Work Gap Magazine

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Dawn Weo

Time and time again, I’ve seen women ranging from senior executives to front line workers give up their career, promotions, and even their jobs because they needed to make the choice. COVID-19 showed us all that work can be done from anywhere and anytime. The perception that work needs to be accomplished in a 9-5 work day is, officially, archaic and obsolete. offers flexibility and freedom to support a new way of life, by giving us a new way to work.

Maximize Sales... Minimize Risk! Access experienced sales professionals who will accelerate your sales performance without the cost and complexities of a full hire
Work Gap Solution 5.
It is About Time The Rise of the Woman Entrepreneur The New WORKFORCE IS MORE ATTAINABLE, NOW! A Shifting Landscape Is Contract Work Here to Stay? UNAPOLOGETICALLY FOLLOWING YOUR MISSION & DEFYING THE ODDS! 08 16 28 34 Magazine Designed by SmartFem Media Group Content Editor’s Interview 22

It is About Time

The Rise of the Woman Entrepreneur

"Entrepreneur" is a pronoun whose definition is a person who organizes and operates a business or business and takes on greater than normal financial risks.

Istarted this article with “Ever since I became an entrepreneur.” But then, I realized I have been an entrepreneur in my heart my entire life!

From when I was a young girl, I was always cooking up ideas about solutions I could provide the world with to create better lives for everyone. Thinking up these “inventions” or “ideas” challenges my creative side, and I still love it. When I daydream, I think of

ways that small businesses can significantly impact society’s betterment.

Do you ever have daydreams like that? You may be an entrepreneur. And honestly, there is no better place in the workforce to be right now.

“The Rise of the Woman Entrepreneur”

According to Jeanne Coughlin, author of the book, “The Rise of the Woman Entrepreneur.”

“Nearly 40% percent of all U.S. businesses are women-owned, and by 2025 the Census Bureau projects it will rise to 55%. The trend is new, dating back just to the 1980s, but its impact is already felt. Not only are women achieving empowerment and bettering their lives in many different ways, but the beneficial effect on the economic well-being of the entire country is also clear.”

That’s right! - to be exact, Women’s Business Ownership Act was

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enacted in 1988! I was 28 years old, and I did not even know I could not legally start my own business without a man’s permission! Holy cow, how things have changedand I must say for the better.

Women are Uniquely Qualified to Corner the Entrepreneurial Market

Years ago, it was unheard of for a woman to own her own business, The Women’s Business Ownership Act of 1988 allowed women to get a business loan without a male co-signer.

Yes, you read that correctly.

The good news was that things were changing even before that.

The women-owned businesses started to take off in 1972, which is most likely why there was a “Women’s Business Ownership Act.”

Women entrepreneurs grew by 48% year-over-year, outpacing their male counterparts by 22%. While women aged 25-34 still account for the largest group of female entrepreneurs, we also see strong growth amongst women aged 1824 (up 73%) and women over 65 (up 76%)

This sounds like a grassroots movement of motivated women!

Entrepreneurs Know How to Be Loaners - But Does Not Serve Them

At least, at first, entrepreneurs will be working primarily independently. Unless they take on a business partner, which comes with its own set of risks and challenges that we won’t go into here.

This situation is where your business can make you lonely and unrelatable to the friends and family in your life.

You are literally in every department of your business, from marketing to customer service to accounting. It is all you, baby.

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This “doing it on your own” mentality inspired me to create the incredible community of WESOS.

Women in business supporting and gathering with other women in business. Not to sell to each other but to support each other, share resources, and be authentic about the challenges we face in our dayto-day business operations.

I often say that I love my girlfriend, sisters, and family. Still, not everyone understands the life of an entrepreneur like other entrepreneurs do.

Shop Small, Shop Local! Together

We Support our Communities and our Small Businesses

When entrepreneurs start successful businesses, they create jobs contributing to widespread prosperity. Unlike large companies, which often divert profits to centralized corporate headquarters in distant cities, small businesses keep local dollars close to home.

Successful small businesses create jobs, and those jobs pay neighborhood workers, who spend their paychecks in other local businesses.

This reinvestment creates a positive feedback loop: as small businesses thrive, their workers thrive, as well, and their increased spending paves the way so that a more significant number of small businesses can

hire and pay additional workers. Local businesses often prioritize supporting local endeavors and organizations, such as school clubs and sporting teams. These sponsorships are win-win opportunities, providing funding for area groups while giving publicity to the businesses involved.

