey was certainly well attended by recognizable faces. Mayor Joe Petty had the best seat in the house – on stage. He was among the speakers that included US Congressman Jim McGovern, US Sen. Elizabeth Warren and, of course, Markey. Among those in the crowd were District 4 City Councilor Sarai Rivera, with family in tow – including her husband, Rev. Jose Encarnacion; District 2 Councilor Phil Palmieri and his family; At-Large Councilor Joe O’Brien; City Council candidate Mesfin Beshir; state Rep. John Monahan; 16th Worcester District hopefuls Dan Donahue and Josh Perro; Dante Comparetto (who is managing Perro’s campaign) and his female companion; McGovern’s go-to guy in Worcester (and former Worcester Mag newshound) Scott Zoback; Petty’s Chief of Staff Mike Lanava; Southbridge Town Councilor Amelia Peloquin; former Uxbridge Selectman Arthur DuBois; Douglas resident Lisa Mosczynski, an Open Space Committee member whose mother, Shirley, served as a Douglas selectman; former state senator and current head of government and community relations at Holy Cross Ed Augustus; state Sen. Richard Moore and his wife; and former Southbridge Cable TV czar Paul Zotos, who is running for Town Council there. WPI media rep for Andy Baron was on-hand to make sure journalists were tended to. Also spotted was former Worcester Juvenile Court First Justice Luis Perez.

Walter Bird Jr.

MOVIE TIME: The slate

of movies for Worcester’s Movies on the Common 2013 series has been announced. “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” will be shown June 20, “Ghostbusters” on July 18 and “The Fantastic Mr. Fox” Aug. 15. The series is put on by Worcester Film Works (WFW). All shows are free and movies start at dusk. Bands play at 6 p.m. before the film. Niki Luparelli and The Gold Diggers with The 7 Hills Ukulele Combo play June 20. You’ll be able to buy food from Mediterranean Hut and the Dogfather, and WFW will sell popcorn and drinks. If that’s not enough, Woosta Pizza and Theatre Café offer delivery. You can bring your own picnic, blanket and chairs.

A SAFETY NET: The city’s Comprehensive Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) was meant to be implemented in pieces, and one of them is being set up this summer. The city is getting ready to start construction of the Safe Routes to School program. MassDOT will oversee the $600,000 project, which is aimed at improving walk and bike safety to encourage more children to walk to school. It is, City Manager Mike O’Brien notes, “part and parcel of our ongoing efforts to make our community much more pedestrian friendly and healthy by encouraging residents and students to walk to their destinations whenever possible.” As part of the project 15 temporary easements are needed. There is a total value of $6,850 for the easements, according to Department of Public Works and Parks (DPW&P) Commissioner Bob Moylan. FIRST TIMER: The youngest of the candidates for the 16th Worcester District state

Representative seat has become the first official candidate on the ballot for the Sept. 10 special election. The campaign for Josh Perro campaign, led by local activist Dante Comparetto, says Perro collected 500 signatures – well over the required 150 – and had submitted and had them certified as of June 12. Perro, Dan Donahue and Jim O’Brien all have announced they are seeking the Democratic nomination to replace former state Rep. John Fresolo, who resigned after a House Ethics investigation. In conjunction with that announcement, Perro is opening his campaign headquarters at 54 Hamilton St.

NO GO, FRESOLO: Speaking of Fresolo, multiple sources tell Worcester Mag there’s no chance he will run for the seat he just resigned. You may recall a recent published report in which a FOF (Friend of Fresolo) said the ex-House rep. was considering trying to reclaim his seat, which he resigned after a House Ethics investigation into alleged wrongdoing, including what sources say was misrepresentation of his per diem reimbursement. Two sources say even if Fresolo ran – and won – the House would not swear him in. House Speaker Bob DeLeo’s office has refused to comment on any Fresolo-related matters. For a daily dose of Worcesteria, visit worcestermag.com/blogs/dailyworcesteria. Have an item for Worcesteria? Call Walter Bird Jr. at 508-749-3166, ext. 243, or email wbird@ worcestermag.com. WORCESTERMAG.COM • JUNE 20, 2013

commentary | opinions


Jack Frost in June

Janice Harvey


’m dusting off my favorite dancing shoes – that is, my best flip-flops – and digging out a skirt suitable for twirling, stomping and swaying. I’d try to find the farmer jeans I used to wear to listen to my favorite band, but I don’t think anything with a size 3 label would get any further than my kneecaps these days. No matter: I suspect that on Saturday, June 22, I won’t be the only fan in the audience at Indian Ranch who’s put on a pound or two since Zonkaraz last filled Worcester’s clubs. The ’70s had Vietnam, Watergate, Idi Amin, Karen Ann Quinlan, Patty Hearst and “The Exorcist.” I had Earth shoes, and I wore them when I hitchhiked to hear Zonkaraz wherever they played. I paired them with the overalls that were

practically my uniform as a window dresser, the ones that had scissors and pins and allen wrenches tucked into every pocket. I’m pretty sure that Earth shoes, which were touted as good for my feet, weren’t any good at all for my calves. I’d removed myself from the dance floor by 1980, trading in my Earth shoes for fuzzy slippers and my overalls for maternity smocks. It would be another decade or so before I reentered a club; divorce tends to send one out in search of a new soundtrack. By the ’90s, after Zonkaraz disbanded and the Last Chance Saloon was no more, I took my dancing feet down to Gilrein’s, having rediscovered the place where my parents once ate T-bone steaks on Saturday nights. There I fell hard for Wilbur and the Dukes, and just as hard for Clutch Grabwell. I never

By Steven King

1,001 words


went to Gilrein’s without running into someone I truly liked, and even went around the floor more than once with Zonkaraz alum Walter Crockett and my then-editor Paul Della Valle, the latter of whom was just the right height for soulful swaying. It was always a marvelous night for a moon dance, no matter what band took the stage. By then, I was a bit long in the tooth for following bands from venue to venue and certainly old enough to know that hitchhiking anywhere, anytime, ever, was a bad idea. Bigname concert-going replaced clubhopping until I ran out of acts I wanted to see. My entertainment “bucket list” sprung a leak. When Clutch Grabwell played the Lucky Dog this past Memorial Day weekend, I knew I had to be there. I’d nearly forgotten how much I loved listening to Lennie Peterson tear up the stage with his trombone. It made me remember how many good bands have made Worcester’s clubs worth the cover charge. On Saturday, I’ll listen once again to Joanne Barnard, now List, in what may well be the final reunion of the band that had the most sweettempered fan base this side of a Phish concert – probably for similar reasons. I hope that’s not the case, though I’m hearing that the logistics of pulling the band together have become somewhat nightmarish. The last two Zonkaraz reunion concerts were held at The Hanover Theatre, and were filled with faces I recognized, however weathered. This one will be held in the open air. I’m loving the idea of hearing “Remember the Night,” “Jack Frost” and “California” - and even Walter Crockett’s “Goin’ Fishin’” while catching some sun. List’s voice is every bit as roof-ripping in 2013 as it was in 1975, and Crockett can still do that little hop while playing, even if he gets a little less height on the hop since turning the corner on 60. I started preparing for the event by listening to List’s version of “Over the Rainbow” Sunday morning; now if I can just find those Earth shoes to go with the size 8 farmer jeans I bought at Savers, I’ll be rockin’ – especially since the concert starts at 1 p.m., which means I’ll be home in time for “Seinfeld” reruns at 7 … not that there’s anything wrong with that.



Cut a little slack I read the article by Walter Bird, Jr. and was really disappointed that so many people, i.e. Solicitor David Moore and Assistant City Solicitor Wendy Quinn have so much time to join forces on this subject. I have lived in Worcester most of my life and I for one believe in panhandling and have never found any negative aspects with homeless people behaving in an aggressive manner. Many, many times I have seen the Little League kids right in the middle of the street, waving very dangerously to get monies from vehicles passing them by. Also when there are car washes at different corners of the area, these people are also hanging around and signaling the motorists. I don’t see any difference in the car wash, Little League and the homeless. I think the homeless are less aggressive in the request for monies. I have seen homeless people throughout the city and have gone to a Dunkin’ Donuts for coffee, sandwiches, etc. and gone back to hand this over to the individual. I have also bought coffee for the police in Worcester when they are handling street repairs (they are there for hours!). So just cut the homeless a little slack, they have not done anything wrong, no incidences were ever reported that they are detrimental in their actions. Thank you, CH RISTINA GIZ A

Worcester Mag encourages all eligible voters to make it to the polls this Tuesday, June 25 for the Massachusetts Senate special election. For information on the election and where to vote, visit sec.state.ma.us/ele/. For local news and results of the election, follow our blog worcestermag. com/blogs/dailyworcesteria. JUNE 20, 2013 • WORCESTERMAG.COM



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• JUNE 20, 2013

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Last Notes for Zonkaraz

Jim Perry


t was mid July in 1977 and Worcester Magazine had an article titled, “Top of the Pops are here! The area’s five best bands.” Number two on that list was the powerhouse rock band Albatross (full disclosure: I was a member), and topping the list was the legendary Zonkaraz. Those two bands, along with Mad Angel, Fate and a handful of others, ruled the club circuit in Central New England. It was an embarrassment of riches in the live music scene. Clubs were open for business seven nights a week with bands every night. Now, 36 years later, Zonkaraz is preparing its final hurrah at Indian Ranch in Webster on Saturday, June 22. Participants in this event will include many of the musicians who played a part in their success, including drummers Tom Grignon and Bill Macgillvray, bass player John Webster, and guitarists Walter Crockett and Larry Preston. Michael Allard-Madaus will be filling the shoes of the late ”Spider” Hanson on percussion. They will be joining the core of the group, singer Jo List, and co-founders, guitarist Ric Porter and keyboard player Paul Vuona. For a show like the one this Saturday, Vuona talks of how difficult it is to round up all of the participants and come up with a working plan. “Some of the people have to travel long distances,” he states. “The logistics are pretty intense.” Flights have to be booked, rehearsals have to be scheduled. The event has to be promoted continuously. But Vuona, 68, is up to the task. He considers it a labor of love and his boyish enthusiasm for the band has not diminished.



e had no plan,” Vuona repeatedly says, making the point. As he gives a brief history of the band, which, according to him, “didn’t really start as a band,” there is a sense of amazement in his voice. It started as a duo in the spring of 1972, with Porter on guitar and Vuona on keyboards. Previously, Vuona had been playing solo gigs. He was playing piano at a dance recital, of all events, when a gentleman who liked his sound offered him a gig at London Towers, a bar located at Worcester Airport. Vuona suggested that he bring in his guitar pickin’ friend to play along. And then there were two. Porter, who had no live experience,

didn’t know very many songs, but the duo’s solution was to start writing them. Porter would bring one in, Vuona would answer with another. Before they knew it, they had a lot of tunes. Each week, the chemistry between the two developed and people noticed. “People started coming,” Vuona recalls. “All of a sudden, we’re

simple, because he “only knew three or four chords.” A lot of his songs fit into the tight confines of that simplicity. Meanwhile, a young aspiring songbird named Joanne Barnard was running a coffeehouse at Becker Junior College, and, as she puts it, “singing all my selfabsorbed songs that I wrote in those

Porter’s words, “That was an immediate hit.” Vuona quickly arranged an audition. She started right away, even though she didn’t know all the songs. The development was very organic for all of them. She even contributed some of her own material, the first one being “Fill Me PHOTOS OF ZONKARAZ BY HILARY MARKIEWICZ

Zonkaraz rehearses for their upcoming reunion show at Indian Ranch in Webster on June 22nd.

filling the room. Then people started hiring us for different things.” There was chemistry between the two right from the start. As Vuona puts it, Porter “was a ‘basic’ player, and our rhythms locked. I’m kind of a rhythmic piano player anyway.” They complemented each other perfectly. Porter’s recollections are of two very simple guys who “really didn’t know what we were doing.” Just two young men who discovered something they loved to do and “people seemed to love the voices together, and the way we played together,” he says. When they accepted the initial offer to play at the airport lounge, Porter says, they didn’t even have enough tunes to fill up a night. They filled that space with “long, long solos,” he recalls with a hearty laugh. Their music had to be

days.” A mutual friend, Alan Cohen, told her about a duo that had been playing up at the airport. “He’s the one who suggested I go see them,” says Barnard, now Joanne List.



hen she finally got the chance in the fall of 1972 to hear their sound, she “was entranced. They hit me with this rhythm that moved me in a different way. I just loved their songs,” says List. Porter had known her from high school, but Vuona had never met her. She asked if she could sing with them, and, as Vuona says, “As soon as she opened her mouth to sing, I went ‘wow,’” and in

Up,” which she wrote on Cohen’s piano. List says it was “so fun the first year or two. To experience standing on stage, a full house bouncing along, singing along to all the lyrics, she says, was “a very heady experience.” For List, a naturally shy person, it was actually a bit intimidating that “people would follow us everywhere.” Not long after Barnard joined, Vuona recalls the trio being asked to play a wedding for a friend. “I was thinking, ‘what are we gonna do? We don’t even have a drummer!’” To their amazement, the whole crowd danced through the entire reception. “We were flabbergasted,” Vuona enthuses. One of the guests at the wedding was Paul “Tiny” Stacy, whose family ran Holden’s Blue Plate Lounge JUNE 20, 2013 • WORCESTERMAG.COM


{ coverstory } up joining. “Paul liked some of my songs, from hearing them in the Oysters, and in the early ‘70s I’d go to his house on Dix Street and jam with him,” says Crockett. After the Oysters broke up, an opportunity presented itself for Crockett. “Ric got sick, and they had a big gig at Sir Morgan’s Cove, so they called on me to fill in on some tunes. They liked it. In October they asked me to join the band.” This was 1975. Porter remembers Crockett adding “a tremendous, loving, country, warm atmosphere,” pointing out that “his songs were funny and he was a great presence on stage.” As for Walter, he beams at the memory. “It was a wonderful time. They already had a great scene going, an unprecedented scene, when I joined the band. They were making a kind of music that appealed to a whole bunch of young working people at that time — people who were young enough to stay out late Monday night and get up to work the next day”. Finally, the band seemed complete. They had it all. A first rate rhythm section, a great solo guitarist, who also happened to be a giant personality; they had Joanne and Spider to round things out. By this time, they also had Michael Smith running the light show and the devoted George Weston on sound.

for years. He liked the band enough to try them out at the club every Sunday. Vuona says, “We really didn’t know what we were doing. We just did it.” And so, in the fall of 1972, they began their stay at The Blue Plate, which built up steam each and every week. Now, with a place to hang their hat, the word started to get out about the music being played. Still just a trio, they were defying the odds, creating music that attracted a dance crowd, even without a drummer or bass player. “We were very innocent and organic,” says Vuona. The group never planned song lists to make sure there were only so many ballads or a certain amount of rockers. “Ric would sing one, Joanne would sing one, I would sing one, there would be a country tune, a ballad, a rocker, it didn’t matter. We were just having fun.”



efore long, the club began to fill up, and before they knew it, The Blue Plate had become the place to be on Sundays. The club, according to Barbara Stacy (Smith), sister of Tiny, ended up being “packed houses every week, with a long line outside.” She recalls a real mixture of people, and says there was never a fight. “There was an awful lot of alcohol consumed. One of our bartenders actually removed the grid rugs from behind the bar, and then wet the floor so that he could slide back and forth” to keep up with the demand. “It was the best of times,” she says fondly. Not long after they settled in at the club, a new face arrived on the scene. Paul “Spider” Hanson was a young high school dropout “looking for something to do,” according to Vuona. “He started out as a roadie, Paul recalls with a snicker, knowing that the group hardly had any equipment to speak of. But soon, Spider was manning the tambourine during their sets, adding a touch of rhythm to the proceedings. Without any preconceived plan, the trio had become a quartet. And, as Porter points out, Spider eventually became a “really, really good percussionist. He was the glue of the band for a long time.” Porter remembers, “He was always up.” At some point soon after, the thought occurred to them that a bass player would fill out the sound nicely. “We auditioned a few really good bass players who didn’t seem to get us,” Vuona says. Then Jon Webster came calling. “Jon walked in, started playing and, wooh, fit in right away.” Webster’s fluid, melodic playing was just what the group needed to offset the rhythmic riffs from the other members. He grew up in the Newton Square neighborhood where Porter grew up, and they had been friends since they were eight. Porter recalls going over to the Webster home as a kid to have peanut 12 W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M • J U N E 2 0 , 2 0 1 3


S Larry Preston of Zonkaraz practices with band members before the group’s final show at Indian Ranch this Saturday, June 22. Green Street in Worcester, were scared off butter and jelly sandwiches with Jon and by them. But with Wright behind the drum his two musician brothers, Kim and Dave. kit, the door opened. Curiously, some Porter gushes about Webster’s musical ear, people were disappointed that they added saying, simply, “no one could ever replace a drummer. Some of the devotees from Jonny as Zonkaraz’s bassist.” the early days saw it as a sellout. But it For the life of the band, Webster was was inevitable, and there was no turning the only bass player. As his presence in back. the band filled out the Zonkaraz sound, Interestingly, the first gig they did with it created another need. Suddenly, a the drummer, according to Vuona, was drummer seemed to be the next logical at Clark University, opening for another step in the band’s evolution. In stepped Worcester legend, Mad Angel, featuring Dennis Wright, who Porter called a the D’Angelo brothers. phenomenal drummer, stating that he was After a time, there was an urge for “way ahead of us.” another solo instrument. Vuona would Finally, Zonkaraz was officially, a play his little country-tinged piano “band.” Having a drummer “sprung us solos, and Porter, admittedly, was not a to another level,” Vuona says. Before solo guitarist. “My songwriting, stage that, many places would not hire them. presence and rhythm guitar playing were There was a preconceived notion that no fine,” says Porter. Walter Crockett, who drummer meant no dancers, which meant was a member of The Prairie Oysters, a no business. Places like Sir Morgan’s successful band in their own right, ended Cove, now The Lucky Dog Music Hall, on

uddenly, a year later in 1976, Barnard decided to leave. It just became a little too much for the young woman, still searching for her muse. “The band became a big ‘thing,’” says List. “A big, loud ‘thing.’” She wasn’t sure that where they were going was where she wanted to go. Their popularity was overwhelming. “I knew then that I didn’t want to be a big star.” Not only that, she felt as though she was starting to lose her voice, due to the sheer size and sound of the band. With this, the band was up against the wall. “We were saying, ‘Jesus, what are we gonna do now?’” remembers Vuona. “So, we put an ad in the Boston Phoenix, had auditions and Nancy Roche walked through the door.” Roche learned all of the parts dutifully and sounded quite good. “We were really lucky,” says Vuona. “When that worked out, we thought, now we’re gonna make it.” They never missed a step. Immediately, they found a new home at the Last Chance Saloon in Worcester South Plaza. Of course, it was packed to the walls every week. A bullet had been dodged. As time went on, other personnel changes occurred. First, drummer Dennis Wright, who has since passed away, decided his time was up. Vuona recalls him giving his notice on a Friday, leaving the following Monday, and immediately becoming a Jehovah’s Witness. “You can’t make this stuff up,” he laughs. Tim Griffin, who was the drummer for

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another legendary New England band, Clean Living, filled in for a short time. Zonkaraz’s good fortune continued, as they were able to grab drummer Tom Grignon straight out of New England Conservatory. Grignon, a professional who always did his homework, was a solid, reliable addition, who allowed the band’s upward momentum to continue uninterrupted. In 1978, Crockett decided to go his own way. “He actually couldn’t develop his own thing in our band,� remembers Porter. “Then he met Valerie, and that was it. He was on his way.� The band auditioned many guitarists, all quite good, but “for whatever reason the connection wasn’t made,� says Vuona. “Then Larry came in, and it was OK again.� Larry Preston, who was used to playing small roadhouses in the woods with a couple of different country bands, was thrust into the madness of the world of Zonkaraz. “To be able to go into a club that was packed was great. And it was all original music, which was also great,� says Preston. “And I have to say that I ended up loving everybody in the band. It was very cohesive.� He admits to being a little intimidated at first. “Walter’s were a big pair of shoes to fill. Not only is he a great player, he’s a big stage presence.� Where Crockett’s playing was very melodic and a traditional country style, Preston was more of an experimenter, coming up with quirky note combinations that surprise the ear, and it worked beautifully in the band. The ’70s wound down with a still immensely popular Zonkaraz intact. The band survived many member changes, while founders Vuona and Porter remained at the core. After a while, Nancy

new band called The Shades that could not have been more different than Zonkaraz. It was a complete makeover. Even though Vuona remained by Porter’s side during The Shades, it was certainly not anything resembling Zonkaraz, so the name and the era died. At this point, Barnard came back into the picture. “I’ll tell ya, it was a damn good band with Joanne in it,� Vuona says. Still, as he recalls, “The Zonkaraz fans hated us,� and they left in droves. And that was it. Just like that.



