Work Samples

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Work Selection Brochure 2010~2013 Mu Li University of Edinburgh

Work Selections | 2010-2013

Resume + About

Born in China, studied in UK since A-level. An enthusiastic, creative and hard-working Architectural Design student, with strong interpersonal and innovative skills.

+ Education

University of Edinburgh, ESALA MA(hons)Architectural Design 2009 - Present

+ Skills

Proficient with: Adobe Photoshop CS4/CS5, Google Sketchup 7-8, Adobe Indesign CS4/CS5, Auto CAD Ordinary ability with: Adobe Illustrator CS4/CS5, ArchiCAD, model making, photography Language: Chinese, English

+ Work Experience

gmp Architekten von Gerkan, Marg und Partner Shanghai, China June 2008 Archiplein Shanghai, China June 2011-August 2011 gmp Architekten von Gerkan, Marg und Partner Shanghai, China May 2012 – October 2012

+ Contact Address: Flat 4 369 High Street Edinburgh UK Postcode: EH1 1PW Mobile Number: 07748383562 (UK) +8613641646793 (China) Email:

UoE | Mu Li | S0930201

Contents + Resume | Personal Statement + Chapter1 Architectural Design, Any Place Dancing Studio, Barcelona Option 1 & 2

+ Chapter2 Architectural Design, Energy Study Passive Bunker, Kerrera

+ Chapter3 Architectural Design, Tectonics Urban Intervention

+ Chapter4 + other Internship Work, gmp Shanghai 2012 Grand Theater, Nanjing *Personal Proposal

Work Selections | 2010-2013

+ Chapter1

Architectural Design, Any Place Dancing Studio, Barcelona Option 1

UoE | Mu Li | S0930201

Work Selections | 2010-2013

+ The city of Barcelona

The first impression of Barcelona is its master plan based on grid system, and the passion of its people. A dancing studio in Barcelona should be able to show the character of the city and the personality of the people. Dancing is a kind of language, telling stories and showing off emotions. The building need to show its emotions to the surrounding environment and the people.

UoE | Mu Li | S0930201

+ Shadow analysis



Carrer Ange


e la Creu

Carrer Peu d

This diagram shows the change of the shadow of different buildings on the site, the study on the shadow can tell us the area which gain more sunshine and which part is shield for longer time in a day and in a year. It helps to define the orientation and location of the dance studio.`

Work Selections | 2010-2013

+ The dance by the sun




The conceptual shape of the dancing studio is detamined by the unique anaualsun light path on the site (left diagram). The build

UoE | Mu Li | S0930201

+ Concept & Design Process

The floor plan is in the shape of the sunlight path of the site.

The lower facade becomes the shelter for the outside space and sitting stairs for the inner space

The upper facade folds inward to complete the gentle shape, and also helps to gain more sunlight.

The whole space is cut into several continuous individual space.

The light and shadow are opposite, but meanwhile they follow the same direction and same shape of path. Light and shadow share the same vectors in a three dimensional space. This building brings the feeling of free and active to the users/dancers, also borrowed the relationship between light and shadow to present the relationship between the building’s interior and the exterior space.

Work Selections | 2010-2013

+ Plan & Circulation

The building’s long façades are facing South and North based on the shadow study on the site to get more sunlight in the daytime. The entrance is facing the South part of the site close to the main roads around the site. The building sits at the middle and separates the site into a public space and a outdoor performance space.

UoE | Mu Li | S0930201

Carrer Peu la Creu

Public Space Carrer Angels Outdoor Performance Space

Public Space

Work Selections | 2010-2013

Details & Materials


Timber is selected to be the material for the facade, the walls will be build using reinforced concrete to hold the loads of the building. In the lobby area, light comes from the roof window and the openings on the facade. The dance studio is relatively more private, the changing rooms and toilets are designed to be the transition part from public to private space. The timber facade will be act as sitting area for the audiences.

