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Last Call
Sarah Lerman-Sinkoff, gas leak researcher
Veer Mudambi Worcester Magazine USA TODAY NETWORK
Sarah Lerman-Sinkoff is a PhD student in geography at Clark University, with a focus on human environment geography — the relationship between people and their environment. Having been specifically interested in community research methods, she works to investigate how involving the people directly affected by environmental hazards can open up new possibilities. Since arriving in Worcester in 2018, Lerman-Sinkoff has been working with Mothers Out Front Worcester to address the issue of unrepaired gas leaks while helping the city prepare for a transition away from fossil fuels. She sat down with Last Call to discuss alternative ways to get public stakeholders involved and what researchers can learn if they actively engage with the public.
What first struck you about this and made it unique?
The structural dynamics of the issue are what makes it unique. It’s the different groups of people — those concerned about trees killed by gas leaks, those who can’t pay for heat and those who are worried about the infrastructure and climate change.
One of the first meetings I ever went to was a rate case in Worcester. Anytime utilities want to build more infrastructure or raise rates, they have to have a hearing because it is regulated. All these climate activists were there as well as ordinary people who felt their gas bills were too high. People who were already struggling to pay for heat and getting a letter in the mail saying their rates were going up, were in the same room with people who were asking why are we investing more in fossil fuels in the first place.
So that was something you hadn’t seen before?
There is this stereotype about environmentalism — that environmentalist concerns are outside the day-to-day struggles of people dealing with social and economic justice. Seeing how it is connected — who can afford to pay for heat is very much related to class and race. Thinking about the stereotypical tree-hugging environmentalist — if you want to hug the trees, then you need to consider the larger dynamics in the city.
What was different about working in the Worcester community?
I really want to highlight the work of MOF Worcester. They are a very facts and information driven group and I feel really lucky that I can work with them. As a researcher, being welcomed into community organizing is not a given, it takes time to build trust and every community is different. MOF is a statewide organization but its core is local moms and caregivers. They’re all working moms in the pandemic and I had to adapt to working with people who weren’t paid staff and just interested moms.
What did you do before this?
Before this, I was working with the West Harlem Environmental Action Inc. that was focused on noise monitoring of a proposed bus depot. Working on that, we went in and actually talked to people and found the reason everyone is exposed to all this noise is because they keep their windows open because they don’t have air conditioning. We use the data we collected about noise to advocate for an AC program for seniors. For me that really changed my perspective on how the process of how you do the research really matters. If you talk to people, the type of information and interventions that can come out of that can be a lot more than if you’re just narrowly focused.
That really stuck with me and in a similar sense with the gas, it’s about the process. Can residents better find gas in their environment, can they identify the signs of a gassed tree? Those are the learning goals but my hope is that through that process of reviewing the data that it will open up other ways for us to think about gas and organizing.
What would you want people to know?
About the study itself, is that kids and families really appreciate learning about the system that’s under their feet and affecting their lives. Doing that detective work of reading street medallions and interpreting the street repair can be really fun. The state of Massachusetts is in the midst of this gigantic energy transition where we have to significantly decarbonize under the FUTR act. This is going to affect millions of citizens using gas, whether we electrify or use alternative energy. Since that choice is in front of us, we can make this more democratic because people really appreciate being brought in.
What I want people to understand is that we’re at a major inflection point. If those who can afford it transition to electric, that will leave everybody who can’t afford to and the renters holding the bag. Unless it’s done on a citywide scale or more, unless really everyone is involved in making this system equitable, it could really leave some people stranded. My goal is to make sure nobody is left behind.
So your work isn’t really about the data of gas leaks, like gas killed this many trees on this street, it’s more about teaching people about these facts?
Yeah, exactly. We are doing some other work testing low cost devices to see if we could give those to tree stores to detect gas. But yes, there are other researchers really trying to nail down how much gas is being leaked, and my research is much more about how you research and how we can better involve people in the transition.
And you have found that people want to know more?
Yes, people like to have context for what’s happening in their environment, they like to know why trees are dying on their street. They appreciate knowing why things are happening around them.
Sounds like you’re laying the groundwork for a major change in how people view energy and the environment.
Yeah, like isn’t it wild that we have this system where we pipe in explosive gas and essentially all live on top of it? That might have been necessary at one time but what are our alternatives and is this really the way that we want to do this?
Sarah Lerman-Sinkoff is a PhD student in geography at Clark University, and works with Mothers Out Front. MOTHERS OUT FRONT