Bill MacGiliuray and Michael Allard Madaus joke around during a rehearsal session. Roche decided to move on, and once again they found themselves looking for a way to carry on. “We understood by that time that people leaving isn’t a betrayal. It’s just the way it is. You don’t sign up for life,� Vuona states. After a few attempts to replace Nancy, including a short stint with the talented Kim Page, it started to feel like the band’s time might be up. Meanwhile, Porter felt his creative juices heading in another direction. “The ’80s new wave was just beginning, and bands like The B-52’s and The Cars, they took me over.� He claims that he had exhausted his contributions as a songwriter in the style of Zonkaraz.

Suddenly, almost literally overnight, Zonkaraz was no more. Porter decided to chase his muse in the direction that was calling him. “It was really just a natural progression in my personal travels as a songwriter.� So, with a little prodding from Preston, Porter started an entirely

ast forward to late 2005. Zonkaraz announces that they will play a reunion show at First Night on New Year’s Eve 2006 at WPI’s Harrington Auditorium. Blissful fans filed in, happy for the chance to relive the memories. Backstage, the band members congregated in awe of the attention that they were receiving. Once they came out on stage, it was apparent that the magic was still there. Equally apparent was the natural affection between the band members. All of this inspired Vuona, ever the businessman, to give it another crack. In 2008, he upped the ante and brought the band into what was then a fresh new

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{ coverstory }

Worcester venue, The Hanover Theatre. Again, this proved so successful that he did the exact same thing two years later, in 2010. Those three events solidified the lifelong relationship between the musicians themselves, and the fans especially. At this point, Vuona, in his mid 60s, wanted to do it once more. He had the idea of moving it to Indian Ranch as a way of opening it up to their crowd’s urge to dance and gyrate to the music. It seemed more conducive to their type of crowd to have it outdoors with no walls to hem them in. Last week, at one of the final rehearsals, the mood was jovial and there was plenty of goofing around. There was at least as much time catching up on things with each other as there was practicing the music. Running through an old original, “I Never Thought That I’d Be Sad,” Vuona started things off with a piano intro, and the rest of the band effortlessly flowed in. List lit up the room with her still powerful voice, and then guitarists Crockett and Preston traded off leads while everyone else admiringly looked on. More banter and chatting followed before they revved up another song from the past, “You & I.” It all sounds as fresh as the days in the ’70s when they first tried them out. While the band rehearsed, a few people close to their hearts wandered in,



• JUNE 20, 2013

between the band mates, and where that will go from here. “I’m sure we’ll all stay in touch with each other like we always do, but knowing we’re done playing together after this one will generate a tear or two. It’s like closing a family business. The memories we have are so precious. We are so blessed to have this chance to do it one more time.” Porter chimes in, “It’s a love fest when we get Jon Webster practices with Zonkaraz before the together. Even though we’re band’s final show at Indian Ranch this Saturday, seeing each other twice a week June 22. now, it’s hugs … it’s fantastic. It’s a wonderful friendship. As Crockett. “Nobody has stopped growing. we practice, I think, ‘this is why the band One of the bonuses for me is playing with was so popular.’” Larry, who replaced me when I left. He is These reunions are much more than doing some amazing things. And Joanne’s just a nostalgia trip for the band members. singing is immense.” For List, she gushes, “It’s a homecoming,” says Porter. “I think “It’s wonderful to sit in the same room it’s very intense on stage. Even though hen asked how it feels to be at with these guys. Everybody has evolved we put on the old show, you know, the end of the line now, Vuona and lived so much life separately, and called it bittersweet, through then we come together and within the first laughy, goofy, have fun … I’ve never seen anybody practice as intense as we have.” very moist eyes. Both Vuona and List or second song, it’s like getting back on Worcester is lucky to have stories pointed out how Zonkaraz was a band of a bicycle.” Porter brags about an earlier like this one in its musical history. The songs, and how everyone liked them, and vocal rehearsal and the perfect blend of Zonkaraz chapter closes this Saturday at still do. Says List, “The songs are holding the voices. Indian Ranch. up with time.” Of course, you need band There they stood, like a group of kids Zonkaraz at Indian Ranch, 200 Gore chemistry to make the songs come to life. unable to contain their excitement. Rd., Webster. 1-7 p.m. Tickets available “As far as musicianship, if anything it is Webster talked about the special bond from Ticketmaster via indianranch.com higher than it was back in the day,” says

including present day sound man Jonathan Leary, and also making an appearance was their all-time number one fan, Rhonda. She knows every word to every song and, in a way, she is the personification of their fan base, with her floorlength flowing dress and free-form dancing. According to Vuona, she’s never missed a show. “She would drive for four hours to see us somewhere way up north, then we’d see her at a show in Worcester the next night. Incredible.” At the rehearsal, Vuona told her how much she was appreciated and loved by the group, to which Rhonda replied, “You were all my friends”.



night day

art | dining | nightlife | June 20 - 26, 2013

On the move Food Truck Festival of New England returns

Brittany Durgin

Food Truck Festival of New England returns to Elm Park in Worcester on Saturday, June 22 from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Trucks will serve sample portions and full meals. Wristband holders receive an entry ticket to the event, access to all the trucks and entertainment and special prices at all trucks. Walk-ups are welcome, but pay a higher price than those with wristbands. Cash only. Beer and wine will be available for $3 for those 21+. Wristbands are $7 in advance at foodtruckfestivalsofne.com and $10 at the festival. Match each participating truck with its menu. Be one of the first two people to complete this page with correctly matched trucks and menu, take a p[hoto of the page, upload it to Facebook with the hashtag #worcestermag and win two free wristbands!





















A – Ice cream sandwiches, ice cream bowls, cookies B – Lobster sliders, lobster rolls, lobster mac and cheese, lobster bisque C – Chicken leg quarters with Spanish rice and sweet plantains, smoked pulled chicken with coleslaw and fries, chicken and plantains or sweet plantains, pastelitos D – Hog dogs, Italian ices E – Deep-fried Grillo’s pickles, foot-long hot dogs, char-grilled pastrami F – Jumbo hot dogs, hot and sweet Italian sausages, German bratwurst, Portuguese linguisa, Polish sausage/kielbasa G – Italian pasta, meatball mac and cheese H – Pork, chicken or tofu Bahn Mi, rice bowls, spicy ginger lemonade, Vietnamese iced coffee I – Boston Common, In Gouda We Trust, Baby Swiss J – Burgers and all natural French fries K – Chocolate chunk cookie with vanilla ice cream, fresh-baked cookies, cookie splits, signature ice cream sammies L – Beef brisket, pulled pork, ribs M – Falafel wrap, Sabih (eggplant and egg), chicken shawarma, stuffed grape leaves N – Beef brisket, pulled pork, Texas hot links, beef ribs O – Apple cider doughnut holes, whoopee pies, fresh-baked cookies P – Shaved steak and shaved chicken subs, fried Oreos Q – Crab cakes and crab cake sandwiches, lobster rolls, lobster tacos, salmon tacos R – Green Muenster, Mighty Rib Melt S – Pad Thai, drunken beef, pulled pork, sweet Italian sausage, Cuban sandwich, spring roll, Thai basil wings T – Slices of pizza: cheese, pepperoni, pesto splash, BBQ chicken and veggie; salads U – Whoopee pies: salted caramel, pumpkin, chocolate Find the answer key at worcestermag.com/blogs/worcesterdiversions. Note: Food Truck Festival New England cannot ensure all listed food trucks will be at the Worcester event. Changes to the lineup of trucks may be made up to the start of the event.



night day &

{ music }

Sounds of N’Orleans in Worcester PHOTO SUBMITTED

Jim Perry

The sound of the Delta comes to Worcester at the sixth annual Paulie’s New Orleans Jazz ’n’ Blues Festival, June 21-23. This year’s lineup features many superstars of the ‘Nawlins sound, including Irma Thomas, a true legend, plus Walter “Wolfman” Washington, George Porter, Jr. (bass player of The Meters), and the red hot Anders Osborne Band. One performance you don’t want to miss, though, is Papa Grows Funk, whose 14year career is going on “hiatus” immediately after their appearance in Worcester. A ferociously funky outfit, “Papa” is an ensemble of firstrate players, including Marc Pero on bass, “Jellybean” Alexander on drums, Jason Mingledorff on sax, June Yamagishi on guitar, and John “Papa” Gros on Hammond Organ and lead vocals. The band has recorded five CDs throughout their career, and have done many tours across the US and abroad.

“We all feel that it’s the right time,” Gros said last week. “We want to step back and reevaluate our individual lives.” Gros plans to continue to be very active in live music, and is looking forward to just being a musician and not a band leader. “I’ll be playing in ‘Raw Oyster Cult’, with one of the guys from The Radiators, and I also will be teaming up with Anders Osborne. Anders and I have been friends since ’91.” Meanwhile, Yamagishi, who Gros says is a “gigantic legend in Japan,” plans on returning home for a spell. This weekend, live Papa Grows Funk show features extended jams that will send shivers down your spine. They expertly build on an idea until the intensity of the funk is like a runaway train, at


Cory Duplechin performed at the fifth annual Paulie’s New Orleans Jazz ’n’ Blues Festival in 2012.

which point they slip back into the regular song with a simple nod of Gros’ head. They will be performing at Paulie’s festival on Sunday, June 23 from 6-7:30 p.m. on the Jambalaya stage. Paul “Paulie” Collyer, founder of the fest, is amazed at the growth from the event’s concept. He says he initially got the New Orleans fever when he went down to The Big Easy in 1981. In 2008 he put on the first jazz and blues festival in Worcester. “I rented the parking lot next to my house. We got about 300 people.” There were only two acts, but in 2009 it began to grow. “We went from two to five bands, and started charging admission,” says Collyer. 2010 saw another evolution, as Collyer was able to nab some New Orleans icons. “We brought in Anders Osborne the first time that year,” Collyer recalls, laughing. “I remember thinking, ‘What, a Swede from New Orleans?’” 2011 was a breakout year for the event, as the lineup was filled with genuine New Orleans music acts, who travelled here for the fest, and the event expanded to two days. Last year, which Collyer calls “a really big year,” it became three days. The festival happens this year in the parking lot at Keystone Plaza, 221 Chandler St. in Worcester. “Having the festival in an urban parking lot is really different than being in a traditional park, like Elm or Green Hill,” says Collyer, who admits he set it up this way on purpose. “The whole idea of the city block vibe, I modeled it after the New Orleans festivals. Once you go down there, you’ll see what I’m trying to do.” Collyer’s ultimate goal is multiple stages throughout an entire neighborhood, with each stage incorporating different styles of music, which is precisely how New Orleans does it. Collyer is thrilled with this year’s lineup. Referring to Irma Thomas, he says “I can’t believe I even got her. She’s such an icon.” The one and only Dr. John was a possibility, but plans fell through. The reputation of the event is rapidly growing. “The musicians are going back home and telling everyone that we treat them well,” says Collyer. It’s hard to deny that Paulie’s NOLA festival is rapidly becoming one of the hottest events on Worcester’s live music calendar.

PAULIE’S NEW ORLEANS JAZZ ’N’ BLUES FESTIVAL SCHEDULE Friday, June 21 7-8 p.m. Big Jon Short 8:30-10 p.m. Soul of a Man 10:30-12 a.m. Derek Warfield & The Young Wolfe Tones

Saturday, June 22 12-1:30 p.m. Shaka & The SoulShakers 2-3:30 p.m. Lil Buck Sinegal Blues Band 4-5:30 p.m. New Orleans Suspects 6-7:30 p.m. Walter Wolfman Washington & The Roadmasters 8-9:30 p.m. George Porter Jr. & The Runnin’ Pardners 10 p.m.-12 a.m. Anders Osborne WORCESTERMAG.COM

• JUNE 20, 2013

Sunday, June 23 12-1:30 p.m. Jumpin’ Johnny Sansone 2-3:30 p.m. Billy Iuso & The Restless Natives 4-5:30 p.m. Amanda Shaw & The Cute Guys 6-7:30 p.m. Papa Grows Funk Farewell Tour 8-9 p.m. Irma Thomas 10:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Post-Festival Party with Mem Shannon & The Membership with friends Learn more at baevents.com/pauliesnolabluesandjazzfestival/

night day &


{ books}

Our Summer Exhibitions!

Summer Reading New York Times Best Sellers lists “Entwined With You” by Sylvia Day and “Inferno” by Dan Brown as the currently most popular print and e-book fiction stories. We wanted recommendations from those who have had their noses in books for decades, so we asked several local librarians what they suggest as this summer’s worthwhile reads. “The 100 Year Old Man who Climbed out the Window and Disappeared”

Recommended by: Library Director Ellen Dolan Librarian for 32 years at Shrewsbury Public Library, 609 Main St., Shrewsbury “I would recommend ‘The 100 Year Old Man who Climbed out the Window and Disappeared’ by Swedish author Jonas Jonnason. For those who enjoyed ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ (by Stieg Larsson) but might want a bit more humor, this will be a great summer read. It’s an uproarious story of centenarian Allan Karlsson who decides to escape the nursing home in which he leaves, before he can be forced to attend a much unwanted and officious 100th birthday party. Unwittingly, he becomes involved in organized crime, and thus leads the reader down a hilarious path of corruption, murder and intrigue. Allan’s implausible life story as a munitions expert who has met some the most famous people of the last century, only adds to the fun. A smart, droll and amusing book!”

“The Work of Hope: How Individuals & Organizations Can Authentically Do Good” “The Alchemist” Recommended by: Head Librarian Wei Jeng-Chu Librarian for 24 years at Worcester Public Library, 3 Salem Sq., Worcester “The title of the book that I would suggest for the summer reading is ‘The Work of Hope: How Individuals & Organizations Can Authentically Do Good.’ Author Rich Harwood shines light on the issues facing communities across the country and how people can work to solve them. It is encouraging to know that each one of us can take small local actions to rebuild trust and strengthen relationships to one another and ultimately to work together to get things done for the overall good in the community. I would like to introduce another book for the summer reading. It is one of my longtime favorite books entitled ‘The Alchemist’ by Paulo Coelho. It is about a shepherd boy, Santiago, who literally follows his dreams to pursue treasures waiting for him beneath the pyramids of Egypt. It is a fascinating book to read by following his journey and findings along the way. Enjoy the summer reading!”

78th Regional Exhibition of Art & Craft Juan Jose Barboza-Gubo, “Cervus Transformatio”, artist blood, watercolor, gouache, graphite, Unryu and Kozo paper, 2011

Nora Valdez: Baggage One-person exhibition of sculptures and drawings that addresses universal ideas and feelings centered on the immigrant experience.

Nora Valdez, “Baggage”, Indiana limestone and mulch, 2009

“The Kashmir Shawl” Recommended by: Assistant Library Director Donna Galonek Librarian for 40 years at Auburn Public Library, 369 Southbridge St., Auburn “I would include ‘The Kashmir Shawl’ by Rosie Thomas. In this novel, Mair Ellis finds an unusual shawl cleaning out her father’s house and it leads her on a quest to find the story behind it. The book has adventure, love, passion, sorrow, an exotic setting, unexpected twists, and characters you come to care about. Great escapism!”

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One of the oldest juried exhibitions of its kind in New England. This year’s juror: Nina Gara Bozicnik, Assistant Curator, Currier Museum of Art, Manchester, New Hampshire.

ARTSWorcester Call and Response Contemporary works of Art that respond directly to objects in FAM’s collection of African Art. Howard Johnson, “Quad”, 2011, Courtesy of Howard Yezerski Gallery Boston MA.

Building a Collection: Photography at the Fitchburg Art Museum Organized by FAM Consulting Curator of Photography, Stephen Jareckie, this exhibition reveals how the museum has built its world-class collection of photography over the past three decades.

WORCESTER www.worcestermag.com

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night day &

{ music }

All aboard at Union Station as Justin Hines rolls into town

Walter Bird Jr.

There is something about music and giving that just seems to make sense: good vibes from the music and the satisfaction of helping someone else. We saw it in the immediate aftermath of Sept. 11, when a music telethon raised millions for the families of victims. More recently, Boston hosted the One Fund concert to raise money for the families and victims of the Boston Marathon terror attacks. Musicians have long stepped up to the plate in trying times and their fans have responded in kind, opening their hearts and their wallets, donating selflessly to charity.