Seeking a Better Work-Life Balance

According to Smart Mom Gig (,

“The ability to have financial stability and security is a right we all deserve. So, too, should the ability to work using our professional skills during a timeframe that best suits our real lives. Working 9-5

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is archaic post-COVID and forces some to make unfathomable choices. If we change the model and meet women where they need to be, then there is no need to lose their valuable talents.”

Working from home is the most prevalent among entrepreneurial moms because they find that entrepreneurship allows for greater flexibility in their schedule and, in turn, for their family constraints and obligations.

And doesn’t that make the most sense? One thing I know for sure is a woman’s ability to multitask. It has just been in the past. We did not have the ways or means to have women working from home. Now we have the ability for women to work wherever they are in the world.

We have companies that need happy, healthy people with incredible skills, but they are just on a different schedule. They can get the job done, but not during the hours of 9 to 5.

Not to mention, One New York Enterprise Report survey found that small business owners work twice as much as regular employees. It also found that 33% of small business owners reported working more than 50 hours per week, and 25% said they work more than 60 hours weekly.

3 Traits Every Successful Entrepreneur Must Have, According to the ExpertsSuccessful Entrepreneurs are Resilient,

Confident, and Innovative.

All of these traits are not business skills but life skills. Everyone can

be an entrepreneur if they are determined to bring their idea to life!

So many women could be successful entrepreneurs if given the right tools and support to build their confidence. I often say that no one can make you successful or “empower” you! You empower yourself! You need the tools and resources - and, most importantly, the community to support you to your greatest success.

The rise of the woman entrepreneur is a new revolution of women - women with the confidence and the resources to chase their dreams if they only get started. It’s no longer just your personal wish to own your own business. No matter how small, it is a social responsibility to show your light to the world and make a difference in our community.

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Working Agile The Costs Of

H a v e y o u i m p l e m e n t e d a n A g i l e P r o j e c t o r W o r k f o r c e

M o d e l ? A r e y o u r d e l i v e r a b l e s m e a s u r e d w e e k l y i n s t e a d o f b y m i l e s t o n e s ? C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! Y o u ' r e w o r k i n g

m o r e e f f i c i e n t l y , r i g h t ? A s l o n g a s y o u h a v e t h e r i g h t

p e o p l e w i t h t h e r i g h t s k i l l s , y o u c a n e x e c u t e t h e w o r k .

S o , d o y o u h a v e t h e r i g h t p e o p l e t o d e l i v e r t h a t s p r i n t ?



The new workforce has become increasingly attainable due, in part, to advancements in technology and changes in work culture. Remote work and online collaboration tools have made it possible for companies to hire workers from anywhere in the country, and work with them, seamlessly. This has opened up a wider pool of talent for businesses to draw from and has also made it easier for individuals to find work that fits their lifestyle and which they can do from wherever they are. Additionally, the gig economy is growing and providing more opportunities for individuals to work on a project-by-project basis, rather than their being tied to a traditional 9-to-5 job. The rise of freelance and contract work has created more flexible and diverse

job opportunities. As a result, the new workforce is more attainable, now, than ever before.

Another important aspect of today’s transitioning and evolving workforce is the growing emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion. More companies are making a concerted effort to create a more inclusive workplace, through initiatives such as more robust diversity recruiting, conducting unconscious bias training, and providing a variety of resource groups for their workers.

Overall, the new workforce is becoming more accessible and attainable as technology and societal changes open up to remote work options and make it more diverse and inclusive, with alternative career paths. With

a greater emphasis on hiring and promoting individuals from marginalized communities, the accessible workforce is growing, exponentially. This shift is being driven by a growing awareness of the benefits of diversity and the need to address systemic biases in the hiring process.

Remote work has made it easier for individuals with disabilities, or those living in rural areas, to access job opportunities. In addition, there is a growing focus on skillsbased hiring, rather than relying solely on traditional educational or career backgrounds. This approach allows for a larger set of applicants to be considered for positions, as it values skills and experiences over other qualification formats.

VP of Facebook Reality Labs,

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Andrew Bosworth, tweeted about how the removal of physical location barriers expands job opportunities, “The future we envision for work allows for infinite workspaces that will unlock social and economic opportunities for people, regardless of barriers like physical location. It will take time to get there, and we continue to build toward this.”

In-office jobs, by definition and design, are limited to workers who live in nearby areas. If work product is done completely remotely, location and proximity are no longer requirements, which provides an extensively larger workforce. Without geographic limitations, employers can hire candidates from a wider pool, accessing an extensively larger workforce, as well as working toward remedying the lack

of diversity present in many industries, companies, and departments.