Explosive diagram showing the structure

UoE | Mu Li | S0930201

Dance Studio

Section cut through the dance studio and the lobby

Work Selections | 2010-2013

+ Chapter1

Architectural Design, Any Place Dancing Studio, Barcelona Option 2

UoE | Mu Li | S0930201

Work Selections | 2010-2013

+ Concept Development

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Work Selections | 2010-2013

+ Developing the volume & the circulation of the building

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+ Site Plan

Work Selections | 2010-2013

+ Renders

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Work Selections | 2010-2013

+ First Floor Plan

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+ Ground Floor Plan

Work Selections | 2010-2013

+ Explosive Drawing

UoE | Mu Li | S0930201

+ Developing the Roof Windows

Work Selections | 2010-2013

+ Interior Renders

UoE | Mu Li | S0930201

+ Structure Drawing of the Dancing Studio

Work Selections | 2010-2013

+ Chapter2

Architectural Design, Energy Study Passive Building, Kerrera

UoE | Mu Li | S0930201

Work Selections | 2010-2013

+ Cultivation Drawings

From our initial study of wind turbines and the case study of the Whitelee wind farm in Glasgow. We know that the amount of electricity that wind turbines can generate is limited by mainly two conditions. The size of the wind turbne (the size of the engine): the larger the size of turbine, the more electricity it can preduce ( if other conditions are the same). that is because of the engine in the turbine is larger and therefore more turning moment it can produce. The wind speed: the stronger the wind is the more electricity it can produce (if other conditions are the same). the stronger the wind the blades are turning faster therefore more turns in a unit time more turning moments to transfer into electricity. In the case of Whitelee wind farm, it produce more energy in the winter and less in the summer. The middle of the drawing shows the land occupy of Whitelee wind farm, the circle around it shows the wind strength change throughout the year. the arcs surrounding shows the link between the sale of turbine and the energy it can produce abstractively.

UoE | Mu Li | S0930201

+ Micro-climate Study, wind study

Visual recording the wind: wind is invisible, random natural element, we built up a temporary equipments to record the wind track on paper. From the drawings we can notice the main wind directions and wind strength on different sites. The distance the lines away from the center represent the wind strength, the longer the distance is the stronger the wind is. And the lower the density of the lines the stronger the wind is. From the study we produced a diagram to show the rough micro wind condition on site.

Work Selections | 2010-2013

+ Wind Farm Proposal

To support the local families and industries. We proposed to set up a small scale wind farm to give electricity supply. The high peak at the north end is selected to be the site, because of the rich wind resource at that place. Through calculations, we know that six wind turbines are needed to supply the whole island. Wind Turbine Parameter Turbine Height Power Generated Overturbing Moment Time to design Time to supply Time to install Foundation solution

22.5m (30m incl. Blades) 50kWh 140kNm 3days 3weeks 2 days to complete Multiple Pile Curciform

UoE | Mu Li | S0930201

+ Building Strageties

THIS building is located on a slope facing South-West, The building is going to be used as a accommodation and working station for wind turbine engineers and scientists come to the site to do reaearch and maintainance. Also creating a safe path from the lower traffic road to the wind farm place.

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3D quarter sunlight study

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ON the end of the site there is a road for traffic close to the end of the valley. This is the only road near the site, the building will provide a protected path connecting the road and the wind farm area, which can make the site more safer to approach by engineers, scientists in a bad weather.

Work Selections | 2010-2013

+ Building Interior Arrangement

common room & ktchen





Working Studio

THE building will include six seperate cells and a corridor for circulation, the corridor is used as the connection between the road and the bulding and the middle of the site. The six cells will include one working studio, one office, three accommodations and one common room conbined with kitchen. The six cells are located in a linear way, the main entrance is at the low end of the building. the three accomidations are at the middle of the building, the working areas are located at the high end of the building closer to the turbine areas.

UoE | Mu Li | S0930201

+ Shaping the Cells

wind buffer diagram

THE cells are buried into the ground and well shaped to fit well with the passive concept of the building. The roof is sloped to reduce the wind load and passive exhaust air exchange, the side walls are designed to be slightly slope outwards to reduce the force taken form the earth, therefore retrench material use.

Work Selections | 2010-2013

+ Details & Materials

The bunker will be built by concrete, and timber to provide good thermal mass. As the bunker has a long linear circulation, the large windows in the corridor can act as emergency exist if necessary.