Canadian singer/songwriter Justin Hines is giving Worcester a chance to step up big time when he rolls into town, quite literally, next Wednesday, June 26. The wheelchair-bound Hines, who is afflicted with a joint dislocation condition called Larsen Syndrome, kicks off his North American tour, “Vehicle of Change,” right here in the Woo inside the grand confines of Union Station. Every one of Hines’ 40-50 concerts in the US will generate money for a local charity. At Worcester’s show, the beneficiary is the Center of Hope (COH) in Southbridge, part of the Arc of Massachusetts and a member of the national Arc. The Center serves about 600 families throughout Worcester County with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Hines has performed for the Arc of Massachusetts previously, as part of its All Aboard the Arc fund-raising campaign. While that appearance raised money for statewide programs, next week’s show directly benefits the Center of Hope. Marc Carron, the organization’s director of business development, could not be more excited about having Hines in Worcester helping to raise money for the Center. “[Hines’] story propelled me to listen to his music, but the music speaks for itself,” says Carron. “Nobody pays attention to his physical condition any longer. He is the



• JUNE 20, 2013

music of Canada. I’m sure that’s going to transcend down here.” For the Center of Hope, Hines’ appearance is “an opportunity to showcase people with different abilities,” Carron says. “This really is going to say to the general public, ‘We’re here, we are contributing, take what we have to offer.’ We all do it in different ways.” Hines is as good an example as any about what the human spirit can accomplish, regardless of physical limitations. “I’ve never seen my situation as anything more than something logistic,” he says. As he has grown older, Hines’ joints have begun fusing in place. “I’m not

struggles with health issues. Listening to him, you will hear a person not at all focused on what he cannot do; he is funny and disarming. In a radio interview with pop artist Adele, he revealed that his favorite food is potatoes and cracked, “I’ve actually slept in a bed of potatoes.” “Really?” Adele responds. “No, but I really like potatoes,” he quips. As for the type of music you’ll hear, Hines’ style has been described as a mix of folk and pop, but there are strong hints of country as well. “I’ve always been influenced by singer-songwriters and country,” he says, noting one of his biggest influences is James Taylor. If PHOTO SUBMITTED

as fragile,” he says, but that doesn’t mean it gets easier. Larsen Syndrome is degenerative; Hines, who deals with “breathing issues” as a result of the condition, will not wake up one day all healed. But he is not wasting any time fretting over what might happen in the future. Hines is living his life in the now. “[This condition] is all I’ve ever known, really,” he says. “I’ve had to figure out unique ways of accomplishing things.” In Canada, Hines has already released five albums. His newest, “How We Fly,” is his second US release. “Lay My Burdens Down” is one of the songs and it reflects Hines’

you catch the show on Wednesday, you will get a little conversation along with the singing. “I’ve come to attempt to connect with people on an emotional level,” Hines says. “I’m really into storytelling. I want to make it an experience. Hopefully, at the end of the night people are feeling something.” He then lets his sense of humor take over. “Unfortunately,” Hines cracks, “you’re probably not going to see a lot of dance moves.” See Justin Hines on Wednesday, June 26 at Union Station, 34 Washington Sq. in Worcester at 6:30 p.m. To order tickets, call 508-764-4085.

night day

We Need Your Old, Worn Clothing More Than Ever


{ film } Superman’s rough landing

Jim Keogh

“You’re the answer.” Imagine a person saying these three words to you. And imagine if that person was your father, and he was referring to the fact that you can fly, move mountains and shoot heat beams from your eyes … and that one day you will save the human race. Such an acknowledgement would make some of us a little cocky. For Superman, it’s just another source of stress. And so goes “Man of Steel,” a two-and-ahalf-hour therapy session in which the seminal superhero reluctantly comes to grip with his powers, his destiny and his daddy issues. This surprisingly joyless saga is a direct reflection of the brooding sensibilities of producer Christopher Nolan (director of the “Dark Knight”) trilogy and director Zack Snyder (“300”), the former who likes his heroes troubled and the latter who insists that the only sky worth filming is a sky that’s thick with impending storms. “Man of Steel” reimagines one of popular culture’s most enduring origin stories, that of the baby Kal-El jettisoned from the dying planet of Krypton to Earth, where he’s raised as Clark Kent on a Kansas farm by the kindly Jonathan and Martha, played with flinty earthiness by Kevin Costner and Diane Lane. Clark’s childhood and adolescence are marked by periodic miracles (he saves a busload of classmates from drowning) and forced pacifism, thanks to his father, who urges him to keep his powers a secret (the ultimate revenge: his chief tormenter as a child is later consigned to a career as day manager at the local IHOP). As a young adult, Clark (Henry Cavill) wanders the country in search of a purpose until he turns the messianic age of 33, is visited by the ghost of his Krypton father Jor-El (the Holy Spirit?), and then fills the screen with enough Christ imagery to populate an English major’s wet dream. We get it. Superman’s arrival is the Second Coming, and while he won’t die for our sins, he will at least smash stuff on our behalf. The contemporary Satan is General Zod

(Michael Shannon, playing Zod as a dour maniac, a far cry from Terence Stamp’s haughty version in “Superman II”). He’s a warrior who had been banished from Krypton and has come to Earth to destroy Superman, which is necessary to revive the Kryptonian bloodlines (long story). There are Superman scholars who will pick this one apart on levels I’ve never dreamed (I’m a Batman guy myself), and, indeed, I’ve already read several essays about what the makers got wrong — from Cavill’s constipated performance to the literal twist at the end. I’ll start with some positives. The early scenes on Krypton do a fine job of establishing the mythos, with Russell Crowe creating the definitive portrait of Superman’s father, Jor-El, and exorcising the memory of Marlon Brando’s campy, cue-card-reading turn in 1978’s “Superman.” I also enjoyed Clark’s interplay with his Earth parents, and shared his exhilaration on his first flight, the one moment of pure play in the film. “Man of Steel” goes haywire once Zod appears on Earth and begins attacking Metropolis. Computer-generated effects can be a wonderful thing, but when buildings fall as easily as autumn leaves I start to check out. The last half-hour or so is unrelenting chaos, with two superpowered beings trading blows and rifling each other through cement walls without the possibility of inflicting any damage on their opponent. Hence the eternal frustration with Superman: If he can’t be harmed, what are the stakes? Other than his parents, none of the puny humans in Superman’s/ Clark’s sphere register on the I-givea-damn scale. Amy Adams as Lois Lane shares no chemistry with Cavill; Laurence Fishburne’s Perry White is an afterthought. And where is Jimmy Olsen? This is the most passive-aggressive Superman movie ever made — not unlike its hero, who wants to be appreciated and left alone at the same time. You’d think a man in a cape would have a little more confidence.

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night day &

film times

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Westborough Thurs: 12, 1:50, 3:30, 6:30, 7, 10:15, Fri-Wed: 11:50, 3:50, 7:05, 9:35 Worcester North Thurs: 1, 1:30, 4:05, 4:35, 7:15, 7:45, 10:20 MAN OF STEEL 3D (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 12, 12:30, 3:05, 3:35, 6:15, 6:45, 9:20, 9:50

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42 (PG-13) Elm Thurs: 7:30 Worcester North Thurs: 12:20, 3:15, 7:05, 10:05

AFTER EARTH (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 11:35, 2:10, 4:35 Solomon Pond Thurs: 11:50, 2:15, 4:40, 7:35, 10:05

Worcester North Thurs: 1:10, 3:40 BEFORE MIDNIGHT (R) Solomon Pond Thurs: 1, 3:50, 7:20, 10 Worcester North Thurs: 1:15, 4:25, 7:20, 9:55 EPIC (PG) Blackstone Thurs: 11:30, 1:55, 4:25 Cinemagic Thurs: 11:40, 2:10, 4:30 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:40, 3:20,

Cinemagic Thurs-Wed: 12:15, 4, 7, 10 Solomon Pond Thurs: 11, 12:20, 1:10, 2:20, 3:30, 4:30, 6, 7:30, 9:10 Westborough Thurs: 11:30, 12:30, 3, 4, 7:30, 9:45, Fri-Wed: 11:20, 3:20, 6:35, 9:50 Worcester North Thurs: 12, 12:30, 3:05, 3:35, 6:15, 6:45, 9:20, 9:50

MONSTERS UNIVERSITY (G) Blackstone Thurs: 8, 11 Cinemagic Thurs: 8, Fri-Wed: 11:20, 2, 4:30, 7, 9:30

Solomon Pond Thurs: 8:20, Fri-Wed: 12:20, 3:20, 6:50, 9:30 Westborough Thurs: 8:30, Fri-Wed: 11:30, 12:10, 2:10, 3:10, 4:50, 6:40, 7:30, 10:10 Worcester North Thurs: 8:20, 11


Westborough Thurs: 11:55, 2:20,


Keep up with the latest happenings with Worcester Mag all week News • Art • Entertainment

6:30, 9:25

EPIC 3D (PG) Solomon Pond Thurs: 11:40, 2:15 FAST & FURIOUS 6 (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 12:50, 3:50, 7:05, 10:10

Cinemagic Thurs: 12:15, 3:15, 7, 9:45

Keep up with the latest in Worcester Mag by becoming a fan.

Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:30, 3:40, 7:10, 10:15

Westborough Thurs: 12:20, 4:05, 7:05, 10:10

Worcester North Thurs: 1:05, 4:10, 7:10, 10

www.worcestermag.com/blogs/dailyworcesteria worcesterdiversions.wordpress.com

FERRIS BUELLER’S DAY OFF (1986) Worcester Common Thurs: dusk FRANCES HA (R) Worcester North Thurs: 12:15, 2:30, 4:40

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WORCESTER www.worcestermag.com


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4:45, Fri-Wed: 11:25, 2:05, 4:25

Worcester North Thurs: 12:55, 4,

Not your everyday newspaper.

FURKEY (NR) Westborough Thurs: 12:10, 3:35 IRON MAN 3 (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 11:15 a.m. Solomon Pond Thurs: 12, 3:25, 6:50, 9:45 Worcester North Thurs: 12:45, 3:45

On Newstands: Thursdays Online: 24/7 worcestermag.com

MAN OF STEEL (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 10, 11, 1, 2, 4:05, 5:05, 7:15, 8:15, 10:20

Cinemagic Thurs-Wed: 11:30, 3:20, 6:40, 9:40

Solomon Pond Thurs: 11:40, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9:40, WORCESTERMAG.COM

• JUNE 20, 2013

MONSTERS UNIVERSITY 3D (G) Blackstone Thurs: 8, 10:40 Cinemagic Fri-Wed: 11:50, 2:20, 4:50, 7:20, 9:50

Solomon Pond Thurs: 8, Fri-Wed: 11, 1:40, 4:30, 7:20, 10 Westborough Thurs: 8, Fri-Wed: 11:05, 1:45, 4:30, 7:10, 9:50 Worcester North Thurs: 8, 10:40

ynight day

ED ND GH 3 E U 01 T EX RO , 2 H T Y6 L JU


{ film times}

10:20, Fri-Wed: 6:55, 10:15 Worcester North Thurs: 1:20, 4:30, 7:30, 10:15

MUD (PG-13) Worcester North Thurs: 12:20, 3:25 NOW YOU SEE ME (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 10:30, 1:20, 4:15, 7, 9:40 Cinemagic Thurs-Wed: 11:30, 2:05, 4:40,


7:15, 9:50


Cinemagic Thurs-Wed: 11:45, 1:45, 4:15,


7:10, 9:20

Westborough Thurs: 11:40, 2:15, 4:50, 7:25,

Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:10, 2:30, 4:50,

10, Fri-Wed: 11:10, 1:55, 4:35, 7:15, 10 Worcester North Thurs: 12:40, 3:50, 6:55, 9:45

7:40, 10:10

Westborough Thurs: 11:35, 5:05 Worcester North Thurs: 12:10, 3:20, 5:20,


THE PURGE (R) Blackstone Thurs: 12:10, 2:40, 5:20, 8,

Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:50, 3:55, 7:15,

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7:35, 10:30

OBLIVION (PG-13) Strand Thurs: 7

THIS IS THE END (R) Blackstone Thurs: 11:45, 2:20, 4:50, 7:25, 10

PAIN & GAIN (R) Strand Fri, Sun, Tues: 7

Cinemagic Thurs-Wed: 11:50, 2:15, 4:40, 7:10, 9:40

RAANJHANAA (NR) Westborough Fri-Wed: 12, 3:40, 6:45, 9:45

Solomon Pond Thurs: 11:20, 2:15, 4:55, 7:45, 10:20

Westborough Thurs: 11:40, 2:20, 5, 7:40,

Adv. Tix on Sale THE HEAT

STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 12:20, 3:25 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:35, 7:05 Westborough Thurs: 12:15, 6:40, Fri-Wed:

10:20, Fri-Wed: 11:15, 2, 4:45, 7:20, 10 Worcester North Thurs: 12:30, 2:55, 5:20, 7:40, 10:05


3, 9:55

WORLD WAR Z (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 8:20, 11 Cinemagic Fri-Wed: 11:20, 2:10, 7:20 Solomon Pond Thurs: 8:20, Fri-Wed: 12:30,

Worcester North Thurs: 12:25, 3:30, 6:25, 9:20

STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS 3D (PG-13) Solomon Pond Thurs: 3:45, 10:05 Westborough Thurs: 3:40 THE BLING RING (R) Worcester North Thurs: 8, 10:40

3:40, 7, 9:50 Westborough Thurs: 9, Fri-Wed: 12:20, 3:30, 6:30, 9:25 Worcester North Thurs: 8:20, 11

WORLD WAR Z 3D (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 8, 10:40 Cinemagic Thurs: 8:30, Fri-Wed: 4:45, 10 Solomon Pond Thurs: 8, Fri-Wed: 12:40, 4,

THE GREAT GATSBY (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 11:25 a.m. Solomon Pond Thurs: 11:30, 6:45 Worcester North Thurs: 12:35, 4:15, 7:25,

7:30, 10:20


11:40, 1:50, 4:40, 7, 7:25, 10:15 Worcester North Thurs: 8, 10:40

THE HANGOVER PART III (R) Blackstone Thurs: 2:35, 5:15, 7:40, 10:05 Solomon Pond Thurs: 9:55 Worcester North Thurs: 12:50, 3:55

YEH JAWAANI HAI DEEWANI (NR) Westborough Thurs: 11:45, 3:05, 6:25, 9:50,

Westborough Thurs: 9:30, Fri-Wed: 11,

Fri-Wed: 9:20

THE INTERNSHIP (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 10:15, 1:05, 2:05, 3:45, 4:45, 6:40, 7:35, 9:30

Cinemagic Thurs: 11:30, 2:10, 4:45 Solomon Pond Thurs: 11:10, 2:10, 5, 7:50, 10:25

Looking for your favorite theater and don’t see it listed? Email editor@ worcestermag.com and we’ll do our best to include it in the coming weeks.

Westborough Thurs: 11:30, 2:10, 4:55, 7:40, Blackstone Valley Cinema de Lux 70 Worcester/Providence Turnpike, Millbury 800-315-4000 Cinema 320 at Clark University, Jefferson Academic Center 950 Main St.; Cinemagic, 100 Charlton Rd., Sturbridge 508-347-3609 Elm Draught House Cinema, 35 Elm St., Millbury 508-865-2850 Holy Cross Seelos Theater, 1 College St. 508-793-2455

Regal Solomon Pond Stadium 591 Donald Lynch Blvd., Marlborough 508-229-8871

Regal Westborough Stadium 231 Turnpike Rd., Westborough 508-366-6257 Showcase Worcester North, 135 Brooks St. 508-852-2944 The Strand Theatre, 58 High St., Clinton 978-365-5500 Worcester Public Library (WPL) Saxe Room, 3 Salem Sq.

WORLD WAR Z IN REAL D 3D [CC,DV] (PG-13) No Passes Fri. - Thu.(1100 1140 150) 440 700 725 1015

Adv. Tix on Sale DESPICABLE ME 2

MONSTERS UNIVERSITY [CC,DV] (G) No Passes Fri. - Sun.(1130 1210 210 310) 450 640 730 1010 MONSTERS UNIVERSITY [CC,DV] (G) No Mon. Thu.(1130 210) 450 730 1010 Passes Fri. - Sun.(1030 1130 1220 110 210 320 350) 500 650 750 930 Mon.(1130 1220 210 320) 500 650 750 930 MONSTERS UNIVERSITY IN REAL D 3D [CC,DV] (G) No Passes Fri. - Thu.(1105 145) 430 710 950 WORLD WAR Z [CC,DV] (PG-13) No Passes Fri. - Sun.(1230 200 340) 450 700 800 950 1045 Mon.(1200 1230 330) 630 700 1010 WORLD WAR Z [CC,DV] (PG-13) No Passes Fri. - Thu.(1220 330) 630 925 MONSTERS UNIVERSITY IN REAL D 3D [CC,DV] (G) No Passes Fri. - Mon.(1100 140) 430 720 1000 RAANJHANAA (NR) Fri. - Thu.(1200 340) 645 945 WORLD WAR Z IN REAL D 3D [CC,DV] (PG-13) No Passes Fri. - Sun.(1030 WHITE HOUSE DOWN [CC,DV] 1110 1200 120) 420 630 730 920 THURSDAY (PG-13) No Passes Mon.(1110 100 200) 400 450 730 800 920 Thu.700 PM 955 PM MAN OF STEEL IN REAL D 3D MAN OF STEEL [CC,DV] (PG-13) No Passes [CC,DV] (PG-13) No Passes Fri. - Sun.(1150 350) 705 935 Fri. - Sun.(1140 300 330) 640 940 1010 Mon.(1140 1250 145 300) 410 640 740 940 MAN OF STEEL [CC,DV] (PG-13) Mon. - Thu.(1150 350) 705 935 BLING RING (R) Fri. - Sun.(1120 145) 455 725 945 Mon.(1120) 455 725 945 THE HEAT [CC,DV] - THURSDAY (R) No Passes Thu.1000 PM MAN OF STEEL [CC,DV] (PG-13) No Passes Fri. - Sun.(1035 1210 145) 410 710 740 MAN OF STEEL IN REAL D 3D [CC,DV] (PG-13) No Passes MAN OF STEEL [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Thu.(1120 320) 635 950 Mon.(1210 340) 710 1010 THIS IS THE END [CC,DV] (R) THIS IS THE END [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Thu.(1115 200) 445 720 1000 Fri. - Sun.(1035 115) 405 715 955 Mon.(1245) 405 715 955 THE INTERNSHIP [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Thu.655 PM 1015 PM THE PURGE [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Sun.705 PM 1035 PM Mon.(1125 150) 440 705 1030 YEH JAWAANI HAI DEEWANI (NR) Fri. - Sun.920 PM Mon. - Wed.(1200 PM) 400 PM 750 PM THE INTERNSHIP [CC,DV] (PG-13) Thu.(1200 PM 320 PM) Fri. - Sun.(1040 150) 440 745 1030 Mon.(1235 350) 715 1005 NOW YOU SEE ME [CC,DV] (PG-13) NOW YOU SEE ME [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Wed.(1110 155) 435 715 1000 Fri. - Sun.(1050 155) 445 735 1025 Thu.(1110 AM 155 PM) 435 PM Mon.(1240) 420 735 1015 EPIC [CC,DV] (PG) STAR TREK: INTO DARKNESS Fri. - Thu.(1125 AM 205 PM) 425 PM [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Mon.(310 PM) 1015 PM STAR TREK: INTO DARKNESS IRON MAN 3 [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Mon.1025 PM [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Thu.(300 PM) 955 PM Times For 21 June, 2013 - 27 June, 2013

