Worcester Magazine September 12, 2013

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SEPTEMBER 12 - 18, 2013

inside stories



No shortage of issues for Rep-elect Donahue Page 4


music krave

Roots ’n’ Bluegrass Skewered - meat on in Sturbridge and off the stick Page 16 Page 26


Worcester’s big ideas for revitalizing the city’s landscape

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insidestories stories

he purpose of public art is more than simply providing a community with great visuals. Large colorful murals, sculptures adorning city squares and downtown waterfronts provide aesthetic pleasure, sure, but also a welcoming environment for an economy to thrive around. Successful public art projects have been done by way of public-private partnerships – look at the Philadelphia Mural Arts Program. Started decades ago with the efforts of then Mayor Wilson Goode and muralist Jane Golden, the program has transformed an old industrial city into what has been called a magical mecca of more than 3,000 colorful murals adorning the city’s landscape. The program has engaged at-risk youth, given a sense of pride to the citizens of Philadelphia and has created a new source of income by attracting visitors who wish to experience the artwork firsthand. Worcester may not be too far from similar achievements. Artists, city leaders and private building owners have begun to band together in hopes of adding a breath of revitalization to our city, beginning with downtown. In this week’s cover story, we introduce PAWG, a new working group in Worcester, who has big ideas – some controversial – that will, and should, get folks talking about public art and it’s role in Worcester’s future.

-Brittany Durgin, Editor


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EDITORIAL: 508.749.3166 SALES: 508.749.3166 E-MAIL: editor@worcestermagazine.com Worcester Magazine, 72 Shrewsbury St. Worcester, MA 01604 worcestermagazine.com


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City Desk Worcesteria 1,001 Words Letter Spiral-Bound Cover Story Night & Day Film Film Times Krave Event Listings Classifieds 2 minutes with…

ABOUT THE COVER Photo by Steven King Design by Kimberly Vasseur



{ citydesk }

September 12 - 18, 2013 ■ Volume 39, Number 2

No shortage of issues facing State Rep-elect Donahue in 16th Worcester District S

tate Representative-elect Dan Donahue will have about a year to get the job done in Boston and will have to spend part of it gearing up for another campaign – if, as expected, he chooses to run for reelection when the 16th Worcester District seat he just won this week expires – but if anyone is up for the challenge, his supporters say, it’s the 26-year-old Holy Cross grad and ex-aide to Mayor Joe Petty. “Dan is already ready to go,” says Mary Anne Dube, a member of the city’s Election Commission and unabashed supporter of the winner of the special election held Tuesday, Sept. 10. Donahue captured 63 percent of the vote to fend off a challenge from Republican Carol Claros on a day when just over 2,500 ballots were cast. “[Donahue] knows all the plays, there’s no learning curve. He’s ready tomorrow. He comes so prepared and is so knowledgeable about the district.” Indeed, Donahue touted his from-birth-topresent-day life in the district while on the campaign trail. He went to school there, attended college there and lives in a house with his brother near their parents. Now, of course, comes the challenge: putting his knowledge of the district and the wealth of political experience he has already accrued to work. The “ready to go” label Dube slapped on him seemed appropriate as Donahue made his way on the campaign trail and again Tuesday night in the wake of victory. Donahue appears eagle-eyed in his focus on what comes next. “Public safety, safe schools, jobs,” he

rattles off as his primary concerns. “The biggest thing, I know this district. I want to make sure Beacon Hill is paying attention to this district.” If he wants some suggestions on which issues should be a priority, Donahue does not have to look much further than the people who turned out for his victory celebration. The Dan Donahue thanks supporters following the consensus among announcment of his election to the 16th Worcester some folks was that District State Rep seat at City Lights on Tuesday. Route 20 deserves almost a year. “I think he can bring jobs more attention from lawmakers than it has back; not just union jobs, I think he can received. It is among the issues Donahue has bring all jobs back.” hit upon since before the Democratic Primary Jobs, says Daniel, “is a huge thing,” last month. because there are still a large number of “I think he’s really given time and thought people in and around Worcester who don’t to Route 20 to bring in more revenue to the have jobs. city,” Dube says of an area that has seen much Donahue will probably get an earful of growth in recent years, but still lacks the type suggestions from his younger brother. “The of sewer infrastructure to encourage small problems with Union Hill,” 14-year-old John businesses to set up shop along that corridor. Donahue says of the major issue he sees College Hill resident Nate Daniel agrees, facing the district’s newest State Rep-elect. saying continued development on Route 20 “I think he has a good plan, working with is imperative if the city wants to continue to police and all the different groups and CDCs create jobs and attract new business. (Community Development Corporations).” “[Donahue] talked about Route 20. That Union Hill has seen a recent uptick in crime would be nice,” says Daniel, a member of and is plagued by empty or abandoned houses. IBW Local 96 who says he has been laid off The fact that Donahue’s previous job LOUIE DESPRES

Walter Bird Jr.

WOO-TOWN INDE X A weekly quality of life check-in of Worcester

Charter is getting into the hotel business, launching more HDTV channels and program options at The Beechwood Hotel & Ceres Bistro through Charter Business. The idea is to give business travelers the same high-def TV experience they have at home. +1

Two police officers received promotions – one to sergeant, the other to lieutenant – marking the first time in at least three years any promotions have been made to those ranks. +2

US Sen. Ed Markey takes fence sitting to a new level by voting “present” instead of for or against military action in Syria, inviting criticism even from some of his Democratic Colleagues. -3

The EcoTarium has come up with yet another way for kids to have fun while learning, announcing a new exhibit called Science + You that opens this month. It will give kids the opportunity to play mad scientist and have some good, hands-on fun.+1

entailed listening and responding to constituents’ concerns, combined with his lifelong presence in the district, gives him a leg up on the issues as he gets ready to join House lawmakers in Boston, according to his former boss. “He’s going to do well,” Petty says. “He knew all the issues people cared about – jobs, education, crime. I think he’ll do a fine job.”


While Donahue is focused on the issues at the moment, the woman he defeated this week is far from ready to slink back into the shadows. Claros tells her supporters, “This is not the last time you’ll see me running for anything.” Her campaign manager, Jim Knowlton, says Claros is more than ready to pursue other political avenues. “Oh, yeah,” he says, “she’s got the fire in her belly.” Just what the next step might be remains uncertain for now, although Knowlton mentioned a possible run for School Committee by Claros in two years. At the same time, the two remain keenly aware that the seat she just ran for is back up for grabs in just over 12 months. Given the magnitude of Donahue’s win this year – unofficially, he captured 1,606 votes to Claros’ 910 – another shot at State Rep may not be in the cards for Claros. “We’ve got to take a step back and look at it,” Knowlton says. “We’ve got to look at the numbers. If it’s the same thing, what’s continued on page 6

Total for this week: Mosquitoes still pose potential health risks, even with summer over, according to a recent report. The Central Massachusetts Mosquito Control Project (CMMCP) says the threat of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) or West Nile Virus (WNV) remains until the weather turns cold. -2

The new school year at St. Peter Marian Junior-Senior High School brings a dual enrollment program with Assumption College as well as a chance to highlight the school’s new athletic fields. +2

The Worcester Regional Transit Authority (WRTA) has a legitimate complaint about the unnecessarily, and quite frankly downright frustrating, long wait at the lights at Foster and Front streets. Yes, we’ve complained about this before – and we’re not stopping. -2


Anna Maria College dedicates its Information Commons, billed as offering students and faculty a high-tech environment with computer stations and more. +1

+1 +2 -3 +1 -2 +2 -2 +1 4


{ citydesk }

Crisis in Syria has stoked the fires of debate in Worcester Walter Bird Jr.


been devoted to the issue. “What I’m heartened by is there is protest throughout the country on this,” McGovern says. “I think people ought to be engaged on issues like this. As somebody who’s been engaged in protests for many years, I still believe [it] plays

ritics say President Barack Obama has divided the country. If so, he may well be bringing it back together with his argument for the United States to launch missile strikes against the Syrian STEVEN KING government. Republicans, Democrats, Independents, even communists – people of all political persuasions are in agreement that military action should not be initiated against Syria. Whether the nation is divided or should once more become militarily involved in the Mideast can be debated – and it certainly is. It has come in the form of congressional discourse, passionate protest by local activists and classroom discussion; the possibility of a war with Syria is being fully A group holds signs protesting the U.S. taking vetted around the country. any military action in Syria at the Military intervention remains real Korean War Memorial on Foster Street. even with a recent agreement by an important roll in our democratic process and Syria to allow international control of its people ought to utilize it more.” chemical weapons. There have been multiple protests In Worcester there have been public in Worcester since Obama announced protests against what some say would be a his intentions to respond with military proxy war with Russia and could potentially force to the alleged gassing of innocent draw the US into another long-term conflict Syrian children and families by their own in a region where political unrest and government. Weekly demonstrations by the violent demonstrations are among the only Saints Francis & Therese Catholic Worker, constants. The city’s political congressional including one this week, have been dedicated leadership, Democrat Jim McGovern, has to the controversial issue. The Progressive made it clear he intends to vote against a strike against Syria. And on college campuses Labor Party organized one at the Korean War continued on page 6 like Holy Cross, some classroom lectures have

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A WAVE OF CONCERN: Police ended up arresting 20-year-old Orlando Alvarez, 3 May St. Tuesday, Sept. 3 after being alerted to an alleged robbery. According to police, an officer on patrol around 5 p.m. near the Worcester Public Library spotted a 50-yearold man waving his hands. The man told the officer he had been robbed at knife point by a Hispanic man who took his backpack, cell phone and other items. The victim said he had seen the suspect before in the City Common area. After the incident was broadcast over police radio, officers a short time later saw a man fitting the description provided by the victim. Alvarez was charged with armed robbery of an individual and assault with a dangerous weapon.

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Visit worcestermag.com for more Busted! news. SEPTEMBER 12, 2013 • WORCESTERMAGAZINE.COM


{ citydesk } DONAHUE continued from page 4

SYRIA continued from page 5

the point?� There could be another option: Claros was still licking her wounds from Tuesday’s loss when she was already being urged to consider running for state Senate next year against

Memorial earlier this month. One of the chief participants in that rally, local activist Gordon Davis, says a war with Syria will do nothing to bring about real peace in the region. “Attacking Syria is just going to cause more problems,â€? Davis says. “It’s not going to solve the problems of Weapons of Mass Destruction [WMDs].â€? Davis is among those who believe the US is actually doing battle with Russia, and using Syria as the vehicle. While he says something should be done in response to the gassing of innocents, he does not believe an act of violence is that answer. “I would want another country to step up [if it happened in our country], but not in a manner that made it worse,â€? Davis says. “Are you going to kill hundreds of people more? Step up? Yes. But military strikes are not the way to do it.â€? The diversity of those speaking out about the Syrian conict was on full display at the rally held at the Korean War Memorial. While most of those holding signs in protest were Democrats, liberals and progressives, their ideologies were not necessarily completely in sync. David Rolde, for example, is a selfprofessed communist and member of the American-Iranian Friendship Committee, which was established in 2004 in response to a perceived anti-Iran policy by the US. Rolde joined in 2009 to “counter the propaganda


Carol Claros, second from left, with her daughter, Giselle, and parents, Edith and Hernan. Democrat Mike Moore, a suggestion to which she turned to someone, smiled and said, “I just want to go for a jog.� That and start taking her daughter, Giselle, to dance and guitar lessons.

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against Iran.â€? Rolde remains unconvinced that the Syrian government launched the chemical attack against its own people, noting that the rebel forces that would be aided by US intervention include members of the terrorist group al Qaeda. “It certainly hasn’t been proven,â€? says Rolde. “The US uses chemical weapons all over the world, in Iraq and Libya.â€? While some critics are taking aim at Obama speciďŹ cally over this and other issues, Rolde is taking it a step further. “He is a terrible president,â€? he says. “He invaded Libya, continued the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and at home has presided over the weakening of the country. People are starving in the streets.â€? Eighty-year-old retired US Col. Arthur Roberts, who worked 13 year in the Pentagon, says the US is “absolutelyâ€? sticking its nose in the wrong place. He believes the country’s involvement with Syria “is the training ground for the coming war with Iran.â€? For or against US military intervention in Syria, the passion on both sides is intense. Holy Cross Professor Donald Brand, who chairs the college’s political science department, spent one recent morning with his American Presidency class encouraging students to take a position and explain it. Three of the more vocal students all turned out to be Republicans; two favored a military

strike, while one stood opposed. All three – Robby Tiro, Dan Creme and Jonathan Formichella, are juniors. “Obviously,â€? says Creme, “we need to do something. I’m not sure boots on the ground would be the best idea. At this point, probably something more along the lines of a cruise missile strike.â€? Tiro agrees with his classmate that the US needs to intervene in Syria, but Formichella is at odds with his fellow Republicans on this issue. “We’ve been sticking our nose into the Mideast forever,â€? he says. “We can’t afford to enter into a third war. We are losing credibility.â€? Credibility, Creme, agrees is at stake, but he believes the US will lose it if it does not act on Syria. “A lot of the world sees us as an international police force, but I think our credibility [brings up] the ip side of that argument. I think at this point we have to do something.â€? All three young men, along with their professor, agree that if nothing else, the crisis in Syria has brought many Americans to the discussion table and stoked the ďŹ res of debate. Like the city’s congressional leadership and the protesters that take to the streets, there is no shortage of opinion or willingness to share it, according to Tiro. “I don’t think we ever shy away from the opportunity to make our opinions known,â€? he says.

{ worcesteria }

For a daily dose of Worcesteria, visit worcestermag.com/blogs/dailyworcesteria. Call Walter Bird Jr. at 508-749-3166, ext. 243, or email wbird@worcestermag.com.

Walter Bird Jr.




District 5 City Council candidate Gary Rosen, who recently announced he will accept no endorsements from unions or special interest groups, insists he is employing no trickery in his bid to unseat incumbent District 5 Councilor Bill Eddy. Word on the street is Rosen has been a little coy in just what seat he is seeking as he goes door to door. His lawn signs – in case you haven’t noticed, Eddy and Rosen are leading the signs race in this year’s municipal election – make no mention of his candidacy for District 5 and in the past he has run atlarge. Sources say Rosen hasn’t exactly gone out of his way to clarify matters for potential voters. That, says the ex-councilor who hopes to pull an upset in November, is not true. “I know where that might be coming from, aside from my opponent,� Rosen says. “I have raised very little money, I haven’t held a fundraiser. I have trouble asking people for money. So I’m using old signs that simply say, ‘Gary Rosen City Council.’ I was always at-large.� That, say some critics, is precisely the point. Many voters may just assume Rosen is running at-large again and some folks believe it could lead to confusion at the polling booth. “When people talk to me, I will tell them I’m running in District 5,� Rosen says. Asked whether he goes out of his way to let people know that, he says, “Positively. Sometimes, I’m not saying ‘5,’ but I always say I’m running in this district. That’s nothing I would ever want to hide.�



you’ve visited City Hall recently and parked in the underground garage, you may have noticed things are a little more, uh, strict. Visitors are being checked in before they park their cars and asked why they’re visiting. They are then reminded that there is a 30-minute limit. Downtown parking control ofďŹ cers have been asked to “walk throughâ€? and take notice of any vehicles that have been parked for a long period of time. One might ask whether city ofďŹ cials have bigger ďŹ sh to fry – in fact, that’s what we asked City Manager Mike O’Brien. “Look, we’re trying to create enough parking spaces so there’s a space for people with genuine City Hall business,â€? he says. The city manager says there has been a marked increase in folks driving into the garage, parking their car, walking into City Hall and then walking right out the ďŹ rst-oor front door to take care of whatever business they need to take care of downtown. That, he wants to remind people, is a no-no. Still, one has to ask: Is the city waging a war on cars and trucks? Because parking in the city has grown to be more and more of a challenge and tickets seem to be slapped onto windshields at a dizzying pace. One business owner in the city’s Canal District says he has received hundreds of dollars in tickets for not “feeding the meterâ€? before it expires. He says the crackdown is deďŹ nitely hurting business.

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WILL THIS DOG HAVE ITS DAY? Now that Rush Street Gaming has bowed out of the

sweepstakes for a slots parlor in Massachusetts – the company had proposed a $200-million slots parlor in Millbury – some observers believe it is simply a matter of time before Raynham Park is awarded the state’s only slots license. Why? Well, Leominster, which is in the running, is not exactly central in Central Mass. and the other contender, Plainridge Racetrack Horse Racing, is already guaranteed to get 9 percent of the revenue from the winning slots developer as part of the massive 49 percent revenue that must be forked over to the state. That doesn’t mean either Leominster or Plainridge has no shot, but those following things closely say the smart money is on Raynham.

RIVERA ON THE RUN: No, District 4 City Councilor Sarai Rivera isn’t running from anyone. She isn’t even running against anyone in the Nov. 5 municipal election. That isn’t stopping her from pulling out all the stops to make sure she stays in ofďŹ ce a long time and that her work to improve the district continues. Rivera is actively raising money for her campaign and is touting the endorsements of groups such as the AFL-CIO. Spotted at Canalfest recently and asked why she’s working so hard in a year when she has no competition, Rivera says, “You can never get complacent.â€? With that, she and Mayor Joe Petty made their way through the crowds that ocked to the Canal District on a sun-drenched afternoon. TWINS? Speaking of City Manager Mike O’Brien, he enjoyed some yuks recently with

District Attorney Joe Early at a City Hall function when the two men joked about how often people confuse one for the other. Early says he can’t count the times someone has approached him and said, “You’re doing a great job, Mr. City Manager.� And O’Brien says he has been called by Joe’s name. We smell a good April Fool’s prank in the making for next year.

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commentary | opinions slants& rants { }

Sing it, Worcester Hey bands and singer-songwriters, listen up. A project called State your Song is looking for musicians in Worcester who have written songs about our city. The nationwide search for songs about homes across the States will be used to create short fine art films for each state as a way to inspire bands to connect with each other. The project, State your Song, is working in conjunction with The Photamerica Project, which is a pretty neat interactive art and photography archive of sights seen across America between 2012-13. Check out the project and find out how to submit your Worcester songs at photamerica.com or email Stateyoursong@gmail.com.

Tag us! Whether you’re reading us with a cup of coffee or find a Worcester Magazine in the oddest of places, take a picture and tag @worcestermagazine on Instagram!

-Brittany Durgin, Editor

Worcester’s (unofficial) Theme Song Contest


By Steven King

1,001 words

Be at The Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. when Worcester’s unofficial theme song is chosen by a panel of local judges. Musicians chosen prior to the event will perform their own Worcester theme song live on stage on Wednesday, September 18 at 8 p.m., at which time judges including Dale LePage and J. Stuart Esty will choose a winner. Admission is $5 with proceeds from the event benefiting the Pancreatic Cancer Alliance.


