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7 Signs of a Controlling Relationship



Relationships are good. Humans need to be in relationships. You stay connected when you are in a relationship. But what if the relationship is toxic? Is it better to be in a toxic relationship or not to be in a relationship at all? You could get involved in a toxic relationship without realizing it. People who are controlling usually don't show that side of themselves at the beginning of a relationship. However, you should be aware of the signs. Here are a few red flags that your partner is a control freak.

1. Controlling Your Actions The most obvious sign of a controlling partner is they will attempt to control your actions and behavior. They may seem helpful by picking out your clothes or budgeting your finances. However, these are control tactics. They will take control of the finances and dictate what you spend. Those tactics will spread to all areas of the relationship until they have complete control.

2. Isolation A controlling partner will try to isolate you from your family and friends. This tactic is a ploy to separate you from your support system. They may start by making comments about how much time you spend with family and friends. They may try to make you feel guilty about not spending more time with them. They may also try to start arguments between you and your friends to drive a wedge between you.

3. Keeping Tabs If you are fortunate enough to spend time with family or friends, a controlling partner will keep tabs on you. They may call or text you numerous times. They will want to know your whereabouts, who you are with, and what you are doing. They want to know when you are coming home. They also make excuses to get you home.

4. Immediate Response If a controlling partner calls or messages, they expect an immediate response. The controlling partner gets angry when you don't respond to them right away. Their anger usually results in drama at home. However, they will try to smooth things over by telling you how worried they were.

5. Decisions, Decisions Control freaks also like to have authority. They want to be in charge of everything. That includes all decisions you make. They want to have input and be the final authority in all matters. If you make decisions or purchases on your own, it will likely result in an argument. However, if you try to exercise authority over a control freak, they will become angry.

6. No Compromise You will have difficulty getting a controlling partner to compromise. They think they know what is best for you, so they see no reason to compromise. They will find a reason to convince you that their way is better.

7. Criticism Controlling partners will criticize you every chance they get. They will make it sound as if they are trying to help you. They also like to have leverage over you. For instance, they may try to keep you in the relationship by threatening to take the kids and denying you contact.

What to Do in a Controlling Relationship Recognize the signs of a controlling relationship. Don't make excuses for your partner. People will often defend controlling behavior by saying that their partner is just protective. Watch for red flags and take things slowly. If the controlling behavior continues to worsen, consider leaving the relationship. It may be best to walk away in the early stages of the relationship before becoming too deeply enmeshed. If you want to work things out with your partner, seek the assistance of a professional therapist.l

IMMIGRANTS’ RIGHTS Children & Car Accidents: Reducing the Risks!


According to statistics, car accidents are among the leading cause of deaths among children in the USA. About 45% of deaths among children are because of car accidents. What can you do if there is a car accident involving your child? During this difficult time, you need a strong advocate on your side like the attorneys at the Personal Injury Law Firm of Figeroux & Associates. How can we deal with the greater risks that children face when it comes to car accidents? Child victims in car accidents can be placed in two categories. There are those who are passengers and there are those who are pedestrians. It is important to realize that a lack of precautionary measures has been the main reason for child victims of car accidents in both scenarios. Children need keen supervision whenever they are walking along the road, crossing a road or in any other situation where they are interacting with traffic. Further, they need to be looked after when in transit aboard a vehicle and the necessary precautions taken so as to ensure they remain safe under any circumstances. For child pedestrians the following measures can help reduce the risk of accidents among children. 1.Close supervision of children at all times when near a road. 2.Training of children in road safety and teaching them safe road use. 3.Educating drivers and other road users on “Child safe road use.” Reducing the risk to child passengers can be done by taking the following steps: 1.Always ensure that the child is safely secured in the vehicle. 2.Discourage risky activities and play while on board a car. 3.Avoid any showmanship and road rage as you drive because this will set a poor example for the children in your vehicle. 4.Train the children on safety while on board a vehicle.

While these measures will not eliminate child victims of car accidents, they will greatly reduce the risk children face while traveling along the roads or when in a car.

What Can You Do? A personal injury attorney specializes in helping victims obtain settlements by providing legal assistance and advice after a car crash. The attorneys at the Personal Injury Law Firm of Figeroux & Associates possess a wide range of experience and the expertise needed to advocate for children who have been in car accidents. The lawyer you hire does make a difference! Call us at 855-7688845 or schedule an appointment at www.askthelawyer.usl

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