NOVEMBER 19 - 25 , 2015
Muslims “hurting twice” Show director maps after ISIS terror attacks out ‘Joseph’s Dream’ in Paris Page 4 Page 30
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insidestories H Handobliodokay
t may not quite be Thanksgiving, yet, but we 2015 declare the holidays officially in effect. Starting to panic? Don’t, because Worcester Magazine is here to guide you through what should be the most joyous time of year – but often becomes a hair-pulling exercise in keeping your wits about you. Fear not. In this issue, our special Winter Guide, you will find stories, tips, menus and much more geared to helping you plan your holiday season. Be careful when you pick up this issue, because inside is also our Holiday Handbook. You’ll find listings of holiday concerts and much more, including a look at Small Business Saturday, which comes hot on the heels of Black Friday. Of course, you’ll still Book your Holid ay Party Today! find all the news and entertainment you can Private Rooms Availab Up to 260 Guests! le handle, including Tom Quinn’s Worcesteria and Josh Lyford’s Lyford Files. So stoke up the fire, lay a blanket across your lap and get to reading. Keep a pen handy, so you can do the crossword puzzle when you’re done. Happy reading and happy holidays!
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November 19 - 25, 2015 n Volume 41, Number 12
Local Muslims respond to Paris attacks, Worcester weapons theft STEVEN KING
Tom Quinn (Editor’s Note: This story first appeared online. Visit for your news every day)
n the wake of ISIS attacks in Paris that left 129 dead, American concerns about radical Islamic terrorism have again come to the forefront of the national conversation. Worcester is no different, with social media chatter following the theft of 16 weapons from a federal armory prompting some residents to express fears about Muslim perpetrators looking to launch a similar attack in the Heart of the Commonwealth. Gov. Charlie Baker now says he is not interested in accepting refugees from Syria, where ISIS has a power base, due to security concerns. The blowback from the incidents is worrisome for area Muslims, who are urging residents to remember radical extremists do not represent the views of the vast majority of the world’s estimated 1.6 billion Muslims. “We’re hurting twice,” Worcester psychiatrist Amjad Bahnassi said. “Once, because we’re seeing innocent people [in Paris] hurt, and once because the innocent people [here] are suspected. We ... end up with some consequences.” The Worcester Islamic Center and the Islamic Society of Greater Worcester issued a joint press release after the Paris attacks
Dr. Amjad Bahnassi in his Russell Street condemning the terrorists. “Members of the Islamic faith in Greater Worcester join their fellow Americans and people of conscience everywhere in the world, in unequivocally condemning the senseless acts of violence that were committed in Paris, France,” the release read. “These were heinous and vile crimes committed against innocent
office. people. This barbaric act violates those very fundamental and basic values shared by all decent people in the World. As followers of the Islamic faith, all of us repudiate this barbarism in the strongest possible terms, and ask that everything possible be done to bring the perpetrators of this heinous crime to justice.”
Response to theft by some on social media, automatically linking Worcester Islamic Center to incident, was disturbing. -4
City Hall raises French flag in wake of horrific and deadly terror attacks in Paris. +4
New Woo Pass app rolled out for iPhone and Android. App-happy residents rejoice. +2
continued on page 6
Total for this week:
A weekly quality of life check-in of Worcester
Theft of weapons from Army Reserve Center in Worcester leaves community on edge. -6
Mona Ives, administrator of the executive committee of the WIC, said she has not personally experienced any attacks or threats, but some members of the Muslim community have told her they have been targeted. “I’ve heard about some personal attacks from women who are more easily identifiable as Muslim,” Ives said. “Some of them have even said they have been pushed around physically.” The connection some are making between the Paris attackers and Muslims in Worcester is exemplified by a recent post on a popular local blog titled, “Guns Stolen At Federal Armory In Worcester Down Street From Controversial Mosque A Day After Paris Terrorist Attacks.” Online comments there and elsewhere on social media report being suspicious of potential radical Muslims in Worcester. “Generally, when these things happen there is hate going around,” Ives said. “It’s definitely depressing and hurtful to hear that people immediately suspect Muslims.” Ives said WIC requested a Worcester Police presence at the school that adjoins the center for extra security in preparation for any attacks by anti-Muslim residents. Police have increased police presence in “key areas,” although a spokesman said he could not release specifics. If the WIC is under investigation by any law
Holden Landmark Corp., parent to Worcester Magazine, holds its People’s Choice awards at Val’s in Holden. Congrats to the winners! +1
At-Large Council recount to cost around $22,000. -1
Worcester Public Schools breathe a sigh of relief as federal funding shrinks projected $600,000-plus budget gap to just $55,000 according to T&G report. +3
School deficit highlights need for reform of state charter school reimbursement to school districts. -2
In Worcester, Gomez, King head to City Council recount Tom Quinn
either candidate came up with enough signatures for a city-wide recount for the at-large City Council election, but with their powers combined, Juan Gomez and Khrystian King were able to force a recount in all 10 of the city’s wards. Gomez, who finished seventh in the race for six at-large seats in the Nov. 3 election, initiated the recount process by filing a petition for a city-wide recount, alleging errors ranging from technology calibration being off to voters being denied provisional ballots. Gomez finished 77 votes behind King, with 7,086 votes to King’s 7,163, according to unofficial final results. King also filed a recount petition to make sure the recount would cover the whole city, and between the two candidates they had enough to validate a recount, which the Election Commission earlier this week scheduled to start Monday, Nov. 23. That is when preparation will begin. The recount will take place Tuesday, Nov. 24. City Clerk David Rushford said both candidates filed their petitions for all 10 wards, but Gomez fell short in wards 4 and 5, while King did not get enough verified signatures in wards 6 and 10. For recount purposes, all that matters is getting 10 signatures per ward, so the recount will cover the whole city. While the Secretary of State’s office has a process to withdraw a recount petition, the entire point of King’s petition was to make sure the recount covered the whole city and not select wards.
“We wanted to do our part to ensure there would be a comprehensive tallying of results,” King said. While it would theoretically be possible to pick and choose which wards were to be recounted as part of a strategic move, neither candidate seems to have left wards off intentionally. Both missed the mark on one ward they won in and one in which they lost. In Ward 4, Gomez beat King, 587 votes to 454, but in Ward 5, he lost, 726-588. In the wards King missed, Gomez lost, 474-401, in Ward 6, but won, 525-384, in Ward 10. Gomez said he did not intend to leave any wards off his petition, and in fact pointed to the incident as another example of the types of errors he wanted the Election Commission to look into. “We had a list of all the registered voters of the city and cross-checked it [with the signatures],” Gomez said. Rushford officially estimated the cost of the recount at $22,000. That cost is so high in part because all 12 candidates for office will have their votes recounted, for a total of 19,940 ballots and up to 120,000 total votes – although not everyone voted for the full slate of six candidates, poll workers will have to check for that many total “marks.” Poll workers will meet Monday, Nov. 23 to organize the ballots into blocks of 50 to make them easier to go through on Tuesday, Nov. 24, when 50 hired poll workers will go through all the ballots by hand, with a detail of six Worcester police officers providing security and oversight, and 10 spare poll workers at the ready for absences. Rushford said he wanted everyone to start counting fresh on Tuesday. because the 13-
hour, one-day recount four years ago for School Committee — between Donna Colorio and Mary Mullaney — created problems. “That resulted in what many people in the city of Worcester acknowledge was human error,” Rushford Juan Gomez said. All 12 candidates will be notified of the recount, and everyone will be allowed to provide “observers,” one for each poll worker (poll workers will work in pairs, with one reader and one recorder), for a potential total of 50 observers per candidate 600 if all candidates choose to do so. Only the at-large candidates will be recounted, not the mayor’s race or School Committee. The process will unfold in the Levi Lincoln room at City Hall in full view of the public, and will be televised on the city’s cable channel. Although Gomez had a laundry list of complaints in his petition, a form supplied by the Secretary of State’s office treats them all as “erroneous ballots,” making his specific complaints extraneous. One of Gomez’s major complaints was about provisional ballots, which are given to voters with various problems, including transplants from other states who may have run into errors at the Registry of Motor Vehicles when changing their residency, to use an example provided by Rushford. Gomez had said those could factor into changing his place in the race. Assistant Director of Elections
Khrystian King Niko Vangjeli said there were 36 provisional ballots in this year’s election, and four or five of them will count in the election – his office checks into each provisional. Meanwhile, Gomez said a recount would address some concerns, such as voters accidentally marking their ballots incorrectly (such as putting the voting mark to the side of the required space), but without incorporating the other concerns he brought up, it would not satisfy his desire for an accurate count of votes. “I intend to ask [the Board of Election Commissioners] directly how they want to address these other issues,” Gomez said. “There is going to be a recount, but what is going to happen with the rest of the concerns we laid out?” Meanwhile, King said he supports an accurate recount, and is upbeat about his 77-vote margin holding up. “I remain confident that a full and accurate count will uphold the results of the election,” King said. Reporter Tom Quinn can be reached at 508-749-3166 x324 or tquinn@ with story ideas, feedback, or questions.
{ citydesk } made statements that worry local Muslim leaders is Baker, who said he would not be in favor of taking in any of the 10,000 Syrian refugees the country is planning on sheltering. That statement mirrors a general attitude of grouping peaceful, mainstream Muslims with radical extremists, Bahnassi said. “I understand the sensitivity of the situation, but I think it’s clearly uncalled for,” Bahnassi said. “There are lots of people who need help, and to punish the whole community for a few people is uncalled for.” Ives, meanwhile, invited people who may have never met a Muslim in real life and rely exclusively on media coverage and perceptions, to take a tour of the WIC and learn more about the religion as practiced by mainstream Muslims. “I think it’s a lack of familiarity with Muslims and what we’re all about,” Ives said. “There’s a small number of people using religion to recruit people to their cause. And it’s disappointing to us because we condemn everything they do.” Ives also pointed to an oft-cited statistic pointing out that most terrorism-related fatalities are Muslims. A U.S. government study found that more than 80 percent of such fatalities between 2006 and 2011 were Muslims. “We’re an enemy of theirs as well,” Ives said, “and to be lumped in with them is very difficult.”
1,001 words
enforcement agencies, Ives said she is not aware of it. Bahnassi, an immigrant from Syria who has been in Worcester since 1983, said he feels Worcester is a welcoming city. “The community here is very mature,” Bahnassi said. “I’ve always felt that the city here has been very good to us.” But things can change after a high-profile terrorist attack like the one in France. Even before that attack, though, Ives said she noticed a shift in the extremity of people’s attitudes in the last year or two, especially in more suburban areas. “There is definitely intolerance,” Ives said. “In the more urban areas you have more tolerance. It’s more diverse and people don’t expect everyone to look the same or believe the same things.” With Donald Trump visiting the DCU Center for a rally on Wednesday, Ives pointed to a few Republican presidential candidates she said are legitimizing the anti-Muslim rhetoric that has been circulating for years. “Over the last couple years politicians are getting more and more brazen, and that gives more credibility to these statements and the idea that we [Muslims] are to be treated with suspicion,” Ives said. “They are capitalizing on fear to get elected.” One politician closer to home who has
By Steven King
MUSLIMS continued from page 4
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City Council backs needle exchange Tom Quinn
ven though the newly-reconstituted Board of Health has authority over the subject, Worcester’s City Council spent over an hour this week discussing the moratorium on a needle exchange program. Almost 20 doctors, healthcare workers and residents spoke in favor of the program, which would permit the exchange of used needles for clean ones. The goal is to cut down on the number of dirty needles on city streets and in parks, decrease the rates of HIV and Hepatitis C transmission in drug users, and perhaps offer drug users connections to much-needed professional help.. The City Council voted, 9-1, to support a resolution endorsing the needle exchange, among other efforts, outlined in a presentation earlier this month by Dr. Mattie Castiel and the Department of Public Health that showed a sharp rise in overdose cases and other signs of the opioid epidemic in Worcester. AtLarge Councilor Mike Gaffney voted against the resolution. At-Large Councilor Konnie Lukes was at the meeting, but not in Council chambers for the vote. The Board of Health will make the ultimate decision. The first, most intuitive part of the program, which has been continuously shot down by a succession of City Councils since the 1990s, is the removal of dirty needles that might stick citizens or public employees walking around parks or on the street. Drug users, instead of discarding the needles in public places, turn the needles in to get a fresh one. “Communities that have done this have seen a two-thirds reduction in needles left in public places,” said City Manager Ed Augustus Jr., who later told stories of Worcester public employees being stuck by needles. “If we wonder what is going to happen to the community, I’d say look at Boston, look at
Cambridge, look at Northampton, look at Provincetown. Those are communities that have already adopted needle exchange, and I haven’t heard about their property values plummeting or people fleeing the city, or huge spikes in drug use as a result of this. Those are communities we usually compare ourselves to and aspire to some of the aspects they have.” Another argument in favor of the program revolves around HIV and Hepatitis C transmissions caused by reusing dirty needles. “Worcester shows up as a statistically significant hotspot,” Tom Stopka, a doctor doing research on transmissions at Tufts, said. “There are clusters with elevated rates of HIV, Hepatitis C, that’s why I’m here doing research … I recommend for a comprehensive response to the opioid epidemic that you implement a needle exchange program in Worcester.” Bill Breault of the Main South Alliance for Public Safety has staunchly opposed a needle exchange program, and said opponents like him were not given adequate opportunity to respond. “The Department of Public Health emerged from the proverbial smoke-filled backroom knowing exactly what they were going to do, and ram a needle exchange program through,” Breault said. “Why were they afraid of a public debate? Because they knew if the proposal was fully discussed, the public would most likely conclude this was a bad idea which should be rejected.” Augustus and members of the City Council took issue with that characterization of the process. “If this was going to be done in the cover of night, we would have done it already by the Board of Health,” Augustus said, citing two public Board of Health meetings in addition to last week’s presentation. “We’re trying to have a community conversation – a mature, reasonable, fact-based conversation.” The “mature” element of the conversation was lost, according to some councilors and
District 4 Councilor Sarai Rivera, left, an advocate for the needle exchange program, and At-Large Councilor Konnie Lukes, who wanted more vetting. doctors, with Breault’s comments, which at various points referred to Castiel and other members of government as “cowards,” and accused the public forums of being “propaganda,” “phony” and “a charade.” Although Breault was the only one of the 19 members of the public speaking about the needle exchange who opposed the idea, the argument he made is a common one heard over and over again, most recently when the city installed needle disposal boxes in the bathrooms at City Hall, Union Station and the Worcester Public Library. The line of thinking is harm reduction is bad because it condones or increases bad behavior, while harm
prevention better serves society by getting people sober and decreasing “antisocial behavior.” “The public has a right to safety and security,” Breault said. “The vast majority of people in Worcester who do not use drugs have the right to raise their families and live in an environment which does not succumb to the lowest elements. Needle exchange would represent capitulation to antisocial and destructive elements in society. It sends an unfortunate message to drug users – namely, that society has abdicated its responsibility to encourage responsible behavior.” continued on page 9
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we’ll be facing a referendum question and all this will be a waste of time,” said Lukes, Needle exchange in other cities has done just the opposite, according to advocates, who who called the arguments being made by advocates “superficial.” said dozens of studies have shown overdoses Broadcasting LIVE from Julio's Liquors Gaffney, meanwhile, pointed to an and other symptoms of the opioid epidemic increasing number of overdose deaths since decrease in cities with needle exchange programs, mostly due to wraparound services 2006, when the state decriminalized the sale of needles over the counter, as an example offered to people who come in to exchange of a project advocates promised had data needles. That data was backed up by showing it would cut down on drug use. Worcester-specific anecdotes. No Radio, No problem! He pointed to that data as an example of “When I was using, I’d go to CVS and a project where counter-arguments were Walgreens and bought a pack of needles, dismissed, butia made by opponents and threw them wherever I felt like,” Richard iaecl!pe l! pec iacil!al! Serm ec the claims erm Sp S mer Sum erpS um um S all ended up being true. Sm um S Gonzalez, an HIV-positive resident in longOver Over Over The nine councilors who voted in favor of term recovery from heroin use, said. “It’s 40 COlOrs 40COlOrs COlOrs 40 the resolution all had a common theme – the not just a clean needle back. It’s a contact On On sale Onsale sale need to try something to curb an epidemic of to make outreach to these people. Having epic proportions. a point to be present to reach them. I don’t “We’ve been trying it without needle think CVS [asks them about] detox when they Over Over Over 40 exchange,” Augustus said. “How’s it working 40 COlOrs 45 Colors for buy needles. If something like this existed in 45 Colors for 40COlOrs COlOr 4 Colors for ¼45 Mile East of Home Home Depot ¼ Mile East of Home Depot GRANITE COUNTERTOPS On sale ¼ M ¼ Mile East of Depot On sale On sale out for us?•We have a community that is $45.00 per sqft Installed • The Biggest Selection of my time I wouldn’t carry the diseases I have $45.00 per sqft Installed The Biggest Selection of of $45.0 $45.00 per sqft Installed • The Biggest Selection 620 Boston Turnpike (Rt. 9), 620620 Boston Turnpike (Rt.(Rt. 9), 9), 620 B Boston (40 sqft or more) Marble and of any filled with Marble needles … and we have aGranite spikeGranite in HIV &(40 QUARTZ! sqft orTurnpike more) today.” Granite of any (40Shrewsbury sqft or more) Marble and of any Includes:Shrewsbury Rounded, Beveled or polished edges Shrewsbury Fabrication Shop! 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PARTY BRAVEHEARTY: The Worcester Bravehearts joined the Futures Collegiate Baseball League two seasons ago, and the other teams have to be steaming at the new kids on the block throwing everyone else out of sync. First it was the FCBL championship trophy, which the league might as well just award to the Bravehearts now. When you win in your first season in the league you could call it beginner’s luck, but twice in your first two years, while setting single-game and seasonlong attendance records? You have to give the other teams a fighting chance. This year the Bravehearts have already scored before stepping on the field, selected to host the 2016 FCBL All Star Game. And like everything they do, the Bravehearts are doing it better than the rest of the league. The team is partnering with Holy Cross, on whose campus the team’s home field is located, to make the game into a two day festival-type event similar to the Major League Baseball extravaganza. They want to temporarily shut down Fitton Avenue and make the event “the greatest party in the city of Worcester next summer,” according to owner John Creedon Jr. That’s a high bar to meet, considering the competition. But if anyone has defied expectations and risen to greatness it’s the Worcester Bravehearts. Keep an eye out closer to the event for more information. reporter and friend of Worcester Magazine Sam Bonacci has been promoted to digital editor at the Worcester Business Journal, the city’s go-to source for local business news. Bonacci will run the publication’s social media and web presence, an important task in an age where the dead trees newspapers delivered to people’s homes are increasingly taking a back seat to websites and social media. Now that Bonacci is moving on up, maybe he’ll put himself on WBJ’s annual 40 under 40 list? Or maybe he’ll double profits by expanding the award to 80 under 80. Dare we dream?
NEWS ENEMA: The National Publication Writes About Worcester phenomenon, or NPWAW, as the cool kids call it, is going to explode after Donald Trump visits the city (Worcesteria is sent off to the presses Wednesday afternoon, so there won’t be any Trump jokes here, which could usually sustain their own column alone). Publications started furiously Googling Worcester before the event too, and the ones who take a stand against The Donald are the most liberal with their characterization of the Heart of the Commonwealth. There are too many to go through comprehensively, but one of the boldest ones comes from Death And Taxes, a pop cultureish website that urged people to claim their free tickets to the DCU Center event and then not show up. Worcester is a fitting location for Trump to visit, according to the popular alt-publication, because “it’s the unwashed anus of Massachusetts.” Ouch. Let’s hope everyone else is a little more charitable to the city. The New York Times can’t send Mr. Rogers to write every article about Worcester, like they did for the “Worcester is a college town” piece. VIRAL PEPPERONI, PLEASE: It’s not often that a Worcester story goes viral for all the right
reasons. Usually, we get the rotten end of the meme stick, with Kelley Square at the center of many an outraged social media post. One of Kelley Square’s local businesses made it big, though, after local resident Mike Alexander’s story about a charitable act went viral. “I’m at Kelley Square Pizza waiting for my pizza to cook, and this little crippled old guy comes in,” Alexander said in the post, which has since been shared over 3,300 times. “He’s leaning on this makeshift cane and wearing two coats. His hands are trembling and he’s wondering who is managing. The man behind the counter replies, and without hesitation tells the other kid to stop cleaning (they close at 1:30) The elderly man asks if there’s anything that would be thrown out he could buy cheap. The manager then tells the kid to make this man whatever he wants. I just want everyone to know that during these tough and crazy times where others in the world are out to hurt and kill, there’s still a lot of good. There’s a lot of great. Start with yourselves. Open a door, pay for a coffee, pass on some food, donate to something, thank a vet, hang out with the elderly. Anything.” Perhaps Alexander did not know the post would catch on in such a worldwide way, or he might have chosen a more PC term for a disabled person. But in general, a good slice of Worcester.
POPPING FOIAS IN THE CLUB: Under current Massachusetts public records law, municipalities like Worcester have up to 10 days to respond to freedom of information requests
{ worcesteria } from citizens or, for example, reporters. It’s designed in part so that agencies and organizations cannot hide information by delaying its release until irrelevancy. Well, a watered-down version of the bill is in the statehouse now, and you could almost hear the champagne bottles popping across the city when the new provisions were announced. It expands that 10-day requirement to 75 days for municipalities – a tremendous increase. The Worcester Police Department has recently resumed sending info to Worcester Magazine, which is much appreciated, so they get a pass this week (even if they did get called out by some in this week’s City Council meeting for a lack of transparency). It’s the Worcester Public Schools system that is giving the WPD a run for the transparency title now, going far, far beyond the 10 days required by law to respond to a FOIA. Hey guys, the 75-day limit has not been approved as of writing this. I understand that you want to bash anyone who says the WPS isn’t transparent and open – a common complaint often accompanied by specifically targeting the superintendent by her detractors – but you can’t have it both ways. Transparency is on a spectrum, and just because Massachusetts has one of the weakest public records laws in the country doesn’t mean you have to lean on them to hold back information until after an election or, for example, a top school official’s departure date.
SHOW ME THE MONEY: Worcester Police say a cab driver was robbed at gunpoint
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APR Tuesday night, Nov. 7, not the first time the dangers of the profession have been illuminated by Initial Rate a heist. One Hispanic man and one black man, both around 5 feet, 8 inches tall, allegedly called Initial Rate the driver to Shannon Street, had him drive to Salford Street, and then robbed him, the driver told police. My question is, are either of those clues for the police? Would the robbers dare Millbury • trying to add a free cab drive to the list of things stolen, or did they drive to Shannon Street, have the cab go to another random street, and then drive back to their original location? Certainly, BANK. ANYTIME. ANYWHERE. MCU’s Mobile App and Online Banking. Learn more at www.m ANYTIME. ANYWHERE. MCU’s Mobile App and Online Banking. Learn more at Millbury • Worcester • Auburn • South Grafton | 508-865-76 it’s a lot of effort to pick on the poor cab drivers, who don’t have an easy job to begin with. As a side note, the WPD made a little boo-boo in their press release about the situation. The phrase BANK. ANYTIME. ANYWHERE. MCU’s Mobile App and Online Banking. Learn more “undisclosed amount of cash” has become almost a cliché in police reporting, since no one Millbury • Worcester • Auburn • South Grafton | 508-865-7600 Millbury • Worcester • Auburn • South Grafton | 508-865-7600 ever wants to say how much they got taken for, for fear of attracting copycats, no doubt. This Millbury • Worcester • Auburn • South Grafton | 508-865-7600 time, though, the suspects got away with “a disclosed [amount] of cash.” Good to know it was ANYTIME. ANYWHERE. AppOnline and Online Banking. at BANK.BANK. ANYTIME. ANYWHERE. MCU’sMCU’s MobileMobile App and Banking. LearnLearn more more at disclosed to someone, but you can probably just leave it at cash at this point. BANK. ANYTIME. ANYWHERE. MCU’s Mobile App and Online Banking. Learn more at
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BATTING CLEANUP: During this week’s discussion of a proposed clean needle exchange
program in Worcester, At-Large Councilor Konnie Lukes had a gem about the Worcester Police, whose chief as come out in favor of the exchange as a matter of public safety. Or should I say, she had a Gemme about the WPD? No, I shouldn’t, because that’s an awful joke. “Frankly, the chief’s opinion is irrelevant as far as I’m concerned, on any subject,” Lukes said. “I hate to say that.” Yikes. WPD Chief Gary Gemme’s opinion might be irrelevant on some things – classical music, maybe or dune buggy maintenance – but public safety? Of all the insults you could hurl at the chief of police, it seems like knowledge of crime and associated safety concerns would be the hardest target to hit. Lukes’ colleague, At-Large Councilor Mike Gaffney, swung at a softball when he accused Gemme of violating social media policies by re-Tweeting an article about his surprise at the police union not endorsing Joe Petty for mayor. Lukes is trying to hit a tougher pitch, but the veteran politician has a solid batting record as far as her many supporters are concerned.
LEGAL TREEHOUSE OF HORROR: As has been reported, the City Council put up the “no
reporters allowed” sign on their fort on Tuesday to go into an impressively-titled “executive session.” That’s the time when the Council is allowed to conduct business out of the public eye, in this case because legal strategy around stuff like the panhandling ordinance that was recently struck down by a judge is sensitive stuff. City Manager Ed Augustus Jr., as the city’s chief administrator, does the bidding of the Council, which controversially voted for the initial ordinance. Augustus said he would not be opposed to cutting their losses and ceasing to put city resources toward an appeal. “I’m very skeptical about the likelihood of success moving forward,” Augustus said. However, Augustus does not make those decisions – that will be up to the elected officials, who could have been throwing a pizza party in executive session for all we know. If the panhandling ordinance dies off that’s more likely – if not, some spoilsport actually made the Council do city work during a secret tree house session.
WCRN Morning News with Hank Stolz CBS News • Weather Sports • Traffic Weekdays 5am to 9am All the news and talk you need!
Reporter Tom Quinn can be reached at 508-749-3166 x324 or with story ideas, feedback, or questions. Follow him on Twitter @bytomquinn. NOVEMBER 11, 2015 • WORCESTERMAGAZINE.COM
commentary | opinions slants& rants { }
Gov. Baker scraps politics for safety
f only President Barack Obama grasped what Gov. Charlie Baker so clearly understands. It is not about the religion of Syrian refugees. It is not about closing the door on refugees with no good reason. Indeed, we argue if Baker were to welcome Syrian refugees into Massachusetts without so much as raising an eyebrow, he would be putting politics first. That is what Obama simply does not get. He accuses some of exerting a political or religious agenda in not wanting to take in thousands of Syrian refugees who, through no fault of their own, find themselves without a country. The exact opposite is true, in our opinion. It is politically correct to extend an open hand and welcome in desperate refugees. In a different time, we would expect nothing else. But these are the times we live in: an all out war on democracy and western values by a despicable and murderous group of radicals who are unlikely to stop in their quest to bring the U.S. and its allies to their knees. ISIS tried to do that to France. What happened? France waited less than 48 hours to bomb two ISIS targets. How long do you think an Obama-led U.S. would wait to retaliate? Let us rephrase that: When do you think an Obama-led U.S. would retaliate? This is a commanderin-chief who has struggled to even acknowledge ISIS as a threat to our way of life. When CNN starts questioning the president’s mettle, as Jim Acosta did recently, you know Obama has problems. There is no guarantee that any of the thousands of Syrian refugees that could land in the U.S. would participate in or be vulnerable to a terror plot against the country. There is, also, no guarantee otherwise. Baker has chosen not to take the politically-correct path. Instead, he is taking the path of a leader. For Worcester, which almost assuredly would end up taking in some of the refugees, that is a good thing. “The safety and security of the people of [Massachusetts] is my highest priority,” Baker was quoted as saying earlier this week, in the wake of the Paris attacks. “I’m always going to be willing to at least hear what the federal government has to say. As a public official, that’s my job. Hearing what they have to say does not mean saying yes.” Baker, of course, has no authority to say no if the federal government says yes, but our D.C. delegation (are you listening Congressman Jim McGovern and Sen. Ed Markey?) would do well to consider Baker’s position. Just as he would listen to them, Washington needs to listen to leaders such as Baker, and their individual states. Ultimately, it must reach Obama’s ear. Here’s hoping he is truly listening.
