2 minute read
Building Control
Making a planning application.
We encourage online planning application submissions via the Planning Portal.
You are able to: · identify which form you need to complete · ensure that you have completed the right information · attach relevant files including drawings and other supporting information
The application process.
Your application will be assessed for validity on receipt. If an application is made that fails to meet our validation requirements, it will be made invalid. We will make contact in writing to advise you of the information that is required in order to make the application valid.
You will receive an acknowledgement letter when your application has been validated. A site notice will be posted close to or on the boundary of the application site.
If all of the information required to make the application valid is not received within 28 days of a written request we will then dispose of your application. This means that we will keep a digital copy of the documentation submitted and subsequent correspondence, but will dispose of all paper copies of plans and documents submitted unless you have, within the 28 days, confirmed in writing that you will collect the paper copies. We will also deduct a charge of £40 from the planning fee submitted to cover the administrative time spent on assessing the validity of the application, before refunding the balance.
The only exceptional circumstances when we will not dispose of an invalid application after the 28 days are when:
· There has been written correspondence with yourself within the 28 day period and we are confident that the information which is outstanding to make the application valid will be received by us within 5 days;
·The application relates to a proposal for a significant major development (20 dwellings or more, 2,000 m² floor space new build, conversion or outline proposals capable of accommo dating either of the above, as the timescales for resolving validation issues for such applica tions are often more complex and time consuming;
Building Control Contacts
If you are an architect, homeowner or builder then please do not hesitate to contact us for a free pre-application meeting. Either at your offices or at your project address. Our team of professionally qualified and experienced Building Control Surveyors and support staff provide impartial advice and assistance to the public and/or their agents, architects, builders, developers and other professionals. They will examine and comment on plans for building work or development requiring consent and carry out inspections of related work in progress. They ensure that building proposals are designed and carried out in accordance with modern standards set out in the Building Regulations and Approved Documents.
Building Control - New Applications Tel: 01892 554124 or 01892 554116 bcr@tunbridgewells.gov.uk
Building Control - General Enquiries Tel: 01892 554124 or 01892 554116 buildingcontrol@tunbridgewells.gov.uk
Building Control - Lead team Glenn Cooper Tel: 01892 554015 glenn.cooper@tunbridgewells.gov.uk Building Control - Control Surveyor Steve Bolton Tel: 01892 554213 steve.bolton@tunbridgewells.gov.uk
Building Control - Control Surveyor Dave Wright Tel: 01892 554631 david.wright@tunbridgewells.gov.uk
Building Control - Control Surveyor Wayne Martin Tel: 01892 554499 wayne.martin@tunbridgewells.gov.uk
Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Mount Pleasant Road Royal Tunbridge Wells Kent TN1 1RS
SOURCE: https://tunbridgewells.gov.uk/planning/applications/apply
Hamptons 18-20 London Road Tunbridge Wells TN1 1DA