2 minute read
Avenue Q revitalization project begins
A $9.8 million project has begun that will make improvements to portions of US 84 (Avenue Q) between I-27 and US 82 (Marsha Sharp Freeway) in the city of Lubbock.
“The improvements will update Avenue Q through downtown Lubbock into a pedestrian friendly facility from the Marsha Sharp Freeway to 19th Street,” said Mike Wittie, P.E., TxDOT Lubbock Area Engineer.
“The project includes making repair to and resurfacing the road, upgrading sidewalks, ADA ramps and traffic signals, and the addition of pedestrian bulb-outs at the crosswalks.”
Drivers should anticipate extended mainlane and on-street parking closures, and reduced speed limits throughout the duration of the project.
“The revitalization of Avenue Q is expected to improve safety by reducing traffic crashes and enhancing mobility for pedestrian and vehicle traffic,” Wittie said.
“Avenue Q is one of the city’s busiest streets for both vehicle and pedestrian traffic. During construction we urge both pedestrians and drivers to stay alert and follow all posted construction signs.”
Work has begun on sidewalks and storm sewers on the westside of Avenue Q at 19th Street and will progress north. Work to make improvements to the road surface is scheduled to begin in late spring.
March 2024 is the project’s estimated completion date.
For more information, contact TxDOT Public Information Officer Dianah Ascencio at 806-748-4472.
GOLDEN GAZETTE is published monthly by Word Publications, 2022 82nd St., #101 Lubbock, Texas 79423.
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Staff: Jo Anne Corbet, Dr. Elva Edwards, Mary Ann Edwards, Randal Hill, Calva Ledbetter, John Martin, Gary McDonald, Cathy Mottet, Cary Swinney
View the Gazette online: www.wordpub.com
– Jon Bon Jovi
Be careful of what you put in an email
Never forget that email constitutes a legal record and can be admissible in legal actions, not only in the courtroom, but in the court of public opinion.
People sue people for all kinds of silly reasons. Family members get into disputes, couples get divorced, consumers sue merchants, and vendors can pursue delinquent clients.
Whenever a lawyer is looking for damaging evidence, one of the first things asked for are email records –and deleting them does NOT save you. Deleted emails can be accessed by those who know how.
Email is not private. Employers have the right to monitor employees’ work email; and if you e-mail anything to a friend, you have no legal right to prevent them from posting it or forwarding it.
So before you hit “send,” take a minute to make absolutely certain your email doesn’t contain something you don’t want public. Pretend your boss/parent/ spouse/religious leader/kids are copied on every email you write. Better yet, pretend your worst enemy is. Then edit before you hit “send.”
- Info from Bazar Solutions