Word of Mouth Agency Roster 2012

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Contents 2 Ben Sollee 3 Cheyenne Marie Mize 4 Daniel Martin Moore 5 Emily Jane White 6 Grant Hart 7 Generationals 8 Hush War Cry 9 Ian Whitty and the Exchange 10 John Blek and the Rats 11 Katie Kim 12 Mariee Sioux 13 Nina Nastasia 14 O Emperor 15 Puzzle Muteson 16 Reid 17 Simone White 18 The Ambience Affair 19 The Altered Hours 20 The Frank and Walters 21 The Hounds Below 22 The Hysterical Injury 23 The Octopus Project 24 Vandaveer 25 Windings


Website http://www.wordofmouthagency.ie Phone (+353) 21 4570 361 Address Word of Mouth Agency, Millroom 2, 3rd Floor, Thompson House, MacCurtain St, Cork City Ireland

Agents Peter O’Sullivan peter@wordofmouthagency.ie (+353) 87 7720 491 Colm O’Herlihy colm@wordofmouthagency.ie (+353) 86 1250 901



Ben Sollee Label: Sub Pop, sonaBLAST! & Thirty Tigers. Based in: Kentucky, USA. Line up: Solo. Website: http://www.bensollee.com Booking: peter@wordofmouthagency.ie With a soulful voice plucked from the early days of motown and tinged with bluegrass inflections Ben Sollee is a unique artist with a thoroughly modern take on cello music which hearkens back to older traditions. It’s this distinct fusion that gives his emotionally direct songs their power and makes him stand out in this more cynical age. There’s an honesty and genuine soul to these songs and his performances which are winning and utterly charming. “The key point is that he’s a songwriter first, instrumentalist second. His playing, no matter how colorful or inventive, is always at the mercy of his tuneful compositions. But he’s certainly not afraid to demonstrate his dexterity when the context works” - Paste Magazine “Sollee just wants to make us all feel the power of a great song.” - Consequence Of Sound

“Ben’s songs speak worldly wisdom and stand on their own, and he is out there in this world with those songs and that cello and that god-given voice of his, riding his bike and fighting the good fight and doing all he can to help make the world right.” - Jim James (My Morning Jacket)



Cheyenne Marie Mize Label: Yep Roc Records. Based in: Louisville, Kentucky, USA. Line up: Full band or solo. Website: http://cheyennemariemize.com Booking: peter@wordofmouthagency.ie Cheyenne Marie Mize is a multi-instrumentalist, an accomplished songwriter, and has one hell of an infectious voice. This laundry list of talents caught the ear of fellow Louisville musician, Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy, who asked Mize to join him as a backup singer and fiddle player on his tour. When the tour was finished Cheyenne showed Will Oldham (Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy’s real name) some recordings she’d done of old parlor songs. The idea and the recordings impressed Will, and he agreed to join the project. Eventually the two released an EP, Among the Gold, which consisted entirely of the two’s reinterpretation of late nineteenth century parlor songs.

“She was lovely - very much in that Sharon Van Etten, smoky, pretty folk realm. It was just beautiful.” - All Songs Considered, NPR’s Top SXSW Discoveries “On this sometimes startling collection of tough, dreamy, cloudy-sky country and chamber pop, Ms. Mize deploys her tools sparingly but effectively. Ms. Mize, from Louisville, Ky., has a rare voice, sweet without being cloying, and weary without hopelessness.” - The New York Times, Oct. 2010 “Mize sings with a tantalizing sweetness, a tone that allows you to stretch your head back to that last great and true love that you experienced - the best form of it that ever came your way - and feel as if it never left, as if those prayers for a changing circumstance had finally been answered and there never came a parting. It’s as if Mize knows of the ways to speak of and to her heart and all others, singing anew of the many splendors of dreamy love.” - Daytrotter, 2010



Daniel Martin Moore Label: Sub Pop Based in: Kentucky, USA. Line up: Full band, duo & solo. Website: http://www.danielmartinmoore.com/ Booking: peter@wordofmouthagency.ie A songwriter of delicate beauty Daniel Martin Moore exists in a world of elegiac and understated grace. Backed by the simplest of arrangements the music is stark yet inviting allowing his expressive voice free reign to engage an audience. Cut from the cloth of old troubadours and wandering minstrels the music is timeless yet heavily evocative of the past and its tropes, be it Appalachian or more traditional folk one could imagine Mtartin Moore singing these songs from an old railway car, as towns pass by lazily and this old fashioned aesthetic makes for a memorable performer. A talent that can revive the stylistic ghosts of the past and make these genuine odes to universal themes ever relevant to our complex present.

