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Update your wishes: It’s just taking care of business
It’s already two months into 2023. You’re probably getting info ready for the accountant because April 15 will be here soon.
In the process of getting things in order, be sure to look over those important papers – powers of attorney, wills, etc. Read them over. Is it still what you want? Have some events occurred in your circle of family or friends that changes everything?
If you wrote out a will in 1973, that’s 50 years ago. I’ll guarantee you, things have changed.
2 Lubbock law firms to contact for advice:
Bazemore Law Firm - 806-329-4601
Law Offices of Lee Franks - 806-368-8805
You wrote a standard ‘I love you will’ meaning that whichever spouse goes first, the other spouse gets everything. That’s pretty simple. But what happens after that last spouse dies?
Here’s a scenario: You have 4 grown children. What if one dies before you do? Have you considered those spouses of your adult children? You’ve treated them as your own since the marriages. So have you allowed for them in your will?
What about your son’s wife who had taken care of her ailing husband (your son) for years. Is she left out of everything because he died before you did? It can be a real ‘gut-punch’ when you realize someone you thought had been looking out for you didn’t bother to take care of business.
And what if you are in that growing group of folks called elder orphans?
A Facebook group for elder orphans is restricted to individuals over 55 who live without the help of a spouse, partner, and children. Information on the site states that if you feel you’re aging alone, with little support, you belong.
If you indeed want to leave someone out of your will, it is totally your prerogative. But please, look over those important papers every year. Just make sure it’s what you want.
And if you don’t have a will in place, the State of Texas has a plan for you. A person will be appointed to dispose of your possessions according to state law.
An attorney and the courts will charge your estate for handling every detail you could have made provisions for.
Now that’s a good reason to get off your ‘duff’ and get a will drawn up.
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