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Last Call
Thomas Mueller — Worcester’s newest jazz crooner
Veer Mudambi Worcester Magazine USA TODAY NETWORK
Thomas Mueller scored a coup when he recorded a live show at Mechanics Hall called “Seniors Love Jazz.” The historic downtown building was chosen to forge nostalgic connections with an audience that probably remembers Mechanics Hall for all kinds of events. His singing was accompanied by, among others, his music professor at Clark University, where he is part of the Class of ‘22, studying music and management. Mueller is also a Steinbrecher Fellow, a program that provides funding for undergraduates to pursue original ideas, creative research, public service, or enrichment projects. He is from Connecticut and working toward a master’s in business administration. Mueller sat down with Last Call to discuss his motivation as well as the process that led him to the storied location.
How did you get the idea to do this?
It started with some shows I did during the pandemic at senior centers for my grandfather and were really enjoyable for that age group. I realized they didn’t have as many resources for entertainment, especially during the shutdowns. That, along with my love for music, inspired the idea. And I was trying to get more experience anyway, when this fellowship came up and all of the ideas came together at one moment. I realized I could really do something big this time. It’s a fun experience to perform for seniors and see how they appreciate the music.
Tell me a little bit about the journey to this point.
In December of last year, I was beginning to study jazz piano. In the spring, this fellowship appeared in my email and I spent the season working on the music. Slowly, the program came together as a combination of covers and originals. Then in the summer, I got the team together and recorded it. Originally, we were going to record the music in a studio and the video at Mechanic’s Hall, but the logistics of getting the sound and video people all on the same day just worked out perfectly. So we recorded it on-site as basically a live performance.
How was it recorded in the age of COVID?
The largest part of that was the planning and making sure there was always a back-up and communicating. I was constantly communicating to see how to get the space to work, and what to do if the venue shut down again. My back-up was going to be recording at a studio and for the final video would be mixing each performer into a screen.
The hall and the sound were beautiful — with the lights and everything, it all came together. Mechanics Hall isn’t just the backdrop — it’s also something seniors in Worcester are familiar with.
Where did you find the band?
So my professor, Paul Buono, he’s a jazz pianist and he was the main way of networking with musicians throughout the New England area. He connected me with a drummer named Vinnie, and Vinnie mentioned a bassist named Greg, so he joined the team. And I was singing for them.
How was it performing with your teacher?
It was an excellent experience. As soon as I started taking lessons, I was very serious about it and I think he could tell that. A great relationship formed and we got closer during the rehearsals and it got more casual. That really helped the experience because at the end of the day, it was a bunch of guys playing music on stage.
How long have you been singing?
Ever since I was little, maybe since I was 4 or 6. I mostly started doing musical theater and then branched out to Frank Sinatra and Michael Bublé.
Jazz is kind of a new discovery — I met a pianist at Clark who recommended it and I’ve just been passionate about it ever since.
What’s your personal favorite kind of music to play?
Probably musical theater — it’s my favorite genre but I love jazz and pop too. Anything that can get people going. It really depends on who I’m performing for — if I’m at the senior center, my favorite stuff is the Sinatra era and hearing the audience talk about how it brings back memories and listening to their stories is the best part. Sometimes there are seniors who may not be in the best state because of dementia, but when they hear this music, they’re able to sing along to it and remember. I want them to get that feeling.
Would you say you’re a performer as much as a musician?
Certainly, because I love all aspects of performing. Acting, singing and dancing.
Favorite song on the album?
I think my favorite cover is “She’s Got a Way.” I haven’t heard too many jazz covers of it and I really enjoyed arranging that piece. As for the originals, I’d say “Every Single Moment” because it’s a ballad and I’m a big ballad guy. It’s about spending every single moment with someone, the little things.
What are your plans for the future?
Keep working my craft as a jazz pianist and a singer and to really get out there as much as I can. The project was an amazing learning experience in music and management. I want to use that in other performances — I’m always looking for opportunities.
Will you be working with this band again?
I’ll always be performing with Paul as my teacher but totally open to working with Greg and Vinnie again.
Where can people buy this album?
They can get it on any streaming site —- Spotify, itunes or through my Instagram. The project — “Seniors Love Jazz” — features original songs and covers. The set was performed in Mechanics Hall and a filmed version of the concert will be available to senior centers throughout Worcester County and beyond.
Thomas Mueller recorded the live show “Seniors Love Jazz” at Mechanics Hall. VEER MUDAMBI