“It’s music with which to fill a room or, even better, a home.” - Pitchfork “A voice as pure and blessed as the words he sings” - Paste Magazine



Emily Jane White Label: Talitres Based in: San Francisco, USA. Line up: Full band or solo. Website: http://www.emilyjanewhite.com/ Booking: peter@wordofmouthagency.ie An artist whose work speaks volumes with very spare details, the arrangements bend around a voice that resonates with hope and is devastatingly affecting. This is music to soothe and caress listeners, Ms. White is an extremely deft hand at writing songs that will linger in the memory and touch your heart. Nurturing an interest in mythology which places her in the pantheon of story based writers such as Kate Bush and Nick Cave she brings an old world vibe to her hymns, her songs arrive fully formed beamed in from some world just a little off center from her own but her emotional aim remains second to none.

“White’s voice, with its echoes of Feist and Nico, seems gentle but commands attention.” - Paste Magazine “She is melancholy. But in the way that makes you feel perhaps strangely, very contented.” - Amelias Magazine



Generationals Label: Park the Van Records Based in: New Orleans, USA. Line up: Full band, (5 piece) Website: http://generationals.com/ Booking: peter@wordofmouthagency.ie Led Joyner and Grant Widmer formed Generationals in 2008 in New Orleans, La. The band have released 2 LPs and an EP on US-based Park the Van Records (Dr. Dog, The Spinto Band) and are currently at work on their third LP. Generationals live shows consist of a five-piece band with guitars, drums and a heavy electronic element. The band has toured extensively in North America supporting some great acts: Ra Ra Riot, Two Door Cinema Club, The Apples in stereo, Mates of State, Broken Social Scene and many others.

“In true Generationals fashion, “Trust” is laden with bright guitars, a catchy bass line, and vocals that sound sweet as saccharine. It all comes together so wonderfully. creating a warming, nostalgiainducing pop song, cleverly veiling lyric that hint at something far darker.” - You Don’t Spell It Son,You Hear It. “In their second release, the band is audibly transforming from a jangling, sun-kissed sound in the vein of Aztec Camera or Felt to pop drones distinctively more hypnotic, textured and challenging to conjure accurate comparisons for.” - Indie Surfer Blog



Grant Hart Label: Con D’or Records Based in: Minneapolis, USA. Line up: Solo or full band Website: http://www.granthart.com Booking: colm@wordofmouthagency.ie Grant Hart is best known as the drummer and co-songwriter for the influential alternative rock and hardcore punk band Hüsker Dü. After the band’s breakup in 1987, Hart formed the alternative rock trio Nova Mob, where he moved to vocals and guitar. Hart’s solo career became his main focus after the dissolution of Nova Mob. His fourth solo record “Hot Wax” was released 2009 with participation of Godspeed You! Black Emperor and A Silver Mt Zion.

“As one of the two primary songwriters of seminal 80’s group Hüsker Dü, Grant Hart helped shape the sound and voice of indie rock to come, influencing bands that followed including Nirvana and the Pixies.” - KEXP, Seattle



Hush War Cry Label: Delphi Based in: Cork, Ireland Line up: Full band Website: http://www.hushwarcry.com Booking: peter@wordofmouthagency.ie Blending subtle shadings of shoegaze with a dreamy pop sound HUSH WAR CRY certainly live up to their name, being a mixture of something soothing which could at any moment erupt into a clarion call of action. Clean unfussy production highlights their considerable merits, chief among them strong musicianship which achieves an epic quality, always building up in a most tantalising manner . Melody is key here at all times and the bands confident and winning approach make them a live act to be counted as the soaring qualities and majestic moments of the music come into sharp focus.