With the rise of cloud-based tools and virtual communications platforms it is now possible for businesses to hire and manage workers from anywhere in the country. The COVID-19 pandemic led to an increased reliance on remote work, as many companies have implemented remote work policies to protect the health and safety of their employees. This has resulted in a significant increase in the number of people working from home, and a corresponding increase in the number of people working from home., and a corresponding increase in the use of technology tools, such as video conferencing, instant messaging, and cloud-based collaboration platforms. With

the rise of cloud-based tools and virtual communications platforms, it is now possible for businesses to hire and manage workers from anywhere in the country.

Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the trend of remote work, with many companies and workers realizing the benefits of working from home. As a result, the pool of available talent for companies to choose from has expanded, making it easier for them to find the right candidates for the jobs. This shift in the way we work and hire has the potential to continue increasing the workforce, as it eliminates geographical and other barriers to employment. As a result, the new workforce is considerably larger and more attainable, now.

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***Blue Star Families is a national organization, founded in 2009 by military spouses.

An interview with Oz Hutton (Ambassador for V School; Marine Corps veteran), about the Blue Star Families organization and his connection with them.
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Editor’s Interview

“First, let me share about Blue Star Families, a national organization to help active duty military families’ transition from one post to another, as well as many other aspects of their lives. ‘We empower families to thrive as they serve. We are committed to strengthening military families by connecting them with their neighbors, to create vibrant communities of mutual support.” Emily Harrison, Chapter Director, Blue Star Families - Utah is a friend and one of the places we overlapped is The Salt Lake Chamber’s Military Affairs Committee. I have been a supporter of Blue Star Families’ great organization for many years.”

1. What are some of the needs of this organization?

Blue Star Families have the same needs as most families moving into a new area: access to good babysitters, mechanics, dentists, pediatricians, supermarkets, the best mom or dad retreats, etc. In addition, they may be looking for supplementary employment, having had to leave their previous secondary jobs.

and benefits, to relocate and start over with a new employer at a junior position, with less pay, and less or no benefits. This is a cycle that repeats itself multiple times over in the military. SmartMomGig can present opportunities that don’t change when spouses are ordered to a new assignment. This would create stability for the individual, as well and the family. Also, it may, potentially, create a second income stream, with the possibility of having two retirement incomes in the household vs. one. For the first time, these amazing individuals and extended families can maintain a lifestyle free from economic hardships, and work toward building a legacy for themselves and their families.

3. What can SmartMomGig bring to the table that is different from other offerings to this group?

SmartMomGig will bring these families support and a meaningful variety of flexible work options, which are true to their core work ethic.

5. Do folks from this group have special skills or clearance that corporations could benefit from?

This question brings a smile to my face. The key traits of these individuals are adaptability, resourcefulness, and appreciation for an opportunity to do good work for good pay. It would be my guess that many military spouses would pass a basic background check and because of the pool of candidates, many of those would have different levels of clearance. Blue Star Families included many branches and statuses, such as, active duty, guard, reserve and veterans. So, the answer to your questions is YES!

6. What industries do you believe will be interested in hiring these freelance workers through SmartMomGig?


. How are you envisioning a partnership between Blue Star Families and SmartMomGig?

The vision I foresee between Blue Star Families and SmartMomGig is one of economic value. Many military spouses have often been left out of the job market, or lost opportunities leaving a great position with pay

4. Isn’t something like this already set up for these workers?

The basic outline isn’t new. What’s new is the deliberate focus on military families to understand their difficulties and find and maintain opportunities that support them through the many transitions in their lives.

I believe many companies, across a wide variety of industries will see value in these workers and, eventually, hire them to be full-time workers with benefits and more, after seeing how well they can do. Everything from consulting firms, tech, fin-tech, aerospace, defense, short and long-chain logistics, etc. Currently, almost all industries are looking for workers. Workers are in such demand that there will be a long list of companies lined up to hire Blue Star Family members, via SmartMomGig, across the U.S.

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Remote Work Options

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the new workforce is becoming more accessible and attainable as technology and societal changes open up to remote work options and make it more diverse and inclusive, with alternative career paths.

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A Shifting Landscape

Is Contract Work Here to Stay? Work Gap Solution 29.

...the gig economy was once thought to be a fad but it’s here to stay.

