Women empowerment loans to improve their status

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Women Empowerment Loans to Improve their Status

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In the past women were considered as weaklings.

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Women are currently taking up jobs which in the past were restricted to men.

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Employed women can also startup businesses.

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Staying without a source of income makes women vulnerable.

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Any man that feeds you controls your life.

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Staying independent helps a woman to have self-respect.

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Having a source of income will help a lady take care of the family when the man is not there.

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There are government programs that give soft loans to women.

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NGOs also try to alleviate some of the problems women face in businesses.

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Commercial banks gives women loans at fair interest.

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Read the full article: https://businessloans.wordchapter.com/wom en-empowerment-loans-to-improve-theirstatus/

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