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rt is always in season. The Davis Gallery can be found packed with art aďŹ cionados peeling off winter jackets as they gaze at work hung on walls in the hallway while their cars are being layered with snow on Portland Street. I’ve welcomed the cool, quiet atmosphere of other art spaces on summer afternoons when Worcester is blazing with temperatures close to 100 degrees. Artists and those of us who simply appreciate the creative works on display throughout our city and surrounding areas are not tempered by the time of year, however, that doesn’t mean with spring now ofďŹ cially here – as far as the equinox is concerned – it isn’t a good time to celebrate the many theater and musical performances, author talks, art festivals and installations of new and collected artwork that will be on display this season. Hold on to this issue through June 21 as a reminder and guide to the vibrant arts community Worcester is lucky to enjoy.
-Brittany Durgin, Editor
Worcester Mag is not liable for typographical errors in advertisements.
EDITORIAL: 508.749.3166 SALES: 508.749.3166 E-MAIL: editor@worcestermag.com Worcester Mag, 101 Water St. Worcester, MA 01604 worcestermag.com
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March 21 - 27, 2013 ■ Volume 38, Number 29
Gay teens work through ‘awkward’ times oming out as a gay teen was “a bit uncomfortable,” says Richie, a student at South High Community School. He only told his friends, but his mother stumbled upon her son’s secret on social media. She did not talk to him for a couple days, he says, but the cold shoulder did not last for long. As tough as it was announcing he is a homosexual – “The whole process was an awkward scene filled with mixed emotions” – it also was a catharsis for him. “I lost a little, but I gained a lot,” Richie says. For another Worcester teen, ninth grade was the worst time of his life. “I don’t know if it was because of being gay, but there were a lot of things going on in my life and every day I would think, ‘who would miss me if I died?’ But I couldn’t think of anyone who would,” the boy, a student at Burncoat High School, says. “I used to pop pain medicine, but not to kill myself, just to numb myself. I stopped as soon as I found out it can cause long-term damage. But I wish I had the opportunity to talk to someone about it. My freshman year was the worst year of my life and I wasn’t comfortable with anyone.” School, he admits, “is a little different for me.” Some of the changes have been positive. “It seems as if ever since I came out I had more friends. Everyone was more accepting of me being different besides the few homophobic people I came across,” he says. “A couple of people still tried bullying me, but I was a much stronger person by that time and I was
able to stick up for myself. I figured I had more friends because I feel like I could be myself and I didn’t care who judged me.” A 15-year-old student at Worcester Technical High School tells Worcester Mag he lost a lot of friends after telling people he was gay and has been called “homo,” “fag,” and “gay.” Most of his teachers do not know he is gay, the boy says, “but the ones who do don’t treat me any different.” He came out to some people in eighth grade and everyone else when he was a freshman. His family, he says, accepted him, but that did not make it easy. “I did get called a few names and at one point I regretted ever telling anyone,” he says. “It was hard to come out. At first it was scary.” All three teens say they received varying degrees of support, but the common thread is that, for the most part, they were welcomed by their peers in school (one boy says he did not fit in with the gay community at South High). Some schools have a Gay Straight Alliance (GSA), but participation is a problem; at Doherty Memorial High School, for example, the GSA is just about defunct because of a lack of interest, according to engineering teacher Annette Cochran, who coordinated the club. “I don’t know if they didn’t know about it or they just didn’t want to be as active.” Another school activity, the PEACH (Promoting Exercise And Continuous Health) Club, drew some students away from the GSA, she says. As for the culture at Doherty and the willingness of students to accept kids with different sexualities, Cochran points to the overall make-up of the student body. “We
have a very diverse community here,” she says. “As a whole, kids are more accepting and more inquisitive to learn about different situations. They want to know the person. There is a lot more process that they want to do.” That does not mean there is no conflict, she adds. “There are kids that stand fast in their beliefs,” Cochran says. “That’s fine. They go their separate ways.” The environment is similar at South, according to English teacher and GSA Coordinator Joe McKay. “I think the acceptance is very high,” he says. “My observation is, in some ways, [gay] students are a little more sophisticated than other students. I don’t mean they’re all caught up in themselves, but their openness seems to work so that they’re not getting any threats to them. They seem to be able to take their own sexuality in stride.” When there are slurs and bullying, each victim has a different way of handling them. South High Principal Maureen Binienda says she was amazed just last week when she read a paper titled “Paper Cuts,” written by a senior at the school. The boy wrote about being called “faggot” in middle school, Binienda says. He equated the bullying to receiving paper cuts. “I couldn’t believe the quality of the writing,” she says. “He’s a great kid who’s going on to college now.” While student conflict happens, the larger problems often occur within the families of the gay or lesbian student. “Some cultures don’t like their choices,” continued on page 7
All snowbanks aren’t created equal.” – At-Large Councilor Rick Rushton overheard during a City Council meeting after inquiring about a 15-foot-high snowbank at corner of Carmel Road, where residents were afraid they would be ticketed for parking where they shouldn’t because of the mound of snow.
A weekly quality of life check-in of Worcester
The University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS) ranks ninth in primary care education out of 126 medical schools and 23 schools of osteopathic medicine, according to U.S. News & World Report’s 2014 “Best Graduate Schools.” +2
Mariann Manno, M.D., a pediatric emergency medical physician and the Director of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at UMass Memorial Children’s Medical Center (UMMCMC), honored by peers as 2013 Community Clinician of the Year of the Worcester District Medical Society. +2
There was no mercy for the Holy Cross men’s hockey team as they fell to Mercyhurst in the Atlantic Hockey Tournament quarterfinals. It was the second straight season the Crusaders were knocked out. -2
+4 +2 -3 +2 +2 -2 -2+2 -2 4
City salary report shows female city employees greatly outnumbered by men when it comes to earning more than six figures annually. -3
The College of the Holy Cross named to the 2013 President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll. +2
Seriously? More snow? Mother Nature brings another March surprise to Worcester County. -2
Worcester faces $5 million-plus fiscal 2014 budget gap – not as bad as some communities, but nonetheless necessitating some belt-tightening. -2
Becker College ranked for fourth consecutive year by The Princeton Review as a top school to study game design. +2
Shrewsbury church appoints first female senior minister. +4
Total for this week:
Walter Bird Jr.
{ citydesk }
Homeless students could get year-round home at Worcester State Walter Bird Jr.
iven the alarming number of youths and young adults identified as homeless in Worcester – 120 youths taking part in a survey last year identified themselves as homeless – it is not a stretch to think some of them might be college students. Helping those and other kids who have gone through the state’s mental health and children and families systems is the impetus behind a partnership between Worcester State University (WSU) and the Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Action Corps (RFK). Actually, it is a planned new partnership; the two have worked together before. RFK has applied for funding through the Department of Mental Health (DMH) and Department of Children and Families (DCF) that, if awarded, would have Worcester State provide free room and board for a predetermined number of qualifying freshmen who are either homeless or have received services
through one or both of the state agencies. RFK would provide staffing and other onsite support at the university for the students. “Worcester State is servicing those students right now, they just may not know it,” says Terry Shanley, senior vice president of Human Resources and Administration for RFK, acknowledging the existing ties between the university and RFK that include internships for students. “I think our focus was the fact that we already have a strong collaboration with Worcester State University.” Through the partnership, Worcester State would house the students, who would have to meet the school’s admission requirements, year-round. The school would provide office space for RFK staff as well as access to other services, such as academic advisors. “RFK would provide clinicians for counseling and other support as well as continued on page 6
This summer, go somewhere great.
CHANGE THE WAY THE WORLD WORKS Register now for graduate and undergraduate summer classes at Worcester State University. We offer over 300 courses taught by award-winning and dynamic professors that provide the real world experience you need to get ahead. Sessions run from May 20th – June 28th and July 1st – August 9th. Register now at worcester.edu or call for more information at 508.929.8127. MARCH 21, 2013 • WORCESTERMAG.COM
{ citydesk } HOMELESSNESS continued from page 5
make sure the students maintain contact with their community,â€? Shanley says. The students would be spared the approximately $18,000 cost for a year’s worth of tuition and room and board. Shanley says RFK would look to ďŹ nd a way to help the students, both ďŹ nancially and with other services, through an entire four-year education at Worcester State. “If we were to receive the contract our staff would be committed to working with them straight through their college career,â€? Shanley says. The idea, according to WSU President Barry Maloney, is to give a fair shot to kids who may have struggled more than
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others. “It’s really just about trying to level the playing ďŹ eld,â€? says Maloney, whose school serves more than 1,000 students. “I’m not aware of this being done in Massachusetts before,â€? Shanley says. The grant is competitive; neither Shanley nor Maloney know which other schools and organizations have applied. Maloney says he received word last week that no decision had been made yet. The program could prove particularly beneďŹ cial for potential Worcester State students right in the university’s own back yard. “We have talked with South [Community] High School about the contract,â€? Shanley says. “There could be students who meet the criteria to be accepted into Worcester State. [Principal] Maureen [Binienda] would be a natural. She has many of these students in her school.â€? RFK would consider successful high school students throughout the state, according to Shanley. “If we were to get the contract our agency would reach out to all kinds of numbers of agencies throughout the state for referrals.â€? Being able to include some of her students in the RFK partnership with Worcester State would be more than satisfying for Binienda. “A dream of mine
was always to buy a three-decker and put South High kids who were homeless in there and connect them with colleges,â€? she says. “Some kids struggle with home issues. They would get the opportunity of not worrying about where they were going to live or get food or whether they were going to get into college.â€? Binienda says South High had 177 students last year that would qualify as homeless, meaning they were couch surďŹ ng or otherwise unaccompanied by an adult. The number was the highest in the district, according to Binienda, adding she does not know how many students qualify this year. Many students have gone through DCF, she says, and some have moved to the city from other areas and are under foster care here. “That’s why it would make a difference if we could provide this support,â€? Binienda says. “I love the idea. They would live in college and go for free. I hope they do [get the contract]. That would be one of the most unique grants they ever came up with.â€? Have a news tip or comment? Contact Walter Bird Jr. at 508-749-3166, ext. 243, or email wbird@worcestermag.com. And don’t miss Walter with Paul Westcott on WTAG 580AM Thursdays at 8:35 a.m.
You & MCU Partners in Success! For complete information, visit www.millburycu.com WORCESTERMAG.COM • MARCH 21, 2013
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Walter Bird Jr.
A BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED MAN: Brian Paulsen went from breaking into cars and stealing iPods to cowering under a bridge in Elm Park. At least that’s what is alleged in the early Sunday morning, March 17 arrest of the 50-year-old man suspected of breaking into nine vehicles. According to Worcester’s ďŹ nest, Paulsen broke into his girlfriend’s car near 228 Park Ave. and headed to Elm Park, ďŹ rst allegedly threatening two men who were following him with a knife before hiding under one of the bridges. When he was caught, Paulsen allegedly had a knife, window punch and several stolen goods and money on him. He is also suspected of breaking into a Roxbury Street apartment. The alleged break-ins took place on Lee Street, Highland Street, Park Avenue and Ormund Street. The good news is some of the stolen merchandise was returned to its owners. ALL KNOTTED UP: Luis Ramos and Jose Garcia thought they were going to sell some of their heroin Friday – all bagged and knotted up – but instead they wound up arrested after their customer turned out to be an undercover cop (D-oh!). Turns out the two men were the subject of a sting. Police say Ramos resisted arrest and one ofďŹ cer hurt his leg in the scufe, trying to handcuff him. The 46-year-old Ramos of 45 Marsh Ave. and 31-year-old Jose Garcia of 173 Austin St., Apt. 3 each were charged with possession of a Class A substance with intent to distribute, distribution of a Class A substance and conspiracy to violate controlled substance laws. Ramos was also charged with resisting arrest, defacing public property or property of another and carrying a dangerous weapon (switchblade with brass knuckles). In addition he was charged on an outstanding warrant for larceny over $250. BUZZ KILL: It was high times for police and ďŹ reďŹ ghters who responded to a small apartment ďŹ re at 20 Cargill St. Thursday, March 14. The times weren’t quite as good for 32-year-old Trevor Arnell, however, who police say was growing a pot garden inside his second-oor apartment. The ďŹ re turned out to be no big deal, but when ďŹ reďŹ ghters turned on their heat detecting equipment to check the rest of the building, they were led to the second-oor apartment, where inside they found 15 marijuana plants growing inside a makeshift greenhouse tent. The heat ďŹ reďŹ ghters had detected was coming from the industrial lights mounted above the plants. Arnell was spotted outside the apartment and ran when police went after him. His ight didn’t last long – he was caught by police nearby and charged with possession of a Class D substance.
{ citydesk } 'LYRUFH 0HGLDWLRQ GAY TEENS continued from page 4
Cochran says. “I’ve seen here it happens in [the students’] own family and their culture did not accept their choice.â€? Dealing with middle and high school students over the past four to ďŹ ve years, Cochran says she has worked with “a handful of kids who struggled with their culture.â€? In those instances, she says, almost 95 percent of them ended up leaving their family. “I’ve seen it come full circle,â€? Cochran says. “The child gets into their mid- to late-20s and the parents say, ‘I don’t want to lose my child.’â€? For the most part, adds McKay, “it’s acceptance on the part of the family and relatives.â€? Richie ultimately found that, but not immediately. In retrospect, he thinks coming out could have gone a bit more smoothly. “Coming out as a homosexual teen was an idea played out in my mind that took forever to take into effect,â€? he
says. “But when it happened, it came quick! When I did come out, it was to my friends only until my mom found out. She didn’t support the idea and didn’t talk to me for a couple days. But guess what? She got over it. She knows I’m her son and she knows that she has to love me forever. “In the end, I’m glad everything happened, but in a way I wish I could go back in time just so I could prevent my mom from ďŹ nding out, simply because I wasn’t ready. I think that’s the number one thing to always remember: Do not do anything unless you’re ready. Its still a bit uncomfortable, but it’s pretty cool. And the students that go to school with me at South were, and still are, supportive. And it’s amazing.â€? Have a news tip or comment? Contact Walter Bird Jr. at 508-749-3166, ext. 243, or email wbird@worcestermag.com. And don’t miss Walter with Paul Westcott on WTAG 580AM Thursdays at 8:35 a.m.
The number of youths self-identiďŹ ed as homeless during the 2012 Point-In-Time Survey
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{ worcesteria } WHAT THEY THINK:
Emotions among the public ran high in the immediate aftermath of a Franklin Street car crash in which 27-year-old Christina Castro careened her vehicle into a parked car (moments after hitting another parked car and fleeing the scene), which resulted in the death of her 3-year-old. Family members were quoted as saying the woman had suffered enough and should not go to jail, so Worcester Mag asked its friends on Facebook: Should the mother go to jail or was the death of her youngest child punishment enough? The responses were immediate. Here are some of them: Scott Stevens writes: “Are you serious? That is an absurdly stupid question.” Stacy Baird says: “Seeing as she didn’t look very upset, about the death and injury of her children on the front page of the Telegram last week, I’d say she deserves it.” Another reader, Rich Ad Leufstedt adds: “Jail time isn’t good enough for her. As a medical worker I’m having a hard time feeling any empathy for her.” Mary McDonough says: “This question is beyond absurd. It’s offensive and cheapens the life lost and the lives forever changed by this woman’s reckless and thoughtless behavior. She can still breathe air and walk upright. Clearly, she hasn’t suffered at all.” Yonit Kasten remarks: “Seriously? Are you trying to contaminate the jury pool? She deserves a fair trial.”
Walter Bird Jr.
WHO’S RUNNING? Worcester Mag is your source for the latest on this year’s elections in Worcester. For local races, we’ll tell you who’s running, who has pulled out nomination papers, the whole enchilada. With that in mind, the biggest election talk is centered on former Mayor and At-Large Councilor Joe O’Brien, who has not taken out nomination papers, yet. O’Brien has told Worcester Mag he is considering running for School Committee and word on the street is that it’s a done deal. Also, Mesfin Beshir, who has pulled out papers to run for At-Large Council, says he will run for mayor (all at-large challengers are mayoral candidates until they indicate otherwise). Stay tuned. As for who else has pulled out papers for what race, here is the latest list from the city’s Election Division: Donna Colorio, Tracy O’Connell Novick, John Monfredo, Jack Foley, Brian O’Connell, Doug Arbetter and Dianna Biancheria (School Committee); Beshir, Arthur Ellis, Peter Kush, Konnie Lukes, Joe Petty, Michael Gaffney, William Feegbeh, Todd Williams, Kate Toomey, Rick Rushton, George Fox, Morris Bergman, Carmen Carmona and Miguel Cadiz (At-Large Councilor); Chris Rich and Tony Economou (District 1 Councilor); Phil Palmieri (District 2 Councilor); George Russell (District 3 Councilor); Cecelia Mason, Bill Eddy and Michael Harper (District 5 Councilor); Sarai Rivera (District 4 Councilor). WHAT’S GOING ON? Four other School
Committee members have signed onto a request initiated by Donna Colorio for Thursday night’s committee meeting. Colorio wants School Committee members included in all general emails sent to teachers, administrators and staff about events happening in the city’s public schools. Colorio says committee members are routinely kept out of the loop when it comes to school events. “It is important for School Committee Members to know about the events that are happening in the 44 Worcester Public Schools,” she says. According to Colorio about 5,000 emails go out every two or three weeks to teaching staff, administrators and others alerting them to what’s going on in the schools. School Committee members, she says, are not on the list. “When I asked to be included, I was told to go to the 44 different Worcester Public School websites to determine events occurring at our schools,” Colorio says. “I don’t understand why this is an issue; I will continue to make transparency a priority.” Signing onto the item are committee members Tracy O’Connell-Novick, Dianna Biancheria, John Monfredo and Brian O’Connell.
GAME ON: Worcester is in the running for one of four slot parlor licenses to be awarded in Massachusetts by the end of the year. Chicago-based , Rush Street Gaming, operating as , Mass Gaming & Entertainment LLC (MGE), has the city in its sights, although a spokesperson for the Massachusetts Gaming Commission (MGC) says it has not received official notification that the company is competing for Worcester. City Manager Mike O’Brien, however, says the city has been told Rush Gaming wants to build a slots parlor and hotel here. And MGE CEO Greg Carlin says Worcester as a logical choice for the developer. “It was quickly apparent to us that Worcester is the perfect location for the new gaming development,” says Carlin. “When developing our properties, we pride ourselves on customizing each project to the surrounding area and collaborating with the host community and other interested parties to build unique entertainment destinations.”
WSU and China Exchange
Worcester State University recently entered into a new student exchange agreement with United International College (UIC) in Zhuhai, China, while a memorandum of understanding with the intention of exploring other collaborative activities was signed by both WSU and UIC presidents. The exchange program provides overseas study programs for students in STEM fields, traditional humanities and social sciences, and business. Courses at UIC are taught in English, except for Chinese language and cultural history courses. The majority of UIC students are Chinese. UIC was formed less than a decade ago through a partnership between Beijing Normal University and Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), with the majority of UIC’s curriculum adopted from HKBU. UIC enrolled its first class in 2005 and currently has a student population of 4,400. The school is a 75-minute high-speed ferry ride from Hong Kong on the west side of the Pearl River delta area in southern China, where the climate is similar to southern Florida. “What makes the UIC experience accessible,” says WSU international programs interim director Katey Palumbo, “is both its language of instruction and its design as a traditional Western liberal arts curriculum,” and continues, “It’s a beautiful, compact, new campuswith good housing and a dining commons our students will recognize and enjoy.” This is the second Chinese institutional affiliation signed by current WSU President Barry Maloney; the first of which was signed last spring, with the boarding school Guangdong Country Garden School. Thirty-one teachers from the school spent three weeks on the Worcester campus last summer for K-12 professional development studies; it’s said a similar amount will visit this year.
Pansies for Progress
To help fund research and clinical drug trials at the University of Massachusetts Medical School here in Worcester, the Pancreatic Cancer Alliance is hosting its eight annual Pansies for Progress fundraiser now through Friday, March 27. The campaign offers a 4-inch pot of pansies for $5 or five 4-inch pots for $20 and delivery during the week of April 8-12. The flowers are grown and provided at a reduced rate by Sposato’s Greenhouse in Worcester. All money raised from the campaign will support and advance the research in pancreatic cancer being done at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, as well as patient care at the UMass Memorial Cancer Center of Excellence in Worcester. Since its inception, Pansies for Progress has raised mores than $60,000. Deadline to order pansies is Friday, March 27. Checks made out to UMMF/PCA and contributions should be mailed to UMass Memorial Foundation/Pancreatic Cancer Alliance, 333 South Street, Shrewsbury, MA 01545. Businesses or organizations wishing to participate should contact Bill Massey at Pansies@PancreaticAlliance.org. The UMass Memorial Foundation is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 charitable organization with Tax-ID 04-3108190. Send notes about Worcester colleges and universities, works of art by students and staff, opinion pieces and other higher-ed related content to editor@worcestermag.com with contact information to be considered for publication.
motivated? confident? enjoy sales? email resume to hlinnehan@worcestermag.com MARCH 21, 2013 • WORCESTERMAG.COM
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The Rosen
Fair Taxation and the Common Good Slot machines will bring
Joe O’Brien and Kenneth O’Brien
ood government, first rate public services, fair taxation: Massachusetts once stood for all that. Republicans like Frank Sargent, Democrats like Ted Kennedy, and more recently independent legislators like Congressman Jim McGovern, all thought there was a public interest and it was their job to take care of it. Governor Deval Patrick and Lt. Governor Tim Murray have revived this Massachusetts tradition, persuading us that good government is possible, that excellent public services are our shared responsibility, and now they are making a strong case that taxes should be fair. Unfortunately, so far Republicans are attacking the Governor’s plan while most Democratic leaders are running for cover. Only a few courageous Democrats, like Representative Jim O’Day, have had the courage to join the Governor and Lt. Governor in taking on the fair tax question. Make no mistake, there is a very big fair tax question in Massachusetts, founding home of American good democratic government. We accept a flat state income tax, even when our federal government and many states have more progressive graduated taxation as a fundamental principal. We rely very heavily on regressive sales tax that falls disproportionately on people of limited income. And, sadly, we now have become even more reliant on revenue from various forms of gambling. The lottery is big part of our political landscape and now state budgets are now being built around expected revenues from casinos. What would Puritan icon John Winthrop or founding mother and father John and Abigail Adams think of relying on gambling to meet more and more of our public obligations? Add annual pressures that place lots of weight on residential property taxes while local communities bid against each other offering decades-long tax exemptions for new business construction. We in Massachusetts should and can do better.