Roof windows can provide natural light in the day time also act as a part of passive ventilation system to let exhaust air out, and the fresh air blows in from the lower entrance.

Rain water is collected by the small openings along the corridior and flow into the penstock collecting the water fromthe top end of the corridior. The water is collected in a tank and heated up by thermal heat pump, and goes in pipe circulating in the building for heating and living usage.

UoE | Mu Li | S0930201

+ Passive Strageties

The thermal massAs the site is in a very cold and windy place, the most of the building will cut into the ground to get heat energy from the ground, to make the building confortable to stay in. Wind BufferThe building cut into the ground the roof will be designed very close to the ground surface to avoid strong impact with the wind . It will save the building a lot of energy. Rain collectionAs the research diagram shows, the site gets plenty of rains throughout the years, it will be very suitable for the building to collect rain water for use. Thermal heat pumpThe heat pump will work together with the rain collection warm up the building, and heat up water for living use.

Work Selections | 2010-2013

+ Chapter3

Architectural Design, Tectonics Urban Intervention

UoE | Mu Li | S0930201

Work Selections | 2010-2013

+ Concept

According to the analysis, there are two basic points that I wish to improve by architectural interventation: •

Increase the area of public green space, which can be easliy accessed by most of the residences in Broughton.


Improve the connection between West and East Broughton. Creating a new circulation to make the transportation more convenient.

Broughton is a high dense residential area. This project aims to create a new entrance for the local residents, which has the ability to provide large green space and essential retails and commercials. The council houses line up on the two sides of the green park to create a semi-closed atmosphere without the disturb from vehicles and the railway nearby.

UoE | Mu Li | S0930201

Circulation Site Plan

Work Selections | 2010-2013

+ Level 0.00 plan

The program will provide near 10,000 sqm public green park. As the site is divided into three levels, the green park will have a variable relation with the residential units in the site.

UoE | Mu Li | S0930201


Work Selections | 2010-2013

+ Level -2.50 plan

The residential units are located at the two sides of the site to save more space for a large whole green park. The program provides 40 parking space on the -2.50m level, and supermarket, a gymnasium, and a free market on the -5.00 level.

UoE | Mu Li | S0930201


Work Selections | 2010-2013

+ West Elevation & Section

UoE | Mu Li | S0930201

Work Selections | 2010-2013

+ Section Iso Drawing









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UoE | Mu Li | S0930201

+ Single Unite Iso Drawing

The living units are designed to be ‘as small as possible’, every unit has the same interior area of 36 sqm, which meets the lowest request by the Edinburgh City Council. Material & Construction: •

The building will be built with reinforced concrete.

The ground level unit and first floor unit share the same wall for pipes and lines.

Work Selections | 2010-2013

+ Connection between Car Park & Council Housing

UoE | Mu Li | S0930201

+ Entrance to Council Housing & Vehicle Road

Work Selections | 2010-2013

UoE | Mu Li | S0930201

Work Selections | 2010-2013

+ Chapter4 + other

Internship Work, gmp Shanghai 2012 Grand Theater, Nanjing *Personal Proposal

UoE | Mu Li | S0930201

Work Selections | 2010-2013

+ Site Study

Hexi New Town is located in the southwest of Nanjing, bounded on the north by Sancha River, on the west by New Qinhuai River, on the west by Jiajiang River of the Yangtze River, and on the east by Waiqinhuai River and Nan River. The town is defined as an urban sub-center featuring business, trade and recreation & sports, and a middle and high-end residential area accommodating the residence and employment and a leisure and tourist attraction with riverfront views. It will, by the means of overall planning, one-time acquisition, unified development and phased construction, be finally developed into a new urban center and a modern new flag zone of Nanjing where modern civilization and riverfront features add fantastic attractiveness to each other.

南京老城 2000年历史 old city

长 Lon 江 gR ive r

河 er 淮 iv 秦 uai R nh Qi

河西新城 30年历史 hexi new bity

基地 site 夹江 er Riv Jia

南部新城 10年历史 south new city

UoE | Mu Li | S0930201


Located on the west section of the Recreation & Sports Axis, west of Jinling Library, and east of Yangzijiang Avenue, Jiangsu Grand Theater is planed with a GFA of about 150,000 sqm, and a maximum building height of about 50 m.



