2 minute read

Enjoy Fun By The Numbers puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test! Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

1 “American Horror Story” actress Lily 5 Outdo by a little 10 Get droopy 13 Just slightly 14 Vice ___ 15 “Gunfight at the O.K.
Corral” lawman 17 Quip, part 1 19 2007 A.L. MVP, familiarly 20 Feller’s warning 21 Quip, part 2 23 Do master 25 High chairs? 26 Get in 28 “___ Can Cook” (former cooking show) 29 Dog’s foot 32 Floor space 34 Metamorphic stage 38 Quip, part 3 42 Bat maker’s tool 43 “I’ll take ‘Cartoons’ for $200, ___” 44 Control 45 Elusive swimmer 47 3/17 honoree, for short 50 “Nuts!” 54 Actress Mira 58 Quip, part 4 60 Of a pelvic bone 61 2012 Best Picture
Oscar winner 62 Quip, part 5 64 Bit of sarcasm 65 Theater seater 66 “___ perpetua” (Idaho’s motto) 67 Beats by ___ (brand of audio equipment) 68 Add fuel to 69 Explanations
1 2 3 4 5 Flat floaters Took the hit, financially Tropical OK to ingest Wear out, as a welcome
“Mew Coup” – didn’t see that one coming. [#711, Jan. 2015]
By Matt Jones

6 Leftorium proprietor on
“The Simpsons” 7 Estrada of “CHiPs” 8 Half a fitness motto 9 Like some fog 10 Like most berries and oysters 11 “Fanfare for the Common
Man” composer Copland 12 “Grand Canyon Suite” composer Ferde 16 Adobe creations? 18 Düsseldorf denial 22 Jazz pianist-singer Diana (and wife of Elvis Costello) 24 Our planet 27 Cassette parts 29 Good buddy 30 Abbr. on a rap sheet 31 Feature of Algonquin Round
Table discussions 33 Acts as accomplice 35 City in 2016 sports news 36 Solemn words 37 Writer Beattie 39 Words after “know” or “settle” 40 Pearly whites 41 “Reward” offered by those who hire artists for no pay 46 Dye used by chemists 48 Get ___ on the knuckles 49 Reporters and their entourage, e.g. 50 Key using all the black keys, for short 51 Drew in 52 Deadly sin 53 Citrus peel in a mixed drink 55 Like U2 56 More than mean 57 Non-dairy spreads 59 Cuatro y cuatro 63 “A spider!!”
Last week's solution