The leaves are falling all around The leaves are falling all over town. They drift down here, they drift down there These pretty leaves without a care. The leaves are falling to the ground The leaves are falling without a sound. I close the blinds and shed a tear. Farewell good summer, I’ll see you next year. LYN N LESLIE Worcester

Tell us how you really feel Letters to the editor should be legible, signed and brief (preferably

no more than 200 words). A daytime telephone number must be provided for verification. Worcester Magazine reserves the right to edit letters for length, clarity, libelous or offensive material and style. Send letters to: Letters, Worcester Magazine, 72 Shrewsbury St., Worcester, MA 01604 or E-mail: editor@worcestermagazine.com, or fax: 508-749-3165 Follow us on:



• SEPTEMBER 12, 2013

Brittany Durgin

BE A GODDESS AT WORCESTER STATE The third annual Worcester Goddess Fair happens this Saturday, September 14 from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. in the Student Center at Worcester State University. The health and wellness fair will include music, psychic and intuitive readings, holistic healers and presenters, as well as demos on health and wellnessrelated issues. Admission grants guests a 20-minute body healing, a 20-minute psychic reading, a buffet lunch and a seat at a variety of workshops and presentations. Heather Clockedile and Diane Lewis will conduct gallery readings “from beyond” for an additional fee. All profits benefit the refurbishing of the UMass’ seventh floor oncology patient lounge. Tickets are $30 and may be purchased in advance at worcestergoddessfair.eventbrite.com or for $35 at the door.

WOMEN’S FORUM WITH LORRAINE HARITON Lorraine Hariton will share her story of professional success at Assumption College as part of the school’s Women’s Leadership Forum and the Women’s Studies Program on Monday, September 23 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Hariton will tell of being a Silicon Valley CEO, raising a combined $48 million in venture capital for the two companies she headed in just five years, to now working as a special representative for commercial and business affairs at the US State Department, where she promotes entrepreneurship around the globe. A Conversation with Lorraine Hariton: Entrepreneurship from a Global Perspective is free and open to the public, but those interested in attending should register by September 16 by contacting womensforum@assumption.edu or 508-767-7104. Assumption College, 500 Salisbury St.

COSTS OF OIL DRILLING The College of the Holy Cross hosts Nigerian environmentalist and lecturer Julia Finomo (pictured) on Thursday, September 12 at 4:30 p.m. in the Rehm Library in Smith Hall to give a talk “The Cost-Benefit Analysis of Oil Drilling in the Niger Delta: An Ethical Approach.” Finomo will discuss the degradation of the region since the discovery of oil in the Niger Delta in 1956, followed by oil spills and gas flares that have caused harm to the ecosystem and the livelihood of inhabitants in the regions. She will also advocate for the ecological solidarity among the oil companies, government officials and people of the region to clear a path to sustainability. The lecture is free and open to the public. College of the Holy Cross, 1 College St., Worcester. holycross.edu.

Send notes about Worcester colleges and universities, works of art by students and staff, opinion pieces and other higher-ed related content to editor@worcestermagazine.com with contact information to be considered for publication.



{ coverstory }


Worcester’s downtown has long been criticized for its vacant lots and buildings. Worcester’s office of Economic Development has recently organized a new group, Public Art Working Group, PAWG, to combat this issue of degradation. PAWG views the downtown district’s naked brick and plain metal walls as an opportunity – rather than simply boring facades, the group sees blank canvases for colorful murals and other large-scale public art pieces that could mean a turnaround for North Main Street’s economy and a livelihood it currently lacks.

The purpose of creating PAWG is to advocate for the creation and installation of public art that is accessible, which it aims to do by identifying possible sites in the city for new public art, building public-private partnerships and funding artists – all without using a cent of taxpayer money. PAWG is comprised of Erin Williams, Worcester Cultural Development officer; Honee Hess, executive director at Worcester Center for Crafts; Adam Rozan, director of audience engagement at Worcester Art Museum; Chad Sirois, communications manager at Worcester Historical Museum; Gloria Hall, who is involved in many cultural projects in the city including Art in the Park; Howard McGinn, executive director of First Night Worcester; and Adam Zahler, chair of the Visual & Performing Arts Dept. at Worcester State University. Amanda Gregoire, project manager for the city of Worcester, is on staff. Rozan sees the group’s eclecticism as being of great worth. “Erin is very smart in that everyone on the team brings different skills and perspectives,” he says. Members were carefully and strategically picked, but “this group is by no means the be all, end all,” says Williams. “It’s a group of volunteers with expertise in art in one way or another. If we can be a stimulus for more art, all the better.” In the words of Sirois, PAWG “is a group of concerned citizens that feel Worcester



culturally is lacking a certain sense of vibrancy.” Sirois says more public art “would be the cohesive connection,” between the city’s cultural institutions and everything else Worcester has to offer. “I’m sort of a street art junkie,” Rozan admits. Having worked with artists on a multitude of levels, including on the streets and inside museums, Rozan’s belief that Worcester has a calling for hosting largescale art that will attract national and even international attention is one that is hard to dispute. Local artist Susan Champeny says the hype PAWG has just begun to create and the group’s ideas for the future of public art in the city are as big of a deal as when Art in the Park started. “It’s exciting,” she says. “What I think is really hopeful is that there is a lot of time and attention going into public art in Worcester. There is a lot [of public art] out there that is under the radar and there are people who are cultivating it. It needs a little more cultivation.” PAWG was created with three focus areas: Commission large-scale public art in the downtown district, support local and regional artists in the development of public art throughout the city, and encourage and support the engagement of young people in creating public art.



town hall-style meeting to discuss the formation and goals of PAWG and to hear the thoughts of local artists and community members regarding public art in the city was held the evening of Wednesday, August 21 at the Worcester Center for Crafts. “We really wanted to get the community members involved and to be interested,” Sirois says, adding that PAWG does not want all ideas for public art projects to come from the top down and that similar meetings will be held in the future, as a way of keeping the public’s wants in sight. “Good cities have good public art, they deserve public art,” says Williams. As far as what Worcesterites would like to see more of, Williams gives several examples from what was shared at the town hall meeting on colored Post-It notes: more pop-up galleries, a gateway wall on the side of Shaw’s market between Grove Street and Gold Star Boulevard and the creation of consortium art shows. To engage youth, Williams says respondents suggested reaching out to

• SEPTEMBER 12, 2013


Brittany Durgin


students as well as kids, providing more public art field trips throughout the city and having youth, in one way or another, be a part of community-based murals. At the town hall meeting, Rozan broadened the idea of public art from murals to being anything creative, showing slides of knit bombing – where artists cover city park trees, fences and other infrastructure with their own type of sweaters – and a group of artists that filled the crack in a building with Lego pieces. Just this year, Worcester Arts Council had its budget increased by 12.5 percent to $84,760. According to Erin Williams, it is yet to be decided whether a portion of that amount will fund the second and third tiers of PAWG’s goals - giving local artists additional opportunities to create public art and engaging youth in the arts.



orcester’s Executive Office of Economic Development launched a survey in the spring of 2012 to evaluate the prevalence of public art in the city. The questionnaire was distributed throughout various communities in the city and the result is an ongoing catalog and map identifying public art currently on display. Respondents were invited to make suggestions about where and what type of public art they would like to see. The office of Economic Development continues to accept responses to the survey at worcestermass.org/ publicart. Gregoire, a staffer for PAWG, analyzed results of the survey. The ultimate goal of the survey, beyond finding potential “gaps” in the city’s existing landscape of public works of art, was to create a map with interactive online tours that will function as a visual guide and be able to send people out on selfdirected walking tours. Champeny has been a Worcester resident for more than 20 years and in the last six has created three works of public art that are and will continue to be fixtures in the public’s eye. The first undertaking for Champeny was in 2007, when the city of Worcester, specifically its Cultural Coalition, commissioned her to create what is now “the wayfinder mosaic” in Federal Square. The ceramic district marker, Champeny says, depicts “the spirit and history of downtown Worcester.” The second public art piece Champeny

{ coverstory } created was more of a community effort at the Edward M. Kennedy Center on Tacoma Street in Great Brook Valley. Inside the front entranceway, Champeny painted a mural that started as 300 square feet in 2008, grew an additional 200 square feet in 2010, and in 2011, the health center called Champeny back in for a third installment. The mural is not on the outside of a building on a busy street, but Champeny is quick to note its public presence with 2,000STEVEN KING 3,000 people The mural in the passing through parking lot for the lobby each CC Lowell, Haiku day from 7 and others on a.m-7 p.m., Park Ave. Monday through Saturday. Most recently, Champeny was commissioned to paint a larger-than-life lightbulb for a National Grid project that ran in conjunction with the city and ArtsWorcester. The lightbulb, one of ďŹ ve, now permanently lives at Chestnut and Elm streets, in a sculpture garden. Champeny was commissioned for all three projects, however, she, like many other artists across the country, are not making enough money to support both their art and themselves from these commissions, which raises the question: Will PAWG’s plans ďŹ nancially beneďŹ t local artists?



ollowing The Great Depression in the mid-1930s, the New Deal brought a series of programs known as Federal One. Designed to revitalize the impoverished economy, they helped subsidize artists with speciďŹ c projects. Artists were hired to create murals and sculptures on federal buildings with one emphasis being on audience participation. “Business thrives through the arts,â€? believes Tina Zlody, program and event coordinator for the Visual & Performing Arts Department at Clark University and director and co-founder of the arts festival stART on the Street. “If I’m looking to move my business, I’m going to look at how stable is the economy, how good is the education and how much does the community value art.â€? She adds, “The arts are the basis of so much of what we do. Just look at Worcester Center for Crafts, our economy is built on creativity.â€? Several PAWG members agree that great artwork creates a populous and with that comes more retail and more engagement.

“Art generates social capital,â€? Williams believes. “In the 21st century, social capital is just as important as economic development and when the two go hand in hand, it is what revitalizes a community.â€? “Everybody beneďŹ ts,â€? says Rozan. “Our success [at WAM] is when everyone cares about art. We want more galleries opening, more artists showing work ‌ more culture around art. So the more of this that happens,




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{ coverstory } continued from page 11

exhibition opportunities and also to give owners of the buildings an outlet for bringing potential renters into the space. All projects enacted by PAWG will be funded either on a private level, working with businesses or with Worcester’s City Manager

through fundraising. None of the projects will be publicly funded, says Williams. “Art generates not only economic development,” but, Williams says, “it’s also generating an environment that people want to be around.”



AWG has made agreements with building owners to commission public works of art on The Denholm building’s “blank canvas” wall on Chatham Street, The Hanover Theatre’s empty back facade and the recently renovated DCU Center. “The group is a conduit,” says Williams. While PAWG will jump-start projects, it will at the same time be creating ad hoc groups to


“community gallery” was first clearly seen when Worcester Windows, a program organized and operated by the Worcester Cultural Coalition, began transforming empty storefronts into exhibit space, showing off local emerging and established artists alike. Initially intended to simply provide a greater amount of exhibition opportunities, Worcester Windows is now a mainstay of the downtown community gallery arena. With talk of public-private partnerships around public art, Zlody says now is the time to mandate that a percentage of the cost of every new building that goes up in Worcester The Denholm building is one of three structures downtown that PAWG hopes to commission artists to create murals on the facades of.

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• SEPTEMBER 12, 2013

initiate the creation of art. The goal, members of PAWG say, is to begin commissioning public art pieces this year and have one, possibly two, created and accessible by December 2014. When asked if, as an artist, she fears a building owner or the city would give creative restrictions, Champeny believes art has to fit a location and its community. “I don’t think it’s a form of censorship, it is a form of common sense.” “My experience with private businesses has been incredibly positive,” says Champeny, adding that she has only really known them to go out on a limb and give creative freedom to an artist. As she sees it, “All public art is the art of negotiation.” “I feel like there has to be a public-private partnership,” Zlody says. While she doesn’t believe the city should have a stronghold on projects brought forth by PAWG, she does believe local government has to have some sort of hand in the pot and is pleased in saying, “The city is starting to understand we need public art.” Sirois says one of the hopes of PAWG is that business owners will see murals on the buildings of their neighbors and will want to take advantage of the the city’s connection with artists to have one done on their own facade. Marketing downtown Worcester as a

go to a public art fund. “The city needs to say, ‘if you’re building a building, it needs to fit in the community, it needs to also fund the community,’” says Zlody, adding “Other cities do that and it’s expected [by builders in those communities].”



aving public art is meaningful for the youth of Worcester, says Champeny. “It has a positive impact on the kids, especially if they’re able to interact with the artists.” Rozan, a self-proclaimed expert on the art form, says, “Street art is one of the largest growing art movements. What’s fantastic about it is anyone can participate and there is no right or wrong way of doing it.” Zlody says that while stART on the Street is not by definition public art, it does open up a dialogue for talking about art. One way the festival creates conversation is through the opportunity given to young creatives to sell their artwork in a youth market. Zlody says, of the youth’s parents, “Their child being a part of stART has allowed them to be a part of their children’s art and it has opened an interaction between parents and their children.” Zlody continues, asking, “Do we find the next amazing sculptor? Do we continued on page 14




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{ coverstory } continued from page 12

find the next jeweler from these festivals?” Her answer to why encouraging and supporting our youth to engage with public art is important is a simple one: “We’ll have wonderfully well-balanced children that can think with both sides of their brain.”



rguably the most controversial of PAWG’s goals is to commission international artists, rather than local

talent, for its mural projects on the Denholm, Hanover Theatre and DCU Center buildings. “I hear conversations all the time in the local art community,” Sirois says of artists questioning why institutions such as Worcester Art Museum do not show more work of local artists. “The thing with this project is we’re not saying no to local artists, but we want to start off with a flash, with a bang.” Rozan disputes that WAM and other institutions in the city do not showcase local talent, citing the current exhibiting piece on the Wall at WAM that was done

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by Worcester artists. He’s quick to point out that bringing in an international artist is just one part of PAWG’s plan, another part being opportunities for local artists to create public art in alleys and throughout the city. “What I want to see,” Rozan says, “is that we have something for everyone. Both needs to happen in unison.” Zlody agrees saying, “I think if we’re going to, as a city, have something up that represents art in the city, you need to get the best of the best.” Referencing existing models of public art in the city, Zlody says, “Look at Art in the Park, not everyone there is Worcester based.” “It’s not us dissing Worcester artists,” McGrath asserts. As both a business owner and resident in Worcester, she supports bringing in international artists that will create a louder buzz than a lesser-known local artist may. “I, of course, love being able to interact with other artists. Having someone come to us is exciting,” says Champeny, but says she understands the concern of some artists that the best local talent is not being showcased in the largest-scale projects PAWG has planned. “What I would like to see, is send our local talent out as ambassadors out to other cities to spread [Worcester’s] talent.” Rozan doesn’t see the ambitions of PAWG as simply hyper-local, but rather, “Worcester

should be able to participate on a national, international stage. It’s the second largest city doing amazing things.” He begs the questions: “Isn’t it the same as having international companies and universities that attract specialists?” So who will PAWG bring to Worcester to create the buzz McGrath wants, the attention Rozan feels the city deserves and the talent Sirois expects? “There are a few I would like, but let’s see what happens,” says Rozan. In the end, Sirois says, “I’m excited to be able to go downtown with friends and just want to be there.” He says that for himself and others he’s talked with who have recently moved to Worcester, the real vacancy of downtown bears a sense of unwelcomeness. “Having this project get off the ground, it’s really going to change the perception of this city from being dead to having life and vibrancy.” For Rozan, it is all about “broadening and widening the divide.” He, like other members of PAWG, believe more art means more restaurants and retail move into an area. “It’s not one thing, it’s all things, supporting all things. You have nicer parks; the more things going on, the better this community becomes,” says Rozan. “I would love to have more galleries to go to and more people talking about art. I enjoy it now, we can enjoy it more.”

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• SEPTEMBER 12, 2013

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night day &

Justice trumps privacy in “Justice Is Mind” Cade Overton

Image you’re on trial for a capital crime, say, murdering two people a while back. You don’t remember doing it, but the memory of the incident has been dredged from your brain by an MRI machine and exists in point-of-view video form. And it’s admissible evidence. That’s about the size and shape of the pickle Henri Miller finds himself in in “Justice is Mind,” an independent crime/sci-fi/mystery film that will have its Massachusetts premiere at The Strand Theatre in Clinton on Monday, September 16.

Inspired by a 2009 60 Minutes segment that addressed mind-reading technology, Mark Lund, writer, director and producer of “Justice Is Mind,” wrote the script in about four months in 2010. “I’ve always been a big fan of Law & Order and courtroom dramas and mystery,” says Lund. “It came together pretty smoothly.” Set in 2026, the plot hinges on the introduction of an MRIlike machine called an FVMRI (Functional Video MRI) that is capable of scanning a patient’s long-term memory and rendering it to video. The protagonist, Henri Miller, a wealthy restaurateur/farm owner, collapses one day and is rushed to the hospital, where it is revealed that he’s been seeing a neurologist for persistent headaches. Eventually the doctor decides to conduct an FVMRI, and Miller signs a waiver allowing himself to be tried for any crimes that may be revealed by the scan. Incredibly, this is precisely what occurs. A memory shows him shooting two men on his farm and staring down at the dead bodies and, predictably, the District Attorney pounces. Suddenly Miller is faced with the task of proclaiming his innocence despite the existence of footage of his cold-blooded execution of two men in Massachusetts’ first-ever Superior Court trial. Lund, born and raised in Spencer and a Worcester native, says the film was shot almost entirely in Oxford, with some scenes filmed in Worcester and Shrewsbury. “Familiarity made filming easier,” he says of the hometown production. “What’s nice about it is we had access to all the locations that exist in the script.” The crew made use of friends’ homes and businesses for some of the locations, as well as a warehouse facility in Shrewsbury. The film has also been blessed with a coincidental boost from the news; references to intelligence agencies and some of the themes involving citizens’ rights bear a similarity to many of the revelations and paranoia introduced recently by the Edward Snowden case. “You never can guess when these things are going to happen. At the time it was just an interesting plot idea that just seemed to work,” says Lund. “When I wrote it, it was just part of the plot and I kind of like that kind of government element, but then when the Snowden matter came about, we have these elements in the story, so it’s worked out fairly well for us. The timing has helped us with distributors.” Additionally, there is a very real precedent for the

technology presented in the film. What’s known as Functional MRI is a real-life procedure that measures changes in brain activity over a period of time and can theoretically be used to infer what a subject was thinking about at a given time. Results from FMRI-based lie detection tests have been thrown

out in court twice in the past year, due to the fact that the reliability of the lie detection method is still somewhat questionable, not to mention its lack of acceptance within the scientific community. However, the existence and

development of the technology and the idea of unfettered access to a subject’s thoughts puts some ugly cracks in our fundamental concept of basic rights, and the FVMRI in “Justice Is Mind” obliterates much of the Fourth and Fifth Amendments. Forget about the right to remain silent. It’s this sense of nearfuture realism that Lund hopes will give the film resonance. Though he’s a fan of science fiction, he’s been careful to avoid its overused tropes. “I grew up in the ‘70s and they always painted the future as the flying cars, the warp drives,” he says. “I tried to put a future together that was more... I don’t want to say present day, but we’re still going to be driving in vehicles that have four wheels.” The futuristic elements are simple rather than flamboyant, and the sense of dystopian paranoia is subtle but unavoidable. In the film, trials in the United States are televised around the world and can be seen in restaurants. The footage of the murders is released to the media, and the protagonist’s own son receives it in a text message. Privacy is evaporating in the film’s universe and in our own, our current technological landscape already has many people growing steadily uneasier. In many ways, the future presented in “Justice Is Mind” can hardly be described as sci-fi at all. “I try to keep the future practical without it getting too weird,” says Lund. “I took this science, this mind-reading science, and pushed it up to what I think is going to happen in 10 years. ‘Justice’ puts this in a context where this is accepted now. There really is no more privacy.” The Strand Theatre, 58 High Street, Clinton, Mass. will host the Massachusetts premiere of “Justice Is Mind” on Monday, September 16 at 7 p.m. Doors open at 6:15. The film is not rated. S E P T E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 3 • W O R C E S T E R M A G A Z I N E . C O M 15

night day &

{ music }

Roots ’n’ Bluegrass in Sturbridge Jim Perry

On Saturday, September 14, put your roots shoes on and head down to historic Sturbridge for the ou Les Samp Roots ‘N’ Bluegrass festival at the Town Common. A first-rate lineup of music is scheduled to perform and there will also be food vendors, merchandise booths and lots of activities geared towards children. Hours are 2 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. and admission is free.