© 2013




night day &

Volturno FOOD ★★★★ AMBIENCE ★★★★1/2

SERVICE ★★★1/2

{ dining}

VALUE ★★★1/2

72 Shrewsbury St., Worcester • volturnopizza.com • 508.756.8658

Pizza perfect Marc Cochon

Located in a former Buick dealership, Volturno is an enticing new option for casual Italian dining in Worcester. If you’ve spent time in Italy, Volturno’s menu will seem familiar: A small number of fairly simple dishes highlighting quality ingredients. In just about every way, Volturno offers Worcester something new and different. Volturno’s interior is stylish and spacious: mostly wood and iron, with an open floor plan, high ceilings, and pendant lamps. A wraparound bar forms the center of the space, a fine place for dinner for one or two. A patio offers outdoor dining with a view of the activity along Shrewsbury Street. There’s even a private lot with plenty of parking. On several visits, Volturno is buzzing

with activity. The full bar features a variety of specialty cocktails. The wellchosen wine list is almost all Italian, with plenty of selections under $35, and there’s a thoughtful array of beers on tap, all making Volturno a good place to meet for a beverage. You could assemble a fine meal from the “stuzzichini,” or appetizers, alone ($5$10). Grilled calamari are served simply over chickpea puree and garnished with chili olives and parsley – a fresh-tasting, summery dish. Rich, creamy burrata cheese is a decadent treat, drizzled with pistachio pesto and served with olive-oil laced grilled bread. A quartet of arancini deliver a rich porcini flavor, although we wouldn’t mind a bit more mozzarella in the center. Duck prosciutto with arugula is less memorable, but all is forgiven once we rip into the porchetta, crisped chunks of pork belly resting in a sweet and sour sauce made from peppers and scallions. Salads ($8-$9) are simple, successful, and big enough to share. Arugula with roasted yellow beets, blue cheese, and toasted hazelnuts hits just the right balance of flavors and textures. A gem lettuce salad has bright, lemony flavors

o ? b m u G

that complement crisp greens, radish slices and slivers of pecorino cheese. But as the two showy ovens suggest, Volturno is largely about pizza ($9-$16) – Neapolitan style, blackened and irregular, with modest amounts of high-quality toppings. It’s a subtle style, focusing on texture, using plain tomatoes and cheeses instead of cooked, spiced sauces. The vongole pizza is a white pie with bacon, clams, ricotta, and fior di latte mozzarella. The crust is very soft, nicely blackened, and a bit chewy — they may need to either tone down the ovens a bit or refine their dough approach to cook it more completely. Still, it’s the rival of any pizza I’ve tried in Central Massachusetts. A combo of San Marzano tomatoes, mozzarella, pecorino, and sausage disappears in a flash, the crumbled sausage spiked with fennel and delivering porky flavors. A few pastas and mains are on offer

($12 - $23), and advertise carefully-sourced ingredients, but with mixed results. Garganelli pasta with peas and mushrooms has good textures, but could use more flavor. A thick, fresh flounder filet arrives cooked perfectly with crisp, seared skin and a nice seasonal salad. A half chicken is less satisfying — the breast nicely moist, but the skin a bit flabby, the thin sauce under-seasoned, the advertised ramps absent. Volturno is open daily for lunch and dinner. As can happen at new establishments, they still have a few kinks to work out: one visit is a letdown, with the kitchen and service disappointing us, but both earlier and later visits provided fine experiences all around. The bill can add up fairly quickly, but the upside is undeniable – Volturno offers a new dining experience for Worcester that’s fun, hip, and more often than not delicious.

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• JUNE 20, 2013

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night day



BITES ... nom, nom, nom Brittany Durgin



The Regional Environmental Council’s (REC) community farmers markets happens every Saturday at 105 Murray Ave. in Worcester,

Nuestro Huerto is offering a 20-week CSA this

behind the YMCA Central Community Branch from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Markets will include craft vendors, free kids activities, live music and art. A few of this season’s vendors include Nuestro Huerto in Worcester, New Lands Farm in Sutton, Schultz Farm in Rutland and New Roots CSA in Sterling. recworcester.org.

summer. The CSA provides participants with fresh, local vegetables from June through October. Half- and full-share options are available. EBT and payment plans are welcome. Email nuestrohuertoworcester@ gmail.com for pricing and more information. The farm is located at 20 Southgate St. in Worcester.


Corner Grille 806 Pleasant St., Worcester 508-754-8884 cornergrille.com

Leafy Green is back with a different lineup of local eateries!

The Corner Grille Sara Jane Nelson

FOOD ★★★★ AMBIENCE ★★★★ 1/2 SERVICE ★★★★1/2 VALUE ★★★ 1/2

The Corner Grille has much more to offer than just pizza. It’s a great place to relax, BYOB, share a jar of homemade lemonade and relax. Their menu is simple, but the food has a great variety of flavors. I ordered the apple cranberry salad with additional grilled chicken. This involved mixed greens, gorgonzola cheese, candied pecans, caramelized onions, sautéed apples, and apple-cranberry vinaigrette. While I wasn’t impressed with the grilled chicken addition – it was cooked well but not my favorite cut or seasoning – the base salad was delicious. The kicker was the vinaigrette, which had chunks of apple, cranberry, and onion in it, and a great bold tart flavor. The gorgonzola and candied pecans were the perfect complement to the dressing; the apples were sautéed just right and the greens were very fresh, however, I do think that the caramelized onions were lost on the rest of the salad. With onion chunks already in the vinaigrette, I barely noticed the caramelized ones were there. The apple cranberry salad is $9.99, and the grilled chicken, an additional $4. I would probably get it without the chicken next time as, for me, it brought down the overall value of the salad. Next time around, the heaping portion of salad with its bold flavors would be more than satisfying on its own.

COOKING CLASSES Tower Hill Botanic Gardens hosts several cooking classes this summer. On Sunday, August 4 from 1-4 p.m., Sandy Tosches will lead the workshop Spectacular Summer Salads. The course will include lessons on making Oriental pasta salad (V), tomato feta pasta salad (V), quinoa and roasted vegetable salad (V and GF), curried chicken salad (GF). All but the curried chicken salad can be transported or sit without refrigeration and are low fat recipes. Samples will be offered at the end of the class. (V=Vegetarian and GF=Gluten Free). On Wednesday, August 7 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Lynn Hartman of Hartman’s Herb Farm in Barre will lead a class called “Farm to Table Cooking with Herbs.” Hartman will demonstrate how to use fresh, local veggies and herbs from the garden to make homemade meals. A cooking demonstration and recipes will be offered to participants. On Wednesday, August 21 learn how to make jam with Fireside Catering’s Executive Chef Ethan Paige. The class with instruct the steps to make simple, small-batch jam that is hot-filled and water-bath canned. Basics and fundamentals of this technique and insight into making it commercially for wholesale and retail will also be shared. Learn more and register at towerhillbg. org.

GIFT CARD PROMO During the month of June, Peppercorn’s will add 10 percent to every dollar purchased on a gift card. So, for example, continued on page 24


New Look • New Feel New Experience Introducing a more casual dining experience! 30 drafts of the coldest beer in town & many new bar specials.

508.835.4722 Formerly Known as The Manor Restaurant

42 West Boylston St. West Boylston, MA

THE RESTAURANT SHOW Each week your host Ginny talks to restaurateurs from some of the top local eateries to spotlight what they do — their stories, their menus, and what makes the local restaurant scene so great.

This week’s featured restaurant:




night day




BITES ... nom, nom, nom continued from page 23

purchase a $50 gift card and receive it with 5 extra bucks on it; purchase a card for $100 and receive it with $110 on it. Peppercorn’s Grille & Tavern, 455 Park Ave. epeppercorns.com.

Raising a glass to wine everywhere

The Shapely Side of Wine

LOBSTERMANIA Peppercorn’s Grille & Tavern has brought its Lobstermania menu back for the summer.

A Al Vuona

few weeks back I posed the question: Is wine sexy? I even presented evidence to support it is. Well now I have even more proof that wine does indeed have sex appeal. Have you taken a close look at a wine bottle lately? Well if you have then you may want to take a second look. First let me point out that wine bottles come in a host of styles and colors depending on what varietal of wine is used. But it’s the description of each that just might capture your attention. For example, riesling has a bottle shape that is described as tall, sleek and slender with a long narrow neck. France’s famed burgandy wines, both the red and white, have a shape that is slightly fuller in the hip with gently sloping shoulders and tapered top. Port or fortified wine bottles have high shoulders, a bulging neckline and pronounced punt or (dimple) on its bottom. Bottles from the Rhône Valley of France have a similar shape to the burgundy bottle, however, they tend to be slightly slimmer and may bear a decorative mark on its neck. The shoulders tend to be round and smooth. The most common style is the cabernet, which is straight and tall with high shoulders and a graceful neck. The traditional Italian chianti bottle really stands out. It has a wide body, a flat round bottom and close fitting straw skirt. It is commonly referred to as a fiasco. No pun intended. The notion that a wine bottle could have sex appeal may seem like a stretch but, like the famous Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, these glass vessels are a collection of sexy hard bodies. Speaking of appeal, spring and summer are the perfect seasons to enjoy a bottle of sparkling Italian prosecco. This sexy cousin of champagne, with OF THE WEEK its tiny bubbles that roll over your tongue, will Lamarca tantalite your taste buds with honeysuckle, melon, Prosecco green apple, pear and toasted almond. What’s more, Italy $18 it comes in a very attractive bottle.


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• JUNE 20, 2013

Ten entrees include Warmed Asian Lettuce Wraps filled with lobster meat and sautéed with onions, garlic, peanut sauce and hoisin and garnished with red bell peppers, cucumbers and cilantro; a Famous Lobster Roll; Mac ‘N’ Cheese with lobster knuckle, claw and tail meat folded in; and a pizza topped with lobster meat, roasted corn, scallions and fontina cheese, each for $15. Peppercorn’s Grille & Tavern, 455 Park Ave. epeppercorns.com.

CANAL DISTRICT FARMERS MARKET A new farmers market is coming to Canal District later this month. Held on Thursdays, from 3-8 p.m., in the now-vacant lot at Green and Harding streets, the market will offer a diverse range of local produce, as well as a variety of cheese, eggs, meats, fish, breads, pastries, chocolate and wine. Featured guest vendors will rotate weekly and horse and wagon tours of the district will be offered. Farmers and others wishing to sell products should fill out a vendor form, found at facebook.com/ CanalDistrictFarmersMarket, and email it to canaldistrictfarmersmarket@gmail.com.

MUSIC AND FOOD FOR A CAUSE The 4th annual Arturo’s Fusion Sunday brings food provided by Arturo’s Ristorante and Sapporo BBQ & Sushi and the music of Jubilee Gardens to Arturo’s on Sunday, June 23 from

Gluten Free Pizza!

3-7 p.m. The event takes place in front of Arturo’s, 50 East Main St. Plaza in Westborough and benefits the Pancreatic Cancer Alliance. Tickets are $35 in advance or $45 at the door and available at Arturo’s, Sapporo. pancreaticalliance. org.

WINE THAT BENEFITS WICN A variety of wines are for sale at benefitwines.com/wicn, which when purchased, part of all proceeds will be donated to WICN Public Radio, here in Worcester.

PICNIC POTLUCK AT BROAD MEADOW The Worcester Food & Active Living Policy Council holds its quarterly community meeting on Thursday, July 11 at Broad Meadow Brook Wildlife Sanctuary from 4-7 p.m. The meeting will be a picnic potluck and feature guest speakers Deb Carey of Mass Audubon and Colin Novick of Greater Worcester Land Trust who will share info on where and how to get outdoors locally. Those interested in attending are asked to kindly RSVP to hungerfree@ worcesterfoodpolicy.org. Broad Meadow Wildlife Sanctuary, 414 Massasoit Rd., Worcester.

CSA FROM WESTERN MASS FARM Red Fire Farm, an organic certified farm in western Mass., has partnered with the First Unitarian Church of Worcester to bring its fresh produce to Worcesterites through a CSA. Each week, those who have bought into the farm share, will receive an average of 10 pounds of veggies, which can be picked up every Wednesday for 20 weeks, from now through the end of October, at


Open Saturdays & Sundays For Lunch at 11:30 a.m.

Authentic Brick Oven Italian Pizza Made with vine ripe tomato sauce and whole milk mozzarella cheese. Come & Play



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night day



BITES ... nom, nom, nom { recommended}

the church from 3-7 p.m. CSAs are offered on a sliding scale from $475-$595. Addons include a mix of berries, stone fruit and apples for $190, 10 weeks of flower bouquets for $100, and a half dozen of organic, pasture-raised kosher eggs from Stony Brook Valley Farm for $68. Call 413-467-7645 or email thefarmers@ redfirefarm.com with questions. redfirefarm.com/CSA/index.html.


New Lands Farm will also be providing a CSA program to Worcester-area residents this summer. Fresh fruits and veggies from

New Lands’ two farms, one in Worcester and one in West Springfield, will be packed and shared with participants

now through October 16. Ethnic vegetables

Eastern Pearl 290 Main St., Webster 508-671-9288 On an anything but bustling Main Street of Webster, the Eastern Pearl is a standout for this little town. The owners of this new Chinese and Japanese restaurant deserve kudos for their clever preservation of an old bank transformed into a full-service restaurant. Japanese fare must-haves include the BBQ squid appetizer and any special sushi rolls of the day. The Pu Pu Platter is a perfect Chinese entrée to share, especially for those overwhelmed and undecided by the menu options. The ambience is fitting for any ocTHE BITTER TRUTH casion from date night to a family-night out, and the large portions A multi-course food and cocktail event, hosted by of each offering can almost guarantee leftovers for the next day. Still & Stir and The People’s Kitchen on Thursday, June 27 at Still & Stir at 7 p.m. The night Piccolo’s including mchicha and bottle gourds and traditional cultural recipes using the items, will be offered alongside common New England produce. Pickup locations will be at the West Springfield farm and Sutton on Tuesday afternoons, and at EAT Center in downtown Worcester on Wednesdays. Learn more at lssne.org/NewLandsFarm. aspx.

will pair crafted cocktails, all made with

bitters, with special food dishes. Price $35 per person. Still & Stir, 120 Commercial St. 1nicheexchange.com.

157 Shrewsbury St. 508-754-1057 piccolos157.com Piccolo’s offers an old-school, upscale Shrewsbury Street experience. Homemade pasta is a standout – try the ravioli – on a menu that blends authentic Italian cuisine with more familiar Italian-American dishes. Asparagi “Milanese Style” is a satisfying starter, as is the Raviolo 157. A wide range of seafood, chicken, veal and pasta dishes is on offer, as are well-crafted salads, a few desserts, and an Italian-focused wine list. In a city with more Italian restaurants than you can shake a cannoli at, Piccolo’s gets it right. Ming III 291 Turnpike Rd., Westborough

508-366-0090 ming3mass.com Set in a Route 9 strip mall, Ming III offers a creative mash-up of Chinese, Indian, Manchurian and Thai food in a stylish, upscale setting. Drums of Heaven are an addictive starter – boned chicken wings, stuffed, fried and glazed. Papaya Salad offers a new twist on the Thai classic, som tam, striking a perfect balance of flavors. Chili lamb is a standout, the rich sauce and fresh green chilies sharing the stage with wonderfully tender, fresh slices of lamb. As a bonus, you can also order anything you like from Khatta Mitha, a northern Indian restaurant that’s next door. Full-bar service. Rye and Thyme 14 Monument Square, Leominster Niche Hospitality Group’s latest restaurant, Rye and Thyme, is located on 14 Monument Square in Leominster and features a large drink menu, excellent local farmed food, and a fresh raw bar. Favorites include the Pork Chop ($21), an excellently prepared, tender pork chop served in a sweet molasses BBQ sauce with thick sweet-potato fries. Wood-fire grilled pizzas for $10 round out a full menu with plenty of options. Campfire bread pudding was a terrific finish to the meal. Prices are appropriate for quality, and the dining room can support parties both large and small. Veranda Café 4-8 Charlton St., Oxford 508-987-7777 Don’t miss this little gem hiding behind the Cumberland Farms Plaza in the center of Oxford. The food is delicious, the price is right, and the service is friendly. The Italian-Greek-American menu offers meals for vegetarian, carnivore, children, and healthconscious diners alike.



night day &

Upload your listings at worcestermag.com. Click the Night & Day toolbar, then choose Calendar to place your event listing in both our print and online weekly calendar.

{ listings}

music >Thursday 20

Reality. The Raven, 258 Pleasant St. 508-304-8133. Out to Lunch Summer Concert Series. Following a successful inaugural season of ice skating at the Worcester Common Oval, it’s time to turn up the heat and turn up the music! It’s time to Go Out to Lunch at the Oval! The popular Out to Lunch Summer Concert Series & Farmers Market is moving to Thursdays! Farmers Market opens at 11 a.m., main stage talent performs 12-2 p.m. Visit WorcesterCommonOval.com to see the dynamic line up of talent we’ve booked for this summer series. Free and open to the public. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Worcester Common Oval, 455 Main St. 508-799-1175. Dale LePage Trio. 6-9 p.m. CERES Bistro at Beechwood Hotel, 363 Plantation St. 508-754-2000. Dana Lewis LIVE! Summer Sunset Concert Series. EVERY Thursday (weather permitting.) Live Music, Cool breezes Georgeous sunsets out on the deck. NO COVER. Come on out! Free! 6:30-8:30 p.m. Grille on the HILL, . grillonthehill.net. Mieka Pauley in Concert. Pauley’s powerful alternative style melds together soul, blues, and rock. She is an artist who possesses a voice that flows like good whiskey and a frankness that conjures up a sonic immediacy with driving, yearning melodies. $35 Non-members, $30 Tower Hill Members, $26 Students (with ID). 6:30-9 p.m. Tower Hill Botanic Garden, Outdoors, 11 French Drive, Boylston. 508-869-6111 or towerhillbg.org/index.php/visit/what-s-happening/concerts. Coffee & Jam with Carolyn Waters. Carolyn is a singing/songwriter who fuses blues/jazz/root and other musical genres in to a unique, unforgettable blend of songs and sounds. No Cover Charge, but a suggested $5 Pass-theHat donation is appreciated. 7-8:30 p.m. Coffeelands World Gifts Espresso Cafe, 50 High St., Clinton. 978-270-2457 or coffeelandscafe.org. Summer Acoustic Series featuring JAB. Great live music on our deck every Thursday all summer long! Great deck drink specials, etc! 7-10 p.m. JJ’s Sports Bar and Grill, 380 Southwest Cutoff, Northborough. 508-842-8420. Night Train (Roots/Blues, LIVE MUSIC). No Cover. 7:15-9:45 p.m. The Mill at 185 West Boylston Street, 185 West Boylston St., West Boylston. themill185.com. Havana Night Live Latin Jazz. Live band playing/ singing classic latin rhythms/ jazz/ samba and bossa nova. No cover. Guest collaborations may be arranged. 7:30-10:30 p.m. Cantina Bar & Grill, United States, 385 Main St. 508-579-8949 or facebook.com/cantinabar. Open Mic Thursdays with Bill Mccarthy. Visit myspace.com/openmicworld for info and the latest signup schedules. Email Bill McCarthy to reserve a spot at Openmcc@verizon. Free. 7:30-11:30 p.m. Park Grill and Spirits, 257 Park Ave. MySpace.com/OpenMicWorld. Blues Jam. Blues Jam at Rivalry’s Pub, 274 Shrewsbury Street, Worcester, MA Every Thursday from 8pm to 12am Host by “BlueSwitch” Come sing/play and have fun! Free. 8 p.m.-midnight Rivalry’s Sports Bar, 274 Shrewsbury St. 774243-1100. Circadian Rhythm with Graveside Services. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Tristate Drafters Cafe, 35 Chase Ave, Dudley. 508-6719053. Dave Obrien. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. The Mill, 185 West Boylston St., West Boylston. Franco & Sam. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Rye & Thyme, 14 Monument Sqare, Leominster. 978-534-5900. Live Bands. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Black Sheep Tavern, 261 Leominster Road, Sterling. 978-422-8484.



