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On the cover
Some of Worcester's Women to Watch in ‘22 gathered at Green Hill Municipal golf course for a photo shoot.

18 women who are helping shape the city’s future
Sarah Connell Sanders Special to Worcester Magazine | USA TODAY NETWORK
The year 2021 was full of victories for women across the nation. Vice President Kamala Harris became the first woman sworn into the White House. Sarah Thomas became the first female referee to officiate the Super Bowl. Sarah McBride became our first openly transgender state senator. Simone Biles became the first woman to complete a Yurchenko double pike vault in competition. Despite a tremendous year of progress, women still faced a host of institutional barriers resulting in an embarrassing gender pay gap, occupational segregation, and housing insecurity caused by domestic violence. h In Worcester, we look to the fresh faces in our community who are doing the hard work of pushing back against bias. Some of them are fresh in the sense that they have stepped into a new role or reached new professional heights this year. Others are brand new to Worcester altogether. All of them are women for us to watch and learn from in 2022. See WOMEN, Page 5
Clockwise from top: Jennifer Davis CAREY MATT WRIGHT Carrie Peck, Liz Wambui, Valerie Zolozzzi Wyndham, and Janjay Innis. CHRISTINE PETERSON/TELEGRAM & GAZETTE
Sophia Laura. SUBMITTED PHOTO Katie Oliver, Nadine James and Bree DiBella. CHRISTINE PETERSON/TELEGRAM & GAZETTE Jermoh Kamara. RICK CINCLAIR/TELEGRAM & GAZETTE Olivia Scanlon and Ale Przemielewski. CHRISTINE PETERSON/TELEGRAM & GAZETTE Heidi Cooper, Rachel Lake and Emily Day. CHRISTINE PETERSON/TELEGRAM & GAZETTE Thu Ly.
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Name: Jennifer Davis Carey
Organization and Title: Artist and Executive Director of the Worcester Education Collaborative
Worcester History: Davis Carey and her family moved to Worcester in 1988 as a result of her husband’s job at UMassMemorial. “I love Worcester for its broad diversity, its thriving creative community and the way in which residents support each other,” said Davis Carey. “We are a city of villages.”
Why We’re Watching: In 2021, ArtsWorcester hosted Davis Carey’s first solo exhibition, called “Redemption,” for which she received well-deserved praise and attention from The Boston Globe. The exhibition was a re-visioning of a series of daguerreotypes of enslaved people commissioned by Harvard Professor Louis Agassiz in the 1850s. “I’m looking forward to 2022 and another show at ArtsWorcester where my project inspired by African textiles will be featured,” shared Davis Carey.
Name: Sophia Laura
Organization and Title: Singer-songwriter and Business Consultant
Worcester History: Laura grew up in Framingham. She has always been a massive hiphop fan. “One of my big motivational examples is Joyner Lucas,” she said. “The music scene in Worcester is underrated, but I have so much love for the 508.”
Why We’re Watching: Laura is more than just a brilliant Brazilian singer and songwriter. “I try to find synergy between what I do, and what my community needs, and then adapt my strategy,” she explained. “For example, this summer, when I had a cool performance at Redemption Rock Brewery’s ‘Rock The Block’ party, I also set up a yard sale and mini-backyard concert, where we donated all the items not sold, and allowed neighbors to come sell their items as well.”
Name: Ale Przemielewski
Organization and Title: Owner of Beauty Avenue Aesthetics
Worcester History: Przemielewski splits her time between New York City and Worcester. She is thrilled to contribute to the momentum of the Canal District in the city she calls home.
Why We’re Watching: Beauty Avenue Aesthetics is known for its advanced technological capabilities, particularly in paramedical tattoos. Przemielewski offers 3D areola tattoos, mostly focusing on reconstructive work for breast cancer survivors for those who

The 22 Women to Watch in 2022 gathered at Green Hill Municipal golf course on Dec. 12 for a photo shoot.