According to Carol Childress of the Sturbridge Tourist Association, the town is hoping to make this an annual event. “We’ve

had Old Sturbridge Village as our main attraction and now we’re seeking to expand the town’s appeal.” Childress says that the money raised for the event comes from a motel and hotel tax, and the plan is to “use it for the betterment of our town.” The event will feature many attractions, beginning with food vendors. “Our first focus is to promote local restaurants,” says Childress. A few of the establishments representing local flavor are Rovezzi’s Ristorante, Enrico’s Pizzeria and Amanda’s on Wheels. Friendly’s will be serving ice cream, The Whoopie Wagon will be concocting a wide variety of whoopie pies and there will also be barbecue and kettle corn available. Kids will have plenty to do. “We hired Magic World of Shrewsbury, kind of a ‘one stop shop’ for kids,” says Childress. A bounce

house, face-painter and magician are some of the activities that will be featured. There will also be free ID kits available for kids in an effort to promote child safety. One of the most important aspects of the event will be local artisans promoting their wares along with what Childress calls “an ‘artists row.’” Everything from glassblowing to metal work to candle making, plus jewelry and photography, will be represented. All of the artisans are local and a source of pride for the Sturbridge area. The soundtrack to the day’s festivities will be truly outstanding. It all starts with a bang, literally, as the Hot Tamale Brass Band gives the event a touch of the New Orleans beat. The smile-inducing sounds of the Blackstone Valley Bluegrass Band follow, after which Americana singer/songwriter Les Sampou shows why her career is taking off like a rocket. Closing out the live music will be the legendary banjo picker, Tony Trischka, whose long and storied career has brought him many awards and credits. Dave Dick, banjo player for Blackstone Valley Bluegrass Band is a Southbridge

native and loves the opportunity to perform nearby. “It’s wrapped in with the town. There was some local muscle behind the event. It’s kind of unique that it isn’t driven by one individual.” Dave also took a moment to gush about the feature performer, banjo player Tony Trischka. “Here’s a guy who was Bela Fleck’s teacher! His style is incredibly unique.” Dick describes the sound as “avantgarde, but not at the expense of good, solid bluegrass playing.” Les Sampou, whose album “Lonesomeville” won 2011 Americana album of the year, is a highly regarded singer/songwriter. Hailing from the South Shore, her reputation has spread nationwide, garnering positive reviews everywhere she goes. As for the Hot Tamale Brass Band, they have been bringing an authentic New Orleans sound to New England audiences for decades and capture the raw energy of live street music. Carol Childress is very excited about the festival. “We’ve done our research as to who our tourists are and we want to expand on that.” For more information, visit sturbridgefest.com.


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Venus Disarming Cupid (detail), about 1555, Paolo Veronese, Italian, 1528-1588, Oil on canvas, Gift of Hester Diamond, 2013.50



• SEPTEMBER 12, 2013

night day &

{ arts }

Cage Uncaged at Nick’s The teacher and mentor stayed in touch after graduation, often organizing programs. One recent night, over beers at Nick’s, says Thibodeau, the two began imagining Cage’s works in the intimate, ambient room. “Nick’s is a favorite watering hole and a great supporter of local music,” says Malsky. “It offers the kind of laid-back environment we’re looking for.” The result is a four selection program,

ridicule and, for some, living proof of the scam that modern art represents. In fact, the audience howled and jeered at Cage after the inaugural performance of the piece in 1952. I won’t spoil the fun or surprise for the uninitiated by describing the work (or by attempting to defend it). Another Cage piece currently being performed (yes, currently being performed) helps to suggest the creative world he inhabited. The 1985 “Organ 2/

the current tone. It all probably sounds like hokum to the skeptical, but Cage’s work was rooted in My Facebook news feed his study of Buddhism and the I Ching, and inundates me with an infinite he devoted himself to the revolutionary stream of event listings, highconcept of incorporating chance into musical interest news bytes, memes and composition and performance. Further, in the years since his compositions sent photos of, well, everything from classical audiences into fits, tectonic shifts a friend’s breakfast to a sustained in the scope of even the most mainstream injury to, well, everything. After and bland popular music a while, I stop has meant the adopting noticing anything. and embracing of much Two weeks ago, that was once avanthowever, my eye garde, like making stopped on a post by a instruments out of things local musician, Michael like turntables, water Thibodeau, who sought drops, closed and prepared a few volunteers for an (manipulated) piano, and upcoming show. even elements of silence Nothing unusual, right? and sounds inherent in Except, in this case, the performance space and he needed 12 people to among the crowd. perform on AM/FM radios. Malsky says that he and Ah, John Cage is back Thibodeau will be involved in town, I thought. in every performance The late John Cage is on and “they may have to a short list of 20th century play a chair or a radio or composers – or inventor, something,” but, though as he referred to himself – “they may be challenging that embodies everything for the audience,” the many love or hate about works are “fairly standard modern art. The piece for the performer.” in question, “Imaginary If this all sounds heady Landscape no. 4 (March and uptight and overly no. 2 for Twelve Radios),” serious, it isn’t. Thibodeau is just one of hundreds and Malsky are planning that challenges our oldon a night of fun. When fashioned notions of what asked what we might music can or should be. expect from the show, It is also one of four Cage Thibodeau shrugs off pieces being staged for a the question and says, “I centennial celebration of think we’re all wondering the artist by the Cage and that.” Malsky adds that Cardew Society, a Clark the format, modeled after University group headed Cardew’s 1960’s London by Thibodeau and Clark “Scratch Orchestra,” Music professor, Matthew intends to bring together Malsky, on Wednesday, “‘musicians’ and those September 18 at Nick’s Bar who wouldn’t usually call and Restaurant. themselves musicians.” Shiraz Art Festival: David Tudor (left) and John Cage performing at the 1971 festival. The Cage and Cardew “The personnel is (Photo courtesy Cunningham Dance Foundation archive) Society came together always open,” Malsky adds. about a decade ago, when “We’ll find a way for anyone Thibodeau and Malsky, his advisor, staged ASLSP” (“As Slow As Possible”) is underway who’s interested to participate. Michael and I consisting of “Living Room Music” (a multithe first “Living Room Concert” (named in a chapel in Halberstadt, Germany. The are merely instigators.” movement piece for a percussion and speech for the Cage piece performed at that first performance, begun on September 5, 2001 I clicked “Going.” quartet that involves making instruments concert) that featured performances of (Cage’s 89th birthday), will continue for 639 of common household objects), the selfstudent compositions by other students as See the Cage and Cardew Society explanatory “Music for Amplified Toy Piano,” years and is expected to continue until the well as avant-garde works, in a “supportive” performance at Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, the aforementioned “Imaginary Landscape year 2640. The first 17 months, for example, environment in which to present their 124 Millbury St., Worcester on Wednesday, no. 4” and the legendary “4’33”,” a work that represented the opening rest prior to the first “‘outside’ musical ideas,” says Malsky. September 18 at 8 p.m. has been the object of widespread scorn and tone and a website allows the curious to hear S E P T E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 3 • W O R C E S T E R M A G A Z I N E . C O M 17 Matt Robert

night day &

{ music }

Let anniversary it Bleed plays Stones show

Joshua Lyford

On September 14, 1981 The Rolling Stones played a now legendary set at Sir Morgan’s Cove (now known as The Lucky Dog Music Hall) on Green Street in Worcester. The performance was meant to be a small, private affair for 300 attendees. The ONLY 200 TICKETS AVAILABLE


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band performed under the title “The Cockroaches” to ensure that their secret would remain safe. Fate would intervene, however, and the news of the performance spread like wildfire through the city. The band was on top of the world at this point, and on the evening of the performance, Green Street was crawling with excited fans. A police detail was on hand to control the situation and people lined the roofs of buildings, just to try to see and hear The Rolling Stones.

Flash forward to 2013; Worcester is a very different place. Music has changed, bands have come and gone, but the spirit of Sir Morgan’s Cove lives on inside The Lucky Dog and, according to Rolling Stones tribute band Let it Bleed, the city hasn’t been the same since that fateful day. Let it Bleed is a tribute band by definition, but their zeal puts them in a category of their own. The band is not a simple, low-key operation, but has all their bases covered. Consisting of Mike Revelli on vocals, Derek Varnum and Chris Tello on lead and rhythm guitars, Carman Malgeri on drums, Jamie Blair on keyboards, Karen Draleus with supporting vocals, Rich Kenderian on saxophone, Lance Muhammad on bass and Dan Draleus on percussion, it is easy to see that Let it

Bleed has gone the extra mile to ensure that their sets are second to none. Fate has been good to Let it Bleed. The band’s enthusiasm is unrivaled and Revelli found Varnum through a Craigslist ad with a very simple (and telling) header, “Mick looking for Keith.” It took some time, but the two got together and PHOTO SUBMITED began jamming. The rest of the band would come together and with the exception of a few members coming and going, they had found their calling. The members of the band are talented and they play the tunes faithfully, but they don’t skip in the entertainment department. “If you are going to be an entertainer,” says Revelli, “You want everyone at the show to be drained, you want everyone to have a smoking good time and to leave exhausted.” It seems like they have achieved that level of entertainment as the members hold nothing back during their performances. “Our first gig,” Varnum recalls, “we were three tunes in and Mike is hanging on the pole at The Lucky Dog, singing down into the audience. He misses the pole and smashes his head. The very next line in the song is ‘It’s a bitch’ and I swear, he didn’t miss a note.” Other bands have performaned tribute sets

designed to correlate with the ‘81 show, but none have had the attention to detail that Let it Bleed has worked towards. The set itself will be faithful to “The Cockroaches” set and the band took no chances making sure they were point-to-point with the original. Varnum even tracked down an original bootleg of the evening’s performance from a friend-of-a-friend, who proved to be quite difficult to nail down. Eventually, Varnum was provided with a disc of as many of the original tracks as were saved, leaving several lost to the ages. Longview Farm Studio (where the Stones rehearsed and recorded before the fateful ‘81 show) producer Gil Markle will speak before the set this Friday, giving some key anecdotes on the Sir Morgan’s Cove show. There will also be a syncopated lighting system, as well as one of the original Cove billboards for this event only. Show-goers should not forget their awesome ‘80s gear either, being that Revelli takes his glitter very seriously. “We have a milk crate of percussive instruments,” laughs Varnum, “He has a milk crate of make up.” Find Let it Bleed online at Letitbleed.net and be sure to catch them for the anniversary show at The Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. on Friday, September 13.

THE RESTAURANT SHOW Each week your host Ginny talks to restaurateurs from some of the top local eateries to spotlight what they do — their stories, their menus, and what makes the local restaurant scene so great.

This week’s feature:

MyKonos Escape Festival



• SEPTEMBER 12, 2013

night day &

{ arts }

Sights and sounds of stART on the Street

to hear different genres at the same event, points of view and how to understand [it’s] much more inclusive.” something that we once considered foreign.” Adding to the mix of bands is none other This will not be Samba Mamba’s fi rst stART on the Street is 11 years than Afro D Allstars. Afro D, also known as stART appearance, having performed back strong and will once again Pete Shungu, is the bandleader of the group. in 2010. “stART is a great way to engage swarm Park Ave. for its much Originally from New Jersey, but now a Boston with the beautiful people of Worcester and anticipated celebration of resident, Shungu performed at stART on we are lucky to be back… Samba Mamba the Street as a solo artist back in 2005. This is a celebration of life. We’re bringing an art. With tents lining one of year, Shungu will be bringing a full 8- to energetic, dance-fi lled show to stART. So we Worcester’s most popular streets, 10-piece band to stART that includes trumpet, tell people: Bring your festival goers are familiar with saxophone, violin, flute, drums, bass, keys, dance shoes!” the works displayed and sold guitar, singer and MC. To be returning to Also performing on by local artists from across New stART once again to perform, and with stage at this fall’s stART such a grand band, is an exciting endeavor on the Street is the band England, however, to draw in for Shungu, who fondly recalls his first Boo City. Though Boo art lovers of all kinds, stART performance at the beloved festival. “I loved City has only performed PHOTOS/TED THEODORE on the Street performing at stART because it had such a in Worcester a handful coordinators bring community feel and gave me the opportunity of times, at Beatnik’s together an eclectic to reach an all-ages audience with my Bar and Vincent’s, the socially-conscious brand of hip hop.” band could not be more group of bands and Beyond eardrum enjoyment, performers excited for a triumphant performers to appeal will bring visual element, too. The Yoreturn. “We absolutely to music lovers and Yo People, a world famous act, will be love playing in send attendees into performing on the street at stART. “We do Worcester!” exclaims sensory overload. a high energy, high skill comedy show with band member Tai Awolaju. “It really reminds me lots of audience participation with Yo-Yos, Similar to years unicycle and hula hoops,” says member John of Providence in that it’s a smaller past, the upcoming Higby. A critically-acclaimed performance city with really amazing, genuine stART on the Street duo, Higby and his wife Rebecca currently people that love music and art.” will feature a variety hold three Guinness World Records and the Jon Short, another stART on the of musical and 2008 World Yo-Yo Champion title. What Street performer that will appear in the pair can bring to stART is nothing short the upcoming festival, has had the performance artists of unique entertainment. “People, I think, privilege of performing in Worcester sure to capture your are hungry for something that is real and regularly. A country blues artist eyes and ears. not on their phone or TV, and we offer this and Worcester Public Schools music The tradition to include spontaneous art that is important for a teacher, Short routinely takes stage Craig Rawding (above) and Keri Anderson (inset) will be art of the musical variety community,” said Higby. in the city. “I live, work and play in performing at stART on the Street this Sunday, Sept. 15. has long been a cornerstone Also performing on Park Ave. is The Red Worcester and stART is the best day of stART on the Street. Trouser Show. Comprised of David Graham of the year to be a Worcesterite,” he “We consider it to be as and Tobin Renwick, The Red Trouser Show states. important as all other aspects of the festival, is an acrobatic, fire juggling comedy show. Short fell into performing at stART where we are able to give a whole new roster but they have changed and evolved over the Like The Yo-Yo People, The Red Trouser somewhat serendipitously. He explains, “I of acts an opportunity to play on our stages years. We try to keep it fresh and exciting,” Show has traveled the world performing in used to live in the old Abbott Street School every year.” says stART on the Street Co-Director and Cofairs, festivals and circuses. Renwick has and the first year they held stART on Park Among the bands performing is Samba Founder Tina Zlody. high hopes for stART on the Street. “I think Avenue, I was coming home from a weekend Mamba, a band comprised of musicians Seeking the raw and captivating talent is what our show will bring to the streets of of gigs in Western Mass. When I saw all with a range of backgrounds. Some hailing Performing Arts Coordinator Gabriel Rollins. Worcester is a fun, interactive family show that was going on, I decided to walk my from small American towns and others from Though a newbie to the stART crew - he that will leave people smiling and amazed.” busking rig to the corner to set up and play Latin American countries like Venezuela and came aboard in March of 2012 - Rollins is With all the talent Rollins has mixed in front of what was then Thai Chai Da. I had the Dominican Republic, the group came nearly a seasoned professional with three together for stART on the Street, he, too, an incredible time playing and got a good together in the small state of Rhode Island. previous festivals under his belt. Rollins, who has high hopes. “I want people to leave on response so the next year I set up in the same Despite their diverse histories, each bandmate in years past was a regular volunteer for the September 15 with long lasting memories of spot.” was born with a passion for music and an stART on the Street festival, is a veteran of Year after year Short has returned to stART the music they heard and the performances openness to the variety of how it can be the Worcester music scene and has spent they saw. I want them to leave saying, ‘I can’t to perform and this year will be busking on expressed. Says manager Javier Parra, “Since nearly two decades booking bands and the street as he has so many times before. For wait until next year!’” we don’t come from a common cultural performances. Though he has performed with Don’t miss this year’s fall edition of stART Short, there is no comparison to stART on the background, there was no obvious style bands, Rollins finds more joy in the behindStreet. “The fact that the music at this festival on the Street, taking place on Park Ave. on to build our sound on. Each of us brought the-scenes work. “While I do like being a ham Sunday, September 15 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. is not genre specific or exclusive is a big part what he’s learned from a life of loving and and getting on stage and entertaining people, of what’s good about stART. Thankfully, there For more information on stART on the Street, studying music. Collectively, we have had I like presenting performances even more visit startonthestreet.org. is all kinds of music in the world - it’s good to learn how to listen to sharply contrasting than that,” he says. S E P T E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 3 • W O R C E S T E R M A G A Z I N E . C O M 19 Taylor Nunez

And while Rollins enjoys digging for stART bands and performers, it’s no easy task. Throughout the year, Rollins and his crew sorted through over 100 submissions to achieve a perfect blend of bands and performers. This year, stART on the Street will host 26 performers between those on stage, street performers and roaming performers. Speaking of the process, Rollins elaborates: “It can be tough but the thing you take away is the wealth of talent we have in the New England region. It’s a good problem to have. There is enough talent

day MATT’S night { music } SHOES Lucky Dog hosts Zak Smith on &

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New England tour

Zak Smith, a young up-andcoming singer/songwriter who seamlessly combines Americana and alternative rock, will make a stop in Worcester at The Lucky Dog Music Hall on Thursday, September 19 as part of his current New England tour. Smith is promoting his soon-to-bereleased CD, “The Precambrian Age.” Smith hails from Montclair, New Jersey and has been praised as a special young talent, influenced by artists as varied as fellow Jersey boy Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young, Nirvana, Ray Charles and The Temptations. His latest single “Tombs Don’t Roll Back” is being called “A payment of homage to the Garden State’s musical past,” with its Springsteen influences, from the low

• SEPTEMBER 12, 2013

sax arrangement to the raspy-throated vocal delivery. Smith was a late bloomer to his love of music. It was not until he was about 14 that he became aware of his passion. A friend turned him on to several classic rock albums and “the flood gates opened,” as he puts it. At first it was the rhythm and the beat and the sound that got to Smith, but as he kept listening and exploring, his interest in literature and poetry caused him to become more conscious of lyrics. A shy person, Smith says that when everything is clicking on stage at a live performance, he is, as he states, “the best ‘me’ that I am.” Smith’s band, a 5-piece, includes guitarist Gavi Grodsky,

keyboard player Dov Manski, “two of the best musicians I’ve ever heard or played with.” Accolades have come from all quarters for Smith, including Artist Direct, which called him “mega talented,” and the Jersey Acoustic Music Awards, which voted Smith Male Vocalist of the Year for 2012. NJ.com, the website of various New Jersey newspapers such as the Star-Ledger, called Smith’s sound “a comfortable pocket between folk and alternative rock.” Smith says he has plenty of new material and after this mini tour he plans on diving back into the studio. Catch Zak Smith live at The Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St., Worcester on Thursday, September 19, from 9-10 p.m.

night day &


{ film }


Fueling Diesel’s ego Jim Keogh

I of course have no way of knowing this for sure, but I suspect that one reason Vin Diesel decided to star in “Riddick” is because someone refers to his character as a “Zulu warlock.” Imagine the headrush of being tagged with such a nonsensical but, you know, sort of impressive description.