• NOVEMBER 19, 2015
The Public Art Esthetic is Changing
months and years Lewis’ mural, “Worcester’s Community Mosaic,” “Peace Mosaic,” “Ice Sculptures” and “Art in the Park, Worcester” temporarily changed the public art landscape in Worcester to include murals, public art exhibits, and other forms of public art. The aforementioned 1972, 1989, and 2000s installments signaled an atmospheric change in appreciation, ublic art has the power to energize our public spaces, and an acceptance of a more inclusive landscape in a number arouse our thinking, and transform the places where we of U.S. cities - and Worcester, in particular. live, work, study and play into beautiful and welcoming The broadening esthetic is occurring at the same time spaces that invite pause and interaction. Section 6 of the Zoning Ordinance governing signs is being The looming sight of Jeanne-Claude Christo’s “Valley implemented. The presence of the ordinance challenges the Curtain” on the horizon of Rifle Gap was both an opening process of executing a mural. The ordinance, passed in 1991 announcement and prophetic. When and amended in 2007, completed in 1974 the installation specifies that if the total foretold the expansion in the public dimension of a mural/ art esthetic that is taking place banner is greater than in cities across the country and the maximum allowable beginning to take shape locally. square-foot-size a Closer to home, and intentionally permit in the form of or not, the mural of peace activist, a property easement artist and teacher Tom Lewis at the must be obtained. The steps in the mural easement process corner of Chandler and Piedmont streets in Worcester stands are defining the mural project with the property owner; as protest against our nation and local militarized public art presentation and acceptance of the easement by the City esthetic. Council; completion of a memorandum of understanding Consisting primarily of statues of local, state or federal between the artist, individual, organization and the property politicians, generals and military markers, Worcester’s public owner; and finally, filing with the registry of deed. art landscape is dominated by monuments and memorials In addition to the sign ordinance, the expansion of the dedicated to political leaders and veterans of war. When public art esthetic is taking place within an urban cultural “Artworks in Our Parks: An Inventory of Public Memorials” landscape and social environment defined by 19th- and early was done in 1986 there were 230 veteran markers and, 20th-century architecture and a diversity of ethnic groups. Other than the Secretary PHOTO SUBMITTED of Interior’s Standard For the Treatment of Historic Properties that rules changes and modifications to property currently listed in the National Register of Historic Places and/or designated as National Historic Landmarks, there are not, nor should there be, guidelines for location and visual design. That being said, the basic elements of visual design and the experience of place should be considered when murals and/or other more long-term public art are installed. Current private One example of the murals dotting Worcester’s cityscape and public/private public art initiatives, exhibits and mural not including the Southwest Asia War Memorial, Vietnam projects are happening through advocacy and with financial Veteran’s Memorial and Korean War Memorial — completed in support from the Massachusetts Cultural Council, and local 1993, 2002, and 2003, respectively — 11 veteran memorials. individuals, businesses, foundations and volunteers, and Notable non-military and political exceptions include the through the work of the Cultural Coalition, a public/private “Burnside Fountain,” “Chamberlain Fountain,” “Boy With A partnership between the Office of Economic Development and Dolphin” and monuments and memorials such as “Bancroft cultural organizations and the Public Art Working Group, a Towers,” “Rogers Kennedy Memorial” and “Lion Gate.” subcommittee of the Cultural Coalition. Albeit autonomous occurrences and temporary in nature, Lewis’ mural and other public art presented around the same time helped to open the public mind’s eye to the reGloria D. Hall is a historic preservation researcher, composition of the public art esthetic and experience now Documenter and Interpreter; Worcester Project Director for Art taking place in the city. In the expanse of a day, a few days, in the Park; and Public Art Working Group member.
Your Turn
Tower Hill reimagines winter in style........................................ 14 Timeless “Ragtime” hits Hanover Theatre.................................. 16 Theater Guide............................................................................... 16 Holiday eating in a rush - without fast food............................. 18 Avoiding the holiday “blahs”...................................................... 19 Exhibit pulls back the veil on the effects of war ..................... 20 Art Exhibits.................................................................................. 20 The Cannery warms up winter with music in Southbridge...... 25 Music Events................................................................................ 26 When winter hits, New England is ski country......................... 27 Ski Guide...................................................................................... 27 NOVEMBER 19, 2015 • WORCESTERMAGAZINE.COM
{ WinterGuide }
Tower Hill
reimagines winter in style Brendan Egan
ower Hill Botanical Garden’s “Winter Reimagined” has been around for about 10 years, but you won’t see the same-old, same-old this year.
• NOVEMBER 19, 2015
into their local hardware store to buy and hang 12 miles of holiday lights — up from six miles at last year’s event. Even if they could, where would they plug them in? Nature is shockingly bereft of electrical outlets. That is where Tower Hill comes in. Preparation for the display, Abbott said, starts as early as September and wraps up in
season and enjoying each other,” said Abbott. “We do still decorate trees indoors. We use recycled materials and materials from our own garden and have a horde of volunteers right now.” Visitors are free to roam the grounds and check out everything Tower Hill has to offer. The lighting has doubled since last year, but
mid- to late-November. Volunteers work for months to make sure everything gets done in time. Local tree farms also lend a lifting hand with their bucket trucks, allowing lighting to reach the highest treetops. “It’s about family and community and people just getting outside this time of year and enjoying the colors and enjoying the
that leaves a lot of uncovered ground. The organization hopes to begin lighting other areas and trails in the future. In the meantime, there is plenty to do and see. In order to accommodate the crowds, Abbott said there are going to be some big changes around the grounds. The gatehouse will be moved further up the drive in order
to prevent some of the traffic that backed up onto Route 70 last year. Hours have been lengthened and the number of nights patrons can visit the display has doubled: Hours from Wednesday through Saturday, are 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. On Sundays and Tuesdays, the grounds will be open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tower Hill will be closed Monday, and on Christmas Eve, Christmas day, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. Visitors can also call or check out Tower Hill’s website to find out just how busy it is, and plan their visits accordingly. Tower Hill grounds are also accessible to those with strollers, wheelchairs, and walkers. “We’re trying to welcome everybody and not feel exclusionary to anyone,” Abbott said. “And we’ve always tried to connect it to holidays. It’s still pretty new and growing. And we’re hopefully prepared. We’ll see, we hope. It’s wonderful. Kids love it. Kids have a ball.” Winter Reimagined ends Jan. 3, so get out there and celebrate the coming of winter with friends, family and nature. PHOTOS COURTESY OF TOWER HILL
Tower Hill kicks off its annual display the day after Thanksgiving, Friday, Nov. 27, and there is no holding back on the lighting. “[Winter Reimagined] started out as an event that the Junior League brought to Tower Hill and it had to do with decorating Christmas trees,” Tower Hill CEO Katherine Abbott said. “It became Holly Days for a period of time. And it became really more about lights and the changing season and the holiday time, all of the various holidays that celebrate that solstice and that change.” For those who are unaware of Tower Hill, it is a 132-acre home to flowers and much more in Boylston, something the organization describes as a “living museum of plants.” Everything grows there — from flowers to heirloom apple trees — and it is open to the public year-round. Visitors can also check out the indoor displays, café and gift shop, as well as many other events and sights year-round. Winter Reimagined highlights nature and the beauty of Tower Hill’s plants in a way nature could never do on its own. Trees are not particularly known for their ability to stop
{ WinterGuide }
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{ WinterGuide }
Timeless “Ragtime” hits Hanover Theatre
t’s the dawn of a new era and everything is changing. Sound familiar? That’s because ‘Ragtime’ is a musical that is still relatable, despite being based at the beginning of the 20th century. Now it is coming to Worcester, at the dawn of the new year. Described by Hollywood Reporter as, “One of the best musicals in recent decades,” it will
As the stories of an upper-class wife, a determined Jewish immigrant and a daring young Harlem musician unfold, turn-ofthe-century New York is brought to life by these three characters, united in their desire for a brighter tomorrow. It also features appearances from important figures of the 20s, such as Houdini and Henry Ford, all set to the backing track of ragtime. A patchwork of colorful characters intertwine in surprising ways, as their seemingly different storylines weave together in a “profound depiction of the American experience.”
The production is the just one in Hanover’s “Broadway Series” of seven shows. Throughout the year, audiences have already been taken from Whoville to New York City, with shows including “How The Grinch Stole Christmas” and “The Producers.” Kevin T. Baldwin gave their most recent production of the Grinch three stars, and said, “[the] Grinch brings sincerity and charm to the Hanover.” Still to come in the series are Broadway classics “Annie,” “Saturday Night Fever” and “42nd Street.” The Theater has also teased an additional seventh “top secret” show will be
be onstage at the Hanover Theater, Jan. 2931. It is one of the most acclaimed musicals of modern times and won four Tony awards during its 1998 Broadway debut, including for Best Book and Best Musical Score. It will be performed by Phoenix Entertainment, an internationally-revered theatrical company. They recently hit the road with “Ragtime,” and played to “standing ovations and universal praise” with their opening performances at the Smith Center for Performing Arts in Las Vegas, Nevada. ‘Bloomberg News’ called it “Explosive and thrilling! Theater-shaking intensity… nothing short of a masterpiece.”
Based on the novel by E.L Doctorow, “Ragtime” examines the problems of societal change at the beginning of the twentieth century. Some characters accept and welcome the change, whilst others struggle and reject it. Yet all attempt to derive meaning from their experiences and from the way in which the world challenges and changes them. These, among other themes within the musical, are still relatable over 100 years later, and it is a musical that still resonates profoundly with audiences. The compelling stories “are set to the theatre’s richest and most glorious score” by Stephen Flaherty and Lynn Ahrens.
announced on May 11. If you’re looking for a way to chase away the new year blues, and forget that post Christmas slump, this is not something to be missed. Inject a bit of sparkle into your grey January and enjoy an evening at Hanover Theater. “Ragtime” is already gathering rave reviews across the country so make sure you’re not missing out. Full-price tickets start at $40. Discounts are available for members, groups of 10-plus, and WOO card holders. For more information, contact the Hanover Box Office.
Megan Baynes
• NOVEMBER 19, 2015
Theater Guide “The Importance of Being Earnest” Nov. 18, 19, 20, 21 at 7 p.m. Little Theatre, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 100 Institute Road, Worcester. Oscar Wilde’s comedic quest of two young Victorian gentlemen to win the hearts of their women. Tickets $5. “Mock the Vote” Nov. 19 at 7:30 p.m. The Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St., Worcester. Capitol Steps bring their own unique brand of political comedy, appealing to both sides of the political spectrum. Tickets start at $35. “Into the Woods” Nov. 20, 21, 27, 28, at 7:30 p.m.; Nov. 22, 29 at 2:30 p.m. The Center at Eagle Hill, 242 Old Petersham Road, Hardwick. The Gilbert Players present everyone’s favourite storybook characters but with a twist. Tickets range from $12 - $16. “This Wonderful Life” Nov. 27, 28 at 8 p.m.; Nov. 29 at 2 p.m.; Dec 4, 5 at 8 p.m.; Dec. 6 at 2 p.m. Theatre at the Mount, Mount Wachusett Community College. Due to ongoing construction at Theatre at the Mount, all performances of This Wonderful Life will be presented at the Gardner High School Auditorium, Catherine Street, Gardner. One actor inhabits every role in this stage adaptation of the iconic holiday film. Tickets from $15 - $22. “The Nutcracker” Nov. 27 at 7 p.m.; Nov. 28 at 2 p.m. and 7p.m.; Nov. 29 at 2 p.m. The Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St., Worcester. The holiday classic as presented by Ballet Arts Worcester and the Massachusetts Symphony Orchestra. Tickets range from $26 - $38. “Nuncrackers: The Nunsense Christmas Musical” Nov. 28-Dec. 13 (Fridays and Saturdays, 8 p.m.; Sundays, 2 p.m.; Saturday matinees Nov. 28 and Dec. 5) Stageloft Repertory Theater, 450A Main St., Sturbridge See the nuns you love, plus Father Virgil. You’ll laugh, maybe you’ll cry. Most of all, you’ll have fun. Tickets are $18 for adults; $16 for seniors, 65-plus; $10 kids 11-under “Macbeth” Dec. 4 at 8p.m.; Dec. 5 at 2p.m. and 8 p.m. ; Dec. 6 at 2p.m. Laurie Theater, Springold Theater Center, 415 South St. Waltham. Shakespeare’s play as performed by Brandeis Theater of the Arts. Tickets range from $5 for students, to $20 general public. “The Christmas Express” Dec. 4-5 at 7:30 p.m.; Dec. 6 at 2 p.m. Gateway Players Theatre, 111 Main St., Southbridge Hilda dreams of faraway places while running the Holly Railway Station. All that changes when Leo Tannenbaum drops in out of nowhere the day before Christmas Eve. Suddenly, an old radio that hasn’t worked in years springs to life. The whole gets the Christmas spirit. Is it Leo’s doing or mere coincidence? Tickets are $13 for adults, $11 for seniors and children. For reservations, call 508-764-4531. “It’s a Grandview Night for Singing” Dec. 4, 11 at 8 p.m.; Dec 10 at 8 p.m.; Dec 5, 12 at 8 p.m.; Dec. 6, 13 at 2 p.m. Worcester County Light Opera, 21 Grand View Ave., Worcester. A holiday musical, conceived and directed by Ed Savage. Tickets $17 for seniors and students and $20 general admission. Diane Kelley presents Holiday Spectacular 2015 Dec. 5 at 6p.m.
{ WinterGuide }
“A Christmas Carol” Dec. 18, 19, 23, 26 at 7p.m.; Dec. 19, 26 at 2 p.m.; Dec. 20, 27 at 1 p.m.; Dec. 22 at 6 p.m. The Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St., Worcester. Charles Dickens’ Christmas classic is brought to life as a play, adapted by Troy Siebels. Autism-friendly performance on Dec. 22 at 6 p.m. Tickets $28 - $52. “Ragtime the Musical” Jan. 29, 30 at 8 p.m.; Jan. 30 at 2 p.m.; Jan. 31 at 1 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. The Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St., Worcester. Set in turn-of-the-century New York, three characters are united by their desire and belief in a brighter tomorrow. Tickets start at $40. “Tribes” Feb 5, 12 at 8 p.m.; Feb 11 at 8 p.m., Feb 6, 13 at 8 p.m.; Feb 7, 14 at 2 p.m. Worcester County Light Opera, 21 Grand View Ave., Worcester. The story of a young deaf boy, and his struggle to communicate with his family. “Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Live” Feb. 13 at 1 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. The Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St., Worcester. Carol Vancil (Reverend Mother), Regina Stillings (Sister Robert Anne) and Laura Daniel Tiger comes alive, taking the audience with him on an interactive Gulli (Sister Hubert) ham it up in Nuncrackers at Stageloft Repertory Theater in musical adventure. Tickets start at $29. Sturbridge Nov. 28 through Dec. 13. “Joseph’s Dream; A Vision of Choice’ Feb. 17 at 7:30 p.m.; Feb. 18 at 7:30 p.m. Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St., Worcester The Center at Eagle Hill, 242 Old Petersham Road, Hardwick. The Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St., Worcester. All ages Holiday show featuring singing, dancing and acting. This adaptation of Harper Lee’s award winning novel tells the story of A historically based production about a vision of choice and a very special Scout, and a town embroiled in racially fuelled events. dream. “To Kill a Mockingbird” Tickets $5. Tickets range from $39 - $45. Dec. 11, 12 at 7:30 p.m., Dec.13 at 2:30 p.m.
“42nd Street” Feb. 19, 20 at 8 p.m.; Feb 20 at 2 p.m.; Feb 21 at 1 p.m.; Feb 21 at 6:30 p.m. The Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St., Worcester. The song and dance fable of Broadway with an “American Dream” twist. Tickets start at $40. “Separate Beds” Feb. 19-20, 26-28 Gateway Players Theatre, 111 Main St., Southbridge Two couples navigate through their relationships on a Caribbean cruise. One marriage is “perfect,” the other “stormy.” The truth and lies will come out as they celebrate their respective anniversaries. “Peter and the Wolf Along with Hansel and Gretel: A Two-Part Ballet Series” Feb. 24 The Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St., Worcester. “Hansel and Gretel” tells the twisted tale of a brother and sister outwitting a witch, while “Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf” takes the audience on a musical adventure. The YouthBallet of Worcester County and WPI orchestra work jointly to stage this production. Full price tickets are $12. Please call the box office at 877.571.SHOW (7469) for more information. “Cabaret” Feb. 26, 27, March 4, 5 at 8 p.m.; March 6 at 2 p.m. Theatre at the Mount, Mount Wachusett Community College, 444 Green St., Gardner. Based on the play by John Van Druten and Stories by Christopher Isherwood. Tickets range from $15 - $22.
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{ WinterGuide }
Holiday eating in a rush - without fast food
size and the service is refreshingly polite — a definite bonus after spending the day battling crowds. For the vegetarians, there is the Belmont t’s inevitable. You’re a few hours Vegetarian Restaurant, a dine-in or take-out into your holiday shopping, running place at 157 Belmont St. Specializing in nonaround, chasing down deals, battling over parking spaces, praising yourself meat and non-dairy meals with a Jamaican influence, they serve their food by plate-size for not completely losing your cool (a medium plate is $9.50), offering a healthy when it suddenly hits: you’re hungry. You’re and tasty alternative to the overly friend and not just hungry, your stomach sounds like a pack of ravenous wolves. You want to stop to fatty stuff found elsewhere. Short on time and money, but big on grab something to eat, but you don’t have the appetite? Try Coney Island Hot Dogs at 158 time and the thought of hitting yet another Southbridge St., a Worcester landmark. Sure fast food restaurant is enough to make you they’re hot dogs (and hamburgers, eggs gag. sandwiches and more), but they’re served hot Where to go? Have no fear, here is a list and fast and everything is less than $10. How of spots in the Worcester area that are close can you got wrong with that? to shopping areas, fast without fast food and If you’re in the mood for a sandwich but won’t drain your budget (added bonus: you’ll be supporting local businesses instead of those are in a rush, skip Subway and head over to one of Worcester Magazine’s favorite sub franchise food joints). shops, The Regatta Deli, at 28 Lake Ave. You If you plan on shopping at Lincoln Plaza can get sandwiches there as big as your face in Worcester, try Plaza Azteca, a Mexican (trust me on this, you can buy one and make restaurant at 539 Lincoln St. whose lunch two meals out of it) made with fresh meats menu is easy on the wallet and their seafood and vegetables and amazing bread, with a chimichangas easy on the pallet. All of their drink and chips or a two-pack of cookies ingredients are fresh, the portions are a good Kara Senecal
for under $10. This is a take-out only place, but many of their cold sandwiches are premade and you can phone in an order ahead of time so you can grab and go. If the size of the sandwiches sound daunting, the Regatta Deli also offers a variety of salads, pastas and soups. You may be saying now, “That’s all well and good for lunch, but what about dinner time? I’m too wiped out from shopping to cook and I want to go someplace to decompress” or, “I’ve been working all day so I need to shop at night. I can’t be waiting
around for a meal and I need something more substantial than hot dogs.” Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered there, too. The One Eleven Chop House at 111 Shrewsbury St. boasts a string of appetizers that are served quickly and rival any entrée. Lobster bisque, bang bang shrimp, and braised beef tenderloin croquettes are just a few selections on their impressive list, and all are under $12. Manager Faith Shannon told me during happy hour (4-7 pm, Monday through Friday, yearround), appetizers are $6. If you have time, try the One Eleven’s Surf and Turf entrée, a filet or prime top sirloin served with four scallopstuffed jumbo shrimp. “All of our meat is best quality prime beef,” Shannon said (which if you’ve ever eaten saddle-steak like I have, that’s awesome news). Nearly all of the One Eleven’s food is prepared fresh in-house. Can’t make it to the One Eleven? Try its sister restaurants: The Sole Proprietor, a seafood restaurant at118 Highland St., and Via Italian Table, 89 Shrewsbury St., an Italian restaurant that also features a raved-about brunch on Sundays. Because you’ll need that mimosa before you go shopping.
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11/5/15 11:10 AM
{ WinterGuide }
Brendan Egan
Avoiding the holiday “blahs”
t’s that time of year, when things get a little grayer outside and maybe in our heads, too. Winter in general and holidays, specifically - can be a tough time to keep your chin up. If you are alone for the holidays, suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, just get a little sad from time to time or your cat knocked over your drink and broke your favorite glass, there is plenty you can do in the Worcester area to lift yourself out of that funk. One of the best ways you can feel better about yourself also benefits other people: volunteering. There are many ways you can donate your time to help out others in need, and feel better at the same time. Volunteer work offers many opportunities to reduce stress, get some exercise and socialize — for those who might not get so many chances to meet people. If you are looking for a place to start, try the Worcester Animal Rescue League (WARL). “A lot of people are afraid to come in here because they feel like they’ll be so sad,” Executive Director Allie Tellier said. “That stops a lot of people from helping. Not everybody that comes in needs to adopt an animal. People can just come in. The animals need help.” Volunteer work at WARL ranges from caring for the animals to doing administrative work. You can find out more and apply for a position on their website, “The need is constant, and there’s really no season that has more of a need than others. During the holiday season people start thinking about who needs help, and their minds go to hospitals and soup kitchens,” saintlier. If the thought of all that cat hair and barking dogs just sullies your mood further, you can always help out people, too. The Worcester County Food Bank offers myriad volunteer opportunities, as well as a network that allows them to place volunteers at food pantries and other organizations around Massachusetts. The Food Bank’s executive director, Jean McMurray, said the organization is partnered with 131 other agencies in the area, so openings abound. “Worcester County Food Bank has always been the central collection point,” McMurray said. “We couldn’t exist without our network
John Mattson takes Lucy an 8 year old Puggle for some fresh air outside the Worcester Animal Rescue League where he volunteers five days a week walking dogs and sometimes washing dog bowls. of agencies. It just makes sense if people call and they say, ‘I can only volunteer on Saturdays [a day that the food bank is closed],’ we don’t want to turn people away.” You can find more information about the Worcester County Food Bank online at What can you do during your leisure time, you ask? With poor weather conditions, hectic work schedules and increased traffic due to shopping and holiday traveling, stress can be a big source of depression. Exercise is an excellent mood lifter, since it releases those neurotransmitters and endorphins that make people feel good. If you don’t have time to hit one of the myriad gyms in the area, there are charity 5ks all over Massachusetts. Double up on good vibes by getting your exercise and volunteer time all at
once. Check out Worcester’s Jingle 5k on Dec. 20, among many others. If neither running nor animals is your thing, WARL has the Tailblazers program. It takes a roughly two-hour commitment, and according to Tellier is great for both the animals and the runners and walkers. “For our running program, Tailblazers, volunteers come in and get trained how to walk and run with a dog and they run with it, from 1 to 3 miles,” Tellier said. “It gets the animals exercise, gets them out of the kennel and it gets the pent-up energy out of them.” The holiday season is generally an excellent time for movie fans, and this year is no exception. Even if you are stuck alone for the holidays, big-name movies such as Quentin Tarantino’s “The Hateful Eight” and Disney’s highly-anticipated “Star Wars Episode VII:
The Force Awakens” hit theaters in December. If you have never done it before, there is nothing quite like the rush of seeing a new “Star Wars” movie in a crowded theater filled with fans. You are sure to be exhilarated and have a smile on your face. Worcester Magazine has also compiled a comprehensive list of awesome winter activities, concerts and events, as well as local shopping ideas and other great coverage. Winter doesn’t have to be all bad, unless you happen to be stuck in traffic at The Shoppes at Blackstone Valley. Help your sanity by avoiding that nightmare, and help out the community by keeping your dollars local. Check out the rest of the Winter Guide and Holiday Handbook for fun and interesting ways to keep busy and keep your inner Grinch at bay.
{ WinterGuide } Art Exhibits
Discover Ancient Egypt Gallery Ongoing Fitchburg Art Museum, 185 Elm St., Fitchburg This exhibit features an interactive gallery that introduces visitors to the wonders of one of the oldest and most accomplished civilizations in recorded history – Ancient Egypt. Evoking Eleanor: The art, life and legacy of FAM founder, Eleanor Norcross Ongoing
Fitchburg Art Museum, 185 Elm St., Fitchburg This exhibit explores the art, life and legacy of Fitchburg Art Museum founder, Eleanor Norcross. Festival Row Icons Ongoing Museum of Russian Icons, 203 Union St., Clinton This permanent exhibition is from an iconostasis (wall of icons separating the nave from the sanctuary in a church and is the only one of its kind in the U.S, displaying 12 Festival Row Icons GLOBAL AFRICA: Creativity, Continuity and Change in African Art Ongoing Fitchburg Art Museum, 185 Elm St., Fitchburg An exhibition of classic, contemporary and commission art objects that celebrates African creativity worldwide. In Their Shirtsleeves Ongoing Worcester Historical Museum, 30 Elm St., Worcester An exhibit that tells the ongoing story of the innovators, workers and investors who made the industry the story of Worcester. Knights! Ongoing Worcester Art Museum, 55 Salisbury St., Worcester An exhibit featuring arms and armor from the former Higgins Armory Museum. Native American Museum Ongoing Fruitlands Museum, 102 Prospect Hill Road, Harvard The Native American collection includes over 1,000 objects from across North America and features two exhibits: “One Thousand Generations” that tells the history of Native Americans in southern New England and “Objects and Meaning: Multiple Perspectives on Native American Art and Culture” that features materials from all across North America.
Exhibit pulls back the veil on the effects of war
Corlyn Voorhees
eiled Aleppo, an exhibit featured at the Worcester Art Museum (WAM) since Sept. 23, brings light to the destruction of the city of Aleppo, Syria and manages to capture the horror of the war going on just across the ocean. Captured by Franco Pagetti, a Milan-based photojournalist, the images portraying sheets lining the devastated streets of Aleppo don’t need to incorporate the people to show just how devastating the effects of war can be.
The journey into Aleppo to capture these photographs wasn’t easy, Pagetti said. After being denied a travel visa, he decided to join a group of rabbis in 2013 and illegally cross the border in Turkey. As he thinks back to the path into Syria he used two years ago to take a picture and how thousands of people are now travelling the same path to escape, he can’t help but feel sad. “I want to do my job,” says Pagetti. “I’m a continued on page 22 photojournalist. I want to cover the story in WORCESTERMAGAZINE.COM • NOVEMBER 19, 2015
the country where the things are going on. I’m going where I think and I feel I have to be.” Pagetti got his inspiration to shoot the sheets in Aleppo on the first day he arrived. He was initially photographing the fighters when he stopped to look back on his film. “I saw I already did it,” he said. “The same picture I did today, I did in Iraq, did in Afghanistan. People, they have a different face, [are] wearing different clothes, speak another language, but they are doing the same thing. They are shooting, they are running.” He says he would like to show the war in a different way, using a different language,
the sand, from the heat, from the wind, but is covering the view and protecting the privacy of the family.” When the war started, the purpose of those simple linens changed. “Now, they are protecting the most important thing for a human being – the life,” Pagetti said. And with the sheets, people can cross the streets – but only with extreme caution. They have to be wary of the position of the sun as not to cast a shadow and give away their location, as well as being wary of the sheets shifting with the wind. One wrong move
without shocking viewers. That something different was capturing pictures of the fabrics, based on what he had read in a book a few years prior. “I was reading about an architect who’s Palestinian,” he said. “The traditional houses in the desert are kind of compounds where a large family is living together. Now, because the most important thing in the Arab world is privacy, they cover this city. This is a piece of fabric, usually covering an apartment from
and they’re spotted – and with the pull of a trigger, the sheets can no longer save them. “It was like redesigning the city of Aleppo because you can walk, but you have to look where [the sheets] are and where to go,” Pagetti said. “And it was rebuilding a city and using a colored piece of fabric.” It was this notion of sheets as armor that led Jon Seydl, the director of curatorial affairs at WAM, to reach out to Pagetti. With Knights! exhibit dealing with
historical arms and armor, Seydl said, “One of the things important to us was to create something at the end, a reminder that there’s a real world implication to the use of arms. For that, we’ve been looking for projects that address contemporary use of arms and armor in a real world way. What could be more powerful than what’s been happening in Syria?” When Seydl first saw the photographs while searching for a new exhibit, he was struck by their message. “Visually, they’re incredibly gripping images,” he said. “It takes the incredibly fragile textiles and turns them into armor.” He says visitors seem to have a similar reaction when viewing the exhibit. “I think people are very struck by the images and a lot of appreciation in that for the fact in an art museum context, we’re trying to address these contemporary current events and connect them to something historical,” he said. “The timing was certainly not something we could have ever planned. It’s helpful that Americans are more conscious of the bigger context of what’s going on in Syria and the refugee crisis. The images are a way of explaining something that’s been hard to understand about why people are trying to make their way across Europe and into the United States.” Regarding the crisis, still scattered in the
news as people flee for their lives, Seydl said: “This really is the second largest humanitarian disaster since World War II. It’s almost impossible to understand how many people have been displaced. It’s unimaginable. I think [it’s] something that we in America have been quite shielded from, ultimately. Even with the recent news, it still feels like a very distant thing.” And despite the ocean between the U.S. and Syria, despite the distance that divides the situation seemingly into an “us and them” mentality, Pagetti says we have to think less and do more. “[In September], I was in the Mediterranean on a boat, rescuing 600 people coming from Libya,” he said. “These people, they are ready to do whatever they can because they want to escape and they want to have a better life. I’m shocked, really shocked, to see how some [countries] are refusing these refugees. Sixty years ago, this same country, they were destroyed by the Nazis. Many escaped to Europe and they were welcomed. Now, they’re refusing people trying to escape.
nov. 21&22 and 26
{ WinterGuide }
[The refugees] are not asking for money. They’re asking to leave.” He asks one simple question, one that perhaps will not be answered any time soon: “When will we learn something from history?” Pagetti wants to return to Syria for another project continuing Veiled Aleppo, but he
admits that now is not the right time. “A lot of people asked me, ‘Are you going back to Syria?’” he says. “Of course I want to go, but I think going back now is stupid. I don’t know if the people that were helping
me while I was there are still there. I don’t know if [they] have the same opinion about foreigners or if they became a member of ISIS. I’m afraid some of them are.” He remembers walking through the apartments and seeing how the war affected what used to be a home – broken glass on the floor, a child’s doll, a cup of coffee still on the table after the occupants left in a hurry. He wants to capture that and find the people who had lived there and where they have ended up. “It’s more than to be wounded,” he says. “Your house is not damaged – it’s raped. I’m sure no magazine would like to do this, but I don’t care. I want to show the people, especially in Europe, that they are refusing to have refugees. And [it has] nothing to do with their religion, nothing to do with their political ideology. It’s just to be human.” And despite the morbid beauty in destruction revealed in his photographs and his quest to get a good shot, Pagetti brushes off the notion that his photography is art. “I don’t think I’m an artist,” he says. “I’m a photojournalist. For the concept I have of art, art is something beautiful and war, believe me, is not beautiful.” Veiled Aleppo will be on display at the Worcester Art Museum until June 2016. For exhibit hours and more information, visit their website at
nov. 27 - 29
Learn native
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Entrance to Winter Market is included with Village admission, or $5 to enter Winter Market only.
