I certificate no.fFA 1205024 dated2012-07-06
IFA lnstitutfi.irArbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfatlversicherung Priif-undZertifizierungsstel{e imi}6UVTest
DGUVTestCertificate Nameandaddressof the holderof thecertificate: (customer):
DustcontrolGmbH SiedlerstraBe 2 D-71126Giiufelden-N ebrinqen
Nameandaddressof the Manufacturer:
DustcontrolAB KumlaGArdsviig 14 S-14563Norsborg
Product designation:
DC3800H TurboEx
purpose: Intended Testingbasedon:
Testreport: Remarks/ specific aspect:
Pickingup of dry,hazardous to healthcombustible andnotelectrically conductive dustsof dustclassH in explosive atmospheres specified as zone22. EN60335-1(2002)+ A'1'1+ A1 + A12+ A2 + A13+ A14 (2009) EN60335-2-69 DINEN60335-2-69 AnnexM andCC (11l05) 1111829 from2011-05-04, Intertek SemkoAB - KistaStockholm 20112197711120 from2012-07-06, IFA- SanktAugustin Vacuumcleaners for pickingup deposited are intended dusts. Theuseof vacuumcleaners as dustextractors for collecting dust emissions of machines doesnotconstitute intended use.
Thetypetestedcomplies withthetestbasisspecified above. Theholderof thecertificate is entitledto affixthe DGUVTestmarkshownoverleaf to theproducts complying withthetypetested,including givenundertheheading'remarks' thespecification Thepresent certificate including the rightto affixthe DGUVTestmarkis validuntil:2016-03-02 Furtherprovtsions concerning thevalidity, theextension of thevalidityandotherconditions arelaid downin theRulesof Procedure forTestinqandCertification of Auqust2012.
(Dr. PeterPaszkiewicz)
Posta!address:. 53757SanktAugustin. Office:Alte HeerstraBe111 . 53757SanktAugustin Phone+49 (0) 2241 231- 02. Fax +49 (0) 2241 231-2234. E-Mailifa@dguv.de. www.dguv.de/ifa P Z B o 8 b E i. ., 1 , , , . r , 08.12
:_\,i-;ji:ii::r In any case,the Germanoriginalshallprevail
Reversesideof the DGUVTestCertificate
DGUVTest mark
r F A . . .1. ).
1) no.of certificate
PZBOSbE 08.12