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have had mastectomies. Her family history with breast cancer continues to motivate and inspire her work. Other paramedical tattooing services offered are scalp micropigmentation for people who are experiencing hair loss, brow restoration for those experiencing alopecia and similar skin conditions that hinder hair growth in that area, as well as lip tattooing for those who suffer from lip distortion or irregularity due to accidents or congenital disorders.
Name: Livy Scanlon
Organization and Title: Managing Director, Worcester BrickBox Theater; Artistic Director, The Hanover Theatre Repertory; Lecturer in Acting, WPI; co-owner, Canal District Wines
Worcester History: Scanlon was raised in Connecticut. She first moved to Massachusetts as an Amherst College lacrosse recruit where she went on to play for the Division 3 National Championship team. As an undergrad, she fell in love with the physicality of theater and later obtained her Master of Fine Arts from Brown University/Trinity Rep. Scanlon founded the Bridge Repertory Theater in Boston in 2013 at which time she began teaching acting classes at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Scanlon met Rachel Scanlon, a Clark alumna, and soon discovered all that Worcester had to offer. The couple was married at the White Room and as, Scanlon puts it, “the rest is history.”
Why We’re Watching: Whether supporting creatives at the BrickBox Theater, creating her own work with The Hanover Theatre Repertory, or teaching the first-ever acting classes at WPI, Scanlon is growing a professional theatre culture in Worcester. Over the summer, Scanlon directed and performed in The Hanover Theatre Repertory’s production of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, which played free and open to the public on the Worcester Common to great acclaim. “Of all the things I’ve done so far in theater, that show felt like the most important,” said Scanlon. “Not because it was Shakespeare, but because it made Downtown Worcester a destination and a place that excited the imagination.” Under Scanlon’s management, Worcester’s BrickBox Theater continues to flourish as a flexible live performance venue for hosting audiences of up to 290. Her latest endeavor, Canal District Wines, is a welcome addition to the eclectic offerings of the Worcester Public Market.

From left, Carrie Peck, Liz Wambui, Valerie Zolozzzi Wyndham and Janjay Innis. CHRISTINE PETERSON/TELEGRAM & GAZETTE
Organization and Title: Communications Content Specialist for Diversity and Inclusion at UMass Chan Medical School
Worcester History: Innis grew up in Worcester, attending both Sullivan Middle School and South High. She earned her graduate degree from Boston University in 2013, before embarking on professional journeys in Tacoma, Washington, and Atlanta, Georgia. Innis said her experiences outside of Worcester led her “to become a bottom-up, rather than a top-down leader.” Innis watched in 2020 as racial justice protests unfolded across the country surrounding the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd. She felt compelled to come home. “I moved back to Worcester with all my skill sets,” she recalled, “ready to partake in the shift that ensures power is shared and access is available to all.”
Why We’re Watching: “As we continue to lean into candid conversations about diversity, equity, and inclusion through institutional commitments, I want to be part of facilitating a shift in this city where our engagement with diversity, equity and inclusion doesn’t start and end with a display of culture by way of festivals and parties, but it includes intentional conversations where we: listen to and amplify the voices and stories of unrepresented communities; uplift the gifts and insights they bring to our shared communities; name the disparities they face so that together we can address them and celebrate gains that will be beneficial to all of us,” Innis explained. She is particularly invested in UMass Chan Medical School’s recent conversations with the Nipmuc nation, the indigenous people of Worcester County. “An initial sign towards that collaboration is a land acknowledgment that recognizes them as the original stewards of the land we now occupy,” said Innis. “I have been tasked with writing that document. I am excited to hear it read at public gatherings for the Medical School beginning 2022 and honored to contribute something that officially marks a working relationship between the UMass Chan and the Nipmuc nation.”
Name: Carrie Peck
Organization and Title: Public Health Administrator and COVID Response Director at College of the Holy Cross
Worcester History: Peck is a treasured member of the Worcester community, writing grants for Living in Freedom Together, donating graphic design services to the Regional
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Environmental Council, and serving on the Vaccine Corps at UMass Medical School. She is also a positive force in Worcester’s running scene.
Why We’re Watching: Peck earned her Masters of Global and Community Health from Clark University in 2020 and quickly ascended from her longtime role in library science at Holy Cross to fulfill the growing pandemic needs on campus. She has played an integral role in fulfilling a twice perweek testing policy for oncampus students and staff, along with enforcing strict mask mandates, contact tracing and disinfecting protocols.
Name: Elizabeth Wambui
Organization and Title: Director of Diversity, Inclusion and Community Impact at Fontaine Bros.
Worcester History: Wambui grew up in Worcester and is a proud graduate of North High School. “I considered moving away after graduating from Holy Cross,” said Wambui, “but ultimately I decided to stay and I’m really glad I did.”
Why We’re Watching: Wambui is thrilled to see a lot of new momentum in the construction industry around diversity and inclusion. “Along with our subcontractors and other partners, we are committed to engage a workforce that is representative of the diverse population of our city,” Wambui said. “We want to do our part to help provide opportunities to individuals from underrepresented populations who have been historically left out of the industry.” Workforce development is a key focus for Wambui in 2022. “I’m excited to deepen our community connections to help diversify this industry.” Her work centers around fostering environments where everyone feels a sense of value and belonging regardless of their gender identity, race or ethnic background, sexual orientation etc. “I look forward to collaborating with colleagues across all sectors and others in our community to make Worcester the representative and inclusive city that we all know it can be,” Wambui said.
Name: Valerie ZolezziWyndham
Organization and Title: Founder and CEO of Promoting Good and Board Chair of Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Center
Worcester History: Zolezzi-Wyndham served as the managing attorney of Community Legal Aid in Worcester from 2011 to 2017 at which time she became involved with Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Center. “I am a Mexican immigrant from Mexico City,” she shared. “I became a patient of Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Center six years ago. As somebody who misses home, it’s nice to go into a building where there are people speaking tons of different languages and feel like you’re in a space that is reflective of the world population. My mom moved here from Mexico during COVID and she’s now a patient of the health center as well.”
Why We’re Watching: Zolezzi-Wyndham founded Promoting Good in 2017 to create transformational equity and change. “We help leaders and organizations to move from the good intentions that they have to be equitable and inclusive — to actually doing things and changing practices and policies so that they’re moving equity forward,” she explained. “We work with a range of organizations across healthcare, philanthropy and nonprofits. We’ve also started to dabble a little bit in the financial services industry, building accountable strategies.” As the Board Chair of Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Center, Zolezzi-Wyndham set to work transforming the board to be more representative of the diverse patient base. “We have worked really hard to bring on talented and gifted people,” she said, adding, “Diversity is not about bringing people on who don’t have the skill sets, it’s about thinking of the skill sets that you need and then finding people with those skills who come from the communities we serve.” During COVID, ZolezziWydham began to feel as if many Latinos in Worcester were feeling invisible “There was really important and necessary attention on the oppression that Black and Asian Americans were facing. But, the Latino community who was having a really hard time during COVID was not feeling present.” Along with six other amazing Latino leaders, Zolezzi-Wydham planned and executed a large-scale Día de Muertos community celebration. “We raised $35,000 and we commissioned a beautiful mural, three offerings, and a sculpture — the City Manager gave us permission to keep it on display at City Hall for a year,” she gushed.

