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Lubbock Animal Services &
The Stocking Project completed more than 2,500 stockings in 2022 that were distributed to several military bases for shipment to locations around the world. Special thanks to all who assisted in this community-wide effort. Looking to 2023, we can use donated fabric, ribbon, yarn and decorations. We also collect hotel toiletries, decks of cards, yarn caps, and business promotional items.
Dogs and cats (and sometimes other furry, scaly, or feathered species, too) of all ages and sizes just waiting for the right home.
items that you feel might be useful, drop them by our office at 6630 S. Quaker, Suite E.
We are also looking for seamstresses to assist with the sewing of each stocking. Call 806-743-7821 for details and answers to any questions.
StressBusting Program
StressBusting Program is preparing for the next session. Sessions are in small group, informal settings. There is no charge but a confirmation is required.
All sessions (individual or group) are usually conducted at the TTUHSC Southwest Campus (6630 S. Quaker).
The weekly sessions provide you with skills and techniques to manage stress and develop problem-solving skills. To learn more, contact the office at 806-743-7821.
Respite care program
A respite care program is offered with the assistance of Dr. Jonathan Singer, TTU Department of Psychological Sciences.
If you are an informal (unpaid) caregiver of someone with Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, or other related dementia diseases, he has programs that can benefit you. Participation in his study can assist in providing future services for you and those you care for.
Contact Dr. Singer at 806-834-5884 or email jonsinge@ttu.edu.
February funnies…
• What is the best outfit for February 2nd? A tu-tu.
• Can February march?
No, but April may.
• What is the best month to tell a lie? Fib ruary.
• Knock Knock
Who is there?
If you have any
Noah Noah, who?
Noah any good joke about February?