Maybe “witch doctor” would be more accurate. Riddick is a futuristic convict/warrior king/badass exiled to a sun-blasted planet whose only other inhabitants are computer-generated monsters and hyena-like canines. He gets injured seriously a couple of times, but no worries. When his leg is shattered, Riddick simply jams the limb into a tight crevice and shakes it all about until the bone is set, then he drills two screws through his flesh just to be sure. On another occasion, Riddick selfcauterizes a stab wound with a hunk of molten rock. I’m not sure the bleeding stops, but the pain of his searing flesh must help him not notice so much. This is the third time Diesel has played Riddick on film — following “Pitch Black” (2000) and “The Chronicles of Riddick” (2004). He’s finally given up any pretense of humility and decided that from now on Riddick is God. He sees all, predicts all, and spends more than his share of time with his arms outstretched against his will, crucifixlike. But he’s no savior of humanity — hell, he won’t even die for his own sins. About a third of “Riddick” involves Diesel wandering the desert with his pet hyena-dog and trying to figure out how to get back to his home planet of Furya. Diesel’s voiceovers are film-noir tough, and Razzie-worthy hilarious. Sample: “Maybe I’d committed the worst crime of all — I got civilized.” The washed-out atmospherics combined with his steampunk goggles bring to mind “The Book of Eli,” with Denzel Washington as a rough man in a post-apocalyptic landscape, but at least Denzel didn’t have to talk like the protagonist in a weak pulp novel. Riddick sets off an emergency signal, which attracts two groups of bounty hunters. The first to arrive is a rag-tag band of misfits, followed closely by a spit-andpolish mercenary unit. They may seem like ebony and ivory at first, but the groups are in fact united by one thing: they are




led by two actors — Jordi Molia and Matt Nable — whose performances are bacongrease hammy. Molia is the slouchy, sadistic Santana, who plans to leave with Riddick’s severed head in a box; Nable is keen on bringing Riddick to justice for personal reasons, which will make little sense to anyone who hasn’t seen the first two movies. The actors shout, they snicker, they flirt with



11AM - 6PM






• • • • • • •



temporary madness. At least they got paid. David Tuohey wrote and directed all three Riddick movies, so he knows what Vin Diesel wants: more Vin Diesel. As much as anything, “Riddick” is an exercise in adoration built on this and the XXX and “Fast & Furious” franchises, shaping the narrative that Diesel is omniscient, invulnerable and irresistible, a growly knowit-all who connects with every punch and even makes lesbians go weak at the knees for him (yep, that’s in the movie, too). How much more interesting would Riddick be if he showed even a glimmer of doubt, or fear? That would take more guts than decapitating hundreds of goop-covered giant mutant scorpions emerging from the primordial ooze. The question is, would Diesel allow it? Fans of the genre should have some fun with the men vs. aliens skirmishes, and the CGI isn’t half bad. But this one is made strictly for Diesel diehards. SEPTEMBER 12, 2013 • WORCESTERMAGAZINE.COM


night day &

Solomon Pond Thurs: 10, Fri-Wed: 12, 2:30, 3:40, 5, 7, 7:50, 9:40, 10:30 Westborough Thurs: 10, Fri-Wed: 1:35, 4:25, 7:10, 7:40, 9:40, 10:10

film times 2 GUNS (R) Blackstone Thurs: 10:20, Fri-Wed: 1:25, 4:10, 7:10, 9:45, 12:15

Worcester North Thurs: 1:05, 3:45, 6:50 42 (PG-13) Holy Cross Fri, Sat: 7 Adv. Tix on Sale BATTLE OF THE YEAR IN REAL D 3D Adv. Tix on Sale CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS 2 THE FAMILY [CC] (R) Fri. - Sun.(1240 350) 420 710 740 950 1020 Mon. - Thu.(1240 350) 710 950 INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2 [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Sun.(1200 230 340) 500 700 750 940 1030 Mon. - Thu.(1200 230) 500 740 1020 RIDDICK [CC,DV] (R) No Passes Fri. - Sun.(1225 335) 440 650 735 935 1020 RIDDICK [CC,DV] (R) Mon. - Thu.(1225 335) 440 650 735 935 1015 ONE DIRECTION: THIS IS US THE EXTENDED CUT [CC] (PG) Fri. - Thu.410 PM ONE DIRECTION: THE EXTENDED CUT IN REALD 3D [CC] (PG) No Passes Fri. - Thu.(105 220) 720 955 GETAWAY [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Thu.(1205) 450 745 1000 THE WORLD'S END [CC] (R) Fri.(1255) 415 730 1015 Sat.(1255 PM) 415 PM Sun. - Thu.(1255) 415 730 1015 MORTAL INSTRUMENTS [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Thu.(1215 330) 645 945 LEE DANIELS' THE BUTLER [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Thu.(1230 345) 705 945 ELYSIUM [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Thu.(1250 355) 655 930 PLANES [CC,DV] (PG) Fri. - Thu.(1210 225) 445 715 PERCY JACKSON: SEA OF MONSTERS [CC,DV] (PG) Fri. - Sun.(110 PM) Mon. - Thu.(110 355) 700 935 WE'RE THE MILLERS [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Wed.(100) 405 725 1010 Thu.(100 PM) 405 PM THE WOLVERINE [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Thu.(1220 PM) 640 PM THE WAY, WAY BACK [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Thu.1005 PM DESPICABLE ME 2 [CC,DV] (PG) Fri. - Thu.(1200 PM 220 PM) MONSTERS UNIVERSITY [CC,DV] (G) Fri. - Sun.(1235 PM) Mon. - Thu.(1235 340) 655 930 THIS IS THE END [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Thu.(325 PM) 1025 PM CLEAN GUYS OF COMEDY (NR) Thu.830 PM THE ONE: MAYWEATHER VS. CANELO (NR) Sat.900 PM



GRAND MASTI (NR) Fri. - Thu.(100 355) 650 945

BLUE JASMINE (PG-13) Worcester North Thurs: 12:30, 2:50, 5:10, 7:25

THE FAMILY [CC] (R) Fri. - Sun.(120) 415 700 730 935 1005 Mon. - Thu.(120) 415 700 935

CHENNAI EXPRESS (NR) Westborough Thurs: 12:10, 3:30

INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2 [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Sun.(135) 425 710 740 940 1010 Mon. - Thu.(135) 425 710 940

CLOSED CIRCUIT (R) Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:15, 2:30, 5, 7:45, 9:30 Westborough Thurs: 12:35, 6:55 Worcester North Thurs: 12:50, 3:10, 5:30, 7:50

SHUDDH DESI ROMANCE (NR) Fri. - Thu.(110) 405 700 955 RIDDICK [CC,DV] (R) No Passes Fri. - Sun.(115) 410 705 1000 RIDDICK [CC,DV] (R) Mon. - Thu.(115) 410 705 1000 ONE DIRECTION: THIS IS US THE EXTENDED CUT [CC] (PG) Fri. - Thu.435 PM

DESPICABLE ME 2 (PG) Blackstone Thurs: 11:55, 2:20, 4:50, Fri-Wed: 11:40, 2, 4:20, 6:40

Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:05, 2:25, 4:50, 7:30,

9:50, Fri-Wed: 12, 2:20 Worcester North Thurs: 12:55, 3:15, 5:35, 7:55

ELYSIUM (R) Blackstone Thurs: 12:05, 2:45, 5:15, 7:50,

10:20, Fri-Wed: 12:05, 2:45, 5:15, 7:50, 10:10

Solomon Pond Thurs: 1:20, 4:25, 7:50, 10:25,

ONE DIRECTION: THE EXTENDED CUT IN REALD 3D [CC] (PG) No Passes Fri. - Thu.(145 PM) 720 PM 955 PM

Fri-Wed: 12:50, 3:55, 6:55, 9:30 Worcester North Thurs: 1:25, 4:20, 7:10

SATYAGRAHA (NR) Fri. - Thu.(130 PM) 440 PM 750 PM

GETAWAY (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 12:10, 2:35, 5, 7:45, 10:05,

LEE DANIELS' THE BUTLER [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Thu.(105) 400 655 950 PLANES [CC,DV] (PG)Fri. - Sun.(155 PM) 450 PM Mon. - Thu.(155) 450 705 920

Fri-Wed: 7:25, 9:45 Cinemagic Thurs-Wed: 12, 2:30, 4:50, 7:30, 9:50 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:05, 2:15, 4:35, 7:25, 9:45, Fri-Wed: 12:05, 4:50, 7:45, 10 Westborough Thurs: 12:05, 4:30, 7:30 Worcester North Thurs: 12:35, 3:05, 5:20, 7:40

PERCY JACKSON: SEA OF MONSTERS [CC,DV] (PG) Fri. - Sun.(140 PM) 430 PM Mon. - Thu.(140) 430 740 1010

GROWN UPS 2 (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 9:50 Strand Fri-Sun, Tues, Wed: 7

WE'RE THE MILLERS [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Thu.(125) 420 715 950

INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2 (PG-13) Blackstone (reserved seating) Fri-Wed: 1:55, 4:40,

THE WAY, WAY BACK [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Thu.(150) 445 725 1000

Blackstone Fri-Wed: 11:50, 2:25, 5:10, 7:45,

• SEPTEMBER 12, 2013

INSTRUCTIONS NOT INCLUDED (NO SE ACEPTAN DEVOLUCIONES) (PG-13) Worcester North Thurs: 12:50, 3:50, 7:05 JUSTICE IS MIND (NR) Strand Mon: 7 LEE DANIELS’ THE BUTLER (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 12:20, 3:20, 6:30, 9:30, FriWed: 12:20, 3:20, 6:35, 9:30

Cinemagic Thurs-Wed: 12:15, 3:15, 6:45, 9:30 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:20, 3:40, 7, 9:55, Fri-

Wed: 12:30, 3:45, 7:05, 9:45 Westborough Thurs: 12:15, 4, 7, 9:55, Fri-Wed: 1:05, 4, 6:55, 9:50 Worcester North Thurs: 1:35, 4:35, 7:35

MADRAS CAFE (NR) Westborough Thurs: 3:50, 9:20 MONSTERS UNIVERSITY (G) Elm Sat: 2:15, 4:15, Sun: 3, 5 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:40, 3:45, Fri-Wed:


Strand Sat, Sun: 3 ONE DIRECTION: THIS IS US (PG) Blackstone Thurs: 2:40, 5:05, 7:30, Fri-Wed: 11:45, 2:10, 4:35

Cinemagic Thurs-Wed: 11:45, 4:30, 7:15 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12 p.m., Fri-Wed: 4:10 Westborough Thurs: 4:55, Fri-Wed: 4:35 Worcester North Thurs: 12:40, 3 ONE DIRECTION: THIS IS US 3D (PG) Blackstone Thurs: 11:45, 2:10, 4:35, 7, 9:25, Fri-Wed: 6:55, 9:20

Cinemagic Thurs-Wed: 2:10, 9:45 Solomon Pond Thurs: 2:20, 4:40, 7:15, 9:35, Fri-

Wed: 1:05, 2:20, 7:20, 9:55 Westborough Thurs: 12:05, 2:30, 7:20, 9:50, Fri-Wed: 1:45, 7:20, 9:55 Worcester North Thurs: 5:15, 7:35

PACIFIC RIM (PG-13) Strand Fri, Sat: 7, 9:30, Sun, Tues, Wed: 7:30 PERCY JACKSON: SEA OF MONSTERS (PG) Blackstone Thurs: 11:40, 2:15, 4:40 Cinemagic Thurs: 11:30, 2, 4:30 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:55, 3:50, Fri-Wed: 1:10 Westborough Fri-Wed: 1:40, 4:30 Worcester North Thurs: 1:05, 3:55 PLANES (PG) Blackstone Thurs: 11:35, 2:05, 4:20, 6:35, FriWed: 12:15, 2:35, 5:05

Cinemagic Thurs-Wed: 11:30, 1:45, 7 Solomon Pond Thurs-Wed: 12:10, 2:25, 4:45,

7:15, 9:55


10:25, 11:35, 12:25 a.m. Cinemagic Fri-Wed: 11:40, 2:20, 4:45, 7:10, 9:40

Worcester North Thurs: 1:20, 4:25, 6:55

Westborough Thurs: 12, 2:20, 4:40, 6:55, 9:20, Fri-Wed: 1:55, 4:50

night day &

RED 2 (PG-13) Strand Thurs: 7 Worcester North Thurs: 6:30 RIDDICK (R) Blackstone (reserved seating) Thurs: 1:25, 4:15,

7:05, 9:55 Blackstone Thurs: 1:55, 4:45, 7:35, 10:25, FriWed: 12:15, 1:20, 1:50, 2:35, 4:15, 4:45, 5:05, 7:05, 7:35, 9:50, 10:20, 12:05 a.m. Cinemagic Thurs: 11:20, 3:10, 7, 9:40, Fri-Wed: 12:10, 2:45, 6:50, 9:30 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:50, 4, 7:10, 10:05, Fri-Wed: 12:25, 3:35, 4:40, 6:50, 7:35, 9:35, 10:20 Westborough Thurs: 12:30, 4:10, 7:25, 10:10, Fri-Wed: 1:15, 4:10, 7:05, 10 Worcester North Thurs: 1:30, 4:30, 7:30

RIFFTRAX LIVE: STARSHOP TROOPERS ENCORE (NR) Blackstone Thurs: 7:30 Cinemagic Thurs: 7:30 Solomon Pond Thurs: 7:30 SATYAGRAHA (NR) Westborough Thurs: 12:15, 3:25, 6:30, 9:40, FriWed: 1:30, 4:40, 7:50

{ filmtimes }

Solomon Pond Thurs: 6:45, 9:40, Fri-Wed: 12:15, 3:30, 6:45, 9:45 THE ULTIMATE INSIDIOUS EXPERIENCE (NR) Solomon Pond Thurs: 7 Westborough Thurs: 7 THE SMURFS 2 (PG) Blackstone Thurs: 11:50

THE SPECTACULAR NOW (R) Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:30, 3:55, 6:55, 9:25 Worcester North Thurs: 1:40, 4:20, 6:50 THE WAY, WAY BACK (PG-13) Solomon Pond Thurs: 1, 4:10, 7:05, 9:40, Fri-

Wed: 10:05

Westborough Thurs: 12, 2:25, 4:50, Fri-Wed: 1:50, 4:45, 7:25, 10 Worcester North Thurs: 1:15, 4:05, 6:45 THE WOLVERINE (PG-13) Solomon Pond Thurs: 6:50, 9:55, Fri-Wed:

12:20, 6:40

THE WORLD’S END (R) Blackstone Thurs: 1:35, 4:25, 7:15, 10:10, Fri-

SHUDDH DESI ROMANCE (NR) Westborough Thurs: 12:20, 4:05, 6:50, 9:35, FriWed: 1:10, 4:05, 7, 9:55

Wed: 1:30, 4:25, 7:30, 10, 12:30 a.m. Solomon Pond Thurs: 1:05, 4:15, 7:35, 10:10, Fri-Wed: 12:55, 4:15, 7:30, 10:15 Worcester North Thurs: 1:25, 4:10, 7:10

THE CONJURING (R) Blackstone Thurs: 9:20

THIS IS THE END (R) Cinemagic Thurs: 11:40, 2:15, 4:45, Fri-Wed:

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THE FAMILY (R) Blackstone (reserved seating) Fri-Wed: 1:10, 4,

6:50, 9:35 Blackstone Thurs: 8, Fri-Wed: 1:40, 4:30, 7:20, 10:05, 12:10 a.m. Cinemagic Fri-Wed: 11:30, 2:10, 4:45, 7:15, 9:45 Solomon Pond Thurs: 8, Fri-Wed: 12:40, 3:50, 4:20, 7:10, 7:40, 9:50, 10:20 Westborough Thurs: 8, 9:50, Fri-Wed: 1:20, 4:15, 7, 7:30, 9:35, 10:05

THE GRANDMASTER (YI DAI ZONG SHI) (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 1:20, 4:10, 9:40 Westborough Thurs: 1, 3:55, 6:50, 9:45 Worcester North Thurs: 1, 4, 7 THE HEAT (R) Worcester North Thurs: 12:45, 3:40, 6:40 THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS: CITY OF BONES (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 12:40, 3:50, 6:55, Fri-Wed: 9:10, 12 a.m. Cinemagic Thurs: 4, 9:20

WE’RE THE MILLERS (R) Blackstone Thurs: 1:10, 3:55, 6:50, 9:45, Fri-

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Blackstone Valley 14: Cinema de Lux 70 Worcester/Providence Turnpike, Millbury, MA 01527 www.showcasecinemas.com Showtimes for 9/13- 9/19. Subject to change. 2 Guns (R) CC/DVS; 1 hr 49 min 1:25 pm 4:10 pm 7:10 pm 9:45 pm 12:15 am Despicable Me 2 (PG); 1 hr 38 min 11:40 am 2:00 pm 4:20 pm 6:40 pm Elysium (R); 1 hr 49 min 12:05 pm 2:45 pm 5:15 pm 7:50 pm 10:10 pm Getaway (PG-13); 1 hr 34 min 7:25 pm 9:45 pm Insidious: Chapter 2 (PG-13)

4:10, 9:10 Elm Fri, Sat: 7, 9:30, Sun, Tues, Wed: 7:30 Solomon Pond Thurs: 1:15, 4:30, 7:40, 10:15, Fri-Wed: 3:25, 10:25

DIRECTOR'S HALL;Reserved Seating; 1 hr 45 min

1:55 pm 4:40 pm 7:15 pm 9:55 pm Insidious: Chapter 2 (PG-13) CC/DVS; 1 hr 45 min 11:50 am 2:25 pm 5:10 pm 7:45 pm 10:25 pm 11:35 pm Insidious: Chapter 2 (PG-13) DIRECTOR'S HALL; 1 hr 45 min 12:25 am Lee Daniels' The Butler (PG-13); 2 hr 12 min 12:20 pm 3:20 pm 6:35 pm 9:30 pm

Wed: 1, 3:55, 7, 9:40, 12:10 a.m. Cinemagic Thurs-Wed: 11:20, 2, 4:40, 7:20, 9:50 Solomon Pond Thurs: 1:10, 4:20, 7:20, 10, FriWed: 1, 4:05, 7:25, 10:10 Westborough Thurs: 12:40, 4:15, 7:05, Fri-Wed: 1:25, 4:20, 7:15, 9:50 Worcester North Thurs: 1:10, 4:15, 7:15

One Direction: This Is Us Extended Cut (PG); 1 hr 46 min

YOU’RE NEXT (R) Blackstone Thurs: 10:15 Cinemagic Thurs: 7:10, 9:45

1:20 pm 1:50 pm 4:15 pm 4:45 pm 7:05 pm 7:35 pm 9:50 pm

ZANJEER (NR) Westborough Thurs: 12:45, 4:20, 7:10, 10:05 Looking for your favorite theater and don’t see it listed? Email editor@worcestermag.com and we’ll do our best to include it in the coming weeks.

