A Growing Access for Cancer Patients to Seeking Support
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Mesothelioma diagnosis comes with a psychological trauma that can equal the physical pain.
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Support team should provide the victim with useful information.
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There is a growing need to support cancer patients.
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Religious practices tend to rekindle hope among victims.
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The family is usually the first support group for cancer victims.
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Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy are the current available treatment options.
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Current treatment options for mesothelioma have a great deal of side effects.
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Support helps cancer patients cope with the tedious treatment.
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Social media is pooling cancer patients so that they can motivate each other.
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Having survived breast cancer, Mailet Lopez was motivated to create IHadCancer.com.
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Read the full article: https://mesothelioma.wordchapter.com/agrowing-access-for-cancer-patients-toseeking-support/
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