Gary Rosen
Soon Worcester and three other cities will be competing for the one slot parlor license that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will be awarding later this year. If the proposal by a subsidiary of Rush Gaming out of Chicago is successful, it will mean construction and casino jobs, significant revenue and most likely a new hotel for our city.
Worcester’s slot parlor is proposed for Kelley Square’s biggest eyesore, the hazardous waste cesspool owned by Wyman-Gordon Co. After the site is cleaned up, anything built there would be an improvement. Certainly a slot parlor that is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and that also offers table games, will add thousands of gamblers a day to the hundreds of drinkers who already frequent the popular Canal District. So, I join many city leaders and taxpayers in supporting this gaming venture. Downtown’s CitySquare can only be enhanced by the presence of its new neighbor, SlotsSquare. And even JetBlue
By Steven King
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continued on page 11
revenue and pain to Worcester
giddyup • MARCH 21, 2013
might decide to offer high rollers flights in and out of the Worcester Regional Airport. However, my genuine enthusiasm for bringing slots to the city does come with some misgivings. That’s because slot machine addiction is so common and costly to individuals and their families that it has been coined the “crack cocaine” of gambling. John Scarne, famed magician and expert on cards and other games, once said, “My last piece of advice to the degenerate slot player who thinks he can beat the one-armed bandit consists of four little words: ‘It can’t be done.’” Unfortunately, my occasional trips to Foxwoods and Twin River Casinos have persuaded me that Scarne was right. Through compelling graphics, vivid colors, sound effects, free bonus games, and other assorted bells and whistles, slot machines are designed to be seductive and addictive. They are mechanical pickpockets - the cash cows that keep casinos running. Just ask William Bennett, Secretary of Education under Ronald Reagan and drug czar in the first Bush administration. At casinos, he’d enter a state of total gambling immersion and, playing $100-$500 a-pull slots, Bennett lost upwards of $10 million before facing his gambling addiction. The brainchildren of talented and creative graduates of fine schools such as Worcester’s own Becker College and WPI, slot machines require no thought or skill on the player’s part. These unforgiving machines simply do what they were designed to do - take in much more money than they pay out. In other words, the house wins and the slot player loses. With the promise of huge jackpots, slots can be an expensive and painful tease. Waiting for that next spin that will change their life forever, some players deplete their savings, cash in their family’s insurance policies and lose their home or business. And once their spouse and kids are gone, they then know they’ve hit rock bottom. One of my biggest fears is that too many of our seniors, who now stay mentally, physically and emotionally healthy by frequenting the Worcester Senior Center, will all too often travel a mere half mile down Vernon Hill to the slot parlor. Even a small gambling loss can have a major impact on retirees with fixed incomes. In any case, casinos and slot parlors are harmless entertainment for most people. The loud music, sounds of spinning reels and of coins being won, free booze, gluttonous buffets, fine shopping, entertainment, indoor smoking, rewards points and free gifts are all part of the fun. On rare occasion, people hit big on the slots. But, the long lines at the casino’s ATMs show that winning consistently is impossible and that slot machines are for suckers.
commentary | opinions YOUR TURN continued from page 10
Let’s walk through the Patrick/Murray argument. First there are such things as public goods, like education, public safety, social services and transportation. These are things we do together as a people to maintain our common life. This is what philosophers mean by the common good. Patrick and Murray, like other democratic leaders of the past, believe that these public goods are the shared responsibility of all of us. They make the case that we need more revenue to maintain these common goods. In order to meet our responsibilities we will need somewhat higher taxes. The national Republican party has crippled itself as a trusted custodian of public business by signing onto a demagogic pledge of “no new taxes” after showering billions of dollars of tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans during the Bush era. They even persuaded many good citizens that allowing the unwise and unsuccessful tax cuts for the wealthy to expire was a tax increase rather than a tax reform correcting an earlier mistake. And anti-tax Republicans have plenty of Democratic party collaborators who avoid mentioning capital gains tax rates or the indefensible “carried interest” loophole
that protects very wealthy people and serves no conceivable public purpose. So the Governor and Lt. Governor are now boldly asking us to reduce our reliance on the regressive sales tax and consider modest increases in the income tax that will make that tax a little less flat and a little more fair. Once upon a time it was a mantra in economics classes and fair-minded families that ability to pay was one component of determining fair allocation of taxes. We called that progressive taxation, and it worked very well. During our era of greatest economic growth and most widely shared prosperity, the 1950s, the federal income tax ranged up to 90% on the highest incomes. No one advocates returning to those levels, but every serious candidate for public office should explain what is meant by fair and effective taxation. But don’t blame politicians alone for avoiding tough issues of public revenues, spending and debt. “No new taxes” pledges are irresponsible, and so are exaggerated claims about abuse and distracting arguments about closing “loopholes” to solve problems without pain. But politicians do badly on these matters because we do. When given the opportunity we in Massachusetts voted
against the progressive income tax, we adopted proposition 2 ½, binding local communities and essential services to the state with no plan to meet those responsibilities. And in 2008 30% of us voted to abolish the state income tax altogether. Surely the Governor and Lt. Governor knew that they would have trouble with Republicans and far too many Democrats, but they took a chance on us to recognize that there is a better way to fund our community’s needs. Governor Patrick, Lt Governor Murray and brave legislators are now offering us in Massachusetts another chance to carry on our tradition of good citizenship and shared responsibility. We can choose to support their effort to build a better Commonwealth by making targeted investments in education, transportation and infrastructure that will benefit cities like Worcester, towns like Holden and all the people in the Commonwealth. Let’s join them in rebuilding a rich and successful common life, together. Joe O’Brien is a former Worcester Mayor and current City Councilor. Kenneth O’Brien is a small business owner and former Holden Selectman
I’m always happy to see a district contested like District 5 is because it means more people will be paying attention to the issues there. One of Eddy’s weaknesses is that he tends to forget there’s a southern half of the district (which might explain why one of the polling places is up a hill and inaccessible by public transporation on election day). With two opponents looking for any advantage they can get, he’s going to need to prove that he’s not just willing to advocate for Tatnuck Square, but Webster Square, too. -TFW Concilor Eddy has done his work. Has been very responsive to constituent needs. As chairman of the Public Safety Committee has led the charge to place more cops on the streets and is concerned about the well being of not just D5 but the city as a whole.....as the city goes so goes D5........Eddy definitely deserves re-election..... -Q To join the discussion, visit worcestermag.com/ blogs/dailyworcesteria
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springartspreview STEVEN KING
“Damn! It’s been a crazy year for sure!” says Herra Terra’s lead vocalist, John Paul Tonelli. “A lot of tall ladders climbed and line changes made.”
Worcester band, Herra Terra. From left: Shawn Pelkey, John Tonelli, Adrian Bettencourt Andrade and Gregg Kusumah-Atmadja.
The band returns to Ralph’s on Friday, March 22, for a show that should get the party girls moving on the dance floor for HT’s self described “synth-rock porn pop.” The band is excited to be back at Ralph’s, their “home away from home,” according to Tonelli. “We grew up there, made some good and bad decisions. Festival,” says Tonelli, “we made some Maybe even got kicked out a few times... major moves concerning band members The shows at Ralph’s are more like a and our record label. We parted ways with reunion of souls, than an event. If you our drummer, due to a conflict of interest. experience the evening with an open Pretty much, the same goes for our label. mind, it will be on your party calendar They are a post rock/instrumental-based every time.” label. It was hard for them to figure out “Just come with your dancing shoes what to do for us, so we just needed to and your booze face,” he says. press the restart button on a few things.” The Ralph’s show marks the first time With their new drummer, Shawn that HT shares the stage with Boston’s Pelkey, the band - Tonelli on vocals, Animal Talk, though Tonelli says that Gregg Kusumah-Atmadja on guitar and they’ve “been trying to get on a show synths, and Adrian Bettencourt Andrade with this killer band for a while.” Tonelli on bass and synths - “toured and played says that “HT has shared the stage with pretty much every weekend in 2012,” says Boston’s RIBS a few times,” and he says Tonelli. “We also wrote, recorded and self that they “kill it every time.” Lastly, released our new EP Hyperborean. We according to Tonelli, “Coralcola will be have been real busy, to say the least, and closing out the night with an hourlong we’re not planning on stopping any time dance party.” soon.” The Ralph’s show on Friday will also In addition to new personnel and a celebrate the release of a new video for “Reason to Lose It,” from their new EP, on new label, HT enlisted the help of Marcus Ohanesian, of Honor Roll Booking and March 21. Management (producer of Worcester’s “After playing the SXSW Music 12 W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M • M A R C H 2 1 , 2 0 1 3
Open Road festival). “The kid is a saint and has been the glue holding this ship together over the past year,” says Tonelli. Big-time gigs in New York City, Boston, and Providence, to name just a few stops on their 2012 touring, has paid off with a slot on the Boston Rock ‘n’ Roll Rumble. According to Tonelli, “WFNX [Boston] was playing our track, ‘Portals’ a bunch. That led Anngelle Wood over at [WZLX’s] Boston Emissions to ask us to be involved with The Rumble this year.” Asked how the band felt to be involved with this legendary and respected battle of the bands, Tonelli says, “We’re all pretty pumped about it. The Rumble is something we always went to as listeners. So, it’s an honor to be involved with the competition this year. We’re not really looking to win anything; it’s more of a ‘rite of passage’ for us.” “Portals,” the opening track on the continued on next page
{music} March 23 JAY CAMPBELL at Clark University, 950 Main St. Cellist Jay Campbell performs, along with new works by Clark University music professors John Aylward and Matt Malsky March 30 CELTIC CROSSROADS at The Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St. “The most exhilarating and authentic show to come from Ireland in decades … an explosion of youthful energy and dazzling musicianship.” Tickets $32-$42 April 3 YUNGCHEN LHAMO in concert at Clark University in Razzo Hall, 92 Downing St. The world’s leading Tibetan vocalist performs songs infused with quiet, spiritual power of Tibetan Buddhism with a 21st-century global feel.
April 8 BOZ SCAGGS at The Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St. Grammy award-winning Boz Scaggs combines rock, jazz, R&B and blues. His performance in Worcester is his only in Massachusetts this spring. Tickets $39-$59
April 20 CLARK UNIVERSITY CONCERT CHOIR at St. Peters Church, 929 Main St. Christine Noel conducts and directs the performance.
{ springartspreview }
April 29 THE LIVING ROOM CONCERT at Clark University in the Fuller Music Center in Estabrook Hall, 950 Main St. New student compositions with contemporary classics
May 4 STOMP at The Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St. Stomp, a production combining percussion and movement, is an all-ages show. Tickets $22-$52
April 12 MINDLESS SELF INDULGENCE at The Palladium, 261 Main St. With special guest Death Spells Tickets $25/$28 day of show
May 4 CHORALE BON VOYAGE PERFORMANCE at Our Lady of Angels Church, 1222 Main St., Worcester Worcester State University Chorale performs one last time before leaving for their tour of Itay. Tickets $7-$12 May 6 SPRING STUDENT RECITAL at Worcester State University in the Sullivan Auditorium, 486 Chandler St. A variety of musical performances by students in the instrumental and vocal programs at WSU Free
April 13 B.B. KING at The Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St. Legendary blues musician B.B. King returns to Worcester with special guests David Foster & the Mohegan Sun All-Stars. Tickets $47-$77 April 14 LIFE IN COLOR at DCU Center, 50 Foster St. Electronic dance music and what is said to the “world’s largest paint party” with paint blasts and acrobatic performances. Tickets $42-$72 April 17 DIANA KRALL at The Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St. The Hanover Theatre celebrates its fifth anniversary with a performance by the award-winning jazz artist Diana Krall. Tickets $69-110; pre-show reception available for $50
APRIL 19-21 NEW ENGLAND METAL & HARDCORE FESTIVAL at The Palladium, 261 Main St. Anthrax, Opeth and Suicidal Tendencies headline three days of the fifteenth annual metal and hardcore music festival. Tickets $35-$165; kick-off party on April 18 for $12 adv./$15 day of show
at The Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St. The American-rock power trio led by Jon Butcher, emerged from the 80s Boston music scene in ‘83 and is back in Worcester as the band continues to tour throughout New England. Tickets $26-$46 April 27 PIANO RECITAL WITH EDUARDO CONDE GARCIA at Clark University, 950 Main St. An award-winning soloist, Garcia performs live in concert April 28 TECH N9NE at The Palladium, 261 Main St. With special guests Brotha Lynch Hung, Krizz Kaliko, Kutt Clahoun, Ritz, Ces Cru Tickets $27 April 28 STUDENT RECITAL at Clark University, 950 Main St. Performances that showcase Clark student musicians with sonatas, chamber works and jazz standards.
May 12 THOMAS KEIL MEMORIAL CONCERT at Mechanics Hall, 321 Main St. Worcester Chamber of Music celebrates and honors the life of WPI professor Thomas Keil with a performance including the Cello Quintet by Schubert. May 15 SOUNDGARDEN at The Palladium, 261 Main St. WAAF presents an evening with Soundgarden Tickets $59.50 May 18 CARMEN THE MUSICAL at Mechanics Hall, 321 Main St. The Worcester Chorus and special guest soloists perform Carmen as a slimmed-down concert version, sung in English. Tickets $40 June 20 MIEKA PAULEY at Tower Hill Botanic Garden, 11 French Dr., Boylston The music of Mieka Pauley blends soul, blues and rock. She has performed gigs with Eric Clapton, Wyclef Jean, the Black Eyed Peas, and John Legend. Tickets $26-$35
For a full list of musical performances this spring visit worcestermag. com/night-and-day/calendar and check out each week’s calendar listing in print.
HERRA TERRA continued from page 12
six-song EP, sets the tone for the band’s ecstatic forays into atmospheric dance pop. While the roots revolution has brought upright bass, funky old hats, banjo, and retro vibes to the mainstream, Herra Terra is immersed in a nostalgia of their own: unapologetic ‘80s pop, with the most synth layers and guitar effects since Kraftwerk. The backing tracks snap, crackle, and ping-pong like Rice Krispies on acid, with breathy vocals reminiscent of Spandau Ballet, and bright driving drums. Tonelli says that the band began work on the new EP, Hyperborean, “in 2011, collecting material through jams.” The band, he says, then launched a Kickstarter campaign, whereby fans could become patrons and assist with the funding of the project. “Our gracious family and friends played a major role in the making of this record,” he says. “We cannot thank all the people who contributed to the campaign enough.” Tonelli says that “all the recording, producing and mixing was done with our good friend and engineer Taylor Barefoot [at] the Sound Museum, in Brighton,” though he says that the band “did some of the tracking ourselves except for guitar, bass and drums. We also laid down some guitar tracks with Ian Van Opijnen at The Echoroom recording studio [in Uxbridge]. All the mastering was done with Jay Frigoletto at Studio Metronome [in Brookline, NH.].” The CD title seems to refer to a sort of hedonistic existence. Whether it is meant to be a personal band philosophy or an indictment of our culture, I can’t say, though the band seems to broadcast a love for the endless party, and their trippedout rave tunes, confirm it. Despite this, the overall tone is dark and shadowy, the lyrics somber. “I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s a concept album, but that’s the overall imagery we’re trying to communicate to listeners,” says Tonelli. “I really like when people actually analyze a whole piece of work, rather than taking everything for face value. There’s always something deeper behind the red curtain.” The band’s depth of ideas is always balanced with an irreverence that keeps you guessing. Or, as Tonelli explains, “Don’t eat white dog poo, because your good buddy told you to. Know that it’s awful and think for yourself. Unless your good buddy shoves your tongue on it. Then, you have no choice but to taste. The same goes for this record. Listen, keep an open mind, think for yourself, formulate an honest opinion, then take it or leave it. Hopefully you take it… or it’s the white doggy poo for you!” Don’t take the white poo. Come out to Ralph’s on March 22, or at T.T. the Bear’s Place, in Cambridge, on Monday, April 8, for the opening round of The Rumble. “Seriously, if you come to any HT party this year, this is the one to make,” he says.
{ springartspreview }
Author Harold Holzer visits the Worcester community to talk about his newest book “Emancipating Lincoln: The Proclamation in Text, Context, and Memory.” The book examines the impact of Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. Harold Holzer serves as chairman of The Lincoln Bicentennial Foundation, successor organization to the U.S. Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission, which he was appointed to by President Clinton in 2000 and co-chaired 2001-2010. Holzer was awarded the National Humanities Medal in 2008 by President Bush. He is a writer, lecturer and frequent television guest. Hear Harold Holzer talk at the American Antiquarian Society on Friday, April 19 from 7-8 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.
Russian Icons, 203 Union St., Clinton Authors Bonnie Marshall and Kira Van Deusen present a performance of Siberian stories from their book. A book signing will follow. April 24 “CREATING HISTORICAL THEATER: A DRAMATIC READING OF SOCKDOLOGY” at The Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St. Playwright and screenwriter Jeffrey Hatcher will read from the play Sockdology and lead a conversation about creating historical theater. Tickets $10 or free for Hanover and AAS members
{literature} March 22 “A BRUSH WITH WORDS” book launch at the Frances Perkins Library, 470 West Boylston St. A launch party for author Judith Ferrara’s new poetry book that combines poetry and art. March 30 “And Evil Dwelt Among Us” book signing and discussion at Booklovers’ Gourmet, 55 East Main St., Webster Author Debra Braudrick talks about and signs copies of her book “And Evil Dwelt Among Us,” an account of 22 years in a cult. The book describes a man who was believed by cult members to be God himself, when really was a master of deceit and was a sexual predator. The book aims to teach readers how to recognize a predator. April 2 “SOUND IDEAS” launch party at Worcester Public Library, 3 Salem Square Author Gene McCarthy will read from and discuss the book “Sound Ideas,” who explains how to hear and speak poetry and find the heart of a poem by taking it off a page.
April 10 “QATAR: SAND, SEA, AND SKY” author talk at Assumption College in La Maison Francaise Auditorium, 500 Salisbury St. Author Diana Untermeyer speaks about her book that is a portrait of a moderate Arab state that has used its petroleum wealth to burst onto the world stage. A book sale and signing follows the talk. April 11 “SHE’S NOT THERE” author talk at Clark University in Atwood Hall, 950 Main St. Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the memoir “She’s Not There,” Jennifer Finley Boylan visits Clark to talk about her story of a person changing genders, bearing and finally revealing a complex secret. The book brings forth issues of love, sex and the relationship between our physical and intuitive selves. April 19 “EMANCIPATING LINCOLN” author talk at American Antiquarian Society, 185 Salisbury St. Author Harold Holzer speaks about his new book, which examines the impact of Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. April 20 “FAR NORTH TALES: STORIES FROM THE PEOPLES OF THE ARCTIC CIRCLE” author performance at Museum of
April 27 “ALICE MORSE EARLE AND THE DOMESTIC HISTORY OF AMERICA” author talk at Tower Hill Botanic Garden, 11 French Dr., Boylston Author and Fitchburg State University professor Susan Williams talks about her latest book about Alice Morse Earle and her family of gardeners. Free with admission May 2 “BUNKER HILL: A CITY, A SIEGE, A REVOLUTION” author talk at American Antiquarian Society, 185 Salisbury St. Author Nathaniel Philbrick gives a lecture on his forthcoming book that describes pre-Revolutionary Boston. May 9 “SPECTACLE AND REFORM IN NINETEENTHCENTURY AMERICA” author talk at American Antiquarian Society, 185 Salisbury St. Author Amy Hughes talks about her new book
author talk at American Antiquarian Society, 185 Salisbury St. Author Ellen Gruber Garvey talks about her book “Writing with Scissors: American Scrapbooks from the Civil War to the Harlem Renaissance,” which sheds light on the feelings and thoughts of both ordinary and extraordinary Americans.
May 14 “FACTUAL FLIGHTS AND FICTIONAL WORLDS: HISTORICAL TRUTH AND NARRATIVE INVENTION IN THE MOVEMENT OF STARS” at American Antiquarian Society, 185 Salisbury St. Author Amy Brill talks about her debut novel “The Movement of Stars,” that is inspired by the work of the first professional female astronomer in America, Maria Mitchell.
June 6, 7 “PARALLEL LIVES OF A PATRIOTIC HEROINE AND A SPY” at American Antiquarian Society, 185 Salisbury St. Author Nancy Rubin Stuart gives a presentation about her double biography “Defiant Brides: The Untold Story of Two Revolution-Era Women Who Married Political Radicals.”
Click-to-Win a pair of tickets to see Ina Garten
Wednesday, March 27 at The Hanover Theatre and a copy of Barefoot Contessa at Home or Barefoot Contessa Family Style when you sign up for Worcester Mag’s e-newsletter. The bestselling cookbook author and star of Food Network’s Barefoot Contessa is coming to Worcester! Ina Garten shares her natural approach to food with tips, stories, and maybe even some recipes. Hosted by NECN and KISS 108’s Billy Costa. Generously sponsored by UMASS Medical School.
