Different medical tourism insurance products

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Different Medical Tourism Insurance Products

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Health tourism was a sector that was totally uninsured in the past.

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The number of health insurance companies is steadily on the rise.

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Medical tourism is a major part of some nation’s GDP.

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Insurance companies evaluate the risk in monetary terms

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American Medical Association has agreed that insurance companies should bear a portion of health tourism risk.

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Companies providing insurance cover would have more clients in the future.

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There is a move to make medical tourism a part of United States Health policy.

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Some medical procedures are cheaper in third world countries like India.

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To be covered by medical tourism health insurance, the hospital has to be totally accredited.

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European Health Insurance Cards will give members of the European Union access to health tourism insurance.

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Read the full article: https://medicaltourism.wordchapter.com/diff erent-medical-tourism-insurance-products/

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