25+ JuRiED aRTiSaNS aND
{ WinterGuide } ART EXHIBITS continued from page 20
Rare Royal Doors from a Russian Iconostasis Ongoing Museum of Russian Icons, 203 Union St., Clinton An exhibit featuring an extremely rare pair of Royal Doors, circa 1600, originating from a region in Russia, north of Moscow. Recent Acquisitions: Photography Ongoing Fitchburg Art Museum, 185 Elm St., Fitchburg This exhibit celebrates the opening of the renovated Ronald M. Ansin Gallery and features photographic prints acquired during the past two years. Selected from over 200 acquisitions, these photographs reveal the growth and development of FAM’s permanent collection. Remastered: A New Look at Old Masters Ongoing Worcester Art Museum, 55 Salisbury St., Worcester A reinstallation of paintings from the 16th-18th centuries provides a new look at Old Masters. Shaker Museum Ongoing
Fruitlands Museum, 102 Prospect Hill Road, Harvard The Shaker museum contains exhibits relating to the history of the Harvard and Shirley Shakers, as well as Shaker furnishings and materials from other communities. Stories They Tell Ongoing Worcester Historical Museum, 30 Elm St., Worcester An exhibit that reveals the public and personal stories behind a selection of artifact’s from the Worcester Historical Museum’s collection. The Alcott’s Fruitlands Farmhouse Ongoing Fruitlands Museum, 102 Prospect Hill Road, Harvard A national historic landmark built in 1826, the farmhouse features interpretive panels that describe the transcendentalist experiment led by the Alcott family that took place at Fruitlands in 1843 and the overall transcendentalist movement. The Living Collection: Self-guided tour Ongoing Fruitlands Museum, 102 Prospect Hill Road, Harvard Visitors can grab a copy of the trail guide which highlights 20 locations on the trails and provides interpretive information on the history and ecology of the land. Wall at WAM: Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison Ongoing Worcester Art Museum, 55 Salisbury St., Worcester A inkjet mural, “These Days of Maiuma,” installed on a second-story, 67foot expanse situated in the most public of the Museum’s galleries by the
Shopping for the holidays should include tickets for your favorite people to their favorite shows! Special deals announced soon... Handel’s Messiah Dec. 5, 2015 Mechanics Hall 8 PM 22 W 11_20.indd O R C E S T E 1R M A G A Z I N E . C O M Messiah
• NOVEMBER 19, 2015
January Simone Dinnerstein British Regiments February Polish Philharmonic Symphonic Project St. Lawrence Quartet Disney in Concert March Mozart & Poulenc Jerusalem Symphony Kaplan & Shaw April Mnozil Brass Septet Chick Corea & Bela Fleck Moscow Festival Ballet WCMS & Bernadine Blaha New Haven Symphony with Worcester Chorus May Handel + Haydn Chamber Players
collaborative husband and wife team of Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison. All Things Considered VIII Current-Nov. 22
Current-Dec. 6 Worcester Art Museum, 55 Salisbury St., Worcester An exhibit featuring baskets by bamboo artist Hayakawa Shokosai III. Faculty Show Current-Dec. 16 Hammond Hall Art Gallery at Fitchburg State University, 160 Pearl St., Fitchburg A biennial exhibit featuring works in photography, sculpture, design, painting, drawing, film, video and mixed media from the Art and Communications Media faculty. Katrina Then & Now: Artists as Witness (Part II: The Fruitlands Museum, 102 Prospect Hill Road, Harvard Rebirth of Art) Current-Dec. 18 Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Art Gallery, College of the Holy Cross, 1 College An exhibit featuring 55 objects by 45 contemporary basket makers. St., Worcester American Folk Art, Lovingly Collected Marking the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, this exhibit will focus Current-Nov. 29 on the relationship between Hurricane Katrina and visual art in New Worcester Art Museum, 55 Salisbury St., Worcester Orleans from 2005 to the present. This is the second of the two-part An exhibit showcasing the work of home-grown artists who travelled from exhibition. town to town to paint portraits for rural families. More than 40 works from Old and New Work Current-Dec. 18 a private collection based in central Mass. are included in the exhibit, Wall Talk: Dec. 9 at 3:30 p.m. which features an array of paintings and furniture. Conlon Hall at Fitchburg State University, 160 Pearl St., Fitchburg The Art of Science and the Science of Art An exhibition featuring work by Sally B. Moore that explores vulnerability. Current-Dec. 3 InVision: 2D & 3D Landscape Dolphin Gallery at Worcester State, 486 Chandler St., Worcester Current-Jan. 8 Davis Art Gallery, 44 Portland St., Worcester An student installation show that seeks art that reflects the artist as scientific explorer, empirical thinker, or art in any media that has been An exhibit featuring 2D and 3D artwork with a broad interpretation of influenced by scientific discoveries and imagery. continued on page 25 The Baskets of Hayakawa Shokosai III
Friendly House, one of Worcester’s outstanding nonprofit community service agencies will host the st
21 Nick Manzello - Friendly House
Galaxy of Stars banquet
Thursday, Dec. 3 • 6:30pm The Manor Restaurant, West Boylston THIS YEAR’S HONOREES Dick Maynard Andy Serrato Don Morrone Mike Paciello Alan Pettway Jack Belsito Jim Butcher Erin Gallo Ray Lauring Juanita Brown
The Galaxy is Friendly House’s signature event
to raise funds for our Youth, Teen and Family Programming, Christmas Presents, and our Annual Children’s Christmas Party as well as to honor local community leaders who exemplify Friendly House’s mission and reflect the generosity of Galaxy founder, Nick Manzello and long time champion, Ronald “Sonny” Stultz. Enjoy a delicious dinner, great raffle prizes, wonderful company and best of all – the knowledge that you are making a difference in the lives of the children and families served by Friendly House.
STUDENTS Lexi Paige Boucher (Holy Name) Luke Hanlon (Worc. Tech HS) Tickets are $50 per person and they sell out fast! Call Susan Daly at 508-755-4362 to purchase tickets or advertise in the program.
11/17/2015 12:47:31 PM
Worcester • Sturbridge C&R TIRE - OFFICAL DEALERS OF
1. Go to 2. Take a guess on when Worcester will receive its first snowfall of an inch or more, and how much 3. Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow! More details and rules available at NOVEMBER 19, 2015 • WORCESTERMAGAZINE.COM
{ WinterGuide }
The Cannery warms up winter with music in Southbridge
Colin Burdett
here is no denying social media has taken music to infinitely accessible levels. YouTube and Facebook users are able to listen to and watch entire live concerts with the click of a button or a single touch of a smartphone. Living in this digital age of convenience, keeping the local music scene alive may come as a challenge for most concert hall owners. Majke Ellis has proven more than up to the task. Since September 2011, The Cannery Music Hall in Southbridge has been providing a safe, clean, and (most importantly) fun atmosphere for local and touring musicians to showcase their talents. Located next to the Iron Horse Tavern, The Cannery is run by a crew of just
said. “With that, I can be a Dead-head hippie one night and the next I’m a rocker chick. We have music from one side of the spectrum to the other side in one weekend, so we’re not typecast into one specific genre of music. We’re all over the place, which gives our guests a little bit of versatility and diversity.” The four members of the Cannery don’t expect any turnover in their upcoming seasons. “We are all very committed to supporting live music,” Ellis said. “We don’t do it as a source of revenue, we do it because we genuinely enjoy live music. Anybody who is in this business knows that it is very hard doing it. We try to be a responsible venue, our only profit comes from our revenue.” With high-production sound, staging and lighting, The Cannery prides itself on being
• NOVEMBER 19, 2015
four members, including Ellis, the manager. She describes the Cannery as a place that caters to several different genres. “We love live music,” Ellis said. “We want to do everything we can to support the scene, and it is growing increasingly difficult to do that. If you do any research on live music whatsoever, you will see a lot of music venues experiencing the same thing. There’s decreased attendance at every show. Nobody has come up with any answers with why that’s happening, except there’s speculation that social media feeds people what they need instantaneously, they don’t have to go anywhere to see the bands that they want.” Hosting a wide range of local bands, original songwriters and cover bands, The Cannery has been described lightly by Majke as “schizophrenic.”The Cannery recently hosted, on different nights, a Grateful Dead tribute band and a Deep Purple cover band. “Each one of our members transform,” Ellis
a music hall, not a bar. Most of the acts at The Cannery cater to a 30-plus demographic. With the interest of public safety in mind, The Cannery bar usually closes at least a half hour before the final band stops playing. “Most of the bands we have playing here are very professional, high-quality musicians,” said Ellis. “Every once in a while, we book a band that just comes to play out for fun. They tend to be local bands. They just want to put on a show for their friends and their family and it’s not about being a professional musician, it’s just about coming out and letting loose and blowing off some steam, and we do entertain shows like that too. Some of those are our best-selling shows. These bands just want to come out and party with their friends and family.” With a few more shows planned before the end of the season, including tributes to Rush, Country Music (Trailer Trash and continued on next page
Music Events
Spectre Shoes, Salem Wolves, The Devils Twins, Superjerk Ralph’s Diner, 148 Grove St., Worcester, 9 p.m. Elemental Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave., Worcester Listen to music described as “edgy alternative rock, 9 p.m. Falkun Brothers The Cannery Music Hall, 12 Crane St., Southbridge Voted “Best Blues Band” in Connecticut three years in a row, 8 p.m.
ART EXHIBITS continued from page 22
{ WinterGuide }
“Landscape.” The artwork is created in many different media – drawing, painting, mixed media, photography and more. Land Ho! Thursday, Nov. 19 Current-Jan. 10 Metal Thursday Fitchburg Art Museum, 185 Elm St., Fitchburg Ralph’s Diner, 148 Grove St., Worcester Worshipper, Bedroom Rehab Corporation, The Electric Sinners, Onera, A group exhibition that celebrates the timeless lure of landscape in art. 9 p.m. Land Ho! features artwork from eight New England contemporary artists in direct conversation with over thirty landscape paintings from FAM’s Grain Thief permanent collection. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave., Worcester Static Variations: Blue x 2 by Terri Priest With guest Cara Brindisi Current-Jan. 17 Grain Thief’s EP release show, with a group set to close out the show, Saturday, Nov. 21 Worcester Art Museum, 55 Salisbury St., Worcester 9 p.m. The Faceless The Palladium Upstairs, 261 Main St., Worcester An exhibit highlighting the painting “Static Variations: Blue x 2” by Terri I, The Breather Cynical Los Angeles based metal band The Faceless headline with special Priest, a diptych of arrow-shaped fields of blue and alternating black and The Palladium, 261 Main St., Worcester guests After The Burial, Rings of Saturn, Toothgrinder, Pathogenic, In white stripes that create a pulsating visual effect. After spending six years on the metal-based indie label, Sumerian Depths and Tides, 6:30 p.m. (Doors open 6 p.m.) Inspired Work: Janet Schwartz Records, I, The Breather will be playing their final tour. Featuring Chasing Current-Jan. 22 Safety, The Days Ahead, Eyes of Lilith, No Sudden Movements, Achilles, Get the Led Out: The American Led Zeppelin The Hadley Gallery, 657 Main St., Worcester 6:30 p.m. (Doors open 6 p.m.) Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St., Worcester A night with the Philadelphia-based Led Zeppelin tribute band, 8 p.m. An exhibit featuring pastels, oil paintings and charcoal drawing by artist Janet Schwartz that capture the complex visual landscapes of office life Friday, Nov. 20 Stan Matthews & Rusty Mikes and long commutes. Ghost Town Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave., Worcester Hassan Hajjaj: My Rock Stars The Palladium Upstairs, 261 Main St., Worcester Stan Matthews plays country hits and rock tunes at 7, followed by the Current-March 6 Rusty Mikes at 10 Worcester Art Museum, 55 Salisbury St., Worcester Worcester Men of Song Chorus presents “Tin Pan Alley” An exhibit presenting a video installation by Moroccan-born, UK-based An Evening of Barbershop Harmony artist Hassan Hajjaj, along with a related series of photographs. Mechanics Hall, 321 Main St., Worcester Goodnight Worcester, Revisited by Jackie Penny Featuring The Men of Song Chorus and Chapter Quartets & Special Current-March 22 Guests, 7:30 p.m. The Hanover Theatre, Franklin Square Salon Gallery, 2 Southbridge St., Worcester Fennario 26 Millbury St., Worcester An exhibit expanding and reconsidering primary work from the Jackie New England’s Tribute to The Grateful Dead, 8 p.m. Penny’s 2011 children’s book, “Goodnight Worcester.” Hidden Hudson Lotus Land Current-March 27 The Cannery Music Hall, 12 Crane St., Southbridge Fruitlands Museum, 102 Prospect Hill Road, Harvard The music of Rush An exhibit featuring paintings from Fruitlands large Hudson River Landscape collection that have been “hidden” away in storage and Sunday, Nov. 22 therefore not displayed in recent years. The Egos, Cactus Attack, The Outsiders Jeppson Idea Lab: Olmen Incised Standing Figure Ralph’s Diner, 148 Grove St., Worcester, 9 p.m. Current-April 3 Electronicore band Ghost Town tours in support of their newly released Worcester Art Museum, 55 Salisbury St., Worcester album Evolution. With special guests Dangerkids, Bad Seed Rising, Sounds Like Harmony, 7 p.m. (Doors open 6 p.m.) This Idea Lab presentation examines a stone figurine from the continued on page 26 Columbian civilization of the Olmec, Mesoamerica’s earliest flourishing culture. Pierre Bonnard, Dining Room in the Country of The Cannery just by coming to a show. continued from previous page Current-May Tequila Bonfire) and an ’80s spoof cover band, Everybody starts to feel it as soon as they Worcester Art Museum, 55 Salisbury St., Worcester walk into the room. Mullet, The Cannery will close out with the “It’s like the TV series ‘Cheers,’ where band Hero on Hold, an Alternative-Punk band A loan from the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, this work represents Pierre Ellis describes as “a bunch of good kids doing everybody knows your name. That’s kind of Bonnard’s dining room, along with his wife and cats, at his country house what we want here, we embrace all sorts of Christmas Carols with a punk-rock spin on in Vernonnet. genres of music. There is a cool chemistry them. This is an all-ages show, these kids are Veiled Aleppo here. We want to get the word out and let very charity minded. We usually close our Current-June 5 everyone know that what we have here at The season with them.” Worcester Art Museum, 55 Salisbury St., Worcester Cannery is something special.” “We’re doing everything we can to keep For more information and a list of the scene open and alive,” she continued. An exhibit featuring images of sheets, acting as shields for soldiers, lining events through the Holiday season, “We’re giving musicians a place to play and the streets of Aleppo, Syria during the Syrian civil war. ‘Like’ The Cannery on Facebook or visit give the audience a place to see music in a Discovering St. Nicholas The Cannery is only clean, comfortable, clean environment. We’re Nov. 20-Jan. 23 open on nights of events and is located at 12 all about hospitality here. After a couple Museum of Russian Icons, 203 Union St., Clinton Crane St. in Southbridge, MA. shows, we recognize you, you become part
This exhibition tells the story of St. Nicholas, using unique artifacts and works of art - including icons – to illustrate his life, his relationship to Christian tradition, and St. Nicholas-related customs around the world. Grayscale: A Members’ Exhibition in Collaboration with the Fitchburg Art Museum Dec. 4-19 and Jan. 7-14 The Aurora Gallery, 660 Main St., Worcester An open-member exhibit in collaboration with the Fitchburg Art Museum. This year’s theme features work in black and white, or with a muted palette–of any subject matter and in any medium. Concept & Gestation Dec. 5-Jan. 9 Sprinkler Factory, 38 Harlow St., Worcester
An exhibition of individual and collaborative works by Ann Rainey and Brian Burris, pairing Rainey’s organic biomorphic symbolism with Burris’s abstract landscapes of old New England filled with dark superstition. Cyanotypes: Photography’s Blue Period Jan. 16-April 19 Worcester Art Museum, 55 Salisbury St., Worcester An exhibition that will trace the rise of cyanotypes, photographs with a distinctive Prussian blue tonality produced by treating paper with an iron-salt solution. Organized in collaboration with a seminar from Clark University, this exhibition will be presented with thematic emphasis on botanicals, landscape, abstraction, and portraiture – areas that dominated much cyanotype production in the early twentieth century. CIRQUEmstantial Evidence - Artists of Cirque du Noir No.8 February Sprinkler Factory, 38 Harlow St., Worcester A group show consisting of invited artists that submitted juried work over $100 during the Cirque du Noir No. 8 event at the Sprinkler Factory in October. The 12th Annual College Show Feb. 5-26 The Aurora Gallery, 660 Main St., Worcester An exhibition featuring the work of local college students. This juried exhibition gives students, regardless of major or degree program, a chance to exhibit their work in a professional gallery and prizes for first, second and third place will be awarded, along with up to four Honorable Mentions. Character Education Feb. 5-July 28 The Hadley Gallery, 657 Main St., Worcester A solo exhibition featuring the work of Robb Sandagata. His work combines narrative, comics, grotesque figures, experimentation and biomorphism while referencing pop culture, punk, and various styles of music.
{ WinterGuide } MUSIC LISTINGS continued from page 25
Wednesday, Nov. 25
Grade “A” Fancy Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave., Worcester Americana rock band William Thompson Funk Experiment, Jauntee, ROAR Electric Haze, 26 Millbury St., Worcester New Pilot The Cannery Music Hall, 12 Crane St., Southbridge Thanksgiving Eve party
King 9, Malfunction, 7 p.m. (Doors open 6 p.m.) Metal Friday Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave., Worcester Feat. Texas Death Match, Chronic Hypersomnia and Stranger Needs a Manicure Viral Sound Presents Exposure Electric Haze, 26 Millbury St., Worcester Viral Sound, Electric Love Machine (ELM), Broccoli Samurai, 9 p.m. Boston Pops Holiday Concert Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St., Worcester
Deer Leap, UsLights, Foreign Tongues Ralph’s Diner, 148 Grove St., Worcester, 9 p.m. Black Friday Bash Electric Haze, 26 Millbury St., Worcester Strange Machines, Relative Souls and Jeremiah Hazed, 8 p.m. Back Seat Boogie The Cannery Music Hall, 12 Crane St., Southbridge Eliza Neals and The Narcotics
Saturday, Nov. 28
August Burns Red The Palladium Downstairs, 261 Main St., Worcester Metalcore veterans August Burns Red featuring special guests Every Time I Die, Stick To Your Guns, Polyphia, Wage War, 6:30 p.m. (Doors open 5:30 p.m.) Road Owls Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave., Worcester Blues and Classic Rock Pink Talking Fish, Hornitz, Tim Palmieri (Kung Fu) Electric Haze, 26 Millbury St., Worcester 6 p.m. Mullett The Cannery Music Hall, 12 Crane St., Southbridge ’85 comes alive
Saturday, Jan. 16
A Christmas Celtic Sojourn with Brian O’Donovan Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St., Worcester Celebrating the spirit of the season with legends of Celtic music, song and dance, 7:30 p.m.
Friday, Dec. 18 Conducted by Keith Lockhart, 8 p.m.
Saturday, Dec. 5
Music Worcester Presents Handel: The Messiah, sung by Worcester Chorus Mechanics Hall, 321 Main St., Worcester Artistic Director Chris Shepard, 8 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 6
Mannheim Steamroller Christmas Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St., Worcester Grammy award winning artist Chip Davis holiday concert featuring Massachusetts Symphony Orchestra, 7 p.m.
Thursday, Dec. 10
Saturday, Dec. 12
Wednesday, Dec. 2 Straight Up with Old Man Joe Electric Haze, 26 Millbury St., Worcester 9 p.m.
Terror The Palladium Upstairs, 261 Main St., Worcester The 25th Hour Tour featuring special guests Code Orange, Take Offense, WORCESTERMAGAZINE.COM
Monday, Dec. 14
Worcester Organ Holiday Concert Mechanics Hall, 321 Main St., Worcester Featuring the Choirs of All Saints Church, 12 p.m. Wooing Dorothy & Broadband Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave., Worcester
XLO’s ‘Almost’ Acoustic XMAS, starring Adam Lambert with special guests Mechanics Hall, 321 Main St., Worcester Presented by 104.5 WXLO, 8 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 29 Dance Gavin Dance Uke Night The Palladium Upstairs, 261 Main St., Worcester Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave., Worcester 10-Year Anniversary tour featuring special guests Slaves, A Lot Like Birds, Strawberry Girls, Dayshell, Actor|Observer, Peregrine, 7 p.m. (Doors open 6:30 p.m.) Friday, Dec. 11 Darryl & The Derelicks Blues Sunday Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave., Worcester Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave., Worcester
Saturday, Jan. 9
The Acacia Strain The Palladium Upstairs, 261 Main St., Worcester Tune Low, Die Slow Tour featuring special guests Counterparts, Fit For An Autopsy, Kublai Khan, Hitlist, Degrader, 6:30 p.m. (Doors open 6 p.m.)
Wednesday, Dec. 16
Friday, Nov. 27
Friday, Dec. 4
Sunday, Dec. 13
Massachusetts Symphony Orchestra Holiday Pops Concert Mechanics Hall, 321 Main St., Worcester 8 p.m. Bloodline Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave., Worcester
• NOVEMBER 19, 2015
Silverstein/Senses Fail The Palladium Downstairs, 261 Main St., Worcester Double Headlining Fall Tour 2015 featuring special guest bands: Hundredth, Capsize, 7 p.m. (Doors open 6 p.m.) Ricky Robidoux Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave., Worcester Classic rock John McDermott & Friends: A Family Christmas Mechanics Hall, 321 Main St., Worcester To Benefit St. John’s Food for the Poor program; Presented by Frank Carroll. Starring Celtic Tenor John McDermott wits Jason Fowler, Maury Lafoy, David Matheson and Coco Love, 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, Dec. 19
Four Year Strong The Palladium Downstairs, 261 Main St., Worcester Worcester-raised punk rock band Four Year Strong taking the stage in their hometown, (Doors open 6 p.m.) Hip Swayers & Cosmic Slim Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave., Worcester Robert Banks Trio Electric Haze, 26 Millbury St., Worcester Featuring Todd Stopps (RAQ), Ryan Dempsey (Twiddle), Zdenek Gubb (Dopapod), 6 p.m.
Enforcer/Warbringer The Palladium Upstairs, 261 Main St., Worcester North American Tour 2016; Enforcer and Warbringer co-headline featuring special guests Cauldron, Exmortus (Doors open 6 p.m.) MassConcerts Presents Nile The Palladium Upstairs, 261 Main St., Worcester 7 p.m.
Saturday, Jan. 23
MassConcerts presents Queensryche The Palladium Downstairs, 261 Main St., Worcester Heavy Metal pioneers Queensryche featuring special guests: Meytal, Halcyon Way, On Your Deathbed, Without Warning, Chaser Eight, It Destroys And Kills, Insanity Plague, Mindset X, (Doors open 4 p.m.)
Sunday, Jan. 24
MassConcerts Presents Scott Stapp The Palladium Downstairs, 261 Main St., Worcester Featuring the voice of Creed, Scott Stapp, with special guests Rocket Queen, Sygnal to Noise, (Doors open 6:30 p.m.)
Saturday, Feb. 13
MassConcerts Presents Flesh God Apocalypse The Palladium Upstairs, 261 Main St., Worcester Italian Death Metal band Flesh God Apocalypse featuring Carach Angren, Abigail Williams (Doors open 6 p.m.) Worcester Chamber Music Society: Pulling the Heartstrings Assumption College, 500 Salisbury St., Worcester With Franziska Huhn on the harp. Presented by Human Arts at Assumption College, 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, Feb. 25
The Music of ABBA Arrival from Sweden Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St., Worcester Sponsored by UniBank, 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 27
The Merry Ploughboys Irish Pub Night Mechanics Hall, 321 Main St., Worcester
Sunday, Dec. 27
A Loss For Words The Palladium Downstairs, 261 Main St., Worcester Massachusetts punk band, A Loss for Words, plays their last show ever; featuring special guests Vanna, Handguns, Lions Lions, Major League, 5 p.m. (Doors open 4 p.m.)
Thursday, Dec. 31
Live for Live Music & Disc Jam Presents The Balldrop! The Palladium , 261 Main St., Worcester Featuring Dopapod/Turkuaz/Kung Fu
Dublin music presented by Mechanics Hall and the Worcester Hibernian Cultural Center, 8 p.m. (“Pub” open 6:30 p.m.)
{ WinterGuide }
Joshua Lyford
When winter hits, New England is ski country
inter is not quite upon us, but it will be soon, and while this fall has been unseasonably warm and welcoming, it could be Mother Nature’s way of setting us the region up for repeat of last winter, which saw several feet of snow fall in and around Worcester.
