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Interview: Garden rooms
Cabin Fever! The British are going wild about garden rooms
Please tell us how you got started building Garden Rooms? This booming industry is of course an evolution of the old-fashioned garden shed where for generations the nation have pottered the hours away in blissful but rather cramped conditions but it’s quite incredible what we can now within your garden space. Our founder Steve took the plunge to set up a company after 30 years in the building industry locally. We noticed a need for a high quantity garden room company within the local and surrounding areas and to be honest he has never been happier or busier. It’s so rewarding, and we have now done so many we really are experts in this field.
The demand for garden rooms is phenomenal, how do you cope? We are certainly in high demand at the moment but don’t let that put you off getting in touch, we cope with this with good scheduling and our highly professional workforce. We never lose clients due to high demand my advice would be to get in touch as soon as you know you are serious about having a garden room and let us come out and talk through your needs. There is no obligation and you might be pleasantly surprised by our flexibility.
What are some of the uses your clients have for the rooms? Our client use our garden rooms for a huge variety of uses from Offices, gyms, massage/ yoga studios, chill out rooms and teenager games rooms to name a few, our garden rooms have endless usage and of course, the use that the room is initially built for is not necessarily the same as it will be in a couple of years. Just like any other room in the house things evolve and needs change so a gym in 2021 may be an Air B&B in 2023.
Is there a project that you look back on with the most pride? There is not really one garden room we look at with the most pride as we have pride in all our room be it an 8m x3.5m gym/ spa room to a 4m x3m office space.
What do you love most about running your business? Without question, it’s the look of delight of our clients when we hand over their new garden room. It’s a very exciting moment for our clients and for us, we never get bored from receiving compliments for our work or of making people happy.