8 minute read
Lawn watering schedules
Page 16 • May 2022 • Golden Gazette Lawn watering days & times
Lubbock’s spring and summer irrigation restrictions became eff ective April 1 and continue through Sept. 30.
Watering days & times • Irrigate landscape only during two assigned days per week yearround • Irrigation schedules are based on the last digit of the house address:
Addresses ending in 0, 3, 4, or 9 – Monday and Thursday
Addresses ending in 1, 5, or 6 - Tuesday and Friday
Addresses ending in 2, 7, or 8 – Wednesday & Saturday
On your scheduled watering days, irrigation is allowed from midnight to 10 a.m. and from 6 p.m. to midnight.
Irrigate less than 1.5 inches per zone per week
Other year-round restrictions
• Irrigate only when temperatures are above 35 degrees Fahrenheit • Irrigate landscape without runoff • Do not irrigate during precipitation events • Hand watering is allowed any time of day and on any day of the week
“We commend our customers for the signifi cant amount of water they have conserved over the past decade. We ask that all residents and businesses continue to be considerate and effi cient with their water usage this summer,” said Aubrey Spear, Director of Water Utilities.
“As we persist in our eff ort to conserve water and reduce overall demand, we can preserve our water supplies for many more decades to come. Eff ective water conservation is a long-term continuous eff ort.”
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Seeds of Hope
How much power is needed?
A long-time political figure was asked, “How much power does it take to satisfy politicians?”
After thinking about the question for a moment, he responded with a twinkle in his eye: “Just a little more!” And then added, “The more we have, the more we want.”
Politicians rise and fall, come and go, do helpful things, and do some things that seem to cause confusion and chaos. Whatever they do comes from the power that we seem to give them. Or does it?
Insightfully, the Psalmist said, “No one…can exalt a man...It is God who judges: He brings one down, he exalts another.”
After all is said and done, there is no power apart from God. He is Almighty. He rules.
We often think of ourselves and others as being self-contained. We live, we breathe, we walk and talk, we do this and that, but - in fact - we live breath by breath and moment by moment according to God’s plan for our lives. Our physical life, and the life of those whom He allows to have power and infl uence over us, do so as He wills and wishes.
These are days of turbulence and turmoil, fear and frustration, uncertainty and anxiety. We do not know what is going to happen before our next heartbeat.
But it is comforting to know that God is in control of everyone and everything. He has fi xed limits on their terms and time in offi ce. He also has a plan in place for everything.
God often seems to move at the pace of a snail - but he is indeed moving. We can rest assured that all is well.
The king in our lives
A comedian was known to have a quick mind and could turn any subject into a joke. On one occasion he said to his audience, “I can make a joke on any subject. Try me!”
A gentleman stood up and shouted, “The subject is the king.”
Quickly he replied, “The King can never be a subject.”
There is a Psalm that refl ects this truth. The people of Israel had an unpredictable relationship with God. There were times when he was indeed their Lord, and there were times when they refused to allow him to be their King. They wanted their own way. They wanted him to be subject to them.
But the writer of the Psalm was diff erent. He said, “But God is my king from long ago; he brings salvation to the earth.” He wanted God to be his ruler - his king.
Jesus was born to be king. There were 12 whom he chose to become his disciples. And there were many who followed him, listened to him, believed in him - yet never fully surrendered their hearts and lives to him. They did not allow him to be their king and refused to become his subjects. One day they shouted: “We will not have this man rule over us!” And they crucifi ed Him.
Many years ago hundreds of college students from around the world met in London before going to their mission fi elds. The group from Japan could not attend but sent a message that read, “Make Jesus King!”
We can change the world if Jesus is King in our lives.
Take care because it feels so good to feel good
We hope COVID is really on its way out of our lives. Both COVID and the vaccine have been a big problem to people.
I had COVID during Thanksgiving 2020. It wasn’t fun. I remember saying to a relative, “I feel like something has drilled a hole into my brain and taken up residence, and it doesn’t feel human.”
My brain has paid the price. It has not been as sharp or clear since I had COVID. I am still “working” to bring it back to normal.
I have treated many patients who have had complications after having COVID such as brain and lung issues. Most people seem to get over COVID just fine, but if you are one that didn’t, it is no fun.
And then there are the people who have reactions to the COVID vaccine. In the VAERS system, they have more than one million complaints of problems people have had with the vaccine.
VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System co-sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the FDA, Food and Drug Administration.
Some people say VAERS is not accurate. Harvard did a study on the VAERS system. They found that only 1% of reactions people were having to vaccines were being reported. That means 99% of the reactions are not being reported.
What kind of reactions are people having to the vaccine? In my office, I have seen people who have pain at the injection site that travels up to the shoulder, then across the back to the other shoulder. The pain was so bad, that it limited movement to the point I would have to help them take their coats off.
I have seen neurological problems where people have been sent for tests to see if they have MS. They do not. But they have pains in their arms and legs, achiness as well as pins and needles. They are in my office because their doctors have said, after running tests, all they can offer them is pain medication.
What lessons can we learn from what we have experienced? We must come to our own conclusions, but one thing we all want to do is take care of our health. There is never a time I am more grateful for my health than the week after I have been sick.
As I feel better and better, I promise the good Lord that I will do better in protecting my health because it feels so good to feel good.
As the weather gets warmer and summer arrives, it is easier to take steps to improve our health. If there is anything that makes me want to have a plan, it is living through what we have lived through this last two years.
I will give you an idea that perhaps you haven’t considered to add to your list of things you need to do now that you are older and considered, “at risk.”
Some people are sinus people and others are not. I have never had a sinus infection, but if you are a sinus person, I have a helpful hint. This same hint will often help people who are allergic. And it can help people who are prone to having sore throats.
Buy a nebulizer. I bought one on Amazon for less than $50. I suggest buying one you sit on a table. A mix of food grade hydrogen peroxide and distilled water used in the nebulizer will decrease your symptoms of any infection in the head area. Use it at least once a day for 3 to 5 minutes, and if symptomatic, twice a day. If you think about it, infections come into our bodies mostly through our holes: our mouth, nose, ears and eyes.
If you nebulize, it will eradicate the infection before it has a chance to take hold.
If colds are going around, why not do it? I do. And if you have asthma, I’d certainly try it for a few months and see if your asthma is better. What do you have to lose?
My kids can pick up 300 Easter eggs from the yard in 90 seconds. But it takes them three months to pick up 5 toys in their rooms.
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