Ski Guide
While some people may be hoping the winter season stays a little more mellow than last year’s, skiers and snowboarders might have a significantly different thought process when it comes to the inevitable dumping of snow. New England is uniquely positioned as there are a huge number of places to ski and snowboard, with the White and Green mountains creating a number of the appropriately steep environmental obstacles
Friday, Nov. 27 - Kick-Off Comedy Night Work out your abs while laughing aloud to four local comedians. Take a few runs down the mountain before the show as part of Wachusett’s “Comedy Night Combo.” Includes a private bar. Doors open at 7 p.m. for Massachusetts an 8 p.m. start. Wachusett Mountain Ski Ward 499 Mountain Road, Princeton 1000 Main St., Shrewsbury 978-464-2300 508-842-6346 Trails: 25 Trails: 9 (Plus 8 tubing lanes with 2 lifts) Terrain Parks: 3 Terrain Parks: 2 Projected Opening Date: Friday, Nov 27 Lifts: 4 Terrain Parks: Projected Opening Date: Saturday, Nov. 28 Beginner / Intermediate Skiers can start out on Frannie’s Folly, a Terrain Parks: terrain which includes creative features, designed to help you progress. The main park includes a 220-foot vertical drop within 45 acres of skiing Alternatively, you can take a three day ‘Learn to Ski’ course, which and snowboarding terrain. With over 10 features, it also home to the includes lift, ski rental and lessons. The Wachusett Terrain Park of Look ZeroG Freeride Team. The lower ground is free and open to all skiers Mom trail offers jumps, rails, boxes amongst other unique structures. This and runners, but the main park will require you to purchase a $5 season park required a signed waiver and a one-time park pass fee of $5. safety pass. Afterwards you can grab a snack in the café food court, which offers hot Afterwards, you can relax in the fireside lodge or grab a bite to eat at the breakfast, lunch and dinner, and even serves favourites from Wachusett Slopeside Bar and Grill, which serves beer wine and food specials. Brewery. Don’t-Miss Events: Can’t-Miss Events: Sunday, March 6, 2016 -11th Annual LaCroix Cup Friday, Nov. 21 - Winterfire Celebration Don’t forget your best Hawaiian-themed costume, and head to the slopes The fifth annual Winter Fire Celebration features all new ski and for a day of music, prizes, and a cookout. Race individually or as a family. snowboard movies that will get you fired up for the season ahead. You Registration is free with a valid lift ticket ($10 for pass holders), and the can enjoy food and drink, all whilst watching an outdoor fire and light first 100 to register will get a free t-shirt. performance. Features live music from 8-10 p.m.
from which to get your shred on. The issue, of course, is while New England as a whole is fantastic for downhill enthusiasts hungry for snow, Central Mass is not high up on the list of destinations. That isn’t to say we’re totally bereft of options, with Wachusett Mountain straddling the Princeton/Westminster line and Ski Ward in Shrewsbury. If you’re willing to travel, you can find many other choices, no matter
whether your winter tool of choice is a set of skis or a snowboard. Downhill racer or crosscountry skier, New England has a number of places — and ways — to get your winter groove on.
Nashoba Valley Ski Area 79 Powers Road, Westford 978-692-3033 Trails: 17 Terrain Parks: 2 Lifts: 11 Tubing Lanes: 18 Tubing Lifts: 4 Nashoba is 240 vertical feet of skiing and tubing fun, with a restaurant, bar and cafe. A 55-acre destination for skiers and snow fanatics, there are a number of camps, events and other offerings. You can call or visit the web site to be kept in the loop. Berkshire East Ski Resort 66 Thunder Mountain Road, Charlemont 413-339-6617 Trails: 52 Terrain Parks: 3 Lifts: 6 (2 quad chair, 2 surface, 1 double chair, 1 triple chair) Snowboarding and Alpine skiing rule at Berkshire East, which at its peak is 1,840 feet. It boasts 162 skiable areas and a vertical drop of 1,180 feet. Berkshire East is also home to North America’s longest mountain coaster, the Thunderbolt: 5,450 feet of stainless steel track that runs all four seasons, and takes riders up and down the mountain. Call or go online to learn more.
Blue Hills 4001 Washington St., Canton 781-828-5070 Trails: 11 Terrain Parks: 1 Lifts: 4 This local gem, which is scheduled to open Dec. 31, receives rave reviews from visitors. It offers 60 acres skiing and riding, with a vertical drop of 309 feet. Mountain access includes a double-chair, magic carpet, wonder carpet and handle tow. Call or visit the website for more information. Don’t want to travel to Vermont? Blue Hills, which has been in operation for about 15 years, is a good spot. Ski Bradford 60 South Cross Road, Bradford 978-373-0071 Trails: 15 Terrain Parks: 1 Lifts: 10 The Bradford Ski Area is near Haverhill, and has a peak elevation of 272 feet, with 48 skiable acres.
Reporter Joshua Lyford can be reached at 508-749-3166, ext. 325, or by email at Follow Josh on Twitter @Joshachusetts.
continued on page 29
• NOVEMBER 19, 2015
SKI GUIDE continued from page 27
Saddleback Ski Area 976 Saddleback Mountain Road, Rangeley 207-864-5671 Trails: 66 Terrain Parks: 2 Lifts: 5 (2 quads, 2 doubles, 1 t-bar) With a top elevation of 4,120 feet, Saddleback will test your skills. It has a 2,000-foot vertical drop and 220 skiable acres. Shawnee Peak Ski Area 119 Mountain Road, Bridgton 207-647-8444 Trails: 40 (plus 7 glades) Terrain Parks: 3 Lifts: 5 (1 quad, 3 triples, 1 surface) Shawnee boasts 249 skiable acres and a vertical drop of 1,300 feet. Sunday River Sunday River Road, Newry 207-824-3000 Trails: 135 Terrain Parks: 6 Lifts: 15 This is a popular destination for skiers, and its vertical drop of 2,349 feet is the second largest in Maine after Sugarloaf (see next listing) and sixth largest in New England. There are 870 skiable acres. Sugarloaf 5092 Access Road, Carrabassett Valley 1-800-THE-LOAF Trails: 154 Terrain Parks: 3 (plus superpipe) Lifts: 14 Sugarloaf has a vertical drop of 2,820 feet and a peak elevation of 4,237 feet. the only higher elevation in Maine is Mount Katahdin. With a longest run of 3.5 miles, it boasts 1,230 skiable acres.
New Hampshire
Cannon Mountain 9 Franconia Notch, Franconia 603-823-8800 Trails: 95 (including glades) Terrain Parks: 2 Lifts: 10 If you’re looking for the highest summit elevation in New Hampshire, this is it. Cannon has a peak of 4,080 feat, as well as the longest vertical drop in New Hampshire, at 2,180 feet. There are 282 skiable areas. Nestled in Franconia Notch State Park in the White Mountains, this is a popular spot for skiers and snowboarders alike. Loon Mountain 60 Loon Mountain Road, Lincoln 1-800-229-LOON Trails: 61 Terrain Parks: 6 Lifts: 12 Loon Mountain tops out at 3,050 feet, and has a 2,100-foot vertical drop. Its newest peak, South Peak, opened in 2007 and has seven trails, two lifts nearly 70 acres of skiing and riding. In 2013-14, Loon landed in the Top 10 in the 2012 SKI Magazine reader poll.
{ WinterGuide }
Waterville Valley 6 Village Road, Waterville 1-800-468-2553 Trails: 50 (5 glades) Terrain Parks: 6 Lifts: 5 Mount Tecumseh boasts 500 total acres, 220 of which are skiable. The summit is 4,004 feet, and there is a 2,020-foot vertical drop.
Killington 4762 Killington Road, Killington 802-422-3333 Trails: 212 Terrain Parks: 6 Lifts: 29 There are 92 miles of trails and 1,977 skiable acres across the seven mountain areas that make up Killington and its sister resort, Pico Mountain. Pico is 5 miles away, and not connected by the Killington lifts. Smuggler’s Notch 4323 Vermont 108, South Smugglers’ Notch 802-419-4615 Trails: 78 Terrain Parks: 6 Lifts: 8 In the 2016 SKI Magazine readers survey, Smuggler’s was voted the No. 1 kid-friendly resort in the Eastern U.S. It boasts three interconnected mountains, 1,000 acres of terrain and a 2,610-foot vertical rise.
Stowe Mountain Resort 7416 Mountain Road, Stowe 888-253-4849 Trails: 116 Terrain Parks: 6 Lifts: 13 On Mount Mansfield, you’ll reach a peak elevation of 4,395 feet. The highest skiing elevation is 3,625 feet, and there is a 2,360-foot vertical drop. There are 40 miles of trails over 485 skiable acres. Burke Mountain Ski Area 223 Sherburne Lodge Road, East Burke 802-626-7300 Trails: 55 Terrain Parks: 3 Lifts: 5 Burke has a peak elevation of 3,267 feet, and a vertical drop of 2,011 feet, with 250 skiable acres. Jay Peak Resort 830 West Jay Road, Jay 802-988-2611 Trails: 78 Terrain Parks: 4 Lifts: 9 Jay Peak, in the Green Mountains, has a summit elevation of 3,968 feet, a vertical drop of 2,153 feet and 385-plus acres of skiable trails over 50 miles. The longest trail is Ullr’s Dream, at 3 miles. Jay Peak also boasts explorable backcountry.
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RSVP: BEVERLY GOODELL (508) 872-5200 | LUPUSNE.ORG *American Girl Doll raffle will be run by the Lupus Foundation New England NOVEMBER 19, 2015 • WORCESTERMAGAZINE.COM
night day &
art | dining | nightlife | November 19 - 25, 2015
Joshua Lyford
“Joseph’s Dream-A Vision of Choice” isn’t your traditional production. Sure, there are elements you would find in another production — acting, stage setup, etc. — but what sets it apart is the way it pulls in so many influences in a reasonable whole. Utilizing dance, epic stages (complete with water), music, dance, 3D mapping and projection, “Joseph’s Dream” from Charlton creator Alexander Diaz is something else entirely. continued on page 32
Show director maps out ‘Joseph’s Dream’ Alexander Diaz, director of Joseph’s Dream, in his Charlton Studio.
• NOVEMBER 19, 2015
night day &
{ arts }
Pizzart? Papa Gino’s, art community come together
Joshua Lyford
When you think of curated art exhibits, stuffy pretense might come to mind, or perhaps a cold gallery filled with grim critics and finger more or less off limits for purposes of polite decorum. What you probably wouldn’t think of is wonderful, delicious pizza.
Which is a shame, because pizza, like art, is awesome. Luckily, Worcester has never been a city to play by the rules, and local curator, artist and Clark University adjunct professor of studio art Mandy Sparkles saw an opportunity and grabbed hold, crust first, with “Small Works,” a gallery at an unconventional location: the Tatnuck Square Papa Gino’s at 645 Chandler St. The opening was on Wednesday, Nov. 11 from 5-7 p.m. and the art will remain hung until Jan. 2, 2016. In case you need any extra incentive to check out the show, Papa Gino’s has brought back all-you-can-eat pizza for $5.99. You can be forgiven if the concept strikes you as a bit different. Frankly, it is a little out there, but perhaps not as odd as you’d think; after all, art has been shown in new and unique locales for ages. “Of course, there were mixed opinions,” Sparkles said of the gallery’s initial reception. “But people are used to seeing art in places like coffee shops, that’s really not so different.” Which is true, and instead of hording hors d’oeuvres and hoping the art elite doesn’t notice the fifth (or sixth or 20th) piece of cheddar cheese shoved into your mouth, this gallery lets you relax over some slices. “You can grab a slice and enjoy some fine art,” said Sparkles, who is a member of ArtsWorcester. “It’s been great.” Delving a little further, the Small Works exhibit is a perfect example of the Worcester DIY community as a whole - and artists in particular. Sparkles saw a need for accessible exhibition space and ran with it. “I feel like there’s a real Bohemian grit here,” she said. “Artists are resourceful. This was a natural fit.” The walls of Papa Gino’s are packed with art, though they are thoughtfully and purposefully placed with care. According to the curator, there are 75 pieces. Many of them are for sale and the pieces themselves are incredibly varied. This is a very well-thought out show; the pizza is just a bonus. Pizza enthusiasts who just so happen to stumble
into Papa Gino’s for a slice may just find themselves with a newfound interest in fine art. Sparkles herself had some interesting conversations while hanging the pieces the night before the opening, and said folks were generally excited about the pieces on display. “Building community around art is exciting and it helps everyone,” said Sparkles. Small Works had just one rule for artists: keep it small, as in 8-inches by 10-inches small, and the art is as broad reaching as imaginable, with paintings, drawings, photography, mixed Maria Tellez, a Papa Gino’s employee, has a slice of pizza media and even in front of the “Small Works” pizza gallery in the framed, threePapa Gino’s dining area. dimensional art from artists including Chandler Street Papa Gino’s location, one of Joanne Evans, Andrew Gorham, Katie Greger, which is associated with “Pizza Week,” (yeah, Julia Tredeau, Jean Murphy, Elaine Hartman it’s a celebration of pizza), though dates are and Beck Rothberg. not currently available. Sparkles put out an open call via the Internet Head to Papa Gino’s, 645 Chandler St., and flyers; artists responded in huge numbers. between now and Jan. 2, 2016 to check out Sparkles framed all of the work herself, which Small Works and grab a couple slices for may have opened the opportunity to many yourself while you’re at it. who may not have normally been able to Reporter Joshua Lyford can be reached participate. Frames were donated by Framed in at 508-749-3166, ext. 325, or by email at Tatnuck at 1099 Pleasant St. Follow Josh There are two more shows booked at the on Twitter @Joshachusetts.
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{ theatre }
‘J OSEPH’S DREAM’continued from page 30
Perhaps the most intriguing components of the production, however, are the intricate costumes and props. You’ll have to wait until Feb. 17-18 to check out the full production at the Hanover Theatre, but you can check out some of those aforementioned costumes and props at a free public gallery night at Worcester PopUp, 20 Franklin St., Friday, Nov. 20 at 7 p.m. The story behind “Joseph’s Dream” comes from the Bible, though the idea was really more conceptual and runs with the idea. A carpenter from Jerusalem, Joseph, is foretold his future: Joseph’s son will be the king and the world will never be the same. “I’ve been working on this production for over two years,” said Diaz. “It is a story that I came across in the Bible, though it isn’t about religion. My research went into the Bible to come up with the idea. We transmit everyone to a totally different location in Jerusalem and as the actors act, the entire stage moves with them.” The 3D mapping and projection technology is certainly something to experience, and isn’t something you generally see in this area. Diaz said the production levels are generally reserved for Hollywood and places like Disney Amusement Parks.
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Reporter Joshua Lyford can be reached at 508-749-3166, ext. 325, or by email at Follow Josh on Twitter @Joshachusetts.
they’re really more like art pieces than regular costumes,” said Diaz. “This is for everyone,” he continued. “I think this will transport you to an unknown world that no one knows. My goal is to transport you to this dream where all these people and characters are flying around you. We have some surprises that people will be excited for. It’s for everyone and I think everyone will get a kick out of it.” Head to Worcester PopUp, 20 Franklin St., on Nov. 20 at 7 p.m. to check out the “Joseph’s Dream-A Vision of Choice” Gallery Night. The evening is free and open to the public. The event is sponsored by Centro and AJ Productions. To check out the full production, head to the Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts, 2 Southbridge St., Feb. 17-18. Tickets are available online at You can find more on Joseph’s Dream online at
New England
“The only place that you can see a lot of mapping productions are at Disney World,” said Diaz. “You never really see them elsewhere. When I talked to SJP (Productions), I showed them my drawings and they found a way to show them on the screen. We’re mapping the outside of the theatre at Hanover. In this case it will be the chandelier down all the way to the balcony.” Diaz said the entire production began as a drawing, because he is a “visual oriented person.” This includes the characters, stage setup and costumes, which were then taken on and crafted by costume designer Joyce Sirard. “What makes the costumes so special is that
(includes boots, bindings, poles, skis and binding installations, $350.00 value)
6 East Mountain Street • Worcester, MA
508-853-9407 | Mon. & Tues. 10am-6pm; Wed.-Fri. 10am-8pm; Sat. 10am-5pm; Sun. Noon-5pm
night day THE Lyford &
F iles
Brown Bag Concert Series 2015 Season Wednesdays at Noon Free Admission
Support the Worcester County Food Bank. Bring your canned or dry food donations! NOVEMBER 25 CHOROBOP
Joshua Lyford
Upcoming Concerts:
always fantastic vocalist of, um, also always fantastic Worcester punk band Cuban Rebel Girls, Jeff Siegrist, posted what is possibly the most epic photo of all time earlier in the month. It is hilariously blurry and out of focus, but it shows what is most definitely Canadian singer-songwriter, Carly Rae Jepsen holding a sign with Siegrist that says something to the effect of “I love Cuban Rebel Girls.” This photo would be awesome regardless, but somehow the ghostlike, almost basement torture chamber visual makes it infinitely more fantastic. The singer, probably most famous for the breakout 2012 hit, “Call Me Maybe,” was at the Paradise Rock Club in Boston recently when Siegrist snapped the photo. If you haven’t seen Cuban Rebel Girls before, the impact of this little blurb may be lost on you. I assure you though, this is the real deal. Good for Siegrist, good for Cuban Rebel Girls, and frankly even better for Jepsen. Next time, the duo should just line up a show at the Hotel Vernon, I guarantee it would be the wildest performance of her career.
December 2 NEC Symphonic Winds & Chamber Singers With Navy Band Northeast
Eduardo Mercuri, mandolin/guitar; Flavio Lira, 7-string guitar/bass; and Anne ‘Nêgah’ Santos, percussion, created ChoroBop in 2013. Born in different cities in Brazil, they found themselves sharing the same passion for the Choro genre. Their repertoire is based on the roots of Brazilian Choro, with a special twist of jazz, bebop and contemporary music. Original arrangements and different instrumental combinations make ChoroBop a unique sound experience.
December 9 Greg Abate Quartet December 16 Worcester Organ Holiday Concert Choirs of All Saints Church
HOCKEY RETURNS (TEMPORARILY) TO THE DCU: I think I speak for a lot of us (at least the people I surround myself with) that the departure of the Sharks from the DCU Center was a kick in the stomach. I get the reasoning, don’t get me wrong, and certainly harbor no ill will, but having a professional hockey team here in the city was one of my favorite things about living here, it was something we could all be proud of. Unfortunately, it was not meant to last and they departed for the SAP Center in San Jose to have a blanket thrown around their shoulders by their big brother/parent club, the San Jose Sharks. Complete bummer. Oh well. Regardless, the DCU Center will play host to the Holy Cross Men’s hockey team versus the Princeton Tigers Saturday, Jan. 2. This is way further out than I normally write about in my column, but that’s how excited I am. This is just the second time the Holy Cross Crusaders have played at the arena, having last defeated Assumption, 9-3, back in 1983. I wish the Crusaders the best of luck and I plan on attending to cheer on a Worcester ice hockey team. Between this news and the rumors swirling about a possible ECHL team acquisition (DCU, I’m going to be really bummed if you don’t give me the heads up on this; your boys always had your back when it comes to hockey here), things could be looking back up for the sport here.
Brown Bag Concert Series Mechanics Hall 321 Main Street, Worcester 01608 508-752-5608 • Brown Bag Concerts are produced by Mechanics Hall and WICN 90.5FM Public Radio.
Bring your own lunch, or buy one while they last!
Loyalty Rewards
Friend, photographer and frequent Worcester Magazine contributor Louie Despres is hosting his annual birthday party and ArtsWorcester fundraiser at George’s Coney Island, 158 Southbridge St., Friday, Nov. 27 at 7 p.m. Louie, gentleman that he is, is celebrating by inviting the public to raise some money for ArtsWorcester. The event, now in its fourth year, will certainly be a blast. Last year was so packed it was tough to get a drink and the hot dog line was righteous as all hell. Despres and four others have signed on with their artwork, with more to come, and all money from the sale of the pieces goes right to ArtsWorcester. No presents for Louie, though I’m sure you could probably buy him a drink. The best way to celebrate is to pump cash into the art. Track down the event page on Facebook or go to for more information.
GOING BACK TO CALI: I just finished writing this edition of The Lyford Files from an Extended
Stay America hotel in Anaheim, California. I snagged a bunch of snacks from the lobby and have gotten sufficiently wound up on coffee, so don’t worry, I’m still firing on all (some) cylinders. While I am fairly lazy (see the first subhead in this week’s edition above), this is in fact a work-related voyage. I don’t want to give away too many details, in case someone’s going to try and scoop me (unlikely), but keep your eyes peeled for a story coming in December. It will either be really, really good, or my next and final column will be my resume and a Kickstarter campaign for rent money. In the meantime, here is a brief update: I had made some pretty impeccable plans to get from Worcester to Boston to Los Angeles to Anaheim. There was a window between when I was to arrive and when I would meet up with the subjects of the story, so I thought I’d treat myself to an Anaheim Ducks vs. New York Islanders game (I really miss Boychuck and love Frans Nielsen, sue me) at the Honda Center. Alas, it was not to be, I missed my flight (damned Bloody Marys), and I would wait in Logan Airport purgatory for the duration of the day. After the flight and a perilous shuttle voyage, I arrived at the steps of the Honda Center with one minute to go in the third period. I was not thrilled, to say the least, but I did get to enjoy a beer at a bizarre Scottish Hooters knock-off called the Twisted Kilt. All in all, it’s been one day and this trip has already been outrageous, bizarre, and frankly a little annoying. Wish me luck and if I don’t respond to your hate mail immediately, you know why. Reporter Joshua Lyford can be reached at 508-749-3166, ext. 325, by turning on your computer, Google searching his Skype username and video chatting with him in Pacific Time, because he’s in California, baby!, or by email at Follow Josh on Twitter @Joshachusetts.
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night day &
{ film }
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• NOVEMBER 19, 2015
Personal reinvention is an attractive proposition because it offers one a chance at reincarnation within the same lifetime. Who among us wouldn’t want to molt the skin of our past and emerge Gatsby-like into a polished future as someone else, at least for a time?
Of course, such fantasy transformations assume sparkling outcomes, and here is where reality rears its bitchy head. Attend your own funeral and you may hear unflattering whisperings from the pews. Arrive as a stranger in town you could be met with hostility rather than hospitality. In Christian Petzold’s searing drama “Phoenix,” a disfigured concentration camp survivor named Nelly Lenz (Nina Hoss) has her face surgically reconstructed, leaving her relatively unscarred, yet unrecognizable as the alluring cabaret singer she once was. Nelly returns to a ruined Berlin to seek out her husband, Johnny, insisting his love was all that kept her alive in her darkest days. Her friend, Lene, pleads with her to give up the quest and move to Tel Aviv, claiming Johnny betrayed his wife to the Nazis to save himself. Nelly eventually finds Johnny (played by Ronald Zehrfeld, Germany’s answer to Russell Crowe) busing tables at a nightclub. He doesn’t recognize her and she chooses not to reveal herself. Later, he confesses she faintly reminds him of his late wife, Nelly, and offers an outrageous proposal: He will coach her to look and act like Nelly, then arrange for her miraculous “return” from the dead so she can claim her substantial inheritance. Once the money is in hand, the two will split it and part ways. It’s all seems very Hitchcockian — the hidden identities, the constant threat of
discovery — but Hitchcock would have focused on the tension of the ruse rather than the emotional churn sweeping through Nelly. She is willing to play along as the mystery woman merely to stay close to her husband, setting up a series of meta-interactions in which Johnny helpfully advises her how to behave as Nelly. “When he speaks of her,” Nelly confesses to Lene, “I’m jealous of myself.” The logical side of me kept wondering if Petzold is making some sort of statement about the obliviousness of men. Would a husband not recognize anything about his wife despite the facial metamorphosis, or does the assumption that she perished in the camps render numb and void the possibility that she’s standing before him in his Berlin apartment? Johnny’s cloudiness extends to the fact that when he asks her to replicate Nelly’s handwriting, she does so effortlessly, and he still isn’t suspicious. The film reminds me of 1982’s “The Return of Martin Guerre,” in which Gerard Depardieu convinces an entire French village he’s a long-lost native son despite evidence to the contrary. This time it’s Nelly who can’t bring herself to believe anything but that Johnny’s plot to commit fraud, with her as the linchpin, is the equivalent of a second courtship. As Nelly, Nina Hoss masterfully inhabits a character who’s rebuilding the personhood that was snatched away from the moment she was arrested by the Nazis. Her sad weariness is tempered by stolen moments of bliss, supplied by the very man who has recruited her to bilk herself out of her own fortune. That last line makes little sense on paper, I know. It takes an entire movie to give it meaning. “Phoenix” will be shown at 7:30 p.m. Thursday and Saturday, and at 1 and 3 p.m. Sunday in the Jefferson Academic Center at Clark University. The film is part of the Cinema 320 series.
night day { dining}
Ceres Bistro
FOOD HHHH AMBIENCE HHHHH SERVICE HHHH VALUE HHH 363 Plantation St., Worcester • 508-754-2000 •
Dining at Worcester’s Premier Luxury Hotel: A Night at Ceres Bistro
is a hotbed for conference goers, performers and curious out-of-towners. No one ventures to the bar alone without a great story in his or her back pocket. Order up a classic cocktail and prepare to talk to strangers – Ceres Bistro awaits. Sandra Rain Somehow, on my way to dinner, I wound up driving around the campus formerly If you listen closely, you known as Worcester Lunatic Asylum. I’m not some sort of urban-explorer, but I am a will undoubtedly hear the collector of “shortcuts” and I tend to make feeble attempts of a traveling impulsive turns when my sense of direction businessman cracking a joke on tingles. My relationship with the GPS lady is any given visit to Ceres Bistro. fairly tumultuous. Over the course of my 90-minute visit, I As I should have suspected, Ceres Bistro heard this one twice: “Can I charge my bill does not in fact share a direct roadway with to the room?” The bartender nods, yes. “Well, this infamously haunted locale. Barring a in that case, just expense my whole tab to supernatural encounter, it is possible to find suite number (Insert large and obscure digit your way between the neighboring lots, but that does not coincide with the hotel’s actual the best means for accessing Ceres is via numeric system.)” Plantation Street. The businessman chortles and the bartender A large exterior door beckons you into smiles to acknowledge she just bore witness to Ceres Bistro, where the bar is quite literally such clever comedy. This is the hotel equivalent aglow and a stained glass rotunda looms of licking your plate at a restaurant and then overhead. Vases of fresh flowers adorn the telling your server you, “…just plum hated it!” dining room along with original Vanity Fair Don’t get me wrong, one of the things that prints that date back to the 1800s. The space delights me about dining at the Beechwood exudes elegance; the vibe is distinctly classy. Hotel is the people watching. There is not a lot We began with the cheese and charcuterie, of walk-in traffic, and as a result, Ceres Bistro
Wexford House Restaurant
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served with a warm rustic baguette, raspberry compote, pickled shallots, and local honey. The server sweetly pointed out a Brie, a blue, and a cheddar along with the speck and a cut of cured pork. My farm-to-table breeding begs further questions, but I resisted the insufferable urge to ask what the pig’s name was and opted to just enjoy the spread. The Brie came sliced into soft, spreadable wedges alongside large toasty crumbles of a fudgelike blue cheese and firm little squares of nutty Vermont cheddar. We shared six Duxbury oysters on the half shell with a Champagne mignonette while sipping Negronis and eavesdropping on hotel guests at the bar. The oysters were salty and plump, set deep in the base of their shells. I asked for the cured swordfish, but our server told me it was not available. She leaned in close to whisper, “That dish just wasn’t working.” Bonus points for honesty. We’re all on the same team here. We tried the Crispy Seared Duck Breast served with sticky figs and a savory carrot puree. The plate was ripe with beautiful fall colors and we polished off the duck breast easily. A few small bites of the sweet fig accompaniment and a spoonful of the bright
orange puree sufficed. We sat ready for the main event. We couldn’t resist lathering our 1855 New York Strip in sharp whole-grain mustard. The steak was served medium rare over a simple Yukon potato mash and some thinly sliced zucchini. We cut morsel after morsel of perfectly-marbled meat and ordered the 2013 King Estate ‘Acrobat’ Pinot Noir. Ron Swanson would be proud. When I finally surrendered to the idea of leftovers, our server ventured back to the kitchen to find a to-go container. She returned with a kitschy lunchbox and a humble apology. “We ran out of to-go containers,” she said. “My manager thought you might be horrified, but I told him that you would probably think the lunchbox was funny.” “It’s hilarious,” I assure her. And, it is. continued on page 36
Old-Fashioned Comfort in a Friendly Atmosphere
From eggs, pancakes, french toast and biscuits ’n gravy to salads, soups, chowder, chili, burgers and sandwiches to chicken, seafood, beef and pasta, we have something for everyone, and then some. Open Everyday for Breakfast and Lunch And Three Nights for Dinner! Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed 7 am - 1:45 pm Thurs, Fri, & Sat 7 am - 8:45 pm Full Liquor License • Catering Available We will be closed Thanksgiving Day.
245 West Main St. (Rt 9), East Brookfield
508-867-6643 •
night day &
If your significant other is the one for you, you’ll know because you won’t be tempted to look at your phone all night. Embrace this mindset by turning back the clock on your next date. Return to a time before iPhones: it’s tech-free Tuesday.
So, you don’t feel like she’d be into “Magic the Gathering?” Think again. Nerd-culture is having a serious moment right now. That’s Entertainment is located on the corner of Park Ave and Lois Lane (no joke.) Make sure to bring a pocket full of change so you can impress your date with the extensive gumball selection when you walk through the door. Dig through thousands of vinyl albums, each one meticulously sorted and labeled. Roll the 12-sided dice. Get lost among the comic books. Still, even I can’t sustain myself on gumballs and Moxie alone; a girl needs some baklava for a well balanced diet. Head to Bahnan’s International Marketplace on Pleasant Street to get your fix. Bahnan’s offers a wide array of traditional Greek and Middle Eastern fare. If you can cook, wander the grocery aisles and help your date pick out the makings of a home-cooked meal.