“The music is delicate, nuanced and oh so sweet. There’s an impressive accomplished sound happening here from such a young band.” - Nialler 9 “Ambitious, compelling dream pop featuring lush arrangements, big words and a bit of blue-eyed soul” - Hotpress



Ian Whitty and the Exchange Label: WRR Based in: Cork, Ireland Line up: Full band, full with (brass and strings), duo or solo Website: http://www.ianwhitty.net Booking: peter@wordofmouthagency.ie Led by the consummate professional that is Ian Whitty this band provide lyrically sharp and precise pop with an undercurrent of old fashioned song writing that exists beyond passing fads with its belief in craft its strongest component. If you’re after timeless tales presented in a wry and catchy manner they deliver passionate performances, the depth of their material a tribute to their supreme understanding of penning fully formed odes to a variety of themes. An vocalist of rare merit backed by assured cohorts. The Success of the Album has earned the band Mainstage slots at numerous Summer festivals including Cork X South West, Indiependence, The Memphis Folk Alliance and most recently a slot alongside Florence And The Machine at The Murphy’s Big Night Out winter festival in the Cork Opera House. Word of Mouth, healthy airplay and incendiary live performances have been earning the band a solid fan base across the country.

“A serious talent” - John Creedon, RTE Radio 1. Just when you thought the one guy and a guitar formula was done? He is so much more” - Alison Curtis,Today FM. ‘An excellent album stuffed with potential hits...a hugely talented group’ - Hot Press.



John Blek and the Rats Label: Unsigned Based in: Cork, Ireland Line up: Full band Website: http://www.myspace.com/johnblekandtherats Booking: peter@wordofmouthagency.ie If you’re after a canny mix of love struck ballads and countrified hoe downs John Blek and the Rats will provide. Rolling in on a wagon of folk pop and alt country tunes they are a lively and rollicking band in a live setting, roofs are definitely raised and bars thoroughly stormed in their wake! That they don’t skimp on the love lorn material must also be a factor in their ever enduring popularity and its a testament to the talent involved that the bitter and the blissful can sit so comfortably side by side. Regarding their style. it’s certainly an older furrow they plough but they bring their own unique sensibilities to it and remain a rowdy and rousing touring band with John Blek himself the ringmaster of an unforgettable and carnival-esque stage show!

“The Rebel County’s answer to Ryan Adams and his Cardinals.” - Celina Murphy, Hotpress. “...they are the perfect band to take a Festival crowd by the scruff of the neck and their tuneful, punky brand of Americana soon curries favour with this gathering....” - Whisperin and Hollerin “Insanely debaucherous footstomping night of lunacy.” - Mark McAvoy,The Evening Echo



Katie Kim Label: Flaming June Based in: Dublin, Ireland Line up: Full band, or solo Website: http://katiekim.bandcamp.com Booking: peter@wordofmouthagency.ie Katie Kim is the pseudonym of Katie Sullivan when she performs and records her Slowcore, ethereal, ambient folk/pop. Paired with vocals that have been compared to Zola Jesus, Coco Rosie, Cat Power and Joanna Newsom, the music revolves and swims around layers of fuzzy drips and murky clouds but always seems to come to an elegant conclusion. Her debut release “Twelve” was admired and praised throughout the country and prompted much collaboration with a spectrum of other artists including David Kitt, Milosh, Halves, Mike Scott and Tenpastseven among others. Mixing an experimental undercurrent with a blissful dream pop surface Katie Kim stands at the forefront of all things ambient and avant garde. A captivating talent in two guises, whether it be as a strong solo performer her astounding voice ringing out clear with little adornment, or when added to the muscular industrial grooves of her band, there is a seductive and haunting quality to the music, which straddles the line between fragile and forceful. Live Ms. Kim can envelop a room with her distinctive mood music and nuanced playing. From drum loops to atmospheric keyboard lines the band can shift textures so that an

