What You Need to Know about Foods That Worsen Cancer
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There is a misconception that sugar feeds cancer.
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Sugar increases the level of insulin in the body.
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Cancerous cells have been found to have more insulin receptors.
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The breakdown of carbohydrate to sugar is slower.
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Glucose is the form of sugar that is easily assimilated by the body.
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Insulin is a hormone secreted by pancreas.
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Reduction in sugar intake will reduce surge in insulin.
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Daily exercise is recommended for keeping glucose level low.
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Taking carbohydrate along with protein and fiber will reduce the assimilation of glucose.
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A nutritionist will guide you on what to eat.
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Read the full article: https://mesothelioma.wordchapter.com/what -you-need-to-know-about-foods-that-worsencancer/
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