TheHanoverTheatre.org | 877.571.SHOW (7469) | 2 Southbridge St., Worcester WORCESTERMAG.COM
• MARCH 21, 2013
{theatre} March 21-24 “Tartuffe” at Clark University, 950 Main St. Presented by The Aquila Theater Company, the play tells the story of a con man who deceives a wealthy man, tries to seduce his wife, finally convincing the man to sign over his family’s estate. Tickets $5 or free with college ID March 22-24 “Jesus Christ Superstar” at Barre Players Theater, 64 Common St., Barre Rock opera musical based on the last seven days of Jesus’ life in Roman-occupied Jerusalem. Tickets $16 March 23-24 “Little Shop of Horrors” at The Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St. Assumption College Theatre Department presents the play that is a spoof of the 1950s sci-fi film. “Little Shop of Horrors” is one of the longest running off-Broadway shows. Tickets $10-$20 March 28-30 “Urinetown” at Clark University, Atwood Hall, Daniels Theater, 950 Main St. A comic tale of greed, corruption, love and revolution in a time during severe water shortage in a Gotham-like city. A 20-year drought forces citizens to use public toilets that are regulated by a single company that profits by charging admission. A hero among the common folk has enough and plans a revolution. Free admission and open to the public
April 2-7 “Les Misérables” at The Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St. An all-new 25th anniversary production of the legendary musical with new staging and reimagined scenery. Tickets $50-$80
{ springartspreview } A musical parody of the book “Fifty Shades of Grey,” brings the naughty fun of the bestseller to life on stage. Tickets $39-$49
at The Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St. The production of the class ballet will be performed by the Russian National Ballet Theatre. Tickets $41-$52
May 10-12, 17-19 “Night Must Fall” at Barre Players Theater, 64 Common St., Barre Psychological thriller of a young man who worms his way into the household of a wealthy, hypochondriacal widow at her remate country cottage in the 1930s. Tickets $14
April 4-7 “Into the Woods” at Worcester State University in Sullivan Auditorium, 486 Chandler St. Musical with fairytale characters whose wishes come true, but not without a twist. Tickets $10-$15
May 12 “Sandy Hackett’s Rat Pack Show” at The Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St. A high-energy performance that is said to be “the next best thing to seeing the Rat Pack themselves.” Tickets $28-$48
April 11-13 “The Wild Duck” at College of the Holy Cross, Fenwick Theatre, 1 College St. A play about a prodigal son returning to confront his wealthy father with his moral failings and to enlighten the childhood friend whose family, he believes, has been grievously injured by them. April 18-21 “War Children” at Worcester State University in Fuller Theater, 486 Chandler St. WSU original play, inspired by Emmanual Jal, is the story of child soldiers and the horrors and redemption they go through. Tickets $7-$14 April 18-20, 25-27 “The Tempest” at Clark University, 950 Main St. The William Shakespeare play set on a remote island where the Duke of Milan plots to restore his daughter to her rightful place using illusion and manipulation. Tickets $5 or free with college ID
June 7-9 “The Addams Family” at The Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St. A musical comedy that brings the dark world of Gomez, Morticla, Uncle Fester, Grandma, Wednesday, Pugsley and Lurch to life on stage. Tickets $32-62
April 24 Student Thesis Presentation at Worcester State University in Fuller Theater, 486 Chandler St. Graduating senior students in theatre and music programs present their senior thesis projects. Free
June 7-9, 14-15 “Love, in a number of acts” at Singh Performance Center, 50 Douglas Rd., Whitinsville Four one act plays, by local playwrights Seth Leary and Sean Costello, of the exploits of a timeless and powerful wizard as he tries to bring folk songs and stories of his order to life as an attempt to fulfill an ancient acting ritual.
May 10-11 “Spank! The Fifty Shades Parody” at The Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St.
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{ springartspreview } {art exhibits} CURRENT-MARCH 29, 2013 “COLOR & LINE” at the Davis Gallery, 44 Portland St. Recent abstract paintings on canvas by John Pagano. CURRENT-MARCH 30 DIGITAL ART BY BARTLETT HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS at Booklovers’ Gourmet, 55 East Main St., Webster Digital artwork by students of Bartlett High School CURRENT-MARCH 31 “IN ROME” at Worcester Art Museum, 55 Salisbury St. Jill Slosburg-Ackerman’s representative drawings of connections between nature and civilization with Roman pine cones being inspiration for her first observational drawings. CURRENT-MARCH 31, 2013 “VARIOUS ARTISTS, VARIOUS MEDIUMS” at the Sprinkler Factory Gallery, 38 Harlow St. A group show of Worcester-area artists who use a range of mediums including watercolors, oils, acrylics, pastels, sculpture, painted chairs, computer art, calligraphy and photography. CURRENT-APRIL 8 “A WALK AROUND THE BLOC” at The Foster Gallery Acrylic and mixed-media on canvas by Yana Payusova Artist reception March 22 from 5-7 p.m. CURRENT-APRIL 9 “WHEN THE WHEELS FALL OFF” at Fitchburg State Art Gallery, 160 Pearl St. Images depicting the time in life when events, beyond one’s control, just happen by New Hampshire artist David Preston Wells. CURRENT-APRIL 18 “FORM+CONTENT+CONTEXT” at Clark University in the Schiltkamp Gallery in the Traina Center, 92 Downing St. A collection of artwork in various mediums by Clark Studio Art Program faculty CURRENT-APRIL 21 SOLO SHOW BY KATHLEEN HEBERT at Worcester Jewish Community Center, 633 Salisbury St. Twenty-five oil paintings by Kathleen Hebert CURRENT-APRIL 27 “GAME ON!” at Worcester Historical Museum, 30 Elm St. An interactive exhibit of the history of toys and games in America CURRENT-APRIL 30 “MY FAVORITE MAINE BIRD” at UMass Medical School Lamar Soutter Library, 55 North Lake Ave. Oscar E. Starobin’s, MD photography with the theme Maine birds
CURRENT-APRIL 12 “SPARK: A CELEBRATION OF ALUMNAE ARTISTS FROM HOLY CROSS” at Holy Cross, Cantor Gallery, 1 College St. Artwork by select alumnae artists held in conjunction with “Opening Doors, 40 Years of Women at Holy Cross.” Artist panel discussion on Friday, March 22 from 12-1:30 p.m.
CURRENT-MAY 20 “A SNAPSHOT OF A CAMPUS” at Clark University in Dana Commons, 950 Main St. A portrait series taken earlier this year between January 21-24 of students on the Clark campus by instant film enthusiast Gregory Geiger. CURRENT-MAY “BOSTONIANS IN MINIATURE” at Worcester Art Museum, 55 Salisbury St. The exhibit explores the lives of Boston residents whose portraits were painted “in little” during the opening decades of the nineteenth century. CURRENT-MAY “LOOKING AT THE STARS” at Worcester Art Museum, 55 Salisbury St. Mixed-media prints by Imamura Yoshio depict the artist’s memories of venturing through fields, woods, streams, mountains and gazing at stars at night. The work is a reflection of his insight into the transience and evolution of life. CURRENT-JUNE 9 “QUIET FOCUS” at ArtsWorcester’s GarhH Gallery at the Hadley Building, 657 Main St. Artwork by Zia Ayub and Kathy Murray made by using alternative photo processing methods. CURRENT-JUNE 9 “KENNEDY TO KENT STATE: IMAGE OF A GENERATION” at Worcester Art Museum, 55 Salisbury St. A collection of photographs from 1958-1975 that present the most powerful American events of the time, including the presidency and assassination of John F. Kennedy and the Civil Rights Movement. CURRENT-JUNE 24 “DOUBLE EXPOSURE” at the Franklin Square Society Salon Gallery at The Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St. Photography and photomontage works by Peter Wise and Catherine Wilcox-Titus. CURRENT-JULY “SILENT GARDENS” at Worcester Art Museum, 55 Salisbury St.
Worcester’s largest outdoor festival, stART on the Street, returns to the Canal District this June for its spring edition of its arts festival. As always, the event is open to the public and free of charge. stART will expand beyond Green Street onto Harding Street this year, providing space for more than 150 artists and crafters to set up shop and sell their homemade items. Live music, kids’ activities, a youth market and food court (with vegetarian and vegan options for us non-meat eaters) will complete the event. Plus, if this year is like last, area bars and other businesses will be taking part in the festivities with specials and live music of their own. Street parking will be available or drivers may park in the Union Station garage for $1. Don’t miss stART on the Street: Spring Edition on Sunday, June 2 from 11 a.m.-6 p.m. on Green and Harding Streets in Worcester. WORCESTERMAG.COM
This June marks the 60th anniversary of the tornado that ripped through Worcester in 1953. The Worcester Historical Museum will exhibit artifacts, including photos and documents, from the natural disaster from June 6 through August 31, 2013.
CURRENT-APRIL 27 “IMAGING THE INVISABLE: ANGELS, DEMONS, PRAYER & WISDOM” at Museum of Russian Icons, 203 Union St., Clinton Sixty icons and artifacts depicting uncanny, ethereal subjects and concepts.
• MARCH 21, 2013
The Historical Museum is inviting community members to share their photographs and documents of the tornado to help capture the memories, tragedies and relief efforts that took place. Relevant artifacts will be considered for display in the “Worcester 911” exhibit. Those interested in sharing artifacts should attend a Discovery Day at the museum: Saturday, March 23 from 1-3 p.m.; Tuesday, March 26 from 2-4 p.m.; Thursday, March 28 from 5-8 p.m., or set up a different time by emailing info@ worcesterhistory.net. Photographs and documents brought to the museum can be scanned and returned the same day.
A collection of woodblock prints and ink and color on paper landscape scene of places in Japan by Yoshida Toshi. CURRENT-AUGUST “THE ALLURE OF BLANC DE CHINE” at Worcester Art Museum, 55 Salisbury St. White porcelain ware, first produced as early as the Song dynasty (960-1279), from Asia. CURRENT-OCTOBER 31, 2013 “INVENTED” at WPI in the George C. Gordon Library, 100 Institute Rd. An exhibit highlighting patents by WPI faculty, trustees, alumni, and staff including Ichabod Washburn’s machine to temper steel wire and Al Hoffman’s arm orthosis. Reception on April 4 from 4:30-6 p.m. CURRENT “ART SINCE THE MID-20TH CENTURY” at Worcester Art Museum, 55 Salisbury St. Fifty works of art from the past seven decades, presented in three thematic installations: The Persistence of Abstraction, Revivals of Figuration and Portraiture, and Culture Signs. CURRENT “STORIES THEY TELL” at Worcester Historical Museum, 30 Elm St. Artifacts from the 16th century to today that belonged to local residents that reveal public and personal stories. PERMANENT INSTALLATION “IN THEIR SHIRTSLEEVES” at Worcester Historical Museum, 30 Elm St. Reflection, dating back 100 years, of innovators, workers and investors who made industry the story of Worcester. New objects and artifacts are updated regularly.
Recently expanded, the gallery is a private collection and educational display of African artifacts that represent various regions, tribes and traditions of the African continent. PERMANENT INSTALLATION RUSSIAN ICONS AT MUSEUM OF RUSSIAN ICONS, 203 Union St., Clinton A private collection, also the largest in North American, of Russian Icons MARCH 22-APRIL 28 “WHEN 4X4=8” at WPI in the George C. Gordon Library, 100 Institute Rd. Third annual collaborative of four poets and four visual artists who build off each other’s creative pathways. Artists are Lisa Barthelson, Carrie Crane, Dorothy Magadieu and Susan Sedgwick. Poets are Clair Degutis, Dan Lewis, Susan Roney-O’Brien and Patricia Youngblood. Opening program with reading on March 22 at 5:30 p.m.; artists’ and poets’ talk on April 9 at 4 p.m. MARCH 28-APRIL 13 JURIED STUDENT ART EXHIBIT at the gallery at Worcester State University, 486 Chandler St. A juried exhibit of artwork by students from colleges in the Central Mass. region. Curator for the show is WSU’s first student curator Nicole Elias. APRIL 1-APRIL 30 “WANDERING IN THE WOODS” at Worcester Public Library in the Saxe Room Acrylic and mixed-media artworks of woodland scenes by Elaine Griffith Artists reception April 13 from 1:30-5 p.m.
PERMANENT INSTALLATION AT HIGGINS ARMORY MUSEUM, 100 Barber Ave. More than 4,000 pieces of historical arms and armor from medieval and Renaissance Europe, Ancient Greece and Rome, Africa, the Middle East, India and Japan including 24 full suits of armor.
APRIL 3-28 “ART IS 4 EVERY1” at Worcester Public Library’s lobby, 3 Salem St. Paintings by area students from senior centers and long-term healthcare centers using a special painting method.
APRIL 5-7 POTTERY INVITATIONAL at the Worcester Center for Crafts, 25 Sagamore St.
The annual Pottery Invitational brings together the ďŹ nest artists making pottery in New England for a long weekend that includes displays, demonstrations and a $5 cup rafďŹ&#x201A;e. Friday, April 5 from 5:30-8:30 p.m.; Saturday, April 6 from 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sunday, April 7 from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Demonstrations are Saturday at 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.; Sunday at 1:30 p.m. APRIL 5-MAY 10 â&#x20AC;&#x153;ADULT STUDENT EXHIBITIONâ&#x20AC;? at Worcester Art Museum, Higgins Education Wing, 55 Salisbury St. Worcester Art Museum student work from the most recent fall courses. Opening reception April 18 from 5:30-7 p.m. with light refreshments and an opportunity to register for summer classes. APRIL 6-25 â&#x20AC;&#x153;A DREAM WITHIN A DREAMâ&#x20AC;? at the Sprinkler Factory, 38 Harlow St. Artwork that includes words and phrases incorporated into some works, and stories and poems to accompany others that are inspired by a decade traveling to and around Nova Scotia by Art Krauss. APRIL 6-30 â&#x20AC;&#x153;HORROR BUSINESSâ&#x20AC;? AT DARK WORLD GALLERY, 179 Grafton St. Art of tattoo artist Shane Murphy Opening reception Saturday, April 6 from 7-10 p.m. APRIL 11-MAY 13 â&#x20AC;&#x153;ADDICTION: IMAGES OF STRUGGLE AND RECOVERYâ&#x20AC;? at the Davis Art Gallery, 50 Portland St. Art by Worcester Youth Center students APRIL 12-MAY 30 ARTSWORCESTER BIENNIAL at ArtsWorcester Aurora Gallery The 15th annual juried ArtsWorcester member art show Opening reception April 12 from 6-8 p.m. APRIL 18-MAY 9 â&#x20AC;&#x153;THE JOURNEY OF TWO COLLECTORSâ&#x20AC;? at the Worcester Center for Crafts, 25 Sagamore St. Barrett and Mahroo Morgan collection of artwork APRIL 18-MAY 17 â&#x20AC;&#x153;CASTLE IN THE AIRâ&#x20AC;? at The Foster Gallery, 51 Union St. Acrylics on panel by Heather Adels Artist reception April 18 from 5-7 p.m. APRIL 24-MAY 9 STUDENT THESIS ART EXHIBIT at Worcester State University in the gallery, 486 Chandler St. Senior thesis artwork by graduating WSU art students Opening reception on Wednesday, April 24 from 5-7 p.m. APRIL 24-MAY 19 SENIOR THESIS SHOW at Clark University in the Schiltkamp Gallery in the Traina Center, 92 Downing St. An exhibition of work presented by graduating seniors who have
{ springartspreview }
undertaken an honors project in the Studio Art program APRIL 24 â&#x20AC;&#x153;CELEBRATION OF SCHOLARSHIP AND CREATIVITYâ&#x20AC;? at Worcester State University in the Student Center, 486 Chandler St. An exhibit of the best work by students in every discipline produced during the 2012-13 academic year. It celebrates scholarly achievement and creative excellence. APRIL 25-MAY 24 SENIOR CONCENTRATION SEMINAR EXHIBITION at Holy Cross in the Cantor Art Gallery, 1 College St. An annual exhibit of artwork produced by seniors who have participated in the yearlong Senior Concentration Seminar. MAY 16-JUNE 8 ARTISTS-IN-RESIDENCE EXHIBITION at the Worcester Center for Crafts, 25 Sagamore St. A display of artwork made by artists in residence at the Craft Center MAY 5 AND MAY 26 â&#x20AC;&#x153;PAINT AND SWITCHâ&#x20AC;? in South Yarmouth and Worcester at the Prints and Potter Gallery, 142 Highland St. A joint exhibit to expand the visibility of artists from both Cape Cod and Worcester County in both areas of the Commonwealth. Receptions: Sunday, May 5 at the Cultural Center in South Yarmouth from 2-5 p.m. and Sunday, May 19 at the Prints and the Potter Gallery in Worcester from 2-5 p.m. MAY 18-JULY 20, 2013 â&#x20AC;&#x153;MATRYOSHKA: THE RUSSIAN NESTING DOLLâ&#x20AC;? at the Museum of Russian Icons, 203 Union St. Eighty-three Matryoshka sets of lavishly painted wooden nesting dolls of decreasing size placed one inside the other. MAY 23-JUNE 13 THINK TANK ART GALA at Davis Art Gallery, 50 Portland St. Works of art made by Worcester Think Tank students. Opening reception May 23 from 6-8:30 p.m. JUNE 1-8 MARY COSGROVE DOLPHIN ART GALLERY EXHIBIT at Worcester State University in the Dolphin Gallery, 486 Chandler St. An exhibit of artwork by Mary Cosgrove Dolphin and the collections of Phillip Wasylean II Dedication ceremony on June 1 at 10:30 a.m. JUNE 6-AUGUST 31 â&#x20AC;&#x153;WORCESTER 911â&#x20AC;? at the Worcester Historical Museum, 30 Elm St. Artifacts including photos and documents of the 1953 tornado that ripped through Worcester
Worcester Art Museum is getting more creative than ever in their push to engage a larger audience. Their new One Day Residency program is a modern take on the time-honored tradition of artist residencies, designed to motivate the public to react to the museumâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s extensive collection. The new program allows any artist, even nonmembers, to spend an entire day in the museum for free to draw inspiration from the many diverse galleries and practice their craft in WAMâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s artist studios. For centuries, studios and museums have sponsored individual artists to spend one year or more living, working, and creating on-site to produce a collection of high-quality work to be displayed. WAM has put their own unique twist on this concept by compressing the residency to a single day. Their hope is that each artist will create a ďŹ nished piece by the end of the day that reacts to some aspect of the museum. Artists are allowed to sketch, draw and photograph inside the galleries and are welcome to use the museumâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s artist studios for further work. WAM also strongly encourages the artists to invite their friends, family, students and museum-goers to observe them during their creative process. Marcia Lagerwey, head of education at WAM, thinks the program will be a great beneďŹ t to the museum, the artists, and future guests. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The program emphasizes the relationship between the artist and our collection,â&#x20AC;? says Lagerwey. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We want artists to come be inspired by the work, and in turn, the art they produce will change the way the audience views our pieces.â&#x20AC;? Finished pieces produced during each One Day Residency are kept by the artist, although Katrina Stacy, WAMâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s assistant curator of education, thinks that permanent display of the works in the museum could happen in the future. â&#x20AC;&#x153;A special gallery for the works could be a possibility down the road,â&#x20AC;? said Stacy. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Currently the ďŹ nished pieces will be photographed and uploaded to our Flickr site so anyone with a computer can view them.â&#x20AC;? WAM has recently been more aggressive with their use of social media to contact a larger audience and promote new galleries and programs. Right now, almost all of the advertising for the One Day Residency program has been done via email, Facebook and Twitter. The idea was initially proposed by Adam Rozan, WAMâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Director of Audience Engagement. The One Day Residency program is just one of many activities being offered by the museum, including the Drawing Club and in-gallery meditation. WAM hosted its ďŹ rst One Day Resident artist on Wednesday, March 13. Paul Toussaint, a photographer from Connecticut who specializes in iphoneography (the practice of making artistic photographs using only an iPhone), spent hours walking through WAMâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s many galleries, photographing speciďŹ c sculptures, paintings and reďŹ&#x201A;ections, then combining and editing them in his phone. The residency was his ďŹ rst visit to the museum, and he was very impressed by the range of WAMâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s galleries, as well as their efforts to reach out to artists and audiences both inside and outside of Worcester. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They invite people to come do this for free and it just opens up so many possibilities for their work and their careerâ&#x20AC;? said Toussaint. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t imagine how anyone wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to come here and take advantage of this wonderful program.â&#x20AC;? Toussaint has had his work displayed in ďŹ ne art galleries around the country, and is currently displaying an exhibition of his work called iScapes: A Photographic Journey Through the iPhone at the Quinebaug Valley Council for the Arts and Humanities in Southbridge, MA. There is no age or skill requirement to take part in the program. Anyone interested in doing a residency is invited to contact Katrina Stacy to set up a date. She can be reached via email at katrinastacy@worcesterart.org. Follow WAM on Twitter @WorcesterArt, and view photos from their exhibits, programs, and residencies on Flickr at www.ďŹ&#x201A;ickr.com/photos/ worcesterartmuseum/.
classes Ä&#x2022; yarns Ä&#x2022; accessories
{ springartspreview } Exotic Night of Arts Matt Robert
Art gets really exciting when it transcends the traditional commercial model of entertainer and audience, product and consumer, begins
to break down walls between promoter, performer and attendee, and even expands to include personal philosophy and blends a broader range of art or performance than simply a singer or a band.
Exchange Place complex, in downtown Worcester, from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m., on Saturday, March 23. The event offers the chance “to leave the mundane world behind for an exotic evening amid peculiar companions and fellow travelers on a twisted path” that will “abound with strange and curious
11th Hour Productions, also known as 11th Hour Farming Artists, will host the Antiquinox Masquerade Ball, a multiartist extravaganza that takes over Still & Stir bar at The Citizen restaurant, at the
Blackstone Valley 14: Cinema de Lux 70 Worcester/Providence Turnpike, Millbury, MA 01527 www.showcasecinemas.com Showtimes for 3/22-3/28. Subject to change.
