Whiplash Injury Resulting from an Accident
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Whiplash Trauma can cause symptoms to develop very slowly.
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Phase 1 of whiplash damages the nerves, ligaments, disc and muscles of the neck and spine.
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Phase 2 causes injuries to the bone, joints and nerves.
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Phase 3 causes severe injury to the flexion of the neck.
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Phase 4 can be the most severe and damaging phase.
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There are several factors that govern the degree of symptoms experienced.
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Neck pain is common in patients suffering from whiplash trauma.
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Headaches are also common in whiplash injuries.
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Pain in the lower back arises due to the neck being affected.
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Dizziness is also not uncommon.
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Read the full article: https://caraccident.wordchapter.com/whiplas h-injury-resulting-accident/
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