• JUNE 20, 2013

Sean Ryan. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Legends, Airport Road - Fitchburg Ma, Fitchburg. 978-342-6500. 80’s party every Thursday with The Flock Of A-Holes! with Vigilante Blue and The Zak Smith Band (NYC). The “Totally Awesome 80’s” show is back tonight! Right before them, Vigilante Blue (facebook.com/ VigilanteBlue) On first is the ZAK SMITH Band from NYC facebook.com/zaksmithmusic. $5. 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or facebook.com/ pages/Flock-of-Aholes/127019150125. Audio Wasabi. 8:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. Karaoke Thursdays! Every Thursday Night! Hosted

by DJ Fast Track! 18+ No Cover! Come Rock the Mic Every Thursday Night at Karaoke! 8:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Club Remix, 105 Water St. 508-756-2227. Live Band Karaoke w/ Fingercuff. Live Band Karaoke with Fingercuff EVERY Thursday at The Ham! June 27th starts Angry Idol 3! Win $1000! 8:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Angry Ham’s Garage Restaurant & Pub, 2 Beacon St., Framingham. Metal Thursday! One of the Most Respected Nights for Metal in New England! Visit facebook.com/ metal.thursday. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543. Russo Brothers! No Cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. The Housetones. 9 p.m.-midnight Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St. 508-752-9439. This Metal Thursday CCVII: Replacire, Resolution 15 [NY], Formless, Krakatoa. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543. Chris Reddy Acoustic Loops from Hell. 9:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Michael’s Cigar Bar, 1 Exchange Place. 508-459-9035. Thirsty Thursday with DJ Matty J. No cover charge. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Center Bar & Grill, 102 Green St. 508-4380597.

>Friday 21

Dana Lewis LIVE! Classic Radio Hits from the 50’s to the 80’s “The Soundtrack of your Youth.” Free! 5:30-8:30 p.m.

Webster House Restaurant, 1 Webster St. 508-757-7208. Thank Friday It’s Dr. Nat. Thank Friday It’s Dr. Nat (TFIDN) is an unfettered romp through Nat’s musical imagination backed up by his hefty piano chops and hip vocals! Special guests are welcome to sit in, and often do! No cover charge = tips appreciated! 5:30-7:30 p.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, Cabaret Room or Outdoor Patio, 124 Millbury St. 508-579-5997 or facebook.com/events/157775224387459/?fref=ts. Open Mic. Open to musicians, poets, comedians or anyone with a talent! Hosted by Patrick McCarthy. 6:30-9 p.m. Nu Cafe, 335 Chandler St. 508-926-8800 or nucafe.com/events. Bill Mccarthy @ Perfect Game. Classic & Contemporary Acoustic and Not-So-Acoustic Rock! Free. 7-10 p.m. Perfect Game Sports Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263. Paulie’s New Orleans Jazz n’ Blues Festival. 6th Paulie’s New Orleans Jazz n’ Blues Festival is three day urban musico festival that celebrates the music and food of New Orleans. Performing in 2013: Irma Thomas George Porter, Jr. & The Runnin’ Pardners Anders Osborne Amanda Shaw & The Cute Guys Johnny Vidacovich Jumpin’ Johnny Sansone Band Papa Grows Funk Walter “Wolfman” Washington Lil Buck Sinegal Soul of a Man Billy Iuso & The Restless Natives Big Jon Short New Orleans Suspects John Fohl Mem Shannon & The Membership Shaka & The Soul Shakers Derek Warfield & The Young Wolfe Tones $15 - $25 pre festival purchase. 7 p.m.-noon Keystone Plaza Urban Fairgrounds, 231 Chandler St. 617-625-2140 or baevents.com/ pauliesnolabluesandjazzfestival/index.html. John Henry’s Hammer Coffeehourse Open Mic. 7:30-9:30 p.m. First Unitarian Church, 90 Main St. 508-795-8174. Ace Frehley Tribute Show. If you like Klassik Kiss, this is the same Ace. doing songs from the Ace Frehley solo album. 8 p.m.-midnight The Cannery @12 Crane Street, Southbridge, MA 01550, 12 Crane St., Southbridge. Babe Pino. 8 p.m.-2 a.m. Rivalry’s Sports Bar, 274 Shrewsbury St. 774-243-1100. Chris Duarte Blues Band. New CD “My Soul Alone” just released on Feb 26 and will be available for signing at this show. Chris Duarte has established himself as one of the most formidable fret-board scorchers on the contemporary bluesrock scene. Since emerging in the mid-1990s from Austin, Texas, a blues guitar hotbed, Duarte has forged new pathways for the blues and scouted numerous fresh trails for creative musical expression. $15 advance; $20 day of show. 8-11 p.m. Bull Run Restaurant, Sawtelle Room, 215 Great Road, Shirley. 978-425-4311 or tickets.bullrunrestaurant.com. Hothouse. Great Band! $5. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Joe Macey. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. The Mill, 185 West Boylston St., West Boylston. Keiko Gammel. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Rye & Thyme, 14 Monument Sqare, Leominster. 978-534-5900. Live Bands. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Black Sheep Tavern, 261 Leominster Road, Sterling. 978-422-8484. Pamela Hines Trio. Pamela Hines- piano, Dave Clark- bass, Yoron Israel- drums 18. 8-10 p.m. Amazing Things Art Center, 160 Hollis St., Framingham. 508-405-2787 or amazingthings. org/index.asp.

Return of The Dinosaurs. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, The Dinosaurs are metaphorically rising from the tarpits to entertain you in our favorite haunt. Re-live the 70’s, in moderation, of course. $5. 8-11:30 p.m. Blue Plate Lounge, 661 Main St., Holden. 508-829-4566. Rock & Give. Rock and Give A YMCA Camp Fundraiser. Join long time YMCA Member and Volunteer, John Morello, and his band, Windfall for a night of music and fun! Help us make camp a reality for EVERY child. Rock & Roll and dancing are Free! Save your cash for raffles and prizes! Free! 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Sakura Tokyo, 640 Park Ave. 508-757-6101. Ross McGinnes Performance. 8-11 p.m. Canal Restaurant & Bar, 65 Water St. 508-926-8353. Dan Kirouac - solo/acoustic. Free. 8:30-11:30 p.m. Veterans Of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 6538 Townsend, 491 Main St., West Townsend. 978-597-5644. Live Music. 8:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. The RoB ZOMBIE tribute band, AMERICAN HELLBILLY with guests Build + Bind, INFLUENZA and more. Finally, a band that is all things ZOMBIE! This amazing crew of creepers will steal your heart tonight (and liver, kidneys, gall bladder etc) Build + Bind is a great band made up of some of the finest musicians in town. facebook. com/buildandbind Check out some tunes buildandbind. bandcamp.com/ INFLUENZA takes the stage early tonight. $8. 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-3631888 or facebook.com/AmercanHellbilly?. 80’s party Friday & Saturday with The FLOCK OF A**HOLES at Chopsticks- Leominster. No cover, delicious MaiTais and food, great music to dance to all night long! No Cover! 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Chopstick’s Restaurant & Lounge, Commercial Road, Leominster. 978-534-0020 or facebook. com/pages/Flock-of-Aholes/127019150125. Babe Pino Band. Summertimes blues approaching fast. Friday night on the Shrewsbury St strip. No cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Rivalries Bar, Shrewsbury St. Break and Run, The Lounge Chair Allstars. 9 p.m.1:30 a.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. 508-926-8877. Brian & Captain. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Legends, Airport Road Fitchburg Ma, Fitchburg. 978-342-6500. Let’s Get Rocked (Def Leppard Tribute). Let’s Get Rocked is back at JJ’s! Relive all your favorite Def Leppard hits all night long! 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m. JJ’s Sports Bar and Grill, 380 Southwest Cutoff, Northborough. 508-842-8420. NEW! “High Voltage Friday’s” High Energy Hardcore with DJ Chananagains! Every Friday Night! 18+ $10, 21+ $5. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Club Remix, 105 Water St. 508-756-2227. Original Jelly Roll Soul. No Cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Touched. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Classic’s Pub, 285 Central St., Leominster. 978-537-7750. Windfall Classic Rock Cover Band. Windfall is a classic rock cover band originating from Worcester, MA. No Cover. 9:20 p.m.-1 a.m. Sakura Tokyo, 640 Park Ave. 508-792-1078. Decades By Dezyne. 9:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Jillian’s Worcester, 315 Grove St. 508-793-0900. Brazilian Dance Party Bands & DJ. Free. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Speakers Night Club, 19 Weed St., Marlborough. 508-4808222 or speakersnightclub.net. Crush Worcester. Worcester’s Premier house music event @ Sahara on 143 highland st. Resident dj’s Ryan Benwa, Big Spoon, & Basspusher bring you the finest tech house, jackin hose & deep house. With a guest feature every week & crazy drink specials. Free. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Sahara Cafe & Restaurant, 143 Highland St. 508-798-2181 or facebook.com/ CrushWorcester. Friday Night Dance Party with DJ Blackout. DJ

Upload your listings at worcestermag.com. Click the Night & Day toolbar, then choose Calendar to place your event listing in both our print and online weekly calendar. 508-832-5044. Blackout bringin’ the energy to get the party poppin’ all night Andy Cummings. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Rye & Thyme, 14 long No cover charge. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Center Bar & Grill, Monument Sqare, Leominster. 978-534-5900. 102 Green St. 508-438-0597. Ari Charbonneau Performance. 8-11 p.m. Canal Just Brad. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Michael’s Cigar Bar, 1 Exchange Restaurant & Bar, 65 Water St. 508-926-8353. Place. 508-459-9035. Chris Reddy Acoustic Loops from Hell. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Supernova Friday. The Supernova has arrived Worcester! Come out every Friday to Worcester’s hottest new Give your car a wash and support the Worcester Wildcat High nightclub, Bar FX, and be a School hockey team at its car wash fundraiser on Saturday, part of Worcester’s growing June 22 from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. EDM scene. Resident DJ’s at the Buffone Arena on Frankie Feingold & Goofy Lake Ave. in Worcester. Bootz hit you with the hardest Proceeds will help the house in the city every team purchase new Friday night. $10 (18+). equipment. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Bar FX, 90 Commercial St. 774-8233555 or facebook.com/barfx. worcester.3.

>Saturday 22

Virginia Rubino and Special Guests. Performer and songwriter Virginia Rubino appears tonight, along with possible surprise guests. Many remember Ms. Rubino from the 1980s Worcester scene, when Worcester was “The Paris of the ‘90s”, and for many years thereafter. Her Worcester bands included “Where’s Virginia?” and “The Amazing Box Band”. Prior to that she performed in the L.A. area, and recorded with Bebe K’Roche. Come by and hear her sing and play her songs, as well as a few of the classics. No Cover. Sahara Cafe & Restaurant, 143 Highland St. 508-798-2181. Zonkaraz. 1-7 p.m. Indian Ranch, 200 Gore Road, Webster. 508-943-3871. Dan Kirouac with special guest Mike Gallant. Dan has been part of the regional music scene for over twenty-five years. When not busy with tribute band BEATLES FOR SALE, solo performances showcase vocals accompanied by a six-string acoustic guitar. From the one-hit wonders to the lost classics, from the 50’s to today, every show is a different experience, drawing from almost 500 contemporary and oldie rock and pop songs. More information at dankirouac.com. Free. 6-9 p.m. Val’s Restaurant, On the patio (weather-permitting), 75 Reservoir St., Holden. 508-829-0900. Habitat For Humanity Gala Dale LePage & The Manhattans. 7-11 p.m. Cyprian Keyes Golf Club, 284 East Temple St., Boylston. 508-869-9900. Dana Lewis Live! Dana Lewis, Playing the greatest Hits from the 50’S to the 80’s. “The sound track of your youth” 7-10 p.m. Nancy’s Quaker Tavern, 466 Quaker Hgwy (Route146a), Uxbridge. 508-779-0901. Paulie’s New Orleans Jazz n’ Blues Festival. 6th Paulie’s New Orleans Jazz n’ Blues Festival is three day urban musical festival that celebrates the music and food of New Orleans. $15 - $25 pre festival purchase. 7 p.m.-noon. Keystone Plaza Urban Fairgrounds, 231 Chandler St. 617-6252140 or baevents.com/pauliesnolabluesandjazzfestival/index. html. The Sara Ashleigh Band. South Central Blues lovers, Sara’s your girl! 7 p.m.-1 a.m. The Cannery @12 Crane Street, Southbridge, MA 01550, 12 Crane St., Southbridge. Cafe’ con Dios. Donation. 7:30-10 p.m. Faith Baptist Church, Main Auditorium, 22 Faith Ave, Auburn. 508-579-6722. Raging Grace. Blues Rock. Get Raging! Donation. 7:30-10 p.m. Faith Baptist Church, Cafe con Dios, 22 Faith Ave, Auburn.

The Mill, 185 West Boylston St., West Boylston. Karaoke Dance Party With CJ/DJ @ Eller’s Restaurant. Hey Everyone Come Down and Join CJ/DJ at Eller’s Restaurant Lounge for a Karaoke Dance Party. We will have a blast singing songs from yesterday and today and maybe some dancing too. No Cover! 8-11 p.m. Eller’s Restaurant, Lounge, 190 Main St., Cherry Valley. 508-868-7382 or ellersrestaurant.com. Keiko. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Bootlegger’s Restaurant, 50 Massachusetts Ave., Lunenburg. Live Bands. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Black Sheep Tavern, 261 Leominster Road, Sterling. 978-422-8484. Mission of Blues. 8 p.m.-2 a.m. Rivalry’s Sports Bar, 274 Shrewsbury St. 774-243-1100. Summer Blues Spectacular. Boston’s DIANE BLUE is a soul-stirring vocalist, skillful harmonica player and a crowd-pleasing entertainer. WALI ALI helped as a lead guitarist for The Temptations, Eddie Kendricks, Teena Marie, Rick James & Patrice Rushen. MURALI CORYELL is a triple threat contemporary blues artist who can sing, write and play guitar with the best in the business. LISA MANN is a proud inductee into the Cascade Blues Association’s Hall of Fame after winning the Muddy Waters Award for Bass Player of the Year three times in a row. LITTLEWOLF fashions a unique, dynamic roots/ blues/rock explosion; a fusion of guitarist Steve Lott’s 35 years of experience & Kristi Clanton’s youthful exuberance. $15

advance; $20 day of show. 8-11 p.m. Bull Run Restaurant, Sawtelle Room, 215 Great Road, Shirley. 978-425-4311 or tickets.bullrunrestaurant.com. The ultimate JOURNEY tribute band: “Scarab” and openers Quadraplane. Probably the most accurate Journey tribute band you’ll ever see. We’re so lucky to have them playing at the club tonight! You gotta see them! On first tonight - Quadraplane covers your favorite rock songs from the 70’s to current. facebook.com/quadraplaneband $8. 8 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or facebook.com/scarab.journeytribute. June Live Music Night. June Live Music Night featuring: RICK RICCI in his only Massachusetts appearance. Nobody plays the Oldies like Rick! Other acts to include the “B&E” Band, Gerry Cullan, the Dale Packard Group, and Generations Unlimited No Cover Charge. 8:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Polish American Citizens Club (PACC), 37 Harris St., Webster. 508-943-9716. Live Music. 8:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. 80’s party Friday & Saturday with The FLOCK OF A**HOLES at Chopsticks- Leominster. No cover, delicious MaiTais and food, great music to dance to all night long! No Cover! 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Chopstick’s Restaurant & Lounge, Commercial Road, Leominster. 978-534-0020 or facebook.com/pages/Flock-of-Aholes/127019150125. BILL McCARTHY @ DARK HORSE TAVERN. Classic & Contemporary Acoustic and Not-So-Acoustic Rock! Free. 9 p.m.-midnight Dark Horse Tavern, 12 Crane St., Southbridge. 508-764-1100. Brit Wits. Relive the hits of the British Invasion with The Brit Wits! 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m. JJ’s Sports Bar and Grill, 380 Southwest Cutoff, Northborough. 508-842-8420. Hired Guns. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Classic’s Pub, 285 Central St., Leominster. 978-537-7750. Jean Mancini Gough Jazz Group! No Cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-7534030. Karaoke Contest $500 prize. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Barber’s Crossing Road House, 861 Main St., Leicester. 508-892-7575.

night day &

{ listings}

Karaoke with Outrageous Greg. Karaoke with Outrageous Greg every Saturday night. The absolute BEST Karaoke in Worcester! No cost, Worcester College Students Get WOO Points. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Fiddlers’ Green Pub & Restaurant, 19 Temple St. 508-792-3700. Rotten Apple. $5. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Jillian’s - Worcester, 315 Grove St. 508-793-0900. Rusty Shovels, The Susan Constant, Glenn Yoder and The Western States, and Mister Vertigo! 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543. Sadplant, Slitstitch, The Pity Whores, The Lost Riots. 9 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. 508-9268877. Silverbacks. Great Band $5. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Windfall Classic Rock Cover Band. Windfall is a classic rock cover band originating from Worcester, MA. No Cover. 9:20 p.m.-1 a.m. Sakura Tokyo, 640 Park Ave. 508-792-1078. “Tantrum Saturdays” Dance Party Every Saturday Night with DJ Tony T. Get ready Worcester for some great dancing to the beats of Tony T. Watch for the surprise contest each week. 18+ only $10 21+ only $5. 10 p.m.-1:45 a.m. Club Remix, 105 Water St. 508-756-2227 or remixworcester. com. Brett & Lisa Brumby. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Michael’s Cigar Bar, 1 Exchange Place. 508-459-9035. DJ Matty J Saturday Night EDM and Old School Jams. DJ Matty J makes a Saturday Night appearance at the Center, EDM and Old School jams with HD videos also, check out DJ Matty J on Thursday and Sunday Nights at the Center! No cover charge. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Center Bar & Grill, 102 Green St. 508-438-0597. Dj Reckless. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Perfect Game Sports Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263. Karaoke with Tom Lynch. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Pho Dakao, 593 Park Ave. 508-756-7555.



