The future is bright for this accomplished group of scholars
INSIDE: Meet our 20th All State Academic Team as well as members of the academic regional teams for Nebraska and western Iowa and those earning honorable mention recognition. Plus, find scholarship winners at metroarea schools.
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2013 All Metro Academic Team First Team
Alison Brockman
Matthew J. Kent
Mackenzie Mikkelsen
Vaibhav Viswanathan
Omaha Brownell-Talbot
Omaha Burke
Omaha Westside
Millard North
Parents: Jan Brockman and Will Rosegay Class rank: 2nd out of 27 Test scores: 34 on ACT, 2190 on SAT, National Merit finalist College plans: Northwestern University; international studies or economics
Parents: Chris and Kathryn Kent Class rank: 1st out of 546 Test scores: 34 on ACT, 2170 on SAT, National Merit finalist College plans: Drake; pre-pharmacy
All State Parents: Stephanie Meyers and Steve Mikkelsen Class rank: 3rd out of 469 Test scores: 36 on ACT, 2220 on SAT, National Merit finalist College plans: Minnesota-Twin Cities; computer engineering
All State Parents: Krish and Jay Viswanathan Class rank: 4th out of 614 Test scores: 35 on ACT, 2170 on SAT, National Merit finalist College plans: Harvey Mudd College; engineering with an emphasis on robotics
Scholarships: UNL Raikes, deans, honors; UNO regents, Walter Scott Jr.; Purdue trustee, alumni general, Purdue Club of Omaha, non-resident; Minnesota Gold National, Cyrus Northrop, presidential, Robert F. Hartmann; Ida C. Koran; USC presidential
Scholarships: UNL regents, Raikes; Michigan tuition; Carnegie Mellon Carnegie; Harvey Mudd college
Megan Woodruff
Scholarships: Northwestern National Merit; Academic Decathlon (two)
Scholarships: Drake presidential, trustee, bulldog, National Merit; South Dakota State Jackrabbit, honors, National Merit; Errol Eernisse Foundation; Creighton presidential, magis; BBB Student of Integrity; Picotte PTA; World-Herald outstanding student
Grant Glazer
Zhiyu “Linda” Liu
Marika Svolos
Omaha Westside
Omaha Brownell-Talbot
Omaha Central
Omaha Marian
Parents: Jennifer and John Glazer Class rank: 2nd out of 469 Test scores: 34 on ACT, 2220 on SAT, National Merit finalist College plans: Stanford; earth systems
All State Parents: Luzheng Liu and Amy Zhu
All State Parents: Carol and Thomas Svolos Class rank: 6th out of 533 Test scores: 36 on ACT, 2400 on SAT, National Merit finalist College plans: University of Chicago; mathematics
Parents: Dr. John and Lori Woodruff Class rank: 1st out of 145 Test scores: 35 on ACT, 2340 on SAT, National Merit finalist College plans: Vanderbilt; computer engineering
Scholarships: Iowa State competitive excellence; Tulsa vision; Minnesota Cyrus Northrop, Gold National, Bentson family; Washington-St. Louis Eliot; UNL honors; Unlocking Answers; WorldHerald outstanding student
Class rank: 1st out of 27 Test scores: 35 on ACT, 2320 on SAT, National Merit finalist College plans: Princeton; mathematics or economics Scholarships: UNL honors program, Living and Learning; National Merit; Chicago Odyssey; World-Herald outstanding student
Scholarships: Chicago university; UNL Math Day (three); Nebraska Academic Decathlon Foundation; Winifred Ruth Frances and Dorothy Edwards Foundation; Nebraska Lincoln Gallup Organization & Eastman memorial
Scholarships: Michigan engineering honor; Tulsa presidential, vision, honors; Minnesota Gold National, Cyrus Northrop; Santa Clara provost; Villanova presidential; Maryland Banneker/ Key; Vanderbilt Cornelius Vanderbilt, School of Engineering; UNL Raikes, honors textbook; USC presidential; World-Herald outstanding student
Andrew Kenneth McVea
Giselle Tran
Avery Zaleski
Omaha Westside
Omaha Westside
Omaha Central
Omaha Central
Parents: Mace Hack and Rosie Zweiback Class rank: 1st out of 469 Test scores: 2320 on SAT, National Merit finalist College plans: Stanford; ecology and evolutionary biology
Parents: Craig and Kristine McVea Class rank: 5th out of 469 Test scores: 35 on ACT, 2150 on SAT, National Merit finalist College plans: University of Chicago; mathematics
All State Parents: Christine Nguyen and Paul Tran Class rank: 1st out of 533 Test scores: 34 on ACT, 2350 on SAT, National Merit finalist College plans: Stanford; international relations
Parents: Jeff and Dianna Zaleski Class rank: 2nd out of 533 Test scores: 35 on ACT, 2320 on SAT, National Merit finalist College plans: Rice; environmental science or environmental engineering
Joe Hack
Scholarships: North Carolina-Chapel Hill Morehead-Cain; National Merit; Sokoloff; B’nai B’rith
Scholarships: Chicago National Merit, university; UNL Living and Learning; Washington-Seattle Purple, Gold
Scholarships: UNL chancellor’s; Central High Jepsen; Iowa State competitive excellence, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; Buffett PTO; Fullerton PTA; Northwestern National Merit; Rice National Merit, trustee; Washington-St. Louis Thomas H. Eliot; Edwards Foundation; Tailhook Educational Foundation; CHMM
Scholarships: UNL Living and Learning; UNMC Travis B. Lewis research; World-Herald outstanding student; National Merit
Second Team Katherine Baxter
Mark Casper
Hannah Evans
Alexander Gangwish
Millard North
Papillion-La Vista
Omaha Burke
Bellevue West
Parents: Anne and Nicholas Baxter Class rank: 21st out of 614 Test scores: 35 on ACT, 2190 on SAT
Parents: Robert and Carla Casper Class rank: 22nd out of 360 Test scores: 35 on ACT, 2080 on SAT
Ryan F. Boyland
Abigail A. Culp
Bellevue East
Omaha Mercy
Parents: Roosevelt and Michelle Boyland Class rank: 1st out of 385 Test scores: 34 on ACT, 2050 on SAT
Parents: Victor and Kimberly Culp Class rank: 2nd out of 106 Test scores: 35 on ACT, 2280 on SAT
Parents: Joe and Patti Evans Class rank: 8th out of 546 Test scores: 33 on ACT, 2150 on SAT
Patrick Fisher
Omaha Creighton Prep Parents: James and Theresa Fisher Class rank: 29th out of 279 Test scores: 36 on ACT, 2330 on SAT
Pooja Mahendra Varman
Leanna R. Willer
Parents: Kim and Ken Gangwish Class rank: 1st out of 393 Test scores: 36 on ACT, 2260 on SAT
Omaha Duchesne Parents: Meera and Mahendra Varman Class rank: 2nd of 79 Test scores: 35 on ACT, 2190 on SAT
Parents: Jeff and Michele Willer Class rank: 3rd out of 154 Test scores: 35 on ACT
Rohan Khazanchi
Evan D. White
Peter Xu
Millard North
Omaha Central
Parents: Deepak and Meenakshi Khazanchi Class rank: 19th out of 614 Test scores: 35 on ACT, 2080 on SAT
Parents: Connie and Douglas White Class rank: 3rd out of 533 Test scores: 35 on ACT, 2210 on SAT
Parents: Chen-Wei Xu and Hongqi Duan Class rank: 6th out of 614 Test scores: 36 on ACT, 2380 on SAT
Millard North
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2013 All Eastern Academic Team First Team
Seth Berggren
Rose Medill
Andrew Peterson
Tom Rasmussen
Lincoln Pius X
Lincoln Southeast
Lincoln East
Parents: Christopher and Laurie Berggren Class rank: 1st out of 149 Test scores: 35 on ACT College plans: Rice; computer science
Parents: Steve and Colleen Medill Class rank: 1st out of 291 Test scores: 33 on ACT, 2220 on SAT, National Merit finalist College plans: Oklahoma; chemical engineering
Parents: Kurt and Melody Peterson Class rank: 3rd out of 485 Test scores: 36 on ACT, 2300 on SAT, National Merit finalist College plans: UNL; mathematics education
Parents: Scott and Kathy Rasmussen Class rank: 5th out of 377 Test scores: 36 on ACT, 2240 on SAT, National Merit finalist College plans: Columbia; mechanical engineering with a minor in physics
Scholarships: Oklahoma National Merit; Minnesota Gold National, Cyrus Northrop; UNL chancellor’s, engineering dean’s; Kansas Engineering National Merit; Iowa State competitive excellence, engineering
Scholarships: UNL honors textbook, chancellor’s, Education and Human Sciences
Scholarships: National Merit; UNL chancellor’s
Joel Mohrmann
Tanner Pfeiffer
Benjamin Swanson
Scholarships: UNL regents, honors textbook; Rotary Student of the Month
Zach Bruick Seward
Lincoln Christian
Lincoln Northeast
Lincoln Pius X
All State Parents: Scott and Jan Bruick Class rank: 2nd out of 118 Test scores: 35 on ACT, 2280 on SAT, National Merit finalist College plans: Valparaiso; meteorology
Parents: James and Janet Mohrmann Class rank: 1st out of 54 Test scores: 35 on ACT College plans: UNL; electrical engineering
Parents: Phil and Tami Pfeiffer Class rank: 2nd out of 377 Test scores: 34 on ACT, 2220 on SAT, National Merit finalist College plans: UNL; math, physics, applied music and Spanish
Parents: Bob and Janice Swanson Class rank: 1st out of 291 Test scores: 34 on ACT, 2070 on SAT College plans: Notre Dame; engineering
Scholarships: Lutheran leadership; National Merit; Jake Duncan
Scholarships: UNL regents, Raikes; UNO regents, Windstream; Colorado School of Mines
Scholarships: UNL chancellor’s; Rochester National Merit, Rush Rhees
Scholarships: UNL regents, honors textbook; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rensselaer Medal
Maranda Frey
Sarah Moody
Alexander Pieloch
Nathaniel Wei
Lincoln Southwest Parents: Kevin and Darla Frey Class rank: 14th out of 480 Test scores: 36 on ACT, 2260 on SAT, National Merit finalist College plans: UNO/Peter Kiewit Institute; computer engineering
Lincoln Southwest
Lincoln East
All State
Parents: Teresa Pieloch Class rank: 6th out of 480 Test scores: 2220 on SAT College plans: Duke; chemical engineering or biomedical engineering
Parents: John and Julie Moody Class rank: 1st out of 118 Test scores: 35 on ACT, 2130 on SAT, National Merit finalist College plans: UNL; psychology with a minor in Spanish
Scholarships: UNO regents; Walter Scott Jr.; National Merit; Ruth Hill Elementary
All State Parents: Timothy and Sally Wei Class rank: 1st out of 377 Test scores: 35 on ACT, 2400 on SAT, National Merit finalist College plans: Princeton; aerospace engineering
Scholarships: UNL regents
Scholarships: UNL chancellor’s, honors textbook
Scholarships: National Merit; Illinois
Second Team Andrew Arkebauer
Mary Driewer
Lauren Higgins
Andrea Jones
Ashlyn Lee
Clara Rich
Lincoln Southwest
Lincoln Pius X
Lincoln Southeast
Lincoln Christian
Lincoln Southwest
Lincoln Lutheran
Parents: Steve and Kathy Higgins Class rank: 29th out of 485 Test scores: 33 on ACT, 2120 on SAT
Parents: Monte and Brenda Jones Class rank: 6th out of 54 Test scores: 34 on ACT, 2230 on SAT
Parents: Chris and Carmen Lee Class rank: 3rd out of 480 Test scores: 34 on ACT, 2070 on SAT
Parents: Darin and Wendy Rich Class rank: 1st out of 56 Test scores: 35 on ACT, 2140 on SAT
Parents: Eileen and Tim Arkebauer Class rank: 4th out of 480 Test scores: 35 on ACT, 2220 on SAT
Parents: Jim and Anne Driewer Class rank: 1st out of 291 Test scores: 35 on ACT
Dalton Dey
Sara Gronewold
Ryan Jensen
Dakoda James Kilzer
James Robert O’Neil
Trevor Wiegert
Lincoln Christian
Parents: Russell and Jane Gronewold Class rank: 2nd out of 54 Test scores: 33 on ACT, 2110 on SAT
Parents: Neil and Kathy Jensen Class rank: 1st out of 149 Test scores: 34 on ACT
Lincoln Northeast
Nebraska City Lourdes
Parents: Joe and Julie Dey Class rank: 1st out of 40 Test scores: 34 on ACT
Parents: James and Gina Kilzer Class rank: 7th out of 377 Test scores: 33 on ACT
Parents: Scott and Janet O’Neil Class rank: 1st out of 30 Test scores: 34 on ACT, 2220 on SAT
Parents: Kyle and Dawn Wiegert Class rank: 1st out of 325 Test scores: 35 on ACT
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2013 All West-Central Academic Team First Team
Grace Carhart
Preston Fegley
Lauren R. Kuta
Grand Island
Columbus Scotus
Parents: David and Mary Carhart Class rank: 1st out of 24 Test scores: 34 on ACT, 2150 on SAT College plans: Gordon College; English
All State
Parents: Robert and Rebecca Kuta Class rank: 1st out of 66 Test scores: 34 on ACT College plans: Notre Dame; engineering
Parents: Shelia and Kevin Sanford Class rank: 1st out of 52 Test scores: 34 on ACT College plans: UNK; middle school education
Scholarships: UNL regents; Marquette Ignatius excellence; Northeastern dean’s; College of St. Mary-Indiana Moreau presidential; Rural Southwest Deanery
Scholarships: UNK regents, honors program, room waiver
Nick Nagengast
Allison A. Stricker
Parents: Brad and Jodi Fegley Class rank: 1st out of 489 Test scores: 36 on ACT, 2370 on SAT, National Merit finalist College plans: USC; aerospace engineering
Scholarships: Gordon A.J. Gordon; Wheaton presidents; South Dakota Elks most valuable student
Scholarships: American Legion Samsung; U.S. Achievement Academy; Arizona State presidents; Ohio State maximus, National Buckeye; USC trustee, university
Jordyn Dahlke
Ryan Henning
Jared Sanford
Waco Lutheran
Parents: Mark and Karyn Dahlke Class rank: 1st out of 401 Test scores: 34 on ACT College plans: Colorado State; biochemistry
Parents: Philip Henning Class rank: 1st out of 11 Test scores: 34 on ACT College plans: Martin Luther College; elementary education
Parents: John and Sunny Nagengast Class rank: 3rd out of 24 Test scores: 36 on ACT, 2080 on SAT College plans: Harvard; engineering or music
Parents: Randy and Martha Stricker Class rank: 8th out of 176 Test scores: 35 on ACT, 2260 on SAT, National Merit finalist College plans: UNL; graphic design
Scholarships: Colorado State Green and Gold, honors, natural sciences undergraduate; UNL regents; Wesleyan
Scholarships: Martin Luther presidential
Scholarships: UNL regents; Creighton magis
Scholarships: Elk’s Lodge; UNL National Merit
Olivia Exstrum
Conner Kozisek
Adam C. Pasquinelly
Austin Wendt
Grand Island
North Platte St. Patrick
Columbus Scotus
Parents: Brian and Amy Exstrum Class rank: 1st out of 489 Test scores: 34 on ACT, 1980 on SAT, National Merit finalist College plans: Northwestern; journalism with minors in political science and international relations
Parents: Mark and Joni Kozisek Class rank: 1st out of 45 Test scores: 33 on ACT College plans: UNL; communication studies
Parents: Chris and Michelle Pasquinelly Class rank: 1st out of 31 Test scores: 33 on ACT College plans: Notre Dame; biochemistry
Parents: Rob and Kori Wendt Class rank: 2nd out of 66 Test scores: 35 on ACT College plans: UNL; mechanical engineering
Scholarships: UNL regents, Top Scholar
Scholarships: Notre Dame NROTC, academic; UNL regents, Top Scholar; Marquette Ignatius excellence; Sharon Goffena; South Platte Valley Association; Presidential Academic Excellence; St. Patrick’s Outstanding Musician; Nebraska Coaches Association
Scholarships: UNL regents, Raikes; Nebraska Society of Professional Engineers
Scholarships: Northwestern Bob Hamblet
Second Team Katelyn Dickes
Michael Hadden
Michael Jensen
Tyler Mickey
Corbin Rasmussen
Timothy Smith
Hartington Cedar Catholic
Kearney Catholic
Parents: Kris and Tammy Mickey Class rank: 2nd out of 176 Test scores: 34 on ACT, 2050 on SAT
Parents: Steve and Linda Rasmussen Class rank: 1st out of 11 Test scores: 33 on ACT
Parents: Russ and Sandy Smith Class rank: 1st out of 401 Test scores: 34 on ACT
Jacob Nikodym
Levi Schroer
Charrissa Zuerlein
Red Cloud
Columbus Scotus
Parents: Lavern and Kelly Schroer Class rank: 1st out of 12 Test scores: 34 on ACT
Parents: Pete and Karen Zuerlein Class rank: 8th out of 66 Test scores: 34 on ACT
Parents: Gene and Susan Dickes Class rank: 1st out of 38 Test scores: 33 on ACT
Parents: Dennis and DeVon Hadden Class rank: 2nd out of 176 Test scores: 33 on ACT, 2050 on SAT
Samuel Eastman
Jacob Jarecke
Grand Island Central Catholic
Parents: Cathy Eastman Class rank: 1st out of 120 Test scores: 34 on ACT
Parents: Gregory and Kimberly Jarecke Class rank: 1st out of 29 Test scores: 34 on ACT
Parents: Jerry and Lisa Jensen Class rank: 1st out of 48 Test scores: 33 on ACT
Kim Krings Humphrey St. Francis Parents: Diane Krings Class rank: 1st out of 15 Test scores: 34 on ACT
Parents: John and Janice Nikodym Class rank: 1st out of 19 Test scores: 34 on ACT
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The World-Herald is proud of its rich history of educational support � The newspaper has recognized top male and female graduates of Omaha-area high schools with scholarships since 1922.
� The World-Herald established the Omaha World-Herald Reporting Fellowship in 2008, designed to give real world experience to students interested in a career in journalism.
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2013 Academic Judges Metro Judges From left Angela Mosier 2013 Nebraska Teacher of the Year, math teacher at Omaha Westside Frank Harwood superintendent of Bellevue Public Schools Stacey Evert * director of college counseling at Omaha Brownell-Talbot
Eastern judges From left Kurt Glathar principal of Lincoln Northeast Brandon Mowinkel * principal of Milford Ryan Ruhl principal of Norris
West Central Judges From left Jeff Gilbertson * principal of Grand Island Jessie Kaskie guidance counselor at Kearney Catholic Wayne Morfeld president of Columbus Scotus
Western Iowa JUDGES From left Todd Barnett principal of Council Bluffs Abraham Lincoln Matt McDonough principal of Underwood Dr. Stephen Aspleaf principal of Sioux City North
* Indicates involvement in second round of judging: selection of Nebraska All State Team
How the academic program works
High school seniors qualify for nomination in The World-Herald All Academic program two ways: 1) They are one of the two highest-ranked students in the senior class or 2) They scored 32 or better on the ACT or 2080 or better on the SAT. Judging panels made up of educators from throughout the region meet in Omaha to select members of four regional teams: eastern Nebraska, metro Omaha, west-central Nebraska and western Iowa. Each regional panel chooses 12 members for a first team. The three Nebraska panels also choose 12 members for a second team.
