Words of Hope Project Initiatives 2017-2018

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PROJECT Good News. No Boundaries.


Life runs on hope. Hope looks ahead with expectation. Hope can overcome fear. The Bible says “we have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure” (Hebrews 6:19).

Since Christ is our one great hope, it is only natural that as Christians we seek to share that hope with those around us.

Let’s join in this adventure of The hope spoken of in Hebrews is the Christian grace together! assurance of salvation, made possible by the

We believe that the hope of the gospel will transform this world. Life by life, family by family, town by tribe by nation, the hope of Christ will bring the Kingdom of God to earth.

life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Let’s join in this adventure of grace together!

Dear friend, Words of Hope has been able to share the hope of the resurrection with millions of individuals over the years because of the faithful support of people like you. Words of Hope focuses its evangelism efforts in areas of the world where gospel mission work is especially difficult to carry out. In these hard-to-reach locations, we equip indigenous Christian organizations so their witness can reach further. We provide living wages for ministry workers, quality media equipment for recording gospel programs, theological training for leaders with limited access to education, and radio and television station time for airing the programs produced. We do this because Christ calls us to make disciples of all nations, and we believe each individual deserves to hear the good news in their own native language. The use of media tools allows us to share the gospel in areas we might not be able to reach otherwise. Media provides alternative forms of access to Scripture for people who are illiterate or who have no access to a church building. The hope of Jesus calls us, compels us, and convicts us to reach as many people as we can. With your help, we can extend our reach further today than ever before, even to the ends of the earth.

Jon Opgenorth President


Though largely a Christian nation, Uganda has a great need for compelling biblical content to deepen the faith of new believers. Words of Hope’s staff in Uganda already produce broadcasts in 16 tribal languages, and Director Titus Baraka envisions adding more language broadcasts as need and resources align. While evangelism and discipleship programs form the core of the radio broadcasts in Uganda, practical and educational programming is popular as well. Topics such as sanitation, healthcare, and curbing domestic violence have been featured. Inspired after listening to these programs, local Ugandans have built new schools, health centers, and roads that are benefiting their local communities.

Ugandan Words of Hope listeners are now organizing into listener groups. Starting with just one small group of people who committed to listen to the programs, discuss them, and pray together in 2012, Words of Hope Uganda has now grown to include over 80 such listener groups. Together, group members are growing in their faith and strengthening their communities and families. Regular training conferences are held in Uganda to equip pastors and lay leaders to provide key follow-up efforts for radio station listeners. Bibles are given to these follow-up workers to distribute to listeners who do not own a copy. The church of Uganda continues to grow spiritually through Words of Hope’s radio programming. In addition to new language broadcasts, Words of Hope seeks to expand daily production in each of the existing language broadcasts.

Designated Giving Needed: $109,000 English Broadcasts: Uganda’s national language............................................................... $12,000 Luganda Broadcasts: A commonly spoken language in Uganda...................................... $12,000 Training Conference:

Designed to equip pastors and lay leaders to effectively follow up with radio station listeners...........................................................................................


Arur Broadcasts: This region is an important commercial center and transportation route...............................................................................................................


Bari-Kuku Broadcasts:

The only available radio broadcast in this language...................


Distributed to radio station listeners who do not own a copy............................



Runyoro Broadcasts: A tonal language................................................................................ $7,000 Rutooro Broadcasts:

Spoken in northwestern Uganda....................................................


Kup-Sabiny Broadcasts: Spoken in mountainous eastern Uganda....................................... $6,000 NEW! Karamajong Broadcasts:

Spoken by herdsmen living in northeastern Uganda......


NEW! Rufumbira Broadcasts: Spoken by the nomadic Bafumbira people........................... $5,000 Rukiga Broadcasts: Spoken by the Kiga people of southern Uganda.................................. $5,000 Acholi Broadcasts: Spoken in northern Uganda. The main site of conflict with the LRA.. $4,000 Luo Broadcasts: Spoken in northern Uganda..................................................................... $4,000 NEW! Runyankole Broadcasts:

Spoken by the Nkore people of southwestern Uganda....


Words of Hope’s ministry in this dangerous region is having a substantial impact. The underground church in Iran appears to be growing faster now than ever before, proving that hope in Christ is stronger than fear. We celebrate the growth occurring here despite widespread persecution. Words of Hope’s evangelism efforts include daily radio broadcasts in the Persian language, training and support for Christians inside Iran, and social media-based followup and discipleship efforts. One unique aspect of this ministry is the annual Bible training conferences we sponsor for Iranian Christians and seekers. These week-long gatherings encourage believers to continue to persevere in their faith and train up these leaders to grow the church inside Iran. Funding for additional conferences continues to be a strategic priority. In the future, Words of Hope Iran hopes to develop a smartphone app that can be used to provide Christian content for Iranians living inside the country, since it is illegal to be found in possession of Bibles or other Christian literature.


Christians in Iran continue to experience more persecution for their faith than in almost any other country in the world. Hundreds of Christians have been thrown in prison, and some have even been killed. All registered churches have been forced to close, and many Iranian believers are forced to live in poverty.

