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of the Lubbock ISD Council of PTAs, former council president Eddy Morelock led the charge to establish Little Free Libraries at every Lubbock ISD campus and completed the project in 2021. Donors have provided almost 500 books for the libraries during the book drive.
The Lubbock ISD Partners in Education committee is composed of community leaders and volunteers whose organizations support the district’s students and staff through projects and events. Partners In Education is a Lubbock ISD program that connects partners, the business community, the church community, and nonprofit agencies to support Lubbock ISD schools in meaningful ways.
At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be ‘What Is Hell?’ Come early and listen to our choir practice. The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday.
Lubbock,Texas 806-744-2220
GOLDEN GAZETTE is published monthly by Word Publications, 2022 82nd St., #101 Lubbock, Texas 79423.
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Staff: Jo Anne Corbet, Dr. Elva Edwards, Mary Ann Edwards, Randal Hill, Calva Ledbetter, John Martin, Gary McDonald, Cathy Mottet, Cary Swinney
View the Gazette online: www.wordpub.com