Rachel Lake, Heidi Cooper and Emily Day are pictured at Green Hill Municipal golf course on Dec. 12.
Name: Heidi Cooper
Organization and Title: General Manager of Lilac Hedge Farm and President of

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Worcester County Farm Bureau
Worcester History: A decade ago, Cooper left the corporate world to dedicate her career to supporting the agricultural community in Central Mass. “I found forty hours a week at a desk job draining, but an eighty hour week in agriculture is something I love and will continue to do for the rest of my life,” Cooper explained.
Why We’re Watching: As a pivotal member of Lilac Hedge, Cooper manages the culinary team and coordinates with produce farm partners to acquire hard-to-find local fruits and veggies for Lilac Hedge customers. The 350-acre farm has set a new standard for pastureraised livestock, apparent through Cooper’s strong commitment to working in harmony with the natural environment. The Rutland farm has become a local destination for Worcester residents hoping to commune with nature, just 12 miles outside of city limits. “For me, it’s all about making local food more accessible as well as putting jobs on the market,” said Cooper. “I want to provide a destination to take you out of the hustle and bustle of the city — somewhere you can take a break, relax, and have fun with your family to leave you feeling refreshed and recharged.” You can find Cooper on the farm getting her hands dirty, along with her children and husband, Jimmy. Thank her personally on your next visit to Lilac Hedge while you enjoy live music, farm fare and a local brew.
Name: Emily Day
Organization and Title: Owner, Farmer, and Florist of Bell Brook Farm and Floral Design Studio
Worcester History: “I love the cross pollination of rural and city living in Worcester County,” Day said. “In many ways our city supports its neighboring farms and small businesses within, but visiting an orchard, vineyard, brewery, or farm stand directly is an easy drive for our city of commuters.”
Why We’re Watching: “Buying farmland didn’t feel like a financial possibility until another woman farmer listed this property and refused multiple cash offers to allow us to finance it under asking price,” shared Day. “Seeing it farmed by another woman was a priority for their family.” She has great admiration for the farming community in Central Massachusetts. “I will continue to remind people through the voice of my own small business, that the most beautiful, most delicious, most interesting, and most impactful purchases can be made locally, directly from the producers, growers, artists and small business owners,” said Day.
Name: Rachel Lake
Organization and Title: Assistant Director of External Affairs at Rose Kennedy Green-

Sue Mailman and Kim Miner are pictured at Green Hill Municipal golf course during a photo shoot on Dec. 12.