With the superior credentials of all the nominees, the task of identifying the best of the best is not an easy one for judges. Judges do not know the school, name or gender of the students. They know the nominees only by a number. All nominees are judged on their academic credentials. Beyond test scores on college entrance exams, GPAs and class rank, those credentials include involvement in academic competitions and activities, level of participation in school programs and clubs, and school leadership roles. Judges also closely examine the coursework taken — in particular, the rigor of the senior schedule.
So a student with high test scores but with little involvement in school may not be chosen by judges for recognition. As one judge put it this year: “I know they’re smart, but what else have they done at school?” The top 36 students in Nebraska — the firstteam members from each of the state’s three regions — then go through one more round of judging. A new judging panel is formed, made up of one person from each of the original three Nebraska judging panels. From the pool of 36 students, nine are named to the All State team. All three regions of the state are represented on the 2013 All State team.
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2013 All Western Iowa Academic Team Meet The World-Herald’s 2013 scholars of western Iowa. The top 12 are on this page; the 100 earning honorable mention are on the facing page. The Iowa students represent 55 schools. To be considered, students had to rank No. 1 or No. 2 in their senior class or post scores of at least 32 on the ACT or at least 2080 on the SAT.
Elizabeth (Betsy) Ehmcke
Mallory Huggins
Sioux City East
Council Bluffs Abraham Lincoln
Parents: Lance and Kathy Ehmcke Class rank: 2nd out of 311 Test scores: 34 on the ACT, 2220 on the SAT, National Merit finalist College plans: Southern Methodist; mechanical engineering
Parents: Marie and David Huggins Class rank: 1st out of 352 Test scores: 34 on the ACT College plans: Iowa State; biology and pre-vet
Parents: Cyndi McFarlin and Sean McFarlin Class rank: 1st out of 146 Test scores: 35 on the ACT, National Merit finalist College plans: Northwestern; psychology pre-med
Parents: Grant Schaaf, Susie Schaaf Class rank: 2nd out of 42 Test scores: 34 on the ACT, 1960 on the SAT College plans: Iowa State; chemical engineering
Scholarships: Southern Methodist second century scholar, Lyle engineering fellowship, Easterwood; Pilot Rock Chapter DAR; Rotary Student of the Month; National Merit; National Council on Youth Leadership
Scholarships: Iowa Old Gold, Iowa Scholars; Iowa State presidential; ALHS Class of 1954; World-Herald outstanding student
Alyson Forbes
Ryan McFarlin
Scholarships: Drake presidential; Creighton university; Jimmy Rane Foundation
Preston Schaaf
Scholarships: Iowa State College of Engineering, recognition
Brennan Leo Jackson
Steven Monson
Carroll Kuemper
Sioux City Heelan
Council Bluffs Abraham Lincoln
Nodaway Valley
Parents: Tom and Diane Forbes Class rank: 1st out of 71 Test scores: 34 on the ACT College plans: Creighton; biology/preoccupational therapy and Spanish
Parents: John and Lori Jackson Class rank: 1st out of 114 Test scores: 33 on the ACT, 2160 on the SAT, National Merit finalist College plans: Northwestern; biomedical engineering
Parents: Dave and Sue Monson Class rank: 2nd out of 352 Test scores: 32 on the ACT College plans: Iowa State; computer science
Parents: Richard Siglin and Terry Rabbitt Class rank: 1st out of 57 Test scores: 32 on the ACT College plans: Grinnell College; anthropology or English
Scholarships: Creighton magis, presidential; Iowa Old Gold, Iowa Scholars
Scholarships: National Merit; Northwestern academic
Ryan Hempel
Brendan McAlister
Scholarships: Runza; Iowa State George Washington Carver; Hoff family
Scholarships: Grinnell trustee honor, college
Grace R. Rants
Katelyn Sillik Council Bluffs Thomas Jefferson
Coon Rapids-Bayard
Sioux City East
Parents: Jerry and Barb Hempel Class rank: 1st out of 55 Test scores: 33 on the ACT College plans: Iowa State; engineering
Parents: Michael and Mari McAlister Class rank: 1st out of 23 Test scores: 34 on the ACT College plans: Iowa State; mechanical engineering
Parents: Christopher and Trudy Rants Class rank: 1st out of 311 Test scores: 34 on the ACT, 1960 on the SAT College plans: Creighton; mathematics
Scholarships: Iowa State Cardinal, competitive excellence; Grand Lodge of Iowa Masonic
Scholarships: Creighton magis; Iowa State competitve excellence, Cardinal; Morningside trustee; Rochester Bausch and Lomb
Scholarships: Iowa State Cardinal, College of Engineering, competitive excellence
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Rebecca Siglin
Parents: William and Jill Sillik Class rank: 2nd out of 272 Test scores: 32 on the ACT College plans: Creighton; pharmacy Scholarships: Drake presidential; Runza; Creighton presidential; Hy-Vee; Hoff family; Southwest Iowa Education Foundation
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S u n day, M ay 1 2 , 2 0 1 3
2013 Western Iowa Honorable Mention A-H-S-T
Ashley Marie Nielsen
Kaelly Coleen Welsh
Rachel Lenz
Marissa Haubrich
Council Bluffs Lewis Central Council Bluffs St. Albert
Molly Berringer
Nathan Pettepier
Faye Assmann
Julianne Johnson
Emily Smith
Chris Chekal
Sydney Embray
Hannah Marcum
Council Bluffs Thomas Jefferson
Michael Hanigan
Mitchell Putnam
Alison Schwebach
Rachel Faga
Cierra Boyer
Patrick O’Brien
Theo Hartman
Daniel Rodriguez
Kara Allen
Kevin Bruning
Logan Doty
Ellen Oster
Madison Keysor
Matthew Monahan
Taylor Sondag
Jacob Sowers
Haley Schmidt
Missouri Valley
Morgan Koenigs
Sam Schmitz
Nicholas Wiges
Maggie Jennett
Michael William Heffernan
Ruru Victor Idahosa
Madicen Fanslau
Noah Carl Mollet
McKinsey Rodenburg
Morganne Haer
Jill Vanderhoof
Carly Ludwig
Eileen Asselin
Allison Ann Young
Ashley Goslar
East Sac County
Alexis Woodruff
April Shields
Dena Baughman
Lindsey Greer
Nodaway Valley
Julie Bricker
Hannah Gustafson
Sioux City Heelan
Noah McKeever
Cassie Evers
Charter Oak-Ute
Bradley Pickhinke
Matthew Davis
Lauren Sievers
Kayla Anne Ruterbories
Brooke Longtin
West Harrison
Samantha Evers
Dacia Seger
Gabby Humlicek
Ridge View
Geoff Sellers
Christian Egger
Heaven Coughlin
McKinzi Shook
Justin Smits
Gretchen Kistenmacher
Thanh Johnson
Jacob Peterman
Grace Elaine Parsley
Kyli Michelle Zortman
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Kelci Coates, Millard North Matthew Cummins, Bellevue East Alison Drey, Millard North Andrew Hostert, North Sarah Myers, North Sara Scheidies, Burke Bonnie Smith, Northwest Samuel Woods, Concordia
Brittany Nicole Baumfalk
South Page
Anastasia Schroeder
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Johanna Scherling
Woodbury Central
Brittany Schermann
Jacob Hartvigsen
Iowa School for the Deaf
Shayne Wiese
West Monona
Shelby Shull
Margaret Godwin
Sioux City West
Aaron McLaughlin
Marissa Knott
Dustin Middlemist
Mariah Johnson
Sarah Schlichte
Sioux City North
Alexander Richard Prather
Wilson Pingrey
Red Oak
Bevin Griffen
Council Bluffs Abraham Lincoln
Katelyn Leisinger
Adam Zaccone
Coon RapidsBayard
Mount Ayr
Hannah West
Carroll Kuemper
East Mills
Sarah Hubner
Matthew Williamson
Emma Kate Johnson
Tarynne Kinghorn
Connor Fikes
Trevor McKee
Maple Valley-Anthon Oto
Riverside Shenandoah
Daniel Grothe
Emily Nelsen
Boyer Valley
Samantha Rohmiller
Spencer Gable, Millard North Timothy Grundmayer, Gretna Megan Johnson, Bellevue East Riley Jones, Elkhorn South Rebecca Kalhorn, Northwest Torey Kogel, Burke Gabriella Montemarano, Gretna Austin Moore, Millard West Taylor Muehlich, Millard West Michelle Petty, Northwest Jonathan Renteria, South Taylor Seeley, Millard North Austin Severson, Papillion-LaVista South Alexander Wells, Papillion-LaVista Elsa Whittaker, Papillion-LaVista South
Jacob Sunderman
Alyssa Blum
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2013 Nebraska Honorable Mention The 816 Nebraska high school seniors pictured below and on the next four pages earned honorable mention recognition for the achievement that led to their nominations to The World-Herald 2013 All State Academic Team. The criteria for nominations will help you understand what makes these students so special. Nominees had to rank No. 1 or No. 2 in their senior class, or they had to have scores of at least 32 on the ACT or at least 2080 on the SAT college entrance exams.
Adams Central
Jordan Nash
Kailey Marie Rader
Hannah Finnegan
Robyn Levine
Kylie Washburn
Alyssa Kinning
Sydni Barker
McKenzie Bergstrom
Samantha Duennerman
Sofia Anastasia Giles-Hnida
Alex Brechbill
Seth Fosket
Melinda Eichenberger
Jessica Moore
Julia Elizabeth Sullivan
Olivia Nottlemann
Courtney Fuks
Bellevue East
Christian D. Rush
Zachary T. Smith
Alicia Young
Boone Central
Toni Rasmussen
Taylor Ditoro
Kevin Hanna
Jacob Bliss
Grant Siekman
Tyler Stansberry
Boys Town
Jacob Krause
Colbi Lierman
Mariah Ann Ayers
Bridget Safranek
Jacob Jenson
Ryan J. Weide
Douglas County West
Colin Schnoes
Samantha Hidalgo
Jonathan Holtmann
Haelee Kowalski
Cody Myers
Amy Demers
Brittney Christophersen
Molly Hannon
Cedar Bluffs
Courtney Cleveringa
Ashley Jennings
Alexander Johnson
Autumn Kramer
Aaron Westrom
Fayth Ryan
Colby Engquist
Cross County
Brayton Hagge
East Butler
Natasha Fuehrer
Kendall J. Schick
Yoon Ho Kim
Sarah Vanek
Christina Dubas
Jessica L. Kildow
Anthony Pete
Leslie Chudomelka
Lilly Sundermeier
Zachary Allen Westerman
Jeremy D. Cassiday
Erik T. Ingram
Chayce A. Kenny
Beau A. Marth
Tyler J. Miller
Max Lydiatt
Daniel Moses
Kimberly Smith
Emily Caroline Vokal
Ashley Weed
Jacob Wilkinson
Jacob D. Rafert
Anna Kutschkau
Derek Lahm
Deidre Sandall
Kelsey Lynn Foster
Paige Benner
Ian Robak
Dana Vandenberg
Lee Bartak
Jenny Beckman
Paul Kujawa
Yun Sik Oh
Jacob Sesker
Levi French
Ashley Fiedler
Lane Chasek
Cecelia Carson
Tyler Mares
Weslee Jackson
Garret Dockweiler
Abigail McFee
Tara Starzec
Jonathon Vito Lombardi
David City Aquinas
Marissa DeWispelare
Conner Novacek
Kilah Deaver
Bailey Bond
Travis Martin
Dillon Vogt
Alexis Marquardt
McKenzie Beals
Alexandra Himmelberg
Haley Montgomery
Bronson Pahl
Christina Hoops
Jameela Pedersen
Rose Hafer
Kadie R. Bond
Stephanie D. Brummond
Drew W. Dudley
Jesse D. Elser
Hannah Marie Burbach
Kaity Wilmes
Alexis Page
Andrew Henrichs
Alan Poteet
Douglas County West
Jordie Theye
Amanda Booze
Elkhorn Mount Michael
Andrew D. Berger
Matt Anderson
Cody-Kilgore Coleridge
Craig Lloyd Meier
Amy Ahlers
Catholic Home School Assoc.
Daykin Meridian
Desiree Bartels
Boone Central
Levi G. Loper
Sydney Todd
April Faimon
Amanda Brandt
Blue Hill
Logan M. Fraser
Karl Frazier
Hannah K. Milenkovich
Sawyer D. Nietfeld
Colton T. Roessner
John Choi
Garrett Kraudy
Cameron Maciejewski
Elyse Mancuso
Sara Mantz
Elkhorn South
Jihoon Park
Elkhorn Valley
Mallory Wright
Matthew Stier
Central City
David City
Samantha Hascall
Mitchel Misfeldt
Broken Bow
Jeff Post
Matthew Martens
Elgin Pope John
Elkhorn South
Hayley Miller
Austin J. Sampson
Bellevue East
Matthew Kruger
Elkhorn Mount Michael
Hunter Hottovy
Kale Peterson
Columbus Scotus
Henry Goeden
Sydney Miller
Madison M. Burger
Matt Healy
Catholic Home School Assoc.
John P. Aumen
Kayla Lane
Bellevue West
Michaela K. Sullivan
Bellevue West
Brittany Bose
Battle Creek
Elizabeth Morris
Lisa Henseleit
Jimmy Steier
Daniel Creamer
Connor Dietrich
Steven Olson
Stephan Andrew Stout
Vaishnavi Ganesan
Sheridan Banzhaf
Lexie Remmenga
Lindsey Hollmann
Justin Isaacson
Blake Johnson
Jayden Gubbels
Brittany Pallas
Sara Bryn Bellamy
Preston Rieker
Hunter Ringenberg
Blake Papik
Jennifer Pribyl
S u n day, M ay 1 2 , 2 0 1 3
2013 Nebraska Honorable Mention Fairbury
Jensen Cromer
Falls City
Morgan L. Schroeder
Courtney Chapple
Falls City Sacred Heart
Claire Poppe
Janey Malcolm
Jacob Pribnow
Rachel Samuelson
Morgan Kowalewski
Sebastian Sorensen
Donald Steffensmeier
Joshua Mathews
Adam Heyen
Blake Storrs
Grace Kelly
JMJ Homeschool
Philip Wier
Trevor Rosno
Riley Menagh
Morgan Pfeiffer
Rachel Feddersen
Lincoln Christian
Elvia Tobias
Susanna Zach
Molly Klinginsmith
Natalie Lassek
Jackson Buck
Sean Selko
Mackenzie Faris
Brandon Martell
Isaac Richter
Amanda Schumacher
Mason Spilinek
Whitney Bendorf
Taylor Hayes
Shilee Erwin
Alyssa Ziemba
Erika Bowman
Taylor Cooper
Nicole Schroeder
Catherine A. Sokol
Brady Horstman
Kelsy Wood
Christopher Peaslee
Henry Sipp
Jesse Kramme
Sara Marlatt
Ryne Donovan
Jesse Lammers
Makenzie Polacek
Audra Sasse
Haley Kampschnieder
Samuel T. Baker
Madison Costello
Elise Gahan
Kyle Rhodes
Rachel Ann Flaugh
Elizabeth N. Railsback
Paulina Kristan Smith
Alyssa Jean Frauendorfer
Eric Lee Wemhoff
Chase Christensen
Emily Heerten
Taylor Garrison
Dillon Graf
Hailey Keller
Jonathan Kingsley
Carol Crabtree
Steven Lesher
Natalie Murrish
Ryan Swenson
Tiffany Valleau
Garrett Wibbels
Alexander Woodside
Megan Humlicek
Katie Gubbels
Ryan Lunz
Emet Fanning
Lyle Kwiatkowski
Paige Sisco
Halle Gydesen
Rahmeen Bahramzad
Phillip Baumberger
Ben Bradley
Mickenna Broman
Connor Cejda
Steven Christy
Nolan Cooney
Conner Dwinell
Michaela Frenzel
Emilie Johnson
James Johnson
Nik Leger
Lori Matzke
Briley Moates
Sarah Penner
Makenzie Petersen
Gage Niemann
Andrew Peterson
Astrid Ramsay
Elaine Samsel
Lincoln High
Brady Pramberg
Mike Rilett
Cameron Spaulding
Ory Wickizer
Abigail Wild
Catherine Burns
Zach Hadenfeldt
Reagan Myers
Lincoln Lutheran
Natalie Wiebelhaus
Shawn Wimer
Hannah Dull
Benjamin Kunz
Ami Naff
Linh Nguyen
Lincoln Northeast
Kasi Abbenhaus
Ryan Buettner
Pamela McLeod
Lincoln North Star
Kellen Smith
Megan Treichel
Austin Horan
Lincoln Pius X
Dale Allder
James Neeley
Anna Elbracht
Emily Krohn
Lincoln East
Lincoln High
Itahi Sanchez
Davis Batten
Megan Upp
Lincoln East
Elsa Parr
Jeffrey Wallman
Keya Paha County
Sarah Elizabeth Connell
Johnson Brock
Nick Behrends
Cameron Connelly
Shayla Garetto
Grand Island Northwest
McKenna Kime
Alyssa Wetovick
Hayes Center
Johnson County
Kearney Catholic
Therin Baum
Marrissa Nutter
Indianola Southwest
Cassa McConville
Chelsea Flaska
Fort Calhoun
Sally Moore
Grand Island Central Catholic
Jordan McElligott
Hartington Cedar Catholic
Courtney Eickhoff
Mary Alderson
Aubrey Adkisson
Fremont Bergan
Grand Island
Daniel Hauschild
Matthew Mullins
Fillmore Central
Sheila K. Boothe
Douglas Alan Brandstetter
Ellen Cook
Jayme Cox
Ellen Dolph
Matt Foley
Marissa Schild
Megan Woodard
Lincoln Southeast
Robert J. Gibson
Ngoc Le
Rachel Menke
Jack Andrew Olsson
Alec Talbott
Davis Warner
Megan Arens
Katherine R. Arten
Luke Peterson
Jeevan Rajagopal
Tyler Rediger
Allison Schroeder
Matthew Strasburger
Rebekah Strotman
Meredith Wekesser
Lincoln Southeast
Spencer Creal
Noah Eno
Nathalie Anne Freeman
Bailey Heil
Claire Hempel
Alexander Johnson
Madison Joutras
Lincoln Southeast
Jasmine Winter
Megan Wright
Avi Knecht
Patty Morrow
Lincoln Southwest
Jackson Bauer
Chris Beasley
Ryan Klute
Nick Knopik
Mackenzie Martin
Gunnar Peterson
Lindsay Holy Family
Pujaa Rajan
Mallory Richert
Cody Schilling
Carter Svec
Kristina Zvolanek
Mikala Farrier
Kyle Lindhorst
Loup City
Austin Bochart
12R S u n day, M ay 1 2 , 2 0 1 3
2013 Nebraska Honorable Mention Loup City
Morgan Kay McDonald
Alexandra Brockhaus
Kayla Locke
Savannah Cudzilo
Alex Gurciullo
Veronica Bair
Allison Been
Sara Larington
McCool Junction
Kelsey Siebrandt
Chandler Folkerts
Sean Stahly
Kelsey Woitaszewski
Medicine Valley
Bailey Fisher
Kimberly Johnson
Joseph Thomas Hunt
Christina Nelson
Jaden Clark
Brendan Johnsen
Yasmeen Bora
Tyler Chen
Hannah Christian
Kelci Coates
Katherine Downey
Cole Edick
Cale Ewald
Garrett K. Hoie
Akansha Jain
Nimansha Jain
Sean Kelly
Shakeel Khan
David Kreis
Victoria Longley
Ally Shirley
Shashwat Sitesh
Samantha St. Clair
Nathan Tibbels
Marisa Varghese
Davis Vinckier
Daniel Weaver
Millard North
Aaron Steckly
Alexandra Allbery
Nabilaa Azimi
Jacob Bailey
Alexandra Baxter
Abbey Beckman
Brett Begley
Millard North
Jeanette Rose Fendrick
Curtis Focht
Spencer Gable
Kristen Ann Gjesdahl
Devin N. Grier
Jonathan Halvorson
Christian Hanson
Max Headlee
Jacob Hock
Millard North
Collin Macdonald
Emma Mazour
Kelson McCollum
Jesse Mu
Sujaytha Paknikar
Millard North
Brian Wolatz
Tailong Xu
Mark Peters
Hanna Peterson
Daniel Reumund
Allison Schlender
Millard South
Calvin Custard
Jared Hill
Sydney Martin
Cole Nardini
Millard West
Chelsea Reznicek
Kimberly Sharp
Robert Truman
Jill Ziegenbein
Samantha Anderson
Caleb Ashton
Olivia Belanger
Emily Bender
Charles Bogatz
Mitchell Bruckner
Cody Largent
Ryan Long
Neil Morrissette
Hannah Olson
Kaitlyn Patzke
James Pettay
Connor Phipps
Millard West
Rhen Bruneteau
Nathaniel Dorste
Alexander Fickle
Jinfeng Jiang
Tyler Kallman
Amogh Karney
Asmini KC
Tyler Keith
Adit Khajuria
Millard West
Aaron Post
Cassandra Rand
Nebraska City
Nebraska City Lourdes
Madison Jean Wurtele
Alyssa Marie AdeliaMae Hurd
Scott Schenkelberg
Courtney Van Hoosen
Kelley Carden
MacKenzie Loofe
Norfolk Catholic
Jessica Emory
Peter Lux
Amy Miller
James Sean Keenan
Margaret Vinton
Nicole Schram
Zachary Wagner
Wenbo Wang
Tyler Zellers
Newman Grove
Jason Kaufman
Jessica Dolan
Brennan Roche
Blake Bockelman
Abigail Kirby
Raymond J. Peitzmeier
Cyrina Forman
Austin Derby
Anna Marie Filipcic
Joseph Gomez
Scott Irvin
Maureen Kalkowski-Farrand
Clare Ainsley Patterson
