1 minute read
Val H Doth dare to bare
[Doth dare to bare]
Val H
Candid at once and where did thee do? For thou hast now needs to go brew Damest of doe in the flowerest boughs And cowering crows of in poignant lows
Parsnow of parsley growth in the downs And flavors of mint in endeavors to thint Basil to grape as is the water to nother Canfull I do for I shan’t go through
Blameful, my faith, for shinter canest bathe Grathful, this day, my visage canest break Of noisome do shan’t triumph tolou And yes did do, my garden abloom
All con’t and crow, I found my sow My wildest oats and all alough With greenest of leaves in nidus blithe My finest works to align us to live! And candid at once and where did thee do? My that is there and my mind doth dare And canest the birds for sure allure My ears to procure their sounds ogure