Why It is Dangerous to Drive While Grieving
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Distraction of any kind while driving is the lead cause of accident.
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A distracted driver on the road is a danger to all road users.
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Psychologists have found out that driving in grief predisposes one to accident.
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Grieving and driving is a less talked about cause of accident.
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A driver needs to be fast in their decision behind the wheel to prevent accident.
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Grieving and alcohol affects the decision time of a driver.
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Studies have revealed widowers have 93% more likelihood to be involved in accident.
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Road accidents always come with financial implications.
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Those in grief should hire a driver or let their friends drive for them.
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Victims of accidents need to consult a lawyer for a shot at compensation.
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Read the full article: https://wordchapter.com/personalinjury/dan gerous-drive-grieving/
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