Brunch EVERYDAY 8am-2pm Dinner Wed.-Fri. 4-9pm
CERES BISTRO continued from page 35
1394 Main St., Worcester 508-926-8861
[Side Note: My colleagues arrive to work everyday with Vera Bradley lunch totes at their hips. I’m lucky if I can toss a Greek yogurt into a Shaws bag and rustle up seventy-five cents for the coffee machine. What will the ladies think when I whip out my Beechwood lunch carrier and dig into a $32 piece of meat? I’ll be the belle of the lunchroom ball.] I paid in cash to avoid the temptation of telling her to, “charge the whole kit and caboodle to suite number 367b!”
If you’re anything like me, you might be better off grabbing a seat in the café and ordering the Beef Shawarma or the r Falafel. Keep your Sa h wit eyes peeled for milffei – you won’t find it on the menu everyday, but when it is, this dessert is not to be missed. If you’re asking yourself, “Do I really need to buy the Antonelli’s croissants and the Ulker-9-Kat-Tat wafers?” The answer is yes. Don’t ever leave Bahnan’s empty handed. When you get home, put on a record and flip through your new comic books together. If all goes according to plan, updating your Snapchat story will be the last thing on your mind. If superheroes and spinach pie aren’t your thing… • Tuesday is movie night at Beatnik’s on Park Ave. Stop by at 7 p.m. for popcorn and libations. • Attend one of the Boynton’s Tuesday night beer dinners. The next one is Dec. 8 and aims to pit “old school” and “new school” brews against one another. Reserve your ticket at • Attend one of The People’s Kitchen’s wine dinners at 120 Commercial St. Learn about a particular style or a specific winery as the Niche professionals walk you through each paired course. Co n ne ll
Modern, Italian and Mediterranean-influenced cuisine, with an emphasis on artisanal and local ingredients.
The total bill was $138.97. The bar rail at Ceres glowed like an opulent pearl set with copies of The Boston Globe. I can understand why people feel comfortable dining solo at Ceres. Looking around one last time, I wondered how many of the patrons are actually hotel guests. I buckled my lunchbox into the passenger seat and listened attentively to the lady on my GPS as she directs me back to the main road. Beverly Sills once said, “There are no shortcuts to anyplace worth going,” and Ceres Bistro is no exception.
Something for everyone ...
For an authentic, home cooked Italian dinner experience. BYOB.
83 Hamilton St., Worcester 508-926-8887 • 36
• NOVEMBER 19, 2015
Coming soon ...
358 Shrewsbury St., Worcester 508-767-FISH •
Food, Music, Friends and Fun. Authentic Italian home style food. Full Bar.
358 Shrewsbury St., Worcester 774-823-3022 •
night day &
Brian Treitman and B.T’s Smokehouse
don’t really need any help getting customers through the doors of the barbecue hotspot in Sturbridge, but who wouldn’t take more attention? Especially when it comes from none other than “Hell’s Kitchen” head honcho Gordon Ramsay. The famous TV chef was in Southbridge filming his other show, “Hotel Hell,” at the Vienna Restaurant and Historic
Because it’s all about #RealFood Like, Turkey… AND Roasts… AND Pie ... AND Wine … AND Dessert ...
Organic or All-Natural Turkeys Sizes & Quantities Limited
Fresh Baked Pies All-Natural & Vegan SALE!! Mixed Cases of Wine
Inn, manned by husband and wife team Jonathan and Lisa Krach. Even great chefs
have to eat, and Ramsay headed on over to Treitman’s savory digs for lunch on what turned out to be a very lucky Friday the 13th for B.T.’s. According to Treitman, Ramsay dined on a brisket sandwich and potato croquette. After eating, Ramsay took a tour of the facility, and posed for photos with Treitman. He later posted
continued on page 38
Phone 508-753-1896
Celebrate Thanksgiving Day at the
CIAO La Cucina Italiana is a marriage of passion, food, family, and culture. We use only the freshest and finest ingredients to create not only a delicious meal, but an experience of who we are. We welcome you from our family to yours. -The Panarelli Family
Prime Rib au Jus New England Baked Haddock Butternut Risotto Marinated Steak Tips Lazy Lobster Caserole Shrimp Cocktail Goat Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms and of course ...
dinner Serving ng Day ivi Thanksg o 7pm Noon t tions Reserva nded e Recomm
Delicious Roast Turkey Dinner with all the Fixings In the historic Jefferson House on the North end of Holden, Route 122A
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Dine-In • Take-Out • BYOB • 508-797-3354 • Tues - Sat 11:30 am - 9pm; Sun. 11:30 am - 8 pm NOVEMBER 19, 2015 • WORCESTERMAGAZINE.COM
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BITE SIZED continued from page 37
night day
this to Twitter: “Loved the brisket @ btsmokehouse today! Well done chef Brian, great to see how far you’ve come.” Accompanying the Tweet was a photo of Ramsay standing in front of the small wagon that gave BT’s its start. Talk about cooking up something special!
MassLive’s Lindsay Corcoran got the
scoop on Worcester’s newest craft brewery, recently. Flying Dreams Brewing Co. is taking over the space inside Peppercorn’s on Park Ave. once occupied by Wormtown Brewery. The latter, of course, now operates out of 72 Shrewsbury St., which just also happens to house Worcester Magazine. Dave Richards is founder and brew master of Flying Dreams, which Corcoran says will be open Friday, 3-10 p.m. and Saturday, noon to 10 p .m., for a two-day opening event.
Johnson & Wales grad Jared Forman
(pictured) is getting set to open a new restaurant in Worcester, called Deadhorse Hill. That alone should keep him busy, but Forman has been up to something else, lately, He has competed on the Food Network’s “Cutthroat Kitchen.” Forman appeared on the show Sunday night, Nov. 15 - and won. He walked away with $11,000. Not bad. Look for his restaurant to open soon.
Kick Off The Holiday Season... LIVE MUSIC
November 21st - Moonshine Band THANKSGIVING EVE ~ Mindrift Open Thanksgiving Day 5 - 11:30pm
ificates Gift Cert le! Availab Banquet Rooms Available
Karaoke Every Friday
Tuesday-Thursday 4pm-Midnight Friday & Saturday 3:30pm-1am Sunday Noon-Midnight
Catering Available 176 Reservoir St., Holden
Handmade from Scratch • Fresh and Fine All-Natural Ingredients No Preservatives • Cookie Trays & Pastry Platters Specialty Cakes • Gluten-Free/Vegan/Eggless
288 Boston Tpk. (Rt. 9E) Shrew. 508-754-0505 113 Highland St., Worc. 508-754-3125 prices in effect through 11/27/15 | not responsible for typographical errors | no rain checks
• NOVEMBER 19, 2015
307 Grafton St. Shrewsbury 508-842-3709
Cakes • Cupcakes • Desserts • Pastries Cookies • Tarts • Pies • Baked Goods
night day
Upload your listings at Click the Night & Day toolbar, then choose Calendar to place your event listing in both our print and online weekly calendar.
music >Thursday 19
P.E. James performing at Fiddler’s Green! A rare afternoon concert at the Hibernian Club! Free and open to the public. Enjoy the classic acoustic music of the 50s, 60s, and 70s. Free! 3-6 p.m. Fiddlers’ Green Pub & Restaurant, 19 Temple St. 508-792-3700 or Dan Kirouac solo/acoustic. Dan has been part of the regional music scene for thirty years. When not busy with the tribute band Beatles For Sale, his solo performances showcase vocals accompanied by a six-string acoustic guitar. From the one-hit wonders to the lost classics, from the 1960s to today, every show is a different experience, drawing from almost 500 contemporary and oldie songs. More information at free. 7-10 p.m. Flip Flops, 680 Main St., Holden. Thirsty Thursday Open Mic Night @ Dark Horse Tavern with Mark & Wibble. *Calling all fellow musicians & artists alike!* Join us down at the Dark Horse & bring your Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Trumpets & Xylophones & let’s have some fun. Showcasing real live local music & talent! To RSVP a time slot in advance please send your name/time slot you’d like and e-mail (optional) to To all other players that want to come up to jam and don’t want to RSVP... there will be a sign-up sheet so you get to play your tunes accordingly, so don’t fret (no pun intended). Here are the times: 7 7:30 8 8:30 9 9:30 Free. 7-10 p.m. Dark Horse Tavern, 12 Crane St., Southbridge. 508-7641100 or find them on Facebook. Dave Gordon. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. The Columbia Tavern, 11 Merriam Ave, Leominster. 978-227-5874. James Keyes. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. The Mill 185, 185 West Boylston St., West Boylston. 774-261-8585. Jay Graham. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Rye & Thyme, 14 Monument Sqare, Leominster. 978-534-5900. Joe Macey. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Olde Post Office Pub, 1 Ray St., North Grafton. 508-839-6106. Live Acoustic. 8-11 p.m. Banner Pub, The, 112 Green St. 508755-0879. Live Music. 8-11 p.m. Compass Tavern, 90 Harding St. 508-3046044. Scott Babineau. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Blueprint New American Bar & Grill, 9 Village Square, Westminster. 978-668-5580. Thursday Open Mic Night. Now the frost is on the pumpkin, it’s the time for guitar plunkin...Join a decades old tradition of sharing and musical camaraderie in an old-fashioned fun roadhouse! P.A. and support of all sorts provided, be part of the fun... 8-11 p.m. Blue Plate Lounge, 661 Main St., Holden. 508-829-4566. Audio Wasabi. 8:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. Grade A Fancy. No Cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030.
Grain Thief. Psychedelic Jam Band. Come out to Beatnik’s on Park Ave in Worcester Thursday, 11/19 for the Worcester EP release show with Cara Brindisi! “We’ll each be doing a set of original songs and will be doing a group set to close out the night.” 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. 508-926-8877 or Karaoke. Karaoke by DJ Nancy of Star Sound Entertainment 9 p.m.1:30 a.m. Grille 57, 57 Highland St. 508-798-2000 or Karaoke. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Partner’s Pub, 970 South St., Fitchburg. 978-345-5051. Karaoke Singing Contest - $500.00 prize. Qualifying Extended Thru 11/19/2015! Karaoke contest is open to solo singers 21 years or older. Three singers selected each week to compete in karaoke contest finals which will begin on November 5 and run for 3 weeks. 21 singers total will compete in finals week 1. Those 21 will be narrowed down to 12 singers for finals week 2. Those 12 will be narrowed down to 6 singers for finals week 3. At the end of week 3 finals, 1 singer will win the Grand Prize of $500.00. There will be open karaoke starting at 9 p.m. The contest portion of the night will start between 10 and 10:30 p.m. and then more open karaoke after the contest. 353 free. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Padavano’s Place, 358 Shrewsbury St. 774-696-4845. Karaoke w/ Royal Crown. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Classic’s Pub, 285 Central St., Leominster. 978-537-7750. Metal Thursday CCXCIII: Worshipper, Bedroom Rehab Corporation, The Electric Sinners, Onera. $6. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543 or find them on Facebook. Chris Reddy Acoustic Loops from Hell. 9:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Michael’s Cigar Bar, 1 Exchange Place. 508-459-9035. DJ (21+) Canal. N/A. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Canal Restaurant & Bar, 65 Water St. 508-926-8353. DJ Tec Threat. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Perfect Game Sports Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263.
Christian band from New Mexico Oct 30 - Fire in the Spirit - A night of music and ministry in the Holy Spirit with Rev Tom Rosso Nov 6 - Rich O’Reilly - Nov 13 - Saved By Scarlet/Youth Night - Young Christian Rock band will lead us in praise and worship Nov 20 - The Cashmans - National recording artists Nov 27 - Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday Dec 4 - The Sky Family - Celtic Christian from Prince Edward Island - Dec 11 - Raging Grace - Dynamic Blues & Rock with a message of Gods Grace Dec 18 - Mill Christmas Special - Paul Lesperance and family bring tidings of comfort and joy Dec 25 - Closed for Christmas Holiday Free. 7-10 p.m. Mill Church Cafe, 45 River St., Millbury. 508-360-6050 or
The Castleberry Holiday Arts & Craft Festival will be held Friday, Nov. 20, 1-6 p.m., through Sunday, Nov. 22, at the DCU Center, 50 Foster St., Worcester.
Browse more than 150 booths selling American-made arts and crafts, sample specialty foods and enjoy live music. The cost is $8 for adults. Under 12 are free. Admission is good for all three days. For more information, call 603-332-2616, visit or email
Ron Jones. Come down and enjoy a night out in the Canal District listening to great live music! N/A. 7-10 p.m. Canal Restaurant & Bar, >Friday 20 65 Water St., 65 Water St. 508-926-8353. Thank Friday its Nat 5:30 to 7:30, then Russo Brothers The Blackstone Valley Community Chorus performs at 9pm. No Cover. 5:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 The Creation Joseph Haydn. The BVCC & Guests to perform Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Haydn’s The Creation The Blackstone Valley Community Chorus The Drunken Uncles. Your favorite uncles play your favorite will welcome members from Ithaca College’s reputable vocal songs! Come have a drink with the Drunken Uncles! Free. 6-9 p.m. performance faculty for a collaborative presentation of The Creation Park Grill and Spirits, Bar, 257 Park Ave. 508-756-7995 or find them by Joseph Haydn. Deborah Montgomery-Cove, Richard Monroe, on Facebook. and Marc Webster of Ithaca College and the BVCC will perform this Bill McCarthy Every Friday at Barbers Crossing North. classical work. The singers will be accompanied by an orchestra of Now catch Bill McCarthy playing his heart out every Friday at Barbers 25 musicians from four different states. The evening promises to North (Sterling, MA) @6:30pm Visit: for info. provide a wonderful opportunity for the community to enjoy a classic Free! 6:30-9:30 p.m. Barbers Crossing (North), 175 Leominster Road, work performed by professional musicians and local singers brought Sterling. 978-422-8438. together by a shared love of music. For more information about the Christian Music Cafe Night. Our Friday nights feature a host chorus, including how to join, visit $5 suggested of artists, both regional and national, sharing the Grace and Love of donation per person. 7-9:30 p.m. Our Lady of the Angels Church, God! Oct 2 - Open Mic (come share your gifts & talents) Oct 9 - Kira 1222 Main St. Ministry Oct 16 - Chris Schact - “Songs to & from Clark University Sinfonia. Peter Sulski, Director Free and Open the King ... Songs of Sovereignty & Proximity” Oct 23 - Risen East to the Publio. 7:30-9 p.m. Clark University: Traina Center for the Arts,
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Razzo Hall, 92 Downing St. Dan Kirouac -solo/acoustic with special guest Glenn Jackson. Dan has been part of the regional music scene for thirty years. When not busy with the tribute band Beatles For Sale, his solo performances showcase vocals accompanied by a six-string acoustic guitar. From the one-hit wonders to the lost classics, from the 1960s to today, every show is a different experience, drawing from almost 500 contemporary and oldie songs. More information at dankirouac. com. free. 7:30-10:30 p.m. William’s Restaurant & Tavern, 184 Pearson Blvd, Gardner. 978-632-7794. Hip Swayers & Friends. Good friends - good tunes - good joe - Friday evening bliss! 7:30-9 p.m. Espress Yourself Coffee, 2 Richmond Ave. 508-755-3300. Karaoke & Dance Party. DJ & Dancing 12:30am - 2am Free. 8 p.m.-2 a.m. Speakers Night Club, 19 Weed St., Marlborough. 508439-9314. Karla Bonoff & Jimmy Webb. Two Hall of Fame and Grammy-winning songwriters share the stage and their most famous compositions. Karla Bonoff has written hits for Bonnie Raitt, Wynonna Judd, Lynn Anderson, Warren Zevon and, most notably, Linda Ronstadt. Jimmy Webb provided career-making classics for Glen Campbell, Art Garfunkel, The Fifth Dimension, Joe Cocker and many, many more. The Bull Run is a full-service, farm-to-table restaurant in a pre-revolutionary tavern, located 35 miles NW of Boston (15 minutes from Rt 495) with plenty of free parking and lots of rustic charm. . $60 advance; $65 day of show. 8-11 p.m. Bull Run Restaurant, Sawtelle Room, 215 Great Road, Shirley. 978-425-4311 or Ken Macy. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Blueprint New American Bar & Grill, 9 Village Square, Westminster. 978-668-5580. Ray Bryant Band. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Olde Post Office Pub, 1 Ray St., North Grafton. 508-839-6106. Scott Babineau. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. The Mill 185, 185 West Boylston St., West Boylston. 774-261-8585. Zack Slick. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Rye & Thyme, 14 Monument Sqare, Leominster. 978-534-5900. Live Bands. 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. Andy Cummings. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Michael’s Cigar Bar, 1 Exchange Place. 508-459-9035. Boom Box. $5. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Dj Darren & Double D. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Classic’s Pub, 285 Central St., Leominster. 978-537-7750. Elemental. Alternative Rock...Edgy 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. 508-926-8877 or How Bizarre. Get ready to relive the amazing era of scrunchies, harem pants, and your favorite guilty-pleasure songs all night!
night day &
Don’t miss our spectacular holiday show!
Based on the classic holiday movie “It’s a Wonderful Life”
November 27, 28, December 4, 5 at 8pm November 29 and December 6 at 2pm Due to ongoing construction at Theatre at the Mount, all performances of This Wonderful Life will be presented at the Gardner High School Auditorium, Catherine Street, Gardner, MA
For tickets and information call the TAM Box Offce 978-630-9388 or purchase tickets online
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The 90’s are back with a vengeance with Worcester’s newest and best 90’s tribute! 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m. JJ’s Sports Bar and Grill, 380 Southwest Cutoff, Northborough. 508-842-8420. Joe Cariglia singing Sinatra Hits. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Padavano’s Place, 358 Shrewsbury St. 774-823-3022. Karaoke. Karaoke by DJ Nancy of Star Sound Entertainment 9 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Danger Zone Saloon, 948 Main St. , Warren. 413436-7115.
>Friday 20
Karaoke. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Partner’s Pub, 970 South St., Fitchburg. 978-345-5051. Metro. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Jillian’s - Worcester, 315 Grove St. 508-7930900. Mike Lynch Trio. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Rivalry’s Sports Bar, 274 Shrewsbury St. 774-243-1100. DJ (21+) Canal. N/A. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Canal Restaurant & Bar, 65 Water St. 508-926-8353. DJ’s. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Banner Pub, The, 112 Green St. 508-7550879.
>Saturday 21
Vinyl Day. Come celebrate Vinyl Day with us this holiday season for special offers, giveaways, signed editions and exclusives Free. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Barnes & Noble Booksellers - Millbury, 70 Worcester Providence Turnpike, Millbury. 508-865-2801 or King Arthur: Myth versus Reality. The Fall of the Roman Empire in the west brought about a world of change. From the perceived order of empire, to the chaos of warring factions emerged
Europe of the Middle-Ages and the Knight. Often seen as an age of darkness, the myths and realities surrounding knighthood grew out of the Middle Ages. Compare our modern imaginings of the Arthurian knight with a more realistic presentation of a mounted warrior from the time when Arthur may have lived. (Program subject to change.) Free with Museum admission. 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Worcester Art Museum, Conference Room, 55 Salisbury St. 508-799-4406. Jazz Saxophone Lessons for Beginners. Anyone can learn to play the saxophone! In this course, you will learn how to do the following: how to purchase a saxophone, correct breathing, embouchure and mouthpiece techniques, sax care and repair, long tones, fingering charts, scales and chords, playing tips, learn to read music, and playing in an ensemble. Your level of proficiency depends on your determination, the amount of time invested, and the amount of your natural ability. These traits work together to determine your success. Learning to play the saxophone, especially jazz saxophone, is an adventure that you can enjoy the rest of your life. One of the greatest joys of this experience is knowing you can learn more about the instrument, the music, and yourself, every day that you practice. $169. Noon-3 p.m. Quinsigamond Community College, 25 Federal St. 508-751-7900 or Open Mic. Open to musicians, poets, comedians or anyone with a talent! Hosted by Stephen Wright. 6-9 p.m. Nu Cafe, 335 Chandler St. 508-926-8800 or Alias Draleaus. Come down to the Canal for some live music played by the talented duo Alias Draleaus! N/A. 7-10 p.m. Canal Restaurant & Bar, 65 Water St., 65 Water St. 508-926-8353. Chris Reddy Acoustic Loops from Hell. 7-11 p.m. The GazBar Sports Grill, 1045 Central St., Leominster. Outrageous Greg’s Crazy Karaoke. 7 p.m.-1 a.m. Martys pub. Stan Matthews. Country Hits and Rock 7-9 p.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. 508-926-8877. “Tin Pan Alley” Worcester Men of Song Barbershop
• NOVEMBER 19, 2015
night day
Upload your listings at Click the Night & Day toolbar, then choose Calendar to place your event listing in both our print and online weekly calendar. Harmony Concert. Featuring The Men of Song Chorus, Chapter Quartets & Special Guests. The Worcester Men of Song is a Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society and was founded in 1949, performing throughout Worcester County for the past sixty years. The chorus specializes in the four-part, close harmony “a Capella” style of singing called barbershop. Uniquely American, Barbershop can trace its roots to the early 1800s. The Men of Song chorus travels the Northeastern District twice a year competing with other choruses from throughout New England, northern New York and Canadian maritime province area. It has often been said that “the Men of Song open the Worcester area Christmas Season each year with their Annual Show at Mechanics Hall.” $20 Reserved Seating. 7:30-9:30 p.m. Mechanics Hall, 321 Main St. 508-752-0888 or Elijah’s Fire - The Roots Tour. Elijah’s Fire is going back to their roots! This is stripped down Blues Rock, as real as it gets! $5 Donation. 7:30-10 p.m. !Cafe con Dios!, Main room, 22 Faith Ave., Auburn. 508-579-6722. John Henry’s Hammer Concert Series - Lydia & Phil & Friends. Lydia & Phil will be joined by Marylou Ferrente, The Hip Swayers, The T-Square Rounders and Cosmic Slim & His Intergalactic Plowboys in concert! Lots of music and good ol’ fun with music that spans early folk, country, contemporary and country western music. $15. 7:30-10:30 p.m. First Unitarian Church, 90 Main St. 508-757-2708 or The Big Little Tour (with Sally Stempler). 7:30-11 p.m. Pho Dakao, 593 Park Ave. 508-756-7555. Amanda Cote and Ken Macy. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. The Mill 185, 185 West Boylston St., West Boylston. 774-261-8585. Dan Kirouac solo/acoustic. Dan has been part of the regional music scene for thirty years. When not busy with the tribute band Beatles For Sale, his solo performances showcase vocals accompanied by a six-string acoustic guitar. From the one-hit wonders to the lost classics, from the 1960s to today, every show is a different experience, drawing from almost 500 contemporary and oldie songs. More information at free. 8-11 p.m. Nobscot’s Cafe, 847 Edgell Road, Framingham. 508-788-8040. Gale county. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Blueprint New American Bar & Grill, 9 Village Square, Westminster. 978-668-5580. Get The Led Out: The American Led Zeppelin. From the bombastic and epic, to the folky and mystical, Get The Led Out have captured the essence of the recorded music of Led Zeppelin and brought it to the big concert stage. The Philadelphia-based group consists of six accomplished musicians intent on delivering Led Zeppelin’s studio recordings with all the bells and whistles. Utlizing the multi-instrumentalists at their disposal, Get The Led Out recreates the songs in all their depth and glory with the studio overdubs that Zeppelin themselves never performed live. Dubbed by the media as “The American Led Zeppelin,” Get The Led Out presents more than a two hour set that spans the mythic career of the legendary British supergroup. With a strong focus on the early years, they also touch on the deeper cuts that were seldom, if ever heard in concert. Tickets start at $30. Discounts are available for members, groups of 10+ and WOO Card Holders. Please call the box office at 877.571.SHOW (7469) for more information. Tickets start at $30. Discounts are available for members, groups of 10+ and WOO Card Holders. Please call the box office at 877.571.SHOW (7469) for more information. . 8-11 p.m. Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts, 2 Southbridge St. 877-571-7469 or Lee Ann Womack. 2015 Grammy Nominee for Best Country Album - The Way I’m Livin’ Country Royalty if there ever was one, Grammy and CMA Award winning singer and songwriter, Lee Ann Womack, is best known for “I Hope You Dance,” “Last Call,” “Think of a Reason Later” and “Mendocino County Line” (with Willie Nelson). This 9-time Grammy nominee from East Texas just picked up another pair of prestigious Americana Music Awards nominations for “The Way I’m Livin,” proving it to be the little record that could. She joins Shakey Graves’ “And The War Came,” Lucinda Williams’ “Down Where The Spirit Meets The Bone,” Sturgill Simpson’s “Metamodern Sounds In Country Music” and former North Carolina Chocolate Drop Rhiannon Giddens’ “Tomorrow Is My Turn” in the Album of the Year
category. In this world of faster, harder & louder, Lee Ann Womack wants something far more radical; to be real, to strip it all away and get to the core of life, love and raw emotion. The Bull Run is a fullservice, farm-to-table restaurant in a pre-revolutionary tavern, located 35 miles NW of Boston (15 minutes from Rt 495) with plenty of free parking and lots of rustic charm. . $65 advance; $70 day of show. 8-11 p.m. Bull Run Restaurant, Sawtelle Room, 215 Great Road, Shirley. 978-425-4311 or The Shakers. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Simple Man Saloon, 119 High St., Clinton. 978-365-1949. Three of a Kind. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Olde Post Office Pub, 1 Ray St., North Grafton. 508-839-6106. Linda Dagnello Jazz Quintet. 8:30 p.m.-midnight Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Live Bands. 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122.