21 and Over (R) DIGITAL PROJECTION; 1 hr 33 min 11:35 am 9:50 pm 12:05 am Admission (PG-13) DIGITAL PROJECTION; 1 hr 57 min 12:10 pm 2:40 pm 5:10 pm 7:05 pm 9:40 pm 12:10 am Identity Thief (R) DIGITAL PROJECTION; 1 hr 51 min 1:20 pm 4:05 pm 6:40 pm 9:20 pm Jack the Giant Slayer (PG-13) DIGITAL PROJECTION; 1 hr 54 min 3:45 pm 6:30 pm Olympus Has Fallen (R) DIGITAL PROJECTION;Reserved Seating; 1 hr 40 min 1:00 pm 4:10 pm 7:10 pm 9:55 pm Olympus Has Fallen (R) DIGITAL PROJECTION; 1 hr 40 min 1:30 pm 4:40 pm 7:40 pm 10:25 pm 11:55 pm Oz The Great and Powerful (PG) DIGITAL PROJECTION; 2 hr 7 min 12:45 pm 1:15 pm 3:50 pm 4:20 pm 7:20 pm 10:15 pm 11:40 pm Oz The Great and Powerful in 3D (PG) REAL D 3D; 2 hr 7 min 12:15 pm 3:20 pm 6:50 pm 9:45 pm Safe Haven (PG-13) DIGITAL PROJECTION; 1 hr 55 min 1:50 pm 4:35 pm 7:15 pm Snitch (PG-13) DIGITAL PROJECTION; 1 hr 52 min 12:40 pm 9:20 pm 12:00 am Spring Breakers (R) DIGITAL PROJECTION; 1 hr 34 min 12:20 pm 2:45 pm 5:15 pm 7:45 pm 10:10 pm 12:25 am The Call (R) DIGITAL PROJECTION; 1 hr 35 min 11:50 am 2:15 pm 4:45 pm 7:10 pm 7:55 pm 9:25 pm 10:30 pm 12:15 am The Croods (PG) DIGITAL PROJECTION; 1 hr 38 min 12:00 pm 2:30 pm 5:00 pm 7:30 pm 10:00 pm The Croods 3D (PG) REAL D 3D; 1 hr 38 min 11:30 am 2:00 pm 4:30 pm 7:00 pm 9:30 pm 11:50 pm The Incredible Burt Wonderstone (PG-13) RWC/DVS IN DIGITAL PROJECTION; 1 hr 40 min 11:45 am 2:20 pm 5:05 pm 7:35 pm 10:05 pm 12:20 am
• MARCH 21, 2013
happenings,” says co-founder of 11th Hour, Angela Faneuf. The macabre, arabesque evening will “feature live music, sensational and unusual art…by local artists, light fare and libations, fire juggling, [a] smoking parlor and hookah lounge, professional photo opportunities, and, of course, dancing.” In other words, the place will get wild and funky. Think: Provincetown Carnival meets acid test. “We vehemently encourage Steampunk inspired cocktail attire,…wild and outlandish masks, and any other ritualistic garb or exceptional oddities and contraptions that you can muster,” adds Faneuf. According to co-founders, Faneuf and Todd Desautels, the organization came together in 2006, when, according to them, they “were approached by Lookout Farm in Natick to create an elaborate fall pumpkin event,” which “featured thousands of intricately carved pumpkins glowing throughout a two-acre themed landscape.” Since that time, says Faneuf, “11th Hour Productions has been engaged in sustainable farming and agritourism events,” as well as “exploring cooperative business structures, as we feel these practices are more in line with our philosophies.” Adam Scher of Schmeldt Productions, which is helping to produce this event, says that “the Antiquinox Masquerade Ball was created by the three of us out of a mutual interest in music, art, and community collaborations.”
The musical component for the evening includes four acts, according to Faneuf. “[New York City’s] Platform One,” which, she says, “has been putting the steam into goth” since their launch into the electronic genre in Rhode Island back in 1999. Says Faneuf, “With a blend of darkness and dance music…they are best described as synth-pop for the Steampunks.” “Arcade Kid [from Queensland, Australia] will be performing [original] electro-rock with a live bassist,” she says, while “Vigilante Blue will be opening the evening with the sound of their sultry rock cocktail” and “[American DJ] Mizz Kitsune will keep people dancing with the infectious groove of her late-night turntablism,” which is some pretty trippy stuff, layering gonzo electronic sounds over odd, complex rhythms that are more than simple dance drivers. In addition, says Faneuf, “upon arrival, guests will be greeted with an outdoor firespinning dance performed by Flow Theory Fire” before entering the club and encountering “the original tiki mugs and oddities of [Worcester’s own] Scallywag Ceramics, the Steampunk-inspired jewelery of House Coniglio, the unique showcases made from the bones of mice and other small rodents of Capsulariums by Laurel Cunningham-Hill, and the extraordinary work of Crystal Blanchflower at Poison Apple Arts, just to name a few.” Lastly, Still & Stir, says Faneuf, “will be providing guests with inspired spirits, while the Cigar Bar is available to those who wish to enjoy hookah or cigars.” “After many years with an interest in hosting a masquerade a ball and a recent pumpkin art installation for a regional art group event,” says Faneuf, “11th Hour Farming Artists was inspired to collaborate with Schmeldt Productions in the creation of Antiquinox Masquerade Ball.” As for bringing it to Worcester, she says, “On a serendipitous occasion, we found ourselves at The Citizen in Worcester and knew right away that this location had all of the qualities we were looking for such an event.” According to Faneuf, “It is part of 11th Hour’s intent to bring awareness to the importance of community life and living in resonance with the natural rhythms of our world. This is why we choose certain times of year, like equinox, to host our events.” The Antiquinox Masquerade Ball promises to transform this block of downtown Worcester for the evening. Drop by this ambitious event and experience a transformation of your own.
{ springartspreview }
An ‘Affair’ to {film} remember
superheroines who are positive role models for girls. A panel discussion with City Councilor Sarai Rivera and others will follow.
EVERY SATURDAY THROUGH MAY 25 FRIENDS FILM FESTIVAL at Worcester Public Library in the Saxe Room A different film is shown each Saturday from 2-4 p.m. Find a full schedule at www.worcesterpublib.org.
Jim Keogh
Something is rotten in Denmark in the late 18th century. In fact, it is Denmark. Under the questionable leadership of a demented and infantile king and his bullying, elitist court, the country is in shambles. The poor live in filth and illness, while royalty hides behind gilt-edged curtains.
Into this mess steps Princess Caroline Matilda of Wales, who weds King Christian VII and is quickly exposed to his fragile mental state. On their first meeting, he giggles nervously, and on their wedding night his “lovemaking” would be considered an arrestable offense if he didn’t rule the nation. As Mel Brooks once
MARCH 28 “WONDER WOMEN! THE UNTOLD STORY OF AMERICAN SUPERHEROINES” at Clark University in 120 Sackler, 950 Main St. Documentary that follows the birth of, evolution and legacy of Wonder Woman and introduces fictional and real-life
the Jefferson Academic Center 320, 950 Main St. Worcester’s 18th annual Latino Film Festival presents films: “Mi Primera Boda” on April 2 at 7:30 p.m., “Juan de los Muertos” on Thursday April 4 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, April 7 at 4 p.m., “Mal Dia Para Pescar” on Saturday, April 6 at 1 p.m., “Un Cuento Chino” on Saturday April 6 at 7:30 p.m., “Sleep Dealer” on Sunday, April 7 at 1 p.m.,
APRIL 2 “ESCAPE FIRE: THE FIGHT TO RESCUE AMERICAN HEALTHCARE” at Worcester State University in the Ghosh Science & Technology Building in room 102, 486 Chandler St. A film to ignite conversation about how each of us can play a part in improving healthcare. A panel discussion will follow with special guests including Worcester’s Dept. of Public Health Commissioner Dr. Michael Hirsh.
APRIL 4 “CHILDREN OF PROMISE: THE LEGACY OF ROBERT F. KENNEDY” at Worcester State University Student Center, 486 Chandler St. Documentary about the RFK Children’s Action Corps and its
APRIL 2-7 LATINO FILM FESTIVAL at Clark University in
continued on page 20
DEVILISHLY C LEVER ENTERT AINMENT! Tina Fey and Paul Rudd sp a rk le.” Elle Magazine “ TINA FEY AN MATCH MAD D PAUL RUDD ARE A E IN MOVIE H Filled with he EAVEN! artfelt laughs. A real ET.com
Let someone in famously remarked, “It’s good to be king.” “A Royal Affair” details the surprising ways that some good emerges from this font of instability. The film is based on the true story of the king’s physician, Dr. Johann Struensee, who exerts a Rasputinlike influence on his patient to the point where Struensee becomes de facto emperor. A devout humanist and disciple of Voltaire and other pioneers of the Enlightenment, Struensee, in collaboration with Matilda, convinces the king to sign off on a number of progressive reforms to aid the peasants economically and weaken the monarchy’s stranglehold on law, society and culture. As the title would indicate, Struensee’s involvement takes a turn for the personal. continued on page 20
Michael Shee n Lily Tomli n #ADMISSIONM
Starts Friday, March 22nd in Theatres Everywhere CHECK LOCAL LISTINGS FOR THEATRE LOCATIONS AND SHOWTIMES MOBILE USERS: For Showtimes – Text ADMISSION with your ZIP CODE to 43KIX (43549). Msg & data rates may apply. Text HELP for info/STOP to cancel.
For a look behind the scenes of Admission, visit www.iTunes.com/FocusFeatures MARCH 21, 2013 • WORCESTERMAG.COM
{ springartspreview } AFFAIR continued from page 19
He and Matilda are of a single mind politically and of a single bed romantically once the castle staff calls it a night. She’s been isolated and depressed — Christian prefers the company of prostitutes — and sees Struensee as the man she would have been with had she married for love rather than national interest. The affair is, or course, incredibly risky, given that Struensee has made enemies of the now de-fanged Royal Council as well as Christian’s stepmother (yes, there is an evil stepmother!). There are two pregnancies,
Adv. Tix on Sale GI JOE: RETALIATION Adv. Tix on Sale THE HOST THE CROODS [CC,DV] (PG) No Passes Fri. - Sun.(1100 1150 1220 1250 140 220 250 320) 420 500 520 600 700 800 1000 Mon. - Wed.(1200 100 230 350) 500 700 800 950 GI JOE: RETALIATION IN REAL D 3D WEDENSDAY (PG-13) No Passes Wed.1000 PM THE CROODS IN REAL D 3D [CC,DV] (PG) No Passes Fri. - Sun.(1120 120 200 350) 440 630 730 930 1010 Mon. - Wed.(1230 120 320) 430 630 730 930 1000 OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Sun.(1230 110 340) 430 710 740 950 1020 Mon. - Wed.(1220 340) 710 1010 ADMISSION (PG-13) Fri. - Sun.(1110 150) 425 720 1005 Mon. - Wed.(1250) 410 720 1005 SPRING BREAKERS (R) Fri. - Sun.(1130 205) 450 750 1030 Mon. - Wed.(1205 225) 450 750 1030 THE CALL [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Sun.(1125 155) 435 725 955 Mon. - Wed.(1205 220) 455 740 1015 THE INCREDIBLE BURT WONDERSTONE [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Sun.(1105 145) 415 705 945 Mon. - Wed.(110) 415 705 950 OZ: THE GREAT AND POWERFUL [CC,DV] (PG) Fri. - Sun.(1240) 405 715 1015 Mon. - Wed.(1240) 405 715 1000 OZ: THE GREAT AND POWERFUL IN REAL D 3D [CC,DV] (PG) No Passes Fri. - Sun.(1200 330) 640 940 Mon. - Wed.(1210 330) 640 935 JACK THE GIANT SLAYER [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Sun.(1245 PM) 650 PM Mon. - Wed.(1235 345) 650 940 THE LAST EXORCISM PART II [CC] (PG-13) Fri. - Wed.1025 PM SAFE HAVEN [CC] (PG-13) Fri. - Sun.(345 PM) 935 PM Mon. - Wed.(105) 420 725 1005 IDENTITY THIEF [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Sun.1025 PM Mon. - Wed.(1255) 400 705 945 LIFE OF PI IN REAL D 3D [CC,DV] (PG) No Passes Fri. - Sun.735 PM 925 PM Mon. - Wed.(1215 335) 655 945 GI JOE: RETALIATION [CC,DV] WEDNESDAY (PG-13) No Passes Wed.1020 PM
about which I’ll say nothing more. At its heart “A Royal Affair” is a sort of endearing love triangle. Christian may have little use for his wife, but he’s headover-heels infatuated with Struensee, who displays a paternalistic affection for his boss. Matilda is more tolerant of Christian once he starts authorizing policies of change. And the doctor and the queen are as passionate, perhaps more so, about the progressive ideals they share than they are with each other’s bodies. Yes, their mutual arousal is sparked by longing looks exchanged across crowded rooms, but the passage of a
THE CROODS [CC,DV] (PG) No Passes Fri. - Sun.(1200 100 230) 400 500 630 730 955 Mon. - Wed.(1200 230) 500 730 955 Thu.(1200 PM 230 PM) 500 PM THE CROODS IN REAL D 3D [CC,DV] (PG) No Passes Fri. - Wed.(1230 300) 530 700 930 OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Sun.(1220 1240) 410 650 720 1000 Mon. - Wed.(1220) 410 720 1000 GI JOE: RETALIATION IN REAL D 3D WEDENSDAY (PG-13) No Passes Wed.700 PM 1000 PM THE HOST [CC,DV] THURSDAY (PG-13) Thu.1000 PM ADMISSION (PG-13) Fri. - Wed.(1210 240) 510 740 1010 GI JOE: RETALIATION IN REAL D 3D (PG-13) No Passes Thu.(100 PM) 700 PM SPRING BREAKERS (R) Fri. - Wed.(1220 235) 455 710 1000 GI JOE: RETALIATION [CC,DV] (PG-13) No Passes Thu.400 PM 930 PM THE CALL [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Wed.(1205 220) 440 750 1010 THE INCREDIBLE BURT WONDERSTONE [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Wed.(1215 245) 510 735 1005 OZ: THE GREAT AND POWERFUL [CC,DV] (PG) Fri. - Wed.(1255) 405 705 925 OZ: THE GREAT AND POWERFUL IN REAL D 3D [CC,DV] (PG) No Passes Fri. - Wed.(1225 330) 635 935 JACK THE GIANT SLAYER IN REAL D 3D [CC,DV] (PG-13) No Passes Fri. - Sun.855 PM Mon.(1245) 400 640 915 Tue.(1245 PM 400 PM) 940 PM Wed.(1245 PM) 400 PM KAI PO CHE (NR) Fri. - Wed.(350 PM) 930 PM ESCAPE FROM PLANET EARTH [CC] (PG) Fri. - Wed.(1235 PM) THE SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK [CC] (R) Fri. - Wed.(345 PM) 645 PM 945 PM
Times For 22 March, 2013 - 28 March, 2013
• MARCH 21, 2013
© 2013
resolution to hire more waste collectors to clear the shit from Copenhagen’s streets also electrifies their loins. I’m fascinated by the actor playing Struensee, Mads Mikkelson. Most will recall him as the villain from the Bond film “Casino Royale” who wept blood. Mikkelson is handsome enough — he’s got cheekbones that could cut glass — yet there’s something glum and introspective about his bearing, which make him an uncommon leading man. He’s a perfect anti-hero, which may be why he’s starring as everybody’s favorite intellectual serial killer, Hannibal Lecter, in the TV series “Hannibal.” Mikkelson’s Struensee is quietly dignified, which is not to say he isn’t as blatantly ambitious as anyone else in the royal court. The difference between the doctor and the other palace opportunists is the selflessness of his motivations and his access to the king’s ear. You’ll want to stick around for the film’s final title card, which describes the fate of Denmark following these events. Suffice it to say, the waste collectors did a damn fine job. “A Royal Affair” will be shown at 7:30 p.m. Thursday and Saturday, and 4:30 p.m. Sunday in the Jefferson Academic Center at Clark University as part of the Cinema 320 film series.
{FILM} continued from page 19
partnership with WSU followed by a Q&A with RFK alumni, current student interns and faculty. Free and open to the public APRIL 27 “A ROAD LESS TRAVELED: THE HANDJIAN STORY” at Worcester Public Library in the Saxe Room, 3 Salem Sq. A film that chronicles the Armenian Genocide with personal accounts as told by Kourken and Malvine Handjian. The screening is part of a Martyrs Day Commemoration with a City Proclamation from Mayor Joe Petty and a formal presentation of new books and videos to the library’s Knights and Daughters Of Vartan collection.
at The Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St. Wings, a 1927 silent film about World War I fighter pilots, will be accompanied by Clark Wilson on the Mighty Wurlitzer theatre organ. Tickets $20
night day
Look Stunning
film times
PARENTAL GUIDANCE (PG) Elm Fri: 7, 9:30, Sat: 4:15, 7, Sun: 4:30, 7:30, Tues-Wed: 7:30
ADMISSION (PG-13) Blackstone Fri-Wed: 12:10, 2:40, 5:10, 7:05, 9:40, 12:10 a.m. Cinemagic Fri-Wed: 11:50, 12:15, 4:40, 7:15, 9:40 Solomon Pond Thurs: 10, Fri-Wed: 11:10, 1:50, 4:25, 7:20, 10:05 Westborough Thurs: 10:05, Fri-Wed: 12:10, 2:40, 5:10, 7:40, 10:10 Worcester North Fri-Wed: 1:25, 4:05, 7, 9:35
SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 12:35, 3:20, 6:35, 9:15, Fri-Wed: 1:50, 4:35, 7:15 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:55, 4:20, 7:25, 10:05, Fri-Wed: 3:45, 9:35 Worcester North Thurs: 7:05, Fri-Wed: 7:15, 10
DEAD MAN DOWN (R) Blackstone Thurs: 1:10, 4:20, 7:05, 9:45 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:40, 4:05, 7:15 Westborough Thurs: 1:05, 4:20, 7:15 Worcester North Thurs: 1:05, 4:15, 7:35 EMPEROR (PG-13) Worcester North Thurs: 1:35, 4:45, 7:20, Fri-Wed: 1:15, 4, 6:35, 9:20 ESCAPE FROM PLANET EARTH (PG) Blackstone Thurs: 12:25, 2:40, 5 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:15, 2:25, 4:45, Fri-Wed: 12:05, 2:20, 4:55 Westborough Thurs: 1:15, Fri-Wed: 12:35 Worcester North Thurs: 12:35, 2:45, 4:55, Fri-Wed: 12:30, 2:40, 4:55 HYDE PARK ON HUDSON (R) Strand Fri-Sun, Tues-Wed: 7 IDENTITY THIEF (R) Blackstone Thurs: 1:25, 4:05, 6:55, 9:30, Fri-Wed: 1:20, 4:05, 6:40, 9:20 Cinemagic Thurs: 11:50, 2:20, 4:50, 7:20, 9:50, Fri-Wed: 2:20, 7:20 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12, 2:25, 5, 7:45 Fri-Wed: 10:25 Westborough Thurs: 12:30, 2:55, 5:15, 7:45, 10:10 Worcester North Thurs: 12:55, 3:40, 6:40, Fri-Wed: 12:55, 3:40, 6:40, 9:25 JACK THE GIANT SLAYER (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 12:40, 3:25, 6:40, Fri-Wed: 3:45, 6:30 Cinemagic Thurs: 2:20, 9:50, Fri-Wed: 4:50 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:25, 6:50, Fri-Wed: 12:45, 6:50 Westborough Thurs: 4:15 Worcester North Thurs-Wed 12:50, 3:45, 6:50 KAI PO CHE (NR) Westborough Thurs: 12:45, 3:35, 6:40, 9:25, Fri-Wed: 3:50, 9:30 LIFE OF PI 3D (PG) Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:35, 3:45, 6:55, 9:55, Fri-Wed: 7:35, 9:25 OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN (R) Blackstone (reserved seating) Fri-Wed: 1, 4:10, 7:10, 9:55 Blackstone Fri-Wed: 1:30, 4:40, 7:40, 10:25, 11:55 Cinemagic Fri-Wed: 12:20, 3:30, 6:50, 9:30 Solomon Pond Thurs: 10, Fri-Wed: 12:30, 1:10, 3:40, 4:30, 7:10, 7:40, 9:50, 10:20 Westborough Thurs: 10:15, Fri-Wed: 12:20, 12:40, 4:10, 6:50, 7:20, 10 Worcester North Fri-Wed: 1:30, 4:25, 7:10, 10:10 OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL (PG) Blackstone Thurs: 1:30, 4:30, 7:30, 10:25, Fri-Wed: 12:45, 1:15, 3:50, 4:20, 7:20, 10:15, 11:40 Cinemagic Thurs-Wed: 12, 2:50, 6:50, 9:40 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:30, 3:40, 7, 7:50, 10, Fri-Wed: 12:40, 4:05, 7:15, 10:15 Westborough Thurs: 4, 7, 10, Fri-Wed: 12:55, 4:05, 7:05, 9:25 Worcester North Thurs: 1:30, 4:30, 7:30, Fri-Wed: 1:35, 4:30, 7:25, 10:25
Wedding Day
OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL 3D (PG) Blackstone Thurs: 12:30, 1, 3:30, 4, 6:30, 7, 9:25, 9:55, Fri-Wed: 12:15, 3:20, 6:50, 9:45 Cinemagic Thurs: 12:15, 3:15, 7:10, 10, Fri-Wed: 4:45, 9:50 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12, 1, 3:10, 4:10, 6:20, 7:20, 10:20, Fri-Wed: 12, 3:30, 6:40, 9:40 Westborough Thurs: 12:30, 1:20, 3:30, 4:30, 6:30, 7:30, 9:30, Fri-Wed: 12:25, 3:30, 6:35, 9:35 Worcester North Thurs: 12:30, 1, 3:30, 4, 6:30, 7, Fri-Wed: 1:05, 4, 6:55, 9:55
21 AND OVER (R) Blackstone Thurs: 1:55, 4:35, 7:55, 10:10, Fri-Wed: 11:35, 9:50, 12:05 a.m. Cinemagic Thurs: 2:30, 9:50 Solomon Pond Thurs: 1:05, 4:15, 7:15 Westborough Thurs: 12:35, 3, 5:30, 7:50 Worcester North Thurs: 1:45, 4:50, 7:55
ARGO (R) Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:50, 4:30, 7:40 Worcester North Thurs: 1:40, 4:20, 7:15, Fri-Wed: 1:40, 4:20, 7:05, 9:50
on your
QUARTET (PG-13) Worcester North Thurs: 1:50, 4:10, 6:45, Fri-Wed: 1:10, 3:50, 6:30, 9
SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK (R) Blackstone Thurs: 12:50, 3:45, 6:50, 9:40 Cinemagic Thurs: 12:20, 3, 6:45, 9:20 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:20, 3:50, 7:05 Westborough Thurs: 1, 4:10, 7:10, 9:55, Fri-Wed: 3:45, 6:45, 9:45 Worcester North Thurs: 1:15, 4:05, 6:55, Fri-Wed: 1, 3:55, 6:45, 9:45 SNITCH (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 1:40, 5:05, 7:40, 10:20, Fri-Wed: 12:40, 9:20, 12 Cinemagic Thurs: 11:50, 2:20, 4:50, 7:20 Worcester North Thurs: 1:10, 4:25, 7:45, Fri-Wed: 10:25 SPRING BREAKERS (R) Blackstone Fri-Wed: 12:20, 2:45, 5:15, 7:45, 10:10, 12:25 Solomon Pond Fri-Wed: 11:30, 2:05, 4:50, 7:50, 10:30 Westborough Fri-Wed: 12:20, 2:35, 4:55, 7:10, 10 Worcester North Fri-Wed: 12:20, 2:55, 5:15, 7:30, 10:30 THE CALL (R) Blackstone (Digital Director’s Hall reserved seating) Thurs: 1:50, 4:15, 7:15, 9:35 Blackstone Thurs: 12, 2:20, 4:45, 7:45, 10:05, Fri-Wed: 11:50, 12:15, 4:45, 7:10, 7:55, 9:25, 10:30, 12:15 a.m. Cinemagic Thurs-Wed 12:15, 2:30, 4:45, 7:30, 10 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12, 2:20, 4:50, 7:30, 9:50, Fri-Wed: 11:25, 1:55, 4:35, 7:25, 9:55 Westborough Thurs: 12:50, 3:10, 5:25, 7:40, 10:10, Fri-Wed: 12:05, 2:20, 4:40, 7:50, 10:10 Worcester North Thurs: 12:45, 3, 5:15, 7:45, Fri-Wed: 12:35, 3, 5:20, 7:40, 10 THE CROODS (PG) Blackstone Fri-Wed: 12, 2:30, 5, 7:30, 10 Cinemagic Fri-Wed: 11:50, 2:10, 4:30, 7, 9:20 Solomon Pond Thurs: 9:30, Fri-Wed: 11, 11:50, 12:20, 12:50, 1:40, 2:20, 2:50, 3:20, 4:20, 5, 5:20, 6, 7, 8, 10 Westborough Fri-Wed: 12, 1, 2:30, 4, 5, 6:30, 7:30, 9:55 Worcester North Fri-Wed: 12:45, 3:05, 5:30, 7:50, 10:10 THE CROODS 3D (PG) Blackstone Fri-Wed: 11:30, 2, 4:30, 7, 9:30, 11:50 Cinemagic Fri-Wed: 12:15, 2:30, 7:30 Solomon Pond Thurs: 9:10, Fri-Wed: 11:20, 1:20, 2, 3:50, 4:40, 6:30, 7:30, 9:30, 10:10 Westborough Thurs: 9:35, Fri-Wed: 12:30, 3, 5:30, 7, 9:30 Worcester North Fri-Wed: 12:15, 2:35, 5, 7:20, 9:40 THE INCREDIBLE BURT WONDERSTONE (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 12:05, 2:30, 4:55, 7:25, 10, Fri-Wed: 11:45, 2:20, 5:05, 7:35, 10:05, 12:20 a.m. Cinemagic Thurs-Wed: 12, 2:20, 4:40, 7:15, 9:45 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:10, 1:10, 2:35, 5:10, 7:10, 8, 10:30, Fri-Wed: 11:05, 1:45, 4:15, 7:05, 9:45 Westborough Thurs: 12:40, 3:05, 5:30, 7:55, 10:20, Fri-Wed: 12:15, 2:45, 5:10, 7:35, 10:05 Worcester North Thurs: 1:25, 4:35, 7:25, Fri-Wed: 12:30, 2:55, 5:25, 7:55, 10:20 THE LAST EXORCISM PART II (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 7:35, 9:50 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:05, 2:25, 4:45, 7:35, 9:55, Fri-Wed: 10:25 ZERO DARK THIRTY (R) Elm Thurs: 7:30 Strand Thurs: 7 Worcester North Thurs: 1:20, 4:40, 8
Wedding Directory D’Iorio’s
Walk-ins Welcome or by Appointment
355A Plantation St. • Worcester
Special Distinctive Wedding Cakes that taste as good as they look. Free Cake Tastings
133 Gold Star Blvd., Worcester 508-852-0746 • www.thecrownbakery.com MARCH 21, 2013 • WORCESTERMAG.COM
night day &
Tatnuck Grille
{ dining}
FOOD ★★★ AMBIENCE ★★1/2 SERVICE ★★★★ VALUE ★★★ 638 Chandler St., Worcester • 508-792-0000 • tatnuckgrille.com
New Grille in Tatnuck Zoe Dee
Tatnuck Grille, having recently opened at the end of 2012, finally gives the west Tatnuck neighborhood quality sit-down dining with a menu that does not tout itself as being an expert at any one thing, and offers a variety of cuisines.