Blackstone Valley Cinema de Lux 70 Worcester/Providence Turnpike, Millbury 800-315-4000 Cinema 320 at Clark University, Jefferson Academic Center 950 Main St.; Cinemagic, 100 Charlton Rd., Sturbridge 508-347-3609 Elm Draught House Cinema, 35 Elm St., Millbury 508-865-2850 Holy Cross Seelos Theater, 1 College St. 508-793-2455 Regal Solomon Pond Stadium 591 Donald Lynch Blvd., Marlborough 508-229-8871 Regal Westborough Stadium 231 Turnpike Rd., Westborough 508-366-6257 Showcase Worcester North, 135 Brooks St. 508-852-2944 The Strand Theatre, 58 High St., Clinton 978-365-5500 Worcester Public Library (WPL) Saxe Room, 3 Salem Sq.


11:45 am 2:10 pm 4:35 pm One Direction: This Is Us Extended Cut 3D (PG) REAL D 3D; 1 hr 46 min 6:55 pm 9:20 pm Planes (PG); 1 hr 32 min 12:15 pm 2:35 pm 5:05 pm Riddick (R); 1 hr 59 min 10:20 pm 12:05 am The Family (R); 1 hr 52 min 1:40 pm 4:30 pm 7:20 pm 10:05 pm The Family (R) DIRECTOR'S HALL;Reserved Seating; 1 hr 52 min 1:10 pm 4:00 pm 6:50 pm9:35 pm The Family (R) DIRECTOR'S HALL; 1 hr 52 min 12:10 am The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (PG-13; 2 hr 0 min 9:10 pm 12:00 am The World's End (R); 1 hr 49 min 1:30 pm 4:25 pm 7:30 pm 10:00 pm 12:30 am We're the Millers (R); 1 hr 50 min 1:00 pm 3:55 pm 7:00 pm 9:40 pm 12:10 am




Peppercorn’s Grille & Tavern FOOD ★★★1/2 AMBIENCE ★★★ SERVICE ★★★★1/2


VALUE ★★★★

455 Park Ave., Worcester • 508-752-7711 • epeppercorns.com

Variety: the spice of life at Peppercorn’s Jim Osterberg

Peppercorn’s Grille & Tavern, a Park Ave. mainstay for more than 25 years, has been an establishment where one can find “casual Italian food.” The restaurant aims to please with friendly service and a variety of options, and while there is something to be said for the flavors of the culinarily famous boot-shaped peninsula, there’s certainly something for everyone on the menu.

On a recent weekday night, Meg and I walked through the doors hungry. We were seated in a booth in the corner of the spacious dining room and began by hoisting

a couple of IPAs and then got down to brass tacks. We ordered the Fried Pickles appetizer ($7) and were served soft bread with seasoned olive oil on the side for dipping while we waited. We expected the pickles to be the usual battered dill disks, but instead received fresh, crisp dill spears coated in a smooth and tender coating of batter. They had a little more poise than one usually sees in a fried pickle, and while the difference is small, it’s certainly significant. Upon inspecting the dinner options, it became clear that Peppercorn’s, in some fields, is willing to go a little further for its customers than most places. Meg is a pescatarian, and the accoutrements included in the West Coast Burger ($11) were doing it for her. At Peppercorn’s, diners can substitute a beef burger for a veggie burger, grilled chicken or blackened tuna steak for

night day { dining}

no additional charge. The “medium-rare” blackened tuna steak was flavorful, yet overcooked. The avocados and other veggies that topped the tuna were fresh and the asiago fresca dressing was a creamy ranchlike affair that paired well with the fish. The french fries served with the burger were absolutely amazing crisp and satisfying. The restaurant offers six specialty burgers with a variety of toppings. I ordered the Seafood Risotto ($19), which includes a medley of lobster, shrimp and scallops in a tomato broth with champagneinfused arborio risotto. The tomato broth, complete with chunks of tomato, was a nice addition to the overall flavor of the risotto. The seafood elements ran the gamut, all the way from dry, bland hunks of lobster claw and knuckle meat, to shrimp that was of an average caliber, to scallops that were about as close to perfect as one could hope for. The scallops were

incredibly tender and flavorful and the only thing I would have changed was for there to be more of them. The portions of both meals were very generous, and both Meg and I were served more food than we could take down in a sitting. A neighboring lounge offers several sets of tables and chairs in a more bustling atmosphere. The bar at Peppercorn’s offers a variety of cocktails, several beers on drafts and in bottles, including more than half a dozen Wormtown drafts from the restaurant’s adjacent brewery. Included on the drink menu are the staples, as well as beers you won’t find in the cooler at the liquor store. Monday nights are “Guest Appreciation Night” from 4 p.m. until close and there are a variety of $5 appetizers and a $6 large cheese pizza to be had on top of the wine, beer and cocktail deals. Peppercorn’s Grille & Tavern has a variety of options, from specialty burgers, buildyour-own and speciality pizzas, salads and colorful appetizers to classy pasta dishes and a variety of land and sea options. Entrees range between $14 and $20, salads go from side salads to generous meals, and the wide range of starters, burgers and pizzas fill all of the spaces in between.

Join Us For Our Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting p 17th at 5 pm p Tues. Sept.

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42 West Boylston St. • Route 12 West Boylston, MA WORCESTERMAGAZINE.COM

• SEPTEMBER 12, 2013



night day &

{ dining}

BITES ... nom, nom, nom Brittany Durgin


The MyKonos Escape is a two-day Greek-

Mediterranean party weekend with food, drink and dancing on Saturday and Sunday, September 21-22 at Saint Spyridon Green Orthodox Cathedral. Greek food offered will include gyros, souvlaki, spinach pie, hummus plates, pizza and loukomades. mykonosescape.com.


Red Maple Inn offers a series of cooking classes from 6:30-9:30 p.m. this summer with Chef Shari Alexander. Classes feature demonstrations of various international cuisines and fresh, local ingredients, a multi-course dinner and wine pairings. Available to everyone from those looking for inspiration to experienced cooks. Dates are: September 14 – Taste of Tuscany II, October 19 – Julia Child’s Bistro Favorites. Advanced reservations required: 508-885-9205. $85 per person. Red Maple Inn, 217 Main St., Spencer. theredmapleinn. com/cooking_school.php


7 Nana Japanese Steakhouse holds Taste of 7 Nana event on Monday, September 16 from 6-9 p.m. Offered to guests will be tastings, sushimaking demonstrations, STEVEN KING a free 7 Nana t-shirt, cocktail ice luge and the opportunity to vote for their favorite signature entrees, sushi dishes, desserts and cocktails. Tickets $17 now through August 31 and $20 when purchased September 1-16. VIP tickets, which include one drink ticket, a $10 gift card and exclusive chopsticks, are $25. Buy tickets and learn more at 7nanasteakhouseworcester. com. 7 Nana, 60 Shrewsbury St.



Catch Worcester’s Volturno on TV when it makes its appearance on the popular food series Phantom Gourmet on September 21 at 11 a.m. on TV 38. Producers recently spent a day at the restaurant trying different items

cookbooks and food editor of Russian Life Magazine, will speak of Russia’s culinary landscape, past and present, at the Museum of Russian Icons on Thursday, September 26 from 6-7 p.m. Admission to the lecture is $7 for Museum members and $10 for nonmembers. Museum of Russian Icons, Auditorium, 203 Union St., Clinton. museumofrussianicons. org.


from Shrewsbury Street’s newest eatery. Visit Volturno in the meantime at 72 Shrewsbury St. and online at volturnopizza.com.

Peppercorn’s Grille & Tavern offers several promos during the month of September. Beginning on September 13, on Fridays from 11:451:45 guests can choose an all-you-can-eat buffet for $9.99 per person. Currently Peppercorn’s is extending its happy hour on Saturday and Sundays from 12-3 p.m. The three-hour window offers customers $5 Swedish Fish martinis, $5 glasses of Estrella chardonnay, $5 appetizers and $10 pitchers of Wormtown 7 Hills beer. Also up and running is an Instagram contest that allows users to follow @PeppercornsWorcester, post a food photo and tag @PeppercornsWorcester for a chance to win a $25 gift card to the restaurant. Peppercorn’s Grille & Tavern, 455 Park Ave. epeppercorns.com.

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night day




{ dining}

Worcester’s meat — on and off the stick

El Basha Sara Jane Nelson

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El Basha offers something a little different. Its Middle Eastern menu is traditional, but not pretentious. With a comfortable atmosphere and plenty of options, from appetizer to entree, it’s a great place to step out of your comfort zone and still be satisfied.

On a recent visit I ordered the Chicken Kabob. This offered marinated and broiled chicken, grilled peppers, onions, tomato and a heaping portion of rice topped with parsley. Broiled chicken is delicious, but depending on the restaurant, is not always served tender and juicy. El Basha’s was just slightly drier than I would have liked, but the flavor was great and it had the exact charred kabob flavor I was hoping for. Likewise, the veggies were perfectly charred and cooked just right, as huge satisfying slices. The charred tomato was something different for me. I liked that it tasted roasted and flavorful without being too soggy or making a mess. Finally, the rice with the fresh and tasty parsley made a great side dish. The Chicken Kabob will cost you $18 at dinnertime. The lunch portion is only $12. The chicken, veggies and rice make for a great meal and come with plenty of pita bread on the side – if you have room. Had the chicken been a little less dry, the quality would have made this dish a better value for me, although I’d still recommend it for a taste of something new.

• SEPTEMBER 12, 2013

El Basha

256 Park Ave., Worcester 508-795-0222 elbasharestaurant.com FOOD ★★★★ AMBIENCE ★★★★ 1/2 SERVICE ★★★1/2 VALUE ★★★★

night day

Upload your listings at worcestermagazine.com. Click the Night & Day toolbar, then choose Calendar to place your event listing in both our print and online weekly calendar.

music >Thursday 12

Reality. The Raven, 258 Pleasant St. 508-304-8133. Free Live Acoustic Original Reggae and Jamaican Buffet at One Love Cafe. Both meat and vegetarian entrees. Call 774-272-3969 for reservations. $10 per person Buffett. 5-10 p.m. OneLove Cafe, 800 Main St. 508-753-8663 or facebook.com/ events/164007660454055. Dana Lewis LIVE! Playing Acoustic Classic Rock, Folk & Country music. “The sound track of your youth” Come on out! Free! 6:308:30 p.m. Grille on the HILL, grillonthehill.net. Summer Acoustic Series featuring Billy Claire. Great deck drink specials, etc! 7-10 p.m. JJ’s Sports Bar and Grill, 380 Southwest Cutoff, Northborough. 508-842-8420. Night Train (Roots/Blues, LIVE MUSIC). No Cover. 7:159:45 p.m. The Mill at 185 West Boylston Street, 185 West Boylston St., West Boylston. themill185.com. Jim Avett. The son of a Methodist preacher and a concert pianist, Jim Avett has been singing and playing guitar for most of his life. Jim’s performance style is warm and relaxed, genuine and endearing. He is excited to return to Merlefest this year to share some of his beloved gospel songs. Open: Jay Psaros - “Psaros is a true performer at heart. $12 advance; $15 day of show. 7:30-10:30 p.m. Bull Run Restaurant, Ballroom, 215 Great Road, Shirley. 978425-4311 or tickets.bullrunrestaurant.com. Thursday Open Mic Night/local Musicians Showcase With Bill Mccarthy. To check the schedules and open slots visit: m.facebook.com/groups/209610855806788?ref=bookma rk&__user=578549000. Free! 7:30-11 p.m. Leitrim’s Pub, 265 Park Ave. 508-798-2447. Chris Reddy Acoustic Loops from Hell. 8-11:30 p.m. Rye & Thyme, 14 Monument Sqare, Leominster. 978-534-5900. Karaoke Thursdays! Every Thursday Night. Hosted by DJ Fast Track. 8:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Club Remix, 105 Water St. 508-756-2227. College Night Featuring DJ Danny Fly. Come and experience Worcester’s HOTTEST College Dance Party! DJ Danny Fly will be spinning your favorite Top 40, Dance and Hip Hop! 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Industry Bar Room, 109 Water St. 508-756-2100. FLOCK OF A-HOLES, the ultimate 80’s tribute band with THE SCALES and SOME KIND OF NIGHTMARE. Another dose of 80’s FUN! with friends THE SCALES (facebook.com/ TheScalesWorcester) Also SOME KIND OF NIGHTMARE (facebook. com/pages/Some-Kind-of-Nightmare/175641019137686) $5. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or facebook.com/pages/Flock-of-Aholes/127019150125. Metal Thursday! One of the Most Respected Nights for Metal in New England! Visit facebook.com/metal.thursday. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543. Open Mic Night! 9-11 p.m. Canal Restaurant & Bar, 65 Water St. 508-926-8353. Sirens of Song Returns! Lovely Ladie Performers take the stage at Nicks. $5 Cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. The Housetones. 9 p.m.-midnight Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St. 508-752-9439. Jim Devlin. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Michael’s Cigar Bar, 1 Exchange Place. 508-459-9035. Thirsty Thursday with DJ Matty J and DJ Cuz N Kev. No cover charge. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Center Bar & Grill, 102 Green St. 508-438-0597.

p.m. Simple Man Saloon, 119 High St., Clinton. 978-365-1949 or simplemansaloon.com. Synister Funk. The Raven, 258 Pleasant St. 508-304-8133. Dana Lewis LIVE! Classic Radio Hits from the 50’s to the 80’s “The Soundtrack of your Youth” Free! 5:30-8:30 p.m. Webster House Restaurant, 1 Webster St. 508-757-7208. Open Mic. Open to musicians, poets, comedians or anyone with a talent! Hosted by Patrick McCarthy. 6:30-9 p.m. Nu Cafe, 335 Chandler St. 508-926-8800 or nucafe.com/events. The Sky Family. From Prince Edward Island - The Sky Family’s CELTIC REVIVAL! Rollicking Celtic fiddles mixed with Riverdance style Irish step dance and hilarious skits make up this high-energy Celtic Dance and Gospel production. All members of the family perform on several instruments and all contribute to the rich vocal harmonies and lively dance. Its family entertainment at it’s best! Free. 7-9:30 p.m. Mill Church Cafe, 45 River St Millbury MA, Millbury. 508-865-1517 or millchurch.org. Jay Graham. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Rye & Thyme, 14 Monument Sqare, Leominster. 978-534-5900. Joe Louis Walker “Hellfire”. For many years now Walker has been “raining fire with his guitar and spitting brimstone with his vocals.” JLW’s last album, HELLFIRE, “is one of the strongest albums in his canon. $18 advance; $22 day of show. 8-11 p.m. Bull Run Restaurant, Sawtelle Room, 215 Great Road, Shirley. 978-425-4311 or tickets.bullrunrestaurant.com. Ken Macy. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. The Mill, 185 West Boylston St., West Boylston. Pat Braxton. She captivates her audiences everywhere with her personality and charm. Pat has often been compared to Billie Holiday and her voice and facial features are strikingly similar. $18 general public; students & seniors $17; members $15; children under

12 $9. 8-10:30 p.m. Amazing Things Art Center, 160 Hollis St., Framingham. 508-405-2787 or amazingthings.org. Slim & Jim Performance. 8-11 p.m. Canal Restaurant & Bar, 65 Water St. 508-926-8353. The Killer Bz. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Cornerstone’s Restaurant, 616 Central St., Leominster. 978-537-1991. Let It Bleed with Special Guests Altic. A show celebrating the 1981 appearance of the Rolling Stones at The Lucky Dog Music Hall. Featuring “Let It Bleed” (a Dirty Stones Jam) with special guests “Altic” The show starts at 9pm $10. 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, Green St. facebook.com/events/199740146867627. Sean Fullerton: Acoustic Blues, Rock ‘n’ Roll, Fingerstyle Guitar and live looping. Sean Fullerton is a Singer/Songwriter performing Acoustic Blues, Rock ‘n’ Roll, Fingerstyle Guitar and live looping. Dinner, Drinks, Music. 8:3011:30 p.m. William’s Restaurant & Tavern, 184 Pearson Blvd, Gardner. 978-632-7794 or williamsrestaurantandtavern.com. Bill Mccarthy @ Lakeside Bar & Grille. Free. 9 p.m.midnight Lakeside Bar & Grille, 97 Boston Turnpike, Shrewsbury. 508-425-3543. DJ Reckless. DJ Reckless will be dropping your favorite Top 40, Hip Hop and Dance beats all night long! 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Industry Bar Room, 109 Water St. 508-756-2100. NEW! “High Voltage Friday’s” High Energy Hardcore with DJ Chananagains! Every Friday Night! 18+ $10, 21+ $5. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Club Remix, 105 Water St. 508-756-2227. Rock Bands: Cooling Towers, Control Group, Rotating Strawberry Madonas, and Ambush at Junction Rock! 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508753-9543. Thank Friday it’s Dr. Nat 5:30-7:30. Then a



{ listings}

performance by Jennifer Antkowiak! No Cover! 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Doctor Robert. 9:15 p.m.-1 a.m. Sakura Tokyo, 640 Park Ave. 508-792-1078. Chad Clements. 9:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Rivalry’s Sports Bar, 274 Shrewsbury St. 774-243-1100. DJ One-3. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Perfect Game Sports Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263. Friday Night Dance Party with DJ Blackout. No cover charge. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Center Bar & Grill, 102 Green St. 508438-0597. Mystic River Band. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Michael’s Cigar Bar, 1 Exchange Place. 508-459-9035. Supernova Friday. The Supernova has arrived Worcester! $10 (18+). 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Bar FX, 90 Commercial St. 774-823-3555 or facebook.com/barfx.worcester.3. Top 40 Dance Party. Free. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Speakers Night Club, 19 Weed St., Marlborough. 508-480-8222 or speakersnightclub.net.

>Saturday 14

Jay Graham. The Mill, 185 West Boylston St., West Boylston. Joe Shea and the Shea Boys. Join us for a cup of “Joe” tonight! $4 Donation Requested. Faith Baptist Church, !Cafe con Dios!, 22 Faith Ave, Auburn. 508-832-5044. Wachusett Valley Music Festival featuring Amy Ray of The Indigo Girls. This is a all day music festival featuring Amy Ray of the Indigo Girls.also, performing is Harvey Reid and Joyce Anderson, Lori Diamond and Fred Abatelli, The Rafters, Patty Barkas, Seeing Eye Boys and showcase artists Kim Jennings and

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>Friday 13

Ottomatic Slim: Rockin’ Smokin’ Blues. Electrifying Blues band featuring Harp player extraordinaire, Otto Lenz! 9

R E G I S T E R .

F U N D R A I S E .


D I A B E T E S .



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Upload your listings at worcestermagazine.com. Click the Night & Day toolbar, then choose Calendar to place your event listing in both our print and online weekly calendar.

{ listings}

Dan Cloutier and Chuck Williams. $35. 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. First Church of Christ Unitarian, 725 Main St., Lancaster. 978-365-2043 or wachusettmusic.com. Annual End of Summer Bash. Entertainment supplied by Altic and special guests Molly and the Adams and the Brothers Of Fortune. Admission is Free plenty of food and beverage noon-10 p.m. Rich Comeau, 56 Northwest Road Spencer, Ma., Spencer. facebook.com/events/577591112277582. The “Bubbleheads “ play the Shrewsbury St College Shuffle. We are “amped-up” to play @ Ralph’s Tavern for Shrewbury Street’s 7th Annual College Shuffle & Eddie’s “Anniversary Bash” at the same time! Always a great hang! See ya there! noon-4 p.m. Ralph’s Tavern, 113 Shrewsbury St. Roots N’ Bluegrass. Free Bluegrass Festival with Bluegrass legend Tony Trischka, along with performances by Les Sampou, Blackstone Valley Bluegrass, and Hot Tamales Brass Band. Great Food Vendors and Unique Artisans. A Free fully staffed KidsZone featuring a Bounce House, Face-painting, Magician, and Games. Lawn Chairs and Coolers Welcome! More Information at sturbridgefest.com. Free. 2-8:30 p.m. Sturbridge Town Common, Main St., Sturbridge. 774-696-0903 or sturbridgefest.com. JAZZED UP Trio Live. JAZZED UP Trio swinging jazz every other Saturday, featuring Mauro DePasquale on vocals and piano, Ed Conley on drums and Phil Madison on bass. A swanky elegant atmosphere, great food, super nice service, and the best in local music. If you like the music of Buble’, Sinatra, Bennett, Connick Jr., you will love JAZZED UP Trio. No Cover. 6-8:30 p.m. Coral Seafood, 225 Shrewsbury St. 508-755-8331.