“Blueswitch”. Wonderful evening of Jump Blues and Dancing $5 cover. 10 p.m.-1 a.m. The Ritz , 4 Circut Ave., Oak Bluffs. DJ (21+) Canal. N/A. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Canal Restaurant & Bar, 65 Water St. 508-926-8353. DJ Reckless. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Perfect Game Sports Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263. DJ’s. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Banner Pub, The, 112 Green St. 508-7550879. Neon Alley. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Michael’s Cigar Bar, 1 Exchange Place. 508-459-9035. Worcester Jazz Collective @ Sahara. Worcester Jazz Collective plays Sahara Restaurant every 4th Saturday of the Month! Deconstructed Standards and Originals. Free. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Sahara Cafe & Restaurant, 143 Highland St. 508-798-2181 or
>Sunday 22
Jon Short. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Rye & Thyme, 14 Monument Sqare, Leominster. 978-534-5900. Assumption College Chorale “Sounds of the Season” concert. Sunday, November 22 AC Chorale Sounds of the Season 2:00pm Chapel of the Holy Spirit The Assumption College Chorale will present their annual “Sounds of the Season” holiday concert on Sunday, Nov. 22, at 2:00pm in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit at Assumption College. The concert will feature favorite carols as well as less familiar seasonal music. Michelle Graveline, Director; Brett Maguire, accompanist. Free and open to the public. Please join us following the concert for a reception in the Tinsley Center, Lauring Saturday Night Live Jazz. 8:30 p.m.-midnight Pho Dakao, 593 Community room. Free. 2-3 p.m. Assumption College: Chapel of the Holy Spirit, 500 Salisbury St. Park Ave. 617-803-5016 or Best - Live Bands. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Speakers Night Club, 19 Weed Irish Session. A Session or in Irish Sesuin is a get together of Irish musicians to play Irish tunes from a vast amount of selections. St., Marlborough. 508-439-9314. Clam Diggers. $5. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston This could also be what you call a jam session for the Irish. Come on down and listen or if you are so inclined join in whether you play St. 508-853-1350. an Iris instrument or sing an Irish tune. We take all levels of talent. Decades by Dezyne. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Jillian’s - Worcester, 315 $0. 4-8 p.m. Fiddlers’ Green Pub & Restaurant, 19 Temple St. 508Grove St. 508-793-0900. 792-3700. DJ Pete Blaze. Dance the night away with DJ Pete blaze every National Acrobats of the People’s Republic of China. Saturday night. No cost 21+, Drink specials. No cost, 21+. 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Drafter’s Sports Cafe, 325 Chase Ave, Dudley. 508- Music Worcester presents, direct from Beijing, The National Circus and Acrobats of the People’s Republic of China. “Peking Dreams” 671-9053. Karaoke. Chinese & Japanese Restaurant was founded in 1953, making it one of the longest running and most distinguished circus troupes in China. The National Circus and 9 p.m.-midnight Shangri La, 50 Front St. 508-798-0888. Acrobats of the People’s Republic of China is especially acclaimed Linguini and Lester — The Lester Rawson Band at Padavano’s Place. Linguini and Lester – We’re looking forward in China because of the unique acts in their program such as Great to performing at Padavano’s Placce on Saturday, November 21, 9 Teeterboard, Grand Flying Trapeze, Group Contortion, Straw Hats p.m. to midnight. Padavano’s has established itself as one of the Juggling, Girls’ Balance With Bowls and many other outstanding acts. city’s best restaurants. Family owned and operated, it’s just the real Adults $49, Students $17.50, Youth $7.50. Ticket fees apply. Series deal, with great Italian meals and desserts. It also happens to be one and other discounts apply. 4-6 p.m. Mechanics Hall, 321 Main St. of Worcester strongest supporters of live music. The Lester Rawson 508-752-0888 or Band is looking forward to our first appearance there. We’ll be serving Alpine Report. Alternative Rock 5-8 p.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. up our own style of cooking. We start with a base of the blues, stir in 508-926-8877. some classic rock, add a dollop of R&B, and a pinch of country, heat Amanda Cote - Acoustic Rock. 5-8 p.m. Padavano’s Place, and serve. In short, you can look forward to an all-together satisfying 358 Shrewsbury St. 774-823-3022. night. Hope to see you there. Padavano’s Place is located at 358 Hangover Hour at 5pm, then Andy Cumming at 8:30pm. Shrewsbury Street, Worcester. 9-11:59 p.m. Padavano’s Place, 358 No Cover. 5 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. Shrewsbury St. 774-823-3022 or 508-753-4030. Never Enuff. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Classic’s Pub, 285 Central St., Jim’s Sunday Blues Jam. Every week, Jim Perry hosts the Leominster. 978-537-7750. best blues jam around, and brings in very special guest performers. Trilogy. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Rye & Thyme, 14 Monument Sqare, No cover. 6-10 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853Leominster. 978-534-5900. 1350. Usual Suspects. Playing a mix of classic rock favorites and Open Mic Sundays @ Plaza Azteca! To check the schedules new rock and roll hits they’ll keep your rockin’ out all night long! 9 and open slots visit: Bill McCarthy’s Open Mic World on Facebook p.m.-12:30 a.m. JJ’s Sports Bar and Grill, 380 Southwest Cutoff, Bill McCarthy (originator of the “Half-Hour Sets!”) is your host at Northborough. 508-842-8420. another great Open Mic Night! Email Bill McCarthy to reserve it at: We & Mrs Jones at the Gardner Ale House. Join Mrs (make sure you put “open mic” in the email’s Maddy Jones and her amazing vocals with Dan Hunt on guitar, Bill “subject box”) Network * Collaborate * Learn. Over sixty different MacGillivray on drums and Gail Hunt on bass at a cool brewery and musicians regularly support my open mic nights all are friendly and restaurant. Really good food & beer, rotating art work displayed and supportive -- and many are: * Former or Currently Signed Recording just a nice place to hang out. 9 p.m.-midnight Gardner Ale House, 74 Artists * Award-Winning Pro’s or Semi-Pro’s * Regularly Gigging Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. Paid-Performers * Published Songwriters * Recording Studio Owner/ Abby’s House presents “Out of the Dark,” a fundraiser, Saturday, Nov. 21, 4:30-8:30 p.m., at Clark University’s Higgins University Center, 950 Main St., Worcester. The event raises money for the women’s shelter, with 50 percent of proceeds going to Abby’s House, and 50 percent to the local artist selling his or her piece. There is no admission fee. For more information, email
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Operators * Combinations of any and/or all of the above. To check the schedules and open slots visit Facebook. Any slot marked as “open” usually is! Free! 6-9 p.m. Plaza Azteca, 539 Lincoln St. Dancin’ Dead Sundays. 21+ with proper ID Weekly tribute to the Grateful Dead $5. 7 p.m.-1 a.m. Electric Haze, 26 Millbury St. 508-799-0629. Funky Jazz Jam Sundays. 21 plus First, and Third Sundays! More info on Facebook. Free. 7-11 p.m. Electric Haze, 26 Millbury St. 508-799-0629. Garnet Rogers (Ballroom). Garnet Rogers does a stunning one-man show. His powerful baritone and passionate work with a variety of instruments creatively meld old and new sounds, and his story songs are marked by wit, sensitivity and commitment to ordinary people living with extraordinary courage, sorrow, and joy in a large landscape. The Boston Globe calls Rogers “A brilliant songwriter, one of the major talents of our time,” and Sing Out! dubs him “The greatest male interpreter and vocalist on the contemporary folk scene.” The Bull Run is a full-service, farm-to-table restaurant in a pre-revolutionary tavern, located 35 miles NW of Boston (15 minutes from Rt 495) with plenty of free parking and lots of rustic charm. . $20 advance; $25 day of show. 7:30-10:30 p.m. Bull Run Restaurant, Ballroom, 215 Great Road, Shirley. 978-425-4311 or Blue Light Bandits. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Michael’s Cigar Bar, 1 Exchange Place. 508-459-9035. Karaoke w/ Royal Crown. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Classic’s Pub, 285 Central St., Leominster. 978-537-7750. Sunday Dead Night. 21 plus We will be featuring a different Grateful Dead Tribute Band every Sunday! Before the show we will film a Walking Dead episode, starting with the 1st one our first night! 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Electric Haze, 26 Millbury St. 508-799-0629.
>Monday 23
Blue Mondays - Live Blues. 8:30-1 a.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. Open Mic/Open Decks hosted by Kroma Kode. 21+ with proper ID Sign-up for slots starts at the venue at 7:30 and is first come first serve. Open Mic 8-10 Open Decs 10-1 House equipment for DJs: Numark M3 Mixer Please bring your own equipment! Free. 6 p.m.-2 a.m. Electric Haze, 26 Millbury St. 508-799-0629. Open Mic/Open Decks. Sign up is at 7pm for half hour or less slots. Use our PA system, Mics, controller and sound tech. Anything is welcome! 21plus Free. 7 p.m.-1 a.m. Electric Haze, 26 Millbury St. 508-799-0629. AriBand. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. The Norm Tonelli Trio. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Padavano’s Place, 358 Shrewsbury St. 774-823-3022 or
>Tuesday 24
Storytime. Join us every week for storytime. Visit for details. Free. 11-11:30 a.m. Barnes & Noble Booksellers - Millbury, 70 Worcester Providence Turnpike, Millbury. 508-865-2801 or Tuesday Night at the Movies. Great place to enjoy a movie, have a beverage and relax. 7-10 p.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. 508926-8877. Vertigo Trivia Night. Free to play and great prizes! Free. 7-10 p.m. Vintage Grille, 346 Shrewsbury St. 508-752-0558. Lou Borelli Jazz Octet. No Cover. 7:30 p.m.-midnight Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Tuesday Open Mic Night @ Greendale’s Pub with Bill McCarthy Local Musicians Showcase! To check the schedules and open slots visit: Bill McCarthy’s Open Mic World on Facebook Bill McCarthy (originator of the “Half-Hour Sets!”) is your
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Ron Gagnon on backing vocals and bass. They play an assortment of roots Americana, Rockabilly, Swing and old time country music. During their tenure together they played on shows with Carl Perkins, Dick Curless, John Lincoln Wright, The Blend, The Estes Boys and host at another great Open Mic Night! Email Bill McCarthy to reserve many, many Boston based bands in and around Boston and the New it at: (make sure you put “open mic” in the England area. They are reuniting for a one night only here at the Bull email’s “subject box”) Network * Collaborate * Learn. Over sixty Run on the evening before Thanksgiving. Joining them will be special different musicians regularly support my open mic nights all are guests Mark Marquis on guitar and Dan Tessier on fiddle. The Bull friendly and supportive -- and many are: * Former or Currently Signed Run is a full-service, farm-to-table restaurant in a pre-revolutionary Recording Artists * Award-Winning Pro’s or Semi-Pro’s * Regularly tavern, located 35 miles NW of Boston (15 minutes from Rt Gigging Paid-Performers * Published Songwriters * Recording Studio 495) with plenty of free parking and lots of rustic charm. . $10 Owner/Operators * Combinations of any and/or all of the above. To advance; $12 day of show. 7:30-10:30 p.m. Bull Run Restaurant, check the schedules and open slots visit Facebook. Any slot marked Sawtelle Room, 215 Great Road, Shirley. 978-425-4311 or tickets. as “open” usually is! Free. 7:30-11:30 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350 or find them on Facebook. C.U.Next Tuesday! Tunes in the Diner with DJ Poke Smot and Special Guests every Tuesday Night! No cover. Worcester State Theatre presents Good Night 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508Desdemona (good morning Juliet) Thursday, Nov. 753-9543. 19 and Saturday, Nov. 21, 8-10 p.m. at Fuller Theater Hip Hop Tuesdays. Every Tuesday is different! Check our in the Shaugnessy Building, 486 Chandler St., Worcester. Facebook page, under events for more details! $5-$15. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. The cost is $14, $10 for seniors, $7 for students. For tickets, Electric Haze, 26 Millbury St. 508-799-0629. email or call 508-929-8843. Open Mic Tuesday w/ Key Performance. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Classic’s Pub, 285 Central St., Leominster. 978-537-7750.
>Wednesday 25
Brown Bag Concert: Chorobop. Eduardo Mercuri, mandolin/ guitar; Flavio Lira, 7-string guitar/bass; and Anne “Negah” Santos, percussion, crated Chrobop in 2013. Born in different Brazilian cities, they share a passion for Choro. Their repertoire is based on the roots of Brazilian Choro, with a special twist of jazz, bebop and contemporary music. Original arrangements and different instrumental combinations make Chorobop a unique sound experience. The Brown Bag Concert Series has been providing high quality performances, free to the general public, for 32 years! Seating is cabaret style so you can enjoy your own “brown bag” lunch or buy one at the Hall while they last! Concerts are broadcast live on WICN 90.5 fm and stream at Goodwill donations support the concert series. Free Admission. Dry or Canned Food Donations Encouraged. Mechanics Hall, 321 Main St. 508-752-5608 or The Bubbleheads’ Thanksgiving Eve Party. We’d love for you to join us for our annual Thanksgiving Eve Bash @ The Nines tonight! Great friends + great tunes = a “Great Hang “ As always it’s Free! The Nines Neighborhood Bar, 136 Millbury St. 508-340-0318. Amanda Cote. Amanda Cote plays a weekly show every Wednesday at The Westender, starting at 5. Open to the public, free, all ages. Free. 5-8 p.m. The Westender, 493 Boston Post Road West, Marlborough. 508-485-1185 or William Thompson Funk Experiment | YoJimbo | The Jauntee. 21+ Doors at 6pm Music at 9pm $12 Cover Yojimbo is triple fun! Based out of New Orleans their sound is pure punk rock energy with poppy driven melodies. You’ll be powerless to do anything except dance uncontrollably with a huge grin. Carly Meyers leads the pack down a musical rabbit hole, wielding her trombone like “a mystical samurai sword.” $12. 6 p.m.-2 a.m. Electric Haze, 26 Millbury St. 508-799-0629 or find them on Facebook. Game Night! Indoor Cornhole, Darts, Cards, Board games. All New Night! Indoor Cornhole. Brand new boards and bags. Set up inside so we can play in any weather. Free to play. Serious fun, come check it out! Darts, New board games added, Videos games and more. 7-10 p.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. 508926-8877. Karaoke w/ Toby. Free. 7-11 p.m. Vintage Grille, 346 Shrewsbury St. 508-752-0558. Thanksgiving Eve with Chris Reddy. 7-10:30 p.m. The Mill 185, 185 West Boylston St., West Boylston. 774-261-8585. Five Cents Extra Reunion. The Night Before Thanksgiving Party! Five Cents Extra was formed in 1976 with the nucleus of Johnny Girouard on vocals, acoustic guitar and harmonica, Ducky Belliveau on vocals, acoustic, electric and pedal steel guitars and
seasonal goodwill! Musical gems from the 60’s and 70’s will keep you dancin and singin til your Prius turns into a pumpkin...Join us, won’t you? $5. 8-11:30 p.m. Blue Plate Lounge, 661 Main St., Holden. 508-829-4566. DJ Key Performance. 8 p.m.-2 a.m. Jillian’s - Worcester, 315 Grove St. 508-793-0900. Josh Briggs & Friends. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Olde Post Office Pub, 1 Ray St., North Grafton. 508-839-6106. The Quarry. 8 p.m.-2 a.m. Partner’s Pub, 970 South St., Fitchburg. 978-345-5051. The Worcester Jazz Collective @ Nick’s (Monthly Residency). Worcester Jazz Collective plays every 3rd Wednesday of the month! Come hear a progressive and fresh take on jazz standards, feel the energy and groove of our original compositions, right here at Nick’s. Free. 8-11 p.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030 or Andy Cummings. No Cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Blue Light Bandits. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Michael’s Cigar Bar, 1 Exchange Place. 508-459-9035. Grade “A” Fancy. Americana, Roadhouse, Back porch, Foot stomping 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. 508-926-8877. JJ’s Thanksgiving Eve Bash feat Flock of Assholes. Join us at JJ’s this Thanksgiving Eve! Get ready to reunite with old friends and celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday with the area’s ultimate tribute to the 80’s! 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m. JJ’s Sports Bar and Grill, 380 Southwest Cutoff, Northborough. 508-842-8420. Karaoke. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Compass Tavern, 90 Harding St. 508-3046044. Karaoke w/ Royal Crown. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Classic’s Pub, 285 Central St., Leominster. 978-537-7750. Silverbacks. $5. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Thanksgiving Eve Party featuring A Ton of Blues. 9 p.m.midnight Padavano’s Place, 358 Shrewsbury St. 774-823-3022. Thanksgiving Eve with The Curtis Mayflower. The Curtis Mayfower prepare you for Thanksgiving with an evening of rocksoul-blues-psychedlic music. Performing two sets, the band starts at 9pm. There is no cover charge but you must be 21 or older to get in. “The Curtis Mayflower play rock ‘n’ roll of the best, broadest kind - Duane Allman-era Allman Brothers Band and Delaney & Bonnie and The Paul Butterfield Blues Band in their prime spring to mind - delivered with a confidence, manly aura and sure-footed skill that’s downright seductive, a sound with a wide appeal to electric blues nuts, jam band kids, Muscle Shoals Sound Studio enthusiasts, and perhaps The Black Keys fans looking for something deeper and more subtle. Pete Aleksi (guitar, backing vocals), Duncan Arsenault (drums, percussion), Jeremy Moses Curtis (bass, backing vocals), Brooks Milgate (keyboards, accordion, acoustic guitar, backing vocals) and Craig Rawding (lead vocals, harmonica) get after it with a sincerity, rugged tenacity and earthy vibe. In other words, there’s the unmistakable sense that these dudes are after IT in a most Wednesday Night Open Mic/Local Musicians’ tenacious way all over their debut.” -- Check out Showcase w/ Bill McCarthy @ Guiseppe’s. To check the for music, videos and more information schedules and open slots visit: Bill McCarthy’s Open Mic World on Free. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St. 508-752-9439 or Facebook Bill McCarthy (originator of the “Half-Hour Sets!”) is your host at another great Open Mic Night! Email Bill McCarthy to reserve The Bubbleheads’ Thanksgiving Eve Party. We’d love for it at: (make sure you put “open mic” in the you to join us for our annual Thanksgiving Eve Bash @ The Nines email’s “subject box”) Network * Collaborate * Learn. Over sixty tonight! Great friends + great tunes = a “Great Hang “ As always it’s different musicians regularly support my open mic nights all are friendly and supportive -- and many are: * Former or Currently Signed Free! . 9 p.m.-1 a.m. The Nines Neighborhood Bar, 136 Millbury St. 508-340-0318. Recording Artists * Award-Winning Pro’s or Semi-Pro’s * Regularly Gigging Paid-Performers * Published Songwriters * Recording Studio Tom Revane. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Rivalry’s Sports Bar, 274 Shrewsbury St. 774-243-1100. Owner/Operators * Combinations of any and/or all of the above. To check the schedules and open slots visit Facebook. Any slot marked as “open” usually is! Free! 7:30-10:30 p.m. Guiseppe’s Grille, 35 Solomon Pond Road, Northborough. 508-393-4405 or find them on ArtsWorcester, Call For Art: ArtsWorcester 12th Annual College Facebook Show, Through Dec. 20; Call For Art: Now! New Works, New Artists!, Caves on Mars. 8 p.m.-2 a.m. Rye & Thyme, 14 Monument Through Jan. 15, 2016; Leslie Graff:Volumes; Carlotta Miller: House Square, Leominster. 978-534-5900. Collides With A School Bus Joan Ryan: Words Can Only Point; Lesia Dinosaurs Give Thanks! An annual Blue Plate tradition, join your favorite Dinosaurs on Thanksgiving Eve in a musical explosion of Sochor: A Needle and a Spool of Thread, Wednesdays, Thursdays,
• NOVEMBER 19, 2015
Fridays, Saturdays, through Nov. 20. Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 1-4 p.m. Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday - Friday, 1-4 p.m. Saturday. Admission: Free. 660 Main St. 508-755-5142 or Asa Waters Mansion, Admission: $3 for guided tour $7-10 for tea. 123 Elm St., Millbury. 508-865-0855 or Assumption College: Emmanuel d’Alzon Library, 500 Salisbury St. 508-767-7272 or Booklovers’ Gourmet, “Journeys of the Soul”, paintings by Ann C. Rosebrooks and Susan Emerson-Hill, Through Nov. 28. Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday - Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. 55 East Main St., Webster. 508-949-6232 or Clark University: University Gallery, Hours: noon-5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, noon-8 p.m. Wednesday, noon-5 p.m. Thursday - Saturday. 950 Main St. 508-793-7349 or 508-7937113 or Clark’s Cafe and Art On Rotation Gallery, Hours: 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday - Saturday. Admission: Free for gallery. 310 High St., Clinton. 978-549-5822 or 978-365-7772 or College of the Holy Cross: Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Art Gallery, Katrina Then and Now: Artists as Witness | Part II, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through Dec. 18. Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, 2-5 p.m. Saturday. 1 College St. 508-793-3356 or Danforth Museum of Art, Hours: noon-5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, noon-5 p.m. Wednesday - Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday - Saturday. 123 Union Ave., Framingham. 508-620-0050 or EcoTarium, Cool Moves: The Artistry of Motion, Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through Jan. 10; Preschool and Toddler Wednesdays, Wednesdays, through Dec. 16. Hours: noon-5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. Admission: $14.00 adults; $10 for children ages 2-18, college students with IDs & senior citizens. Children under 2 & EcoTarium members free. Additional charges apply for Tree Canopy Walkway, Explorer Express Train, planetarium programs & other special program. 222 Harrington Way. 508-929-2700 or Fisher Museum Harvard Forest, 324 N. Main St., Petersham. 978-724-3302 or Fitchburg Art Museum, Hours: noon-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, noon-4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. 25 Merriam Parkway, Fitchburg. 978-345-4207 or Fitchburg Historical Society, Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday - Tuesday, 10 a.m.-midnight Wednesday, closed Thursday - Saturday. 50 Grove St., Fitchburg. 978-345-1157 or Fitchburg State University: Hammond Hall, 160 Pearl St., Fitchburg. Framed in Tatnuck, Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday - Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. 1099 Pleasant St. 508-770-1270 or Fruitlands Museum, 102 Prospect Hill Road, Harvard. 978-4563924 or Gallery of African Art, Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday - Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday. Admission: Donations accepted. 62 High St., Clinton. 978-265-4345 or 978-598-5000x12 or Highland Artist Group, 113 Highland St. Mass Audubon: Broad Meadow Brook Conservation Center and Wildlife Sanctuary, Hours: 12:30-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. 414 Massasoit Ave. 508-753-6087 or Museum of Russian Icons, Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 11-3 a.m. Tuesday - Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, 11-3 a.m. Friday, 9-3 a.m. Saturday. Admission: Adults $10; Seniors (59 +), $7; Students, $5; Children 3-17, $5; Children <3, Free. 203 Union St., Clinton. 978-598-5000 or 978-598-5000x17 or Old Sturbridge Village, Kindred Spirits: A.B. Wells, Malcolm
night day
Upload your listings at Click the Night & Day toolbar, then choose Calendar to place your event listing in both our print and online weekly calendar. Watkins, and the Origins of Old Sturbridge Village, Through Jan. 15, 2016; Bounty: Thanksgiving, Sundays, Saturdays, through Nov. 26. Admission: $7 - $20 charged by age. Children under 3 free. 1 Old Sturbridge Village Road, Sturbridge. 800-733-1830 or 508-347-3362 or Park Hill Gallery, Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday - Friday, closed Saturday. 387 Park Ave. 774-696-0909. Post Road Art Center, Call to Artists: Open Exhibit (No Theme Requirement), Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through Nov. 24. Hours: closed Sunday, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday - Saturday. 1 Boston Post Road, Marlborough. 508485-2580 or Preservation Worcester, Hours: closed Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, closed Saturday. 10 Cedar St. 508-754-8760 or Prints and Potter Gallery: American Arts and Crafts Gallery, Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Wednesday - Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. 142 Highland St. 508-7522170 or Quinebaug Valley Council for the Arts & Humanities, the Arts Center, Hours: 2-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Friday, 2-4 p.m. Saturday. 111 Main St., Southbridge. 508-346-3341 or Rollstone Studios, Hours: 11-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday - Saturday. Admission: free. 633 Main St., Fitchburg. 978-348-2781 or Salisbury Mansion, Hours: closed Sunday - Wednesday, 1-8:30 p.m. Thursday, 1-4 p.m. Friday - Saturday. 40 Highland St. 508-7538278 or SAORI Worcester Freestyle Weaving Studio, 18 Winslow St. 508-757-4646 or 508-757-0116 or Sprinkler Factory, Admission: Free. 38 Harlow St. a pulsating visual effect. In its rigorous exploration of optical stimuli, Taproot Bookstore, Hours: noon-5 p.m. Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 the painting appears to have much in common with Op Art, yet Priest p.m. Monday - Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday - Thursday, refused her contemporaries’ rejection of content for form. Instead, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. 1200 West she saw her artwork as deeply connected to larger social issues. Boylston St. 508-853-5083 or Priest was active in the Civil Rights movement, and Tatnuck Bookseller & Cafe, paintings such as Static Variations: Blue x 2 emerged Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, from her activism: “My works are politically 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday motivated-that’s not an overstatement,” Thursday, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. she explained. “For every white line Friday - Saturday. 18 Lyman there was a black line. One plus one St., Westborough. 508-366is equal to more than two.” Free with 4959 or Museum admission. Art Since the MidThe Foster Gallery, 51 20th Century, Through Dec. 31; Hassan Union St. 508-397-7139 or Hajjaj: My Rock Stars, Through March Wachusett Mountain Ski Area hosts the fifth annual Winter 6, 2016; Nude Drawing in the Galleries, Fire Celebration Friday, Nov. 20, 5-11 p.m. at Wachusett Top Fun Aviation Toy Thursdays, through Nov. 19; Pierre Mountain, 499 Mountain Road, Princeton. Two ski and Museum, Hours: 1:30Bonnard, Dining Room in the Country, snowboard movies will be shown, and music will be played 4:30 p.m. Sunday, closed Sundays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, from 80-11 p.m. Visit the Coppertop Lounge and watch as Monday - Friday, 10:30 Fridays, Saturdays, through May 1; the facility fires up its snow guns (weather permitting). For a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday. Veiled Aleppo, Sundays, Wednesdays, more information, visit, call 978-464-2300 21 Prichard St., Fitchburg. Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through or email 978-342-2809 or 978-297June 5; Art Cart! Knights!, Saturdays, 4337 or through Dec. 26; Art Cart! Renaissance Tower Hill Botanic Court!, Saturdays, through Dec. 26; Garden, Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 9 a.m. to Tour of the Month: Portraiture: Styles and Stories, Saturday; Sunday 5 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. Admission: $12 Adults, $9 Seniors & $7 Tours, Sundays, through June 26. Hours: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, Youth, Free to Members & Children under. 11 French Drive, Boylston. closed Monday - Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. 508-869-6111 or Admission: Free for members, $14 adults, $12 seniors, free for youth Worcester Art Museum, Static Variations: Blue x 2 by Terri 17 and under. Free for all first Saturdays of each month, 10am-noon. Priest. This Master Series celebrates the work of beloved Worcester 55 Salisbury St. 508-799-4406 or artist, Terri Priest (1928-2014). It highlights her painting Static Worcester Center for Crafts, Exhibition: Worcester Variations: Blue x 2 (1971-72), a diptych of arrow-shaped fields of Architecture: Lost & Found, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, blue and alternating black and white stripes, which together create
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Fridays, Saturdays, through Nov. 21; The Bowl Show, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through Dec. 5. Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Saturday. 25 Sagamore Road. 508-753-8183 or Worcester Historical Museum, Alden Family Gallery, Through Dec. 31; In Their Shirtsleeves, Through Dec. 31; Stories They Tell, Through Dec. 31. Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. 30 Elm St. 508-753-8278 or Worcester Public Library, Hours: 1:30-5:30 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday - Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thursday - Saturday. 3 Salem Square. 508-7991655 or WPI: George C. Gordon Library, Temples of Thailand : Photographs by Susan Sedgwick, Through Dec. 18. 100 Institute Road.