off kilter pop song can follow an addictive if brooding ballad and this gives great scope to her performances. ”You’ve got to hear her burning up the blues and making tunes for snake charmers to ply their wares. The album is called ‘Twelve’. A glorious, glorious slew of bang on-the-money slightly notthere pop” – On the Record 2010 “She’s a trafficker in dreamy space-rock: her songs sound forever in the brink of sinking into Cocteau Twins pastiche, but there’s always a sublime melody or quirky hook to keep the whiff of recycled ideas at bay. Independently released, her album Twelve has already basked in ecstatic reviews. If there’s any justice in pop, 2011 will see her break free of the local circuit.” – The Independent 2010 “One of my favourite Irish albums of the season comes from Katie Kim. “Twelve” is a slow-burner, all weird turns and fuzzy twists. Live, Katie and her two hooded co-players get tougher and grittier in a Mazzy Star rocking out with Cat Power kind of way.” – The Times 2009



Mariee Sioux Label: Almost Musique Based in: California, USA Line up: Solo Website: http://www.facebook.com/marieesioux Booking: peter@wordofmouthagency.ie A delicate performer Mariee Sioux brings an appealing mix of styles and a strong cultural identity to her writing. Framing an album as a celebration of Native American culture her sense of pride for her heritage is wed to songs of dazzling beauty. However her muse extends beyond her own personal background to encompass a vast array of themes and subjects and its her skill in forming gorgeous songs of an earthy and spiritual slant that makes her an incredible act and one to definitely seek out. With one eye on the past and another towards the possibilities of the future Mariee Sioux is one to watch.

“Mariee Sioux was a delight, an amazingly poetic and telling lyricist, and she seemed to be the den mother of the pack, delicately plucking and strumming an acoustic with her eyes closed.” – LA Record “Her twilight narratives detail encounters with ghosts, myriad woodland creatures, and her mom. But with a voice that bends around the branches with more flexibility than her fellow folk-nymphs, you couldn’t pick a better guide for your nighthike.” - Jennifer Maerz, SF Weekly



Nina Nastasia Label: Fat Cat Records Based in: New York, USA Line up: Duo with violinist Website: http://www.myspace.com/ninanastasia Booking: peter@wordofmouthagency.ie A commanding artist who quickly rose in prominence on the back of huge accolades from some industry legends, such as John Peel and Steve Albini it’s no wonder a strong following has sprung up around Nina Nastasia, her spectral compositions are as irresistible as they are deeply affecting, her tone disciplined. An otherworldly sadness pervades the work but it is in no way gloomy as a steady stream of hope and optimism shines through. Enthralling as a live act, her odes will stay with you.

“Spare, beautiful, outstanding” - Uncut “Curiously compelling for something so minimal, it’s like nothing else around” - Q Magazine “Delicate songs with unexpected, unnerving strength”. - The Guardian “Ms. Nastasia’s songs reach back to the staples - waltzes and ballads, love and death - for music that verges on parables, set to a porchful of unplugged instruments” - New York Times



O Emperor Label: KF Records Based in: Cork, Ireland Line up: Full band Website: http://www.oemperor.com Booking: peter@wordofmouthagency.ie There is a sense of quiet, reserved confidence about Hither Thither, O Emperor’s debut LP (nominated for Choice Music Prize 2010). Many commentators have noted that it sounds more like the recording of a band on their third or fourth album, such is the display of maturity and self-awareness on show. This may be testament to the fact the band grew up together as childhood friends, discovering the same records, learning the same tunes and playing in the same venues with different bands in a thriving local music scene. You could say that although this record is their first, it is the result of many years of growing together musically, uncovering a collective identity and an acute awareness of the nuances that made their favourite records so special. Appearances on RTE Television’s flagship arts show, The View and a slot on the legendary Other Voices music series, broadcast from Dingle, Co Kerry further widened their appeal. More live dates throughout the summer included appearances at festivals like Oxegen (Ireland), Electric Picnic (Ireland), Benicassim (Spain) Tanned Tin (Spain) London Feis (UK), with some European and UK headline dates

also. With the release of Hither Thither in Ireland (Oct 2010), the album reached number 6 in the official charts and was met with huge critical acclaim which later earned them a nomination for The Choice Music Prize (Irish album of the year). “As Irish debuts go, it’s in a league of its own.” - The Irish Times ‘A sumptuous and wondrous debut from a band with a frighteningly bright future.’ - The Sunday Business Post