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169 MAIN ST., N. BROOKFIELD • 508-637-1329 • 508-667-6316 JUNE 20, 2013 • WORCESTERMAG.COM


night day &

Upload your listings at worcestermag.com. Click the Night & Day toolbar, then choose Calendar to place your event listing in both our print and online weekly calendar.

{ listings}

>Sunday 23

Revolution Sunday’s! Drag Show Extravaganza Hosted by Lady Sabrina and Bootz! Featuring The Remix Girls, Special Guests, and DJ Whiteboi Spinning Beats! 18+ $8, 21+ $5. midnight-1:30 a.m. Club Remix, 105 Water St. 508-756-2227. Worcester Classic Cycle Show and Swap Meet! 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543. Sunday Brunch w/Chet Williamson. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. Bah Jam Open Mic with A Ton of Blues. 2-7 p.m. Black Sheep Tavern, 261 Leominster Road, Sterling. 978-4228484. Dwight Yokam. 2-7 p.m. Indian Ranch, 200 Gore Road, Webster. 508-943-3871. Classical to Cabaret, Sindoni Singers. 3-5 p.m. First Unitarian Church of Worcester, 90 Main St. 508-757-2708. Take Two. 4-8 p.m. Rivalry’s Sports Bar, 274 Shrewsbury St. 774-243-1100. Big Jon Short - solo acoustic country blues. Free. 5-8 p.m. Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St. 508-752-9439. Blues Jam w/Jim Perry. Blues Jam with special guests weekly Free. 6-10 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Open Mic Sundays at Perfect Game With Bill McCarthy. Book your half-hour set in advance at myspace. com/openmicworld. Email Bill McCarthy to book a spot at openmcc@verizon.net. Free. 6-10 p.m. Perfect Game Sports

Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263 or MySpace. com/OpenMicWorld. Paulie’s New Orleans Jazz n’ Blues Festival. 6th Paulie’s New Orleans Jazz n’ Blues Festival is three day urban musical festival that celebrates the music and food of New Orleans. $15 - $25 pre festival purchase. 7 p.m.-noon. Keystone Plaza Urban Fairgrounds, 231 Chandler St. 617-6252140 or baevents.com/pauliesnolabluesandjazzfestival/index. html. Fall Off Records presents a night of Hip Hop, R&B, Spoken Word and Reggae. FallOffRecords.com. $10. 8:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-3631888 or facebook.com/FallOffRecords. Sunday Funday Karaoke with DJ Matty J. No cover charge. 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Center Bar & Grill, 102 Green St. 508-438-0597.

>Monday 24

Madonnas in a Field 7pm to 10pm, then Big Game Triva at 9pm followed by Karaoke! No Cover. 7 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Wolf Brothers. 7-11 p.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. Bop & Pop Jazz Organization. Classic Hammond Organ Quartet grooves every Monday night at the Dive. Free. 9 p.m.-midnight Dive Bar, 34 Green St. facebook.com/ BopNPopJazzOrganization.

>Tuesday 25

Happy Together Tour 2013. This year’s HAPPY TOGETHER TOUR features Flo & Eddie of The Turtles; Chuck Negron, formerly of Three Dog Night; Gary Puckett & The Union Gap;

Worcester Mag’s Walter Bird Jr. joins Paul Westcott, live, every Thursday at 8:35 a.m. Paul Westcott Show WTAG 580 AM 5 a.m. - 9 a.m.


Charter TV3 7 a.m. - 9 a.m.



{ news | arts | dining | nightlife



Not your everyday newspaper.


• JUNE 20, 2013

Mark Lindsay, former lead singer of Paul Revere & The Raiders; and Gary Lewis & The Playboys. Full price tickets are $35, $45 and $55, depending on seating location. 10% discount available for members, groups of 10 or more, corporate

Open Jam w/Sean Ryan. Open Jam Free. 8:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Chris Reddy Acoustic Loops from Hell. 5:30-7:30 p.m. Sunset Tiki Bar, 79 Powers Road, Westford. 978-6925700. Live Music with Matt Robert. Matt Robert’s solo Movies On The Common returns this summer with a screening of “Ferris Bueller’s Wednesday night shows Day Off” on Thursday, June 20 on the Worcester Common, 455 Main St. present a loose, rambling trip (behind City Hall). The night begins with live music at 6 p.m. Food will be available from area through the songbook he’s restaurants and local vendors, as well as popcorn and refreshments. The movie will begin at developed over thirty years dusk. A rain date is scheduled for Thursday, June 27. worcesterfilmworks.org. of performing. All donations to the Worcester County Food Bank. facebook.com/ mattrobertmusic 6:30-8:30 p.m. Nu Cafe, 335 Chandler St. 508-926-8800 or nucafe. com/events. Vannga Tran at Twigs Cafe. VANNGA TRAN Vannga Tran is a part time professional pianist who resides in Worcester, MA. Besides being a pianist, she is a full time teacher and part time university instructor. Vannga was born and grew up in Vietnam, moving to the US many years ago as a political refugee. She has self taught how to play modern music since age 10. Included with Regular Admission: $12 Adults, $9 Seniors (65+), $7 Youth (6-18), Free to Members & Children under 6. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Tower Hill Botanic Garden: The Great Hall, Twigs Cafe, 11 French Drive, Boylston. 508-8696111. towerhillbg.org. Open Mic w/ Feature Act. This Open Mic has been running for a year now. A great sounding room for acoustic performance. SongWriter’s Night the first Wednesday of every month. Great food and friendly staff. Hosted by Brett Brumby, all mics and cables supplied, just partners, kids, students and WOO Card holders. 7:30-9:30 p.m. Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts, 2 Southbridge St. bring your instrument and love of music! Free. 7:30-11 p.m. Route 56 Roadside Bar & Grill, 24 Leicester St., North Oxford. 877-571-7469 or thehanovertheatre.org. 508-987-8669 or 56barandgrill.com. Tuesday Open Mic Night @ Greendale’s Pub Wednesday Night Open Mic/local Musicians’ With Bill Mccarthy Local Musicians Showcase! Showcase w/ Bill Mccarthy @ Guiseppe’s. To check the schedules and open slots visit MySpace.com/ Visit myspace.com/openmicworld for info and the latest OpenMicWorld. Bill McCarthy (originator of the “Half-Hour sign-up schedules. Email Bill McCarthy to reserve a spot at Sets!” is Your Host at another great Open Mic Night! Email Openmcc@verizon. Free. 7:30-10:30 p.m. Guiseppe’s Grille, Bill McCarthy to reserve a spot at openmcc@verizon.net. 35 Solomon Pond Road, Northborough. 508-393-4405. Free. 7:30-11:30 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. “Krazy Wednesday Jam Session” with The “Get 508-853-1350. On Up Band”. The music is hot motown/funk/swing/blues “See You Next Tuesday” with DJ Poke Smot! style. We offer a drum kit, bass rig and a full PA system for all Downstairs! Guest DJ’s and Bands each week! No Cover! to use, so bring what you play and “ get on up” Free. 8 p.m.-1 Check our Facebook page {facebook.com/ralphs.diner} for a.m. The Krazy Horse Bar & Grill, 287 Main St. Worcester. guests each week. 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square 1-774-823-3131. Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543. Amanda Cote features at Brumby’s Open Mic >Wednesday 26 Rt 56. 8-11 p.m. Route 56 Roadside Bar & Grill, 24 Open Mic Night. The Raven, 258 Pleasant St. 508-304Leicester St., North Oxford. 978-895-5883 or facebook.com/ 8133 or theravenrockclub.com/Booking.php?id=OpenMic. events/575885685776412.

Upload your listings at worcestermag.com. Click the Night & Day toolbar, then choose Calendar to place your event listing in both our print and online weekly calendar. Wacky Wednesday Night Jam @JJ’s Sport Bar. Open mic jam session, all are welcome. We offer a drum kit, bass rig and a full PA system for all to use. Guitar players please bring your own amp. Geat club, great food, great drinks and great music. Free. 8:30-12:30 p.m. JJ’s Sports Bar and Grill, 380 Southwest Cutoff, Northborough. 508-842-8420. Woo Town Wednesdays. Free show with On The Cinder (NY), Some Kind Of Nightmare & more. ON THE CINDER from Buffalo NY, (facebook.com/onthecinder) Free to get in! 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or facebook.com/pages/Some-Kind-ofNightmare/175641019137686. Psychedelic Music Show at Ralph’s Rock Diner. 21+ oscillatorsunshinemachine.bandcamp.com, soundcloud. com/oscillatorsunshine 9-10:30 p.m. Ralph’s Rock Diner, 148 Grove St. Worcester,Massachusetts. 508-753-9543. The Twangbusters bust into Vincent’s! The Twangbusters deftly mix the best of bluesy country, boogie woogie and barrelhouse into a musical cocktail-you’ll be shaken & stirred - Bottoms UP! No Cover. 9 p.m.-midnight Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St. 508-752-9439. Ladies Night with DJ Blackout. No cover charge. 101:30 p.m. Center Bar & Grill, 102 Green St. 508-438-0597.


ADC Performance Center (@ The Artist Development Complex), 18 Mill St., Southbridge. 508-764-6900 or adcmusic.com/Index.htm. ARTSWorcester, ONE, Friday; ONE: An ArtsWorcester Open-Member Exhibit, through July 31. Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 1-4 p.m. Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday - Friday, 1-4 p.m. Saturday. Admission: Fre. 660 Main St. 508755-5142 or artsworcester.org. Asa Waters Mansion, Admission: $3 for guided tour, $7-10 for tea. 123 Elm St., Millbury. 508-865-0855 or asawaters.org. Booklovers’ Gourmet, “Spain and other Corners of Beauty”, original watercolors & oil paintings by Peg Moskowitz, Through June 29. Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday - Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. 55 East Main St., Webster. 508-949-6232 or er3.com/book. Clark University: University Gallery, Hours: Noon5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, Noon-8 p.m. Wednesday, Noon-5 p.m. Thursday - Saturday. 950 Main St. 508-793-7349 or 508-793-7113 or clarku.edu. Clark’s Cafe and Art On Rotation Gallery, Hours: 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday - Saturday. Admission: for gallery. 310 High St., Clinton. 978-549-5822 or 978-365-7772 or aorgallery.com. College of the Holy Cross: Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Art Gallery, Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, 2-5 p.m. Saturday. 1 College St. 508-793-3356 or holycross.edu/departments/cantor/website. Danforth Museum of Art, Hours: Noon-5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, Noon-5 p.m. Wednesday - Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday - Saturday. 123 Union Ave., Framingham. 508-620-0050 or danforthmuseum.org. Dark World Gallery, Hours: closed Sunday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday - Saturday. 179 Grafton St. darkworldgallery.com. EcoTarium, Hours: noon-5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. Admission: $14 adults; $8 for children ages 2-18, $10 college students with IDs & senior citizens. Children under 2 & EcoTarium members Free. Additional charges apply for Tree Canopy Walkway, Explorer Express Train, planetarium programs & other special progra. 222 Harrington Way. 508-929-2700 or ecotarium.org. Fisher Museum Harvard Forest, 324 N. Main St., Petersham. 978-724-3302 or harvardforest.fas.harvard.edu/ museum.html.

Fitchburg Art Museum, Hours: Noon-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, Noon-4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. 25 Merriam Parkway, Fitchburg. 978-345-4207 or fitchburgartmuseum.org. Fitchburg Historical Society, Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday - Tuesday, 10 a.m.-Midnight Wednesday, closed Thursday - Saturday. 50 Grove St., Fitchburg. 978-3451157 or fitchburghistory.fsc.edu. Framed in Tatnuck, Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday - Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. 1099 Pleasant St. 508-770-1270 or framedintatnuck.com. Fruitlands Museum, 102 Prospect Hill Road, Harvard. 978-456-3924 or fruitlands.org. Gallery of African Art, Gallery of African Art Free Tours, Thursdays, through Dec. 19; Weekly Thursday Tours at the Gallery of African Art, Thursdays, through Dec. 26. Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday - Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday. 62 High St., Clinton. 978-368-0227 or 978-598-5000x17 or galleryofafricanart.org. Higgins Armory Museum, WOO Card good at Higgins Armory Museum, Through Dec. 31. Hours: noon-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. Admission: General Admission: $12 for Adults, $10 for Seniors (age 60+), $8 for Children (age 4-16), Children 3 and under are Free. 100 Barber Ave. 508-853-6015 or higgins.org. Mass Audubon: Broad Meadow Brook Conservation Center and Wildlife Sanctuary, Hours: 12:30-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. 414 Massasoit Ave. 508-753-6087 or massaudubon.org. Museum of Russian Icons. Matryoshka: The Russian Nesting Doll, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through July 20; Series of “One Icon” exhibitions, Through Aug. 20. Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 11-3 a.m. Tuesday - Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, 11-3 a.m. Friday, 9-3 a.m. Saturday. Admission: Adults $7, Seniors (59 and over) $5, Students (with ID) & children (3-17) $2, Children under 3 Free, Groups (any age) $. 203 Union St., Clinton. 978598-5000 or 978-598-5000x17 or or museumofrussianicons. org. Old Sturbridge Village, Antique Car Rally, Saturday. Admission: $7 - $20 charged by age. Children under 3 fre. 1 Old Sturbridge Village Road, Sturbridge. 800-733-1830 or 508347-3362 or osv.org. Park Hill Gallery, Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday - Friday, closed Saturday. 387 Park Ave. 774-6960909. Post Road Art Center. Hours: closed Sunday, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday - Saturday. 1 Boston Post Road, Marlborough. 508-485-2580 or postroadartcenter.com. Preservation Worcester, Hours: closed Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, closed Saturday. 10 Cedar St. 508754-8760 or preservationworcester.org. Prints and Potter Gallery, American Contemporary Art & Craft Gallery, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through Dec. 31; Paint and SwitchWorcester Artist, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through June 30. Hours: closed Sunday, 10-5:30 a.m. Monday - Tuesday, 10-7 a.m. Wednesday Thursday, 10-5:30 a.m. Friday, 10-5 a.m. Saturday. 142 Highland St. 508-752-2170 or printsandpotter.com. Quinebaug Valley Council for the Arts & Humanities, the Arts Center. Friday - Sunday. Hours: 2-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Friday, 2-4 p.m. Saturday. 111 Main St., Southbridge. 508-346-3341 or qvcah.org. Rollstone Studios, Hours: 11-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday - Saturday. Admission. 633 Main St., Fitchburg. 978-348-2781 or rollstoneartists.com.

Salisbury Mansion, Hours: closed Sunday - Wednesday, 1-8:30 p.m. Thursday, 1-4 p.m. Friday - Saturday. 40 Highland St. 508-753-8278 or worcesterhistory.org SAORI Worcester style Weaving Studio, 18 Winslow St. 508-757-4646 or 508-757-0116 or saoriworcester.com. Taproot Bookstore, Hours: Noon-5 p.m. Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday - Thursday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. 1200 West Boylston St. 508-853-5083 or TaprootBookstore.com.

The Not-So-Late Show with Shaun Connolly and the Over-Qualified Band brings WXLO radio personality and comedian Stephen Donovan, comedian Ryan Staples and DJ Jenny Piccolo to the stage at Beatnik’s on Thursday, June 20 at 8 p.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. RSVP on Facebook.

Tatnuck Bookseller & Cafe, Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday - Saturday. 18 Lyman St., Westborough. 508-366-4959 or tatnuck.com. The Sprinkler Factory, Full Spectrum: Recent work from Assumption College graduates, Sundays, Saturdays through June 29. Hours: noon-6 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, closed Saturday. 38 Harlow St. sprinklerfactory.com. Top Fun Aviation Toy Museum, Hours: 1:30-4:30 p.m. Sunday, closed. Monday - Friday, 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday. 21 Prichard St., Fitchburg. 978-342-2809 or 978297-4337 or topfunaviation.com. Tower Hill Botanic Garden, Bonsai Weekend, Saturday; Bonsai Weekend, Sunday; Guided Garden Tour, Sundays, through Dec. 30. Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. Admission: $12 Adults, $9 Seniors & $7 Youth, FREE to Members & Children under . 11 French Drive, Boylston. 508-869-6111 ortowerhillbg.org. Westboro Gallery, Hours: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday - Saturday. 8 West Main St., Westborough. 508-870-0110 or westborogallery.com. Worcester Art Museum, The Allure of Blanc de Chine, Through Aug. 31; Families @ WAM Tour, Saturdays, through April 13; Families @ WAM: Make Art!, Saturdays, through May 4; Zip Tour, Saturdays, through Aug. 31; Public Tour, Sundays, through Aug. 25. Hours: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. Admission: Free for members, $14 adults, $12 seniors, free for youth 17 and under. Free for all first Saturdays of each month, 10am-noon. 55 Salisbury St. 508-799-4406 or worcesterart.org Worcester Center for Crafts, Artist-In-Residence Exhibition, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through June 15; Opposing Directions: An AiR Collection, Through June 15. Hours: closed Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday,

night day &

{ listings}

closed Saturday. 25 Sagamore Road. 508-753-8183 or worcestercraftcenter.org Worcester Historical Museum, Blue Star Museums Military Personnel & Family Discount, Through Sept. 2; Casey at the Bat: 125 Years, Through Aug. 10; In Their Shirtsleeves, Through Dec. 31; Stories They Tell, Through Dec. 31. Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday - Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday - Saturday. 30 Elm St. 508-753-8278 or worcesterhistory.org. Worcester Public Library, Hours: 1:30-5:30 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thursday - Saturday. 3 Salem Square. 508-799-1655 or worcpublib.org. WPI: George C. Gordon Library, Invented - WPI Patents Past & Present, Through Oct. 31; when 4x4 = 8, Friday; when 4x4 = eight, Friday - Sunday. 100 Institute Road. wpi.edu.

theater/ comedy

Dick Doherty’s Beantown Comedy Escape - Fridays, Saturdays. Showtimes: Fridays 9 p.m. and Saturdays 8 p.m. Reservations Recommended at 800-401-2221. Drinks and Appetizers available in the show room and full dinner available before show in restaurant. $5off with College ID 2 for 1 Active Military or Veterans $4 off with Dinner Receipt and Reservations. $20 per person except special events. 9-10:30 p.m. Park Grill and Spirits, Comedy Room, 257 Park Ave. Call 800-401-2221 or visit beantowncomedy.com. Sunday Night Cinemageddon! Drive-In Movies in the Parking Lot every Sunday Night! Facebook: Ralphs Diner Free. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. Call 508-753-9543. StageTime Comedy Club - Saturdays. Featuring Worcester’s premiere comics from New York, Boston and LA! Only $5, because TALK is CHEAP. 18+. $5. 8-10 p.m. Jose’ Murphy’s, 97-103 Water St. Call 508-792-0900 or visit stagetimecomedyclub.com. “Falsettos” at Flyleaf Theater Co. - Sundays, Fridays, Saturdays, Friday, June 14 - Sunday, June 23. Join the Flyleaf Theater Company as they kick of Season Two with the Tony Award-winning musical comic drama “Falsettos”! Seven talented local actors present William Finn’s complex and brilliant music and lyrics that will make you laugh, cry, and make you give second thought to your own family dynamics. $10-$18. 8-11 p.m. 1870 Town Hall, 12 Woodward Ave., Berlin. Call 508-443-4359 or visit flyleaftheater.com. The Not So Late Show with Shaun Connolly and The Over-Qualified Band - Thursday, June 20. 8-10 p.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. Call 508-926-8877. Open Auditions - Shrek the Musical - Friday, June 21 and Saturday, June 22. Call backs will follow on Sunday, June 23 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. The area’s premier community production of “Shrek the Musical” will be performed on September 13, 14, 20 and 21. There will be a total of six shows. Friday, 7-10 p.m. Saturday 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. First Church in Sterling, 6 Meetinghouse Hill Road, Sterling. Call 978-365-3979 or visit sterlingtheatre.com. Rodgers & Hammerstein’s “The Sound of Music” - Friday, June 21 - Sunday, June 23. The Milford Performing Arts Center, the area’s only family arts community, winner of WMRC’s most outstanding local music organization award, presents “The Sound of Music”, the legendary Rodgers and Hammerstein musical that includes Do Re Mi, My Favorite Things, and of course The Sound of Music. The Sound of Music JUNE 20, 2013 • WORCESTERMAG.COM


night day &

Upload your listings at worcestermag.com. Click the Night & Day toolbar, then choose Calendar to place your event listing in both our print and online weekly calendar.

