2 minute read
Key Dates
COURSE REP conference 2020
Monday 3rd February – Friday 7th February 2020 This all day event will involve skills-based workshops, school-specic sessions, and a high-level panel debate. It also provides you with the opportunity to network with senior members of University sta and other Reps from dierent Schools.
change week
Change Week 2019
Friday 31st January 09:30-16:00 The overall aim of Change Week is to make our feedback processes as visible as possible to highlight the work that you all do on a daily basis, as well as how your University and SU act on and address the feedback received to improve Course Rep the overall student experience. Do you want to get involved and help with fun activities, collecting students’ ideas as part of Change Week? Or maybe you’d like to be part of the planning committee and help us to organise the whole event? Email our Student Engagement Manager, Tim Hewes-Belton, t.hewesbelton@worc.ac.uk for more information.
Data Protection
When you are elected as a Course Rep your Course Leader will enter your details onto SOLE and the University will share your Course Rep status with the Students Union in line with their Data Sharing Agreement which can be found at https://www.worcsu.com/faqs/data_protection/ The Students’Union will use the personal data we hold on the membership system to provide you with the training, support and advice you need as a rep and to ensure you are up to date with issues that aect you and the students you represent. The processing of this data is necessary to provide you with the services associated with being a Course Rep. If you don’t want to receive emails from us you can unsubscribe at any time by either clicking on the link at the bottom of emails or by logging on to www.worcsu.com/login and editing your details on the contact options page. Please be aware this will impact on our ability to support you as a Course Rep. From time to time the SU may need to share your university email address with students you represent but we will always seek your consent before doing so. For information on howWorcester Students’Union processes your data including how long we retain it and your rights please see our Student Data Privacy Notice which can be found at https://www.worcsu.com/faqs/data_protection/ . For information on how the University ofWorcester uses your data please visit https://www.worcester.ac.uk/informationassurance/student-privacy-notice.html
ideas forum
The University of Worcester is our home, our course, our money and our future. We care about making sure that our university is the best it can be and that every single one of your voices matter. Students lead the Students’ Union, which means you are the ones leading change. So, got something you'd like to make happen?
Share your thoughts about all aspects of being a student at Worcester on our brand new Ideas Forum. The Ideas Forum is a direct, new, and eective way to get your voice heard, and you can use it as many times as you want during your time as a University of Worcester student! If an idea receives at least 25 'up-votes', the SU will then be able to consider it. The more votes and comments an idea gets, the more power it gives us to try and action it.