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Worcester History: Lake is a pandemic-transplant who took to Worcester immediately, engaging in all of the cultural opportunities and sporting events the city has to offer. Raised on the Cape, she spent the last 10 years in and around Boston.
Why We’re Watching: Lake has played a huge role in the growth and development of Boston’s Rose Kennedy Greenway, a hotbed of horticulture, community programming and public art. Aside from offering an oasis of greenspace and stunning landscape architecture, The Greenway is known for its food trucks, fountains, beer and wine gardens, and a signature hand-carved carousel. “My work in local and state government and open spaces has allowed me this direct connection in the past,” said Lake. “I hope to continue to find ways to stay involved through volunteer work moving forward.” We can’t wait to see what she brings to Worcester, a city with more than 60 unique parks of its own.
Name: Jermoh Kamara
Organization and Title: Director of Wellness and Health Equity at YWCA, Founder and President of HVK Children’s Foundation, and School Committee Elect — 2022-2024
Worcester History: Kamara grew up in Worcester beginning at age 11. “I came out here with my family from the country of Liberia,” she recalled. “I went to Canterbury Street School, Sullivan Middle, and South High.” Today, Kamara works as the Director of Wellness and Health Equity at YWCA and serves as a non-tenured public health educator at Clark University and Worcester Polytechnic Institute. She was recently elected to the School Committee for the 2022-2024 term.
Why We’re Watching: Kamara’s nonprofit, HVK Children’s Foundation, came about after completing training in Ghana to construct microflush latrines and implement solarpowered educational library systems. She resigned to launch a similar project for schools in Liberia, which she has done faithfully since 2016. As a new member of the School Committee, Kamara pledges to enhance technology access, expand STEAM education, modernize health and sex education, diversify hiring for school teachers and staff, and expand community partnerships.
Name: Kim Miner
Organization and Title: Executive Vice President/General Counsel for the Worcester Red Sox; Clerk and Director for the WooSox Foundation
Worcester History: Miner grew up driving through Worcester to Uxbridge every week on her way to softball practice, but her knowledge of the city was limited. “When our small PawSox group did our first site tour in the Canal District in 2017, I was amazed by all the changes and by the energy in the area,” said Miner. “I’m still exploring new places and especially enjoy trying out the city’s many coffee shops and bakeries.”
Why We’re Watching: Miner feels very fortunate that she and her team have been welcomed by the Worcester community with warmth and grace. “Our job as an organization, which I take personally, is to make sure that we contribute positively to this community that we proudly call home,” explained Miner. “My commitment to that promise takes the form of supporting the many incredible organizations that are already doing great work in the Worcester area, serving alongside many of my colleagues as a Big Sister through a new partnership between the WooSox and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Mass and Metrowest, and growing our own WooSox Foundation, which just completed its inaugural Holiday Caravan in the area.” The WooSox Foundation’s four pillars are education, social justice, conquering cancer, and diamond sport. “In addition to our WooSox Scholars program, Most Valuable Teacher program in partnership with Country Bank, Holiday Caravan, and other efforts, I’m especially excited about a new program that we’ll be unveiling in the new year, which will be the centerpiece of our social justice efforts,” Miner said, adding, “Stay tuned!”
Name: Sue Mailman
Organization and Title: Owner and President of Coghlin Electrical Contractors, and School Committee Elect — 2022-2024
Worcester History: Sue Mailman has lived in Central Massachusetts for her entire life. “Our family business was founded in the city in 1885,” she explained. “I believe Worcester is exactly the right size to accomplish great things. We are diverse and proud of our strong immigrant community. We are growing. We have dedicated residents and businesses and amazing higher education partners, a strong, dedicated nonprofit system and we know each other and reach out to each other.”
Why We’re Watching: Mailman is a newly elected member of the Worcester School Committee. “There are