{ listings}

appeals to all ages, so bring the family and enjoy a night of musical theater together. Tickets: $10 for students/seniors & $12 for adults in advance; $12 for students/seniors & $15 for adults at the door (some group rates available). Friday, 7:30-10 p.m. Saturday, 2-4:30 p.m. and 7:30-10 p.m. Sunday, 2-4:30 p.m. Milford High School, 31 West Fountain St., Milford. Call 508-478-1684 or visit milfordpac.org. Xanadu, the Musical - Friday, June 21 - Sunday, June 23. Believe in the magic again! Xanadu follows the journey of a magical and beautiful Greek muse, Kira, who descends from the heavens of Mt. Olympus to Venice Beach, California, in 1980. Her quest is to inspire a struggling artist, Sonny, to achieve the greatest artistic creation of all time - the first Roller Disco (hey, it’s 1980). So grab your glow sticks and your neon legwarmers for a quirky and zany musical! $20 for evenings; $15 for matinees; $10 for children ages 16 and under. Friday and Saturday, 8-10 p.m. Sunday, 2-4 p.m. Mount Wachusett Community College: Theatre, 444 Green St., Gardner. Call 978630-9388 or visit mwcc.edu/tam. PINK COLLAR COMEDY TOUR, Hosted By Kevin Barbare! - Saturday, June 22. Stand-Up for Laughs Comedy Presents - Pink Collar Comedy Tour! Erin Judge has appeared on Comedy Central’s “Live at Gotham” and at comedy clubs and festivals all around the world. Abbi Crutchfield is a comedian, writer and actor from Indianapolis, IN listed as one of the 18 Funny Women You Should Be Following on Twitter by Huffington Post Comedy. Carrie Gravenson, a native New Yorker, won the 2009 New York Underground Comedy Festivals Emerging Talent Stand-Up Competition and was a runner up in 2009’s Catch a Rising Star Stand-Up Competition. Kaytlin Bailey is the founder of the Pink Collar Comedy Tour and performs regularly at the famous Vagabond Cafe in the West Village of Manhattan. With Special Guests: Johnny Sanderski and Dean Abbott! $12-15. 8-9:30 p.m. Halligan’s Sports Bar and More, 889 Southbridge St., Auburn. Call 508-949-1965 or visit standupforlaughs.com/ upcoming-shows. Steel Magnolias - Saturday, June 22 - Sunday, June 23. 2-4 p.m. Calliope Productions Inc, 150 Main St., Boylston. Call 508-869-6887 or visit calliopeproductions.org/auditions.php. “Robin Hood” by Jack Neary - Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Wednesday, June 26 - Saturday, June 29. Children of all ages will enjoy this updated version of the classic ROBIN HOOD. Margaret LaFontaine learns that the famous ‘Misdirected Theatre Company,’ hired to present ROBIN HOOD, has been misdirected, and will not appear. With a full house to play to, Margaret rounds up her loyal theatre crew-the stage manager, the sound designer, the costumer, the technical director, and the UPS guy who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time-and ‘tells the story.’ All the most beloved Robin Hood tales are covered-the challenge in the woods between Robin and Little John, the sweet romance with Maid Marian and, of course, the encompassing story of Robin’s battles with evil Sir Guy of Gisbourne and the treacherous Sheriff of Nottingham. Many laughs, lots of adventure and swashbuckling action. $10 if purchased on-line, $12 at the door. 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Trinity Lutheran Church, Jeppson Hall, 73 Lancaster, St., Worcester. Call 508-951-2665 or visit 4thwallstagecompany.org.

class/ workshop >Friday 21 Solstice Celebration with Jen Faldetta. Presented as part of the “Friday Nights at Flowforms” series. Join the Flowforms community on the longest day of the year to



• JUNE 20, 2013

celebrate the Solstice and the first day of Summer! Bring some light and heat to your Soul Center with sweet, easy, playful and powerful therapeutic movements and toning. This will be a time for you to connect to this turning point. You are invited to stay after for refreshments. $10. 6-7 p.m. Flowforms Yoga Center, 195 Lake Ave. Worcester. 508-752-4700. FlowformsYoga.com Friday Night Fun with Glassblowing: Floppy Bowls. Get a taste of the ancient art of glassblowing in this fun one night course. In one evening you will learn about the history and process behind creating beautiful blown glass creations at the New Street Glass Studio. No experience necessary, all materials included. $80. 6:30-9:30 p.m. Worcester Center for Crafts, 25 Sagamore Road. 508-753-8183 or worcestercraftcenter.org.

>Saturday 22

To see more of Kara’s work please visit: karakbigda.com. $55. per class + $10. materials fee. 1-4 p.m. Hardwick Vineyard & Winery, 3305 Greenwich Road, Hardwick. hardwickwinery.com/ events/watercolors-and-wine-2.

>Wednesday 26

QuickBooks Boot Camp. This intensive, one-day course will help you keep track of your business finances. Participants will learn to: Enter and pay bills, Enter and manage loans, Reconcile bank and credit card statements, Enter data from merchant service payment processors, Utilize basic reporting features from QuickBooks that are needed to make every day financial decisions. $195. Partial Scholarships may be available. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Center for Women & Enterprise (CWE) Central Massachusetts, 2nd Floor, 50 Elm St. 508-363-

WordPress Workshop. Blogging is the undisputed #1 way to organically rank Live music by SloGlass, comedy by Jon Ljungberg and dancing with DJ Mark Veau better on Google. WordPress will make up the entertainment at the AbbeyGala on Saturday, June 22 from 6-10 is search engine friendly, p.m. at Alden Memorial at WPI. Also offered will be tapas, wine, beer and soft drinks. mobile friendly and is easily The event raises funds and awareness for Abby’s House. Tickets $60 per person and can be viewed on any device. purchased at abbyshouse.org/abbyshouse/abbygala or by calling 508-756-5486 x21. And YOU manage it. Take our half-day WordPress hands-on workshop. You will set up your very own WordPress website, choose a Free 2300 or cweonline.org/NewsEvents/ViewArticle/tabid/164/ theme, create pages, posts, install plug-ins, select widgets and ArticleId/399/BYB-QuickBooks-Boot-Camp-CWE-Worcestermore. Prerequisites include bringing your own laptop, taking Jun-26.aspx. the 2.5 hour seminar if you are unfamiliar with WordPress, Yoga by Nature, Spring Session 3, Class 5. and following a few pre-steps so you are ready to go! This Instructor: Lynsey Smith Yoga by Nature class is about opening is a hands-on workshop. $149. Partial Scholarships May Be up to your body on a deeper level. Every class is guided to fit Available. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Center for Women & Enterprise individual needs. During the nice weather, we will be parcticing (CWE) Central Massachusetts, 2nd Floor, 50 Elm St. 508-363on the lawn outside, surrounded by the beautiful gardens 2300 or cweonline.org. of Tower Hill. For cool or rainy days we will be inside. Every Artist Workshop with Todd Wahlstrom and student is asked to bring anything they might require for class Aysha Peltz. Renowned ceramic artists, Todd Wahlstrom (mat, blanket, sweater, ect.). Non-members $15. Members $13. and Aysha Peltz will conduct a day-long workshop. Through per class. 6-7:15 p.m. Tower Hill Botanic Garden, 11 French demonstrations and discussion they will offer there experience Drive, Boylston. 508-869-6111, ext. 124 or towerhillbg.org. and insights as working artists for over 15 years. $10 per person. 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The Sprinkler Factory, 1st Floor, Fire Works Studio, 38 Harlow St. 508-752-0444 or thefireworksinc.net/content/open_studio.htm. Container Gardening. Don’t have a lot of space to garden? >Thursday 20 Come learn the tips and trick to container gardening. Free. 10 Your 21st Century Library Open House. Please a.m.-noon Regional Environmental Council, Inc., 9 Castle St. join us as we celebrate the unveiling of our state-of-the-art 508-799-9139 or recworcester.org. technologies including the automated materials handling On Being A 21st Century Author workshop with system & self checkout kiosks, opening of Food for Thought Rita Schiano. Schiano will explore the shifting landscape Bookstore and Café, tours, technology fair, library services of publishing -from traditional to author-assisted publishers, to exhibit tables, activities and music! 11 a.m. ribbon-cutting the rise of independent presses. The interactive presentation ceremony with city officials, local dignitaries and special guests will include a discussion of how the Internet and social followed by a sampling of café delicacies from 12 - 1 p.m. Free. media marketing are vital 21st century marketing tools for 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Worcester Public Library, 3 Salem Square. any author. Schiano will also offer tips on preparing your 508-799-1655. manuscript, writing a query letter, different types of authorassisted programs, as well as establishing your own publishing >Saturday 22 company, and using social media. Registration is required and Safety Awareness Day. Free child i.d. texting and the investment is $25. To register, call Booklovers’ Gourmet at driving safety information, music, raffle, safety display 508-949-6232. $25. 2-3:30 p.m. Booklovers’ Gourmet, 55 East vehicles, character appearances from smokey bear and Finz Main St., Webster. 508-949-6232. from the Worcester Sharks. Free giveaways! 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at&t, 453 Park Ave. Worcester MA. 508-481-7221 or >Sunday 23 childprotectionresources.org. Hardwick Winery - Watercolors and Wine. Paint a Worcester Food Truck Festival. Food Truck Festivals scene from Hardwick Winery with local artist Kara K. Bigda. of New England will be holding their second annual Worcester Spend a quiet afternoon at Hardwick Winery painting a scene Festival on Saturday, June, 22nd. The event begins at 11 a.m. based on our property. Class fee includes a wine tasting before and ends at 5 p.m. at Elms Park in Worcester. Over 20 of the class and a cheese and fruit platter served during class while areas food trucks will be there serving an amazing variety of you work. $55 per class + $10 materials fee. Please arrive at food. $7 Wristbands online or $10 at the event. 11 a.m. to 5 12:30 for your wine tasting. Class runs from 1-4 p.m. Class p.m. Elms Park, 284 Highland St., Worcester MA. 617-254space is limited. For reservations please call 508-867-8584 9500 or foodtruckfestivalsofne.com.

fairs & festivals

African-American Juneteenth Festival 2013. Our 16th Annual African American Juneteenth Festival, the largest celebration of African American history and culture in Central Massachusetts. Join us as we come together to honor our heritage through music, arts and crafts, and dance. The festival showcases musical performances and features food vendors with delicious African and Carribean foods & soul food! Free. 1-5 p.m. Institute Park, Salisbury St. 5084101209 or juneteenthfestival.org. The Summer Stroll Leominster MA. Join Alan of Dance2Swing and the D2S HepCats at the Summer Stroll. We will be ROCKIN’AND ROLLIN’ in front of the Mia Bella’s Spa from 1 to 5 p.m. with DJ AlanHep2theJive. Multi Events, Classic Cars, Swing Dancing, Music, Parade, Face Painting, Food and more! Saturday June 22nd, Rain date June 23. Free. 1-5 p.m. Mia Bella Spa, 12 Main St., Leominster. 978-534-1333 or dance2swing.com.

>Sunday 23

Artisan and Vendor Festival-Notre Dame Health Care Center. Artisan and Vendor Festival featuring local artisans and vendors. Browse the festival for unique jewelry, pottery, weaving, woodworking, artisan foods, artwork, stationary and so much more! Visit the children’s area where we offer face painting, pony rides, games and more. This event is rain or shine. Free. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Notre Dame Health Care Center, 559 Plantation Street-Worcester, MA, 555-559 Plantatin St. 508-450-4107.

>Monday 24

REC’s Community Farmers Market. Fresh, local fruits and vegetables, Free kids activities, live music, cooking demonstrations every week. 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Beaver Brook Park, Chandler St and Mayfield St. recworcester.org.

poetry >Saturday 22

Barnes & Noble 4th Saturday Poetry Open Mic. Join us as we welcome poet, writer, workshop leader and teacher, Irma Stevens, releasing her collection, “Golden Glory.” Teaching ESL at Clark University, Stevens previously hosted a well attended writers roundtable at the Auburn Public Library, and featured many of its poets in a column of poetry in The Auburn News. A longtime friend of the WCPA, Irma will delight you with her soft but strong voice and poetic expression. Open mic precedes the feature poet. Free and open to the public. 7-9 p.m. Barnes & Noble Booksellers - MA/ Worcester, in the stacks, 541 D Lincoln St. 508-853-6994 or worcestercountypoetry.org.

>Sunday 23

Hangover Poetry Hour! at 5pm, then Andy Cummings 8:30pm till Close! No Cover. 5 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030.

lectures >Sunday 23

Sunday Sermon: June 23- Ellen S. Dunlap, President, American Antiquarian Society on “The Power of Curiosity”. Join us for the launch of this exciting program featuring provocative conversations with prominent directors of our areas leading cultural institutions. These inspiring speakers will highlight diverse and engaging topics that will leave you feeling challenged and creatively fed. See more Sunday Sermon Events Free with museum admission. 2-2:45 p.m. Worcester Art Museum, Chapter House, 55 Salisbury St. 508-799-4406.

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www.centralmassclass.com "Product Placement"--we'll just slip this in there. Los Angeles Times Sunday byCrossword Puzzle JONESIN’ Matt Jones Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis

77 Tampico pals 111 Share a border 12 Leg up 48 Baby or nanny 84 What one might 78 Union with 13 Three-part figs. follower sneak out on agreement? 112 Makeshift swing 14 Gregarious 49 Norwegian king, 85 Swing voters: 1 ___ fate 79 Epitome of 113 Saxon leader? ACROSS 15 Ho-hum feeling 995-1000 Abbr. 61 "Rated 'Generalvirility Audience'" 114 Old laundry Put one’s___ hands 16 Wear 50 Watch 86 Fiscal exec 80 Excessively soap in a 17 Server’s aid 51 Was about to 87 Balloon or blimp 10together, Dutch tourist attraction 81 Christmas 115 Start over way 18 Rd. atlas nod, maybe 91 Gardener of 14 Poker variant named for a city cupful 116 They’re drawn 5 Apple products listings 54 “Quit worrying rhyme 82 Price tag on a in bars 9 Concert 28 Place to play about it” 93 What “F” often 15 "First lady of song" Fitzgerald toilet for tots? 117 Saunter memorabilia bocce, perhaps 57 Comes out means 16Preserves, High point 87 Initial step 118 Conservative 14 in a 30 Like sweaters with 94 Cocktail with 88 Ultimate power IRA asset 32 “Symphony in 59 Mountaineer’s scotch 17way "___ Tag!" 89 Certain suit top 119 WWII weapon 19 Hip dance? Black” artist challenge 95 Bodega patron 18 Ship of agreeing fools? 90 Deduce 120 Traffic sound 20 “Summertime,” 34 Taurus 60 Pete’s wife on 96 Most fitting 20for Duck on 91 silhouette 1980s attorney one or elephant neighbor “Mad Men” 97 Symbol of general DOWN 21 They’re 35 Arabian 61 Bismarck et al. precision the wall? 92 Uncaged 1 Turn black forbidden peninsula 62 Devils Tower st. 99 Escorted 22Genre ___-Coburg and 95Gotha Cuddly(royal 22 of capital 66 Santa __ 100 Scriabin 2 Moon goddess Vasarely’s 36 Flickering bulb? racetrack composition 3 Often house of Europe) companion 97 It’s not good to 4 Saint Laurent’s “Zebras” 37 Items on an 67 Carpentry joint 101 Jupiter’s wife 23Before "AfÀrmative" be over one 23 thou Le Smoking, auto rack 69 Premarital 102 Trendy warm 98 Dawn deity e.g. 38 “I Will Follow posting boots 24know’st Rum cake 99 Northern 24 Many a 5 Chatterbox ___”: 1963 70 Act the wrong 103 Lawn game 27cheerleader Texting sign-off Scandinavians 6 Serif-free font chart-topper way? missile Mark’s 25 green 7 Copies per day, 39 Twitter titter, 71 Anka hit with a 104 They’re 30Golf Field animal's100 harness successor say: Abbr. and then some Spanish title sometimes 34border Astronomy muse 101 Humongous 26 South-of-the8 Virologist Jonas 40 Nitpicking kid 74 Capek play seen in jams 36border Assistant harbor wall? 9 Edible with a minder? about 105 Partner of aid Sitcom with crisp pod 41 Visibly automatons 106 Big Island port 39residences Mitochondrial104 material spiteful scripts? 10 Cheap-seats 27 Really old deck frightened 75 Silly sort 107 Versatile cookie 40ofPerson great 109 enjoy Sweetheart cards? who can't spot 42 Mower handle? 76 Dynamite guy? 108 Wild place, once 29 Feline in the out?110 Trying to lose, 11 Like much small 44 Hood’s missile 79 Surfboard fin 109 Avuncular top evenings after “on” headlines? print 45 Force back 83 Half of sei hat wearer 43Catamaran Chou En-___ 31 44mover 900-line psychic Miss ___ 32 WWII torpedo 45vessel Like grunt work 6 Jump in the pool 53 "___ Bones" (Stephen 33 46“Uh-uh” "To be," to Brutus 7 ___ powder (traveling King novel) 34 Guarantee 48 Cobra Kai, for one substance for Harry Potter) 55 Artfulness 37 Like skilled 50negotiators "Bill & ___ Excellent 8 "Lemony Snicket" evil count 56 "___ Nagila" 39 Perch in a pond Adventure" 9 Australian actress Mitchell 57 Fall garden? 43 __ Robert: 51nickname Tease for 10 Coleman of "Nine to Five" 58 It was only VII years ago Bob in My Life" (Stevie 54pitcher "For ___ 11 Apple MP3 player 59 Evian waters Feller Wonder) 12 New Zealand parrots 60 Flamboyant surrealist 44 Watchdog 56breed "And so this foul vixen kept 13 Abbr. after a phone no. 61 ___-Z ('80s muscle car) 45 Go bad me broadcasting for years" 19 Kermit-Á ailing-his-arms noise 62 "Old MacDonald" noise 46 From Athens to Augusta, Ga. response? 21 Jamaican stew ingredient 63 "That's so cool!" 47 some 63When Guy who walks through 24 Crooner Michael deadlocks are water?briefly 25 Fields broken, 48 who begs 64Thief Company with a famous 26 Cornerstone to be arrested? joystick 28 Tumblr purchaser of 52 Word 65alphabetizers Hot spot? May 2013 Last week's solution ignore 66 Egg, in Latin 29 Brightened up 53 Get stuck for, a cost 67asKind of criminal 31 "Live Free ___" (New 54 Stroked tools 68 Vera of gowns Hampshire motto) 55 Mouth piece? 56 service 69Sunrise Idee ___ 32 Deal with dough 70occasion October option 33 British noblemen 58 Jazz nickname 35 Firm ending? 60 Wrecker’s fee 63 Hickman who Down 37 Focus of an exorcise plan? portrayed Dobie 1 "Animal House" chant 38 Part of NYE Gillis 64 Decade divs. 2 Big birds 41 Dropout's alternative 65 Frogumentary? 3 Adding and such 42 Termite targeter 68 Where Hillary was a sen. game bird 4 Long-tailed 47 Blowing it 69 Miss the 5 Blue material in movies and 49 Quest leader's plea beginning musicals, for short 52 Quality ___ 72 Macadamia product 73 Quitter’s words ©2013 Jonesin’ Crosswords (editor@jonesincrosswords.com) For answers to this puzzle, call: 1-900-226-2800, 99 centsServices, per minute.Inc. 7/7/13 ©2013 Tribune Media xwordeditor@aol.com



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JUNE 2 0 , 2 0 13

Home Of The Free, Thanks To The Brave MILITARY HERO OF THE WEEK Is there a special service person in your life? The Central Mass Classifieds would like to feature members of our Armed Forces on a regular basis. If you have a special service person in your life, please email carsenault@centralmassclass.com with some information, photo, brief summary of his/her service, and we will be happy to recognize them in the Central Mass Classifieds. The brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces should be remembered all year long.