The atmosphere at Tatnuck Grille is humble in its approach. The design of the restaurant allows couples and groups to comfortably dine in booths with cushioned seats, surrounded by decorative black and white image wall hangings. A full bar area with counter seating, as well as tables for two, is separated by a half wall. The menu begins with a traditional appetizer list with favorites boneless
chicken wings, fried pickles, homemade onion rings, spinach and artichoke dip, and a basket of French fries. Catch of the day mussels, six oysters on the half shell and sesame seared ahi tuna, are welcome items next to the cheesy, fried others. The tuna, while indeed seared, is close to thoroughly cooked, lacking the cool, sashimi-like texture of medium rare tuna steaks. The dozen quarter-inch steaks are served atop a bed of seaweed salad that is flavorful and crunchy. Mild wasabi, pieces of fresh ginger and a thick soy-ginger sauce offer added flavors. The baked stuffed shrimp ($16.99) is five jumbo shrimp, each baked within a large mound of seafood stuffing that is incredibly rich and satisfying. The stuffing, made with haddock, salmon, and crab meat, is warm and practically melts in your mouth, and pairs well, both in flavor and texture, with the thick pieces of shrimp. With all entrees at Tatnuck Grille, diners are given the choice of baked potato, rice pilaf or French fries. Cooked carrots and green beans that are tender with a strong butter flavor are also served as a side. A create-your-own pasta dish ($10.99)
option gives diners the choice of six different sauces, from a creamed garlic Alfredo to a mild or Wow Hot marinara sauce with onions, peppers, mushrooms and herbs. More options are given to burger orders with a choice of meat, – angus beef, thai blue, Sam Adams beer burger or salmon – toppings, sauce and cheese. Traditional burgers and sandwiches (except the pastrami) are less than $10 and come served in a basket with French fries.
The Home Of
Chef Albert Maykel I r o n
C h e f
The most expensive item on the menu, and possibly the best, is the grilled rib eye steak ($20.99). The 14-ounce piece of meat is cooked as requested; the medium-rare being seared with tender, juicy pink meat in the middle. The meat, on one particular occasion, was lean except for a small section of fat at one end of the cut. Despite a bar that extends one full wall of the establishment, draught beer offerings are limited and are priced at the higher end of Worcester’s average with a Wachusett Country Ale for $5.25. However, the crowd on a Monday night was lively with drinks in hand and seemed to have found their “spot” as the conversation sounded to be one of regulars. With an extensive menu and pleasant atmosphere, Tatnuck Grille is a welcome addition to the west-side neighborhood.
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• MARCH 21, 2013
Menu Selections v Prime Prime Rib Daily v Fresh Fresh Seafood Daily v Daily Daily Specials v Private Private Parties v Catering Catering
night day &
BITES ... nom, nom, nom
Hardwick Vineyard & Winery hosts its third annual Maple Barn Breakfast Festival events throughout the month of March. Every Saturday, beginning March 2 and ending March 30, from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. a breakfast, live music, hayrides to the sugarhouse, blacksmithing demos, face painting will be offered and locally made baked goods and maple products will be tfor sale. The breakfast menu includes both plain and blueberry pancakes, baked French toast, hash brown casserole, egg and cheese frittata, bacon, sausage, assorted fresh fruit, maple coffee, grape and orange juices, and for those 21+: maple mimosas and bacon bloody maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s will be offered for an additional cost. Festival tickets, which include breakfast, are $12 for adults and $6 for kids. Hardwick Vineyard & Winery, 3305 Greenwich Rd., Hardwick.
Nuestro Huerto is offering a 20week CSA this summer. The CSA provides participants with fresh, local vegetables from June through October. Half- and full-share options are available. EBT and payment plans are welcome. Email nuestrohuertoworcester@gmail.com for pricing and more information. The farm is located at 20 Southgate St. in Worcester.
Stella & Chewyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pet Food will be in the Pet Department at Klemâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s in Spencer providing information on their pet food products and handing out free samples on Saturday, March 23 from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Stella & Chewyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pet Food is unique in that it is fresh from a farm, all-natural frozen and freeze-dried raw pet food for dogs and cats. Klemâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 117 West Main St., Spencer. klemsonline.com.
Tower Hill Botanic Garden hosts a cooking class on how to make edible bread bowls on Sunday, March 24 from 12:30-3 p.m. The class will teach participants how to make the bread bowl as well as how to ďŹ ll them with homemade chocolate cherry scones. Fee is $45 for nonmembers or $40 for members. To register email registrar@ towerhillbg.org . Tower Hill Botanic Garden, 11 French Drive, Boylston. towerhillbg.org.
Pay-as-you-can night happens every Wednesday from 4-8 p.m. at One Love Cafe on Main Street in Worcester. A community dinner of nourishing food (whatever is on the stove that evening) is offered for a suggested donation of $5. Also, every Thursday night the restaurant
Paris of the Eighties Cafe on Main St. (adjacent to The Palladium) is now offering hot egg and cheese on Ciabatta sandwiches for $0.99. Paris of the Eighties Cafe, 261 Main St. Find them on Facebook and Instagram.
The Museum of Russian Icons offers an expanded menu in its Russian Tea Room on Saturdays. In addition to its every day tea and snack offerings, are sandwiches including the Tea Room Tuna, Imperial Ham & Swiss, Vladimir Veggie, and the Gordon Club. The Museum of Russian Icons, 203 Union St., Clinton. museumofrussianicons.org.
New Lands Farm will also be providing a CSA program to Worcester-area residents this summer. Fresh fruits and veggies from New Landsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; two farms, one in Worcester and one in West SpringďŹ eld, will be packed and shared with participants from June 18 through October 16. Ethnic vegetables including mchicha and bottle gourds and traditional cultural recipes using the items, will be offered alongside common New England produce. Pickup locations will be at the West SpringďŹ eld farm and Sutton on Tuesday afternoons, and at EAT Center in downtown Worcester on Wednesdays. Learn more at lssne.org/ NewLandsFarm.aspx.
Wexford House Restaurant
Tuesday-Saturday, 11:30am-10:00pm
Ask About Our Catteerriinngg
Glut Gluten ute teen
The Vin Binâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new location in Hopkinton hosts a grand tasting open house event on Saturday, March 23 at 6 p.m. The public, those 21-plus of course, is welcome to the event to taste the wine, Jackâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Abbey Craft Brewers beer, artisan cheese and gourmet snacks from the Vin Bin Cafe. The Vin Bin, 22 South St., Hopkinton. thevinbin.com.
offers a buffet and music. Last but not least, One Love serves a vegan brunch and hosts local music every second Sunday of each month. To sign up for the mailing list email onelovecafe@gmail.com and check out their Facebook page for more information.
Located at the corner of Shrewsbury Street and Route 9 in Worcester
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Join us in our Pub for Trivia Night on Thursdays!
Bar Menu
$5 Appetizers 25¢ Wings Sunday & Monday Nights* *25¢ wings only available at the bar.
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Specials: Roast Leg of Lamb, Virginia Baked Ham, Seafood Newburg, Chicken Cordon Blue, Roast Turkey, Broiled Veal Chop, plus Our Full Menu MARCH 21, 2013 â&#x20AC;˘ WORCESTERMAG.COM
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★ Birds-nest Benedicts ★ Fresh Salmon Benedicts, plain or cajun ★ Texan Omlelette: BBQ Shaved Steak and Cheese, topped with Onion Rings ★ Barnyard Omelette: Crispy Chicken with Bacon and Blue Cheese ★ Summer Time Veggie and Cheese Omelette with Garlic & Dill OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! Mon.-Thur. 6am-2pm; Fri. 6am-8pm Sat. 6am-Noon; Sun 7am-Noon
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night day &
On a R ll
7 Nana
60 Shrewsbury St. Worcester 508-755-8888 7nanasteakhouseworcester.com
Worcester’s sushi offerings gs
FOOD ★★★★ AMBIENCE ★★★★ SERVICE ★★★ 1/2 VALUE ★★★★
7 Nana Sarah Jane Nelson
It’s hard to miss 7 Nana on Shrewsbury Street. It’s the first noticeable sign as you turn in off the rotary, and so much about this restaurant is designed to stand out. From the flair of the hibachi to the waterfall and glowing chandelier, they are certainly making a presence. I’m not sure if an average roll is the best choice at 7 Nana, but on my visit I went with a classic, the Philadelphia Roll.
This roll featured smoked salmon, cream cheese, and cucumber, which I proceeded to enjoy with some soy sauce and wasabi. The dishware was interesting with an oriental-inspired style and a functional sushi-eating design. The downside to this roll, however, was that the rather fresh cream cheese overpowered the flavor of the smoked salmon. It made for a lovely texture against the crisp cucumber, but in the end left me feeling a bit at a loss for the salmon. A friend of mine tried the Shrimp Tempura roll during our visit, which she really enjoyed. The Shrimp Tempura had a delicious sauce that I just had to smear some of my rolls in. The Philadelphia roll offers six bites for only $6. It’s one of the better cost-forquality sushi rolls I’ve had. The ambiance of 7 Nana is exciting and edgy — such a simple roll here may not offer the complete experience.
THE RESTAURANT SHOW Each week your host Ginny talks to restauranteurs from some of the top local eateries to spotlight what they do — their stories, their menus, and what makes the local restaurant scene so great.
TUNE IN Saturday 10am-11am and and Sunday Noon - 1pm
This week’s featured restaurant:
• MARCH 21, 2013
Upload your listings at worcestermag.com. Click the Night & Day toolbar, then choose Calendar to place your event listing in both our print and online weekly calendar.
music >Thursday 21
Reality. The Raven, 258 Pleasant St. 508-304-8133 or facebook. com/EnterThisReality?ref=ts&fref=ts. Coffee & Jam with Andy Caplan. Light and fun, and his Musical Acquaintances guarantee a good time. A combination of drums and guitar accompany cover songs and a few original tunes. No Cover Charge, but a suggested $5 Pass-the-Hat donation is appreciated. 7-8:30 p.m. Coffeelands World Gifts Espresso Cafe, 50 High St., Clinton. 978-733-4277 or coffeelandscafe.org. Queens in Wonderland Drag Show. The Gay Straight Alliance at Fitchburg State University will present the eighth annual drag show, an event designed to entertain and enlighten the community. Proceeds from the show will support two very worthwhile charities: Cocheco Arts & Technology Academy of New Hampshire and the 15 West Coffee House Kids of Leominster. $10 for public, $5 for students. 7-9 p.m. Fitchburg State University: Athletics and Recreation Center, 160 Pearl St., Fitchburg. Night Train (Roots/Blues, LIVE MUSIC). No Cover. 7:159:45 p.m. The Mill at 185 West Boylston Street, 185 West Boylston St., West Boylston. themill185.com. Havana Night Live Latin Jazz. Live band playing/singing classic latin rhythms/ jazz/ samba and bossa nova. No cover. Guest collaborations may be arranged. 7:30-10:30 p.m. Cantina Bar & Grill, United States, 385 Main St. 508-579-8949 or facebook. com/cantinabar. Open Mic Thursdays with Bill Mccarthy. Visit myspace. com/openmicworld for info and the latest sign-up schedules. Email Bill McCarthy to reserve a spot at Openmcc@verizon. Free. 7:30-11:30 p.m. Park Grill and Spirits, 257 Park Ave. MySpace. com/OpenMicWorld. Acoustic Thursdays. 8-11 p.m. Black Sheep Tavern, 261 Leominster Road, Sterling. 978-422-8484. Audio Wasabi with host Brian Chaffee. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. Blues Jam. Hosted by “BlueSwitch.” Come sing/play and have fun! 8 p.m.-midnight Rivalry’s Sports Bar, 274 Shrewsbury St. 774-243-1100. Chris Reddy Acoustic Loops from Hell. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Flip Flops, 680 Main St., Holden. Hooper & Beckwith at the Lakeside Bar & Grille. Don Hooper and Steve Beckwith bring their country-folk and American Roots music to Shrewsbury. 8-11:30 p.m. Lakeside Bar & Grille, 97 Boston Turnpike, Shrewsbury. 508-425-3543 or lakesidebargrille.com. Thursday Blues Jam. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Rivalry’s Sports Bar, 274 Shrewsbury St. 774-243-1100. Thursday Open Mic W/ Ed Sheridan. 8-11 p.m. Blue Plate Lounge, 661 Main St., Holden. 508-829-4566. Dan Kirouac & Sarah Gengel. 8:30-11:30 p.m. Texas BBQ Company, 309 Main St., Northborough. 508-393-4742 or facebook.com/events/408909075829243. Dana Lewis LIVE! Playing the Greatest Hits from the 50’s to the 80’s. “The soundtrack of your youth!” 8:30-10:30 p.m. Grafton Inn, The, 25 Grafton Cmn, Grafton. 508-839-5931. Karaoke Thursdays! Every Thursday Night! Hosted by DJ Fast Track! 18+ NO COVER! Come Rock the Mic Every Thursday Night at Karaoke! 8:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Club Remix, 105 Water St. 508-756-2227. Cara Brindisi and the Feather Merchants. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St. 508-752-9439. Metal Thursday CXCVII: Krakatoa, Infera Bruo, Abyssus [NJ], Anaria. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543. Poor Howard and Bullfrog, Delta Blues! No Cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-7534030. The 80’s tribute band The Flock Of A-Holes with Ways To Fall and Molly-Jane Gain. All your 80’s fun hits played by a bunch of A-holes $5. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or facebook.com/groups/
TheFlockOfAssholes. Thirsty Thursday with DJ Matty J. No cover charge. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Center Bar & Grill, 102 Green St. 508-438-0597.
>Friday 22
Elijah Divine & DJ Treeman, Buddha Monk, Dizzy Dizasta, Manny MacGyver, APeriod,Haze, JoshBliss, Tom Brown & Mistah Fitzgerald, Blunt Surgeon, Aylienne Hazardous, DJ Bobby Milk, DJ Treeman,TOP ROCK UNITED. The Raven, 258 Pleasant St. 508-304-8133 or facebook.com/events/297760983683713. Dana Lewis LIVE! Playing the Classic Hits of the 50’s to the 80’s. “The sound track of your youth”. Great Dinners, Home made desserts, Full Bar, Lottery & Me. No Cover, Be There! 5:30-8:30 p.m. Webster House Restaurant, 1 Webster St. 508-757-7208. Kids ACROBATIC ROCK-N-ROLL Sport-Dance Class (Beginner). Beginner level class for boys and girls of all ages! Combines the beauty of the dance with consistent physical activities in the dynamic rhythm of contemporary rocknroll music. Kids will learn basic footsteps including kicks, hops, bouncing movements, energetic choreography, as well as acrobatic elements. $75 per person for 8 weeks (1 class per week) or $140 per person for 8 weeks (2 classes per week). 5:30-6:30 p.m. ABL Dance Sport Center, Maironis Park, 52 South Quinsigamond Ave., Shrewsbury. 508-925-4537 or ABLDance.com. Open Mic. Open to musicians, poets, comedians or anyone with a talent! Hosted by Patrick McCarthy. 6:30-9 p.m. Nu Cafe, 335 Chandler St. 508-926-8800 or nucafe.com/events. Dale Overlock. Dale Overlock is an emerging artist who has been devoted to serving Jesus through music for over a decade. 7-9:30 p.m. Mill Church Cafe, 45 River St Millbury MA, Millbury. 508-865-1517. Amy Helm. Amy Helm’s deep musical roots were enriched by a lifetime of exposure to the finest expressions of American musical tradition. $28 advance; $32 day of show. 8-11 p.m. Bull Run Restaurant, Sawtelle Room, 215 Great Road, Shirley. 978-4254311 or tickets.bullrunrestaurant.com. Dezi Garcia. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Rivalry’s Sports Bar, 274 Shrewsbury St. 774-243-1100. Flock Of A-Holes at SAKURA TOKYO! Fri/Sat. Another amazing weekend of shows for the Flock at Sakura. If you’ve seen them here before, you know these shows are not to be missed. Always packed, hilarious and full of wacky dancing! 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Sakura Tokyo, 640 Park Ave. 508-792-1068 or facebook.com/ groups/TheFlockOfAssholes. From Barcelona to Brazil - A Special Benefit Concert. Kathleen Corcoran, guitar and Tracy Kraus, flute will be joined by JOMP alumni Lucas Apostoleris, guitar and Rachel Rynick, mezzo soprano in a benefit recital to raise funds for the Financial Aid Program at Joy of Music. The program will include works by Granados, Albeniz, Beaser and Pixinguinha. $25 Suggesrted Donation; $10 for students. 8-9:30 p.m. First Baptist Church, Gordan Hall, 111 Park Ave. 508-856-9541. Josh Briggs. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. The Mill, 185 West Boylston St., West Boylston. Natalie MacMaster. Music Worcester welcomes back the internationally known and acclaimed fiddler Natalie MacMaster and her band from Cape Breton in Canada - one of their best exports to U.S. audiences! $49 individual, $15 student, $5 youth. 8-10:30 p.m. Mechanics Hall, 321 Main St. 508-752-0888 or musicworcester.org. Sean Ryan. 8-11 p.m. Barbers Crossing (North), 175 Leominster Road, Sterling. 978-422-8438. The Coyotes. Great Band! $5. 8 p.m.-midnight Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. TOM YATES GROUP - Music Of The Woodstock Generation. Guitarist Tom Yates is a New England Region winner of the Guitar Center’s national King of the Blues Competition. 8-11 p.m. Concord’s Colonial Inn, 48 Monument Square, Concord. 978369-2373. Live Music in the Pub: Stoneybatter. No Cover. 8:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Fiddlers’ Green Pub & Restaurant, 19 Temple St.