theater/ comedy
Dick Doherty’s Beantown Comedy Escape - Fridays, Saturdays, Friday, January 4 - Sunday, December 31. Dick Doherty’s Beantown Comedy Escape at Park Grill & Spirits 257 Park Ave Worcester MA Dick Doherty’s Beantown Comedy Clubs Showtimes: Friday 9pm-Saturdays 8pm -$20pp Reservations Recommended at 800-401-2221 Prices: $20 Fri/Sat pp except Special Events Drinks and Appetizers available in the show room Full Dinner Available before Show in Restaurant $5off with College ID and Reservations 2 for 1 Active Military or Veterans and Reservations $4 off with Dinner Receipt and Reservations. Special Event Fri Only Nov 20th-Fundraiser
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running for president, now is the hottest time to see the Capitol Steps and their unique brand of political comedy! Donald Trump is actually running for president... seriously?!? The material writes itself and both sides of the political spectrum will leave the theatre laughing. If for Operation Friendship $25pp- Open to Public. Sat Nov 21st Regular they actually influence anyone’s vote, this country is in more trouble priced tickets $20pp Billy Winn Bethany VanDelft and friends. Make than we thought. The Capitol Steps look forward to bringing the Reservations Early at 800-401-2221 or online at beantowncomedy. political circus to Worcester as they continue to put the _MOCK_ com. $20 per person except Special Events. 8 p.m.-midnight Park in democracy! Tickets start at $35. Discounts are available for Grill and Spirits, Comedy Room, 257 Park Ave. Call 800-401-2221 or members, groups of 10+ and WOO card holders.. 7:30-9:30 p.m. visit Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts, 2 Southbridge St. Call 877Sunday Night Cinemageddon! Movies Shown Every 571-7469 or visit Sunday Night in the Diner! - Sundays, Sunday, May 13 Joseph’s Dream: A Vision of Choice - Costume Show Thursday, December 31. Facebook: Ralphs Diner Free. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. - Thursday, November 19 - Saturday, November 21. In 2016, The Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. Call 508-753-9543. Hanover Theatre is playing “Joseph’s Dream A Vision of Choice”. The American Folk Art, Lovingly Collected - Wednesday, July director Alexander Diaz will be using the PopUp to give the viewers 15 - Sunday, November 29. One of the most important private a glimpse at what the show has to offer. Set pieces and costume collections of folk art in the country has been assembled near decorations will color the space as Alex gives us a taste of his Worcester, with an unusual focus on Central Massachusetts portraits coming performance. Free. 6-8 p.m. Worcester PopUp Gallery, 20 and painted furniture. The work remains little known and will be Franklin St. Visit Facebook. examined in light of the growing economic development in the region during the 1800s and the market for itinerant artists. Free The Blackstone Valley Community Chorus performs with Admission. Worcester Art Museum, PDP Gallery and American Joseph Haydn’s “The Creation” Friday, Nov. 20, 7-9:30 Decorative Arts Gallery, 55 Salisbury St. Call 508-799-4406 or visit p.m. at Our Lady of the Angels Church, 1222 Main St., Worcester. Sixty Singers from towns throughout Central Clark New Play Festival. Six new plays by Clark Mass will be accompanied by 25 musicians from four different Undergraduates - Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, states. There is a suggested donation of $5. A reception with Saturdays, Tuesday, November 3 - Saturday, November 21. The idea complimentary refreshments will follow. For more information, behind this collaborative project is to create a hands-on learning visit or email environment where the playwrights can really see what’s working in their writing and how a play in progress is produced. It’s a unique opportunity for students to be involved in part of the development process that people rarely see anymore. Professional theatres rarely Worcester State Theatre presents Good Night mount progressive workshops and instead go straight from a reading Desdemona (good morning Juliet) - Thursday, November of a play to making a decision as to whether to fully mount a piece 19 - Saturday, November 21. The feminist revolution reaches or not. Free with College ID, $5 for general public. 7:30-9:30 p.m. back in time, taking Shakespeare to task as Constance Ledbelly, a Clark University: Little Center, Michelson Theater, 950 Main St. Call Shakespearian scholar, mystically finds herself face-to-face with 508-793-7356. Desdemona and Juliet. In pushing these women to be heroines Stand-Up Comedy - Mondays, Monday, November 9 - Monday, instead of victims, Constance discovers her own inner rebel and inner December 7. Are you interested in performing, writing or producing lover. To purchase tickets email or call comedy? In this introduction to stand-up comedy course you will 508-929-8843. Tickets range from $7 - $14. Show dates are Nov. learn how to get material and write a joke from set-up to punch 19 -21 at 8 p.m. and Nov. 22 at 2 p.m. $14 public, $10 seniors, $7 line. You’ll also gain knowledge about creating your own style, doing students. 8-10 p.m. Fuller Theater, Shaugnessy Building at Worcester impressions, writing song parodies and secret comedy formulas, State University, 486 Chanlder St. Call 508-929-8843 or visit getting a gig, booking a show, getting an audition and dealing with hecklers. There will be a chance to perform at an actual comedy Into The Woods - Sundays, Fridays, Saturdays, Friday, November show, appear on cable TV, and listen to a guest speaker. Give 20 - Sunday, November 29. James Lapine and Stephen Sondheim this course as a gift or take it as a stress buster. $89. 7-9 p.m. take everyone’s favorite storybook characters and bring them Quinsigamond Community College, 670 West Boylston St. Visit together for a timeless yet relevant piece and rare modern classic. The TONY Award-winning book and score are both enchanting and Founders’ Tour - Thursday, November 19. The Hanover Theatre touching. The story follows a Baker and his wife who wish to have staff, founders and members of the board have been informally a child, Cinderella who wishes to attend the King’s Festival, and giving tours of the theatre since before our doors opened in March Jack who wishes his cow would give milk. When the Baker and his 2008. In the beginning, there were “Hard-Hat” and “Touch the Dome” wife learn that they cannot have a child because of a Witch’s curse, tours, small adventures that explored the construction site and led the two set off on a journey to break the curse. Everyone’s wish is brave visitors up our highest scaffolding during the final months of granted, but the consequences of their actions return to haunt them the theatre’s restoration. Now it’s official. The theatre has launched later with disastrous results. $16 adult $14 senior $12 child. 2:30regular tours of our magnificent architectural landmark, starting with 4:30 a.m., 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Cultural Center at Eagle Hill, 242 Old the first Founders’ Tour led by original theatre founders, Ed Madaus Petersham Road, Hardwick. Call 413-477-6746. and Paul Demoga. During these monthly tours, Ed & Paul will serve Sekmet and Other Egyptian Myths - Saturday, November as guides sharing their personal stories and recollections of the early 21. Katie Green will perform parts of her popular program, Egyptian days before the theatre’s opening. You’ll be amazed to learn about Myths and Magic, during the Sprinkler Factory’s special November the perseverance and grit it took to make a city project as significant Event: Healing Fibers: War and Peace. This multimedia program has and daunting as the theatre come to fruition. The tours will conclude been performed in art museums and galleries along the east coast. Saturday, Katie will tell stories of Sekmet, Osiris and Isis and the with an introduction and demonstration of the theatre’s Mighty battles between Horus and Set. Discussion of the myths and possible Wurlitzer Organ, given by Don Phipps, the Wurlitzer Organ Curator metaphors will be included. Donation Accepted. 1 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Director of The American Theatre Organ Society Inc. Tours are Sprinkler Factory, Second Floor, 38 Harlow St. Call 774-364-0468. free for members and their guests. $5 for non-members. Tours are free for members and their guests. $5 for non-members. Noon-1:15 Pasture Prime Players presents “Wedding Secrets.” - Saturday, November 21. Pasture Prime Players, Inc. is delighted p.m. Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts, 2 Southbridge St. Call to announce performance dates for its fall production, “Wedding 877-571-7469 or visit Secrets” by Joe Starzyk, and directed by Don Konopacki. Wedding Mock The Vote - Thursday, November 19. With nearly everyone
• NOVEMBER 19, 2015
Secrets is an hilarious farce about a young couple who marry after a whirlwind romance. As the respective in-laws gather for the first time, they are unaware that the couple is already married. Once they gather the couple slowly begins to find out that their families have secrets too. Gradually the secrets get exposed with the help of a priest, an Irish revolutionary, a lounge singer, the Phantom of the Opera, menopause and several ties. It was the 2012 McLaren Memorial Playwriting Competition Winner and was a finalist in the Neil Simon Playwriting Competition in Utah. There will be a special “Meet the Playwright” reception following the November 14 performance. Performances will be held Friday and Saturday evenings, November 13, 14, 20 and 21 at 7:30 PM and Sunday matinees, November 15 and 22 at 2:00 PM at the Charlton Arts & Activities Center, 4 Dresser Hill Rd., Charlton, MA. Ticket prices are $12 for adults and $10 for seniors and students, with discount rates for advanced sales to groups of 10 or more. Tickets are available for purchase at the Bittersweet Country Crafts Co-op at the Activities Center or reserved by calling 508-248-5448. Adults: $12, Students and Seniors $10. 7:30-10 p.m. Charlton Arts and Activities Center, 4 Dresser Hill Road, Charlton. Call 508-248-5448.
fundraisers >Thursday 19
Firefighters Calendar Kickoff Party. 7 p.m.-1 a.m. Jillian’s Worcester, 315 Grove St. 508-793-0900.
>Saturday 21
“Out of the Dark” Abby’s House Art Show Fundraiser. A fundraiser for Abby’s House women’s shelter in Worcester, where the proceeds of all art will go 50% to the Abby’s House and 50% to the local artist who made the piece. Beautiful art benefitting a worthy cause, it makes for a nice holiday gift! Free. 4:30-8:30 p.m. Clark University: Higgins University Center, 950 Main St. Find them on Facebook. Gala Fundraiser & Fashion Show to Support Chandler Magnet School. “Growing Our Vision” a Gala Event & Celebrity Fashion Show. A fundraiser to support the construction of an active, multi-dimensional play and learning center in a natural outdoor setting at Chandler Magnet Elementary School. VIP Reception, Dinner, Fashion Show, Dancing, and Fun, Fun, Fun! $150 for VIP and $75 for Supporter. 6 p.m.-noon Grand Hall at Union Station, 34 Washington Square. 508-799-3452.
>Sunday 22
Turkeys Against Cancer 5K & Fun Run. The American Cancer Society is excited to present the first Turkeys Against Cancer 5K & Fun Run. This race will bring together runners, walkers, families, and children for a fun filled morning of running, walking, games, and activities. In addition to our 5K run/walk we will be hosting a 1-mile fun run for kids under the age of 12. We are also offering a special discount registration to students under the age of 18. There will be a variety of family games and activities for children at NARA Park free of charge! For more information on the event, vendor opportunities, and how you can register, please visit turkeysagainstcancer.racewire. com. If you have any questions please call 781-314-2660. All proceeds from this event will benefit the American Cancer Society and the Relay For Life events in Acton and Littleton. To learn more about how the American Cancer Society is helping cancer patients and their families please visit If you or someone you know needs information regarding cancer or support please call 1-800-227-2345 and a trained cancer information specialist will be able to answer your questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. To learn more about Relay For Life events in your area (Acton, Littleton, and Westford) please visit $25 for Adults, $20 for Students, $5 for Kids Fun Run. 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. NARA Park & Beach, 25 Ledge Rock Way, Acton. 781-314-2660 or Shop With Purpose! Come shop with us! Support local vendors while also supporting two great causes - Joseph’s Project and Toys for Tots. Bring the whole family since the Draught House is available
for anyone not interested in shopping! This is a great chance to get started on your holiday shopping. $25. 2-5 p.m. The Manor Restaurant, West Boylston, 42 West Boylston, West Boylston. 617548-0778 or
fairs/ festivals >Friday 20
Castleberry Holiday Arts & Craft Festival. Over 150 Booths overflowing with American made arts and crafts. Enjoy sampling dozens of specialty foods and live holiday music. Admission $8.00 Adult, under 14 free. One Admission good for all 3 days. Discount coupon at Directions: From Route 290 take Exit 18 Come out and meet the Artisans and buy American made gifts and decor this Holiday season. More information call 603-3322616 $8 Adult / Under 12 Free/ One Admission Good for All 3Days. 1-6 p.m. DCU Center- Arena and Convention Center, 50 Foster St. 603-332-2616 or
>Friday 20 – Sunday 22
Castleberry Holiday Arts & Craft Festival. Friday, November 20 through Sunday, November 22, 2015 Friday: 1:00PM-6:00PM Saturday: 10:00AM-5:00PM Sunday: 10:00AM-4:00PM Celebrating American Made Works by Hand. Come on out and Meet the Artisans... Over 150 Booths of American made Arts, Crafts, Specialty Foods with a decidedly Holiday Theme. Plus Live Music, Craft Demonstrations, and Door Prize Drawings. For more information, visit the website $8 Adult / Under 12 Free / One Admission Good for All 3 Days. DCU Center- Arena and Convention Center, 50 Foster St. 508-755-6800 or Monsters Dance Convention. Friday, November 20 through Sunday, November 22 2015 Friday: 6:00PM-10:00PM Saturday: 7:45AM-9:00PM Sunday: 8:00AM-4:00PM Monsters Dance Convention is the only all hip-hop dance event, offering instruction from industry professionals and giving dancers real opportunities! Monsters Dance Conventions is thrilled to be returning to Worcester, Massachusetts during our 2015-2016 Unleash The Beat Tour to the DCU Center. Monsters Dance tours the country with its weekend dance workshops instructed by its world renowned faculty of choreographers, plus auditions for thousands of dollars in scholarships, seminars, performance opportunities, freestyle battles & more! For more information, visit the website From $35 & Up. DCU Center- Arena and Convention Center, 50 Foster St. 508-755-6800 or
>Saturday 21
Conant Public Library Arts & Crafts Show. Craftspeople will offer a broad range of high-quality gift items, including photography, jewelry, glass beads, knitted and crocheted items, doll clothing, children’s clothing and other items, teddy bears, alpaca apparel and fiber, hand-dyed batik clothing, cards, handbags, dog collars, wood bowls and ornaments, blown glass, hand-painted glass ornaments, Victorian pinecones, wreaths, dish gardens, and watercolor paintings and cards. The fair will also include a lunch café, bake sale, and raffle. $1. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. First Church in Sterling, 6 Meetinghouse Hill Road, Sterling. 978-365-3979. Shepherd Hill Annual Festival of Crafts. Over 150 juried crafters. Free Parking. Food Concession available. $5 admission. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Shepherd Hill Regional High School, 68 Dudley-Oxford Road, Dudley. Blue Slipper Court Holiday Craft & Vendor Fair. We are a non-profit group holding a craft and vendor fair to help us raise money for Diabetes research and Nursing Scholarships. Free. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Franklin Lodge, 55 North Main St., North Grafton. 508-887-8817. Annual Doctor Who Celebration. ABSW hosts their annual Doctor Who celebration just in time for the winter holidays. Take advantage of one-day-only in-store special sales including 10% off on Doctor Who audio dramas, 20% off on all magazines, and 70%
night day
Upload your listings at Click the Night & Day toolbar, then choose Calendar to place your event listing in both our print and online weekly calendar. off on selected Blake’s 7 audio titles from B7 Media. ABSW will be running two trivia contests. The first will start at 3:00 PM and will concentrate on “New Who” television episodes broadcast between 1996 and the present. The second will start at 6:00 PM and will be more challenging, focusing on “Classic Who” episodes which aired between 1963 and 1989. There will also be a costume contest at 5:00 PM. Costumes are encouraged throughout the day. Sign up for these contests may be done in person at this store or by e-mail at and is subject to space availability. Prizes for the contests and awarded throughout the day will total a combined suggested retail value well in excess of $1000.00. Our judgment is final. Persons attending are eligible for only one contest prize in the calendar year. No substitution of prizes permitted. Join us for a fun-filled day at the little bookstore that’s bigger on the inside. Free! 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Annie’s Book Stop, 65 James St. 508-796-5613.
>Sunday 22 – Friday April 1
Meat Raffle. Meat raffle is back! Bring your money down and see how much meat, chicken, cheese or whatever else happens to be on the table, you can win! 2-5 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350.
outdoors >Saturday 21
Third Week Wonders Series - Deer Watch. If you are between the ages of 3 to 5, bring your favorite adult for a thematic hour of a story, an activity, and a naturalist-led walk. Choose from the third Wednesday, Thursday, or Saturday of each month. For more information and to register, call 508.753.6087. $3 Child Members, $4 Child Nonmembers, Adults Free. 10-11 a.m. Mass Audubon: Broad Meadow Brook Conservation Center and Wildlife Sanctuary, 414 Massasoit Ave. 508-753-6087 or
dance >Friday 20
“Blueswitch” jump blues/dancing. Suggested donation $5. 9 p.m.-12:01 a.m. Portuguese American Club, Oak Bluffs, Vineyard Haven.
>Saturday 21
hockey Men’s
Holy Cross Nov. 24 Home vs. AIC, 7:05 p.m. Nichols Nov. 21 @ Curry, Milton, 3:45 p.m. Becker Nov. 21 Home vs. Endicott, 5:10 p.m. Nov. 24 Home vs. Tufts, 7:30 p.m. Assumption Nov. 19 @ UMASS Dartmouth, North Dartmouth, 7:30 p.m. Nov. 21 @ Southern N.H., Manchester, NH, 5 p.m. Nov. 24 Home vs. Johnson & Wales, 7:35 p.m. Worcester State Nov. 19 @ Westfield State, Westfield, 7:35 p.m.
Holy Cross Nov. 20 Home vs. Plymouth State, 7:05 p.m. Nov. 21 Home vs. St. Michael’s, 5:05 p.m. Nichols Nov. 20 @ New England College, Henniker, NH, 4 p.m. Nov. 21 Home vs. St. Anselm, 4:40 p.m. Becker Nov. 20 @ Johnston & Wales, Providence, RI, 6:05 p.m.
Nichols Nov. 19 @ Daniel Webster, Nashua, NH, 7 p.m. Nov. 21 @ Lasell, Newton, 3 p.m. Nov. 24 @ Westfield St., Westfield, 7 p.m. Worcester State Nov. 20 vs. Suffolk, @ Amherst College, 8 p.m. Nov. 21 vs. Consolation/Championship, @ Amherst College, TBA Nov. 24 @ WPI, Worcester, 7:30 p.m.
Holy Cross Nov. 21 @ Quinnipiac, Hamden, CT, 2 p.m. Nov. 25 @ Yale, New Haven, CT, 2 p.m. Clark University Nov. 20 Home vs. Connecticut College, 7 p.m. Nov. 24 @ Anna Maria, Paxton, 4 p.m. Becker Nov. 19 @ Anna Maria, Paxton, 7 p.m. Nov. 24 Home vs. MCLA, Anna Maria Nov. 19 Home vs. Becker, 7 p.m. Nov. 21 Home vs. Nichols, 1 p.m. Nov. 24 Home vs. Clark University, 4 p.m. WPI Nov. 21 Home vs. Rhode Island College, 5 p.m. Nov. 24 Home vs. Nichols, 5:30 p.m. Nov. 25 Home vs. Emerson, 5 p.m. Nichols Nov. 21 @ Anna Maria, Paxton, 1 p.m.
{ collegesports} Men’s
Holy Cross Nov. 21 IC4A Championship, Bronx, NY, 10:30 am. WPI Nov. 21 NCAA Division III National Championship Lake Breeze Golf Course, Winneconne, WI, 11 am. Worcester State Nov. 21 NCAA Division III National Championship Lake Breeze Golf Course, Winneconne, WI, 12:30 p.m.
swimming and diving Men’s
Holy Cross Nov. 20 Harold Anderson Invitational, Kingston, RI, 5 p.m. Nov. 21 Harold Anderson Invitational, Kingston, RI, 10 am. Clark University Nov. 21 @ Trinity & Hamilton, Trinity Natatorium, Hartford, CT, 1 p.m. WPI Nov. 21 @ Bowdoin, Brunswick, ME, 1 p.m. vs. MIT, @ Bowdoin, ME, 1 p.m.
WEEKLY SPOTLIGHT Assumption College men’s hockey goaltender Nick Commesso Assumption College junior Nick Commesso was recently named Northeast-10 Goaltender of the Week for his part in a 4-0 shutout against Franklin Pierce. Commesso, and Archbishop Williams grad, notched 21 saves in earning the first shutout of his career.
Central MA Women’s Dance. Women’s Dance To be held at the VFW 1059 Millbury Street, Worcester, MA Time: 8pm-11:30pm $7.00 single/$13.00couples Worcester Women’s Dance for all Women. DJ will provide music. Light refreshments. Cash bar. Come relax, have Men’s fun, meet old and new friends and dance the night away. 7 single. Holy Cross -- 13. Couple. 8-11:30 p.m. Veterans Of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 3657 South Works, VFW 1059 Millbury Street Worcester, MA, 1059 Nov. 19 Home vs. New Hampshire, 7:05 p.m. Nov 22 @ Quinnipiac, Hamden, CT, 2 p.m. Millbury St. 774-289-9319. Nov. 25 Home vs. Sacred Heart, 1:05 p.m. Clark University Nov. 20 vs. Endicott College, Herb County Tip-Off Tournament, Middletown, CT, 8 p.m. Nov. 21 vs. TBA, Herb County Tip-Off Tournament, Middletown, CT, TBA. Nov. 24 Home vs. Anna Maria, 4 p.m. Becker Nov. 21 Home vs. Fitchburg State, 1 p.m. Nov. 24 Home vs. Babson, 4 p.m. Anna Maria Nov. 23 @ Amherst College, Amherst, 6 p.m. Nov. 24 @ Clark University, Worcester, 4 p.m. WPI Nov. 20 vs. Curry, Ted Coughlin Memorial Tournament, 5:30 p.m. Nov. 21 TBA, Ted Coughlin Memorial Tournament, 1 or 3 p.m. Nov. 24 Home vs. Worcester State, 7:30 p.m. Assumption Nov. 21 @ St. Michael’s, Colchester, VT, 3:30 p.m. Nov. 24 Home vs. Bentley, 7:30 p.m.
Nov. 24 @ WPI, Worcester, 5:30 p.m. Assumption Nov. 21 @ St. Michael’s, Colchester, VT, 1:30 p.m. Nov. 24 Home vs. Bentley, 5:30 p.m. Worcester State Nov. 21 vs. McDaniel @ York College, 7:30 p.m. Nov. 22 vs. Consolation/Championship Game @ York College, TBA. Nov. 24 vs. St. Joseph @ Anna Maria College, 7 p.m.
cross country Women’s
Holy Cross Nov. 21 ECAC Championship, Bronx, NY, 10:30 am. WPI Nov. 21 NCAA Division III National Championship Lake Breeze Golf Course, Winneconne, WI, 11 am. Worcester State Nov. 21 NCAA Division III National Championship Lake Breeze Golf Course, Winneconne, WI, 12:30 p.m.
Holy Cross Nov. 20 Harold Anderson Invitational, Kingston, RI, 5 p.m. Nov. 21 Harold Anderson Invitational, Kingston, RI, 10 am. Clark University Nov. 21 @ Trinity & Hamilton, Trinity Natatorium, Hartford, CT, 1 p.m. WPI Nov. 21 @ Bowdoin, Brunswick, ME, 1 p.m. vs. MIT, @ Bowdoin, ME, 1 p.m. Assumption Nov. 20 URI Invitational, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, Evening. Nov. 21 URI Invitational, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, All Day
wrestling Men’s
WPI Nov. 21 Home vs. Norwich, Roger Williams, & Ursinus, 12 p.m.
football Holy Cross Nov. 21 Home vs. Georgetown, 12:05 p.m.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Bridged Versionâ&#x20AC;?--something is, uh, missing. by Matt Jones
Fun By The Numbers Like puzzles? Then youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll love sudoku. This mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test! Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only onc e in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
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Sudoku Puzzle Solution on Page 54 of ClassiďŹ eds
LOOK TO US FOR... Legal Notices • Items for Sale Service Directory • Snow Plow Directoy Yard Sale & Flea Market Directory Special Events Directory Help Wanted • Real Estate • Autos Sudoku & Crossword & Much More! Early deadline coming up for the November 25th edition - deadline is Friday November 20th at noon Reaches Over 90,000 Readers in Print and Online • Ads post immediately! New postings every day! AUTOMOTIVE
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“Yesterday, my bathtub was ugly.
Full landscaping service & so much more! Fall Clean-ups • Gutter Clean-ups Fall Pruning & Shearing Full Lawn Planting & Maintenance Pruning & Shearing Ornamental Trees & Shrubs Aerating Lawns • Ponds Built & Maintained Clean-ups • Mum Installation Pond Closings • Waterfalls • Walls • Patios & Walkways
A Lorusso Masonry and Tile Foundation Repair, Stone Brick, Tile Backsplashes, Floors, Walls, Tub Surrounds, etc. Call 508-523-9628 PAINT/WALLPAPER Wachusett Painting Co. Let our skilled painters complete your painting needs. Exteriors & Interiors Competitive prices. Call or email today for an appointment for your free estimate. 508-479-6760 Email: Credit Cards Accepted Interior Painting Only $149 average 12x16 room. Prompt service. Reliable. Refs. Dutch Touch Painting 508-867-2550 Jack Wasgatt Painting Interior painting and wallpapering, wall and ceiling repairs, extremely meticulous, one man operation (no crews or subs), 33 years experience, Holden resident, fully insured Call 508-852-0271
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• N O V E M B E R 19 , 2 0 15
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ASK about double blocks (size 3.75â&#x20AC;? x 1.75â&#x20AC;?) and COMBO pricing into our other zone and reach 40,600 households in 26 towns in Central Mass each week. FREE line ad included with each block purchased. Book for 52 weeks and receive a Spotlight Business of the Week! Ask for details!
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Refer a business to join our Service Directory, and if they advertise with us, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll receive a $25 credit on your account for future advertising. We appreciate your business in the
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No Water? Stop Wishing For It!
Green giants or emeralds for beautiful privacy borders
Repaired & Replaced
Connecticut Tree Sales Arborvitae fall sale!
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Be SEEN in Print & Online... Contact Sales at 978-728-4302 with any of your questions or to start booking your ClassiďŹ ed Ads today! â&#x20AC;˘ N O V E M B E R 19 , 2 0 15 â&#x20AC;˘ W O R C E S T E R M A G A Z I N E . C O M
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Lee Skoglund Services 10, 15, 20-yard container service. Yard & building materials. Office equipment & materials. Attics, cellars & estates cleaned, guaranteed by your closing date! Free estimates. Lee Skoglund 508-757-4209
NO WATER? Stop wishing for it! A&W Welltech Corp. WELL & PUMP Installation & Filtration Service 978-422-7471 24hr Emergency Service 877-816-2642 Mobile 978-815-3188
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Snow removal and sanding. Shoveling and snow blowing. 978-464-5942
Daveâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Tree & Landscaping Enhancing the view from your home. Custom & Ornamental Pruning. Mulching. Planting. Lawn Mowing. Tree Removal. Certified Arborist. Call for consultation & free estimate. (508)829-6803. LANDSCAPING & LAWN MAINTENANCE
Call Ryan Hadley at 508-479-1144
FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Wachusett Area & West Boylston
FULLY INSURED 24HR. SERVICE Residential TREE SERVICES Ross A. McGinnes Tree work, Stump removal, pruning & removals. Free estimates. Fully insured. Call 508-829-6497 Arborvitae fall sale! Green giants, or emeralds for beautiful privacy borders, FREE delivery & planting, Start @ $59 each Call (860) 712-5359 or
Inside-Out Garden Design Mowing, Garden Maintenance, Soil Testing, Ornamental Tree/ Shrub Pruning, Landscape Design/Installation. NOFA Accredited Organic Care. Up to $75 off Fall Clean-Up! Call/Text: (508) 335-3702 Email: Burnham Maintenance Clean-ups. Lawn Maintenance. Shrub Pruning. Bark Mulch, Screened Loam & Compost. Patios & Walkways. Fertilization Programs. Deliveries Available. Please call 508-829-3809 MULCH & LOAM Sterling Peat Inc. Quality Screened Loam. Mulches. Compost- w/Loam Mix. 2"-Gravel, Fill. Fieldstone. 978-422-8294
BUSINESS PARTNER WANTED Be part of the solution! Teach others the path to wellness FT or PT. We provide the tools and training so you can participate in this multimillion dollar market and create your own economy. Get started today. Call for a personal interview 774.614.1206 HELP WANTED LOCAL
Ahearn Equipment Inc. is an agricultural, construction and power equipment dealership located in Spencer, Massachusetts. We are seeking a full-time Equipment Parts Counter Person, Service Advisor, Inside Sales Person, Outside Sales Person, Lawn & Garden Technician and a Diesel Technician. Experience in the construction and agricultural industry is required. Resumes can be sent to or dropped off at the dealership.
Realty Operations Manager (Worcester, MA) sought by UMass Memorial Medical Center, Inc. to manage the operational financial aspects of UMass Memorial’s Healthcare owned and leased properties; develop operating budgets for each property, prepare variance reports, and compile and provide other financial reporting information. Must have Master’s degree in Business Administration or rel. and 2yrs rel. exp. or Bachelor’s degree and 5 yrs. rel. exp. Apply to Leigh M. Corl, Supervisor, HR Operations Coordinator, UMass Memorial HR, HB-791, 55 Lake Ave., North, Worcester, MA 01655. No phone calls.
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4XLFN /DQH 7HFK Full Time
Montachusett Home Care Corporation, a social service agency serving both disabled and elderly population has openings for part-time RN positions in the Personal Care Attendant Program. Experience working with disabled consumers in the community is preferred. Position involves completing in-home assessments of need and confirming program eligibility. Massachusetts RN and Motor Vehicle licenses are required. A fully registered and insured automobile is a must. Working knowledge of computers is necessary. Enjoy nights, weekends, and holidays with your family. Older workers, minorities, and Spanish speaking individuals are encouraged to apply.
Call Eric Friend 508-829-4333
Send resume to:
([SHULHQFHG %RG\ 6KRS 7HFKQLFLDQ Full time, 40+ hours 0DVV 6WDWH ,QVSHFWRU Full Time, Some Saturdays Call Dennis 508-829-4220 )RUG 6HUYLFH 7HFK Full Time 45 hours
Montachusett Home Care Corporation
A CAREER THAT MATTERS...A COMPANY THAT CARES. Alternatives is a premier provider of support to people with developmental or psychiatric disabilities in Central Massachusetts. We are currently seeking:
To work in an outpatient setting in Gardner, MA at North Central Human Services, Inc., a subsidiary of Alternatives that provides support to people living with mental illness or substance abuse. Up to 40 hours per week, flexible schedule.
LICENSED SUBSTANCE ABUSE CLINICIAN Leominster, Full time, Monday-Friday.
Human Resources Department 680 Mechanic Street Leominster, MA 01453 Or via e-mail: AA/EOE
HOME EVERY NIGHT! CDLA/B Drivers Needed in Worcester! Byrne Dairy is expanding our Worcester Depot, and we’re looking for drivers to join our team! Here, you aren’t just driving, you are the face of a highly respected and successful brand. As a Direct Store Delivery Representative YOU have the opportunity to make a difference with our customers. Enjoy the freedom and responsibility of a driving position without having to drive over the road! Be home every night!! Minimum of 3 months driving experience with CDL A/ B; GED or HS diploma required; Must be able to drive a standard transmission. Log on to to apply. EEO/Veteran/Disability.