Puzzle Muteson Label: Bedroom Community Based in: Isle of White, UK Line up: Solo or with Bedroom Community Ensemble (up to 10 Players) Website: http://www.puzzlemuteson.com Booking: peter@wordofmouthagency.ie Bringing to mind the hushed yet defiant whispery vocal style of Elliot Smith with the falsetto leanings of Jeff Buckley, Puzzle Muteson has a spine tingling quality to his voice which can bewitch an audience and leave an indelible impression. His songs are paeans to regret and heartbreak couched in a delicate acoustic style, they are strong willed in subject but delivered with a fragile and quiet dignity. Vocally intricate and thematically rich in detail Puzzle Muteson is a fascinating performer who with the simplest of gestures or vocal inflections can stun an audience. A rewarding live experience which can tap into the romantic in all of us.

“It’s really a tremendously warm and uplifting listen, blessed with just divine orchestration from Muhly, and recommended to lovers of timeless songcraft everywhere” - Boomkat “His quavering voice sings spectral poetry over delicately picked strings...” - The Fly “His spare, direct lyrics could rend any heart in two” - The Reykjavík Grapevine



Reid Label: Blah Blah Blah Records Based in: Cork, Ireland Line up: Solo Website: http://www.iamreid.com Booking: peter@wordofmouthagency.ie Yet another young Irishman making potent, swoonworthy electronica, 22-year-old Corkman Eoghan Reid launched his solo project a little quicker than most, playing his first ever live show at Electric Picnic last September. Since then, he’s released a debut EP, Genesis, and rustled up some really lovely remixes of tracks by Twin Sister, Owensie and Come On Live Long.

“There’s a boisterous energy akin to Fuck Buttons when they reach full-flow, along with bold, chunky beats and also some snatches of softness that relay Four Tet’s layered melodies, and so much more.” - Harmless Noise “Some rather lovely ambient-infused electronic productions from Cork’s Eoghan Reid” - Nialler9

“Latest Irish electronic producer to hit the block alongside Moths and Toby Kaar is Eoghan Reid, a 22 year old Corkman with a brilliantly instinctive feel for finely tuned electronic pulses and deeply effective hooks.” - Jim Carroll (The Irish Times) “These two new tracks from the young producer show just how diverse his sound can be, whilst remaining grounded amongst atmospheric surroundings.” - Crack In The Road (UK)



Simone White Label: Honest Johns Based in: California, USA Line up: Solo or full band Website: http://www.simonewhite.com Booking: peter@wordofmouthagency.ie

Since the 2007 release of that record, I Am The Man, Simone has toured extensively, from Lincoln Center in New York to WOMAD in the UK, the Green Man Festival in Wales and throughout Europe. I Am The Man was a favorite with critics from MOJO to the Daily Mail and the single “The Beep Beep Song” became the soundtrack for a world-wide, award-winning ad campaign for Audi. Simone White’s last album Yakiimo, released in 2009 by Honest Jon’s, received 4 stars in UK’s MOJO and entered the German Rolling Stone critic’s pick at number 5. German Rolling Stone also featured Simone in its July 2009 issue. The opening track ‘Bunny in a Bunny Suit’ is currently touring the world as the soundtrack to an Omega watch commercial starring Nicole Kidman.