Designated Giving Needed: $131,000 Airtime: Though the Iranian government can strictly control many aspects of public life, Iranians can still tune in to radio broadcasts to learn the truths of Scripture................................................................................................. Program Production:

Iranian programming can be accessed by listeners via shortwave, satellite, and online multiple times per day..................................

Social Media Follow-up:

$49,000 $40,000

Listeners receive answers to biblical questions and connect with fellow Christians through a variety of social media portals...


Iranian Conference: Bible conferences are held at a safe location outside the country so that Iranians can learn about Scripture and worship in community, something that is illegal inside the country. Travel and lodging for attendees is covered by Words of Hope......................................


App Development: Iranian staff are exploring the potential of creating a smartphone app to provide better access to biblical content for Iranians who are not allowed to own Bibles or other Christian literature.............


SOUTH ASIA The continued growth in Words of Hope’s partnership with Back to God Ministries International is facilitating ministry expansion in the Hindi broadcasts. Hindi is spoken by 490 million people, of which 74% are Hindu, with an official estimate of 5.8% Christian. Under the direction of Dr. A.K. Lama, Words of Hope’s South Asia ministry continues to reach new language groups in the region as well. Broadcasts can now be heard throughout India, Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, in a variety of local languages. Words of Hope’s Tibetan programs have received over 15,000 responses in a single year. The broadcasts explain truths from the Bible, and also feature practical episodes on health. The Tibetan team distributes literature and

CDs while doing follow-up with radio listeners throughout the region. Words of Hope Nepal works with Cross-Way Church to produce radio programs, short videos, and Christian music. These resources are used to strengthen Cross-Way’s twenty-two church plants throughout the region. The goal is to eventually plant a church in each of the seventy-five districts of Nepal. Words of Hope’s other tribal language broadcasts in South Asia can be heard in areas where Christian persecution is severe and many people have no access to churches or Christian teaching. The radio broadcasts serve as a way of drawing believers together, and can help start secret house churches in places where more overt gatherings are dangerous.

Designated Giving Needed: $163,700 Tibetan Broadcasts:

These daily programs are listened to by Tibetans inside Tibet, as well as by the many ethnic Tibetans who live in India, Bhutan, and Nepal....................................................................................

Hindi Broadcasts: Hindi is spoken by 407 million people, of which 80%

are Hindu and only 2.4% are Christian......................................................

$45,000 $44,000

Nepal Broadcasts: Nepal is experiencing rapid evangelical growth, and

radio broadcasts and music and video recordings are helping to grow church plants in the region.........................................................................


Dogri Broadcasts: Dogri is spoken in the northernmost Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.....................................................................................


Garhwali Broadcasts:

Programs are listened to by people living high in the mountains of northern India...............................................................


Kashmiri Broadcasts: These broadcasts are aired in a heavily persecuted area of northern India, where the producers are forced to remain anonymous......................................................................................

Dzongkha Broadcasts:


Programs are listened to in Bhutan, one of the world’s least evangelized nations................................................................


NEW! Tsangla Broadcasts: An unwritten language spoken by the Scharchop people of eastern Bhutan.......................................................


NEW! Saraji Broadcasts: Small tribal language spoken in northern India. $3,500 NEW! Monpa Broadcasts:

Spoken by the primarily Buddhist residents of northeastern India..................................................................................


“It is because of the radio programs that I have grown to this point. My father died when I was very young, so I was left with my mother to support me. I used to wonder if I could proceed in my studies following my father’s death. After God restored hope, I went back to school. Sometimes I was miserable and without hope, but I was so encouraged because the message of the program was still about hope. Someone who has hope, has life.”



—Rev. Titus Baraka


“My prayer is that all of Uganda be reached by this radio ministry. We used to preach the gospel going to markets and doing open air crusades, but now media is very important. If we can go to all these radio stations and get the programs aired, I think we can reach the church in a greater way.”

“I praise God that after so many years I am growing in the Lord. In this spiritual journey I will walk. I will work hard. I praise God who uses radio to share the gospel.”

—Listener “Praise God, in spite of the persecution and challenges, the body of believers in Iran is growing. Many believers resist the pressures and in the fullness of the Holy Spirit state that they will stand for their faith to the end.”


“I came to know Jesus through your radio programs. Since I cannot read or write, I cannot read the Bible, or any other literature. Your radio programs are my only source of learning about Scripture. The songs of your program really touch my heart and make my soul sing for joy. At times I feel very lonely, but listening to your program lifts me up, and I feel the presence of the Lord in my life. The program is food for my spiritual growth.”

—Listener “We want the churches to become our partners in reaching out to these unreached places. We can help to strengthen and mentor South Asian churches. As we build good networks and partnerships with churches, they help us to follow up with radio listeners. We aim to see all our listeners join existing churches.”

—Rev. A.K. Lama




Good News. No Boundaries.

700 Ball Ave NE • Grand Rapids, MI 49503 616-459-6181 • www.woh.org

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