Clinicians are eligible for a competitive benefits package including medical, disability, and life insurance. Manage your own caseload and take advantage of our generous paid time off. For more information about this or other positions or to apply online please visit Alternatives is an AA/EOE and values diversity.
Worcester County Memorial Park Paxton, MA. 2 Lots in the Garden of Faith. $2500.00 for both. Near the feature. Mary 508-886-4334. Worcester County Memorial Park Paxton, Ma. Lot Number 297-B Space 1 and 2, Garden Of Valor Section. Current value is $8,400.00 including 2 concrete burial vaults. $4,000.00 or B/O 508-375-0080 Worcester County Memorial Park, Paxton MA 2 lots in Heritage II w/vaults. $2,500.00 for both. Call Rick at 508-450-7470 Worc. County Memorial Park Paxton. Garden of Faith, 2 plots, Section #347-A 1&2. Today’s cost is $3,900.00 for both. Asking $1,500.00 total for both. Call 508-882-3421 or 909-714-0064 Worc. County Memorial Park Paxton, MA Grave sites. 2 lots, Good Shepherd. Plot 147, graves 3 & 4. $5000.00 each. B/O Call Kris 508-735-9996
Are you creative, computer savvy, and have a passion for design?
Worcester County Memorial Park Paxton, MA, Garden of the Cross Premier Location Lot 31D Value $5250 Asking $4800 Call Patti at 508-255-5068 |
Then we would like to have you join our team!
Leominster, 20 hours per week, flexible schedule. Qualifications: • Massachusetts professional license (LICSW, LMHC, LMFT, PhD). • Post licensure experience in a multidisciplinary mental health or closely related setting. • Demonstrated ability to deliver treatment of the highest quality to a diverse population. • Ability to take initiative and creatively approach obstacles.
We are seeking a graphic designer to be a part of our creative services department. Strong print design skills are essential, digital skills a plus. Must be comfortable working in a high-volume, team environment. Ideal candidate’s excellent conceptual skills along with an attention to the details is crucial. Adobe InDesign mastering a must, but ability to work in the Adobe Creative Suite essential. Responsibilities include creating print and web advertising for our group of weekly and monthly publications, page and classified layout, along with cover design for our special sections. This is a full-time, on-site position. Please send resume with a brief cover letter to Donald Cloutier at Please send a link of your portfolio or pdf samples.
Worcester County Memorial Park, Paxton MA Garden of Heritage II. 2 Lots w/vaults. Current value $8300.00 Asking $3950.00 for both or B/O. Call Jim 508-769-8107 FOR SALE Organ with bench. Pd. $2700, asking $300 or best offer. 508331-3468 Golf clubs, bag, cart (used) Asking $250. 508-865-5726* Piano Mohogany, upright, w/ bench. 1st flr., easy move. Perfect for aspiring musicians. $300 OBO 508-865-4032
w w w. A l t e r n a t i v e s N e t . o r g N O V E M B E R 19 , 2 0 15 • W O R C E S T E R M A G A Z I N E . C O M
Volvo S80 snow tires on rims w/covers 225/55 R16 99T, Extra load M.S. Ex. cndtn. $675. Leave msg. 508-865-9093*
Frigidare natural gas range Excellent cond., white, self cleaning convection oven. $300 OBO 508-753-5368
Sarah Lift Want to buy used Sarah Lift for patient. Call 508-317-4583
Dining Set Scandinavian look, solid hardrock maple. By Moosehead of Maine. 2 leaves, 6 chairs. $750. 508-754-4670.
Oak colored Dining Room Set w/table, 4 chairs & two piece hutch. Asking $150 for all. Call 978-939-8501.
7â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Couch in good condition. Remodeling living room. $55 OBO. 978-422-7792. Cell 978333-6125
Window by Anderson 113" x 56 1/2". 3 units mulled together. Asking $175. 508-853-2166
Judeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Novena May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us, St. Jude worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, help of the homeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day, by the 8th day your prayer will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. My prayers have been answered. WJN
Patriots jacket with hood and pockets. New. X-Large. Gray. $40. 978-537-9881 Craftsman two cycle snow blower Never used. $300. 413-967-7932 55 Gallon Fish Tank Includes metal stand and light. $100. 508-752-1172 Chimney Cleaning Kit Five 3/ 8" heavy duty rods (30â&#x20AC;&#x2122;) and 8" flue brush, $130 value for $25. Princeton. 978-464-2485. RYOBI Rollaway w/built-in miter saw, handheld ripsaw. Pistol drill flashlt. 18 volt batt charger. $100. 508-829-6544 LA-Z-Boy Sofa with 2 reclining ends plus matching rocker/ recliner chair. $500. 508-8295494 Brand New Wolfgang Puck Pressure Cooker Oven Cooks 15lb turkey in 50 min. Cooks bread in 30 min. Saves 70% electricity. Can be used as conventional oven. Call 508461-7206. Leave message, Asking $200.00. Webster, MA 1 Bag Cement Mixer Have gear reduction gas motor that can be mounted. $150. 978906-1190 Lovely Framed Floral Print 44" x 24". $75. Photo available. 508-829-6792 Wernicke Antique Barristerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bookcase Sld Oak. Gt condition! 6 pc. 64"H x 34"W x 11"D. $595. 508 450-5585
Lowrey electric organ w/ bench. Excellent, almost new. $1800 or best offer. 508-8296141 Storage tent Heavy steel structure, 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x12â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 38" H. $900 or BO. Also will talk trade. Call Ed 978-387-3353 Entertainment center Ex. cond., maple. 48"H x 41"L x 27"W. 11 side-front cabinet space. $45.00 508- 853-3444. Rotisserie Set it and forget it by Ron Popeil, like new w/ heating tray, $100. 508-5236903 Snowblower Toro 824 Heavy duty 2 stage 8 Hp./elec start well maintained needs nothing $575. delivered 508-829-6009. Digital concert piano C 15S. Comes with a bench and stand. $250. 508-963-3656 FREE Free clean wool for rug braiding, hooking, etc. Some precut in strips and rolled. 508829-3661 FURNITURE Brand New Sleeper Sofa Light brown, beautiful fabric. Call 508-461-7206 Leave message, Webster MA. Comes apart for easy transport. Asking $300.00 Corner Hutch Solid pine - 4 doors - 48" x 76". Accommodates 42" television. $250. Photo available. 508-829-6792
American Stanley Bunkbed Like new. Matching dresser w/ mirror. $500. 508-294-2901
Military items, veteran buying, American WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam or earlier. Also, German, Japanese, Italian etc. Please call 978-928-1238
Yard Sale & Flea Market Directory
*5$)721 )/($ 0$5.(7 ,1&
6am - 4pm
OTHER REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Santa For Hire For parties, homes, will visit. Book now! 508-799-7438 NOVENAS PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN (Never known to fail) O most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in this my necessity, O Star of the Sea, help me and show me where you are my mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech thee from the bottom of my heart to succor me in my necessity, (make request). There are none that can withstand your power, O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (three times). Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands (three times). Say this prayer for three consecutive days and you must publish it and your request will be granted to you. CAS PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN (Never known to fail) O most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in this my necessity, O Star of the Sea, help me and show me where you are my mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech thee from the bottom of my heart to succor me in my necessity, (make request). There are none that can withstand your power, O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (three times). Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands (three times). Say this prayer for three consecutive days and you must publish it and your request will be granted to you. CAS
â&#x20AC;˘ Acres of Bargains â&#x20AC;˘ Hundreds of Vendors â&#x20AC;˘ Thousands of Buyers â&#x20AC;˘ 46th Season
Publisherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Notice All real estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, the Massachusetts Anti Discrimination Act and the Boston & Cambridge Fair Housing Ordinances which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, ancestry, age, children, marital status, sexual orientation, veterans status or source of income or any intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll free at 1-800-827-5005. For the NE area call HUD at 617-994-8300. The toll free number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275 or 617-565-5453
YARD SALE Holden - 215 Cranbrook Drive. Sat November 21. 8-1 pm. Basketball hoop, X box 360 games, books, CDs, shoes, exercise, patio.
Rte. 140, Grafton/ Upton town line Grafton Flea is the Place to be! Selling Space 508-839-2217
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kee Flea Market Yan1311 Park Street (rt. 20)
2 miles off exit 8 Mass Turnpike Class A, B, C Motor Homes Palmer, MA â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘413-283-4910
â&#x20AC;˘ Trailers Huge 9000 sq. ft. indoor ďŹ&#x201A;ea market 6 daysâ&#x20AC;˘aService week with over 130 Parts open â&#x20AC;˘ Propane dealers. Yankee Flea Market is the place toâ&#x20AC;˘ Temporary shop whether it be antiques, Transportation Housing collectibles or just household furnishings. We also buy (and sell) Fuller RV Rentals & Sales complete or partial estates as well as furniture, gas & oil memorabilia, St.,much Boylston vintage beer signs150 andShrewsbury lights and much, more. 508-869-2905 Bring your items in for a free valuation. Additional dealer space will soon be availbable as we are expanding, call us for details. BBB Accredited A+ Rating Open Tuesday-Saturday: 10-5, Sunday 11-5, FREE FREsEion Be sure to check us out on Facebook Parking is m d A
APARTMENT FOR RENT WORCESTER 1 - 2 BR Apts. & 2BR Townhouses 508-852-6001
Be Seen in our Service Directory and let us help build your business For more information, contact A Sales Rep Today Â&#x192;Â&#x2013; 978-728-4302
or email
â&#x20AC;˘ N O V E M B E R 19 , 2 0 15
Over 40 Acres! Over 3000 Vehicles!
1992 Mercedes 300E 200,000 miles. Black w/grey interior. A nice ride, a head turner. 978-464-2895
25 HP Suzuki (Like New) with Boat & Trailer with Bonus 2 Free Air Tickets to Orlando and 5 star condo for a week. Disney anyone? Pete 407-3753917 $4,000
We Buy and PICK UP Your junk or wrecked cars or trucks. We Sell New and Used Parts. Specials on Batteries and Tires. New and Used! Airport Auto Parts, Inc. 56 Crawford St. Leominster, MA 01453 978-534-3137
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Amherst-Oakham (<;6 9,*@*305.
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We buy vintage vehicles & antique auto related garage contents.
1999 Road King Under 8,000 miles. Too many extras to list. Always stored in room temperature. $13,000 obo 978-4645525 or 781-879-8275 cell 978 -464-5525 2007 Suzuki Boulevard Cruising Motorcycle C90T; 1474cc; 6300 miles, 1 owner, perfect cond. accessories and new battery. Garaged, covered & serviced. $6,000 508-8498635
508-792-6211 Worcester, MA
RANCH-STYLE 2 bed/2ba condos off Salisbury St. Open floor plan, 4 season room, marble, granite, h/w. Clubhouse. Maintenance Free Living! Open House every Sat & Sun 1-3pm 10 Primmett Lane, Worcester. Berkshire Realty Group 508-414-2011
REAL ESTATE ROOM FOR RENT Worcester - Copperfield Rd. Private 1 bedroom, kitchenette, patio, garage. All utilities. Info Dan 508-963-4012 Auburn SWGM offering room for rent. 1.5 bd, furnished. Call for more info. $135/wk. Dep. neg.. 508-753-3894.
2008 Ford Mustang 8 cyl, 300HP. 21K miles. Never driven during winter. Always garaged. Perfect cond. $21,900 negotiable. 508-865-3528 after 3pm.
2008 Honda Metropolitan Scooter Black and gray. Mint cond. 469 miles. Asking $1650.00. Includes helmet. 207-289-9362 OR 207-450-1492.
2010 Honda Civic 32K miles, very good cond. Front wheel drive. Automatic. A/C, power s t e e r i n g /b r a k e s /w i n d o w s / locks. $11,950 Hubbardston, MA 978-870-3291
1985 Cadillac Eldorado 74K miles. Never been in snow. Mint condition. Gray w/landau top. Bonus 2 Free Air tickets & 5 star condo for a week in FL. $5,000.00 Oakham 407-3753917
2008 Ford E250 Extended Van 3dr, A-T/AC, Power package. Roof racks. Int. shelving, tow package, 6 rims, 8 tires in good cond. Exc. overall cond. 57K miles. $14,999.00 508-829-2907 AUTOS
1991 Mercedes-Benz SLClass 147k miles. White exterior, w/new top and new seats. New tires. $7900.00 978-5377841 or 508-954-1866
2012 Cadillac CTS AWD, 21,800 miles. Crystal red. Heated black leather seats. Panoramic roof. Dealer maintained. Under warranty. $24,500.00 978-534-8860 1988 MercedesBenz 300 SEL 6 cylinder gas. Very good cond. Runs exc. $3200.00 195k miles. Located in Sutton, MA 774-287-0777 2002 Mazda B2300 club cab, 5 speed standard,162,500 miles, many extras. Good condition. $3,900. 508-8299240 2009 Mazda CX-7 Blackcherry with gray & black interior. 48,000 miles $9,500. 774-8230466 2002 Chevrolet Corvette 39,000 miles Red with black interior. Car is in excellent condition! $26,000 or best offer. Call: 774-823-0466.
1998 Mercury Mystique Only 85,400 original miles. Maroon ext. with tan int. Very clean, no dents. Moving south, would like to sell by 11/15. Asking $1,750 OBO. 508-829-9882 2003 Volkswagen Beetle One owner. Dark blue. 102,000 miles. Owner’s manual. Excellent condition. 5 speed, disc music, title. Call 508-829-3752 $3,500 2006 Toyota Corolla 84K miles. Good condition. Light green. $5,000.00 Leominster 978-257-3299 978227-5111 2010 Honda Civic LX Sedan, automatic, 58000 miles, gray ext/int. Excellent condition. $9,200. Princeton, MA 978407-6674 BOATS All Original Sport Boat Old Town 1950’s, wooden Original oars, and Johnson Sea Horse 3 motor. Fiber glassed over canvas with some cracking $1600 or B/O. 508-799-9565
CAMPERS/TRAILERS Truck Camper 1985 Bought new in 1991. Real Life brand. Bathroom, shower, self contained. 8ft truck bed. $2900.00 B/O 774-287-0777 3 Horse Trailer 2002 Exiss XT/ 300 Gooseneck. Great condition. All alum. S.S. nose. On craigslist pics. $9,000. Paxton. Call Robert at 508-757-0887* 2001 Layton 40 Ft. Park Model Trailer. Bedroom has over sized bed. Kitchen complete with stove, refrigerator, and dining set. Living room area has two sleep sofas. Full attached deck, with screen room and hard top roof. Trailer is located in Wells, ME. Must be removed from site. Reason for selling moving to Florida. Price $5,000. Call 413-433-3646
<:A *-.7:- A7= *=A
• Class A, B, C Motor Homes • Trailers Parts • Propane • Service Transportation • Temporary Housing
Fuller RV Rentals & Sales 150 Shrewsbury St., Boylston 508-869-2905 BBB Accredited A+ Rating
PARTS & ACCESSORIES Thule Truck Racks $300. 508755-0888* 2 Storage Shelves for a Cargo Van Like New. (1) 42 x 46 and (1) 54 x 46 $100 B/0 Call Box 508-752-2768 (Paxton)*
STORAGE HARVEST STORAGE Lots of Outside Storage space. Inside storage. Secure Storage. Autos, Boats, Motorcycles, Campers. Hubbardston, MA. 978-928-3866
LEGALS/PUBLIC NOTICES Town of Millbury Public Hearing The Millbury Board of Selectmen will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at 7:15 p.m. in the Conference Room, Municipal Office Building, 127 Elm Street, Millbury, MA to act upon the application for a Transfer of License from Perkins Entertainment LLC d/b/a Mill Towne Tavern to Perkins Entertainment Inc d/b/a Mill Towne Tavern, 49 Elm Street, Millbury TOWN OF MILLBURY BOARD OF APPEALS In accordance with Chapter 40A of the Massachusetts General Laws and the Zoning Ordinances of the Town of Millbury, a public hearing will be held in the hearing room of the Municipal Office Building, 127 Elm Street, Millbury, MA on: Wednesday, December 2, 2015 At: 7:20 p.m. To act on a petition from: MPE, Inc. Robert Ceppi- owner of property Elizabeth Aubin For a Variance in the Millbury Zoning Ordinance relative to: Article 2.District Regulations 26.3 relative to accessible road frontage to parcel 36/10 for a variance to construct 2 propane transloading tanks. All interested parties are invited to attend. Paul Nigosian, Chairman Millbury Board of Appeals
N O V E M B E R 19 , 2 0 15 • W O R C E S T E R M A G A Z I N E . C O M
53 LEGALS/PUBLIC NOTICES Town of Sutton Zoning Board of Appeals TO ALL INTERESTED INHABITANTS OF THE TOWN OF SUTTON In accordance with the provisions of M.G.L. Ch. 40A, §11, the Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing at the Sutton Town Hall, on December 3, 2015 at 7:30pm on the petition of James and Christine Watkins. The petitioner s are requesting a side and front setback variance from Section III.B.3. Table II of the townâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s zoning bylaws and a ďŹ nding from M.G.L. ch40A Section 6 to permit the construction of a garage/ mudroom addition. The property that is the subject of this petition is located at 65 McClellan Road and is located in the Residential-Rural Zoning District. A copy of the petition may be inspected during normal ofďŹ ce hours in the Town Clerkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s OfďŹ ce located in the Town Hall. Any person interested or wishing to be heard on this variance petition should appear at the time and place designated. Brittanie Reinold Board of Appeals Clerk
Worcester Housing Authority 40 Belmont Street, Worcester, MA 01605 Tel: (508) 635-3300 Fax: (508) 635-3190 Telephone Device for the hearing impaired (508) 798-4530 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION Effective December 1, 2015, the Worcester Housing Authority (â&#x20AC;&#x153;WHAâ&#x20AC;?) will open its Massachusetts Rental Voucher Project-Based (â&#x20AC;&#x153;MRVPâ&#x20AC;?) 3 bedroom waiting list. The WHA will not accept any applications for the above named program that are postmarked after December 31, 2015. The WHA provides reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities.
NOTICE OF MORTGAGEEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Ronald A. Peterson and Patricia L. Peterson to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., dated July 30, 2007 and recorded with the Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds at Book 41627, Page 328, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder by assignment from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. to Bank Of America, N.A., successor by merger to BAC Home Loans Servicing LP, fka Countrywide Home Loans Servicing LP dated June 22, 2012 and recorded with said registry on July 2, 2012 at Book 49216 Page 156 and by assignment from Bank Of America, N.A. to Nationstar Mortgage, LLC dated September 16, 2013 and recorded with said registry on March 20, 2014 at Book 52137 Page 242, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing, the same will be sold at Public Auction at 10:00 a.m. on December 7, 2015, on the mortgaged premises located at 41 MANCHAUG ROAD, SUTTON, Worcester County, Massachusetts, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, TO WIT: Property Address: 41 Manchaug Road, Sutton, Massachusetts 01590. The land with the buildings thereon, situated in the westerly part of Sutton, on the easterly side of the County Road, so-called, containing about three fourths of an acre be the same, more or less, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the end of a wall; THENCE easterly by said road twenty-two (22) rods to a corner; THENCE northerly by land now or formerly of William Darling nineteen and one-half (19 1/2) rods to a corner in a wall;THENCE westerly by land now or formerly of one Tourtellot ten (10) rods and four (4) feet to the ďŹ rst mentioned bound. Being the same premises conveyed to Ronald A. Peterson and Patricia L. Peterson, Dated January 31, 1992 and Recorded with the Worcester South Registry of Deeds on February 3, 1992 at Book 13941 Page 126. For mortgagorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s(sâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;) title see deed recorded with Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds in Book 13941, Page 126. These premises will be sold and conveyed subject to and with the beneďŹ t of all rights, rights of way, restrictions, easements, covenants, liens or claims in the nature of liens, improvements, public assessments, any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, water and sewer liens and any other municipal assessments or liens or existing encumbrances of record which are in force and are applicable, having priority over said mortgage, whether or not reference to such restrictions, easements, improvements, liens or encumbrances is made in the deed. TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of Five Thousand ($5,000.00 ) Dollars by certiďŹ ed or bank check will be required to be paid by the purchaser at the time and place of sale. The balance is to be paid by certiďŹ ed or bank check at Harmon Law OfďŹ ces, P.C., 150 California Street, Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to P.O. Box 610389, Newton Highlands, Massachusetts 02461-0389, within thirty (30) days from the date of sale. Deed will be provided to purchaser for recording upon receipt in full of the purchase price. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an error in this publication. Other terms, if any, to be announced at the sale. Nationstar Mortgage LLC Present holder of said mortgage By its Attorneys, HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. 150 California Street, Newton, MA 02458 (617) 558-0500 201407-0081 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; PRP 11/12/15, 11/19/15, 11/26/15
â&#x20AC;˘ N O V E M B E R 19 , 2 0 15
Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Probate and Family Court Worcester Division INFORMAL PROBATE PUBLICATION NOTICE Docket No. WO15P0547EA Estate of: Marie M. Callahan Date of Death: January 20, 2015 To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner Carol Ann Gigliotti or Millbury, Ma A Will has been admitted to informal probate. Carol Ann Gigliotti of Millbury, Ma has been informally appointed as the Personal Representative of the estate to serve without surety on the bond. The estate is being administered under informal procedure by the Personal Representative under the Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code without supervision by the Court. Inventory and accounts are not required to be ďŹ led with the Court, but interested parties are entitled to notice regarding the administration from the Personal Representative and can petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including distribution of assets and expenses of administration. Interested parties are entitled to petition the Court to institute formal proceedings and to obtain orders terminating or restricting the powers of Personal Representatives appointed under informal procedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any, can be obtained from the Petitioner. 11/19/15 MS
TOWN OF MILLBURY BOARD OF APPEALS In accordance with Chapter 40A of the Massachusetts General Laws and the Zoning Ordinances of the Town of Millbury, a public hearing will be held in the hearing room of the Municipal Office Building, 127 Elm Street, Millbury, MA on: Wednesday, December 2, 2015 At: 7:00 p.m. To act on a petition from: Michael & Magdalen Meagher 328 W. Sutton Rd, Millbury, MA (Davis Rd Millbury, MA) For a Variance in the Millbury Zoning Ordinance relative to: property at 83 Griggs Road, Sutton, MA for a frontage variance for the purpose of construction of a single family, single story dwelling. All interested parties are invited to attend. Paul Nigosian, Chairman Millbury Board of Appeals
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An application for 401 Water Quality Certification is pending before the Department of Environmental Protection for construction of a wetland crossing for a driveway by G.F. Realty, LLC, 276R West Main Street, Northborough, MA 01532 on Lot 1 Riverlin Street in Millbury for a single family house as part of an Approval Not Required (ANR) subdivision. Additional information may be obtained from J.M. Grenier Associates, Inc., 787 Hartford Turnpike, Shrewsbury, MA 01515, PH: (508) 845-2500. Written comments should be addressed to: MassDEP Central Regional Office, Division of Wetlands and Waterways, 8 New Bond Street, Worcester, MA 01606 within twenty-one days of this notice. Any group of ten persons, any aggrieved person, or any governmental body or private organization with a mandate to protect the environment who submits written comments may appeal the Department's Certification. Failure to submit written comments before the end of the public comment period may result in the waiver of any right to an adjudicatory hearing.
(Excludes free ads, legals & Service Directory ads)
133 Gold Star Blvd., Worcester
Two minutes with...
Randy Jordan
If you’ve ever driven Muschopauge Road in Rutland, you’re quickly taken by the beauty of the landscape, the rolling farm fields, the black and white Holstein cows and red barns of the Jordan Dairy Farm that overlooks the town reservoir. We talked to Randy Jordan, who with his father and brother runs the farm about turkeys technology and family farming.
How long has your family been farming in Rutland? For five generations Jordan’s
has been farming. This year we will be considered a bicentennial farm, 100 years of dairy farming. Originally, we were on Salisbury Street in Holden before we came to Rutland. We came here in 1971 after we outgrew our facility in Holden. My dad and uncle ran the operation back then, which was considerably smaller and at that time they had a home delivery route. It was an uphill struggle for them to milk cows, process milk and deliver. They tried, but it didn’t work so they sold the delivery route. In the mid-’70s we built our first milking parlor on the farm. In the mid ’90s my brother and I both graduated college with Dairy Science degrees, and at that point instead of providing for two families we essentially started providing for four families. We went from milking 100 cows to over 300 cows in 2014. That’s where we’ve been for a few years. It’s all controlled by the land base. It’s not that we want to be this size, it’s that we have to be to provide for the four families.
Dairy farming has always been a tough business. You’re sitting on a gold mine in land. What keeps you going? Milk prices
are less than fun right now. It costs us more to make than we sell it for. That’s the nature of the beast, we know that. I’m not going to sit here and complain about it. We do the best we can and tighten our belts. I love to work, I love working the land, and I love being my own boss. I have two children. My brother has two children as well. I think there is some satisfaction working with family. We also have a dynamite group of people that works for us as well as the people we work for in town. I look forward to getting out value and out it goes to the fields to of bed everyday and going to work. If you enrich the soil. This is cutting-edge in don’t love what you do you shouldn’t be farming. When investors from Vanguard doing it and I love what I do. That’s a fact. Renewables tell us that there is no one in the world right now that could compete How has technology affected the farming with this operation, it makes you feel real industry? There are friends of ours in good ... Right now we sell power to Polar Western Mass that use robotic milkers. Beverages and Wachusett Brewing Co. We’re lucky to have four gentlemen that milk cows. All they do is milk cows seven They want to buy green energy and work with local farms. days a week. Getting someone to milk
seven days a week, rain, sleet, snow, feel good, not feel good, is difficult. Robotic milkers will be the way. We have a Talk about the farm a bit. How many acres? How many cows, employees, the nuts and methane digester out back that I refer to bolts of the operation? We own just under as Big Bertha. That’s run by a cooperative. 900 acres of total ground here in Rutland, We own the majority of the cooperative, and in Spencer we are farming over 1,000 but we partner with A Green Energy acres of tillable ground between what we that owns the digester and Vanguard own and what we rent and that’s mainly Renewables. The digester out back is corn and hay to provide for the animals second to none in the world. The people here. If it’s a normal year, we have surplus that run it have the technology to run it off and we sell. We milk 300 cows with their iPhone. A farm of our size would be over 300 replacements, plus we board a lucky to make 100 kilowatts of electricity few heifers for a couple other farms. We on just cow manure. We’re adding food also raise a Black Angus/Holstein cross, waste from food manufactures. The food which we use for beef purposes with our waste is delivered in liquid form and we cousin. Those are sold retail through mix it with the manure. We’re making his outfit. Then we do our turkeys well over 500 kilowatts of power right now. between 1,300 and 1,400, with intentions After running the manure through the of growing. digester, we’re really just taking the stink out of it. It still retains the same fertilizer
You’ve been raising turkeys for years now. What made you start? There was one
family here in town that we used to raise pork for. They asked me if I would raise turkeys. I said, ‘Yup, I’ll give it a whirl,” and I did two dozen that year. They took half of them and I sold a couple others. I had a couple people really bellyache about the price. They were used to the 39-cent-per-pound price supermarkets were charging. I think at the time I wanted $2.50 a pound. Supermarkets lose money on every turkey they sell. It’s a loss leader. They make it up by selling you potatoes, cranberries and squash. Our turkeys are fresh, they’re not frozen. It’s all about freshness and being able to pick it up from the farm where it was raised. We’ve gone from that two dozen to that 1,300 or 1,400 number now, and we sell all those in a few days. I have a
few people who will buy 100 turkeys at a whack, and they give them out to their customers and employees. They want to support the farm and they want to know where their turkeys are coming from.
Are all of your turkeys roughly the same weight? That’s a very good question. Our
turkeys are not all the same weight, and that’s been one of the biggest learning curves we’ve had here. When we started raising turkeys we only had two dozen. We started all two dozen at the same time. If you get a straight run, that’s hens and Toms, the hens will likely be half the weight of a Tom. We offer anything from 15 to 35 pounds now. We will get a few 10 pounders, and I do have a 50-pounder in the cooler right now. I don’t think anybody will buy that, but I love when people call and ask for the biggest turkey we got. The 50-pounder may go to the Jordan family. It’s my mother’s turn to do Thanksgiving this year and there will be 35 of us.
Do you still have turkeys left if people want one for Thanksgiving? We still have a
handful of turkeys left. Right now we have 250 that are not spoken for.
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