It’s impossible to watch the news or read social media these days without learning of yet another massive layoff. Just this year, there have already been over 85,000 employees laid off from over 170 companies (according to, and these are big name companies – Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and SalesForce, just to name a few. Not only are people losing their jobs, but the way some companies have handled them is nothing short of atrocious. From learning they have lost their jobs by being locked out of their accounts (sometimes while in work meetings), to informing affected

employees in a two-minute long Zoom call or via social media, there are horror stories galore.

When COVID-19 hit in 2020, we started to see a shift in the employment landscape. The world literally shut down and companies were forced to figure out a way to keep their businesses running and employees working. So, everyone who was able to, started working from home. And guess what - it worked! Even though companies had been saying for years that it could not be done, it worked.

As things slowly started to return to normal, the remote work model

stayed. People figured out that they could save two hours a day in commute time and thousands of dollars in gas or transit money by not driving into the office. They learned that they could be more productive by working when and how best worked for them and without someone coming into their office constantly interrupting or to check to make sure their butt was in their seat, as the expression goes. Having the flexibility to work while still making sure their kids got off to school or being home to wait for the plumber not only became the norm, it came to be expected.

Once people figured out that

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they could work on their own terms and still get the job done, there was no going back. Well, for employees anyway. Employers didn’t quite feel the same way, with many organizations requiring their employees to come back into the office either full- or part-time. Of course, many did, but others started thinking there had to be a better way.

All of these things have contributed to a changing employment landscape. Where employers used to have the upper hand in the employment relationships, the tides have turned. Now, many companies struggle to find

employees at all, let alone qualified ones who want to work under their conditions. So where have all the employees gone? Wherever the hell they want.

What’s referred to as the gig economy was once thought to be a fad but guess what folks, it’s here to stay. Rather than work for employers who dictate where, when, and how they must get their work done, many people have simply elected to do it on their own. With numerous options available such as owning their own freelance or consulting business or doing gig work like driving for a rideshare or delivery service, many people

have run from traditional corporate America and are not looking back.

People have discovered that by working as a freelancer, they have the flexibility to work when and how they want (hello all you night owls getting it done after 7pm every evening), and for whom they want. People have also figured out that they can work from wherever they want, whether that means living somewhere much more affordable or having the ability to travel.

Also gone are many of the benefits of working for an employerhealthcare, 401k accounts, paid

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...many people have run from traditional corporate America and are not looking back.

time off, a steady paycheck, and predictable work. But with the freelance economy growing the way it has the last few years, more solutions to these missing benefits are arising as well, from independent health and retirement savings plans to free resources that help freelancers budget their money, set their rates, and plan for the unexpected.

All of this isn’t necessarily bad news for employers, though. By hiring freelance or contract workers, companies can reduce the financial burden of paying full-time salaries, benefits, insurance, and taxes. It

is easy to bring someone on for a particular project and only have to pay them for that project. This also allows the company to hone in on the right expert for their need, no matter where that person lives or works from. The overhead of having to provide office space can be greatly reduced, and all of this adds up to a better financial situation, hopefully meaning they won’t find themselves in the news feed because they’re doing layoffs.

A word of caution though - there are in fact laws about how companies classify workers, either as contractors or employees. Once

companies start to dictate where, when, and how work gets done, they cross that line and can find themselves in serious hot legal water.

So, work with contractors, allow them the autonomy to get the job done that you are paying them for on their own terms, and stop wasting countless hours recruiting for positions that people just don’t want to do full-time anymore. The times, they are a-changing…

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Economic Freedom through the Dignity of Work

ActivateWork is a nonprofit recruiting, training, and coaching firm that connects employers to a diverse pool of exceptional talent. Traditional hiring leaves valuable talent out. We help employers solve talent gaps with qualified candidates from underrepresented

communities. Our model is one of few proven to launch people to lasting economic freedom. Our proprietary behavioral screening process, rigorous skills training, and 12 months of on-the-job coaching prepare our learners to be valuable new hires.

Learn more about our talent solutions: •

RETURN ON INVESTMENT generated for every dollar invested in ActivateWork after one year in job for learners starting wage $23/hr DEMOGRAPHICS: 8:1 77% 84% 123% ECONOMIC
68% 33% 22% 66% Women People of color Less than a BA Immigrants

When you whole-heartedly and unapologetically follow your mission, you are setting yourself up for success and defying the odds.

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When you wholeheartedly and unapologetically follow your mission, you are setting yourself up for success and defying the odds. Focus, dedication, commitment, and transparency are the pillars which will help you fulfill your mission and bring it to being all you’ve dreamt it can be.


