Justification in Asking Family and Friends to Fund Your Business
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Family and friends are rare source of funding for startups.
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When family and friends fund your business, keep them in the know of your progress.
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Family members who do not wish to help may try to demoralize you.
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Make plans to payback whatever you have borrowed.
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Family and friends may not ask for interest.
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Never ask for funds from family and friends under any rigid condition.
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Borrowing from family and friends may put a strain in the relationship.
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63% of the entrepreneurs self-financed their businesses.
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To be hopeful for funds from family and friends is more likely to end in disappointment.
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Have a good business plan before approaching family and friends for fund.
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Read the full article: https://businessloans.wordchapter.com/justifi cation-in-asking-family-and-friends-to-fundyour-business/
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