“White’s voice is a delicate instrument, more traditional-sounding than Joanna Newsom’s but with a similar ability to interpret lyrics with deceptive and revealing ease. The arrangements she favors on record are of the organic, earthy variety, like vintage Lanois...” - LA WEEKLY “For those bewitched by the posthumous smallhours voice of Karen Dalton, here is a living echo of that still, small, intensely concentrated spirit”. - Mojo



The Ambience Affair Label: Bluestack Records Based in: Dublin, Ireland Line up: Full band Website: http://www.theambienceaffair.com Booking: peter@wordofmouthagency.ie Looping textures awash with soaring melodies The Ambience Affair seem to craft their own world of skittery nervous pop which draws in a listener with its charms before revealing an unnerving addictive quality. Its easy to get swept up in the commanding beat, the perfectly pitched instrumental interplay and vocals which hint at darker themes beyond the disarmingly beautiful sounds conjured up. The band has a enigmatic quality, their work approachable enough to swoon over but still challenging in its dense layered musical tangents, it’s no wonder The Ambience Affair have built up a steady and loyal crowd while also piquing the interest of Television Producers who have featured their songs in CSI: NY.

“Burials is packed with intensity... A rambunctious record.” - The Sunday Times “A fantastic record” - State.ie “Burials is a beautiful blitzkrieg: thoughtful, accomplished, powerful.” - Hotpress



The Altered Hours Label: Unsigned. Based In: Cork, Ireland. Line Up: Full Band. Website: http://breakingtunes.com/thealteredhours Booking: colm@wordofmouthagency.ie The Altered Hours exist in a swirl of the psychedelic and hypnotic, crafting slow burning epics of blistering intensity. Masters of dynamics a song can begin with a whisper before exploding into something else all the more fiery and intriguing. Acutely aware of pop history, they take the steady rhythms of Velvet Underground-esque decadence and add their own inimitable style lending the outfit a retro influenced yet wholly original sound. When Altered Hours take to the stage they cut an endearingly loose and improvisational vibe, the interplay natural and ever changing but they never neglect the innate melody of their craft.

“DOWNSTREAM is not merely a decent debut EP, It is a statement of intent from a group of artists who are not afraid to experiment and will continue to not just step but dance in puddles for as long as their creative forces flow.” - thegmanblog.com “They are a fantastic new band from the south, and play wonderful psychedelic rock. Their track ‘daydream parade’ is already one of my favourite new tunes of 2011” - Swear I’m not Paul “they’ll be nationwide gems before long.” - drop-d.com



The Frank and Walters Label: FIFA Records Based in: Cork, Ireland Line up: Full Band Website: http://www.frankandwalters.net Booking: peter@wordofmouthagency.ie Stalwarts of the indie scene and elder statesmen of Cork power pop The Frank And Walters remain one of the sharpest and most enticing acts not just in Ireland but anywhere. Anthemic but down to earth enough for their songs to register on a deeply personal level they have continued to steadily make some of the finest pop to emerge from the Rebel county and the loyalty engendered in their audience is legendary. We all know the big numbers, After All, how could we not? And we’ve all be dazzled by those beautiful Colours but scratch beneath that perfect pop surface and you find a wealth of material in a criminally underrated song book. Towering as a live act and as energetic now as they’ve ever been, to be Frank and if you pardon the run of puns, still Walters run very deep.

“If it weren’t for The Frank and Walters I’d still be working on a building site” - Noel Gallagher “After 30 years of interviewing bands someone asked me who my favourite interview was. That was easy, it was The Frank and Walters” - Dave Fanning “It warms my cockles to know the Franks are still making music” - Billy Bragg



The Hounds Below Label: Unsigned Based in: Detroit, USA Line up: Full band Website: http://www.thehoundsbelow.com Booking: colm@wordofmouthagency.ie Changing tack from his well known power pop and punkier roots Jason Stollsteimer from the Von Bondies returns in a different guise, the songs borne of a different aspect of his particular muse. A measured and mature direction is being followed here and the songs seem more in thrall of classic rock and roll, those initially rebellious and playful attitudes still in place, his musical heart worn on its sleeve. Lush arrangements and confident playing make the Hounds Below a dynamic live act, Stollsteimers innate understanding of performances ensure electrifying stage shows.