Mackenzie Rettig
Elli Dearmont
Shelby Dorn
Rebecca Adams
Hanna Flamme
Bret J. Evert
Jonathan Ingram
Jessica Paloucek
Madelyn Pospisil
Emily Bradley
Tanner Jacob Pflueger
Jared Kaser
Rafael Corrales
Kylee Gwinn
Hannah Dierking
Norfolk Catholic
Benjamin Protzman
Stacie Skaff
Trevor Spence
Danielle DeGroote
North Bend
Rachel Lynn Kechely
Omaha Benson
Caroline McLeese
Zach Pullen
Aaron Zipursky
Lauren Nicole Bandel
Omaha Christian
Brenna Paulson
Clara Vinton
Tony Mainelli
Janelle Mitchell
Luke Monhollon
Omaha Brownell-Talbot
Andrew Chen
Emma Hussain
John Jordan
Allena Flamme
Olivia Flamme
Omaha Bryan
Ryan Segur
Hannah Lopez
Phuong Phan
Ross Harding
Clara Harlow
Henry Hawbaker
Omaha Central
Omaha Central
Owen Joyner
Madison Tomlinson
Omaha Burke
Alicia Browning
Matthew Furrow
Nebraska City
Sravani Singu
Trevor Sorensen
Darienne Pokorny
Jeremy Martin
Alex Raun
Norfolk Lutheran
North Platte St. Patrick
Brook Boucher
Amanda Van Sant
Olivia Lovgren
Jack Medlin
Samuel Bennett
Violet Brusnahan
Colin Buckley
Maya Gogoi
Omaha Concordia
Ariana Schmidt
Jonathon Misiewicz
Rebecca Mueller
Charlotte Sjulin
Omaha Creighton Prep
Jarod Suhr
Casey Apker
Garrett Bradley
Tobin Brown
Sean Brudney
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2013 Nebraska Honorable Mention Omaha Creighton Prep
Andrew Buttner
Matthew Cervantes
Christopher Chavez
Samuel Davey
Alex Davis
Patrick Davlin
Szymmy Day
Jake Eastman
Xavier Ferrer
Nicholas Gary Fischer
Ryan Forney
Marshall W. Fritz
Joseph Henry Gehringer
Earl Greene IV
Hayden Hanson
Jon Henderson
Foster Mullen
Nick Mullen
Nathaniel Nemer
Nikolaos Peter Piperis
John Porter
Jude Sakowski
Eric Steele
Omaha Creighton Prep
Scott Huber
Connor Kerschinske
Brigham Killips
Sean Kuehl
Jon Latka
Robert Leddy
Alex Lester
Andrew McIntosh
Omaha Creighton Prep
Cameron Troshynski
Matthew Van Ormer
Omaha Duchesne
Grace A. Begley
Katie Carroll
Kathryn Blaser
Omaha North
Douglas Rowen
Megan Han
Ellie Hupp
Omaha Northwest
Austin Schmidt
Brittany Bazer
Bonnie Smith
Omaha Skutt
Maggie Moore
Zoe Cohen
Emily Crnkovich
Susie Dobberpuhl
Jaclyn Grode
Omaha Gross
Erica Hedrick
Gina Keplinger
Erin Laughlin
Omaha Marian
Omaha Gross
Jessica Wilson
Henry Mishek
Hannah Parry
Nicole McCutcheon
Poorna Rathna Ramasubramanian
Anthony Kitt
Michaela Smith
Claire Sonderman
Emily McCusker
Emily Dyer
Brenna Rossi
Lane Chapman
Berenice Tavizon
Missy Ulrich
Nathan Henton
Samantha Morford
Omaha North
Jennifer A. Novotny
Madeleine Randall
Steven Hansen
John Heires
Kathryn Miller
Sarah Myers
Zach Legband
Todd Leutzinger
Zach Matukewicz
Ryan McKeever
Omaha Skutt
Devin Christensen
Mackenzie Hagge
Benjamin Harrison
Libby Kane
Alex Kenkel
Omaha South
Megan Ruzicka
Olivia Straka
Omaha Mercy
Omaha Roncalli
James Pat Bilek
Margaret Marx
Clare Koneck-Wilcox
Omaha Westside
Jehong Ahn
Lauren Akers
Benjamin Ashby
Matthew Bacon
Brogan Becker
Taylor Bosch
Irena Drincic
Grant Duin
Zane Fletcher
Noah Gould
Molly Novoa
Matt D. O’Dell
Madeline Person
Ellen Pribus
Sara Schnackel
Sonia Schrager
Casey Seline
Omaha Westside
Reid K. Hammitt
Sierra Hansen
Molly Hughes
Omaha Westside
Emika Severson
Ella Sherman
Ariel Kohll
Emily Laing
Danette Barelmann
Gabriel Levin
Riley McQueen
Holly Hesse
Cody Drudik
Sarah Moore
Erica North
Taylor Hornickel
Dylan Doggett
Shayla Wichmann
Derek E. Jones
Papillion-La Vista
Matthew Rock
Michael Sempek
Mark Tentinger
Justin D. Qualls
Branigan Marie Stonacek
Rock County
Kyle James Jackman
Tyler Reed
Christina Tran
Alexander Severson
Morgan Brozek
Caleb Nuehring
Sandy Creek
Andrew Kuta
Amanda Marie Slater
Michael L. Roath
Trevor Borer
Michael Casper
Dylan Eckel
Jacqueline Florick
Alexa Johnson
Alyx Olney
Justin T. Hanig
Samantha S. Kim
Jackson Lawrence
William Medley
Joshua Mueller
Papillion-La Vista South
Maggie Mae Anderson
Brenna Boyd
Nicholas Brockman
Cassie Cosimi
Alexandria Curttright
Papillion-La Vista South
Grace Murtha
Papillion-La Vista
Elizabeth Stanton
Alex Hart
Jessica Bargstadt
Matthew Trail
Xiola Koile-Paxton
Lisa Charron
Hannah Guritz
Pawnee City
Rachel Sorensen
Daniel Forsyth
Derrick Goss
Zachary Trail
Megan Yank
Graham Droge
Megan Thiemann
Laura A. Bolton
Emily Thrailkill
Serenity McAndrews
McKenzie Rosdail
Mary Vasquez
Christopher Petersen
Keenan Danehey
Callie Meyer
Jacob Quint
Silver Lake
Madison Verhulst
Perkins County
Rebecca Lynn Dahlman
Trevor D. Steinkruger
Carrick Perlinger
Kasey Johnson
Kyle Sramek
Allison Backer
Sioux County
Jonny Dunn
Kelli Woodrum
Colton White
Katie Nicole Atkins
Red Cloud Rock County
Justin Korth
Blake Brumbaugh
South Sioux
Mathias Hanten
Michelle Swenson
Carter Alan Camp
Jacob Creevan
14R S u n day, M ay 1 2 , 2 0 1 3
2013 Nebraska Honorable Mention Southern
Zachary Creevan
Eric Berger
St. Edward
Elizabeth Carraher
Shelby Paxton
Holly Bower
Lauren Rempe
Amber Krause
Twin River
Kristen Nelson
Abigail Surber
Skylar Mathis
Eric Herr
West Holt
Tarryn KenDale Tietjen
William James Boehler
Mitchell Carlson
Tri County
Seth Hanna
Megan Stokebrand
Nicholas Oblender
Payten Foster
Lindsey Sabatka
Rhys Reynoldson
Brad Scheuler
Miranda Denklau
Fulfi ll your college dreams with Collegebound Nebraska. Qualified students can choose any University of Nebraska campus, earn a bachelor’s degree and pay no tuition. For more information, visit CollegeboundNebraska.com.
Alexander Talbott
West Boyd
Emily Leeper
Tyler Haun
West Point-Beemer
West Point Central Catholic
Waco Lutheran
Mary McQuistan
Jamie Main
Alison VanSkiver
Brian Loontjer
Emily Brumond
Zachary Doffin
Thayer Central
Kaitlyn Klein
Justin Aaberg
Dominic Richardson
Carter Cuba
Devon Rasmussen
Caitlin Kunz
David Moss
Dylan Haas
Beth Reiser
Wheeler Central Prince Amukamara World Champion
Cole Gibbens
Dylan Laible
Marissa Florian
Mirisa Hernandez
Annie Niewohner
Kaylee Gill
Jonathon Jahnke
Clay Thomas Blank
Wood River
Kelly Boshart
Shelby Spenner
Randin Rawlings
Caitlin Hinrichs
Colin Hansen
Hannah Hotovy
Cody Kuester
Brittany Janke
Cassandra Sikes
Nicholas Owen Oviatt
Michael Smith
Abbi Ebel
Steven Paul Schutte
Lyons-Decatur Northeast
Jordan (Daniel) Roth
Miranda M. Long
Brenna M. Wakeley
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S u n day, M ay 1 2 , 2 0 1 3
2013 Outstanding Scholars and Key Staffers Since 1922, The World-Herald has recognized top graduates of Omahaarea high schools with scholarships. Outstanding seniors at 42 high schools in the Omaha-Council Bluffs area received checks for $500 this year. Each school selects one Outstanding Scholar, honoring a student for outstanding academics, character, leadership and school citizenship.
Bellevue East Ryan F. Boyland Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1 out of 385 College plans: Harvard; premedicine; biology Parents: Roosevelt and
Michelle Boyland About: “He is constantly looking for ways to challenge himself academically and has truly grown into a student of high achievement. Ryan encourages other students by sparking in-depth discussions and modeling high academic achievement.”
Nicole Bartlett
Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Yearbook copy editor, editor in chief; newspaper reporter, opinion editor, features editor College plans: Missouri State; nursing Parents: Edd and Marie Bartlett About: “She tackled every assignment with an amazing work ethic, always meeting deadline and often completing her work ahead of deadline with a thoroughness and sense of professionalism that consistently served as an example for junior staff members to emulate.” Scholarships offered at Bellevue East: Hunter Amoruso-Fecich, Gallup employee growth Austin Anderson, Metro Community College NMC diesel technology Anthony Ashbridge, Buena Vista heritage; Hastings crimson, president’s; SAC Federal Credit Union; Simpson presidential, achievement; UNL Canfield; UNO dean’s Jenna Baker, Northwest Missouri State Tower, Bearcat, midwest student exchange Preston Barrett, Chadron State trustees; Creighton founders; Wesleyan; Peru State cooperating schools; UNL achievement; UNO chancellor’s Nicole Bartlett, Creighton founders; Missouri State midwest student exchange; Wesleyan; Seton Hall academic Kaelynn Been, Hastings ambassador; Wesleyan, achievement
John Benson, UNL Canfield Emma Betz, Bellevue Public Schools foundation; Bellevue-Offutt Kiwanis Club George Thompson; NE-IA Key Club International and District Foundation; Offutt Officers’ Spouses’ Club Charitable Association; UNL David; Wake Robin alumni Ryan Boyland, Bellevue East scholar/ athlete; Boule Foundation national achievement; Creighton Magis; Harvard national; World-Herald outstanding student; U.S. Bank and Nebraska School Athletic Association Believers and Achievers; UNL regents Taylor Burbage, Southern Illinois-Edwardsville volleyball Holly Campbell, Bellevue achievement; Boy’s and Girl’s Club of the Midlands Stock Market Challenge; Metro Community College governors; Peru State trustees; UNK chancellor’s; UNL Canfield; UNO dean’s Kyle Camplin, Northwest Missouri State Tower, Bearcat, midwest student exchange; UNL Canfield, Nebraska Legends; UNO dean’s Jeremy Cassiday, UNO regents Alexis Christensen, Bellevue freshman academic, softball Alexander Ciurej, UNL regents, College of Education & Human Sciences; UNO regents Jordan Clevenger, UNO chancellor’s, Sedlacek, marching band Jacob Cloyd, Midland football Jenna Cottrell, Wesleyan Gabriel Crow, UNL Canfield Matthew Cummins, Doane presidential, theatre, Ed Pallett Theatre Nebraska State Thespian Society; Wesleyan Sarah Doolan, Chadron State Eagle presidential Valencia Dotson, UNL Living and Learning, forensics Nathaniel Fischer, UNL Canfield Dustin Fitzpatrick, Questbridge College Match Sierra Garth, Betz PTA Andrew Gelb, Missouri Western State dean’s, neighboring state; Wesleyan university, achievement Daniel Gleason, Kansas State honors; UNL Canfield Callen Hedglen, Benedictine academic; Chadron State Gold presidential; RoseHulman Institute of Technology merit; Trine trustee, opportunity; Missouri-Kansas City nonresident; Missouri-St. Louis chancellors, provost’s nonresident, Oak Hall; UNL Canfield, Nebraska Legends, Living and Learning Abigail Herbert, UNL Cornhusker speech Theodore Herman, Doane tennis Nicole Herndon, Bellevue Public Schools TeamMates Michelle Hewitt, Bethel academic; Luther foundation Summer Hill-Lechnowsky, UNO Band Booster; Future Business Leaders of America Jayla Hobza, Trinity Valley basketball Jessica Hofmann, Wesleyan achievement Matthew Holtmeyer, Gallup employee growth; UNO dean’s Erik Ingram, Nebraska Academic Decathlon Foundation; UNO regents; Oklahoma excellence; Utah State scholar, housing Samantha James, Bellevue Knights of Columbus; Creighton founders; Doane Van Hoy Tabitha James, Bellevue Public Schools
foundation Marcus Jarmon, Hastings vocal music Megan Johnson, Briar Cliff achievement; Creighton founders; Doane trustees; Wesleyan university, achievement Ziomara Jurado, Bellevue Rotary Club Rod Schmidt memorial; Briar Cliff achievement; Creighton founders; Doane Van Hoy; Drake academic; Morningside founder; Wesleyan university, Vaughn diversity; UNK chancellor’s Matthew Kemp, Central Community CollegeHastings NMC diesel technology Chayce Kenny, Bellevue Mayor’s Drug Commission scholarship for drug-free youth; Creighton Magis; St. John trustee, presidential; New Hampshire Jesse Koskovick, Nebraska Christian dean’s Allison Lariviere, UNL David Thaddeus Laski, Bellevue East PTSA; Bellevue Public Schools Earl Carlyle Educational Fund; McPherson presidential, merit Paul Lenagh, UNL Canfield Alexis Leonard, Delta Kappa Gamma-Alpha Iota chapter; Hastings Pro Rege, vocal music; Midlands Real Estate Jolene Bethel memorial; Wesleyan university, vocal music talent; Peru State trustees, campus citizen Jessica Liberator, Bellevue Public Schools Charles Dennis memorial; MidAmerica Nazarene academic; Midland vocal music talent; Morningside ambassador; Wesleyan university, theatre participation, Bennett vocal music Amanda Livengood, Joseph’s College of Beauty Rachel Loughlin, Oklahoma State excellence Megan Manheim, Bellevue East PTSA; Creighton founders; UNK regents; UNL Canfield; UNO dean’s Jimena Marquez-Alvarado, Bellevue academic, South Omaha Outreach, Darrel H. Gotsch Beau Marth, KPE Consulting Engineers; UNL regents, honors textbook Anthony Mason, Iowa Central Community College merit Sydney McCaw, Bellevue Rod and Gun Club; Ralston American Legion Auxiliary Jacob McCloskey, U.S. Bowling Congress youth bowling Tyler Miller, UNO regents Colin Milos, Iowa State competitive excellence; UNL Canfield Danielle Milos, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10727 Jeana Mosley, Emporia State; Wesleyan university, achievement; Northwest Missouri State merit, Bearcat Christopher Murphy, Creighton founders Destiny Myers, Iowa Wesleyan merit; Nebraska Wesleyan Trevor Nazeck, Bellevue Public Schools Adam Norton, Midland bowling Chinyoung Pak, American Red Cross Young Minds Change Lives; Creighton university Jacob Pannell, Bellevue Public Schools Richard L. Herringer memorial; Betz PTA Sunit Patel, UNK Health Sciences; UNO regents Hannah Peck, Florida State freshman, tuition reduction; Minnesota-Twin Cities Gold National; UNL regents; Oregon summit Heather Penc, Chadron State Eagle presi-
The Key Staffer award salutes journalistic achievement by a senior on any school publication. Thirty-seven schools selected a recipient this year. With information on each honoree, you’ll find a school comment on why the student was selected for the Outstanding Scholar or Key Staffer award. The schools also were invited to share a list of the scholarships offered to their seniors as of April 24.
dential; Iowa State recognition; Midland soccer Kassandra Pepper, Nebraska Public Agency Investment Trust Nicholas Pfender, UNO regents Shelby Quinn, Bellevue Public Schools T.J. Kinnick memorial; Concordia-Seward regent’s, women’s basketball Jackie Rauwald, South Dakota State music Cody Roark, Bellevue East alumni Class of ’59 Christian Rush, Fairview alumni; UNL David, Nebraska Legends, forensics; UNO chancellor’s Dennis Rush, Bellevue Senior Citizens Center Ada Max Brookover Cameron Schlotfeld, Boy’s and Girl’s Club of the Midlands Stock Market Challenge, Youth of the Year (twice); Great Western Bank Taylor Silva, Alpha Delta Kappa; Bellevue PTA/PTSA Rex and Lois Cadwallader memorial; UNK dean’s, cooperating schools Tyler Smith, Doane Van Hoy, theatre; Wesleyan university, achievement; South Dakota coyote distinction Zachary Smith, Baylor president’s Gold; Bellevue Public Schools foundation; UNL regents, honors textbook Emmalynne Splichal, Wesleyan university, achievement; UNK Diving Jordan Stickney, Wesleyan university, achievement, Vaughn diversity Jillian Stiverson, Kansas midwest student exchange Annalisse Stover, American Red Cross Young Minds Change Lives; Union Pacific Railroad CONAH Michaela Sullivan, Bellevue East scholar/ athlete; Bellevue Public Schools foundation; St. Ambrose Honor; UNL regents, College of Education & Human Sciences, honors textbook; UNO regents Lamar Surrett, UNL David; UNO regents Alvie Thrower, Bellevue Junior Sports Association Helen Timmins, Bellevue Public Schools Gary L. Parker memorial; Benedictine academic; Chadron State Gold presidential; Creighton founders; Drake presidential; Loyola-Chicago Damen; Mid-America Nazarene academic; Morningside presidential; Wesleyan; UNL David; UNO chancellor’s Taylor Tollefson, Wesleyan university Zachary Triggs, Creighton founders Sidni Trotter, Minnesota State-Mankato basketball, soccer; Urban League of Nebraska Justine Trumble, Creighton Magis; UNL David, Nebraska Legends, Living and Learning, honors textbook; UNO chancellor’s Antonio Vazquez, Northwest Missouri State merit, Bearcat, midwest student exchange; Sioux Falls achievement; South Dakota coyote promise Jessica Vernon, Northern State WolfPACT, track; Northwest Missouri State excellence, Bearcat, midwest student exchange; Runza Student of the Week Korey Villaflor, Missouri Science and Technology Miner, out-of-state, alumni Katherine Waite, American Legion Post 339 Martin Graves; Creighton founders; Leonard Lawrence PTA; Military Impacted Schools Association; UNL Canfield, Nebraska Legends, honors textbook Samantha Warren, Benedictine academic; UNL achievement, honors textbook
Eli West, Bellevue East Chieftain FBLA; Cedarville provost scholar; Creighton founders; Hillsdale Maumee; National Rifle Association youth educational summit, civil rights defense fund essay contest honorable mention; Nebraska Elks Association Omaha Lodge 39; Patrick Henry Epaphras Church; Washington Crossing Foundation essay contest Joshua Wray, Metro Community College Governors Graduating Senior Raeanna Zellers, Boy’s and Girl’s Club of the Midlands Stock Market Challenge
Bellevue West Alexander Gangwish Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1 out of 393 College plans: Polytechnic Institute at New York University; biochemical engi-
neering Parents: Kim and Ken Gangwish About: “Alex is senior class president, Quiz Bowl team captain and Knowledge Master team captain. He has been involved in Pops Concert Band for four years, Literature Bowl for four years and News Bowl for three years, where he placed first in nationals.”