508-792-3700. Red Hot Chili Pepper tribute “One Hot Minute” and special guests GladStone and Dirty Frank. One Hot Minute came together in mid 2012. $7. 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or facebook.com/ RedHotMinuteRocks. The Stymonsters. As one of the longest running bands in the New England area (over 35 years), the Stymonsters play music including the Dead, Beatles, Rolling Stones, Dylan, Clapton, and a host of others, along with a ton of originals. $5 cover, Be There! $5. 8:30 p.m.-midnight Blue Plate Lounge, 661 Main St., Holden. 508-829-4566. “The Unknown Ellington” A Revue. 4 Shows. A Night of Duke Ellington Compositions with Dan Burke, Linda Dagnello, Brian Koning, Tom Spears, Geoff Oehling, with Musical Director Frank Racette. 4 Shows - March 22 at 9pm, March 23 at 5pm and again at 9pm, and March 24 at 6pm. Please call for reservations. $20/person. See our Facebook Event at Facebook.com/nicks. worcester. $20 Cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Bon Jersey-The Premier Bon Jovi Tribute! Get your Bon Jovi fix here at JJ’s with Bon Jersey! Relive the hits all night long! $5 Cover at the door. 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m. JJ’s Sports Bar and Grill, 380 Southwest Cutoff, Northborough. 508-842-8420. Flesh & Blood. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Celtic Tavern, 45 Belmont St., Northborough. 508-366-6277. Members of Morphine & Jeremy Lyons with Rob Orciuch, Nate Grigos, Dave Smith, and Dan Villani opening. 9 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. 508-9268877. NEW! “High Voltage Friday’s” High Energy Hardcore with DJ Chananagains! Every Friday Night! 18+ $10, 21+ $5. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Club Remix, 105 Water St. 508-756-2227. Ripcord. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Iron Horse Lounge, 19 Airport Road,
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Fitchburg. 978-400-5618. No Alibi. $5. 9:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Jillian’s - Worcester, 315 Grove St. 508-793-0900. DJ One-3. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Perfect Game Sports Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263. Friday Night Dance Party with DJ Blackout. No cover charge. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Center Bar & Grill, 102 Green St. 508438-0597. Supernova Friday. Resident DJ’s Frankie Feingold & Goofy Bootz hit you with the hardest house in the city every Friday night. $10 (18+). 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Bar FX, 90 Commercial St. 774-8233555 or facebook.com/barfx.worcester.3.
>Saturday 23
“The Unknown Ellington” A Revue. 3 Shows Left. See Details. March 23 at 5pm and again at 9pm, and March 24 at 6pm. Please call for reservations. 508-753-4030. A Night of Duke Ellington Compositions with Dan Burke, Linda Dagnello, Brian Koning, Tom Spears, Geoff Oehling, with Musical Director Frank Racette. 4 Shows - March 22 at 9 p.m., March 23 at 5 p.m. and again at 9 p.m., and March 24 at 6 p.m. Please call for reservations. 508-753-4030. $20/person. See our Facebook Event at Facebook.com/nicks.worcester $20 Cover. 5 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Benefit for Peter Brothers. $5. 7 p.m.-noon Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Chris Reddy Acoustic Loops from Hell. 7-10 p.m. Perfect Game Sports Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263. Dana Lewis Live! Dana Lewis, Playing the greatest Hits from the 50’S to the 80’s. “The sound track of your youth” 7-10 p.m. continued on page 26
✩HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR SCRAP METAL✩ 267 Granite St., Worcester MA (Next to Standard Auto Parts) 508.795.3833 Receiving Hours: Monday-Friday 7AM-5PM • Saturday 7AM-12NOON MARCH 21, 2013 • WORCESTERMAG.COM
night day &
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continued from page 25
com/StrangeMachines, facebook.com/satellite.rockers. Strangers Helping Strangers will also be at this show accepting donations of non-perishables, warm cloths, hygiene products, etc. So, PLEASE, think of those less fortunate and together we can make a difference one concert at a time! $10. 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or facebook.com/ events/599888140025553. Invaders at the Wong Dynasty. 8:30-12:30 p.m. Wong Dynasty, Holden, MA, 176 Reservior Road (Route31), Holden. 508-829-2188. Live Music. 8:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. Auntie Trainwreck. 21+, NO Cover! 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Mill Towne Tavern, 49 Elm St., Millbury. 508-581-8845 or facebook.com/ events/323662214402276. Babe Pino Band. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Rivalry’s Sports Bar, 274 Shrewsbury St. 774-243-1100. Bottlefight, The McGunks, The Uncomfortables and The Human Floor! 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543. Coming Alive. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Iron Horse Lounge, 19 Airport Road, Fitchburg. 978-400-5618. Common Ground. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Celtic Tavern, 45 Belmont St., Northborough. 508-366-6277. Invaders at The Wong Dynasty. 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Wong Dynasty, Holden, MA, 176 Reservior Road (Route31), Holden. 508-829-2188. Live Bullet- The Premier Bob Seger Tribute. Live Bullet (A Bob Seger Tribute) returns to JJ’s! Rock out to his greatest hits all night! 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m. JJ’s Sports Bar and Grill, 380 Southwest Cutoff, Northborough. 508-842-8420. Lovewhip, Ariband. 9 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. 508-926-8877. The Silverbacks. The Silverbacks are New England’s premiere rock outfit. The band’s stellar cast of characters is anchored by Worcester’s most legendary and storied frontman/vocalist: Mike Lynch and features the incendiary guitar stylings of a man who’s musical lineage speaks for itself: Cliff Goodwin. Proving that the whole is greater that sum of it’s parts, are the equally talented musicians: Laurie Kollios, Jim Perry, Glenn DiTomasso, Bill MacGillvary & Deric Dyer. If you wanna dance the night away, to music played by Gods, be HERE! $7. 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Blue Plate Lounge, 661 Main St., Holden. 508-829-4566. Virginia Rubino and Special Guests. Virginia Rubino sings tonight, with keyboard accompaniment and possible special guest appearances. Ms. Rubino was previously a diva of the music scene in both Worcester, where she played with “Where’s Virginia?” and “The Amazing Box Band”, and the Los Angeles area, where she performed and recorded with Bebe K’Roche. She sings in a variety of styles, from reggae to the classics. Relax in the oasis of the Sahara, with Virginia Rubino. No Cover. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Sahara Cafe & Restaurant, 143 Highland St. 508-798-2181. Babe Pino Band. 9:30-1:30 p.m. Rivalries Bar, Shrewsbury St.
Nancy’s Quaker Tavern, 466 Quaker Hgwy (Route146a), Uxbridge. 508-779-0901. SEAN FULLERTON: Acoustic Blues, Rock ‘n’ Roll & Fingerstyle Guitar. 7-9 p.m. Chaibo Coffee and Tea House, 37 Boulder Dr, Fitchburg. 978-829-0088 or chaibo.com. Cafe’ con Dios. Donation. 7:30-10 p.m. Faith Baptist Church, Main Auditorium, 22 Faith Ave, Auburn. 508-579-6722. Dale Overlock. Specially Prepared Home Cooked Meals every week! $2 Suggested Donation. 7:30-10 p.m. Faith Baptist Church, Cafe con Dios, 22 Faith Ave, Auburn. 508-832-5044. JAZZED UP Trio LIVE. Jazzed Up Trio live the Multi award winning JAZZED UP Trio, artist in residence, Performs at BYBLOS LOUNGE, in Union Station, Worcester Ma March 23 at 7:30 PM. No cover, great authentic Lebanese food, and the best in cool, smooth jazz. No Cover. 7:30 p.m.-9:30 a.m. Byblos Lounge Union Station, Worcester, MA, Union Station, Columbus Square, Worcester. 508756-2232. Amy Black. Music, photos and video at amyblack.com $15 advance; $20 day of show.. 8-11 p.m. Bull Run Restaurant, Ballroom, 215 Great Road, Shirley. 978-425-4311 or tickets. bullrunrestaurant.com. Country Night with Erin & Terry. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. The Mill, 185 West Boylston St., West Boylston. Flock Of A-Holes at SAKURA TOKYO! Fri/Sat. Another amazing weekend of shows for the Flock at Sakura. If you’ve seen them here before, you know these shows are not to be missed. Always packed, hilarious and full of wacky dancing! ! 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Sakura Tokyo, 640 Park Ave. 508-792-1068 or facebook.com/ groups/TheFlockOfAssholes. Karaoke Dance Party With CJ/DJ @ Eller’s Restaurant. Hey Everyone Come Down and Join CJ/DJ at Eller’s Restaurant Lounge for a Karaoke Dance Party. We will have a blast singing songs from yesterday and today and maybe some dancing too. NO COVER! 8-11 p.m. Eller’s Restaurant, Lounge, 190 Main St., Cherry Valley. 508-868-7382 or ellersrestaurant.com. Live Bands. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Black Sheep Tavern, 261 Leominster Road, Sterling. 978-422-8484. Tribute To Icons Of 50’s and 60’s Rock And Pop by Janice D and the Workingman’s Band. An Homage to the pop icons of the 1950’s and 60’s featuring songs from Patsy Cline, Peggy Lee, Wanda Jackson, The Shirelles, Etta James and many more. Come warm up by the fireside. Janice D - vocals Tom Yates - guitar & vocals Rick Maida - bass Mike Avery - drums None. 8-11 p.m. Concord’s Colonial Inn, 48 Monument Square, Concord. 978-369-2373. Huge show with The Alchemystics, Strange Machines and the Satellite Rockers. The Alchemystics have a new Bandcamp page! (facebook.com/alchemystics) “Spread Hope” special...only $5, 17 tracks, listen up and download if ya dig! Share at will. (thealchemystics.bandcamp.com) facebook.
Worcester native and jazz vocalist Anne Walsh performs at Mechanics Hall on Wednesday, March 27 as part of WICN’s Brown Bag Lunch Series. www.mechanicshall.org/tickets/brownbag.html. Mass Octane. $5. 9:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Jillian’s - Worcester, 315 Grove St. 508-793-0900. “Tantrum Saturdays” Dance Party Every Saturday Night with DJ Tony T. Get ready Worcester for some great dancing to the beats of Tony T. He has been known to get the dance floor bouncing. As always if you are 21+ and get here before 10pm you won’t have to pay the cover charge. If you have been here recently you know we have been known to have a surprise “contest” with cash prizes awarded. Some of the recent contests, Sexy bodies (both guys an girls) hot underwear ???? Watch for the surprise contest each week. 18+ only $10 21+ only $5. 10 p.m.-1:45 a.m. Club Remix, 105 Water St. 508-756-2227 or remixworcester.com. DJ Reckless. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Perfect Game Sports Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263. Saturday Nights with DJ E-Class. No cover charge. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Center Bar & Grill, 102 Green St. 508-438-0597.
>Sunday 24
Revolution Sunday’s! Drag Show Extravaganza Hosted by Lady Sabrina and Bootz! Featuring The Remix Girls, Special Guests, and DJ Whiteboi Spinning Beats! 18+ $8 21+ $5. midnight-1:30 a.m. Club Remix, 105 Water St. 508-756-2227. Jazz Brunch with Chet Williamson. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. Bah Jam Open Mic with A Ton of Blues. 2-7 p.m. Black Sheep Tavern, 261 Leominster Road, Sterling. 978-422-8484. Meat Raffle. That’s right come on down and win some MEAT! Steak, Chicken, Ham, etc..... fun on a Sunday afternoon then stay for the Blues Jam with Jim Perry and guests afterward! ! ! except for raffles you want to buy. 2-5 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Worcester Symphonic Project. The Worcester Symphonic Project is an ensemble celebration that will include orchestral, concert band, and jazz musicians from College of the Holy Cross,
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night day &
>Monday 25
Dana Lewis LIVE! Playing the Classic Hits of the 50’s to the 80’s. “The sound track of your youth”. Great Dinners, Home made
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desserts, Full Bar, Lottery & Me. No Cover, Be There! 5:30-8:30 p.m. Webster House Restaurant, 1 Webster St. 508-757-7208. Driftin’ Sam Politz 7-9pm, then Big Game Karaoke at 9 till Close! No Cover. 7 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Live Bands. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Black Sheep Tavern, 261 Leominster Road, Sterling. 978-422-8484. Blue Mondays - Live Blues. 8:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. Bop & Pop Jazz Organization. Classic Hammond Organ Quartet grooves every Monday night at the Dive. . 9 p.m.-midnight Dive Bar, 34 Green St. facebook.com/BopNPopJazzOrganization.
>Tuesday 26
Marinated Boneless Leg of Lamb or Apple Smoked Country Style Hams to make your Easter Celebration Unforgettable Order by March 23 Call 755-0258
Open Mic With Bill McCarthy. Open mic with Bill newcomers welcome . 7:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Dana Lewis LIVE! Playing the Classic Hits of the 50’s to the
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Fifth annual garden workshop “So You Want to Have a Vegetable Garden!” at Old Sturbridge Village on Saturday, March 23. A full-day symposium sharing practical knowledge to help the home gardener. Fee $35 per person or $30 per OSV member. osv.org.
WORCESTER www.worcestermag.com
80’s. “The sound track of your youth”. Great Dinners, Home made desserts, Full Bar, Lottery & Me. No Cover, Be There! 5:30-8:30 p.m. Webster House Restaurant, 1 Webster St. 508-757-7208. Stephen Beckwith. 6-9 p.m. The Harvest Grille, 27 Main St., Sterling. 978-422-6020 or theharvestgrille.com. Open Mic Night w /Bill McCarthy Open Mike! Visit myspace.com/openmicworld for info and the latest sign-up schedules. Email Bill McCarthy to reserve a spot at Openmcc@ verizon. Free. 7:30-11:30 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Live Bands. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Black Sheep Tavern, 261 Leominster Road, Sterling. 978-422-8484. Terry Brennan. 8-11 p.m. Banner Pub, The, 112 Green St. 508-755-0879.
{ news | arts | dining | nightlife
Assumption College, Clark University, Worcester State University, Anna Maria College, and Worcester Polytechnic Institute. $10 General Admission. 3-5 p.m. Mechanics Hall, 321 Main St. 508-752-0888 or mechanicshall.org/tickets/concertdetail/ worc03242013.html. Open Mic Night with Dani Red and Friends. Sign up for the open mic is 4:30pm. There is a different feature every week! Come on down to enjoy good food, good music, and talented musicians! 4:30-9 p.m. cafe neo bar and grille, 97 millbury St. 508-615-7311. Big Jon Short - solo acoustic country blues. 5-8 p.m. Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St. 508-752-9439. Come-and-Sing Stainer’s Crucifixion for Palm Sunday. Singalong! All singers are welcome to join the choirs of All Saints in performing this thrilling Easter-tide masterpiece. Watch the All Saints website for more information on rehearsals. allsaintsw.org $10. for singers. Audience . 5-6 p.m. All Saints Church, 10 Irving St. 508-752-3766. Dana Lewis LIVE! Playing the Classic Hits of the 50’s to the 80’s. “The sound track of your youth”. Great Dinners, Home made desserts, Full Bar, Lottery & Me. No Cover, Be There! 5:30-8:30 p.m. Webster House Restaurant, 1 Webster St. 508-757-7208. “The Unknown Ellington” A Revue. Last show tonight! See Details. Please call for reservations. 508-753-4030. A Night of Duke Ellington Compositions with Dan Burke, Linda Dagnello, Brian Koning, Tom Spears, Geoff Oehling, with Musical Director Frank Racette. 4 Shows - March 22 at 9 p.m., March 23 at 5 p.m. and again at 9 p.m., and March 24 at 6 p.m. Please call for reservations. 508-753-4030. $20/person. See our Facebook Event at Facebook.com/nicks.worcester. $20 Cover. 6-10 p.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Open Mic Sundays at Perfect Game With Bill McCarthy. Book your half-hour set in advance at myspace. com/openmicworld. Email Bill McCarthy to a spot at openmcc@ verizon.net. Free. 6-10 p.m. Perfect Game Sports Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263 or MySpace.com/OpenMicWorld. Blues Jam W/Jim Perry. Jam every sunday with Jim Perry and a Featured performer every week. Donations. 7-11 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Jay Campbell, Cello DATE CHANGE! With new works by Clark University Music Professors John Aylward & Matt Malsky Armed with a diverse spectrum of repertoire and eclectic musical interests, Jay Campbell has been praised as an “astonishing cellist” (Seen and Heard International), and whose performances “conveyed every nuance” (New York Times). Originally from Berkeley, CA., he has collaborated with an array of significant musicians and composers ranging from Elliott Carter and Pierre Boulez to members of Radiohead and Einstürzende Neubauten. With Conor Hanick, piano and Michelle Ross, violin and open to the public. 7:30-9:30 p.m. Clark University: Traina Center for the Arts, Razzo Hall, 92 Downing St. Live Bands. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Black Sheep Tavern, 261 Leominster Road, Sterling. 978-422-8484. Sunday Funday Karaoke with DJ Matty J. DJ Matty J will be starting earlier on March 10 and 17 for Parade Day and St Patricks Day. Check our Facebook page The Center Bar and Grill or thecenterbar.com No cover charge. 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Center Bar & Grill, 102 Green St. 508-438-0597. The NEW 90’s PARTY BAND “How Bizarre” featuring members of The Flock, Squeezer, The Vig and Neon Alley. You LOVE the 90’s? It’s the latest decade-driven band to hit the Lucky Dog. Members of The Flock, Squeezer, Neon Alley and more bands all combine to bring songs by EMF, Dee-Lite, Chumbawumba, STP, Alannis Morissette, C+C Music Factory, Right Said Fred, The Cardigans, OMC, Nirvana, Len, The B-52’s and even Billy Ray Cyrus to LIFE! They’re doing a ton of tunes. All in costumes, VERY fun and silly! $5. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or facebook.com/pages/HowBizarre/451955381512926.
EASTER DINNER begins at Ed Hyder's!
Not your everyday newspaper.
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Denise Cascione & Joe D’Angelo “Dam Chick Singer”. No Cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Jon Bonner. 9 p.m.-midnight Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St. 508752-9439.
>Wednesday 27
Open Mic hosted by Gabriel Navarre. The Raven, 258 Pleasant St. 508-304-8133. Open Jam w/Sean Ryan. Open Jam . 8:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Brown Bag Concert: Anne Walsh. Jazz vocalist Anne Walsh is a Worcester native who makes her home on the West Coast. annewalsh.com Bring your own Brown Bag lunch or buy one at the Hall while they last. Cabaret Seating. Concerts are broadcast live on WICN 90.5fm and stream on the web at wicn.org Admission. noon-1 p.m. Mechanics Hall, 321 Main St. 508-7525608 or mechanicshall.org/tickets/brownbag.html. Dana Lewis LIVE! Playing the Classic Hits of the 50’s to the 80’s. “The sound track of your youth”. Great Dinners, Home made desserts, Full Bar, Lottery & Me. No Cover, Be There! 5:30-8:30 p.m. Webster House Restaurant, 1 Webster St. 508-757-7208. Live Music with Matt Robert. Matt Robert’s solo Wednesday night shows present a loose, rambling trip through the songbook he’s developed over thirty years of performing. The Worcester-based guitarist plays a blend of rootsy originals and interpretations of ancient folk, blues, and jazz, as well as current roots and rock tunes. All donations to the Worcester County Food Bank. facebook.com/mattrobertmusic 6:30-8:30 p.m. Nu Cafe, 335 Chandler St. 508-926-8800 or nucafe.com/events.
OPEN MIC w/ FEATURE ACT. 7:30-11 p.m. Route 56 Roadside Bar & Grill, 24 Leicester St., North Oxford. 508-987-8669 or 56barandgrill.com. Wednesday Night Open Mic/local Musicians’ Showcase w/ Bill Mccarthy @ Guiseppe’s. Visit myspace.com/openmicworld for info and the latest sign-up schedules. Email Bill McCarthy to reserve a spot at Openmcc@ verizon. Free. 7:30-10:30 p.m. Guiseppe’s Grille, 35 Solomon Pond Road, Northborough. 508-393-4405. “Krazy Wednesday Jam Session”with The “Get On Up Band”. The music is hot motown/funk/swing/blues style. We offer a drum kit, bass rig and a full PA system for all to use, so bring what you play and “ get on up” Free. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. The Krazy Horse Bar & Grill, 287 Main St. Worcester. 1-774-823-3131. Open Jam with Sean Ryan. Open Jam welcome to newcomers also . 8:30 p.m.-noon Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Wacky Wednesday Night Jam @JJ’s Sport Bar. open mic jam session, all are welcome. we offer a drum kit. bass rig and a full PA system for all to use. guitar players please bring your own amp, great club, great food, great drinks and great music... 0. 8:30-12:30 p.m. JJ’s Sports Bar and Grill, 380 Southwest Cutoff, Northborough. 508-842-8420. Clayton Willoughby’s Travelling Vaudeville Show! No Cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Big Game KARAOKE! Every Wednesday Downstairs! and Big Game Trivia Every Other Wednesday before Karaoke! Music, Singing, Games, Contests, Prizes, and More! 9:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543. Ladies Night with DJ Blackout. No cover charge. 10-1:30 p.m. Center Bar & Grill, 102 Green St. 508-438-0597.
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• MARCH 21, 2013
Booklovers’ Gourmet, Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday - Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. 55 East Main St., Webster. 508-949-6232 or er3. com/book
College of the Holy Cross: Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Art Gallery, Spark: A Celebration of Alumnae Artists from Holy Cross, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through April 12. Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, 2-5 p.m. Saturday. 1 College St. 508-793-3356 or holycross.edu/departments/cantor/website. Danforth Museum of Art, Hours: Noon-5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, Noon-5 p.m. Wednesday - Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday - Saturday. 123 Union Ave., Framingham. 508-620-0050 or danforthmuseum.org. Dark World Gallery, Hours: closed Sunday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday - Saturday. 179 Grafton St. darkworldgallery.com. EcoTarium, Playing Together: Games, Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through March 31. Hours: noon-5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. Admission: $14 adults; $8 for children ages 2-18, $10 college students with IDs & senior citizens. Children under 2 & EcoTarium members . Additional charges apply for Tree Canopy Walkway, Explorer Express Train, planetarium programs & other special programs. 222 Harrington Way. 508-929-2700 or ecotarium.org. Fisher Museum Harvard Forest, 324 N. Main St., Petersham. 978-724-3302 or harvardforest.fas.harvard.edu/ museum.html. Fitchburg Art Museum, Hours: Noon-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, Noon-4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. 25 Merriam Parkway, Fitchburg. 978-345-4207 or fitchburgartmuseum.org. Higgins Armory Museum, WOO Card good at Higgins Armory Museum, Through Dec. 31. Hours: noon-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. Admission: General Admission: $12 for Adults, $10 for Seniors (age 60+), $8 for Children (age 4-16), Children 3 and under are free. 100 Barber Ave. 508-853-6015 or higgins.org.