Every business owner has a mission – a goal they want to achieve, no matter the naysayers, no matter the obstacles, no matter the odds. But it takes more than just ambition and hard work to succeed in today’s competitive market. It

takes concentrated focus on your mission and unwavering dedication to defying those odds. By following your mission, so strongly and sincerely, you can accomplish things that most people believe are impossible. You can defy the odds and make your dreams come true by staying focused on what matters most – supporting and fulfilling your mission.


Your vision is what drives you and inspires you to keep going. It’s what keeps you motivated and passionate about the things that matter most to you. But, your vision will only remain alive if it has a purpose, which is why staying

dedicated is so important. When you have a clear idea of what you want to do and you’re dedicated enough not to give up on it, you open up limitless possibilities. It may be difficult, sometimes, because following your mission requires sacrifices and hard work, but with the right mindset, determination, and dedication, it is possible to overcome the odds, achieve your goals, and manifest your mission.

Dedication, motivation, and hard work are a powerful combination, which can produce dramatic results. So stay dedicated, motivated, and true to your mission, put in the hard work, tune out those who might strive

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It takes concentrated focus on your mission and unwavering dedication to defying those odds.

to undermine you, and achieve your goals. Then celebrate your mission and your successes, unapologetically, loud, and proud, for all to hear!

This steadfast following of your mission can often lead to even greater success than you’ve imagined. It takes courage and resilience to stay true to your mission, but it can pay off, greatly, in the long run.

Stay dedicated to achieving success while staying true to yourself and your goals.


It takes more than just ambition

and hard work to succeed in today’s competitive market. It takes continued commitment to your mission. By staying committed to your mission, you stand out in the crowd, achieve your goals, and work toward claiming and celebrating your success. You can defy the odds and come out on top, by staying committed to your mission.


Having a clear mission and staying true to it helps you achieve your goals and do right by your mission. It can also give you the motivation you need to keep going when things get tough. One of the best ways to stay true to your mission

is by being transparent about what you’re doing and why. This keeps things clear and straightforward, for your customers and for yourself.

For too long, many have hung in the shadows. Either afraid to stand up and be noticed, to shine the spotlight on themselves, or thinking others might criticize them, they might not “get it”. No person, no business, no anything is everyone’s cup of tea. Be yourself. Follow your heart. Stay strong. Don’t let the fact that your mission might not be accepted by others discourage you. Don’t apologize for being you, or for following your mission. We all have our own personalities and missions in life, so we can’t possibly

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You can defy the odds and come out on top, by staying committed to your mission.

compare ourselves to everyone else, or try to make all of them happy.

You have nothing to apologize for, in following your dreams, your goals, and your mission. Say it, again (out loud or in your head), so it really sinks in. You have nothing to apologize for, in following your dreams, your goals, and your mission. Too often, people feel they have to downplay their successes and achievements. I’m here to tell you, don’t downplay them. In fact, just the opposite. Celebrate your successes! Announce your achievements from the mountain tops! Revel in them, loud and proud!

For your sake and the sake of everyone who hears of your achievements and celebrates along with you, it is important to acknowledge the positives. Your mission, your goals, your successes, and your purpose guide and uplift you. In addition, they show all those around you it IS worth it, it IS possible. When you uplift yourself, it uplifts those around you, striving toward their goals, focusing on their missions. Fortitude and successes help foster fortitude and successes.

Aligning yourself with partners who are also, unapologetically, following their missions, will help each of you to achieve optimal success. The support and collaboration of other like-minded professionals is beneficial, beyond measure.

By staying focused, dedicated, committed, and transparent you are setting yourself up to succeed and defy the odds. Follow your mission, give it your all, and you will be setting yourself up for the best outcome possible.

Freelancer, Proud Mom and Grandma, Daughter, Sister, and Friend. I am very appreciative, to have found such a great, supportive platform, at; to be given the opportunity to express my voice, tips, and insights; and to be a part of helping so many people. Freelancing is the answer to integrating my professional and personal lives, providing me the ability to work from practically anywhere, juggle multiple schedules, and still get done what I need and want to.

Having worked a number of 9-to-5 (or crazier hours) jobs, I am appreciating and enjoying the flexibility freelancing provides. It gives me the opportunity to be there, when my family needs me, as well as giving us more quality time together.

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Melissa Glasson


Unlike other flexible workspaces with their whimsical fusion of networking and uncharted possibilities, Venture X is geared towards the established business professional looking for upscale surroundings at locations that are dressed for success

5 Locations in Denver

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