4 minute read
Last Call
Veer Mudambi
Worcester Magazine USA TODAY NETWORK
Leo Negrón Cruz has been a longtime member and activist in the Latinx LGBTQ+ community in Worcester. Moving here from Puerto Rico in 1985, Cruz has been an integral part of LGBTQ+ history in this city. In 1989, he founded the Gay and Lesbian Latino Organization (GALLO), which continued until 2005, acting as a forerunner for other LGBTQ+ Latinx groups. He has also worked in AIDS prevention efforts and is a member of the For the Record steering committee. For the Record is an exhibit at Worcester Historical Museum that highlights the LGBTQ+ community’s history. His voice is particularly relevant now: Cruz spoke at the exhibit as part of LGBTQ History Month and with Hispanic Heritage Month having concluded on Oct. 15, he sat down with Last Call to discuss not only history but the future of the community, overcoming divisions and keeping a foot in both worlds.
What’s something that you would particularly like people to know about LGBTQ+ history in the Worcester area?
The important thing is to remember that we do have a history here — we have had a presence in this area forever and many of the struggles for civil rights and recognition that happen at the national level, also happen here. Even from before Stonewall.
What would you say was the driving force behind the fragmentation of Worcester Pride?
I think that it does appear to be divided and more of a fragmented community. We haven’t been able to sit down as a group and discuss what we need to do to make our community more cohesive and therefore more politically powerful. The struggles with the previous Pride committee were similar to what I’ve heard happened in Boston Pride. I think it was a lack of desire to hear other voices, particularly voices of color.
Is it issues like this that led to the formation of GALLO back in the ‘90s?
Partly — you look at the issues then and the issues today and they’re pretty much the same because we haven’t really spoken about it. We created GALLO so gay and lesbian latinos would have their own community. GALLO means rooster in Spanish and was created as an acronym that could also pass as a last name, and would be a signal to community members that were not out of the closet. We wanted to bring them together and create a community but also keep them safe.
Could you talk about how you experienced some of this division in the community?
In the early ‘90s, there was a newspaper article about Worcester Pride. I got a call at home from the chair of the Pride committee to invite us to the meeting to appear more diverse for the news picture. I refused — we were offended but we also found it funny. I sent GALLO representatives to the meeting but gave them instructions to leave before the picture was taken. The next day the Pride chair came to my office to scold me. He said, “you need to decide if you’re gay or latino.” I asked him how do you seperate being white and being gay? He looked at me and said “what a weird question, I couldn’t do that.” I said it was the same for us and that they should have included us from the beginning and not at the last minute to add color to the picture.
What would you hope the next generation of the community understands?
The GALLO motto was that individually we are different but together we can make a difference. That we are just one big community — the term family is a little overused but it fits. I’m one of 13 children — we’re all very distinct individuals but still similar. In a big family like that, we might not agree but should be open to hearing from each other. We don’t necessarily need to love each other but we need to appreciate each other and stand together. My sharing my power with you does not take my power away, nor does it take your power away — it helps us all.
Would you say it’s a twosided issue — making sure LatinX and LGBTQ voices are not silenced in each culture?
Yes, that’s my kind of activism while working in the Latino History Project. I want to make sure that queer voices, Latino queer voices, are included in the story that we’re telling.
Thoughts on the School Committee candidate’s comments regarding demonic possession and homosexuality?
I think it’s sad that almost a quarter into the 21st century that we’re still hearing those kinds of comments of homophobia. It’s sad that someone is using that as a boogeyman to get votes. Especially when we see the percentage of queer youth attempting suicide, being homeless and needing places to go. I hope that person doesn’t get elected because we need healthy voices in the school committee to create a healthier Worcester for all of us.
Leo Negron Cruz speaks at Worcester Historical Museum’s For the Record exhibit, discussing LGBTQ+ history in Worcester. WORCESTER HISTORICAL MUSEUM