Brianna Thomas Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Reporter and news section editor for the newspaper; videographer for the video yearbook; photographer for website and newspaper. College plans: University of Minnesota or Columbia College in Chicago; journalism Parents: Tasha Hernandez and Dayne Thomas About: “Bri has been invaluable to the newspaper’s success these past two years. She’s a fantastic writer and reporter. Her work on video yearbook has been engaging and creative, and she makes all our publications better.”
Scholarships offered at Bellevue West:
Josh Ault, Veteran’s Support Association Makaela Balmer, UNO chancellor’s Shannon Barber, Bellevue Rotary Club; VFW Voice of Democracy; UNL Canfield; UNO deans Braylie Barrier, UNO deans Kaleb Bateman, UNO deans Chrissi Beaulieu, Biola dean’s Eastern Star Chris Beeman, UNL Mary & Elmer Dohrmann, David; Briar Cliff academic; UNO regents; Iowa State competitive excellence; Bellevue Swim Club Stephen Thomas Gabreal Belcastro, UNL Canfield; UNO dean’s, chancellor’s; Iowa State competitive excellence; UNK chancellor’s Sarah Bethel, UNL Canfield, Nebraska Legends Candice Bolden, UNL Canfield, Nebraska Legends Chey Bullis, UNL Canfield Cole Burmeister, Rochester Institute of Technology presidential; Iowa State competitive excellence; UNL regents Joshua Butler, UNO deans; Air Force Association James M. Keck Caitlin Cassell, Midland presidential; Peru State trustees; Wesleyan; VFW Post 10727 Voice of Democracy Joshua Christie, Metro Community College governors Elisha Cobbs, Great Western Bank; Webster basketball Erica Dalen, Iowa National Scholars; Iowa State competitive excellence; UNO chancellor’s Taylor Ditoro, Drury trustee; Wesleyan academic, achievement; Rhodes presidential; Denver chancellor Sean Dreibelbis, Ada Max Brookover Luke Edwards, UNL Canfield Jacob Eiserman, Minneapolis College of Art and Design friends, laptop Aaron Estrada, UNO deans, College of Business Administration Robert Stedman; UNK dean’s; Central Missouri Red & Black, non-resident scholar Taylyn Fischer, UNL regents; UNO regents Ben Franco, Matthew Grimes memorial Brandon Franklin, Peter Kiewit Institute Walter Scott Jr.; UNL David; UNO regents Brieland Fripp, Fairview PTA; UNL Nebraska Legends, David; UNO chancellor’s Emily Gamble, Metro Community College governors Alex Gangwish, Brandon S. Tharp Class of 1996 Memorial; Polytechnic Institute of New York promise; UNO regents; Peter Kiewit Institute Walter Scott Jr.; Northwestern academic, National Merit; UNL honors; World-Herald outstanding student Jose Garcia Gonzalez, UNL Canfield; Iowa State competitive excellence, APEX Elizabeth Gau, Metro Community College governors Kevin Hanna, UNL honors, regents Brandi Hansen, Metro Community College governors Christopher Harris, Creighton Ronald Headid, UNL Canfield Matthew Healy, UNO regents Kyle Hefner, American Legion Martin Graves; UNO deans; UNL Canfield, Nebras-
See : Page 16
CONGRATULATIONS TO THESE 2013�14 SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS Board of Trustees’ Scholarship Recipients CHADRON STATE COLLEGE Jesse Ackerman, Juniata Shelby Andersen, Lakeside Emily Anderson, Omaha Sienna Athy, Kearney Holly Atterbury, Lincoln Faith Ballard, Crawford Jessica Berens, Omaha Daniel Bidne, Omaha Teryn Blessin, Greenwood Phillip Borer, Omaha Laurin Bronson, Hay Springs Joanna DeRosa, Chadron Cole Dockweiler, Chadron Margaret Earney, Whitney Jeremy Eskam, Gering Emily Fetters, Loomis Samuel Gill, Omaha Jayden Gubbels, Hubbard Devin Hernandez, Ord Kasia Hood, Omaha Jordyn Hulinsky, St. Paul Jessica Jersild, Chadron Zachary Johnk, Lavista Dawson Johnson, Alliance Cole Kayton, Gordon Brittany Kouba, Chadron Erin Kruger, Gordon Marietta Kuhl, Herman Ruhammah LaGarry, Chadron Hannah Love, Fremont Chelsea Lukasiewicz, Fort Calhoun Krysta Meyer, Chadron Braden Moody, Central CIty Megan Neeley, Gordon
Taylor Osmotherly, Crawford Cy Rayhill, Chadron Colby Riesen, Chadron Christian Rivera, Alliance Cole Scheer, St. Paul Cleo Scheer, St. Paul Kaliegh Schlender, York Ruth Selby, Whitney Madeleine Sharp, Omaha Mackenzie Smith, Mitchell Anna Sonnenfeld, Ord BriAnn Straub, Scottsbluff Allyson Sutton, Genoa Taylor Vencil, Valley Randall Wentz, Scottsbluff Alyssa Wetovick, Fullerton Miranda Wieczorek, Grand Island Sierra Wignall, Seward Brianna Williams, Crete Kelsy Wood, Hemingford PERU STATE COLLEGE Holly Campbell, Bellevue Caitlin Cassell, Bellevue Casey Christensen, Lincoln Clare Clark, Hastings Lauren Clark, Omaha Travis Craig, Omaha Evan Davies, Omaha Ethan Fricke, Burr Robert Gilbert, Omaha Jacob Gleason, Valley Megan Gren, Auburn Danielle Hall, Wilber Abbigail Hegge, Wausa Alaina Henzel, Lincoln
Heidi Hofmann, Sutton Shayln Holloway, Aurora Nichole Iversen, Lavista Kristin Jindra, Pilger Antonia Kean, Salem Lucas Kozisek, O’Neill Benjamin Krause, Julian Alexandria Linnerson, Nebraska City Autumn Luger, Bloomfield Jamie Main, Stapleton Tristen Nelson, Lincoln Logan Niedzielski, Table Rock Shannon O’Connell, Omaha Emily Peklo, Omaha Danielle Pleiss, Omaha Marisa Pribnow, Lincoln Nicole Reznicek, Omaha Chelsea Reznicek, Omaha Tyler Ripperger, Hastings Morgan Shaffer, Papillion Rebecca Smallfoot, Auburn Jordan Steffen, Murdock Nathanial Stukenholtz, Nebraska City Donimique Swanson, Bloomfield Jordie Theye, Odell Sydney Webb, Lincoln Ryan Zuhlke, Sterling WAYNE STATE COLLEGE Mary Alderson, North Bend Allison Backer, Randolph Madison Bastian, Arlington Leyna Brummels, Ewing Leslie Chudomelka, Ashland Jordan Cobb, Norfolk Zachary Denton, Uehling
Jessica Emory, Norfolk Rennie Failor, Alliance Henry Goeden, Crofton Kylie Goodrich, Schuyler Samantha Hascall, David City Ashley Heine, Hartington Kelsie Higgins, Hartington Chelcee Hrnchir, Trenton Grace Kenny, Carroll Molly Klinginsmith, Kearney Patrick Kosmacek, Stanton Megan Kreutzer, Holdrege Veronica Lawrence, Nehawka Jaelyn Lewis, Oxford Samantha Long, Wayne Patrick Meuret, Norfolk Matt Mullins, Falls City Courtney Palmer, Elm Creek Seth Peirce, Lincoln Darienne Pokorny, Newman Grove Christine Reiners, Columbus Maryssa Schleis, Shelby Nicholas Schmit, Randolph Steven Schutte, Beemer Allison Smith, Columbus Bonnie Smith, Omaha Brooke Stamper, Blair Regg Strotheide, Rushville Sarah Vanek, Prague Gerrit VanEngen, Sterling Sarah Warga, Plattsmouth Jake Werner, Humphrey
Governor’s Opportunity Award Recipients
“The Nebraska State College System Scholarships provide Nebraska students the opportunity to pursue a high quality education at one of our excellent colleges. I urge all of our scholarship recipients to make the most of their college education and to remember that learning is forever. Education can and will make a difference in their futures and in the future of Nebraska and its communities.” ~ Chancellor Stan Carpenter
CHADRON STATE COLLEGE Brittany Hoagland, Rushville PERU STATE COLLEGE Kelsey Gretch, Hampton WAYNE STATE COLLEGE Lane Kizzire, Bayard
16R S u n day, M ay 1 2 , 2 0 1 3
Continued from Page 15
ka Legends; Air Force ROTC; Plattsmouth Lions Club Optimist essay Linzy Heim, Southwest Minnesota State softball Connor Hess, UNL Canfield Taylor Hess, Florida Gulf Coast president’s; UNL David Chloe Hiatt, Rex & Lois Cadwallader; Delta Kappa Gamma Samantha Hidalgo, UNL regents Jonathan Holtmann, Missouri Science & Technology out-of-state, excellence, Miner alumni; UNL regents Mark Huebner, UNL Canfield; UNO chancellor’s Andrew Kolescik, Plattsmouth Lions Club Optimist essay Haelee Kowalski, SAC Federal Credit Union; Wesleyan academic, achievement; UNO deans; Midland volleyball Alec Koukol, Bellevue/Papillion Music Teachers Association Annaliese Baer music Matthew Kruger, Iowa State competitive excellence; UNL regents, honors textbook, College of Engineering dean’s; Missouri Science & Technology excellence, out-of-state, Miner alumni; Bellevue/Papillion Music Teachers Association Annaliese Baer music Emily Kruse, Bellevue Swim Club Stephen Thomas; UNL Canfield Taylor Kuhlman, UNL Canfield, Kinman Oldfield, Nebraska Legends Preston Lauterbach, UNK dean’s, wrestling Allen Lewis, Wesleyan academic, achievement; UNO chancellor’s; Alpha Delta Kappa Gabriela Lopez, UNO chancellor’s; UNL achievement Nick Lopez, Bellevue Mayor’s Drug Commission Maxwell Lydiatt, UNL honors, regents; Bellevue Public Schools Foundation; Wake Robin alumni Destinee Magnuson, Metro Community College governors Austin Martin, UNL Nebraska Legends, Canfield; UNO chancellor’s Keegan Miller, Metro Community College governors Jacob Mizener, UNL Canfield, Nebraska Legends Daniel Moses, Military Impacted Schools Association; Runza Student Athlete of the Week; Missouri Science & Technology out-of-state, excellence, Miner alumni; UNL regents Jonathan Mueller, UNL Canfield; UNO chancellor’s Caitlin Nielson, Northwest Missouri State distinguished, midwest student exchange, Bearcat Nicole Nielson, Veteran’s of Foreign Wars Post 10727; UNL David; UNO chancellor’s; Twin Ridge PTA Zachary Ogurek, Bellevue Swim Club Stephen Thomas Zachary Oslica, UNK chancellor’s; Augustana football Emilie Pechacek, Mount Marty academic, Catholic leadership; Rockhurst achievement; Benedictine Deon Pettigrew, Drury basketball Michael Quaas, Iowa State recognition, generations; Michael J. Zielinski memorial Agnes Query, Maynard Jensen memorial; Peru State cooperating schools, campus citizen; Discus Award honorable mention Kate Radosta, Leonard Lawrence PTA Karina Romero, Metro Community College governors Alexis Robles, Bellevue Public Schools Foundation David Rutherford, Iowa State competitive excellence; UNO deans Mason Savine, Midland soccer, visit, Anderson leader; Rockhurst deans; Briar Cliff academic; Drake presidential Morgan Schafer, Kansas midwest student exchange Victoria Schnitker, Carolyn Redlin memorial; UNO dean’s; Creighton founders; Midland scholar athlete Brittany Schraeder, Iowa National Scholars; Penn State provost’s; UNL David, chancellor’s, Nebraska Legends, College of Engineering dean’s Connor Seelbach, UNO regents Elyse Shook, Metro Community College governors Zackery Simon, Peru State cooperating schools, campus citizen Kimberly Smith, UNO regents; UNL regents Austin Stacey, UNL Canfield Greg Stanek, Indian Hills Community College golf Marissa Starbuck, UNO regents Jessica Stednitz, UNO College of Business Administration Robert Stedman; American Society of Military Comptrollers; Midlands Real Estate Jolene Bethel memorial Jaycee Stephens, Leonard Lawrence PTA Brooke Stelly, UNL Canfield Derryk Stiner, Air Force ROTC; Air Force Academy appointment Morgan Stough, Bellevue Public Schools Foundation Thomas Stoysich, Northwest Missouri State merit, Bearcat Seth Sturch, Veteran’s Support Association Cale Svehla, Southeast Missouri State football Annie Szczepaniak, Northeast Community College basketball James Teutschmann, Bellevue Public Schools Foundation; Northwestern presidential, tuition exchange, faculty; Sioux Falls provost’s, tuition exchange; Hastings Crimson, tuition exchange Justin Thorstad, Wesleyan academic, achievement Emily Vokal, UNL regents; Wesleyan academic, achievement Rebecca Walter, UNL Nebraska Legends, Canfield Brittany Ward, Northwest Missouri State merit, Bearcat Brooke Wayt, Northwest Missouri State distinguished, midwest student exchange, Bearcat Ashley Weed, UNO regents; UNL regents; Creighton Magis Tanner Wiebelhaus, UNO chancellor’s Jacob Wilkinson, UNL regents, top scholar, honors; Kansas State honors Gabrielle Williams, Bellevue/Offutt Kiwanis Gus Erickson Zachary Williams, UNO regents Rachel Williamson, UNL Canfield, Nebraska Legends Taylor Willoughby, UNO chancellor’s Katherine Wilson, Wesleyan; Iowa State generations, competitive excellence; UNL Canfield Audrey-Marie Wright, Metro Community College governors Sue Yi, UNL achievement, Nebraska Legends Alicia Young, UNL regents, honors; UNO regents; Bellevue/Papillion Music Teachers Association Annaliese Baer music; Harvard College faculty
Bennington Grant Siekman Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1st out of 85 College plans: UNL; actuarial science Parents: Darren and Leann Siek-
man About: “Grant, hands-down, is the top student in our school. Besides being a strong student, he is an excellent leader and has high moral character.”
