3 minute read
Connell Sanders
At-home workouts HIIT the spot

SARAH CONNELL SANDERS pilates, boxing, barre, or aerial sition to spend a lot on a trainer, There are few things I treasure more than the feeling of post-workout bliss — a sensation that yoga, there are plenty of options at your fingertips. MIT grad Scott Carlson recently launched the Squatz app as a marketplace solution for fitness trainers, many right now,” posed Carlson, “You could organize a group of people who each throw in ten bucks, post it on the app, and pretty soon you and your friends in Worcester are is hardest for me to conjure in the of whom faced career setbacks enjoying a live private yoga class cold. A few weeks back, I put out over the last year due to COVID. taught by a professional Broadway an ask on Instagram to find out “There are approximately 400,000 dancer in New York.” how my community is staying personal trainers in the U.S. who active during this one-of-a-kind are out of work,” Carlson pointed Walk the dog winter. Immediately, my feed out before asking, “How can they Working from home and avoidfilled with endorsements for access their clients and continue ing other humans has definitely Tabata and other popular HIIT to deliver their core services?” The abated my motivation to stay fit. regimens that can be done from answer was clear: virtual fitness. In our household, we’re about to the comfort of one’s own home. Trainers on Squatz can set their take a drastic measure: we are Here’s the skinny: own rates and schedules after getting a puppy. I will try not to let ...Or the fat or the muscular or submitting to background checks this column metamorphose into a the hourglass or the pear shape. and providing documentation of second-rate knockoff of “Marley & Bodies are different and that’s the their credentials. Trainees have Me,” but I’ve already revealed my way I like them. Tabata and other popular HIIT regimens can be completed from the freedom to co-create their ex- admiration for Jennifer Aniston the comfort of one’s own home. periences by putting out specific once this week and I fear it may
HIIT & Tabata PROMOTIONAL IMAGE bids that suit their own lifestyles. be too late. See you out there.
HIIT stands for High-intensity “Let’s say you aren’t in the pointerval training. Basically, alternating all-out exercise with active The Class by Taryn Toomey recovery. Tabata is a specific I am partial to The Class, a routine developed in the ‘90s by goopy combination of HIIT, Japanese professor Izumi Tabata meditation and dance favored by in which each exercise lasts for the venerable Jennifer Aniston. The Class was created by former Dior executive Taryn Toomey. Workouts offer music-driven collaborations $100 Special with artists such as Alabama forthe Shakes, Amos Lee and Gregory Month Alan Isakov. Every session ends in an oddly emotional of January Sterling Garnet Silver BezelSet Bangle Bracelet heart clearing The Squatz app safely connects fitness exercise derived trainers to their clients. from a variety of PROMOTIONAL IMAGE ancient meditation practices. four minutes. The four-minute It’s kind of like swimming the blocks are broken down further butterfly on your living room floor Since1937 into 20-second spurts of exertion followed by 10-second resting while releasing a series of dramat ic exhales through your mouth. Worcester’s Fine Jewelers periods. I have a handful of friends who gather regularly for Tabata File it away under, “Things I would have never tried a year ago.” Gold StarBoulevard|19Glennie St.inWorcester |508·791·2211 sessions on Zoom. Others turn CLOSED SUNDAY &MONDAY ·TUES-WED 9:00AM-5:30PM ·THURS 9:00AM-7:00PM ·FRI 9:00AM-5:00PM ·SAT 9:00AM-4:00PM to popular Youtubers like Chloe The Squats App Ting or local trainers such as KYA Fitness for a HIIT fix. If you require a highly specific form of training for say, Tai Chi, sharfmansjewelers.com Like us on Facebook