Call Carrie at 978-728-4302 or email sales@centralmassclass.com

for more information.

Fun By The Numbers Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test! Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

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JUNE 2 0 , 2 0 13 • W OR C E S T E R M A G .C OM


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Items Under


HOLDEN-180 Nola Dr. (500ft. off Rt. 31) Saturday, June 22nd, 6am12pm. Rain or Shine. Early bird yard sale. Furniture, antiques, jazz music books, set of 4 ice cream style chairs, antique sampler, needlework and unique stuff. JEFFERSON-686 Mason Rd. June 22nd & 23rd, Saturday & Sunday, 8am2pm. Rain or Shine. Multifamily yard sale. Furniture, kitchen items, kids’ toys and games, books and records. Something for everyone! WORCESTER-30 Buckley Rd. June 22nd & June 23rd, Saturday & Sunday, 8:30am-3:30pm. Costume jewelry, books, household items, furniture, and much more!



in the


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Worc. Mem. Park 2 Plots & Vaults. Garden of Valor I Lot 123C 1&2 for $5,500 or B/O. (If from cemetery $10,190) 240-994-3490 Real Estate • Jobs • Auto • Services

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JUNE 2 0 , 2 0 13

Queen pillowtop mattress set -NEW- $149

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Call Carrie at 978-728-4302 or email sales@centralmassclass.com Deadline: Monday, Noon.





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JUNE 2 0 , 2 0 13 • W OR C E S T E R M A G .C OM


www.centralmassclass.com LEGALS/PUBLIC NOTICES MORTGAGEE’S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage given by Stephanie Cates to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for, Norwood Bank, its successors and assigns, dated February 8, 2008 and recorded with the Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds at Book 42396, Page 48, which said mortgage was assigned to Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency, by Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for, Norwood Bank, its successors and assigns, recorded with said deeds at Book 47991, Page 317, of which the Mortgage the undersigned is the present holder by assignment for breach of the conditions of said Mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing same will be sold at Public Auction at 11:00 AM on July 5, 2013 at 12 Lexington Road, Unit 12, Millbury, MA, all and singular the premises described in said Mortgage, to wit: Condominium Unit #12, in the Condominium known as Paul Revere Townhouses Condominium (the Condominium) situated at 12 Lexington Road, Worcester County, Millbury, Massachusetts, created by Master Deed (the Master Deed) dated September 21, 1984 and recorded with the Worcester District Registry of Deeds in Book 8374. Page 87, as amended form time to time by instrument of record. The unit is more particularly described (1) in the Master Deed (2) such site and floor plans as have been recorded or filed therewith, (3) in the first Unit Deed thereof and (4) copies of portions of such site and floor plans filed therewith. The unit is conveyed together with an undivided .0102% interest in the organization of unit Owners known as Paul Revere Townhouse Condominium Trust (the Unit Owners Organization) created by instrument dated September 21, 1984 and recorded with the Worcester District Registry of Deeds as amended from time to time by instrument of record, The unit and said undivided interest are together hereinafter referred to as the Mortgage Premises. The Mortgage Premises are conveyed subject to and togerher with the benefit of (1) provision of Chapter 183A of the General Laws (ter.ed) of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, as amended from time to time (2) the provisions and matters set forth and or referred to in the Master deed, as amended from time to time by instrument of record (3) the provisions of instrument creating the Unit Owners organization and the By-Laws thereunder as recorded or filed with Master Deed and such Rules and Regulations as any be promulgated thereunder, as amended from time to time by instrument of record (4) the provisions set forth and referred to in the Unit Deed of Book 37715,Page 268, recorded with the Worcester District Registry of Deeds herewith, to which Unit Deed reference is herein made. The premises are to be sold subject to and with the benefit of all easements, restrictions, building and zoning laws, liens, attorneys fees and costs pursuant to M.G.L.Ch.183A, unpaid taxes, tax titles, water bills, municipal liens and assessments, rights of tenants and parties in possession. TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS AND 00 CENTS ($5,000.00) in the form of a certified check or bank treasurer’s check will be required to be delivered at or before the time the bid is offered. The successful bidder will be required to execute a Foreclosure Sale Agreement immediately after the close of the bidding. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid within thirty (30) days from the sale date in the form of a certified check, bank treasurer’s check or other check satisfactory to Mortgagee’s attorney. The Mortgagee reserves the right to bid at the sale, to reject any and all bids, to continue the sale and to amend the terms of the sale by written or oral announcement made before or during the foreclosure sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an error in this publication. TIME WILL BE OF THE ESSENCE. Other terms if any, to be announced at the sale. Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency Present Holder of said Mortgage, By Its Attorneys, Orlans Moran PLLC P.O. Box 540540 Waltham, MA 02454 Phone: 781-790-7800 578.0151 6/13, 6/20, 6/27/13 MS

NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Francis W. Benoit and Claire H. Benoit to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., dated August 30, 2007 and recorded with the Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds at Book 41759, Page 311, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder by assignment from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. to Chase Home Finance, LLC dated May 17, 2010 and recorded with said registry on May 21, 2010 at Book 45823 Page 296, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing, the same will be sold at Public Auction at 2:00 p.m. on July 9, 2013, on the mortgaged premises located at 84 Horne Way, Unit 2, Building 18, Brierly Pond Condominium, Millbury, Worcester County, Massachusetts, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, TO WIT: The Unit known as Building 18, Unit 2, 84 Horne Way (‘’Unit’’) of the BRIERLY POND CONDOMINIUM (‘’Condominium’’) in Millbury, Worcester County, Massachusetts, established pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 183A by Master Deed dated October 21, 2002 and recorded in Book 27826, Page 317, as amended of record, which Unit is shown on the floor plans, recorded in Plan Book 801, Plan 57. Said Unit is conveyed together with an undivided 1.9394% interest in the cornmon areas and facilities of the Condominium described in said Master Deed. Said Unit is conveyed Subject To and With the Benefit Of: 1. Provisions of said Chapter 183A; 2. The provisions of the Master Deed and the floor plans of the Condominium recorded simultaneously with and as a part of the Master Deed, and the Declaration of Trust, recorded with said Deeds in Book 27826, Page 341 (‘’Trust’’), in each case as the same may be amended from time to time by instruments recorded with said Deeds, which provisions, together with any amendments thereto, shall constitute covenants running with the land and shall bind any person having at any time any interest or estate in the Unit, his employees, mortgagees, tenants, invitees, and visitors as though such provisions were recited and stipulated at length herein; 3. Provisions of existing building and zoning laws; and 4. The rights, reservations, and restrictions described in the Master Deed. 5. The Unit may be used only for residential purposes subject to the zoning by laws of the Town of Millbury and the restrictions set forth in the Master Deed. This conveyance does not represent all or substantially all of the assets of Brierly Pond Realty Corp. in the State of Massachusetts. For mortgagor’s(s’) title see deed recorded with Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds in Book 32302, Page 307. These premises will be sold and conveyed subject to and with the benefit of all rights, rights of way, restrictions, easements, covenants, liens or claims in the nature of liens, improvements, public assessments, any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, water and sewer liens and any other municipal assessments or liens or existing encumbrances of record which are in force and are applicable, having priority over said mortgage, whether or not reference to such restrictions, easements, improvements, liens or encumbrances is made in the deed. TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars by certified or bank check will be required to be paid by the purchaser at the time and place of sale. The balance is to be paid by certified or bank check at Harmon Law Offices, P.C., 150 California Street, Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to P.O. Box 610389, Newton Highlands, Massachusetts 02461-0389, within thirty (30) days from the date of sale. Deed will be provided to purchaser for recording upon receipt in full of the purchase price. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an error in this publication. Other terms, if any, to be announced at the sale. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO CHASE HOME FINANCE LLC Present holder of said mortgage By its Attorneys, HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. 150 California Street Newton, MA 02458 (617) 558-0500 201005-0466 - PRP 6/13, 6/20, 6/27/2013 MS

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JUNE 2 0 , 2 0 13

www.centralmassclass.com LEGALS/PUBLIC NOTICES TOWN OF MILLBURY A PUBLIC HEARING MILLBURY BOARD OF APPEALS In accordance with Chapter 40A of the Massachusetts General Law and the Zoning Ordinances of the Town of Millbury, a public hearing will be held in the hearing room of the Municipal Building, 127 Elm Street, Millbury, MA on: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 At: 7:00 p.m. To act on a petition from: David Vaillancourt, 7 Orchard Street, Millbury, MA For a Variance in the Millbury Zoning Ordinance relative to: floor area in order to construct a two-car garage with second floor storage at 7 Orchard Street, Millbury, MA. All interested parties are invited to attend. Richard P. Valentino, Chairman Millbury Board of Appeals 6/13, 6/20/2013

Town of Sutton Public Hearing Notice The Sutton Board of Health in accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 111, Section 31, will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, July 9, 2013 at 7:00 PM at the Municipal OfďŹ ce Building, 4 Uxbridge Road, Sutton, MA to adopt new regulations for private wells. Proposed regulations are available in the Board of Health ofďŹ ce and the Town Clerks ofďŹ ce. Interested parties are invited to attend. John Silverberg, Chairman 6/20, 6/27/2013 MS

Commonwealth of Massachusetts Worcester, ss. SUPERIOR COURT DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT CIVIL ACTION No. 13-0980D To Casey Nieminen and Rachel A. Sora n/k/a Rachel A. Nieminen of the Town of Millbury County of Worcester; AND TO ALL PERSONS ENTITLED TO THE BENEFIT OF THE SOLDIERS’ AND SAILORS’ CIVIL RELIEF ACT OF 1940 AS AMENDED: Millbury Federal Credit Union, a banking institution with a usual place of business in Millbury, Worcester County, Massachusetts claiming to be the holder of a mortgage covering property situated 14 Jackie Drive, Millbury, County of Worcester given by Casey Nieminen and Rachel A. Sora n/k/a Rachel A. Nieminen to Millbury Federal Credit Union, dated July 31, 2008 and recorded in Worcester District Registry of Deeds, Book 43154, Page 93, has ďŹ led with said court a Complaint for authority to foreclose said mortgage in the manner following: by entry on and possession of the premises therein described and by exercise of the power of sale contained in said mortgage. If you are entitled to the beneďŹ ts of the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act of 1940 as amended, and you object to such foreclosure you or your attorney should ďŹ le a written appearance and answer in said court at Worcester in said County on or before the seventeenth day of July next or you may be forever barred from claiming that such foreclosure is invalid under said Act. Witness, Barbara J. Rouse, Esquire, Administrative Justice of said Court this ďŹ fth day of June 2013 Dennis P. McManus, Clerk 06/20/2013 MS

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JUNE 2 0 , 2 0 13


Living the Classifi eds’ Lifestyle! Ahhhh, summer is here. I have been anxiously awaiting the season, have you? Besides the sun’s warmth on my face, one of the first signs of summer is when I see my neighbors sitting out in the early evening enjoying the weather or when I view the chalk drawings by their grandchildren on their driveway. Summer really begins when I am first invited over with my dog, Lily, for a sit and a chat. There is nothing like the kindness of a good neighbor to make one feel at home. The advertisers in Central Mass Classifieds are your neighbors. Summer’s shining light around your home might make you realize that you do have a few projects that you would like to accomplish. One of the great advantages to this section is that we have businesses that you can assist you from A to Z. Do you need new asphalt or seal coating for your driveway? New bushes or plants? A chimney cleaning, new electrical work or plumbing? A new car or car parts? How about a new home altogether? Whatever your needs are for your home or auto you can find with us. The businesses who advertise with us are your neighbors. They want to assist you in making your house and surroundings feel more like home. There is truly nothing like a good neighbor! Keep It Classy!

Carrie Arsenault

Classified Sales Manager 978-728-4302 | sales@centralmassclass.com

Bill Grady & Rob Nierintz


Two minutes with...

Bill Grady and Rob Nierintz became owners of Clinton’s Strand Theatre almost a year ago, but they are anything but new to the movie game. Every Sunday night for the past 20 years Rob and Bill have been coming to The Strand for the dinner and a movie experience, sitting in the same two seats as day one. On Saturday, June 22 they will host an open house to celebrate their one-year anniversary from 2-5 p.m. with live jazz music, as well as wine tastings, light appetizers and backstage tours of the theatre.

How did the two of you come to own the theatre? (Both laugh) Bill: It’s a 20-year story. When The Strand was renovated in 1994 the two gentlemen that had done it opened it up and at the time I was a member of the Clinton Historical Commission. So I had come in just before it opened and saw the place and as soon as they opened we (Bill & Rob) started coming every Sunday. Regardless of what was playing, for 19 of the years, we came every Sunday. It was sold to the Zapantis family, and at that point we had jokingly said, “If you’re ever thinking of selling, we want to be first on the list.” Every once in a while we’d ask, and ask again, and then finally we said something and she (Tena Zapantis) said, “The timing is going to work out, so you know what, let’s do it.”

Where did you work previously? Rob: I worked for Fidelity Investments

in Marlborough and when the time came for a career change, I decided to make working here, The Strand, my full-time job. Bill: I actually have a full time job as a teacher, and this is my 32nd year. I teach eighth grade Social Studies for the Nashoba School District, in Lancaster. When not in school I’m the tech and projection person here at The Strand, and Rob does the business side full time.

How did you first meet? Bill: Doing live theater. I direct also,

I started in 1980 with the Clinton Community Theater and we were putting on Camelot when Rob and a

few of his friends came and auditioned. Rob was cast, and he has been here since.

When did dinner begin being served at The Strand? Rob: The Strand has served dinner since 1994 when it was renovated. All the seats were taken out and the rows were made wider for more legroom. Some of the seats were replaced with tables and our breakfast bar was installed. The seats themselves are the original ones from 1924 that have been refurbished. They had the vision in 1994 to turn the theatre into a pub/draft house.

What kinds of refreshments do you serve? Rob: We serve beer, wine, and have recently extended our license to include cordials like homemade Sangrias in the summer and coffee and liquor drinks in the winter. For food we have 9-inch personal pizzas with hand-tossed dough, burgers, grilled chicken sandwiches, chicken tenders, fried mozzarella sticks, zucchini slices, mac and cheese bites, etc. Everything is cooked to order and takes about 20 minutes to be served.

What are your plans for the future of The Strand? Bill: We are looking into opening up two small sections of the balcony as private boxes with waitress service for about 15 people at a time to rent out for birthdays, parties, etc. We’re also in the process of restoring the marquee. Last summer we re-lit the face where

the name of the movie is, and this coming week we’re going to be lighting up the letters that say “Strand” as well. The final phase of the project will be to re-do all the neon stripping around the marquee. The furthest goal we have is to re-store the stage into a live theater stage again to give patrons live entertainment as well as a movie house. We’re hoping to make The Strand the home of the Clinton Community Theater.

Do you feel that the Strand moviegoer is different than typical moviegoers? Bill: Yes and no. We find that for many people that come here it’s often for date night. They can get a less expensive meal, have a beverage, whether it be alcoholic or not, and sit and enjoy a burger or some pizza together with their movie. We’ve also found that our Summer Classic movies do incredibly well here with Strand patrons. When trying to decide which movie to bring here we always have the Strand patron in mind. There are some genres like the horror/slasher movies and extreme sci-fi genres that just wouldn’t be Strand movies. Rob: We have a lot of people who have told us that they specifically wait until a movie is showing here instead of going to the larger multiplex movie theaters, because of this experience, so that’s kind of cool.

The Strand has been around for almost 90 years, do you see it lasting for another 90? Bill: I may not see that (laughs), but

I hope so because it is so unique and there are fewer and fewer of these old “movie palaces,” as they were called. I think the charm and the attention that they put into the theaters of yesteryear, the detailing and the ceiling scroll work and those kinds of things make me hope The Strand lives on.

If you had to pick a favorite movie what would it be? (Both laugh) Rob: My all-time favorite is probably Titanic. Back before we owned this place we actually both saw Titanic a total of 14 times. Bill: We just found it amazing. An interesting story, it’s always had an appeal as far as the intrigue of the great luxury liner brought down by an iceberg. We did see it here at The Strand, too, in 1998.

Are there any hidden Strand secrets? Bill: We’ve had a patron who is sensitive to spirit claim that there are spirits here, but whether that’s real or not, I think it just adds to part of the intrigue of an old theater. Rob: There are rumors that the theater is haunted. That’s all we’ll say.

—Hilary Markiewicz JUNE 20, 2013 • WORCESTERMAG.COM




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