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The Culture & Sports Axis starts with the Olympic Sports Center on the east, crossing the site with total length of 2.8 km. It features low-density cultural and sports buildings and open spaces and serves as an important city-level venue for cultural exchange. Currently, the Axis is dotted with such large and medium utilities as Xincheng Building, Venus of Olympic Sports Center and Riverfront Park, which falls into Core Area of Hexi New Town

Work Selections | 2010-2013

+ Concept & Masterplan Design

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Public Park


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Multi Function Hall







Main Social Square

Public Park

The main idea of this design is to separate the urban atmosphere and natural atmosphere by plan arrangement. The first option is to create a main social public square at the east part of the site as the main entrance and the center of the of all buildings. Four buildings are connected with a large roof structure to create a semicircle shape to highlight the central square.

UoE | Mu Li | S0930201

All buildings are designed into soft bubble shape to fit with the usage for art performance, and public park. The large round openings between each building gives enough natural light for the space underneath.

EACH building is surrounded with water feature to created a beautiful image and also divide the performance spaces from the outside surroundings. The water feature is reachable for people by stepping down the stairs.

The four separated buildings are strongly connected together to create a centralized feeling for the people entering from the West main entrance.

Work Selections | 2010-2013

+ Concept & Masterplan Design


So cia lS qu ar e

M Fu ulti nct Ha ion ll

Green Landscape

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Main Social Square

Green Landscape

In this option, the urban and natural space are strongly separated in vertical layered way. The main idea is to leave the ground level to be mainly a public park, and the social space for the audiences is lifted and attached to all buildings and connected together to act as a massive sight view platform and relatively private circulation for audiences only.

UoE | Mu Li | S0930201

Two buildings are designed to be a pair, share one social square, one canopy and entrance space. The buildings are designed into a inverted bowl shape, which fits well with the functions and saves sapces.

The lifted canopies are used as sight view platform and resting space for the audiences only, provide a very unique experience of social intercourse, and sightseeing.

Four buildings are linked up in a gentle S shape, rather than creating a centralized social space towards the main entrance. It creates two groups of buildings, squares, and public park. The two parts are connected together by the main axis, which is going through the whole site.

Work Selections | 2010-2013

+ other

Internship Work, gmp Shanghai 2012 Competition projects

The overall design features a layout of free curves and provides a wide variety of circulations, just like strolling in a park. The podiums rise like hills and the stadium is lightsome and graceful like a pavilion by a pond or on a rockery. Various sports, leisure and commercial facilities, like the laying stones, are gentle and exquisite. Walk up the stairs and you can reach a broad platform and the stadium. Inside the sports park, there are winding paths through shades and views varying with a walking. These elements organically combine the sports field with the landscape, interpreting the connotation of gardens in a modern approach.

Jiangsu CBD Sports Center SIP

Grand Theater, Nanjing

Shanghai Jianfa Office Building

The important cultural axis is crossing the site and is transformed into a central entrance area for the ensemble of theater buildings. The landscape axis and the apparent design of water pools as an extension from the existing channel is dividing the site into four areas, one for each building. Rising podiums provide representative platforms and create a central plaza. The four volumes are placed on these platforms and spread their positions in the landscape, forming two greater plazas. As a result, each building is placed with a prominent entrance gesture to the plaza. Always in relationship with the surrounding landscape and located directly at the water pools, creating a poetic atmosphere with reflections, and light and shadows.

To become a landmark, its expressive shape is used to develop a unique and memorable building. The folding and staggering create a very strong shape on the one side, but also uses the geometric form to build a vibrant and interesting for- and backward coming faรงade. Window hinges and balconies cross each other and compose a texture from light reflections and shadows that will establish a conspicuous tower with recognition value, also form far away.

UoE | Mu Li | S0930201

Work Selections | 2010-2013

UoE | Mu Li | S0930201


---------2010-2013--------Designed by Mu Li

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