Tyler Stansberry Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Editor of the Bennington News Network and co-editor of the school newspaper College plans: Creighton; unde-
cided Parents: Rick Stansberry and Karen Stansberry About: “Tyler is very innovative with technology, has a good pulse of current events, is a strong writer and comes up with timely ideas. His work was recognized at the UNO journalism competition in the news story category.” Scholarships offered at Bennington:
Jessica Bird, Creighton volleyball Jacob Bliss, UNO regents; Walter Scott Foundation Cody Bridgeford, UNL Canfield Colton Carey, Bennington Jaycees Alexa Cluxton, UNK dean’s; UNL Canfield; Bennington Jaycees; Western Douglas County Chamber of Commerce Allison Crawford, UNO regents John Drumm, UNO chancellor’s; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange; Bennington Music Boosters; Bennington Public Schools Foundation Silver; Omaha Education Association Foundation Connor Eurek, Bennington Jaycees; St. John Lutheran Church; Nebraska Boys and Girls Club Foundation Jaime Frostrom, Metro Community College governors Amber Galvan, Dakota State achievement champion Jacob Greenwood, Creighton founders; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange; Bennington Public Schools Foundation; Bennington Wrestling Club; Kylie Jo Remmereid memorial Elliot Haack, Buena Vista dean’s, heritage; Doane trustees; Bennington Booster Club; Bennington Education Association; Bennington Public Schools Foundation; Pine Creek PTO; Cassidy Collier; Rev. Dr. Norman E. Schroeder; Phi Delta Kappa International UNO Chapter Elizabeth Hagedorn, Susan Thompson Buffet Foundation Audrey Hansen, Metro Community College governors; Bennington Education Association; Bennington Public Schools Foundation career Samantha Hansen, Loyola volleyball, dean’s Kelsey Heddens, UNO dean’s; Bennington Booster Club; Bennington Public Schools Foundation Abigail Hunke, UNL Canfield; Wesleyan; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange; Bennington Basketball Association; Bennington Booster Club; Bennington Public Schools Foundation Silver Benjamin Hurlburt, Bennington Music Boosters Griffin Japp, Bennington Public Schools Foundation career; St. John’s Lutheran Church Bailey May, Metro Community College board of governors Lucas McCord, Doane College board of trustees, merit, baseball; Missouri Western State president’s academic, neighboring states; Bennington American Legion Post 266; Bennington Booster Club; Bennington Education Association; Bennington Public Schools Foundation Bronze; Rev. Dr. Norman E. Schroeder Heather McCoy, College of St. Mary academic achievement, athletic Danielle McFerrin, Bennington Public Schools Foundation All-Star Kids Employee Patrick McGuire, Bennington High School Red Cross; Bill Dunn memorial Colleen Melvin, UNL Legends, CASNR scholar, Canfield; Bennington Public Schools Foundation Silver Molly Misfeldt, UNL Legends, David; Bennington American Legion Post 266; Bennington Public Schools Foundation; Rev. Dr. Norman E. Schroeder; St. John Lutheran Church; Minnesota-Twin Cities Maroon National Elizabeth Noble, UNO dean’s, softball; Bennington American Legion Post 266; St. John Lutheran Church Brittany Post, Bennington Education Association; Bennington Public Schools Foundation All-Star Kids Employee Kristina Raumaker, Metro Community College governors; Bennington Public Schools Foundation All-Star Kids Employee Rebecca Raven, Northwest Missouri State Tower, Bearcat, midwest student exchange Caden Reiman, Northwest Missouri State Tower, Bearcat, midwest student exchange Jacob Reynoso, Hastings football, Ringland; Bennington Booster Club; Kylie Jo Remmereid memorial; Northern State WolfPACT Andrew Richardson, UNO regents; Northwest Missouri State distinguished, Bearcat, midwest student exchange; Stephen Falk memorial Alexandria Richmond, Bennington Public Schools Foundation All-Star Kids Employee Emily Roche, Bennington Public Schools Foundation All-Star Kids Employee Sydney Salmon, Wesleyan academic; UNL Canfield; UNO dean’s; Western Douglas County Chamber of Commerce Justice Schrum, Midland football; Bennington Education Association; Bennington Youth Football Club Grant Siekman, Concordia regents; Doane presidential; Wesleyan board of trustees; UNL regents, honors; World-Herald outstanding student; Bennington Basketball Association; Bennington Booster Club; Bennington Public Schools Foundation Badger; Jeff Glover memorial; Runza Student of the Week; Paul and Cleo Black; Hartvigsen honorary Hannah Sowers, Bennington Booster Club; Bennington Education Association; Bennington Public Schools Foundation; Gene Baldwin memorial; Jeff Glover memorial; Douglas County Farm Bureau Tyler Stansberry, Creighton Magis, Linn; UNO regents, Carl Mammel College of Business Administration; Bennington Public Schools Foundation leadership Shelby Steinwand, Bennington American Legion Post 266; Bennington Education Association Nicole Thalken, UNL Legends, achievement Marisa Tomjack, UNL Canfield; Northwest Missouri State distinguished, Bearcat, midwest student exchange; Bennington Music Boosters; Bennington Public Schools Foundation; Cassidy Collier; St. John Lutheran Church Michela Torczon, UNO chancellor’s; Bennington Booster Club; Bennington Public Schools Foundation Silver Morgan Valeika, Wayne State cooperating school Michael Wilhelm, Bennington High School Red Cross; Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation Amber Willis, UNO chancellor’s; Creighton founders; Bennington Public Schools Foundation Bronze
Blair Seth Berggren Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1 out of 149 College plans: Undecided; computer science/ mathematics Parents: Christopher and Laurie Berggren About: “The class of 2013 is filled
with outstanding student scholars at Blair High School, but Seth Berggren really stood out from the rest. Seth is a mature young man with great character and values. He is extremely intelligent but also possesses a strong and dedicated work ethic. ”
Haley Bledsoe Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Two years on the newspaper staff College plans: UNL; veterinary medicine Parents: Jeff and Maria Bledsoe About: “Haley knows how to find a story. She has specialized in personality features and has proven the adage that everybody has a story to tell.” Scholarships offered at Blair: Christian Bansen, Wesleyan academic achievement Daniel Barber, Gene Root World War II Silver Star Purple Heart memorial Alyssa Beasley, Wesleyan academic achievement; Washington County Farm Bureau Seth Berggren, Blair Rotary Club Student of the Month; World-Herald outstanding student; UNL honors textbook, top scholar Haley Bledsoe, Wesleyan academic achievement; UNK dean’s; UNL Agriculture Science & Natural Resources, chancellors leadership, Canfield Rachel Camargo, Wesleyan academic achievement, Legacy Jairo Chavez, Creighton Diversity, founders; UNL Health Science, achievement, Pepsi Austin Clary, Wesleyan academic achievement; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished scholar, midwest student exchange; UNO regents Danielle Climer, Great Plains Communications, Inc. trade and technical; Metro Community College governors graduating senior; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Allison Coates, UNL Canfield, Nebraska Legends Devin Coleman, Wayne State Rural Health Opportunities Program Nicollette Cowan-Baker, Augustana founder’s; Southern Mississippi regional; Sioux Falls Provost’s academic Zechariah Craig, UNO deans Amy Demers, Creighton presidential; Gallup Future Business Leaders of America; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished scholar, midwest student exchange; Phi Beta Lambda Future Business Leaders of America; UNL accountancy honors, honors textbook, top scholar; UNO regents; Washington County Cattlemen’s Association Brandon Ellis, Washington County Recycling Center Association Emily Ellis, UNL Canfield, Nebraska Legends Erin Ellis, UNL Canfield, Nebraska Legends Kylie Fischer, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, Tower, midwest student exchange; UNK chancellors; UNL Canfield; UNO deans; Wubbena C. Rand endowed Colton Gerke, Metro Community College governors graduating senior Ashley Jennings, Iowa Old Gold scholar, presidential scholar; UNL education & human sciences, top scholar Ryan Jensen, Blair Rotary Club Student of the Month; Nebraskans for Peace; United States Army ROTC; UNL education & human sciences, honors textbook, top scholar; Washington County Recycling Center Association Alexander Johnson, UNL top scholar Kaitlyn Kelley, Metro Community College governors graduating senior Autumn Kramer, UNK regents Emily Kramer, UNL regents Kole Krueger, Briar Cliff academic; Colorado School of Mines Merit; Colorado State presidential; UNL engineering, regents Kim Larson, Blair First United Methodist Church Youth Church Service; Nebraska Wesleyan achievement Kiercy Lippincott, Metro Community College governors graduating senior Caitlin Livermore, UNO regents Walter Scott Manchester, UNL chancellors leadership, Canfield Matthew Martens, Creighton Ignatius of Loyola, Magis; Midland Anderson Leader; UNO regents, Walter Scott, Jr. Sunny Massa, Augustana leadership, presidential; Creighton founders; Nebraska Dept. American Legion Auxiliary vocational technical; Simpson endowed, honor Colin Mertlik, Blair Rotary Club Student of the Month; South Dakota athletic football Cassie Miller, Northwest Missouri State academic excellence, Bearcat, midwest student exchange; UNL Canfield, Nebraska Legends Mitchel Misfeldt, Blair Rotary Club Student of the Month; Gene Root World War II Silver Star Purple Heart memorial; UNL regents Kelsie Murray, Doane Ed Pallett Vocal music, Van Hoy, vocal music; Wesleyan academic achievement, Bennett Cora Nicholson, Gene Root World War II Silver Star Purple Heart memorial Travis Nielson, UNO deans Alexander Ott, Blair FFA Alumni FFA Alumni; Washington County Cattlemen’s Association Audrey Pawol, Blair Rotary Club Student of the Month Evan Persson, Iowa Western Community College foundation; Morningside Ambassador, athletic swimming Ellen Prochaska, Blair Rotary Club Student of the Month; Creighton Ignatius of Loyola, Magis Mariah Rakestraw, Great Plains Communications, Inc. Scholarship for Children or Grandchildren of Employees; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Christopher Reeh, UNL Canfield, Nebraska Legends Donevan Roe, Dakota Wesleyan athletic soccer, music, president academic; Sioux Falls Provost’s academic Dylan Rogers, Blair Rotary Club Student of the Month; UNL Canfield Nicole Rosenau, UNO chancellors Deidre Sandall, Blair Rotary Club Student of the Month; Kansas State midwest student exchange; UNL engineering, honors textbook, top scholar Jayme Smith, Washington County Farm Bureau Laura Smith, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, freshman merit Rachael Smith, UNK chancellors; UNL honors textbook, Canfield; UNO chancellors Kaylee Sorensen, South Dakota Coyote Commitment achievement Brooke Stamper, Blair Rotary Club Student of the Month; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished scholar, midwest student exchange; UNL chancellors leadership, David Dakota Street, Metro Community College governors graduating senior Haley Svendgard, Augustana academic, leadership; Doane athetic tennis, Van Hoy; Northwest Missouri State Aleta & Dean Hubbard, Bearcat, midwest student exchange Tower; UNK dean’s Danielle Taylor, Colorado School of Mines merit; Iowa State Award for Competitive Excellence; South Dakota School of Mines & Technology University; UNL honors textbook, Canfield Trevor Veskrna, UNL Canfield; UNO chancellors Bridgette Weishaar, Wubbena C. Rand endowed Sydney Welke, UNL Canfield, Nebraska Legends Trevor Wulf, UNL Canfield Maggie Young, Creighton founders; Omaha Education Foundation, Inc. foundation; UNL education & human sciences, Canfield, achievement; UNO regents Theodore Zimmerman, UNO regents
Boys Town Colbi Lierman Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1st out of 74 College plans: Midland University; special education Parents: Barb and
David Lierman About: “Colbi was chosen for her strong work ethic, her positive behaviors and her developing leadership. She is a good representative of Boys Town.”
Danya Rosales Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Editor of various yearbook sections College plans: Metropolitan Community College; graphic design Parents: Scott and Jessica Asmus (family teachers) About: “Danya is a leader in every aspect in yearbook. She takes control and makes sure things get done. She comes in early, stays late and steps up to help others. She is one of the most devoted students I have ever had.”
Council Bluffs Abraham Lincoln Mallory Huggins Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1st out of 347 College plans: University of Iowa; biology Parents: Marie and David Huggins About: “Mallory is a top student academically and with activities. She is an outstanding young woman who works well with others of all ages in meaningful learning opportunities.”
Council Bluffs Lewis Central Molly Berringer Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1st out of 220 College plans: University of Iowa; biomedical engineering Parents: Tim and
Gayle Berringer About: “Molly is not only an outstanding scholar, she is also an all-around good person. Besides being active in school activities, she also tutors students who are struggling. Her teachers describe her as dedicated and driven to succeed.”
Amanda Schoening Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Co-editor of the yearbook College plans: Creighton University; psychology Parents: Alan Anne Schoening About: “Amanda’s leadership in yearbook continues the tradition of excellence in publishing and selflessly represents what it means to be a Titan.” Scholarships offered at Lews Central: Kurt Allen, Boy Scouts of America Trail’s End; Northwest Missouri State excellence, Bearcat, out-of-state Hunter Andrews, Northwest Missouri State Tower, out-of-state, Bearcat Ayzia Barr, Iowa State recognition; Lewis Central dance team Fran Hough Dance Team Molly Berringer, Iowa engineering first-year, engineering scholars, Iowa Scholars, Old Gold; Nebraska Energy Federal Credit Union; World-Herald outstanding student Ronette Bruner, Creighton founder’s, Labaj; Red Cross Blood Drive; Southwest Iowa Educational Foundation Pottawattamie County Bar Association; Omaha Jaycees Outstanding Young Omahans Teens Laura Bryant, College of St. Mary academic Lauren Christensen, DePaul dean’s; Iowa Iowa Scholars Alysha Daley, UNK Blue and Gold, honors; Jennie Edmunsen Hospital volunteer Rebecca Duffy, Iowa Western Council Bluffs Memorial Foundation Devin Franklin, Iowa Western Dennis E. Kirlin Gold Dillon Gubbels, OMNOVA All-American Soap Box Derby; Iowa State recognition, Parrott family Luke Harrison, Sioux Falls recognition; McPherson College Red & White Blake Huber, Creighton academic Alyse Higgins, Iowa Iowa Scholars; Runza/ KETV Runza Student of the Week Nicholas Hulsing, Iowa Western Dennis E. Kirlin Gold Foundation Amber Huttmann, Des Moines Area Community College foundation, volleyball Jared Kennedy, UNO Symphonic Wind Ensemble, music, Earl Jazz, marching band Holden King, Jennie Edmundson Hospital volunteer; Iowa State recognition Jessica Kjeldgaard, Iowa State Dance Team Association achievement; Drury trustee’s, residential; Bluff City Lodge 71; Red Cross blood drive Hannah Kreitzinger, Wesleyan academic, achievement Nicole Lamplot, Iowa Western foundation Tiffany Lamplot, Iowa Western foundation Ashley Love, Loyola-Chicago Damen Natalie Madsen, Drake presidential, Legacy; Morningside Dean’s; Wartburg regents; Creighton founder’s; Northern Iowa distinguished scholars Mackenzie Main, Kirkwood Community College Leaders for Tomorrow; Appaloosa Horse Club territory Allicea Martinez, Iowa Western foundation, athletic Lindsey Mastropietro, Iowa Western Council Bluffs Memorial Foundation Morgan Means, Northwestern College softball, achievement, alumni Madison Michaels, Northwest Missouri State merit, Bearcat Dylan Miller, Simpson honor; Cornell College R. Keeler Samantha Mohr, Northwest Missouri State merit, Bearcat Caitlyn Pallat, Northwest Missouri State
merit, Bearcat Nathan Pettepier, Peter Kiewit/UNO Walter Scott Jr.; Red Cross Blood Drive Alex Reed, Home Run Foundation of Greater Omaha Jackie Robinson; Iowa Western football Michaela Ruis, Red Cross Blood Drive Nina Sauvain, Northwest Missouri State Tower, cultural enrichment, Bearcat, outof-state Amanda Schoening, Creighton Magis; Jennie Edmundson Hospital volunteer Bailey Shaw, Iowa Belin/Bank, Iowa Scholars Taylor Stuart, Council Bluffs Building & Trades Association; Iowa Association of Realtors Amy Vesper, Northwest Missouri State excellence, out-of-state, Bearcat Ryan Waldron, Creighton founder’s; Mutual of Omaha Skutt
Council Bluffs St. Albert Faye Assmann Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1st out of 43 College plans: Iowa State; chemical engineering Parents: Andy and Cindy Assmann About: “Faye is a remarkable young lady. She’s intelligent, talented and one of the most giving students in her senior class. She’s also a quiet leader and one that many students look up to.”
Nick Rallis Key Staffer Journalistic roles: writer, assistant editor, co-editor, editor in chief for newspaper College plans: University of Northern Iowa;
undecided Parents: Ellen and Vinny Rallis About: “Nick is a natural when it comes to spotting good stories and then bringing them to life. He is an excellent writer, who has won multiple awards for our staff.” Scholarships offered at St. Albert:
Faye Assmann, Iowa State competitive excellence, engineering; Robert Heithoff memorial; World-Herald outstanding student Bailey Brandenburg, St. Ambrose academic, cheer Allie Cox, Clark College presidential; Rose O’Toole; M.E. Farmer Nebraska Council PDCA Jenny Daley, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit Nathan Dunning, Bluffs City Lodge Peter Jacobsen, Southeast Missouri State regents, James & Sally Piatchek; UNO Maverick Julianne Johnson, UNO Maverick; Simpson presidential; College of St. Mary; Morningside presidential; Briar Cliff academic; Creighton founders; Robert Heithoff memorial Katie Kuck, Grandview academic, athletic; Morningside ambassador, athletic Jake Lewis, Briar Cliff athletic, merit; Kansas Generations; UNL Ruth Leverton Libby Mattingly, Simpson academic, vocal music; Loyola-New Orleans; Drake academic, vocal music Connor Moran, UNO Maverick Jamie Nelson, Doane trustees, legacy; Central College Nick Rallis, Creighton merit; UNI honors, merit Wesley Rieck, Loyola-Chicago merit Nicole Rollins, Iowa State multicultural Tommy Ryan, Iowa State presidential Elizabeth Shudak, UNL Ruth Leverton Josh Sindelar, Minnesota State athletic Brendan Stephany, Iowa Old Gold Joni Thomas, Missouri Western western neighbors, dean’s Scott Theulen, Navy ROTC, books, military stipend Ryan Wettengel, Iowa Scholars; Robert Heithoff memorial
Council Bluffs Thomas Jefferson Patrick O’Brien Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1st out of 273 College plans: University of Iowa; music performance and linguistics Parents: Jack and Kimberly O’Brien About: “He has proven time and again that he has a musical talent that leaves many awestruck. Patrick has managed to exhaust much of the curriculum that is offered within the walls of Thomas Jefferson. He is just an amazing student who shares his academic and musical gifts and talents with us.”
Sierra Scheid Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Yearbook editor in chief for two years; staffer for four years. College plans: Iowa State or UNO; dental hygienist or pre-dental Parents: Christopher and Pearl Scheid About: “The amount of time and effort to make the best product possible for her fellow students is tremendously valued by Sierra. She does this while juggling other key roles in her life.”
Douglas County West Colin Schnoes Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1st out of 52 College plans: Air Force Academy; undecided Parents: Dr. Dan and Dr. Connie
Schnoes About: “He not only excels in the classrooms, but he participates and excels in many extracurricular activities. Colin’s leadership abilities come naturally to him.”
Scholarships offered at Douglas County West:
Joshua Barnes, Valley Community Foundation, Chuck & Kathy Poore family; Joseph Baum, Wendy’s High School Heisman Award; Falcon Pride Booster Club Amanda Booze, Doane trustees; UNL Canfield; UNO dean, chancellors; Douglas County West Education Association; Valley Volunteer Firefighters; Western Douglas County Chamber of Commerce Katherine Brichacek, Wendy’s High School Heisman Finalist; Falcon Pride Booster Club; Veteran of Foreign War 9897/American Legion 58/Hometown Fireworks Blake Cherny, Doane community; Valley Community Foundation Chuck & Kathy Poore family; Douglas County West PTSA PTSA; Steve Schult memorial Steve Schult-Douglas County West; Waterloo Volunteer Fire & Rescue/John Love memorial; Western Douglas County Rotary/Reichmuth leadership Haley Cunningham, Doane Van Hoy; Douglas County West Arts & Humanities Club Fine Arts; Douglas County West PTSA PTSA Jared Cunningham, Doane Van Hoy; Douglas County West Arts & Humanities Club Fine Arts Hunter Davidson, UNL Canfield; Iowa State recognition; Kansas State midwest student exchange; Johnston legacy; Railway business; Falcon Pride Booster Club; Steve Schult memorial Steve Schult-Douglas County West; Western Douglas County Chamber of Commerce Brenda Dreier, Metro Community College governors; Rod Rogert technical Lucas Eggen, Falcon Pride Booster Club Shelby Foley-Brown, Methodist Physicians Clinic Jacob Gleason, Peru State trustees Emmaline Hare, Wesleyan university; Doane Van Hoy; Douglas County West National Honor Society Conner Krusemark, Peru State campus citizen Richard Miller, UNK chancellor’s; Doane Van Hoy; Methodist Physicians Clinic Colin Schnoes, U.S. Air Force Academy; UNO regents; UNK regents, honors program; UNL regents; Wesleyan university, WorldHerald outstanding student Alison Schult, UNK chancellor’s; Midland presidential; UNO deans; Iowa State recognition; Wesleyan university; Doane trustees; Steve Schult memorial Steve Schult-Douglas County West Kelly Shepherd, Midland cheerleading; Valley Masonic Victory Lodge 310 Nathan Smith, Hastings football; Valley Community Foundation Chuck & Kathy Poore family; Falcon Pride Booster Club; Veterans of Foreign War 9897 Travis Torgerson, UNK chancellor’s; UNL Canfield, honors, textbook; Oregon Summit; Douglas County West Education Association; Falcon Pride Booster Club Taylor Vencil, UNK chancellor’s; Chadron State trustees; Black Hills State Buzz bonus; South Dakota Coyote distinction; Wesleyan university; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat; Peru State campus citizen; Douglas County Farm Bureau Farm Bureau; Falcon Pride Booster Club Kylie Wald, College of St. Mary achievement; Wesleyan university; Mary Sr. Thomas Welder; Sioux Falls provost’s; Peru State campus citizen; Valley Community Foundation Chuck & Kathy Poore family; Nancy Condron nursing Joshua Widhelm, Metro Community College governors; American Legion Post 58; Falcon Pride Booster Club
Elkhorn Logan M. Fraser Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1st out of 154 College plans: United States Naval Academy; chemistry or engineering Parents: Bryan and Julie Fraser About: “Logan is being selected for this award because of his extremely strong academic record, excelling in our most rigorous courses. His quiet confidence has established him as a leader in his class.”