From left, Katie Oliver, Nadine James and Bree DiBella. CHRISTINE PETERSON/TELEGRAM & GAZETTE
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many important issues before the School Committee this year,” she said. “At the top of the list is always: improving student achievement for all students.” Mailman also brings extensive hiring experience to the search for the next Worcester superintendent. “There are significant federal dollars on the table and additional state funding coming to the city,” observed Mailman. “That may be offset by declining enrollment and I will bring my finance and operational experience to the table to help determine best use for these funds.”
Name: Breanna DiBella
Organization and Title: Principal, Creative Director of Studio DiBella
Worcester History: DiBella was born in Worcester — one of her favorite childhood memories is learning to ice skate at Elm Park. “When it came time to buy a home, the combination of familial ties and affordability led my husband and I back to Worcester,” said DiBella. “When I started Studio DiBella in 2019, my hope was to reconnect with and give back to a community that helped foster my sense of curiosity, creativity, open-mindedness and ambition.” She works to offer employment opportunities to grow the city’s creative sector as well as mentorship to support young people who choose to express themselves through creativity and entrepreneurship.
Why We’re Watching: DiBella owes huge gratitude to her clients including Main IDEA (where she also serves on the board), Discover Central MA, Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce, Worcester Art Museum, and Worcester District Medical Society. “I sincerely appreciate their trust and collaboration,” she said. “We have a shared interest in elevating Worcester’s image, and I contribute to this through my strategic and creative work, especially with what I do for Discover Central MA, our region’s destination marketing organization.” DiBella is positioning the city to alter any lingering misperceptions and paint an accurate picture of everything we have to offer.
Name: Nadine James
Organization and Title: Owner of Unique Cafe
Worcester History: James was born in Jamaica as the youngest of 12 siblings. She moved to Worcester nearly three decades ago, and as a mother of four, she has stayed busy cooking nutritious food ever since. “I came to Worcester in hopes to create roots that would position myself, along with my children in a setting where we would be able to learn, grow, and establish ourselves, aiming to pave a way for generations to come,” said James.
Why We’re Watching: In 2019, James began her entrepreneurship journey by participating in the Worcester Food Hub’s Launching Diverse Food Entrepreneurs in Worcester. During the pandemic, she worked with CoCaSha (Connect, Care, Share), a company dedicated to paying minority women business owners to lead virtual cooking classes. In February of 2021, James opened Unique Cafe on Millbury Street. “I helped Millbury street by introducing a healthy way of eating with a Jamaican twist,” said James. “Building relationships has allowed Unique Cafe to give back to the community, offering food to the homeless, offering a helping hand and partnering with different organizations to push the mission of Worcester forward.” Contact her for all of your catering needs in the new year.
Name: Thu Ly
Organization and Title: Imperial Lion Dance Team CoPresident and Vice President of Marketing and Enrollment Marketing and Communications Manager for Simmons University
Worcester History: Ly is the daughter of Vietnamese refugees seeking a better life in the United States. She was born in a refugee camp in Malaysia. Her family moved to Worcester in 1999 when she was 5 years old. She has lived in Worcester ever since. “As a true city of immigrants, Worcester provides tremendous opportunities,” said Ly. “If you work hard, your work will be recognized.”
Why We’re Watching: Ly manages marketing for the Imperial Lion Dance Team in Worcester. Her design team is responsible for branding, creating logos, maintaining the website and curating social media accounts, as well as coordinating photo shoots and producing marketing videos. Due to her efforts, the Imperial Lion Dance team is one of the most recognized and premier Lion Dance teams in the country. Under Ly’s guidance, not only has online engagement grown, but sales have increased by 80% thanks to her instrumental rebranding efforts. Inquire with Ly about a performance for your next event or celebration.
Name: Katie Oliver
Organization and Title: Manager of Special Events at Polar Park
Worcester History: Oliver is a proud Worcester native. She attended Johnson & Wales University before jump starting her career at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. “I was very happy to come back to Massachusetts earlier this year in the midst of Worcester’s exciting revitalization for my position with the WooSox,” said Oliver. “There are an abundance of small businesses to support, the growing arts scene has truly enhanced all of the different neighborhoods, and everyone is always willing to come together to help the people around them.”
Why We’re Watching: Oliver’s new position grants her a massive platform to host events that can serve the Worcester community. “Being able to open the doors of Polar Park to welcome the public to special, community-driven events is a remarkable feeling that makes getting out of bed and coming to work every day even more enjoyable,” Oliver said. “I’ve also joined a few committees this past year, including the United Way’s Women’s Initiative and the Young Professional Women’s Association, where I intend to bring my knowledge and love for Worcester to help serve among other incredible women in the city.”
This is by no means an exhaustive list. Is there someone you want to see featured in a future article? Find me on Instagram @sarah_connell.

Thu Ly (center). SUBMITTED PHOTO