Upload your listings at worcestermag.com. Click the Night & Day toolbar, then choose Calendar to place your event listing in both our print and online weekly calendar. Mass Audubon: Broad Meadow Brook Conservation Center and Wildlife Sanctuary, Picture This: Your Great Outdoors Photo Exhibit, Through Feb. 28. Hours: 12:30-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. 414 Massasoit Ave. 508-753-6087 or massaudubon.org. Museum of Russian Icons. Imaging the Invisible: Angels, Demons, Prayer and Wisdom, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Oct. 23 - April 27; Series of “One Icon” exhibitions, Through Aug. 20; Take it To the Curator, Friday. Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 11-3 a.m. Tuesday - Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, 11-3 a.m. Friday, 9-3 a.m. Saturday. Admission: Adults $7, Seniors (59 and over) $5, Students (with ID) & children (3-17) $2, Children under 3 , Groups (any age) $. 203 Union St., Clinton. 978-598-5000 or 978-598-5000x17 or museumofrussianicons.org. Old Sturbridge Village, Maple Days, Sundays, Saturdays, March 2 - March 31. Admission: $7 - $20 charged by age. Children under 3 fre. 1 Old Sturbridge Village Road, Sturbridge. 800-733-1830 or 508-347-3362 or osv.org. Post Road Art Center. Call to Artists: Flower Show 2013, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, March 21 - March 28; Open Show 2013, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through March 28. Hours: closed Sunday, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday Saturday. 1 Boston Post Road, Marlborough. 508-485-2580 or postroadartcenter.com. Preservation Worcester, Hours: closed Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, closed Saturday. 10 Cedar St. 508-7548760 or preservationworcester.org. Prints and Potter Gallery, American Contemporary Art & Craft Gallery, Mondays through Saturdays, through Dec. 31. Hours: closed Sunday, 10-5:30 a.m. Monday - Tuesday, 10-7 a.m. Wednesday - Thursday, 10-5:30 a.m. Friday, 10-5 a.m. Saturday. 142 Highland St. 508-752-2170 or printsandpotter.com. Quinebaug Valley Council for the Arts & Humanities, the Arts Center. iScapes by Paul J. Toussaint: A Photographic Journey Through the iPhone, Through April 8. Hours: 2-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Friday, 2-4 p.m. Saturday. 111 Main St., Southbridge. 508-346-3341 or qvcah.org. SAORI Worcester style Weaving Studio, 18 Winslow St. 508-757-4646 or 508-757-0116 or saoriworcester.com. Tatnuck Bookseller & Cafe, Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday Saturday. 18 Lyman St., Westborough. 508-366-4959 or tatnuck. com. The Sprinkler Factory, Various Artists, Various Medims, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through March 30. Hours: noon-6 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, closed Saturday. 38 Harlow St. sprinklerfactory.com. Top Fun Aviation Toy Museum, Hours: 1:30-4:30 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Friday, 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday. 21 Prichard St., Fitchburg. 978-342-2809 or 978-297-4337 or topfunaviation.com. Tower Hill Botanic Garden, Guided Garden Tour, Sundays, through Dec. 30. Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. Admission: $10 Adults, $7 Seniors & $5 Youth, to Members & Children under . 11 French Drive, Boylston. 508-869-6111 or towerhillbg.org. Westboro Gallery, Westboro Gallery Art Opening, Through April 21. Hours: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday - Saturday. 8 West Main St., Westborough. 508-870-0110 or westborogallery.com. Worcester Art Museum, Jill Slosburg-Ackerman, Through March 31; Kennedy to Kent State: Images of a Generation, Through June 9; Looking at the Stars: Prints by Imamura Yoshio, Through May 30; The Allure of Blanc de Chine, Through Aug. 31; March Tour of the Month: In the Beginning: Highlights from the Early Years of WAM, Saturday; Zip Tour: The Charm of Mythology, Saturday; Public Tour, Sundays, through April 28. Hours: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. Admission: Free for members, $14 adults, $12 seniors, free for youth 17 and under. Free for all first Saturdays of
Andy Caplan and musical acquaintances perform covers and original songs at Coffeelands Café on Thursday, March 21 from 7-8 p.m. Free with pass-the-hat donations accepted. coffeelandscafe.org. each month, 10am-noon. 55 Salisbury St. 508-799-4406 or www. worcesterart.org Worcester Center for Crafts, Honor Thy Teacher: Enameling Exhibition, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, to March 23. Hours: closed Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, closed Saturday. 25 Sagamore Road. 508-753-8183 or worcestercraftcenter.org Worcester Historical Museum, Game On!, Through May 18; In Their Shirtsleeves, Through Dec. 31; Stories They Tell, Through Dec. 31. Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday - Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday - Saturday. 30 Elm St. 508-753-8278 or worcesterhistory.org. WPI: George C. Gordon Library, Invented - WPI Patents Past & Present, Through Oct. 31; when 4x4 = 8, Friday; when 4x4 = eight, Friday - Sunday. 100 Institute Road. wpi.edu.
theater/ comedy
Dick Doherty’s Beantown Comedy Escape. Fri. & Sat. March 22nd & 23rd Jim Lauletta Rich Gustus and Friends . Showtimes: Fridays 9 p.m. and Saturdays 8 p.m. Make Reservations Early. $20 per person except special events. 8 p.m.midnight Park Grill and Spirits, Comedy Room, 257 Park Ave. Call 800-401-2221 or visit beantowncomedy.com. Sunday Night Cinemageddon! Movies every Sunday Night! - Sundays, Sunday, May 13 - Tuesday, December 31. Facebook: Ralphs Diner . 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. Call 508-753-9543. Frank’s Comedy Safari - Saturdays. $20 cash at the door. 8-9:45 p.m. Viva Bene Italian Ristorante, 144 Commercial St. Call 800-715-2844 or visit frankfoleyscomedysafari.com. StageTime Comedy Club - Saturdays. Featuring Worcester’s premiere comics from New York, Boston and LA! Only $5, because TALK is CHEAP. 18+. $5. 8-10 p.m. Jose’ Murphy’s, 97-103 Water St. Call 508-792-0900 or visit stagetimecomedyclub.com. Jesus Christ Superstar - Rock opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice. Based on the last seven days of Jesus’s life in Roman occupied Jerusalem,this mesmerizing musical illuminates the transcendent power of the human spirit with a passion that goes straight to the heart. General $16, seniors $13, students $10, children $7. Friday & Saturday, March 23 & 24. 7:30-10:30 p.m. Sunday, March 25, 2-4:30 p.m. Barre Players Theater, 64 Common St., Barre. Call 978-355-2096 or visit
barreplayerstheater.com. Tartuffe by Jean Baptiste Poquelin Moliere - Sundays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Wednesday, March 20 - Sunday, March 24. Translated by Richard Wilbur Directed by Angela Brazil A con man, Tartuffe, deceives a wealthy gentleman, Orgon, tries to seduce Orgon’s wife, Elmire, and finally gets Orgon to sign over the family estate. Orgon’s family, friends, and servants all try to unmask and get rid of Tartuffe. A grab for power cloaked in piety and religion? A misuse of religion in the avoidance of personal responsibility? People so caught up in their own excesses they don’t notice what’s going on until it’s too late? Sounds entirely contemporary and all too familiar, though Moliere’s brilliant satire was written in 1669. $5, with College ID. 3-4:30 p.m., 7:30 p.m.-9 p.m. Clark University: Little Center, Experimental Theater, 950 Main St. Call 508-793-7356. The Not So Late Show with Shaun Connolly & The Over Qualified Band - Thursday, March 21. 8-10 p.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. Call 508-926-8877. The Apple Tree - A Musical - Friday, March 22, Saturday, March 23 and Sunday, March 24. Director: Rip Pellaton, Producer: David Corkum, Musical Director: Chris Costello, Choreographer: Paige Pellaton. THE APPLE TREE is a unique evening of three oneact musicals about men, women and a little thing called temptation from the songwriting team of FIDDLER ON THE ROOF and SHE LOVES ME. The first act, “The Diary Of Adam And Eve,” is a quirky, touching spin on the tale of the world’s first couple, adapted from Mark Twain’s Extracts From Adam’s Diary. The second act, “The Lady Or The Tiger?,” explores the fickleness of love in a rock and roll fable set in a mythical barbarian kingdom. Finally, “Passionella” is based on Jules Feiffer’s offbeat Cinderella-story about a chimney sweep whose dreams of being a “glamorous movie star” nearly sabotage her one chance for true love. Adults $16, Seniors and Youth under 18 $13. Fri. & Sat. 7:30-9:30 p.m. Sun, 2-4 p.m. Gateway Players Theatre Arts Barn, 111 Main St., Southbridge. Call 508-764-4531 or visit facebook.com/events/527809667259239. Tempted: The All Male Revue - Friday, March 22. We all need a night out, whether it’s to get away from the house for a little while or just hang out and relax with friends! Revamp your Girls Night Out with New England’s hottest dinner show, Tempted: The All Male Revue. Excite your senses as these handsome men seduce, entertain flirt with you and your friends! The 1.5 hour show offers interactive entertainment that women of all ages will be clamoring to attend. The entertainment is all very classy and features creative choreography and extravagant costumes that are guaranteed to captivate female audiences! The Tempted: All Male
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Revue is not a bump and grind act, the show takes male revues to another level. While at the show ask about having your girlfriends in the “Hot Seat” on stage- an experience she will not forget! But remember, what happens at the show stays at the show; but we’re not ruling out some fun Facebook postings. $45 Dinner Show $25 Show Only. 8:30-10 p.m. Doubletree by Hilton, 5400 Computer Drive, Westborough. Call 855-255-5750 or visit shop. drinkwaterproductions.com. Assumption College Presents ‘Little Shop of Horrors’ - Saturday, March 23 and Sunday, March 24. Assumption College’s Department of Art, Music and Theatre will present Little Shop of Horrors, its 5th annual spring production at downtown Worcester’s Hanover Theatre, on Saturday, March 23 and Sunday, March 24. The Saturday performance runs from 8-1 pm. The Sunday Performance runs from 2-4 pm. Based on one of the longestrunning Off-Broadway shows, this affectionate spoof of 1950s sci-fi movies has become a household name. A down-and out skid row floral assistant becomes an overnight sensation when he discovers an exotic plant with a mysterious craving. Soon, “Audrey II” grows into an ill-tempered, foul-mouthed, R&B-singing carnivore who offers him fame and fortune in exchange for feeding its growing appetite. Audrey II finally reveals itself to be an alien creature poised for global domination. Charming, tuneful and hilarious, Little Shop of Horrors never fails to entertain. Audience members are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items to donate to the Worcester County Food Bank. Tickets cost $20 for adults, $10 for students and children, and $15 for seniors. Sat. 8-10 p.m., Sun. 2-4 p.m. Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts, 2 Southbridge St. Call 877-571-7469. The Runner Stumbles - Mondays, Wednesdays, Monday, March 25 - Wednesday, March 27. Pasture Prime Players, Inc. is proud to announce open auditions for “The Runner Stumbles” by Milan Stitt and directed by Rip Pellaton. There are roles for 5 men and 4 women, including a teenage girl. Auditions will be cold readings from the script and improvisation. The Story: A young nun has died under mysterious circumstances in a remote parish in northern Michigan, and her superior, Father Rivard, has been charged with her murder. The action alternates between interrogations, testimony and scenes from the past which reveal that Father Rivard, who had been banished to the small, up-country parish, fell in love with Sister Rita; and when circumstances forced her to move into the rectory with him, his anguish became unbearable. Their relationship, inevitably, spelt tragedy, but not until the explosive and surprising climax of the play is the full extent of their sacrifice made clear and the identity of the murderer revealed. 7-10 p.m. Charlton Arts and Activities Center, 4 Dresser Hill Rd., Charlton, MA., 4 Dresser Hill Road, Charlton. Call 508-248-5448 or visit pastureprime.org/auditions.html. Ina Garten: The Barefoot Contessa. INA GARTEN shares her natural approach to food; sharing tips, stories, and maybe even some recipes. Onstage, INA GARTEN delivers a charming insider’s view of the world of the Barefoot Contessa and the pleasures of good food, cooked with love and passion. Enjoy an interactive Q&A and join Ina after the show when she signs copies of her cookbooks for the audience. Full price tickets are $35.75, $45.75 and $55.75 depending on seating location. 10% discount available for members, groups of 10 or more, corporate partners, kids, students and WOO Card holders. 7:30-9:30 p.m. Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts, 2 Southbridge St. 877-571-7469 or thehanovertheatre.org.
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JONESIN’ Across 1 Critical hosp. area 4 Ranks on the reggae charts 10 Reagan Supreme Court nominee 14 Late "Soul Train" host Cornelius 15 Creative type 16 Model married to David Bowie 17 Gets the Ànal part of the collection 19 Brand of tea owned by Starbucks 20 System with an iconic joystick 21 90 degrees from starboard 22 Scatter seeds 23 Cash in a coupon 25 Analgesic target 27 "___ Day" (1993 rap hit) 28 Cracker with seven holes 31 They're big in the circulatory system 35 Trite sentiment on a postcard 37 Flame attract-ee 40 Gets the message across 41 ___ a soul (nobody) 42 Makes efforts to attend prom, say 45 Harry Reid's place 46 "Clueless" catchphrase 47 [the spelling's intentional] 50 Gets the keg rolling 52 Something to lean on 54 "Wishing Well" singer Terence Trent ___ 57 Actress Zadora 60 Third-largest city in Japan 61 Falco of "Oz" 62 The west side of Mexico 64 Green gem 65 Detective played by Peter Lorre 66 Shriek from Michael Jackson 67 Part of ASL 68 Chart of constellations 69 Alternatives to urgent care clinics, for short
"You'll Bounce Back"--just like the theme entries. by Matt Jones
Home Of The Free, Thanks To The Brave MILITARY HERO OF THE WEEK Is there a special service person in your life? The Central Mass Classifieds would like to feature members of our Armed Forces on a regular basis. If you have a special service person in your life, please email carsenault@centralmassclass.com with some information, photo, brief summary of his/her service, and we will be happy to recognize them in the Central Mass Classifieds. The brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces should be remembered all year long.
Down 1 Band events 1 It's got your picture on it 2 "Dukes of Hazzard" mechanic 3 Like messed up beds 4 Jealous composer 5 Interior designer's choice 6 ___ Cat (pet food brand) 7 Complaint 8 Rhymes with rhymes 9 Longtime Notre Dame coach Parseghian 10 What some Àght until 11 Vizquel of baseball 12 Demolish, as a building 13 Have the 411 18 Season opener? 22 Exhibit 24 Blunder 26 Like some corrosives 29 Vanessa's big brother 30 Company behind FarmVille 32 Syllable before "la la" 33 ___ Lingus (Irish airline) 34 Reserved 35 Golden brew 36 Adoring poems
37 The Cascades, e.g. 38 Smelted stuff 39 The only three-letter element 43 Linger 44 Genre for King Sunny Ade and Femi Kuti 47 Awesome facial hair 48 More gross 49 Rubs the wrong way? 51 Hybrid utensil 53 "Burn Notice" network 54 ___ vu 55 Levine of Maroon 5 56 Take the bus 58 "What ___ problem?" 59 Chemistry 101 study 62 Metric ruler units, for short 63 ___ glance
Call Carrie at 978-728-4302 or email sales@centralmassclass.com
for more information.
Last week's solution
©2013 Jonesin’ Crosswords (editor@jonesincrosswords.com) For answers to this puzzle, call: 1-900-226-2800, 99 cents per minute. Must be 18+. Or to bill to your credit card, call: 1-800-655-6548. Reference puzzle #615
M A R C H 2 1, 2 0 13 • W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M
r of e ssiona ssio na l Prof e r vices v ic e s Ser
Call Carrie at 978-728-4302 or email sales@centralmassclass.com
ASK about double blocks (size 3.75" x 1.75") and COMBO pricing into our other zone and reach 50,000 households in 24 towns in Central Mass each week. FREE line ad included with each block purchased.
Deadline: Monday, Noon. CLEANING SERVICES
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Residential & Commercial Carpet Cleaning Car Detailing Upholstery Cleaning Move In & Out Cleaning 3 Rooms for $99!
Mary Ellen Regele, Head Coach It’s time to meet with the Coach!
SIZE PER BLOCK 1.75 X 1.75 8 weeks ........... $31.50/week = $252 12 weeks ......... $26.75/week = $321 20 weeks ......... $25.20/week = $504 36 weeks ......... $23.60/week = $850 52 weeks ......... $22/week = $1144 Minimum commitment of 8 weeks.
www.centralmassclass.com MERCHANDISE
Snowblower Jacobsen Imperial 26 Heavy Duty 2 stage 7 hp. runs well local delivery $175. 508-829-6009
JEFFERSON 35 Hilltop Ave, Apt. 3. March 23rd & 24th, 9am-1pm. Rain or Shine. Estate Sale. Furniture, tableware, china, Xmas items, household items, etc. ITEMS UNDER $2,013 Kohler & Campbell Piano Paid $5000.00 Recently tuned. $1500.00 or BRO. Buyer/move. 508-450-0745 1 Pair NORDIC cross country skis & poles. $99.00 or b/o 978-342-1474 1967 Dream Team Red Sox 2 Mugs. Yaz, Lonborg, Dick Williams. $65 or B.R.O. 978-534-8632 20 Ton Porta Power Pump Hyd for body shop. Rebuilt. $75.00 978-537-9881 Arm Chair Upholstered Chair Taupe color Comfy 4 wood legs good condition. $35.00 508-754-1827 Elliptical Trainer Nordic Track X925 Ex. cond. W/ extra parts. $450.00 508-7561315 HP All in one Printer Good working cond. Faxes, scans, prints, copies. $40.00 978537-9633 Ipod touch 4th gen (like new) Black with pink Griffin Survivor case and charger $175.00 508-667-1687
Sony Cybershot Digital Camera W150, 8.1 pixs, 5x zoom, photos, videos, accessories. $75 978-8404345 Table Lamp Beautiful Ceramice base lamp with shade. Burgandy color. Mint condition. $40.00 508-7910531 Tool Kraft Wood Lathe 40" Bed. 10" Swing. Asking $100.00 508-791-0092 FOR SALE Many Great Items!! Klaussner Sage green sofa. About 7’ long. Small stain on the arm. Asking $100 or b/o KLH Stand Up Box Speakers Around 3’ tall Each speaker box contains two 10" woofers Asking $50 Round dinning room set with 4 chairs 42" diameter Used but over all good condition Asking $150 or b/o Must pick-up. 508-454-9571 FURNITURE BRAND NEW Queen Pillow Top Mattress Set $150.00 508-410-7050
YARD SALES & FLEA MARKETS Annual Craft and Attic Treasures Sale Saturday, March 23rd 9am-2pm First Congregational Church in Worcester 1070 Pleasant Street Worcester, 01602 Craft Vendors, Attic Treasure Room Bag Sale 1:30pm, Cafe Luncheon, and Coffee/Donuts - 9am-1:30pm Handicapped Accessible Information: 508-752-4635
Items Under
in the
Here’s all you need to do! 3 ways to submit... 1. Mail completed form to Central Mass Classifieds, 285 Central Street Suite 202 Leominster 01453 2. OR FAX the completed form to 978-534-6004 3. OR Email the info with name/address/phone number to sales@centralmassclass.com
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INDOOR YARD SALE First Church in Sterling (on the common). Saturday, March 23. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Over 25 tables. Coffee, pastries, light lunch. 978-422-6657
REAL ESTATE APARTMENT FOR RENT BURNCOAT/GREENDALE 1 bedroom, laundry, appliances & off street parking. From $675.00. 508-852-6001 MOBILE HOMES ADULT COMMUNITY BARRE Before you buy, be good to yourself and visit us on the weekend at Waterwheel Village, 2291 West St., (Rte. 122) a 55+ Community featuring 100ft x 100ft sites surrounding an acre pond. Real nice resales starting at $19,900 Call Paul at 978-355-3454
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Maximum 4 lines (approx. 20 characters per line). We reserve the right to edit if ads come in that are too long. NO phone orders accepted. See ways to submit above. Merchandise Ads Only - NO autos, snowmobiles, RV’s, trailers, boats, ATV’s, etc. We have a special rate for these ads ($20 till it sells). NO business Ads accepted for this section. If we suspect the ads are being sent in by a business, we reserve the right to refuse. Limit 1 ad per name/address/phone number every 2 weeks. Ads will run for 2 weeks. Limit 1 item per ad (group of items OK if one price for all and under $2013) Price must be listed in ad. NO Cemetery Plots
Wedding & Special Events Guide For the Perfect Wedding 35 Park Ave., Worcester, MA 01605 508-791-2383 • www.ToomeyRents.Com
Voted Best Bakery in Worcester 45 Times!
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Tables • Chairs • China • Linen
et us help create the wedding of your dreams with a distinctive wedding cake created just for you. Party Pastries Cookie Trays Wide Assortment of Cake Ornaments
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Food Service Equipment … TOOLS, TOO!
Rent Quality ... Rent Toomey’s! M A R C H 2 1, 2 0 13 • W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M
Car For Sale?
2008 Honda Metropolitan Scooter Black and gray. Mint cond. 469 miles. Asking $1650.00. Includes helmet. 207-289-9362 OR 207-4501492.
2003 Ford F350 One ton dump truck. Automatic. Diesel, 4wd, 9ft. Fisher plow. Chrome wheels, bumper & set-up w/ trailer hitch. 47k orig. $17,950.00 774-696-5696
2008 Suzuki GSX 650/K8. All black with silver and red trim. Less than 850 miles. Cover, new battery, and lock. $5500.00 508-7926080 2012 H.D. Heritage Soft Tail Classic Like new condition, only 1,200 miles. Pearl White, chrome mag wheels and white walls, after market exhaust, plus extras. Selling price was $22,700, asking $18,900 or B.O. 508-873-7309
Reaching 90,000 readers in PRINT & ONLINE Contact Carrie at 978-728-4302 (we monitor daily for scammers!)
We buy vintage vehicles & antique auto related garage contents.
