Taking care of plaque and tartar at home

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Taking Care of Plaque and Tartar at Home

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Plaque and tartar will build up on teeth causing problems with the gums, bad breath, and cavities.

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Brush for two minutes.

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Floss daily.

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Use a mouthwash with fluoride and ideally one with chlorhexidine.

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Choose a high-quality fluoride toothpaste.

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Eat healthy snacks that are not too sugary or too starchy.

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Stop smoking to reduce plaque, tartar, and improve your breath.

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Use a mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide 2-3 times per week.

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Remineralize and freshen your mouth using white vinegar and salt.

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Eat an apple about a half hour after a meal.

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Read the full article: https://homeremedies.wordchapter.com/taki ng-care-of-plaque-and-tartar-at-home/

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