Sydney Wahl
Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Reporter, photographer, co-editor and editor for yearbook; reporter and columnist for newspaper College plans: UNO or UNL; early childhood education Parents: Tony and Pam Wahl About: “Sydney works endless hours dedicated to yearbook and has extended her love for journalism into newspaper as a senior. She has a mission to execute her plans and gets everyone on board with what will work for the best.” Scholarships offered at Elkhorn:
Austin Alfrey, Elkhorn High football Boosters Wortman/Bacus Commitment to excellence; Elkhorn Schools Foundation Carl Riley Brodersen memorial baseball; Evangel Young Christian Leader, excellence, baseball; MidAmerica Nazarene MNU, Nazarene Hannah Arington, Douglas/Sarpy 4-H Council; Elkhorn Schools Foundation Don Petersen family, J.D. Heiskell & Co. Agriculture, foundation; Iowa State competitive excellence; Kansas State midwest student exchange, College of Agriculture; Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben 4-H Stock Show; UNL College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Scholar, regents Douglas/Sarpy 4-H Council Tanner Bailey, UNL Canfield Zachary Baker, Allen Community baseball; Missouri Western State deans, in-state tuition; Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat Brianna Barth, Metro Community College governors Emalee Barton, Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat Andrew Berger, Drake presidential; UNL honors Kadie Bond, Elkhorn Schools Foundation AXA Advisors, Carl L. and Mary A. White, foundation; UNL honors, regents; UNO regents; Wayne State presidential, Rural Health Opportunities Margaret Bond, Grace music; Northwest Missouri State merit, Bearcat Samantha Bowdino, Elkhorn Schools Foundation; Youth for Christ Alfrey/Wilkins memorial Stephanie Brummond, Drake presidential; UNL David, Forrest Blood Scholar, honors; UNO regents Jennifer Burwell, Elkhorn Schools Foundation Don Petersen family Sarah Chadwell, UNO deans Benjamin Clifford, Elkhorn Schools Foundation Real World Initiative Braden Corbett, Elkhorn Schools Foundation Don Petersen family Brianna Cox, Baylor deans Gold Tyler Davis, Liberty academic, champion, pastor alumni Meaghan Delaney, Minnesota-Morris achievement Morgan Delaney, Minnesota-Morris achievement, Morris Scholars Drew Dudley, Butler; Elkhorn Schools Foundation; UNL chancellors, National Merit, honors Jesse Elser, Elkhorn Schools Foundation; UNL regents, honors Logan Fast, UNO chancellor’sDerrick Feldman, Elkhorn Schools Foundation Don Petersen family David Finley, Oral Roberts Whole Person Morgan Fogelman, Elkhorn Schools Foundation Carl Riley Brodersen memorial softball; Morningside ambassador, softball
See Page 17
Continued from Page 16 Brandon Fowler, Buena Vista Arch; Elkhorn Schools Foundation Vic Porter memorial; Wayne State Cooperating School Logan Fraser, U.S. Military Academy appointment; U.S. Naval Academy appointment; UNL regents; World-Herald outstanding student Karl Frazier, Carleton academic, national achievement; Elkhorn Schools Foundation Legacy Eyecare; National Merit national achievement; Xerox Foundation national achievement; Chicago Odyssey Tee Jay Grooters, UNL Canfield; UNO deans Nicole Hendrix, Midland golf, campus visit Dustin Henson, LeTourneau dean’s, trustee’s Lindsay Hoag, Briar Cliff academic, soccer; Elkhorn Schools Foundation Manchester PTO Amber Hopp, Bellevue Quiz Bowl; Concordia regents, art; Elkhorn Schools Foundation arts; Wesleyan academic; Western Douglas County Chamber of Commerce Adam Hornig, Elkhorn High football Boosters Wortman/Bacus Commitment to Excellence; Elkhorn Schools Foundation Nathan Waggoner memorial; UNL Canfield Sarah Houston, Chadron State academic; College of St. Mary academic; Elkhorn Schools Foundation; Midland music; Wesleyan academic; UNL Education and Human Sciences, honors, Canfield Logan Huntley, UNL achievement Anthony Jeter, UNO regents; Creighton founders Isaac Kelley, Wesleyan academic, achievement, honors academy; Northwest Missouri State academic excellence, midwest student exchange, Bearcat; UNK chancellor’s Kayli King, UNK regents; UNL David, honors; UNO regents Claire Knaus, Elkhorn Schools Foundation Elkhorn High band Booster; Wesleyan NWU; Peabody Conservatory; Minnesota-Twin Cities School of Music; UNL School of Music, band, Hixson Lied Grant Kobes, Elkhorn Schools Foundation James Manske/Alex Pearson Elkhorn Lawn Care LLC Business Entrepreneur, foundation; UNL Canfield Ryan Kwapniowski, Creighton founders, Labaj; Elkhorn Schools Foundation Elkhorn Volunteer Rescue, partners; Oregon Apex Kristin Lange, Elkhorn Schools Foundation Elkhorn Girls Softball Association; Missouri Western State athletic, neighboring states, provost Nicholas Lassek, UNO regents Steven Law, Elkhorn Schools Foundation Class of 61- Echtencamp/Warren/PaaschWilkins memorial Ariel Lennard, Colorado Christian presidents, Partners in Spiritual Formation; UNL Canfield; UNO deans Mitchell Lofgren, Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat Joseph Logue, Midland Anderson leader Corinne Luckinbill, Concordia Chicago Cougar, Lutheran servant Abigail Magers, Methodist Hospital Volunteers in Partnership; Nebraska High School Bowling Federation; Red Cross Young Minds Change Lives; Sempek Lanes Junior Bowling; UNK chancellor’s; UNL regents, honors; UNO regents; USBC Junior Bowlers Tour, Midwest Junior Bowlers Tour, Youth Championship Tournament, Youth City Tournament Elkhorn Schools Foundation Hillrise PTO, Kayla Wilkins memorial, foundation; Missouri Science and Technology Miner alumni, trustees out-of-state, trustees, women in science & engineering Sara Mann, MidAmerica Nazarene academic; Western Douglas County Rotary; Wesleyan NWU; Northwest Missouri State merit, Bearcat, dance team Kelsey Martin, Elkhorn Schools Foundation Carol S. Schlosser memorial, Elkhorn Historical Society Hannah Milenkovich, AIM Institute Achiever; Creighton Magis; Drake presidential; Elkhorn High Bowling Booster Club; Elkhorn Schools Foundation Kids Campus, William Patton Science, foundation; Methodist Hospital Volunteers in Partnership; Nebraska High School Bowling Federation; Sempek Lanes Junior Bowling Monday Youth League, Scratch Girls; UNL regents, honors; USBC Senior Citizens’ Leagues of Maplewood Benefactors, Division B team champion Kylie Murcek, Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat Jordan Murphy, Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat Brenna Nelson, UNK regents, honors, volleyball, cooperating school Mikayla Nordin, Bethel president, leadership, Royal, travel, on-campus; Elkhorn Schools Foundation; Nick Alfrey memorial Jesse O’Dell, Midland football Madilyn Pickering, South Dakota Coyote promise Alyson Recic, Northwest Missouri State merit, Bearcat Colton Roessner, Elkhorn Schools Foundation Westridge PTO, foundation; UNL top scholar, regents, honors Sarah Rouse, Elkhorn Schools Foundation Leola J. Ohm memorial, partners; Hastings Ambassador; Lozier Foundation sons & daughters; Midland presidential; Wesleyan academic; Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat, vocal music; Wayne State Education Matters Caitlin Rucker, Texas Christian Army ROTC nurse; UNO regents Spencer Sackett, Maryville Duschene; Metro Community College governors Taylor Schrunk, Elkhorn Schools Foundation-Elkhorn Lions Club-Arnold Fencl Brittany Schulte, Kansas State Denison, College of Agriculture Brendan Schutte, UNL Canfield; UNO deans Taylor Scott, Northwest Missouri State merit, Bearcat Skyler Simpson, Elkhorn Schools Foundation Kids Campus, foundation, arts; UNL honors, regents, Kimmel Art, Hixson-Lied; UNO regents Calvin Stara, Wesleyan achievement Andrew Thomas, Metro Community College governors Sydney Urzendowski, Creighton academic; Elkhorn Schools Foundation-No Frills Personal Best; Wesleyan academic, achievement; UNL Canfield Christopher Weber, Creighton; Drake presidential; Elkhorn Schools Foundation Carl Riley Brodersen memorial football, Boys Extra-Curricular Activities, West Dodge Station PTO, foundation; Wesleyan NWU; Missouri Mark Twain Nonresident; North Dakota presidential; UNL regents; UNO regents Jade Weibel-Vos, Nebraska Bowling Foundation
S u n day, M ay 1 2 , 2 0 1 3
SCHOLARS Leanna Willer, Chadron State regents; Elkhorn Schools Foundation, EMS Booster Club, Girls Extra-Curricular Activities, Nate Pullen memorial, foundation; Lamar volleyball; North Dakota State volleyball; Runza Student of the Week; UNK regents; UNO regents; Washburn Desmond, Garvey, leadership, volleyball
Elkhorn South Elyse Mancuso Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1st out of 210 College plans: Smith College; undecided Parents: Paul and Jennifer Mancuso About: “Elyse was selected based on her outstanding intellect, curiosity in the classroom and her determination to succeed in all aspects of her life. She is also active and a leader in many school activities.”
Valerie VanderLinden Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Yearbook editor College plans: Iowa State; apparel merchandising and design Parents: Cindy and Jeff Vander-
Linden About: “Last year, Valerie placed second in class A2 for yearbook layout and first in A2 for yearbook theme development. Valerie placed fifth in all classes for yearbook layout and yearbook theme development. The last two books she has been part of have received class A2 Cornhusker awards.” Scholarships offered at Elkhorn South: Caitlin Allely, No Frills Personal Best Paige Allen, Kids Campus Kelsey Anderson, UNL Canfield, chancellor’s Carl Bachman, Texas Christian faculty Daniel Briggs, Carl L. and Mary A. White Michael Buck, Missouri Western State provost’s academic; Northwest Missouri State midwest student exchange, Tower; UNK dean’s Cole Carleton, Elkhorn South football futures; Lamar football Brittany Cech, Augustana trustees, volleyball Samuel Christy, Iowa State competitive excellence Connor Dietrich, Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation; Iowa National Scholars; UNL regents, honors Kalyn Dixon, Elkhorn Lions Club Arnold Fencl Kelsey Doerr, Elkhorn South Soccer Booster Club Luke Drazic, Briar Cliff academic; Wesleyan academic; Northwest Missouri State football, Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower; UNK football; Wayne State football Joseph Drummond, Army Reserves Morgan Edwards, Kansas distinction; UNO dean’s Timothy Faulconer, Benedictine; Wesleyan academic Emily Fink, Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation; Elkhorn Ridge Middle School Booster Club; MOC/ONS nursing; Wesleyan academic; Rockhurst chancellors; UNK honors program, regents, tennis; UNL David; UNO chancellors Laura Fischer, Evangel merit; Luna Chapter of the Eastern Star Nikita Fomichev, UNL honors Madison Foxx, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Nicole Gappa, UNO dean’s Lauren Gehring, Iowa State competitive excellence; UNL College of Architecture Sarah Ghannam, Marquette Ignatius excellence; Wesleyan academic; Missouri Mark Twain; UNL Canfield; UNO regents Clayton Gibson, Loyola dean’s Benjamin Green, Wesleyan academic; Simpson academic Michael Greufe, Don Nordlund; Elkhorn Historical Society; Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation; Elkhorn Ridge Booster Club; Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation boys extracurricular activities; Elkhorn South football futures; UNL engineering, regents, honors Cal Griencewic, Doane community, football; Missouri Western State dean’s, football, neighboring states; Wesleyan academic Nolan Hanna, Creighton academic; Wesleyan academic Emily Hardin, Arizona State New American; Wesleyan academic; Oregon State tuition Brett Hatfield, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation; John Olson memorial; Sacks for CF Lauren Hays, Wesleyan academic; UNK chancellor’s, cooperating school; UNL Canfield; UNO dean’s; Sioux Falls Emily Heck, Metro Community College governors Allison Heisler, Spring Ridge PTO Bradley Hildebrandt, American Academy of Dramatic Arts; Coastal Carolina performing arts merit; Columbia presidential; Fire Ridge PTO; Oklahoma City BFA Theatre; Point Park University achievement; Roosevelt performing arts; Theatre Arts Guild; Evansville theater Shea Hoffman, Elkhorn South football futures; Wesleyan achievement, Legacy Courtney Holcomb, Kansas excellence; Missouri Mark Twain Lindsey Hollmann, UNL regents Elizabeth Howorth, American Red Cross; past exalted ruler’s; UNL Canfield; Western Douglas County Rotary Gabriella Hurov, South Florida Green & Gold
Scholars Justin Isaacson, Arizona State New American; Creighton founders; Wesleyan academic; Arizona excellence; Kansas Generations; UNL honors; UNO regents Hanna Jacobsen, William Woods academic, LEAD Amanda Johnson, AXA Advisors; Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation girls extracurricular activities; James Manske-Alex Pearson Elkhorn Lawn Care; Runza Student of the Week; Western Douglas County Chamber of Commerce Blake Johnson, UNL Education and Human Science Ashley Jones, Evangel music performance; Iowa Western First Edition/choir Riley Jones, Doane trustees, soccer; Elkhorn South Soccer Booster Club Taylor Karbowski, Creighton founders; Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation; Iowa State recognition; Kids Campus Cole Kennebeck, UNO music; Wayne State music Abigail Kerres, Colorado State recognition; Iowa State recognition Bethany Kinney, Augustana leadership, academic; Bethel academic Alexandria Kirklin, Rockhurst community, Hearst Garrett Kraudy, Brigham Young; Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation Kayla Krings, Charleston Southern Jairy C Hunter Jr.; Colorado Christian trustee; Eckerd College trustee achievement; HyVee; Mercer University Josiah Penfield; UNO dean’s Logan Krug, Midland performing arts Michael Le, UNL regents; UNO regents Cameron Maciejewski, Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation; Iowa State competitive excellence, engineering; Wesleyan academic; UNL Raikes, regents, honors Rebecca Madden, Dordt distinguished, presidential, volleyball; Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation Elyse Mancuso, Boston dean’s; Grinnell trustee; National Merit; Smith Zollman; Massachusetts chancellor’s; UNL chancellor’s Sara Mantz, Wesleyan academic; UNL regents Lucas Marston, Iowa State competitive excellence; Legacy Eyecare Morgan Mattly, Kansas excellence; UNL Canfield, global engagement Hayley Miller, TD Ameritrade; UNL regents; Oklahoma excellence; South Carolina Cooper Scholars Hylan Miller, UNO chancellors, tennis Abra Misselt, Dr. Harriet Bluford memorial; Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation; Hastings Crimson, honorary music, trustee; UNK chancellor’s; UNL Canfield Matthew Moore, UNO chancellors Erica Myrick, UNL Canfield Travis Newgard, Briar Cliff academic & athletic; Concordia football, achievement, Lutheran; Doane academic & football; Elkhorn South football futures; Hastings academic & athletic; Morningside academic & athletic; Simpson academic & athletic Alyson Nielsen, Kansas State Purple & White; Wesleyan academic; Kansas distinction; UNK chancellor’s; UNL Canfield, Pepsi Jayne Oatman, UNL achievement Sarah Overman, UNK dean’s Ann Pearson, Barbara McLaughlin memorial; Creighton golf, Magis; Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation; Lakeside Hospital teen volunteer; Rotary Club of Omaha West; UNL regents Aaliyah Pete, Colorado State track Nicholas Polodna, UNO regents Alec Price, UNL Canfield Sarah Raymond, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Nicole Roeder, Iowa State competitive excellence Vincent Rosso, Midland baseball Alexa Ruwe, Hastings academic, golf Karlie Schaphorst, Missouri Mark Twain Yaryna Serednytsky, UNO dean’s Jacob Sesker, Colorado School of Mines merit; Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation; Wesleyan academic; Iowa Iowa heritage, National Scholars, Old Gold; Kansas Department of Chemical & Patroleum Engineering, excellence, School of Engineering dean’s, Vann family future leaders; UNL regents Jason Shaneyfelt, Elkhorn-Waterloo American Legion Post 211; Skyline PTO Caroline Sojka, Colorado State academic recognition; Iowa State academic recognition; Wesleyan achievement, academic; Iowa National Scholars Kaitlyn Stava, Methodist Hospital volunteer; Kansas excellence Kristen Strevey, Baylor president’s Gold; Wesleyan academic; Texas Christian dean’s; UNL regents Ryan Suhr, UNL Canfield, honors Kylie Sveum, Elkhorn Girls Softball Association; Kansas State honors; Kansas distinction; UNL Canfield Valerie VanderLinden, Iowa State academic recognition Emma Vinchur, Brigham Young visual arts talent; Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation arts; Utah heritage, tradition Danon Vowell, Hastings success; Midland gold; Morningside ambassador, athletic Drew Weinert, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange Jennifer Wies, Creighton academic, founders; Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation; Elkhorn Volunteer Rescue; Wesleyan achievement, academic, honors; Wesleyan academic; UNL David, Legends, Living/ Learning Elliana Wilcox, Bethel leadership, on campus, provost, Royal, travel; Olivet Nazarene academic excellence Maria Wishard, UNK dean’s; UNO dean’s Mallorie Wright, Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation arts; Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation; UNO regents
education Parent: Kim Pace About: “Josh is an exceptional young man who is a leader in all facets of his high school career. He is a top student, athlete, musician and thespian. He is a natural leader because students and adults alike are drawn to his honesty, integrity and charisma.”
