3 minute read
Worcester Housing Authority Public Notice
TheWorcesterHousingAuthorityinvites sealed bids for Furnishing
and Installation of Intercom
Systems atWHA’sproperty12-21, locatedat2LafayettePlace,inaccordance with the documents preparedbyWHA.Theworkisestimated to cost $19,000. Projectconsistsofbutisnotlimited to:Furnishingandinstallationofan Intercom System as described in the specifications and drawings. BidformsandContractDocuments willbemadeavailableontheWorcester Housing Authority website (http://www.worcesterha.org/curre ntbids.html)atnocost.Hardcopies willbemadeavailableonFebruary 25,2021attheWorcesterHousing Authority, Department of Modernization, 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester,MA01605andthereafter,Monday thru Friday 8:00 A.M. through 4:30 P. M. Copies of the contract documents may be obtained by depositing $50.00 intheformofa company check, made payable to the Worcester Housing Authority, for each set of documents so obtained. General Bids will be received until 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday March 10th,2021 attheWorcesterHousing Authority, Department of Modernization, 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester,MA01605atwhichtimeand placeallbidswillbeopenedandresults published. APre-bidConferencewillbeheldat 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday,March2, 2021 at2LafayettePlace,Worcester,MA 01605,atwhichtimebidderswillbeinvitedtovisittheproject site with a Worcester Housing Authority representative. All attendees are required to comply with State COVID-19 guidelines. SnowDateforsitevisitwillbeheld at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 4th,2021. Failuretoattendorvisit thepremisesshallbenodefensein failure to perform contract terms.
Project completion date by: Friday, April 16, 2021.

Worcester Housing Authority Worcester Housing Authority Public Notice Public Notice
TheWorcesterHousingAuthorityin- TheWorcesterHousingAuthorityinvites sealed bids for Furnishing vites sealed bids for Furnishing
and Installation of Fire Alarm and Installation of Intercom
Systems atWHA’sproperty12-01, Systems atWHA’sproperty12-21, located at 35-45 Freedom Way, in locatedat2LafayettePlace,inacaccordance with the documents cordance with the documents prepreparedbyWHA.Theworkisesti- paredbyWHA.Theworkisestimatmated to cost $15,000. ed to cost $19,000. Projectconsistsofbutisnotlimited Projectconsistsofbutisnotlimited to:Furnishingandinstallationofan to:Furnishingandinstallationofan Fire Alarm System as described in Intercom System as described in the specifications and drawings. the specifications and drawings. BidformsandContractDocuments BidformsandContractDocuments willbemadeavailableontheWor- willbemadeavailableontheWorcester Housing Authority website cester Housing Authority website (http://www.worcesterha.org/curre (http://www.worcesterha.org/curre ntbids.html)atnocost.Hardcopies ntbids.html)atnocost.Hardcopies willbemadeavailableon February willbemadeavailableonFebruary 25,2021 attheWorcesterHousing 25,2021attheWorcesterHousing Authority, Department of Moderni- Authority, Department of Modernization, 81 Tacoma Street, Worces- zation, 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester,MA01605andthereafter,Mon- ter,MA01605andthereafter,Monday thru Friday 8:00 A.M. through day thru Friday 8:00 A.M. through 4:30 P. M. Copies of the contract 4:30 P. M. Copies of the contract documents may be obtained by documents may be obtained by depositing $50.00 intheformofa depositing $50.00 intheformofa company check, made payable to company check, made payable to the Worcester Housing Authority, the Worcester Housing Authority, for each set of documents so ob- for each set of documents so obtained. tained. General Bids will be received until General Bids will be received until 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday March 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday March 10th,2021 attheWorcesterHous- 10th,2021 attheWorcesterHousing Authority, Department of Mod- ing Authority, Department of Modernization, 81 Tacoma Street, Wor- ernization, 81 Tacoma Street,Worcester,MA01605atwhichtimeand cester,MA01605atwhichtimeand placeallbidswillbeopenedandre- placeallbidswillbeopenedandresults published. sults published. APre-bidConferencewillbeheldat APre-bidConferencewillbeheldat 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday,March2, 2nd, 2021 at35-45FreedomWay, 2021 at2LafayettePlace,WorcesWorcester, MA 01605, at which ter,MA 01605,atwhichtimebidtimebidderswillbeinvitedtovisit derswillbeinvitedtovisittheprojthe project site with a Worcester ect site with a Worcester Housing Housing Authority representative. Authority representative. All atAll attendees are required to com- tendees are required to comply plywithStateCOVID-19guidelines. with State COVID-19 guidelines. SnowDateforsitevisitwillbeheld SnowDateforsitevisitwillbeheld at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, March at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 4th,2021. Failuretoattendorvisit 4th,2021. Failuretoattendorvisit thepremisesshallbenodefensein thepremisesshallbenodefensein failure to perform contract terms. failure to perform contract terms.
Project completion date by: Project completion date by: Friday, April 16, 2021. Friday, April 16, 2021.
Sudoku Answers
Prayer to the Blessed Virgin
(Never known to fail) O most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist meinthismynecessity,OStarof the Sea, help me and show me where you are my mother. O HolyMary,MotherofGod,Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseechtheefromthebottomof myhearttosuccormeinmynecessity, (make request). There arenonethatcanwithstandyour power, O Mary, conceived withoutsin,prayforuswhohaverecoursetothee(threetimes).Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands (three times). Say this prayerforthreeconsecutivedays andyoumustpublishitandyour request will be granted to you. DMH NeedAFriend?Prayer to the Blessed Virgin (Never known to fail) O most Call Dial-A-Friend beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, 508-852-5242 fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist Inspirational meinthismynecessity,OStarof the Sea, help me and show me Messages where you are my mother. O Recorded HolyMary,MotherofGod,Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly Daily beseechtheefromthebottomof myhearttosuccormeinmynecessity, (make request). There 24HoursEveryday arenonethatcanwithstandyour power, O Mary, conceived withoutsin,prayforuswhohaverecoursetothee(threetimes).Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands (three times). Say this prayerforthreeconsecutivedays andyoumustpublishitandyour request will be granted to you. DMH
Call Dial-A-Friend 508-852-5242
Inspirational Messages Recorded Daily
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