SEAN FULLERTON: Acoustic Blues, Rock ‘n’ Roll, Fingerstyle Guitar and live looping. Dinner, Drinks, Music. 7-10 p.m. Tavern on the Common, 249 Main St., Rutland. 508-8864600 or tavernonthecommon.com. Wonder Bar Saturdays with Nat Needle. Every Saturday in September! Jazz, Swing, Blues, Soul, Motown, 50’s Rock n’ Roll, requests welcome. Bring the whole family for a classic American cultural experience. “Nat Needle Goes Great With Dinner!” - Blues legend B.B. King Kong. No cover charge - tips appreciated! 7-10 p.m. Wonder Bar Restaurant, 121 Shrewsbury St. 508-752-9909 or natneedle.com/wonder-bar-saturdays. Cafe’ con Dios. Donation. 7:30-10 p.m. Faith Baptist Church, Main Auditorium, 22 Faith Ave, Auburn. 508-579-6722. Joe Shea. Joe and son(s) team up for a classic reunion night! Donation. 7:30-10 p.m. Faith Baptist Church, Cafe con Dios!, 22 Faith Ave, Auburn. 508-579-6722. ROCKHOUSE Power Trio! Come down and party with RockHouse to classic rock covers from artists such as Hendrix, SRV, Zeppelin, etc. Always a great time and great tunes! Free. 7:30-10:30 p.m. Olde Post Office Pub, 1 Ray St., North Grafton. 508-839-6106. Antje Duvekot w/ Craig Sonnenfeld Opening. Folk / Acoustic. Opener Antje Duvekot has solidified her reputation as one of America’s top emerging singer songwriters with “Big Dream Boulevard” her debut studio release. Her songs feel at once fresh faced and firmly rooted, driven by the whispery sensuality of her voice. $22 general public; students & seniors $21; members $19; children under 12 $11. 8-10:30 p.m. Amazing Things Art Center, 160 Hollis St., Framingham. 508-405-2787 or amazingthings.org/ frontpage2.asp?DC_ID=2090. Carl Ayotte. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Cornerstone’s Restaurant, 616 Central St., Leominster. 978-537-1991. Dope Slap. Free. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Speakers Night Club, 19 Weed St.,


Marlborough. 508-480-8222. Erin Harpe & Jim. 8-11 p.m. Canal Restaurant & Bar, 65 Water St. 508-926-8353. Karaoke Dance Party With CJ/DJ @ Eller’s Restaurant. Hey Everyone Come Down and Join CJ/DJ at Eller’s Restaurant Lounge for a Karaoke Dance Party. We will have a blast singing songs from yesterday and today and maybe some dancing too. No Cover! 8-11 p.m. Eller’s Restaurant, Lounge, 190 Main St., Cherry Valley. 508-868-7382 or ellersrestaurant.com. Terry Kitchen with Becky & the Hitmen. Award-winning Boston contemporary folk singer/songwriter (and now novelist) Terry Kitchen and Wayland folk-pop group Becky & The Hitmen join forces for an evening of acoustic folk and pop favorites. no cover. 8-10:30 p.m. Harvest Café, 40 Washington St., Hudson. 978-567-0948 or harvestcafeonline.com. Them Changes. 8 p.m.-2 a.m. RG Scooters Pub, 84 Lakefront St., Lunenburg. 978-348-2453. Willie Nile. Nestled somewhere between power-pop and American folk you will find Willie Nile strumming his guitar. Nile is a true believer in Rock n’ Roll, and over the years has made admirers out of such names as Bruce Springsteen and Pete Townshend who personally requested him to tour with The Who in ’82. $20 advance; $24 day of show. 8-11 p.m. Bull Run Restaurant, Sawtelle Room, 215 Great Road, Shirley. 978-425-4311 or tickets.bullrunrestaurant. com. Andy Cummings. 8:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Rye & Thyme, 14 Monument Sqare, Leominster. 978-534-5900. Dick Odgren Trio! No Cover! 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. KUNG FU GRIP, With IN UTERO the Nirvana tribute band and more guests. Renee Poirier- Vox Nick CosenzaGuitar, backup vox Sean O’Connell- Guitar, keys, backup vox Don

Barry - Bass, backup vox Dave Erickson- Drums, screaming/backup vox IN UTERO is celebrating the 20th year anniversary of the release (almost to the exact day) of the NIRVANA album “In Utero” $6. 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or facebook.com/kungfugripworcester. P.E. James sings “Boomer Ballads” at the Manor! Come sing along to your favorite acoustic songs from the 50s, 60s, and 70s in the newly renovated Draught House at the Manor! No Cover! 8:30-11:30 p.m. Manor Restaurant Lounge & Banquet Facility, The Draught House, 42 West Boylston St., West Boylston. 508-835-4722. Windfall Classic Rock Cover Band. No Cover. 8:30 p.m.midnight Route 56 Roadside Bar & Grill, 24 Leicester St., North Oxford. 508-987-8669. Auntie Trainwreck. Dance the night away to incredible Classic Rock, Blues, Alt Rock, and party favorites all night long. You can try to win a copy of our AT Demo CD, our brand new AT DVD, or pick up an AT T-Shirt while supplies last. Stop in to help us show Holden who your favorite Auntie is! 21+, No Cover! 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Wong Dynasty, 176 Reservoir St., Holden. 508-829-2188 or facebook. com/events/335189386615166. DJ Sprino. DJ Sprino makes his Industry return spinning your favorite Top 40, Hip Hop and Dance beats! 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Industry Bar Room, 109 Water St. 508-756-2100. Mindset X, Three Points of Madness, Hemlock, and Improper Dosage! 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543. No Alibi. $5. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Second Saturday Spectacular (or Meatballs and Mayhem). 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St. 508-7529439.

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• SEPTEMBER 12, 2013

night day

Upload your listings at worcestermagazine.com. Click the Night & Day toolbar, then choose Calendar to place your event listing in both our print and online weekly calendar. Secret Evil Plan at the Blue Plate Lounge. $2 PBR Pints. Yep. $5. 9 p.m.-midnight Blue Plate Lounge, 661 Main St., Holden. 508-829-4566. Doctor Robert. 9:15 p.m.-1 a.m. Sakura Tokyo, 640 Park Ave. 508-792-1078. Babe Pino. 9:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Rivalry’s Sports Bar, 274 Shrewsbury St. 774-243-1100. “Tantrum Saturdays” Dance Party Every Saturday Night with DJ Tony T. Watch for the surprise contest each week. 18+ only $10 21+ only $5. 10 p.m.-1:45 a.m. Club Remix, 105 Water St. 508-756-2227 or remixworcester.com. Acoustic Nation. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Michael’s Cigar Bar, 1 Exchange Place. 508-459-9035. Center Bar Saturday Nights. DJ E-Class and Mike DJ Kartier take turns bringing the beats to make you move every Saturday Night! No cover charge. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Center Bar & Grill, 102 Green St. 508-438-0597. Dj Reckless. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Perfect Game Sports Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263.

and Platinum-selling artist Suzy Bogguss is a big country star. Fans and critics alike have admired Suzy’s vocal style, musicianship, and meaningful lyrics for decades. And after years in the spotlight, she remains one of the rare artists who has managed to walk the line between critical acclaim and commercial success. $38 advance; $42 day of show. 7:30-10:30 p.m. Bull Run Restaurant, Sawtelle Room, 215 Great Road, Shirley. 978-425-4311 or tickets. bullrunrestaurant.com. “CONTACT” Drum + Bass nights at The Lucky Dog NOW, EVERY SUNDAY. We truly believe life is better somewhere around 87 bpm, and we’re keen on sharing that with you. Brought to you by FLEX mgmt, Contact believes there’s nothing better on earth than some good dnb and breaks, so that’s what we’ve decided to do. Catering solely to the 21+ crowd, you can be assured there are no silly antics here. No themes, or foam, or gimmicks. Just serious, heavy, grinding drum and bass, every single week. $5. 9 p.m.-1:45 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or facebook.com/ContactDrumAndBass.

>Sunday 15

Blue Mondays - Live Blues. 7-10 p.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. MONSTER MONDAYS. The ALL NEW Open jam every Monday hosted by Mike G. We’ll have a backline for you to play on. Just bring your guitars/cymbals/snare/sticks! A legendary stage for you to jam on! Free to get in, Jam ON! 8:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or theluckydogmusichall.com. Bop & Pop Jazz Organization. Classic Hammond Organ Quartet grooves every Monday night at the Dive. Free. 9 p.m.-midnight Dive Bar, 34 Green St. facebook.com/ BopNPopJazzOrganization.

Revolution Sunday’s! Drag Show Extravaganza Hosted by Lady Sabrina and Bootz! Featuring The Remix Girls, Special Guests, and DJ Whiteboi Spinning Beats! 18+ $8, 21+ $5. midnight-1:30 a.m. Club Remix, 105 Water St. 508-756-2227. Peter Wolf - Concert and Motorcycle Ride Benefit CFMS Fund Foundation. Join in the fun at any point in the day by participating in the ride, enjoying lunch provided by Firefly’s Bodacious BBQ & Beyond, and rocking out with Peter Wolf when he takes the stage that afternoon. For concert tickets visit: ticketmaster. com/Peter-Wolf-tickets/artist/736481. 10-11:30 a.m., 11 a.m.12:30, 12:30 p.m.-2 p.m., 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Indian Ranch, 200 Gore Road, Webster. 508-943-3871 or cfmsfund.org/event. php?ID=846431. Sunday Brunch w/Chet Williamson. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. Faculty Concert for Rev. Donat Lamothe, A.A. Assumption College’s Art, Music and Theatre faculty will present a concert in honor of Rev. Donat Lamothe, A.A., Professor of Music, to celebrate 50 Years of teaching. Free and Open to the Public. 2-3 p.m. Assumption College: Chapel of the Holy Spirit, 500 Salisbury St. 508-767-7304. Blues Jam with A Ton of Blues. 3-7 p.m. RG Scooters Pub, 84 Lakefront St., Lunenburg. 978-348-2453. Clamdigger. 4-9 p.m. Rivalry’s Sports Bar, 274 Shrewsbury St. 774-243-1100. “Hangover Hour Spoken Word Salon” at 5 p.m., then Andy Cummings at 8:30 p.m. No Cover! 5 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Big Jon Short - solo acoustic country blues. Free. 5-8 p.m. Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St. 508-752-9439. Blues Jam w/Jim Perry. Blues Jam with special guests weekly Free. 6-10 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Open Mic Sundays At Perfect Game With Bill Mccarthy. To check the schedules and open slots visit: m.facebook.com/groups/209610855806788?ref=bookmark&__ user=578549000. Free! 6:30-10:30 p.m. Perfect Game Sports Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263. Pete Anderson (Ballroom). Pete Anderson is a Grammy Award-winning, guitarist/producer, widely known for his work with DWIGHT YOAKUM. A mix of instrumental and vocal tracks with influences of Jazz, R&B and Roots Music. More info at: peteanderson.com. $16 advance; $20 day of show. 7:30-10:30 p.m. Bull Run Restaurant, Ballroom, 215 Great Road, Shirley. 978-4254311 or tickets.bullrunrestaurant.com. Suzy Bogguss (Sawtelle Room). Grammy Award-winning

>Monday 16

>Tuesday 17

Trinity Big Band. Enjoy the big band music of Trinity Big Band under the direction of Lee Bartlett III. You’ll be dancing in the aisles! Free. 2-3 p.m. Briarwood Continuing Care Retirement Community: Birches Auditorium, 65 Briarwood Circle. Open Mic Tuesdays/local Musicians Showcase @ Greendale’s Pub With Bill Mccarthy. To check the schedules and open slots visit: m.facebook.com/groups/209610 855806788?ref=bookmark&__user=578549000. Free! 7:3011:30 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350 or MySpace.com/OpenMicWorld. “See You Next Tuesday” with DJ Poke Smot! Downstairs! Guest DJ’s and Bands each week! No Cover! Check our Facebook page {facebook.com/ralphs.diner} for guests each week. 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543.

>Wednesday 18

Open Mic Night. The Raven, 258 Pleasant St. 508-304-8133 or theravenrockclub.com/Booking.php?id=OpenMic. Open Jam w/Sean Ryan. Open Jam Free. 8:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Bike Night with Sheldon HD. 6-9 p.m. Perfect Game Sports Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263. Live Music with Matt Robert. Matt Robert’s solo Wednesday night shows present a loose, rambling trip through the songbook he’s developed over thirty years of performing. facebook.com/ mattrobertmusic. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Nu Cafe, 335 Chandler St. 508926-8800 or nucafe.com/events. Wednesday Night Open Mic/local Musicians’ Showcase W/ Bill Mccarthy @ Guiseppe’s. To check the schedules and open slots visit: m.facebook.com/groups/209610855806788?ref=boo kmark&__user=578549000. Free! 7:30-10:30 p.m. Guiseppe’s Grille, 35 Solomon Pond Road, Northborough. 508-393-4405. “Krazy Wednesday Jam Session” with The “Get On Up Band.” The music is hot motown/funk/swing/blues style. We offer

a drum kit, bass rig and a full PA system for all to use, so bring what you play and “get on up” Free. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. The Krazy Horse Bar & Grill, 287 Main St. Worcester. 1-774-823-3131. Worcester’s “unofficial” Theme song contest show. Brought to you by Jen Roy PR featuring David Magario. The Top 10 best entries will get a chance to perform live and a winner will be selected from there. $5 Donation. 8 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or facebook. com/events/157495901104164. Wacky Wednesday Night Jam @JJ’s Sport Bar. Open mic jam session. All are welcome. We offer a drum kit, bass rig and a full PA system for all to use. Guitar players please bring your own amp, great club, great food, great drinks and great music. Free. 8:30-12:30 p.m. JJ’s Sports Bar and Grill, 380 Southwest Cutoff, Northborough. 508-842-8420. Music Under the Moose! Every Wednesday Night. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508753-9543. Dan DeChristofaro. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Michael’s Cigar Bar, 1 Exchange Place. 508-459-9035.


ARTSWorcester, Opening Reception: Works by Susan Stuart and Nick Kantarelis, Friday. Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 1-4 p.m. Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday - Friday, 1-4 p.m. Saturday. Admission: Fre. 660 Main St. 508-755-5142 or artsworcester.org. Booklovers’ Gourmet,Celebrating the Seasons, paintings by Louise Douglas, Through Sept. 30. Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday - Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. 55 East Main St., Webster. 508-949-6232 or er3. com/book. Clark’s Cafe and Art On Rotation Gallery, Hours: 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday - Saturday. Admission: Free for gallery. 310 High St., Clinton. 978-549-5822 or 978-365-7772 or aorgallery.com. College of the Holy Cross: Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Art Gallery, reThink INK: 25 Years at the Mixit Print Studio, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Aug. 23 Oct. 26. Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, 2-5 p.m. Saturday. 1 College St. 508-793-3356 or holycross.edu/ departments/cantor/website. Danforth Museum of Art, Hours: Noon-5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, Noon-5 p.m. Wednesday - Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday - Saturday. 123 Union Ave., Framingham. 508-620-0050 or danforthmuseum.org. EcoTarium, Hours: Half Price September, Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through Sept. 29. Hours: noon-5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. Admission: $14 adults; $8 for children ages 2-18, $10 college students with IDs & senior citizens. Children under 2 & EcoTarium members Free. Additional charges apply for Tree Canopy Walkway, Explorer Express Train, planetarium programs & other special progra. 222 Harrington Way. 508-929-2700 or ecotarium.org. Fitchburg Art Museum, Hours: noon-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, noon-4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. 25 Merriam Parkway, Fitchburg. 978-345-4207 or fitchburgartmuseum.org. Fitchburg Historical Society, Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday - Tuesday, 10 a.m.-Midnight Wednesday, closed Thursday - Saturday. 50 Grove St., Fitchburg. 978-345-1157 or fitchburghistory.fsc.edu. Fruitlands Museum, 102 Prospect Hill Road, Harvard. 978456-3924 or fruitlands.org. Gallery of African Art, Gallery of African Art Free Tours, Thursdays, through Dec. 19; Weekly Thursday Tours at the Gallery of African Art, Thursdays, through Dec. 26. Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday - Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.


{ listings}

Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday. 62 High St., Clinton. 978-368-0227 or 978-598-5000x17 or galleryofafricanart.org. Higgins Armory Museum, WOO Card good at Higgins Armory Museum, Through Dec. 31. Hours: noon-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. Admission: General Admission: $12 for Adults, $10 for Seniors (age 60+), $8 for Children (age 4-16), Children 3 and under are Free. 100 Barber Ave. 508-853-6015 or higgins.org. Museum of Russian Icons. Alexander Gassel: Rediscovering the Past, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through Oct. 5; Series of One Icon Exhibits, Through June 20, 2014. Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 11-3 a.m. Tuesday - Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, 11-3 a.m. Friday, 9-3 a.m. Saturday. Admission: Adults $7, Seniors (59 and over) $5, Students (with ID) & children (3-17) $2, Children under 3 Free, Groups (any age) $. 203 Union St., Clinton. 978-598-5000 or 978-598-5000x17 or museumofrussianicons.org. Old Sturbridge Village, Drummer’s Call, Saturday. Admission: $7 - $20 charged by age. Children under 3 fre. 1 Old Sturbridge Village Road, Sturbridge. 800-733-1830 or 508-347-336 or osv.org. Post Road Art Center.Landscape Seascape 2013, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sept. 7 - Sept. 25; Opening Reception:Landscape Seascape Show 2013, Saturday. Hours: closed Sunday, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday - Saturday. 1 Boston Post Road, Marlborough. 508-485-2580 or postroadartcenter.com. Prints and Potter Gallery, American Contemporary Art & Craft Gallery, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through Dec. 31; Paint and Switch-Worcester Artist, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through June 30. Hours: closed Sunday, 10-5:30 a.m. Monday - Tuesday, 10-7 a.m. Wednesday - Thursday, 10-5:30 a.m. Friday, 10-5 a.m. Saturday. 142 Highland St. 508-752-2170 or printsandpotter.com. The Sprinkler Factory,OPENING RECEPTION: Paintings of Italy, Saturday; Paintings of Italy, Sundays, Saturdays, Sept. 7 - Sept. 29. Hours: noon-6 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, closed Saturday. 38 Harlow St. sprinklerfactory.com. Tower Hill Botanic Garden, Guided Garden Tour, Sundays, through Dec. 30. Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. Admission: $12 Adults, $9 Seniors & $7 Youth, Free to Members & Children under . 11 French Drive, Boylston. 508-869-6111 or towerhillbg.org. Worcester Art Museum, Worcester Art Museum Audio Tours, Through Dec. 31; Families @ WAM Tour, Saturdays, through April 13; Families @ WAM: Make Art!, Saturdays, through May 4; Gender and Art Tour, Sunday. Hours: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. Admission: Free for members, $14 adults, $12 seniors, Free for youth 17 and under. Free for all first Saturdays of each month, 10am-noon. 55 Salisbury St. or worcesterart.org Worcester Historical Museum, Alden Family Gallery, Through Dec. 31, 2015; In Their Shirtsleeves, Through Dec. 31; Stories They Tell, Through Dec. 31. Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. 30 Elm St. 508-753-8278 or worcesterhistory.org. WPI: George C. Gordon Library, 39/29: A Retrospective Show by Lora Brueck, Through Oct. 18; Invented -- WPI Patents Past & Present, Through Oct. 31. 100 Institute Road. wpi.edu.