Ashley Weeks Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Yearbook editor, photographer and feature writer College plans: Midland University or Metropolitan Community College; early childhood education Parents: Bob and Shannon Weeks About: “Ashley is willing to take on a variety of tasks, always willing to help others on the yearbook, and she is an excellent writer.” Scholarships offered at Fort Calhoun: Luke Ashton, Alma College trustee, Summit, Scottish Arts Performance, Highland; UNO regents Whitney Bendorf, UNL regents, honors textbook; UNK regents; UNO regents; Utah State housing & dining services; Utah nonresident; Brigham Young honors Jaden Boudle, Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat; Hastings football, ambassador Margaret Christianson, Nebraska Methodist College Wischmeier dean’s Amber Cottle, Washington County Recycling Association Chloe Delgado, Hastings Crimson Shilee Erwin, South Dakota valedictorian, Coyote distinction; Youth Engaged Speech Competition-Pamela B. Daly; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, excellence, midwest student exchange; Washington County Recycling Association Landon Folkers, Colorado Christian president’s, Partners in Spiritual Formation-Youth for Christ Partners in Spiritual FormationCampus Crusade for Christ, Kirchner; John Brown trustee’s Jessica Gammons, Midland performing arts; Hastings McClelland music, student success; UNO BOCH festival; Wesleyan music achievement; Doane academic, music-vocal, dance Bianca Haag, Midland presidential, merit, campus visit Johnathan Heinz, Northwest Missouri State merit, Bearcat Megan Hillmer, UNL chancellor’s leadership, Canfield; UNK chancellor’s; Midland presidential; UNO dean’s; Washington County Recycling Association; Omaha Jaycees TOYO Teen Kellon Johnson, UNL Canfield Jordan Kann, Hastings football, Ringland Shea Kister, South Dakota Coyote promise, Art Department Lucas Lazure, Morningside basketball, ambassador, achievement, merit Anastasia Lehman, Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat Justin Lester, Hastings Ringland, honor choir music; UNO marching band Brooke Linnenbrink, South Dakota Coyote promise; Doane cross country, track, community Chelsea Lukasiewicz, Chadron State trustees, G Christoffersen, cross country-track and field; Wayne State Education Matters; Creighton founders, merit, Skutt-Mutual of Omaha Joe Mapes, Metro Community College governors Brad Naughton, South Dakota School of Mines & Technology scholar; South Dakota Coyote distinction Jesse Nelson, Boise State non-resident tuition waiver, dean’s Brooke Ohrt, Idaho State non-resident tuition waiver, housing Joshua Pace, Cedarville Soli Deo Gloria music, access, faculty; Grace music, academic; Hastings honor choir music; World-Herald outstanding student James Rathjen, South Dakota Coyote leadership; Northwest Missouri State excellence, midwest student exchange, Bearcat Meghan Schulz, UNK dean’s; Creighton founders; South Dakota Coyote distinction; American Legion Auxiliary of Nebraska Past Presidents Parley Nurse Karina Stevens, St. Catherine University venture, St. Catherine of Alexandria; Briar Cliff academic; New Rochelle College academic; Russell Sage College deans Wayne Stratbucker, Drake presidential, merit, fine arts-theater Ashley Weeks, Midland track Madeline Westergard, Grandview basketball Kaitlyn White, South Dakota Coyote distinction; Metro Community College governors Jacob Wilson, York baseball, ACT, opportunity Ben Winter, Missouri Science and Technology Miner alumni, trustees out-of-state, trustees, Edward Lasko metallurgical engineering; Colorado School of Mines merit, academic; UNL Canfield Brandon Wynn, MidAmerica Nazarene trustees
Gretna Bailey Zych
Fort Calhoun Joshua Pace Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 16th out of 58 College plans: Cedarville, Belhaven or Grace; music
Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1st out of 178 College plans: UNL; biochemistry Parents: Brian and Tracy Zych About: “Bailey Zych is one of the most positively charged 4.00 students
at Gretna High School ever. With an optimistic attitude and unconditional support, athletes are motivated by Bailey’s cheering talents.”
Nathan Olsen Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Photographer, photo editor and staff tech support for newspaper and yearbook; in-depth editor for newspaper College plans: Undecided; cinema Parents: John and Connie Olsen About: “Nate shows great initiative and creativity while working for the common good of the publications. He keeps the camera cabinet organized; redesigned and restyled the newspaper; shoots almost every activity in the school while also taking the time to work with his peers” Scholarships offered at Gretna: Alexa Allgood, UNK chancellors Brian Andersen, Central Community College ACT; Nebraska Machinery/CAT sponsorship Michael Anderson, Metro Community College governors Jacob Beran, UNL Canfield Emily Bokowski, American Legion Auxiliary nurse; Northwestern Norman Vincent Peale; Youth for Christ Alfrey Wilkins; UNL regents Trent Brosdahl, Ellsworth Community College merit, baseball Danielle Brucker, Iowa State College of Engineering, recognition Kelsey Carlson, UNL chancellor’s leadership, Canfield Troy Chase, UNO deans Christopher Clines, Metro Community College governors Jake Derr, Wesleyan academic, achievement Dean Detten, UNO regents; Rockhurst Dowling, foreign language, family, regents; St. Benedict/St. John’s trustees, saints; St. Mary University alumni association’s outstanding scholar Benjamin Donovan, Wesleyan academic Dillon Drapal, UNL regents; UNO regents Mitchell Drey, Briar Cliff academic, basketball, freshman; Morningside ambassador, athletic; Wesleyan academic, achievement Austin Ehmke, Doane trustees, athletic training, merit; Midland Anderson leader, campus visit; Wesleyan academic, university Anna Elbracht, Wesleyan academic; UNL regents Nicole Emanuel, UNL regents, Josephine & Woolsey Davis Tanner Evans, Augustana presidential, Augustana leadership; Creighton Christina M. Hixson, Ignatius of Loyola; Drake trustee, presidential; Nebraska Elks Association Elks National Foundation most valuable student; Wesleyan university Courtney Everhart, International Optimist post-secondary education; Offutt Officers’ Spouses’ Club academic; Department of the Army UNL Army ROTC; UNL David, Legends, CASNR Blake Folta, Missouri Science & Technology Miner alumni, Miner out-of-state, academic Tyler Friesen, Doane presidential; Hastings Crimson; Wesleyan academic, achievement, university; UNK chancellors; UNL regents, honors; UNO regents Elise Gahan, Indiana distinction, Hutton honors, Richard D. Spear memorial, Pay It Forward; Liberty valedictorian/salutatorian, academic, Champ, honors, extra, pastor alumni; St. Louis vice presidents’; Colorado-Denver Denver Bound, presidential; UNL regents, top scholar, additional; UNO regents Garrick Gorden, Metro Community College College governors Timothy Grundmayer, Doane trustees; Wesleyan university; Northwest Missouri State distinguished, midwest student exchange, Bearcat, cross country Deanna Hanner, Iowa State Competitive Excellence Kathryn Harrison, UNL Canfield Lillian Horseman, UNL Canfield, CASNR Paige Huber, UNK Gretna High School Meghan Johns, Kansas State honors Taylor Johnson, Hastings bowling, Pro Rege Peyton Jordan, Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange Program, Bearcat Ashley Josoff, Wesleyan achievement, university, academic Katelyn Kelley, UNL Canfield; UNO deans Christian Kennedy, UNO deans Rian Kirby, Morningside athletic, achievement, founder Caleb Koch, UNK cooperating schools Sabrina Korth, UNL Canfield Megan Kruse, Hastings ambassadors, soccer, legacy; Scholarship Management Services First Data Corp. Katelyn Lane, Wesleyan academic, achievement; UNL Canfield Matthew Lanning, Metro Community College governors Trevor Leiting, Wesleyan academic, achievement Kayleen Malizzi, Grace academic; St. Mary University dean Alissa Martindale, UNL David, honors, Art & Ruth Raun, Legends, CASNR, Grand Island Saddle Club, 4-H horse education; Douglas/ Sarpy 4-H Council 4-H queen Leanna Mathews, UNL Canfield Andrew Meier, Wesleyan academic; UNL regents Kyle Monismith, Metro Community College governors Gabriella Montemarano, Briar Cliff academic, St. Francis; Doane trustees, theater, Ed Pallet IMPACT; Wesleyan university; Northwest Missouri State distinguished, midwest student exchange, Bearcat Brianna Newman, Highland Community College softball Alexis Noah, Metro Community College governors Amanda Ogg, Wesleyan academic Andrew Osborn, UNO regents Zoe Otteman, Doane trustees, cheer; Kansas State honors; Marquette Ignatius distinction; Rockhurst deans, regents, H/M Christensen; St. Louis deans; UNK chancel-
lors; UNL Canfield; South Dakota Coyote distinction, valedictorian Madison Paskevic, Hastings ambassador, soccer Tate Paulsen, Wesleyan academic, achievement William Prosser II, Metro Community College governors Kyle Rhodes, Iowa State competitive excellence; UNL engineering dean’s, regents; UNO regents; U.S. Military Academy Emily Rickers, UNK chancellors; UNL Canfield; UNO regents; South Dakota Coyote leadership Emily Roll, Creighton founders, soccer Justice Ross, College of St. Mary achievement, basketball Trey Russell, Morningside athletic, ambassador Alexandra Sedlacek, Metro Community College governors Devan Sedlacek, UNL David, Legends; South Dakota Coyote distinction Tanner Silence, Metro Community College governors Zachary Stover, Wesleyan academic, achievement Madison Sutton, Peru State volleyball Heidi Wesely, UNL Canfield Kelsey Wilcox, Wesleyan academic Mary Yager, Briar Cliff academic; College of St. Mary achievement; Doane trustees; Hastings dean, Crimson, bowling; Truman non-resident tuition, combined ability; UNL Canfield Paige Young, Peru State academic Bailey Zych, HyVee; UNK regents; UNL regents, honors, CASNR, honors textbook; UNO regents; World-Herald outstanding student
Iowa School for the Deaf John Isaacson Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 3rd out of 23 College plans: Gallaudet University; business Parents: Stuart and Tracy Isaac-
son About: “John excels academically and athletically, but is most outstanding for his always-positive attitude, leadership and willingness to volunteer. He is a well-rounded individual, a natural role model, and he brings energy and enthusiasm to every activity.”
Johanna Scherling Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Yearbook editor, photographer, writer, layout designer, copy editor College plans: Gallaudet University Parents: Roy and Peggy Scherling About: “Johanna is the do-it-all staffer. Anything that is asked of her she is more than willing to do and always with a smile and quality that makes her work consistently exceptional.”
Millard North Peter Xu Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 6th out of 614 College plans: undecided Parents: Chen-Wei Xu and Hongqi Duan About: “Peter scored a perfect 36 on his ACT.”
Alexandra Allbery Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Yearbook editor in chief in 2011-2012 and 2012-2013; yearbook staff writer 2010-2011. College plans: Colorado State; journalism Parents: John and Leslie Allbery About: “Alex has been the editor in chief of the yearbook for the past two years and has not only exhibited leadership skills, but also creativity and strong writing skills. Editor in chief of Millard North’s yearbook is an enormous job, and Alex took this job on fearlessly for two years.” Scholarships offered at Millard North: Suna Akkoseoglu, UNL health sciences Emily Anderson, Chadron State Adelia Gebauer memorial, trustees, Patrick & Dollie Muldoon; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange; South Dakota Bush education, Coyote achievement Nabilaa Azimi, Millard Public Schools Foun-
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Continued from Page 17 dation Buell Jipp memorial; UNL regents Shelby Bader, Midland cross country Amber Baesler, South Dakota Coyote promise Taylor Bahensky, Briar Cliff academic, basketball; Midland basketball; Morningside achievement, ambassador Jacob Bailey, Colorado School of Mines merit; Embry Riddle Aeronautical Embry Riddle; Hastings Crimson; Iowa State competitive excellence; Morningside trustee; Newman John Henry Cardinal Newman; UNL Durham School of Architectural Engineering & Construction, Living and Learning, regents; UNK merit, regents; UNO regents Haley Barber, Millard Public Schools Foundation Cottonwood PTA Alexandria Bartels, UNL Canfield, Legends; UNO chancellor’s Emma Baumann, UNL Canfield Alexandra Baxter, Willa Cather Foundation Norma Ross Walter; Prudential 2013 Spirit of Community Awards; Rotary Club of Omaha; UNL honors textbook Katherine Baxter, UNL honors textbook Andrew Bayne, Northern State athletic, WolfPACT; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Abigail Beckman, Creighton founder’s; Iowa Advantage Iowa, National Scholars; UNL Canfield Brett Begley, Creighton Ignatius of Loyola, Magis; Millard Public Schools Foundation Mustang Booster Club; Nebraska Chiropractic Physicians Association; Rotary Club of West Omaha outstanding senior; Runza Student of the Week; UNL chancellor’s, honors textbook; UNO regents; Wendy’s High School Heisman Kayleigh Begley, Briar Cliff academic; Creighton; Loyola-Chicago dean’s Ashley Beukenhorst, UNL Canfield, Legends Bryce Blycker, Alegent Health Lakeside teen volunteer; Kansas excellence; UNO chancellor’s Brooke Bolam, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Yasmeen Bora, Case Western Reserve; Creighton academic; National achievement; Oberlin; Chicago Madeline Breeling, Evansville dean’s; UNL Canfield, chancellor’s leadership, global engagement, honors textbook; UNO regents Rachel Brennan, UNL Canfield, soccer Dana Broer, UNL achievement Megan Brunssen, Concordia regent’s, soccer; Millard Public Schools Foundation Bernie Vanis memorial Peter Butler, Central Community COMPASS Advantage Courtney Cain, UNL forensics Kaylee Caldwell, UNL Canfield Christopher Cammarata, Millard Public Schools Foundation Abbott PTO Priyanka Chaduvula, UNL David, Legends Tyler Chen, Boston College School; Case Western Reserve; Colorado School of Mines merit; Educational Paraprofessional Association of Millard; St. Louis presidential; UNL honors textbook, Legends, regents Hannah Christian, Millard Public Schools Foundation excellence; UNL College of Engineering dean’s, honors textbook, Legends, regents Lauren Clark, Peru State trustees, campus citizen Rachel Clark, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange; UNK regents; Utah State Aggie housing & dining services, waiver; Iowa State competitive excellence; Millard Lions Club community service Kaitlin Cloonan, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange; Truman State midwest student exchange, president’s honorary, president’s combined ability; Kansas distinction, midwest student exchange; Tulsa academic Madeline Cloonan, Chadron State full tuition; Creighton founder’s; Iowa State competitive excellence; St. Louis vice president’s; Seton Hall public tuition rate; Truman State non-resident tuition, president’s honorary, president’s leadership, president’s combined ability; Iowa National; Kansas excellence; UNL David McKenna Clyde, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit Kelci Coates, Iowa State competitive excellence, College of Engineering; UNL College of Engineering dean’s, Legends, regents Sophie Cordova, Millard Business Community Foundation; Millard Public Schools Foundation Kiewit Middle School; Rockhurst dean’s, Jesuit, language, Loyola, regent’s; UNL Canfield, global engagement, Legends, Living and Learning; UNO dean’s Justin Couch, Central Missouri non-resident, Red & Black, theatre Brendan Coughlin, Millard North Band Boosters; Nebraska Omaha Earl Jazz, Sedlacek, symphonic wind ensemble Jessica Craft, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange Alyssa Cruz, Millard Public Schools Foundation NHS Paybac Career Builder; UNL Canfield; UNO dean’s Zachary Culp, Millard Public Schools Foundation Joy Glover memorial, Millard Montessori Joshua Cunningham, UNO dean’s Joshua Daily, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit Austin Deloske, Millard Public Schools Foundation Cody PTA Nicholas DeLuca, North Dakota State athletic, merit Bailey Dervin, Missouri Western State volleyball, deans’, neighboring states; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit Katherine Downey, Iowa State competitive excellence, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences; Loyola-Chicago Damen; Marquette Ignatius distinction; Evansville dean’s; UNL honors textbook, Legends, regents Alison Drey, Doane presidential; Marquette Ignatius distinction; Kansas excellence; UNK honors; UNL regents Rachel Eastman, UNL regents; UNO regents Cole Edick, George Washington presidential; Loyola-Chicago Damen; UNL Legends, regents; San Diego Alcala Shannon Elder, UNO chancellor’s Alexander Elfering, Drake presidential; Hastings Pro Rege; Kent State, presidents, trustee; Northwestern faculty; Roosevelt academic; St. Thomas Megan Elsasser, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange; UNL Canfield, CASNR Matthew Evans, New Mexico State baseball; Northwest Missouri State baseball Cale Ewald, Buena Vista dean’s, honors
program; UNO regents Jeanette Fendrick, Methodist volunteen; Nebraska Omaha swimming and diving, regents; UNL Living and Learning William Ferris, Kansas chemical and petroleum, dean’s, excellence; UNL Living and Learning, regents; Wisconsin-Madison College of Engineering Christiana Ficken, Grace First Choice, Grace award Bailey Finn, UNL achievement Brenden Fitzpatrick, Briar Cliff CIC tuition exchange; Doane baseball; Rockhurst Ignatius of Loyola Kailee Fleming, Wesleyan academic, achievement, Vaughan Emma Flynn, UNO regents Curtis Focht, Beloit presidential; Bradley neighbor state, presidential; Creighton founder’s; Drake Bulldog, presidential; Minnesota-Twin Cities CLA freshman research & creative; UNO regents; Wheaton president’s; William Jewell dean’s Nathan Foresman, UNO chancellor’s Spencer Gable, Doane soccer, trustees; Wesleyan academic; Southwest Minnesota State president’s; UNO regents Matthew Gaebler, Doane Van Hoy Layne Garrelts, Southern Methodist Second Century; Texas Christian deans; Denver chancellor; San Diego Alcala; South Carolina Cooper Kristen Gjesdahl, Minnesota Minnesota transplants; Northwestern presidential; Minnesota-Twin Cities Ann G. Salovich, Gold National, undergraduate research; UNL College of Architecture, honors textbook, Living and Learning, regents; UNO regents Andrea Gonzalez, Creighton; Marquette Magis; Seton Hall university Gavin Goodsell, Principia trustee; UNL Canfield, global engagement, Legends, Living and Learning Evan Graumann, Alegent Creighton Health; Creighton founder’s; St. Louis; Truman State non-resident tuition, president’s combined ability; Iowa National; UNL Canfield Devin Grier, UNL Canfield, EN Thompson global Elizabeth Groth, New York Tisch; Pratt Institute presidential merit; Regis trustees Jacob Gustafson, Iowa State competitive excellence; Wesleyan; Kansas distinction Emily Haase, UNO regents; South Dakota Coyote leadership Holly Hall, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit Jonathan Halvorson, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange; UNL Music Christian Hanson, Claremont McKenna achievement; UNL honors textbook, Legends, regents; Washington St. Louis entrepreneurial Rose Hatting, Truman State midwest student exchange, president’s leadership Roman Haynatzki, Iowa State competitive excellence; UNL Eastman top, regents; UNO regents Max Headlee, UNL regents Sydney Hill, Iowa State competitive excellence, Generations; UNL Canfield; UNO regents Jacob Hock, Purdue presidential; IllinoisUrbana achievement; Michigan Jean Fairfax; Minnesota-Twin Cities Maroon National; UNL honors textbook, regents Benjamin Holstein, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Joseph Holtz, Iowa State competitive excellence, Generations Hannah Hopson, Iowa State competitive excellence; NISCA academic All Americanswimming; Truman State non-resident tuition, president’s honorary, president’s combined ability; Kansas excellence; UNL Canfield Taylor Horton, Northwest Missouri State excellence, Bearcat, midwest student exchange Derek Houdesheldt, Midland performing arts; Wayne State music Adam Hughes, Colorado State dean’s; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange Monica Irwin, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Akansha Jain, AXA achievement; Best Buy; Coca-Cola finalist; Case Western Reserve leadership, university; Creighton academic, Ignatius of Loyola, Magis Award; DAR good citizens and state; Elks National Foundation most valuable student; Millard Days; Millard Public Schools Foundation Helme memorial Nimansha Jain, Case Western Reserve leadership, university; Coca-Cola finalist; Creighton Ignatius of Loyola, Magis; Elks National Foundation most valuable student; Intel Science talent search; Millard Days; Millard Public Schools Foundation Kiewit Middle School Michael Janning, Concordia excellence, music performance; St. Olaf music major performance study Bailey Jenkins, UNO chancellor’s Caroline Jenkins, Brigham Young; UNO regents Christina Jensen, Minnesota-Twin Cities music Allison Johnson, Millard Public Schools Foundation Dr. Robert Williams memorial, Harvey Oaks/officer, North Middle School, Susan Cropper memorial Grant Johnson, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit Ian Jurek, Texas Christian TCU; Kansas excellence Brooke Kading, UNL CASNR; South Dakota Coyote promise Emily Keit, UNO chancellor’s Sean Kelly, Indiana Bloomington distinction Shakeel Khan, UNL honors textbook, Legends, regents; UNO regents Rohan Khazanchi, Millard North band boosters; Millard Public Schools Foundation Ezra Millard PTO; UNL honors textbook, Raikes, regents; UNO regents; UNO Peter Kiewit Institute Walter Scott Jr. Kendall Kloster, UNL education and human sciences Karlie Knoepfler, Iowa engineering first year, National Scholars, Old Gold; UNL Canfield, College of Engineering dean’s, global engagement, honors textbook Molly Knudsen, Clemson; Southern Methodist Cornerstone; Texas Christian Faculty; South Carolina Woodrow David Kreis, Clemson academic; Colorado State presidential; Iowa State competitive excellence, College of Engineering; Kansas dean’s, excellence; UNL Living and Learning, regents Tracy Kuper, UNL Canfield, Legends; UNO chancellor’s Rachel Lallman, UNL education and human sciences, regents; UNO regents