“Unlike the Von Bondies’ raucous, noisy pop, the Hounds Below finds Stollsteimer experimenting with slick lounge melodies and vintage Richie Valens-era rock ‘n’ roll riffs.” - Spinner Magazine “presenting a swathe of moodier R&B, smoky soul, stately 50’s pop, and still maintaining that dreamy atmospheric fuzz rock sheen.” - Jeff Milo “Focusing on the beauty rather than the volume of the song, the six-piece band creates a melodic landscape that layers a lush, early rock-and-roll vibe over spacey guitars and an atmospheric-sounding organ. Bonding over a mutual appreciation of old and new music alike--everything from Roy Orbison to Black Rebel Motorcycle Club” - MSO



The Hystercal Injury Label: Crystal Fuzzy Based in: Bath, UK Line up: Two Piece Website: http://www.thehystericalinjury.co.uk Booking: colm@wordofmouthagency.ie A masterclass in addictive propulsive pop the duo that make up the Hysterical Injury are not short of pop know how and the ability to communicate that enthusiasm through sheer craft and fun. With a wide array of influences ranging from the more experimental to the gloriously melodic the band incorporate a nice fusion of styles but with their own unmistakable identity. An amazingly off beat live act that is a pleasure.

“the noise of Sonic Youth and the power punches of Sleater” - VenusZine.com “...raw, menacing, demanding, driving, busy, thundering...” - The Organ “...like Karen O rutting with The Primitives over a broken drum kit... Just brilliant” - Venue magazine


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The Octopus Project Label: Peek-A-Boo Records Based in: Austin, Texas, USA Line up: Full band Website: http://www.theoctopusproject.com Booking: peter@wordofmouthagency.ie Combining more traditional indie elements with a steady bed of electronica and ambient flourishes The Octopus Project are a sonically adventurous group with both a fresh sound and love of effective visual treats. Their work which has an additional multi media aspect finds this largely instrumental act on the cutting edge of live entertainment. Masks are employed to create a more theatrical environment, the music taking bizarre but arresting left turns, all in the service of a unique show atmosphere.

“Here’s a vote for The Octopus Project as the greatest band ever” - The Boston Globe “They made genuinely happy and beautiful quasielectronic music” - Live New Orleans



Vandaveer Label: Alter K Based in: Washington DC, USA Line up: Duo or full band Website: http://www.vandaveer.net Booking: peter@wordofmouthagency.ie Spontaneous and off the cuff, Vandaveer has an inclusive feel to his music bringing to mind a campfire sing along but featuring songs of staggering depth and character. Being The musical identity of Mark Charles Heidinger, the act draws on his songwriting prowess to create a fascinating core, infused with alt country leanings that range from the confessional to the rousing, the songs existing in a crowded stratosphere that ranges from Leonard Cohen to Wilco. It’s a winning formula that makes for a magnetic performer, his earthy tones and rich textured playing adding up to an act that one could imagine this music coming from a boxcar as one sleepy town is left behind while another equally as mythic passes by.

“He mixes French chanson with folk and sounds like an updated Leonard Cohen” - Q Magazine “Channeling countless ‘60s folksingers in his emphatic strums and sharp rhymes...With a voice suitable for both rock and folk, he has a natural flair for the delivery of the latter...” - NPR



Windings Label: Out On A Limb Records Based in: Limerick, Ireland Line up: Full band Website: http://www.breakingtunes.com/windings Booking: peter@wordofmouthagency.ie Urgent, fun, catchy and riotously entertaining Windings take a wonderfully smart but gut level approach to indie pop/rock, this five piece sounding utterly idiosyncratic but never sacrificing melody for obliqueness. Remembering that the tune is the thing Windings explode with pop savvy and enough toe tapping songs to completely seduce any audience, their live shows are a celebration of eccentricity in song, the interplay between band members tight and focused, their thrill at entertaining always on the surface. A musical evolution from one man project to full blown band that continues to captivate and intrigue.

“Melodies that will get you every time…a compelling debut album” - Jim Carroll,The Ticket (Irish Times) “Windings shows how to deliver a record that’s not just about lashing out riffs and teenage poetry… gorgeous” - www.eclectichoney.com “Windings sound is simple, seductive and so pareddown that you’ll find yourself being totally bowled over” - Hot Press




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