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www.centralmassclass.com “O-E-O”--changing of the guard.

Los Angeles Times Sunday Crossword Puzzle JONESIN’ by MattLewis Jones Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols 125 “The Tempest” 81 Tryout for a 84 Paragon 45 Inner Hebrides 14 King’s order sorcerer CPA? 85 Left on Spanish isle 15 __ Sutra 126 White house? 86 Mell Lazarus maps? 16 Failure in treaty 47 NBC comedy comic strip 87 Pass (out) staple talks? 127 Expatriate 6 Nigeria’s capital since 1991 89 Big heart 88 Professional gp. 49 Celts, e.g. 17 Holiday veggie 128 “You eediot!” ACROSS 111 Like On the double 90 Hägar creator 95 “Rolling along” 52 Cornstarch 18 First year of some speaker of Browne item in an Army brand Claudius’ reign cartoons 14 windows Adjust to Àt 91 Shoreline song 53 Fail to chill 22 Jovovich of 7 All-nighter 129 Body suit? 15 cause “What’s Happening!!” role changers 96 Clear 58 “Run” author “Resident Evil” 130 ’90s-’00s conclusion? Patchett films 12 Thousandth heartthrob band 16 Galena, forofone 92 “__ Irish Rose” 93 Shear (off) 59 Rocky greetings 97 Collects lots of 24 Sand in food, a meg 131 Filibuster site 17 Following the “Whip It” band 94 Green wheels 99 Exiles, perhaps 60 Personal ad say 16 Holy 98 Cancels (out) abbr. 28 DeceptiveCommunion DOWN 101 Tiny bits closely? 99 Isn’t fictional 63 Kind of acid sounding receptacle 104 Quite a while 1 “Dear __” 19 Put down the À100 rst card “... bombs used in instrument? 19 In person 107 Small stream 2 Man without bursting __” fertilizers 31 Logic the plot 108 Browser’s morals 20 When Bar selections 66 “Star Wars” proposition thickens, often 102 Yemen’s capital reading, briefly 3 Writable 21 Bumped into 103 __ opportune mentor Obi32 JFK Library 21 Ate storage media, 109 Poet Sachs Wan __ architect 23 Arsonist’s 22 Game played “withmoment my little for short 110 Carol opening 105 Cong. member 67 “No way that’s 111 Running an 33 Sales rep pursuit? 4 Veda devotee eye” true!” 25 TV spin-off set 106 Gas brand born 5 Nobelist Wiesel 35 Seventh errand, say 24 inFellas in 1926 68 Recent rightists 113 iPhone fencing Florida et al. 70 Fed. hush-hush position 26 “Whatever you 107ofFighting 6 Peppy programs 25 Blogger Wheaton interestunit toin the barnyard group 36 Field vehicle say, honey” 7 Web help 116 Baltic capital geeks everywhere wars? 71 Ft. Worth 37 “True Blood” 27 Legendary source 117 Lawsuit basis Big draw school rating coach 8 Hosp. area 118 Old-time knife 26 Dolphins Where cats get 112 chased 38 “Sorry to say ...” 72 “Sweet!” 29 Math subj. with 114 Words students 9 Desert trial 119 Response to an 29 integrals Film studio site fear 73 One, in 39 Behind-the10 Tyler of “The arrest, initially Oldenburg scenes 30 Amer. Talk” 120 Charles V’s 30 Fidel armed cohort 115 Some arm candy 76 Down source romance? forces traitor? 11 Arrangement of domain: Abbr. 31 This, Tijuana119 Plant animals? 79 Big name in 34 For fearinthat church services 42 Judge’s 121 Prefix with -pod 122 17th-century theaters? concerns 37 Caps 12 Neil Sedaka hit 123 Millions of 32 PunkLock gymnast popular in the anti-witch 82 Tiny bit 44 Con game neighbor 13 “If I Ruled the lifetimes 1980s? application? 83 B.O. purchases 124 Casual shoe decoys 40 Public pair World” rapper 41 High seas quaffin English 35 Telenovelas, 42 Actor, usually 37 Joint owners’ 2 “21” singer 40 TV host Graham and boxer 43 Company with pronoun storkmachine in its 38 aSlot spinners 3 Baltimore player Ken, for two logo 39 Hero with a black mask and a 4 Wall St. events 41 Bay Area football player, for 46 AWOL hunters big chin? 48 Activist Bonner 5 Mel with 1,860 RBI short married 42 who Fisher of “Arrested 6 “The Little Mermaid” role 46 “Journey to ___” (“Sesame Sakharov Development” 50 AQI monitor 7 Orion feature Street” feature) 51 Like he-men 43 Choose 8 Mentalist Geller 47 Aids a criminal 52 Church closings 44 Creator of M and Q 54 “The Office” 9 Gin Áavoring 48 “Island of the Blue Dolphins” 45 network Manager’s lists 10 Nervous state author Scott 55 Truncation 47 abbr. Obama’s mother ___ Dunham 11 Tennis racket string material 49 Singer whose surname is 56 Invite acrossdrinks, brieÁy 48 Breakfast 12 “Forgot About ___” (2000 Kilcher the threshold 51 Like grapefruit juice single featuring Eminem) 50 Unwilling to be talked down to 57 Commuters per e. g.? 52 hour, Award bestowed by Queen 13 End-of-proof abbr. 52 Boo-boo 61 Moshing site Eliz. on the 18 “Jaws” resort 53 ___-European languages 62 Word maybe 53 street, Thought 23 11- or 12-year-old 54 Brown bag staple, informally 64 Ample, in verse 54 NormAlaskan on a golf course 25 What things could always be 55 “Chances ___” 65 Early 67 Part of haters IOC: of Miley’s August 56 What 26 Spock crewmate 57 Boy king of Egypt Abbr. spectacle wanted from the 27 Alex who starred in 2007’s 58 Sister of Khloe and Kourtney 69 Chemical media? reaction “The Water Horse” (anagram of Last week's solution 59 phenomenon, Compadre LEET) and what 60 occurs Arcticindweller four 28 Opposite of “avec” 61 symmetrical Remains neutral? 29 Rio de ___ (Buenos Aires’ pairs of long 62 answers 1980s “truly in this outrageous” river) puzzle cartoon 30 Word after food or kangaroo 74 Cabinet dept. 63 formed “Melrose Place” actor Rob 32 Powerful whirlpool under 64 Carter Shannon formerly of “SNL” 33 Plays over and over 75 Dollhouse 34 Keyboard instrument accessory 77 Jazzy Down 35 “___ It Up” (Bob Marley) improvisation 178 Whitman’s Bordello big 36 Very, melodramatically “__ shot the Body Electric” ©2013 Jonesin’ Crosswords (editor@jonesincrosswords.com) 80 Soak, in British For answers to this puzzle, call: 1-900-226-2800, 99 cents per minute. dialect ©2013 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. xwordeditor@aol.com Must be9/29/13 18+. Or to bill to your credit card, call: 1-800-655-6548. Reference puzzle #640




• S E P T E M B E R 12 , 2 0 13

Home Of The Free, Thanks To The Brave MILITARY HERO OF THE WEEK Is there a special service person in your life? The Central Mass Classifieds would like to feature members of our Armed Forces on a regular basis. If you have a special service person in your life, please email carsenault@centralmassclass.com with some information, photo, brief summary of his/her service, and we will be happy to recognize them in the Central Mass Classifieds. The brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces should be remembered all year long.

Call Carrie at 978-728-4302 or email sales@centralmassclass.com

for more information.

Fun By The Numbers Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test!

Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!


www.centralmassclass .com Call Carrie at 978-728-4302 to place your ad or e-mail sales@centralmassclass.com




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PLACE YOUR AD ONLINE ANYTIME, 24/7. www.centralmassclass.com

(Excludes free ads, legals & Service Directory ads)

S E P T E M B E R 12 , 2 0 13 • W O R C E S T E R M A G A Z I NE . C O M


www.centralmassclass.com LEGALS/PUBLIC NOTICES TOWN OF MILLBURY A PUBLIC HEARING MILLBURY BOARD OF APPEALS In accordance with Chapter 40A of the Massachusetts General Law and the Zoning Ordinances of the Town of Millbury, a public hearing will be held in the hearing room of the Municipal Building, 127 Elm Street, Millbury, MA on: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 At: 7:00 p.m. To act on a petition from: Michael Catino, 35 Singletary Rd., Millbury, MA For a sp. permit in the Millbury Zoning Ordinance relative to: demolish and rebuild pre-existing, non-conforming structure, (house), and add a 2-car garage at 35 Singletary Rd., Millbury, MA All interested parties are invited to attend. Richard P. Valentino, Chairman Millbury Board of Appeals 9/12, 9/19/2013 MS

TOWN OF SUTTON CONSERVATION COMMISSION The Sutton Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, September 18, 2013, at 7:00PM, at the Sutton Town Hall, 4 Uxbridge Road, Sutton, MA. The purpose of this hearing is to review a Request for Determination of Applicability submitted to the Conservation Commission by David Marois, Sutton, MA. The project consists of construction of a new single family home with private water and septic on site, on Map 22, Parcel 103, for 34 Bond Hollow Road, in Sutton. This notice is publicized in accordance with the provisions of General Law Chapter 131, Section 40 commonly known as the Wetlands Protection Act, and the Sutton Wetlands and Riverfront District Administration Bylaw. 9/12/2013

CITY OF WORCESTER Public Notice The Citizen Advisory Council is seeking volunteers to fill vacancies on various City Boards/Commissions. • Eligibility requirements: 1) registered voter; 2) resident in district for one year (except for Executive Boards); 3) not a City employee (except for Advisory Boards). • Please visit our website for more information and to download an application: www.worcesterma.gov/boards-commissions. • Questions can be directed to Jeannie Michelson in the City Manager’s Office, 508-799-1175. Applicants from under-represented groups in the City are encouraged to apply.

PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Millbury Planning Board In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 40A of the Massachusetts General Laws, the Millbury Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Monday, September 23, 2013, at 8:00 p.m., at the Millbury Jr./Sr. High School, 12 Martin Street, Millbury, MA, on the application of HAYR LLC and SENEK LLC, 12 Dudley Road, Mendon, MA for a Site Plan Permit for an Open Space Community under Article 4, Section 44 of the Millbury Zoning Bylaw. The Applicant is seeking approval for a 98-lot Open Space Community off of Oak Pond Avenue in Millbury, MA. Plan is available for inspection in the Planning Department during normal business hours. Anyone wishing to be heard on this application should appear at the time and place designated above. Richard Gosselin Chair 9/5 & 9/12/2013 MS


• S E P T E M B E R 12 , 2 0 13

PUBLIC NOTIFICATION Effective October 1st, 2013, the Worcester Housing Authority (“WHA”) will close its State-Aided Public Housing Family Program (“SPHF”) 1, 2, 3 & 4 bedroom standard waiting list and its State-Aided Elderly/Disabled Public Housing Program (“SPHE”) 1 bedroom standard waiting list. The WHA will not accept any applications for the above named programs that are postmarked after September 30, 2013. NOTE: Emergency applications will still be accepted. The WHA provides reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities. 9/12/2013 WM


WORCESTER HOUSING AUTHORITY ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS September 12, 2013 SEALED BIDS shall be received at the Purchasing Office, 69 Tacoma St., Worceseter, MA 01605 IFBs maybe picked up at the location above or may be downloaded from our webiste: www.worcester-housing.com/ purchasing, or call (508) 695-3203, TDD (508) 798-4530. Bidders are responsible for ensuring they have received any/all addenda prior to submitting a bid. Separate awards will be made for each IFB. WHA reserves the right to reject any all responses, in whole or in part, deemed to be in their best interest. Award of all contracts is subject to the approval of the WHA Executive Director or Board of Commissioners. The Operating Agency shall indemnify and hold harmless the WHA and its officers or agents from any and all third party claims arising from activities under these Agreements as set fort in MGL c.258, section 2 as amended. Bid No. Release Date Project Title Bid Surety Bid Opening 13-26 9/16/2013 IT Equipment & Supplies 10:00 a.m., October 4, 2013 Re Cappoli Chief Procurement Officer Visit our website at: www.worcester-housing.com/purchasing


Worcester Housing Authority 40 Belmont Street, Worcester, MA 01605 Tel: (508) 635-3300 Fax: (508) 635-3190 Telephone Device for the hearing impaired (508) 798-4530

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Notice is hereby given by J.D. Bousquet & Sons, Inc. 37 Main Street, Sutton, MA, pursuant to the provisions of Mass G.L c. 255, Section 39A, that they will sell the following vehicle on or after September 13, 2013 by private sale to satisfy their garage keepers lien for towing, storage, and notices of sale: 1. 2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee VIN# 1J8HR68217C579860 Signed, Theodore J. Bousquet 8/29, 9/5, 9/12 MS

Sutton Planning Board Public Hearing Notice In accordance with the provisions of M.G.L. Ch. 40A § 5, the Sutton Planning Board will hold a public hearing to consider changes to the Town of Sutton Zoning Bylaw. The hearing will be held on Monday, September 23, 2013 at 7:15 P.M. at the Sutton Town Hall. The following is a summary of the proposed changes; a copy of the proposed changes may be inspected in the office of the Town Clerk during normal business hours. 1. To amend the Zoning Bylaw, Section VI.H. – Retreat Lots, to allow access to the home on a retreat lot over an approved common driveway. (By Petition) 2. To amend the sign bylaw to allow roof mounted signs of specific sizes and placement. (By Petition) 3. To Re-zone the entire Industrial District (I) in north east Sutton to Office Light Industrial (OLI). 4. To amend the Zoning Bylaw, Section III.A. – Use Table, to allow railroad and railway express service in the Office Light Industrial (OLI) District. 5. To designate 436 acres +/- in north east Sutton as a Priority Development Site in accordance with the provisions of M.G.L. c. 43D. Jon Anderson, Chairman Sutton Planning Board

Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Probate and Family Court Worcester Probate and Family Court 225 Main St. Worcester, MA 01608 508-831-2200 CITATION ON PETITION FOR FORMAL ADJUDICATION Docket No. WO13P2747EA Estate of: Frances L Kupstas Date of Death: 03/02/2013 To all interested persons: A Petition has been filed by: Michael C Kupstas of Uxbridge MA requesting that the Court enter a formal Decree and Order of testacy and for such other relief as requested in the Petition. And also requesting that: Michael C Kupstas of Uxbridge MA be appointed as Personal Representative(s) of said estate to serve With Personal Surety on the bond. You have the right to obtain a copy of the Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. You have a right to object to this proceeding. To do so, you or your attorney must file a written appearance and objection at this Court before: 10:00 a.m. on 09/24/2013. This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline by which you must file a written appearance and objection if you object to this proceeding. If you fail to file a timely written appearance and objection followed by an Affidavit of Objections within thirty (30) days of the return date, action may be taken without further notice to you. The estate is being administered under formal procedure by the Personal Representative under the Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code without supervision by the Court. Inventory and accounts are not required to be filed with the Court, but recipients are entitled to notice regarding the administration from the Personal Representative and can petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including distribution of assets and expenses of administration. WITNESS, Hon. Denise L. Meagher, First Justice of this Court. Date: August 29, 2013 Stephen G. Abraham, Register of Probate 09/12/2013 WM

www.centralmassclass.com LEGALS/PUBLIC NOTICES TOWN OF MILLBURY A PUBLIC HEARING MILLBURY BOARD OF APPEALS In accordance with Chapter 40A of the Massachusetts General Law and the Zoning Ordinances of the Town of Millbury, a public hearing will be held in the hearing room of the Municipal Building, 127 Elm Street, Millbury, MA on: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 At: 7:20 PM To act on a petition from: Joseph Samara, 65 Carroll Rd., N. Grafton, MA 01536 For a sp. permit in the Millbury Zoning Ordinance relative to: the addition of a 20’x100’ addition to a pre-existing, nonconforming structure at 8 Ward Ave., Millbury, MA All interested parties are invited to attend. Richard P. Valentino, Chairman Millbury Board of Appeals 9/12, 9/19/2013 MS PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Millbury Planning Board In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 40A of the Massachusetts General Laws, the Millbury Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Monday, September 23, 2013, at 7:30 p.m., at the Millbury Jr./ Sr. High School, 12 Martin Street, Millbury, MA, on the application of Discover Marble & Granite, 4 Latti Farm Road, Millbury, MA for a Modification of the Site Plan Review Permit under Article 1, Section 12.4 of the Millbury Zoning Bylaw and a Stormwater Management Permit under Section 16-3 of the Millbury General Bylaw. The Applicant is seeking permission to construct a 6,900 square foot building to be used for warehouse purposes. Plan is available for inspection in the Planning Department during normal business hours. Anyone wishing to be heard on this application should appear at the time and place designated above. Richard Gosselin Chair 9/5/2013, 9/12/2013


FOSTER PARENTS WANTED Foster Care Information Session Every 3rd Wednesday of the Month • 2pm-4pm (Please Call for Details)

Seeking families throughout Central Massachusetts who are interested in improving a child’s life. Call to inquire about our upcoming foster parent training.

