1 minute read
Still and Stable
nickel zk.
the pitter patter pattern of the rain on the roof speaks of a rhythm to being that beats, beats, beats into tongues of snakes, and into leather from the hides of dogs, oh, hidden in hiding and living in lying- because they’re dogs, right?
dogs bred to breed and to plant the seeds of an insolent race who can’t differentiate the difference between still and stable. still and stable. will only lead to the fall of the levy, the break, oh, breathe heavy panting in reminiscence of the memory of a moment. Bring me, bring me, bring me down. from my throne up on high, because I need a little bit of low I need the silence of the likeness of solitude in noisy busybodies the melody of the serenity of trees of wind of wind of wind of wind of wind of wind of breathe, the beating rhythm beats a pitter patter pattern of rain. it offers silence without screaming fears without feeling love without losing the beating pitter patter pattern of rain.