Possibilities of Targeted Therapies for Mesothelioma Treatment Compared with Current Chemotherapy
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Chemotherapy uses a combination of chemicals to eliminate the tumor.
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Chemotherapy and surgery were the only available form of treatment.
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Chemotherapy can extend the life span of a mesothelioma patient by few months.
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Targeted therapy will have less impact on normal cells.
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There has been remarkable success in shrinking the tumor using targeted therapy under development.
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Some of the targeted therapy under study is virotherapy and anti-angiogenesis.
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Virotherapy will make use of virus to kill tumor cells.
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Clinical trial is affected by the willingness of patients to volunteer.
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Side effects and success have to be noted in drugs under study.
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Targeted therapies will replace the current available forms of mesothelioma treatment.
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Read the full article: https://mesothelioma.wordchapter.com/possi bilities-of-targeted-therapies-formesothelioma-treatment-compared-withcurrent-chemotherapy/ Š WordChapter.com