AUTO/SUV 2002 Ford Explorer XLT 4dr, 4wd. Auto. Dark green. Second adult owner. Always maintained. Many recent updates. Call for details. $4200.00 508-9491320 AUTO/TRUCK 1990 Chevrolet 2500 8 ft bed, reg cab, standard, 350 motor, 4x4, 107K miles, new clutch & many new parts, exhaust, brakes & brake lines, runs good, 31" tires $2,700 978-8400058
508-792-6211 Worcester, MA
Over 40 Acres! Over 3000 Vehicles! USED & NEW AUTO PARTS
1999 Ford XLT Super Cab 4x4 F150 Newly rebuilt auto transmission. Upper, lower ball joints. O/C. New alignment. Good Cond. 148K miles. $4300.00 or BO 978-534-1493
AUTOS 1993 Honda Accord New rebuilt 3k engine, clutch, tires, batt, new glass, full power. Must Sell! $2500 978-874-0546 or cell 978-602-6841. 2001 Cadillac Eldorado Touring Coupe, Rare car, loaded, mint condition. $7,995 508-875-7400 2003 Acura 3.2 TL Excellent Condition, leather, moonroof, complete care record available, 105K miles, $7,490 508-7999347 and 508-754-6344 508-799-9347 2008 Ford Fusion V-6 Sedan 28000 miles. Red ext/ $14,000 - 508-6889132 for appt. (Rutland) 2010 Chevrolet Corvette Metallic Red ext, Coupe, 438 HP, 6 speed manual, 5,200 miles, Adult owned. Perfect condition. $39,000 or B.O. 413-230-8470 2010 Mazda Miata MX-5 Excellent condition. 27K miles. Auto/AC/cruise/CD. Records available. $16,490 978-464-0279
Bubba says . . . â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s super easy to place an ad in Central Mass Classifieds!â&#x20AC;?
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Worcester No.
â&#x20AC;˘ M A R C H 2 1, 2 0 13
To Advertise In This Directory Call 978.728.4302 or e-mail us at sales@centralmassclass.com
www.centralmassclass.com LEGALS/PUBLIC NOTICES LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Notice is hereby given by Boulevard Towing of 550 Franklin Street Worcester, MA, pursuant to the provisions of Mass G.L c. 255, Section 39A, that they will sell the following vehicles on or after April 5, 2013 by private sale to satisfy their garage keeper’s lien for towing, storage, and notices of sale: 1. 2003 Honda Accord VIN# JHMCM56383C 030848 2.2003 Chevrolet Silverado PU VIN# 1GCEC19T73 E119185 3.2002 Chevrolet Impala VIN# 2G1WH55K42 9336858 4.2000 Honda Accord VIN# 1HGCG2257YA 033419 5.1999 Chevrolet Blazer VIN# 1GNCT18W1X K148795 Signed, Pat Assad, owner Boulevard Towing 3/21, 3/28, 4/4/2013
TOWN OF SUTTON PLANNING BOARD & DEPARTMENT Sutton Planning Board Public Hearing Notice In accordance with the provisions of Section VI.L of the Sutton Zoning Bylaw – Accessory Apartment Bylaw, the Planning Board will hold a public hearing on the application of David Mason of 65 Depot Street, Grafton to construct a detached 1,160 s.f. +/- accessory apartment above a 3 car garage located at 5 Dean Farm Road. The hearing will be held in the third floor meeting room at the Town Hall on Monday, April 8, 2013 at 7:10 P.M. A copy of the plans and application can be inspected in the office of the Town Clerk during normal office hours. Wayne Whittier, Chairman 3/21/2013, 3/28/2013
ADVERTISEMENT The Worcester Housing Authority, the Awarding Authority, invites sealed bids from Contractors for the Greenwood Gardens Site Improvement in Worcester, MA, in accordance with the documents prepared by Lenard Engineering, Inc. The Project consists of: The removal and replacement of bituminous asphalt walkways, new bituminous concrete pavement, new granite curbs, improvements to handicap accessible parking spaces, wheelchair ramps, and all work according to the contract drawings and specifications. The work is estimated to cost $161,410 All bids must conform to provisions of Mass. General Laws, Chapter 30; Section 39M and chapter 149, Section 44A to 44L inclusive and the instruction to Bidders. General Bids will be received until 2:00 PM, Thursday April 4, 2013 and publicly opened, forthwith. Filed sub-bids: there are no filed sub-bids. All Bids should be delivered to: 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01605 and received no later than the date & time specified above. All bids shall be accompanied by a bid deposit that is not less than five (5%) of the greatest possible bid amount (considering all alternates), and made payable to the Worcester Housing Authority Bid Forms and Contract Documents will be available for pick-up at 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01605, on March 13, after 9 A.M. at 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01605 There is a plan deposit of $50 per set (maximum of 2 sets) payable to the Awarding Authority. Deposits must be a certified or cashier’s check, or money order. This deposit will be refunded for up to two sets for general bidders and for one set for sub-bidders upon return of the sets in good condition within thirty (30) days of receipt of general bids. Otherwise the deposit shall be the property of the Awarding Authority. Additional sets may be purchased for $50. Bidders requesting Contract Documents to be mailed to them shall include a separate check for $40 per set for UPS Ground (or $65 per set for UPS Overnight), payable to the Worcester Housing Authority, to cover mail handling costs. General bidders must agree to contract with minority and women business enterprises as certified by the Supplier Diversity Office (SDO), formerly known as SOMWBA. The combined participation goal reserved for such enterprises shall not be less than 10.4% of the final contract price including accepted alternates. See Contract Documents - Article 3 of the Instructions to Bidders. The site will be available for inspection at 1:00 P.M. on Thursday March 21, 2013, at 341 Greenwood Street, Worcester, MA 01607. For an appointment call John Sullivan at 508.635.3313. The Contract Documents may be seen, but not removed at: F.W. Dodge, 34 Crosby Drive, suite 201, Bedford, MA, 01730 (860-474-5387) Reed Construction Data, 30 Tech Pkwy South, Ste 500, Norcross, GA 30092 (203-426-0450) Project Dog, 18 Graf Road-Unit 8, Newburyport, MA 01950, (978-499-9014) 3/14, 3/21/2013
A PUBLIC HEARING MILLBURY BOARD OF APPEALS In accordance with Chapter 40A of the Massachusetts General Law and the Zoning Ordinances of the Town of Millbury, a public hearing will be held in the hearing room of the Municipal Building, 127 Elm Street, Millbury, MA on: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 At: 7:00 p.m. To act on a petition from: Carmen and Patricia Yursha, 37 Cedar Street, Auburn, MA For a Variance in the Millbury Zoning Ordinance relative to: frontage in order to construct a single-family home at 106 Wheelock Ave., Ass. Map 10, Lot 113, Millbury, MA All interested parties are invited to attend. Richard P. Valentino, Chairman Millbury Board of Appeals 3/14, 3/21/2013
Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Probate and Family Court Worcester Probate and Family Court 225 Main St. Worcester, MA 01608 508-831-2200 CITATION ON PETITION FOR FORMAL ADJUDICATION Docket No. WO13P0736EA Estate of: Helen L Russell Date of Death: 12/20/2011 To all interested persons: A Petition has been filed by: Cheryl A Michalak of Canajoharie NY requesting that the Court enter a formal Decree and Order of testacy and for such other relief as requested in the Petition. And also requesting that: Cheryl A Michalak of Canajoharie NY be appointed as Personal Representative(s) of said estate to serve Without Surety on the bond. You have the right to obtain a copy of the Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. You have a right to object to this proceeding. To do so, you or your attorney must file a written appearance and objection at this Court before: 10:00 a.m. on 04/02/2013. This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline by which you must file a written appearance and objection if you object to this proceeding. If you fail to file a timely written appearance and objection followed by an Affidavit of Objections within thirty (30) days of the return date, action may be taken without further notice to you. The estate is being administered under formal procedure by the Personal Representative under the Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code without supervision by the Court. Inventory and accounts are not required to be filed with the Court, but recipients are entitled to notice regarding the administration from the Personal Representative and can petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including distribution of assets and expenses of administration. WITNESS, Hon. Denise L. Meagher, First Justice of this Court. Date: March 06, 2013 Stephen G. Abraham, Register of Probate 03/21/2013 MS
WORCESTER HOUSING AUTHORITY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS INDEFINITE QUANTITY CONTRACTS FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING DESIGN AND CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION SERVICES Contract and Job No. WHA 2013-6 The Worcester Housing Authority (WHA) is requesting applications from experienced Civil Engineer registered in Massachusetts to provide full service civil engineering services as needed for 20 federally aided housing developments. The construction budget is between $750,000 to $1,000,000 The successful Civil Engineer will be required to possess Professional Liability Insurance and Workman’s Compensation Insurance Policies with adequate thresholds. The Request for Proposal, Applications, and Summary of Qualifications may be obtained at the Worcester Housing Authority, 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA or by contacting Tina Rivera at (508) 635-3302 after 10:00 a.m. MARCH 27, 2013. A pre-proposal briefing session meeting will be held on APRIL 10, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. at 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01605. Interested candidates must submit three (3) copies of attached form proposal before 2:00 p.m. APRIL 24, 2013, to the Worcester Housing Authority, 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01605, Attention: Mr. Fred Paris, Director of Modernization and Construction at (508) 635-3304 3/21, 3/28/2013 WM WORCESTER HOUSING AUTHORITY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS INDEFINITE QUANTITY CONTRACTS FOR ARCHITECTURAL / ENGINEERING DESIGN AND CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION SERVICES Contract and Job No. WHA 2013-5 The Worcester Housing Authority (WHA) is requesting applications from experienced Architectural Engineering firm registered in Massachusetts to provide full service architectural engineering services as needed for 20 federally aided housing developments. The construction budget is between $750,000 to $1,000,000 The successful Civil Engineer will be required to possess Professional Liability Insurance and Workman’s Compensation Insurance Policies with adequate thresholds. The Request for Proposal, Applications, and Summary of Qualifications may be obtained at the Worcester Housing Authority, 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA or by contacting Tina Rivera at (508) 635-3302 after 10:00 a.m. MARCH 27, 2013. A pre-proposal briefing session meeting will be held on APRIL 10, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. at 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01605. Interested candidates must submit three (3) copies of attached form proposal before 2:00 p.m. APRIL 24, 2013, to the Worcester Housing Authority, 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01605, Attention: Mr. Fred Paris, Director of Modernization and Construction at (508) 635-3304 3/21, 3/28/2013 WM Millbury Public Schools Office of the Superintendent Notice of Disposition of Graduated Class Funds Pursuant to General Laws, Chapter 71, Section 47, regarding the establishment and accounting for the Principal’s student activity account and pursuant to Millbury Public Schools’ School Committee Policy JJFA, that such transfer of available balances from outdated graduated class accounts to the Millbury High Schools’ Donation Account shall occur after failing to receive any type of response from any class officer within thirty (30) days of this posting. The transfer of the following Graduated Class Accounts shall occur on or after May 1, 2013. Millbury High School Graduating Class of: 1985 1994 1995 2008 2010 If any class officer from the graduating classes listed above should have any questions, please contact Richard Bedard, School Business Manager, Millbury Public Schools at 508-865-9501. 3/21, 3/28/2013 MS
M A R C H 2 1, 2 0 13 • W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M
www.centralmassclass.com LEGALS/PUBLIC NOTICES ADVERTISEMENT The Worcester Housing Authority, the Awarding Authority, invites sealed bids from Contractors for the Greenwood Gardens Site Improvement in Worcester, MA, in accordance with the documents prepared by Lenard Engineering, Inc. The Project consists of: The removal and replacement of bituminous asphalt walkways, new bituminous concrete pavement, new granite curbs, improvements to handicap accessible parking spaces, wheelchair ramps, and all work according to the contract drawings and specifications. The work is estimated to cost $161,410 All bids must conform to provisions of Mass. General Laws, Chapter 30; Section 39M and chapter 149, Section 44A to 44L inclusive and the instruction to Bidders. General Bids will be received until 2:00 PM, Thursday April 4, 2013 and publicly opened, forthwith. Filed sub-bids: there are no filed sub-bids. All Bids should be delivered to: 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01605 and received no later than the date & time specified above. All bids shall be accompanied by a bid deposit that is not less than five (5%) of the greatest possible bid amount (considering all alternates), and made payable to the Worcester Housing Authority Bid Forms and Contract Documents will be available for pick-up at 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01605, on March 13, after 9 A.M. at 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01605 There is a plan deposit of $50 per set (maximum of 2 sets) payable to the Awarding Authority. Deposits must be a certified or cashier’s check, or money order. This deposit will be refunded for up to two sets for general bidders and for one set for sub-bidders upon return of the sets in good condition within thirty (30) days of receipt of general bids. Otherwise the deposit shall be the property of the Awarding Authority. Additional sets may be purchased for $50. Bidders requesting Contract Documents to be mailed to them shall include a separate check for $40 per set for UPS Ground (or $65 per set for UPS Overnight), payable to the Worcester Housing Authority, to cover mail handling costs. General bidders must agree to contract with minority and women business enterprises as certified by the Supplier Diversity Office (SDO), formerly known as SOMWBA. The combined participation goal reserved for such enterprises shall not be less than 10.4% of the final contract price including accepted alternates. See Contract Documents - Article 3 of the Instructions to Bidders. The site will be available for inspection at 1:00 P.M. on Thursday March 21, 2013, at 341 Greenwood Street, Worcester, MA 01607. For an appointment call John Sullivan at 508.635.3313. The Contract Documents may be seen, but not removed at: F.W. Dodge, 34 Crosby Drive, suite 201, Bedford, MA, 01730 (860-474-5387) Reed Construction Data, 30 Tech Pkwy South, Ste 500, Norcross, GA 30092 (203-426-0450) Project Dog, 18 Graf Road-Unit 8, Newburyport, MA 01950, (978-499-9014) 3/14, 3/21/2013
THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS LAND COURT DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT (SEAL) 2013 MISC 476912 ORDER OF NOTICE To: Elizabeth Monaco and to all persons entitled to the benefit of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, 50 U.S.C. App. § 501 et seq.: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association claiming to have an interest in a Mortgage covering real property in MILLBURY, numbered 12 ALSTEAD PATH, given by Elizabeth Monaco to JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., dated May 11, 2010, and recorded with the Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds at Book 45816, Page 59 has/have filed with this court a complaint for determination of Defendant’s/Defendants’ Servicemembers status. If you now are, or recently have been, in the active military service of the UnitedStates of America, then you may be entitled to the benefits of the Servicemembers Civil ReliefAct. If you object to a foreclosure of the above-mentioned property on that basis, then you or your attorney must file a written appearance and answer in this court at Three Pemberton Square, Boston, MA 02108 on or before __April 22, 2013__ or you will be forever barred from claiming that you are entitled to the benefits of said Act. Witness, KARYN F. SCHEIER Chief Justice of this Court on March 6, 2013 Attest: Deborah J. Patterson Recorder 201205-1246-BLU 3/21/2013
Keep it Legal 36
• M A R C H 2 1, 2 0 13
Town of Sutton Notice of Public Hearing Notice is hereby given that the Sutton Board of Selectmen will hold a Public Hearing to discuss the Towns options under MGL Chapter 61A, Section 14 Tuesday April 16th, 2013 at 7:00p.m. The meeting will be held in the Sutton Town Hall regarding Chapter 61A property located on Waters Road; Assessors Map 41, Parcel 66, Map 41, Parcel 4 and Map 41 Parcel 5. This meeting will be held on the 3rd floor of the Sutton Municipal Center, 4 Uxbridge Road, Sutton MA 01590. The public is invited to attend this public hearing. 3/21/2013 MS
MORTGAGEE’S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage given by Timothy J. Flanagan and Jessica J. Flanagan to Millbury Savings Bank, dated October 24, 2005 and recorded with the Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds at Book 37627, Page 127, which said Mortgage was assigned to Margate LLC by assignment recorded with said deeds at Book 50313, Page 82, which said Mortgage encumbers three separate parcels of land, with one parcel located a 212 North Main Street, Uxbridge, MA, one parcel located at 216 Main Street, Uxbridge, MA and one parcel located at 36 Eight Lots Road, Sutton, MA, of which Mortgage the undersigned is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said Mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same with respect to only the parcels at 212 North Main Street and 36 Eight Lots Road, Sutton, MA, said two parcels of real property encumbered by said Mortgage will be sold at two separate Public Auctions that will both be held on March 29, 2013, with the first occurring at 11:00 AM at 212 North Main Street, Uxbridge, MA 01569 at which said parcel will be sold, and the second occurring at 2:00 PM at 36 Eight Lots Road, Sutton, MA 01590 at which said parcel will be sold. The two parcels are described in the said Mortgage as follows: 212 North Main Street, Uxbridge The land with buildings thereon located in Uxbridge, Worcester County, on the westerly side of North Main Street, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the southeasterly corner of said premises at said Street, at land now or formerly of Daniel Wheeler; Thence N. 3 1/4° W., 6 rods by and with said west side of said street to a stake by wall; Thence S. 86 1/4°W., 10 rods by land now or formerly of Ed. Clark to an iron pin in a rock; Thence S. 3 1/4° E., 7 rods by said Clark land to stake and stones at said Wheeler land; Thence N. 80 1/4° E., 10 rods by said Wheeler land to the place of beginning. Containing 65 square rods, more or less. Together with all my right, title and interest in and to the westerly half of said street, adjoining the granted premises. Being the same premises conveyed to Timothy J. Flanagan and Jessica J. Flanagan by deed of Laurie M. Haskell dated August 6, 2003 and recorded in the Worcester District Registry of Deeds in Book 31307, Page 121. Please be advised that this parcel is being sold subject to a Mortgage given by Timothy J. Flanagan and Jessica J. Flanagan to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. dated August 19, 2003 and recorded with said Deeds at Book 31307, Page 123. 36 Eight Lots Road, Sutton A certain parcel of land situated on the easterly side of Eight Lots Road in the Town of Sutton, Worcester County, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, shown as Lot 2 on a plan of land entitled “Plan of Land in Sutton, Mass. Prepared for Estate of Phyllis B. MacLaren” dated 23 November 2000, drawn by Lavallee Brothers, Inc. of 497 Central Turnpike, Sutton, MA recorded with the Worcester District Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 768, Page 28. Containing approximately 10.00 acres of land according to said plan. Subject to certain transmission line rights of the New England Power Company granted April 19, 1919 recorded in a deed in Book 2152, Page 66, which easement area is shown on the plan. Please be advised that the sale of the above referenced properties SHALL NOT include a third parcel of land, noted in the legal description of said Mortgage as “216 North Main Street, Uxbridge”, and the security interest described above with respect to this parcel shall remain in full force and effect as further described in the said Mortgage. The premises are to be sold subject to and with the benefit of all easements, restrictions, building and zoning laws, unpaid taxes, tax titles, water bills, municipal liens and assessments, rights of tenants and parties in possession. TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS AND 00 CENTS ($5,000.00) in the form of a certified check or bank treasurer’s check will be required to be delivered at or before the time the bid is offered. The successful bidder will be required to execute a Foreclosure Sale Agreement immediately after the close of the bidding. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid within thirty (30) days from the sale date in the form of a certified check, bank treasurer’s check or other check satisfactory to Mortgagee’s attorney. The Mortgagee reserves the right to bid at the sale, to reject any and all bids, to continue the sale and to amend the terms of the sale by written or oral announcement made before or during the foreclosure sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an error in this publication. TIME WILL BE OF THE ESSENCE. Other terms if any, to be announced at the sale. Margate, LLC Present Holder of said Mortgage, By Its Attorneys, ORLANS MORAN PLLC P.O. Box 540540 Waltham, MA 02454 Phone: 781-790-7800 755.0001 MS 3/7, 3/14, 3/21/2013
To place your legal ad in Central Mass Classifieds, please call Carrie 978-728-4302 or email sales@centralmassclass.com Deadline is Monday at noon.
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Our Spring Coloring Contest is open to kids ages 2-10. Please mail your picture or drop it off to: Central Mass Classifieds, 285 Central Street, Suite 202 Leominster MA 01453 We will have a random drawing for a special prize on Monday, April 1, 2013
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Two minutes with...
Bob Smith is the owner of S & R Wallcovering Co. in Northborough. The 68-year-old professional wallcovering installer has been hanging wallpaper for 48 years. His most recent job was hanging the 17x67 foot mural that now decorates Worcester Art Museumâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Renaissance Court, also known as the Wall at WAM. The new mural, entitled These Days of Maiuma, was commissioned by the museum from the husband and wife team of Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison. We went behind the scenes to ask Smith what itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s like to install WAMâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s biggest addition. View the new artwork Bob Smith recently hung at an opening reception on Saturday, March 23 at the Worcester Art Museum in the Renaissance Court from 5-7 p.m.
Is the new mural at Worcester Art Museum the largest job youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve done? No, that mural is 17 feet tall. I think the biggest one we did was for a theater. We hung 30 foot drops of suede, they use it for its acoustic properties.
So you can hang other materials besides paper? Yes, you can hang suede, silk, burlap, Flexwood. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all kinds of other materials besides paper that can be hung. In fact, the job title is technically â&#x20AC;&#x153;wallcovering installerâ&#x20AC;?, since most of the time youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re working with other materials.
Wallpaper seems like such an old fashioned thing. Is there still a big market for it? There isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t a huge market
anymore, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s more of a high-end thing. The installation is expensive; people like me who are still in the business have been doing it for a long time. Only the true tradesmen have survived.
How did you ďŹ rst become a paper hanger? I started S & R Wallcovering
Co. in 1969 with Ray Rickson. Four years before that I apprenticed for another guy who was in my bowling league. One day he asked me if I wanted to be a paster, and at the time I was working at the Water Department, for the Town of Northborough. He offered me $2.50 an hour, which was
almost double what I was making working for the town, so of course I said yes.
Is this the ďŹ rst time youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve worked with Worcester Art Museum? The ďŹ rst time I
worked with them was in 2001 or 2002, I installed a mural like the one there now. This new one is the fourth piece Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve hung for them.
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So youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re pretty dedicated to the craft then? Oh yea, all I do is install
wallcovering. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been to the west coast, Florida, all over the country. You have to do a little traveling, but I enjoy it.
Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s your least favorite thing about your job? Well, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not fond of doing
part of it. If there are imperfections underneath the wallcovering, it will come through on the surface and youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll see it.
Do you have wallpaper in your house? Yea, I have it all over, even on the ceiling. Although, I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have much actual wallpaper, its mostly commercial wallcoverings. Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re more durable and easier to clean.
Do you have a favorite job that youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve done? I really enjoyed working in
Florida. Tradewise it was a challenge. The client bought the eleventh and twelfth ďŹ&#x201A;oors of a condo building, and I had to work around a spiral staircase that went between them. But he put me up in the condo for six weeks, and this place was right by the water, you know, next stop: England, so it had a great view of the water. He even ďŹ&#x201A;ew me back for Christmas.
If you could install wallcovering anywhere, where would it be? Anywhere, I just enjoy my job. You know, one time I had a job in Silicon Valley, in California, and when we got there they werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t ready for us, so we ended up golďŹ ng for three days [laughs]. So it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t really matter where the job is.
the prepwork, but its the most critical
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