1 minute read

10 on campus

10 spots to lock lips in Lubbock

 The Library - the bar  LHUCA- Louise Hopkins Underwood

Center for the Arts

 Cactus Theater  Llano Winery  McPherson Cellars  Buffalo Springs  Joyland Amusement Park  NRHC- National Ranching

Heritage Center

 Moody Planetarium  Prairie Dog Town  Orlando’s – a back booth at the

Avenue Q location

 Holly Hop’s Ice Cream Shoppe

10 spots to lock lips on campus

 The seal - seal it with a kiss  Administration building  The Jones  Dan Law  Lazy river  Picnic in Urbanovsky  On top of Flint parking garage  In the stacks  Underneath the bell tower  At the top of the rock wall  At the bookman statue

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