Why education of nurses should be taken seriously

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Why Education of Nurses should be Taken Seriously

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The plunge in nursing education is a source of worry.

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Shortage in the number of nurses is obvious from the number of vacancy adverts.

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Oregon Center for Nursing released an infographic showing the shortage of nurses.

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42% of Oregon nurses are approaching the retirement age.

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Retirement of the old nurses in few years will widen the gap.

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Those teaching nursing are also in the retirement zone.

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The truck industry is facing a challenge similar to that of nursing.

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The trucking industry needs hundred thousand drivers to fill the vacuum.

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Parents and government can begin to influence their ward’s career choices.

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Stigma and pay packages is why some people neglect some career choices.

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Read the full article: https://nursingcourses.wordchapter.com/why -education-of-nurses-should-be-takenseriously/

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