HELP WANTED LOCAL Carpenters wanted . Experienced carpenters wanted for projects starting this Fall. Must have 5yrs min. exp. in framing, exterior trim, flashing,window & door installation etc. any finish exp. a plus. To arrange an interview call 5083324757 and leave a message. 508-3324757

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Administrative Office Assistant Duties include general administrative support and HR in a busy office setting . Must be organized, detail-oriented and have ability to multi-task in a faced paced environment. Management and customer service skills necessary.25-40 hrs/week. Higgins Energy, Barre 978-355-6343 ext 222 or sue@higginsenergy.com Marketing Person Looking for enthusiastic, self motivated person to do marketing and promotions for retail Powersport and Hearth business. Plan, implement and evaluate sales and events. Online marketing also. Must be detail oriented. Marketing background preferable. 25-40 hrs/week. Higgins Powersports, Barre, 978-355-6343 ext 222 or sue@higginsenergy.com YRC Freight is hiring PT Combo Drivers and Dock Workers! Shrewsbury MA location. PT Combo Drivers: Excellent Wages, Benefits, Pension! Home nightly! . CDL-A w/Combo and Hazmat, 1yr T/T exp, 21yoa req. EOE-M/F/D/V. PT Dock Workers: $12-$14/hr. 4hr shifts. 18 yoa, read/write English. Able to lift 55 lbs. req. APPLY: www.yrcw.com/careers.


r o t a n i d r o o C s e Sal N eeded ! If you are self-motivated with excellent organizational skills, we want to talk with you. The Holden Landmark Corp. has a part-time advertising sales coordinator position available. Individual will provide support to sales staff. Potential for growth into sales executive position. We offer a fast-paced, innovative environment and the opportunity to represent highly respected newspapers. Send resume to: Barbara Brown, General Manager bbrown@holdenlandmark.com 508-829-5981, ext. 29 Fax: 508-829-0670


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& Cl ws Pets, Pet Supplies, Services & More! Call 978-728-4302 to place your ad

where Quality still Matters. Valet Parking Attendants Needed. Work @ various locations in the Worcester Area. Full-time and Part-time positions available. Benefits included for Full-time including medical and dental. Fun outdoor work with potential for advancement! Customer Service experience is a plus. Between base+tips valets earn $11+ per hour. www.valetparkofamerica.com/ employment



508-867-6901 S E P T E M B E R 12 , 2 0 13 • W O R C E S T E R M A G A Z I NE . C O M



www.centralmassclass.com Our Adopt-A-Paws feature re runs runs the the second Thursday/Friday second Thursday/Friday ooff eeach ach month. With the support port ooff oour ur ssponsors, po s, wwee wwillill ffeature eature ddogs ogs aand nd ccats ats that are available forr adoption adoption aatt llocal ocal nnonprofi onprofit shelters. shelters. TO TO SEE SEE ALL ALL THE THE ANIMALS AVAILABLEE FOR FOR ADOPTION ADOPTION CHECK CHECK OUT OUT THE THE WEB WEB SSITES ITES BBELOW: ELOW:





202 Central Street • Winchendon, MA 774-641-1271 • ShelterForCats.org better4cats@yahoo.com

17 Laurelwood Road • Sterling, MA 978-422-8585 • SterlingShelter.org staff@sterlingshelter.org

111 Young Road • East Brookfield, MA 508-867-5525 • SecondChanceAnimals.org info@secondchanceanimals.org

139 Holden Street et • Wo Worc Worcester, rces este ter,r, M MA A 508-853-0030 • Worcester-arl.org Wor orce cest ster er-a -arl rl..o rl.o . petshelp@aol.com aol com

Jewelry As Unique As You Are

Mary Martorella

Buy 5 beads at regular price and get 6th bead or Starter Bracelet for FREE* * Up to $35 value. Stop in to see our large selection of animal beads and charms.

Serving the tri-city area of Gardner, Leominster, & Fitchburg

7 mos. Boxer / Mixed (short coat) Male - Medium - Baby


Norman Adult, Short Hair, Tabby Neutered Male

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Jewelry Belleek Sweaters Giftware

Creative Floors, Inc. Ceramic • Carpet • Vinyl • Marble • Granite Laminate • Pre-finished Hardwood • Wallpaper Donald - Male/Neutered Beagle/Pug 2 years 3 months

Sales • Design • Installation

Residential & Commercial • Binding Financing Available • Free Estimates

Open Tuesday-Saturday | 1653 N. Main St., Holden, MA

Labrador Retriever / Mixed Medium Baby


Real Estate • Jobs • Auto • Services

Central Mass

Polly - Female/Spayed Terrier, Jack Russell/Mix 3 years

Every animal deserves a loving home... Animal Sponsored by Private Donor


Every animal deserves a loving home...

Levi - Male/Neutered Beagle/Mix 2 years

Animal Sponsored by Private Donor


Every animal deserves a loving home...

Shamrock Dog Collars

Rocky - 1 yr 4 mos Male/Neutered Terrier Mix, Amer. Staffordshire

Bailey - 8 yrs 4 mos Male/Neutered Domestic Longhair/Mix

Every animal deserves a loving home... Real Estate • Jobs • Auto • Services

Central Mass

Snickers 2 1/2 yrs Lionhead Dilute Tortoiseshell / Mixed Male - Medium - Young


Even though the calendar still says summer, with the cooling temperatures it is quite clear that fall is upon us. The new season is a wonderful time to start fresh with adding a new member to the family. Vacations are usually done and routines are back in place, so it is a great time to be able to focus on accommodating an animal into your home. Every month we love to feature some animals from our local shelters and these are just a few. Please do consider adopting/rescuing a pet. You might just fall for one this fall!!

We are seeking sponsors for future issues. You do not need to be a pet related business to sponsor a pet. The more sponsors we get, the more pets we will feature. If your business would like to sponsor a pet, please call Carrie at 978-728-4302 or email sales@centralmassclass.com by October 11th to be in our next ADOPT-A-PAWS on October 17th. Together we can make a difference! 36


• S E P T E M B E R 12 , 2 0 13


Paula Savard

Gail Lent



Sandra DeRienzo

Mark Gerber

Tracy Page


(978) 537-4971 • 1-(800) 924-8666

Tracy Sladen

Paula K. Aberman Associates, Inc. 2086 Main Street, Lancaster www.paulasavard.com

Yasmin Loft

West Boylston $208,900

Spencer $169,900

Templeton $244,900

In town mini farm with 2000 s.f barn , paddock. 2 detached 2 car garages, spacious 1930 colonial updated and functional ready to move in. 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths. Aberman Assoc Inc. Paula Savard 978-537-4971 x14 www.paulasavard.com

Sterling $249,900

Lancaster $249,900

4 br 2.5 bath colonial. Eat in kitchen with breakfast bar, atrium

Chocksett Crossing End Unit. One of the nicest locations in the complex. Fully upgraded with granite, hardwood flooring, built in desk with granite. One of only a few units offering a TWO car garage. Master bedroom with double walk in closets. Private bath for second bedroom. Fireplaced living room with cathedral ceiling. Bonus full walk out lower level with sliders. Would make a great family room. Aberman Assoc. Inc Gail Lent 978-537-4971 x 15 www.gaillent.com

Sparkling updated 3 bedroom split entry with finished familyroom with bookcase wall on lower level. Range, Dishwasher, Microwave convey. Aberman Assoc Inc. Paula Savard 978-537-4971 x14 www.paulasavard.com

door to deck area. Formal dining formal living with crown molding, mellow hardwood floors. easy access to Rt 2 at exit 20 2 1/2 ceramic tile bathrooms, laundry on first floor. Aberman Assoc Inc. Paula Savard 978-537-4971 x14 www.paulasavard.com

Acton $399,900

Leominster $280,000

Sterling $649,900

Located across from Sterling Town Beach and boat launch. This remodeled in 2003 2+ acre w/200 ft frontage. Fieldstone wall property has it all Boasting over 4000 sf. Work from home his and hers offices, 4 full baths, spacious bedrooms with massive closets and walk up attic. Fully finished lower level may work well for future in-law apt. Detached garage w/ paved driveways. Additional 1.5 story shed. Beautifully landscaped w/outdoor picnic area w/ field stone fireplace, basket ball court. Plenty of seasonal flowers including roses and lilacs. Owner says LOW yard maintenance. Aberman Assoc Inc Gail Lent 978-537-4971 x15 www.gaillent.com

W Acton Village. VR zoning allows for home business. This restored antique lends itself to easy two family conversion. Many window replacements, Open concept from family, dining kitchen. Ceilings replaced. Hardwood floors installed. Aberman Assoc Inc. Paula Savard 978-537-4971 x 14 www.paulasavard.com

4 br 3 bath Multilevel. Quiet cul de sac. Easy access to highways, shopping. Families thrive with their own space. 4 bedrooms 2 full baths. Wall to wall carpet covers hardwoods in bedroom level. Living area kit, lr, dr, enclosed porch, fenced kennel sized yard. Family room level has exterior access. 3rd full bath on this level. Aberman Assoc Inc. Paula Savard 978-537-4971 x 14 www.paulasavard.com



RUTLAND-6 Jonathan Circle Sunday, Sept. 15th, 8am-2pm. Rain or Shine. Toys, canoe, furniture, PSP2 and games, household items and much more. SUTTON-21 Uxbridge Rd. September 14th & 15th. Saturday, Sunday, 9am-4pm. Mahogany office desk, tools, ox yoke, organ, records, music, books, loads of clothes, yarn, bedding, plants etc. Something for everyone. EVERYTHING MUST GO! HOLDEN-8 Fairchild Dr. September 14th, Saturday, 8am-12pm. Rain or Shine. Kitchen items including small appliances, home decorations, holiday and entertaining, exercise equipment, books, cd’s and more!

LEOMINSTER-267 & 275 Willard St. September 14th, Saturday, 8am-1pm. Children’s clothes and toys, antique accent pieces, chest of drawers, end tables, all consignment quality. NORTH BROOKFIELD-33 SMITH HANSON RD. September 14th, Saturday, 8am-? ENORMOUS YARD SALE. Rain or Shine. Antiques, 6 old oak press back chairs, oak table saw, lamps, mirrors, pictures, collectibles, tools, etc. Furniture, large leather recliner, etc.

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Sherry Crocker

Palmer $219,900

Nice family ranch in great neighborhood walking distance to reservoir. 6 rooms, 3 bedroom, 1 bath ranch with fireplace in living room, dining room, Applianced kitchen with adjacent mud room. Full basement has 2nd fireplace with great potential for a finished basement family room. Home has recent roof, furnace, and 100 amp electrical service. Recent patio and new driveway. Roll up awnings on most windows. Great area for raising kids. Aberman Assoc Inc. Anna Mary Kraemer 978-5374971 x 25 www.annamarykraemer.com

Move in ready, this Ranch style, one owner, home, set on a knoll overlooking scenic view from huge picture window in spacious, fireplaced living room. New roof shingles installed in April, 2013. refinished HW floors, replacement windows, dining rm or 3rd bedroom off kitchen. Freshly painted livng rm,& bdrms. Relax, or dine, in screened patio on warm summer eves. Spacious rear yard. Aberman Assoc. Inc Sandra DeRienzo 978-537-4971 x43

Tara Sullivan

Chapman Place Townhome ready to move in! Open concept lr/dr, spacious bedrooms w/walk-in closets. Recent renovations include: new plumbing including water main, carpeting/flooring, and paint throughout the unit. As well as Anderson solid wood slider to patio, replacement windows, updated lighting, dishwasher, garage door, and wood door frames and doors throughout. Great location (Cornerstones entrance, second right) visitor parking out front. Aberman Assoc Inc. Paula Savard 978-537-4971 x 14 www.paulasavard.com

Small complex in South Lancaster. End unit townhouse. Spacious rooms through out. Living room with Brazilian Cherry flooring, Master Bedroom with his and hers closets. Additional 225 sf in finished lower level (not included in living area) . Recent roof and Newpro replacement windows. Nice small Town location with good highway access. Aberman Assoc Inc Gail Lent 978-537-4971 x 15 www.gaillent.com

Move is single level with view of Pond. Up to date applianced Kitchen, LrDr combo with sliders and balcony. two ample bedrooms. On site Laundry Aberman Assoc. Inc. Paula Savard 978-537-4971 x14 www.paulasavard.com

Moises Cosme

Leominster $150,000

Lancaster $149,900

Leominster $110,000

Anna Mary Kraemer CRS

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Fresh Picked Basil Large bunches. Great for Pesto! $3.50 each. Princeton. 978-464-2978 Leave message.

Still in plastic, can deliver. Call Luke 774-823-6692 YARD SALES & FLEA MARKETS HOLDEN-8 Fairchild Dr. September 14th, Saturday, 8am-12pm. Rain or Shine. Kitchen items including small appliances, home decorations, holiday and entertaining, exercise equipment, books, cd’s and more! LEOMINSTER-267 & 275 Willard St. September 14th, Saturday, 8am-1pm. Children’s clothes and toys, antique accent pieces, chest of drawers, end tables, all consignment quality. NORTH BROOKFIELD-33 SMITH HANSON RD. September 14th, Saturday, 8am-? ENORMOUS YARD SALE. Rain or Shine. Antiques, 6 old oak press back chairs, oak table saw, lamps, mirrors, pictures, collectibles, tools, etc. Furniture, large leather recliner, etc. RUTLAND-6 Jonathan Circle Sunday, Sept. 15th, 8am-2pm. Rain or Shine. Toys, canoe, furniture, PSP2 and games, household items and much more. SUTTON-21 Uxbridge Rd. September 14th & 15th. Saturday, Sunday, 9am-4pm. Mahogany office desk, tools, ox yoke, organ, records, music, books, loads of clothes, yarn, bedding, plants etc. Something for everyone. EVERYTHING MUST GO!

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• S E P T E M B E R 12 , 2 0 13

AUTOMOTIVE AUTO/MOTORCYCLE 2008 Honda Metropolitan Scooter Black and gray. Mint cond. 469 miles. Asking $1650.00. Includes helmet. 207289-9362 OR 207-450-1492. 2008 Suzuki GSX 650/K8. All black with silver and red trim. Less than 850 miles. Cover, new battery, and lock. $5500.00 508-792-6080 AUTO/TRUCK 2000 Ford F150 Flareside Pickup Showroom condition inside and out. 100K miles. All power, needs nothing. $8900.00 Call 978-466-6043 AUTOS 1962 Chevrolet Impala sport coupe. Older restoration. Nice driver. $8,500 978-422-6646 1976 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham Sedan. 79k miles. Grey exterior and interior. $6500.00 or B/O 774-242-2370 badday1123@gmail.com 1988 Mercedes-Benz 300 SEL 6 cylinder gas. Very good cond. Runs exc. $3500.00 195k miles. Located in Sutton, MA 774-287-0777 1993 Honda Accord New rebuilt 3k engine, clutch, tires, batt, new glass, full power. Must Sell! $2500 978-8740546 or cell 978-602-6841. 1997 Oldsmobile LSS New muffler, brakes & battery. 130 estimated miles. Good cond. $2000.00 firm. Leominster 978 -534-1915

AUTOS 2001 Cadillac Eldorado Touring Coupe, Rare car, loaded, mint condition. $7,995 508875-7400 2003 Acura 3.2 TL Excellent Condition, leather, moonroof, complete care record available, 105K miles, $7,490 508799-9347 and 508-754-6344 508-799-9347 2003 Mitsubishi Spyder Convertible Excellent condition, 19,900 miles, full of options, never driven in winter, cover for winter storage. $9,500, call 978-390-3467. 2004 Dodge Intrepid sparkle green. 6 cly., ac, CD, wired for XM remote ctl for doors and start ups, good condition. $2,700.00 or best offer. 508-753-1995 2008 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS Spyder Convertible Red. 35K miles. Always garaged. Driven summers only. $13,500.00 Pictures on autotrader.com 860-634-4632 CAMPERS/TRAILERS 1998 Dutchman Pop-up Camper Refrigerator, stove, sink. Heater, port o potty, kitchen table. Sleeps 8. $1700.00. 978-840-0782 Ask for Kenny. Truck Camper 1985 Bought new in 1991. Real Life brand. Bathroom, shower, self contained. 8ft truck bed. $2900.00 B/O 774-287-0777 Utility Trailer, Heavy Duty 15" wheels, with removable sides. 6’X 8’. Located in Sutton, MA $650.00 774-287-0777


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Reaching 90,000 readers in PRINT & ONLINE Contact Carrie at 978-728-4302

Martina McBride


Two minutes with...

Country music icon Martina McBride performs at The Hanover Theatre in Worcester, the evening of Thursday, September 12. The fourtime Country Music Awards “Female Vocalist of the Year” has sold over 14 million albums with dozens of hits throughout her career. McBride took a couple minutes from her life of music and family, prior to this Thursday’s show to talk with Worcester Magazine. Tell us about your roots. How were you introduced to music? Who were your early influences? Well, my dad was a

musician, he had a country band when I was growing up and so I was always surrounded by country music. I started playing in the band when I was about 7 years old every weekend. It was a great way to perform in front of people and I knew this is what I wanted to do.

Out of the numerous hits you’ve performed, what is your favorite and why? It’s kind

of like naming a favorite child; I like a lot of them for different reasons. I guess I like “This ones for the girls.” That one really never gets old to me because I think it’s fun with a really smart lyric, it’s empowering and a lot of people can identify with it.

How’s the country fan base in the Northeast? It’s great, it’s really strong

and some of my favorite places to play are in the Northeast. We always have a great time there, everybody’s very warm and seems to really enjoy themselves and love country music. They’re huge country music fans. It’s one of the places in the States where I know if I go there I’m going to be met with a very welcoming crowd. I always look forward to coming.

The Hanover Theatre is more of an intimate venue in comparison to an outdoor stadium. Do you favor one over another? I really

like the intimate crowd. You’re more vulnerable in a way because at a stadium you really just want to keep the music going. With a theater I love the fact that

you can get more intimate and really talk. I love when an audience talks to me, we get a conversation going. It keeps it unique and special to that night. My favorite thing is connecting with an audience and realizing we’re making a memory sharing this one night of music together.

Do you still get nervous before a show?

Sometimes I do, yeah. If I haven’t done it for a while or right before I go on I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing. But then I walk out on stage and within the first three and a half minutes it takes on a life of it’s own and I realize this is going to be a great night and I don’t know what I was worried about.

How do you balance being on tour and being there for your family? Well when they

were younger they would come with us on the road and then when they got into school it got a little harder to schedule and toured around that so we only toured on weekends. Now they’re older, I have one in college and one who’s a sophomore in high school and I have a third-grader who comes with us more than the other two. They’re more self-sufficient and have their schedule and their friends. It’s a little bit easier in a way. Now I can do some Wednesdays and Thursdays and not just have to play Saturdays and Sundays. I’m able to do a few more shows. At the same time it’s harder because they aren’t with me. No matter what age they are, whether they are with you or not with you, older or younger, it’s always kind of a balancing act emotionally.

What was the genesis for the song Independence Day? How does it play into your charity work? I don’t know, I didn’t

How has the country music industry evolved over the years? Music is always evolving.

write it. A woman named Gretchen Peters wrote that song, it’s an amazing song, it’s like poetry. I grew up in a really small town in Kansas and things like domestic violence weren’t talked about, at all. I don’t think I was aware of the scope of the issue and when I recorded Independence Day I started receiving all kinds of letters, people would tell me their stories. It was around the same time after it was released as a single that the Nicole Brown Simpson murder happened. Being made more aware of the problem and becoming very angry and feeling like I wanted to do something too. I became the spokesperson for the National Network to End Domestic Violence at one point, I was also a spokesperson for a website, Love is Respect, that deals with teen dating abuse, I’ve worked with Susan G. Komen. Anything that comes along that I feel strongly about, I want to try to do.

Independence Day is used in the opening of the Sean Hannity Radio Show. Is that a political choice? I’ve never spoken

to him about it. I’m not sure how that came about. Once it’s out there it’s fair game. I think if it was used as an attack of my character you could probably do something, but otherwise... It’s interesting, once you put a song out it really becomes the world’s song.

Country verses pop is tiring; I think we’ve had the same conversation since 1950-something. We had crossover songs, Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton, Kenny Rogers, Ray Price have all had crossover hits. All the way back to when we started using electric instruments at the Grand Ole Opry we’ve had that debate. Every generation of country music has had crossover. It is what it is. The music is a living, breathing, evolving thing, it’s always going to reflect the influences of the people who made it and we will probably be having this debate in a hundred years.

What can the audience expect at your Worcester show? We’re going to have

a blast. I come out onto stage with the expectation of making a connection with the crowd and more than on just a musical level. I want the fans to get back into their cars and me to get back onto the bus and think, “wow that was a one-of-a-kind experience, you can’t download, can’t watch on YouTube, you really had to be there. That’s what I strive for every night. It’s not about singing the notes right because that certainly does not always happen, it’s not about playing all the songs, it’s really about the connection and I think I’ve gotten a lot better at it in the last five or six years, showing my personality so I’m really enjoying it more than ever. -Steven King, Photographer



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