A diet rich in omega 3 can help you fight mesothelioma

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A Diet Rich in Omega-3 can Help You Fight Mesothelioma

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Mesothelioma can be managed with diet and exercise.

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Mesothelioma is linked to asbestos exposure.

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Foods that will help the body fight diseases are essential for mesothelioma patients.

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Omega-3 is very effective for body cell protection and brain development.

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Omega-3 is usually found in fishes and marine life.

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The highest source of Omega-3 is found in cold water fishes.

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The amount of Omega-3 varies with fishes.

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Wild fishes have more of the compound than farmed fishes.

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Omega-3 is classified into three.

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Two of the three types of Omega-3 are found in fishes while one is found in plants.

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Read the full article: https://mesothelioma.wordchapter.com/adiet-rich-in-omega-3-can-help-you-fightmesothelioma/

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