Alexandra Lambert, UNL education and human sciences Allie Larsen, Wesleyan academic Bradley Leach, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Meredith Liu, St. Benedict Focus, president’s, Saints; Wesleyan; St. Thomas Madeline Lorenzen, Millard Public Schools Foundation Aldrich PTA, Kiwanis Club of SW, Martha Reed Burwell memorial; Millard Rotary Club Millard Rotary Club Collin Macdonald, Creighton Magis; Michigan College of Literature, Science and Arts, Jean Fairfax; UNL top scholar, regents Alexis Maine, Syracuse chancellor’s Lauren Mallott, Wesleyan academic Rachel Mansager, Texas-Arlington; UNO chancellor’s; North Texas College of Engineering dean’s, excellence Emma Mazour, Millard Public Schools Foundation Cottonwood PTA; MassachusettsAmherst chancellor’s; Minnesota-Twin Cities Gold National, Gold Award; UNL Living and Learning; Rochester International Baccalaureate, research and innovation Allyson Mazur, Millard Public Schools Foundation Robert Mueller memorial Dakota McCormick, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit Joy McCown, UNL Canfield Courtney Meacham, UNL Living and Learning Andrew Merrill, Colorado State presidential; Texas Christian Faculty; UNL Canfield, Living and Learning Patrick Merrill, South Dakota Coyote promise Seth Minturn, UNO regents Jordyn Moran, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit; South Dakota Coyote romise Greta Morris, Miami Ohio Redhawk excellence; Millard Public Schools Foundation Cather PTO; Missouri-Columbia Mark Twain non-resident; UNO chancellor’s Kylynn Moyer, Millard Public Schools Foundation Morton PTO/Susan Hinman Megan Muessel, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Donald Neisler, Millard Rotary Club Alec Nelson, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Anna Nelson, Millard North Band Boosters; Millard Public Schools Foundation Andrea Hampton memorial; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit, music Cody Nelson, Wesleyan academic Jennifer Newton, Cloud County Community Concordia dean; Kansas State memorial; Midland directors Brittany Nielsen, Millard Public Schools Foundation Don Stroh educator Sydney ODaniel, West Texas A&M Kirstin Olson, Millard Rotary Club Morgan Padrnos, Millard Public Schools Foundation Ackerman PTO; Missouri State governors, midwest student exchange; Cincinnati out-of-state, university, Cincinnatus Century; UNL David, honors textbook, Legends Sujaytha Paknikar, Millard Public Schools Foundation Wheeler PTA; Alegent Creighton Health; Millard Rotary Club; St. Louis vice president’s; Minnesota-Twin Cities Gold National; UNL Legends, regents Megan Palmer, Drake presidential; Iowa State competitive excellence; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange, out-of-state waiver; Nebraska Lincoln global engagement, Canfield, Legends; UNO chancellor’s; Wayne State leadership Hannah Perry, UNL CASNR, David, honors textbook, Legends Mark Peters, UNL honors textbook, Living and Learning, top scholar, regents; UNO distinguished, regents; UNO Peter Kiewit Institute Walter Scott Jr. Hanna Peterson, Millard North Band Boosters Rachel Pettid, Wesleyan; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower; UNK deans Kelsey Phipps, UNO dean’s Ian Pille, UNO regents Geena Pirruccello, Metro Community College governors Natalie Potrzeba, Wesleyan academic, achievement; UNL Canfield Zachary Powers, Salvation Army D.J.’s Heroes; Suburban Rotary Suburban Rotary; UNO chancellor’s; Great Plains Chapter auxiliary of the Paralyzed Veterans of America Virginia and Tom Pierce memorial; Millard Business Community Foundation We Are All Patriots Sruti Prathivadhi-Bhayankaram, UNL Canfield, honors textbook, Legends; UNO chancellor’s Santhosh Ramini, UNL honors textbook Jestine Rands, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower; South Dakota Coyote achievement Michael Reerink, Wesleyan Daniel Reumund, Kansas excellence; UNL Canfield, regents; UNO regents; Indiana Bloomington distinction Cleo Rogers, Seton Hall; UNK multicultural community service Taylor Romans, South Dakota State swimming Dylan Roth, UNL Canfield Danika Rugg, South Dakota Coyote achievement Ian Schaefer, Arizona State achievement; Kansas achievement Danielle Schissel, Briar Cliff academic; Millard Public Schools Foundation Cather PTO, Schlichtemeier nursing; Nebraska Methodist Wischmeier dean’s Allison Schlender, Drake presidential; Ohio State Maximus, National Buckeye; UNL honors textbook, regents Megan Schnepel, Millard Public Schools Foundation Montclair PTO-Birkel memorial; Kansas excellence Katelyn Schroeder, Kansas midwest student exchange; UNL Living and Learning; UNO dean’s Taylor Seeley, Concordia regents, soccer; Doane trustees, Ed Pallett athletic IMPACT, Perry Transfer or Merrill Transfer, Phi Theta Kappa, presidential, Sen. Hugh Butler Academic leadership, Van Hoy; Hastings ambassador, soccer; Missouri Science and Technolgy alumni, Miner out-of-state, Miner; UNO dean’s Allyson Shirley, UNL Legends, regents Jennifer Springer, Southern Illinois-Edwardsville soccer Samantha St Clair, UNL Living and Learning Aaron Stein, Millard Public Schools Foundation Robert Mueller memorial Nicholas Stuart, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Gabrielle Stuhr, Truman State midwest student exchange
Samantha Thompson, Johnson & Wales presidential academic; Shee Atika benefits trust; Skills USA VICA Nathan Tibbels, UNO regents Emily Trygg, South Dakota Coyote achievement Taylor Turnquist, Missouri State deans’, midwest student exchange; Southern Illinois-Edwardsville Cougar Pride, geographic; Sioux Falls provost’s Jordan Tynes, Wesleyan; UNO chancellor’s Davis Vinckier, UNL Canfield, honors textbook, Raikes Vaibhav Viswanathan, UNL regents, Raikes; Michigan tuition; Carnegie Mellon Carnegie; Harvey Mudd college Sara Vitito, Missouri Western State volleyball, Golden Griffon, neighboring states Mitchel Vrbicky, UNL Canfield, Legends Kelsie Walter, Grand View soccer, director Nathan Walter, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Casey Waughn, Creighton founder’s, Ignatius of Loyola; Kansas State honors; Loyola-Chicago Damen; Millard Public Schools Foundation Mustang Booster Club; Nebraska High School Press Association; St. Louis dean’s Daniel Weaver, George Washington presidential academic Chasen Welch, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit Ethan Wheeler, Arizona State provost’s; Creighton founder’s; Northern Arizona president’s tuition non-residents; UNL Canfield; UNO dean’s Mitchell Wilbur, Iowa State competitive excellence, College of Engineering, ROTC Robert Wisler, Creighton founder’s Brian Wolatz, UNO regents Talia Wood, Wesleyan achievement, academic; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower; UNL Canfield; UNO dean’s Peter Xu, National merit; Siemens Foundation Advanced Placement; Chicago; Michigan Jean Fairfax, mathematics; World-Herald oustanding student Tailong Xu, Cornell University; MinnesotaTwin Cities Gold National; UNL Legends, regents; North Carolina-Chapel Hill chancellor’s sciences; Notre Dame provost’s, university Gelilah Yohannes, UNL Legends, regents Anthony Zach, UNL Canfield
Millard South Elizabeth Claire Oduwo Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1st out of 479 College plans: undecided; premedicine Parents: Lina and Reuben Oduwo About: “Her integrity and determination have set her apart. Claire was born in Kenya and moved to the United States when she was 7. Her parents instilled in her that the move was to make all of their dreams come true and that education was the cornerstone to making that happen.”
Cole Gregory Key Staffer Journalistic roles: newspaper managing editor; two years on staff College plans: UNL; journalism/ mass communications Parents: Kevin and Peggy Gregory About: Cole received “first place in entertainment writing in 2012 at the state journalism contest.” Scholarships offered at Millard South: Jacob Awsiukiewicz, Millard Public Schools Foundation Rockwell PTO Matthew Bailey, Metro Community College governors Tyler Baldozier-Schaefer, Metro Community College governors Kyle Barr, Peru State cooperating schools, campus citizen William Beard, UNK chancellor’s; Morningside dean’s, athletic; Wesleyan academic, achievement; Northwest Missouri State distinguished, midwest student exchange, Bearcat; Hastings ambassador; Midland Anderson leader Devin Beck, Wesleyan academic, achievement Jordan Beckner, UNO regents, chancellor’s; Millard Lions Club Hannah Bedford, UNO deans Hayden Beutler, Metro Community College governors Annabelle Bielenberg, UNO regents; UNL Legends, David; UNK regents Kassandra Bielenberg, Chadron State tuition; Wesleyan academic; UNO chancellor’s; South Dakota Coyote commitment; Hastings Crimson Dena Bielski, Iowa State academic recognition Chloe Boeka, Hastings athletic Brittany Brase, College of St. Mary academic Jaime Bridges, Millard Public Schools Foundation Holling Heights PTA; Wesleyan academic, achievement; Kansas excellence; College of St. Mary academic; MidAmerica Nazarene academic Colin Buckley, Hastings athletic; Concordia academic, athletic; Morningside athletic, ambassador’s; Benedictine athletic James Burroughs III, UNO deans, Army ROTC; UNL Canfield Allison Chase, Millard Public Schools Foundation Carleen Richeson memorial; Millard Rotary Focus on Youth Samantha Chavez, Buena Vista Blue; Col-
State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat Mikayla McCormick, Millard Public Schools Foundation Kamela Lamberty memorial Jessica McDowell, Hastings pro rege, athletic Bailey McGuire, Kansas midwest student exchange Matthew Meiners, Hastings athletic, academic; Buena Vista academic, Blue; Morningside academic, athletic; Iowa Central Community College athletic Nathan Meiners, Iowa Central Community College academic, athletic; Morningside academic, athletic; Buena Vista academic, Blue Taylor Mendenhall, Fort Hays State athletic, academic; Morningside dean’s, athletic; Hastings ambassador, athletic; Wayne State athletic; UNK chancellor’s Jaydn Merriman, Millard Days Amanda Mersch, Wesleyan academic; Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat; Truman State president’s honorary, midwest student exchange; Washburn academic Mackenzie Mertz, Millard Public Schools Foundation Morton PTA/Bob Lykke; Simpson Wesley service; Northwestern College presidential, trustee; Augustana trustees, academic, Emma Carter; Truman State nonresident, combined ability Lauren Milbourn, Millard Public Schools Foundation Cindy Gentleman memorial Bryan PTO; UNO music, Boch festival, Marching Mavs; UNL music Ryan Montgomery, UNO deans; Wesleyan academic Rosa Morales, Millard Public Schools Foundation Carleen Richeson memorial, Robert Offerjost memorial Jamie Morrissey, Millard Public Schools Foundation Norris PTO; Colorado State dean’s Deven Muhammad, Midland art Nikita Myles, Concordia achievement, Lutheran, academic, NACC; Creighton academic; Midland academic, campus visit, scholar performer Cole Nardini, UNO regents; UNL regents, top scholar Brian Nelsen, UNO chancellor’s, Sedlacek, MAYJO Jazz; UNL Canfield; Millard Public Schools Foundation Barbara Conry Dressman memorial; DePaul merit, music; Northern Illinois merit, music Allison Nichols, UNO regents; Millard Public Schools Foundation Hitchcock PTO Cassandra Niemeier, Midland performing arts Elizabeth Oduwo, UNL Canfield, Legends, Living and Learning, chancellor’s; Millard Public Schools Foundation Norris PTO; UNK chancellor’s; Millard Rotary Focus on Youth; Millard Lions Club; Baylor president’s gold; World-Herald outstanding student Benjamin Olson, Wayne State athletic; South Dakota State athletic Brianna Olson, Wesleyan academic Callie Olson, UNO regents; UNL Canfield; Wesleyan academic; South Dakota Coyote commitment; Chadron State tuition; Hastings trustee, Crimson; Doane presidential Jessca O’Neill, Millard Business Association; Millard Lioness Club Patrick Overmyer, Horatio Alger Ak-Sar-Ben; Susan Thompson Buffett; MGMA Lydia Perkins, UNO deans Frank Perrone, Millard Public Schools Foundation MEA; Midland scholar performer Bob Pham, UNL Canfield Brandon Polinsky, UNO deans Alexander Preston, Recognition of excellence Chelsea Reznicek, UNO regents; UNL education & human sciences, regents, Living and Learning; Millard Public Schools Foundation Harry & Elizabeth Andersen memorial, Harry Andersen Middle; Doane presidential; Chadron State academic; Midland presidential; Peru State trustees; Millard South National Honor Society Nicole Reznicek, Millard South National Honor Society; UNO regents; UNL education & human sciences, Canfield, Living & Learning; Millard Public Schools Foundation Harry Andersen Middle; Doane presidential; Midland presidential; Peru State trustees Breanna Ripley, Millard Public Schools Foundation Sandoz PTA; Northwest Missouri State merit, Bearcat Lauren Robertson, Campus Citizen Sydney Robertson, Bellevue athletic, academic Kimberly Sharp, Kansas excellence, National Merit finalist, music; Midland ARTS; UNO regents, music; UNL chancellor’s, honors, music; Millard Public Schools Foundation Grove Nelson memorial, Don Stroh educator; Luther founders, Weston Noble music, diversity enrichment; St. Olaf presidential Melanie Sigel, Millard Public Schools Foundation Sandoz PTA, EPAM; Hixson-Lied; UNL music; UNO music Brianna Smith, Northwest Missouri State merit, Bearcat Hailey Smith, Wayne State athletic; Millard Business Association We are all Patriots Bryce Sosnowski, Chadron State athletic; Washburn athletic Kevin Spellman, Creighton academic Alyson Stanczyk, Northwest Missouri State merit, Bearcat Bryce Stenger, Morningside founders, athletic; Hastings athletic, Ringland Madison Stinemetz, Northwest Missouri State merit, Bearcat Samantha Stock, Seton Hall academic; UNO chancellor’s, BOCH festival; UNL Legends, Canfield; Nebraska Library Commission; Midland presidential Colin Sutherland, UNO deans Emily Sutherland, UNO deans Daniel Svoboda, UNO deans Jessica Tapp, Midland ARTS Kaylee Taylor, Peru State campus citizen; Russell Harris & Linda Harris civil engineering; UNL Living and Learning Robert Truman, Iowa State generations; UNO regents, Scott scholar; Chadron State tuition; Peru State tuition; Wayne State tuition; Millard South student council leadership Sarah Turner, UNO chancellor’s; Wesleyan academic, achievement; UNL Canfield; Coventry Healthcare of Nebraska; Midland presidential Lacey VanDyke, Midland scholar performer; Buena Vista arch Darin Voelker, Millard Public Schools Foundation Walt Disney PTO Faith Vogel, UNK dean’s Karli Ward, South Dakota Coyote commitment
lege of St. Mary academic; Millard Public Schools Foundation Kiwanis Club of Southwest Omaha Jordan Colony, UNL Canfield; Hastings Crimson, provost Kylie Comba, Wayne State athletic Taylor Cooprider, Clarkson College leadership Mark Couillard, UNO regents Danielle Coyne, Buena Vista arch Amanda Cross, U.S. Bowling Congress Dillon Curren, Millard Lions Club; Rochester Institute of Technology presidential Calvin Custard, UNO regents; UNL Forrest Blood, honors, Canfield, CBA; Millard Public Schools Foundation GE Nelson memorial, Helme memorial, William A. Nelson memorial Katelyn Dennis, South Dakota Coyote commitment Justin Devney, Arizona State New American; Luther College dean’s; Wesleyan academic Laura Dilley, UNO regents Hayley Duncan, Millard Public Schools Foundation Wennstedt outstanding swimmer Nicole Ebel, Simpson Wesley service, academic; MidAmerica Nazarene academic; Nebraska DECA Alexander Elliot, Midland performing arts John Fascianella, UNO deans David Foley, Buena Vista Blue Aasia Fortier, UNL regents, honors; Iowa State dean’s; UNK regents; Millard Public Schools Foundation Martha Reed Burwell memorial; Millard South National Honor Society Amanda Foster, Metro Community College governors; Millard Public Schools Foundation Horizon High School Brennan Fowler, Runza Student of the Week; UNO regents; UNL chancellor’s, David, Legends, engineering deans, Living and Learning; Walter Scott Jr.; Rockhurst dowling, regents; Tulsa academic; Creighton founders; Marquette Ignatius academic Brady Garza, Midland athletic; MidAmerica Nazarene athletic Matthew Gauger, UNL Canfield David Gee, UNO regents Nicholas Giaffoglione, Hastings ambassador; Doane Van Hoy Neil Girmus, UNL regents; Minnesota Gold National; St. Louis vice president tuition, merit; Colorado School of Mines merit; Truman State non-resident tuition, combined ability, resident’s honorary, president’s leadership; Millard Public Schools Foundation Wennstedt outstanding swimmer, Walt Disney PTO; Denver chancellor’s Robert Glover, Indiana athletic, prestige, buckeye; Millard Public Schools Foundation Buell-Jipp memorial Connor Goecke, Millard Rotary Focus on Youth Karly Goertzen, Black Hills State career achievement, room & board, buzz bonus Julia Gomez, UNO chancellor’s; UNL Canfield; Wesleyan academic, Bennett music Kaitlyn Goney, Bellevue athletic, academic; Bill & Jane Brooks; Clifton B. Batchelder memorial Alexis Gonzalez, Metro Community College governors Cole Gregory, UNL Kinman Oldfield, achievement; Millard Public Schools Foundation Kamela Lamberty memorial, Beth Ann Brooks memorial, Caryl & Katherine Brown memorial; Missouri-Columbia Mark Twain Heather Gunderson, Millard Public Schools Foundation Central Middle; Excel physical therapy; Wayne State athletic, leadership Dustin Hageman, Wesleyan academic; Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat; Doane academic, athletic, legacy; Morningside academic, athletic; Briar Cliff academic, athletic; Midland academic, campus visit Keegan Hagerty, Wesleyan academic, achievement; International Thespian Society dignified Jacob Halcomb, Millard Public Schools Foundation Dr. Jon Lopez memorial; Morningside ambassador, athletic Blake Hanna, Peru State V. Milstead Pierce Kelsey Haywood, UNK chancellor’s, opportunity, cooperating schools Kira Hess, UNO deans; UNK chancellor’s Jared Hill, Missouri-Columbia Mark Twain; Kansas excellence; UNL regents, honors Melissa Hirschman, Millard Public Schools Foundation Holling Heights PTA; Midland Anderson leader; Kelley Jo VerVelde Jennifer Hizer, UNO chancellor’s; South Dakota Coyote commitment; UNL Canfield; Millard Public Schools Foundation excellence Heidi Hofmeister, UNO chancellor’s Shelbie Hoggatt, Millard Public Schools Foundation Alpha Delta Kappa Hallie Holdeman, Metro Community College governors Zackary Holifield, Metro Community College; Wyotech Eric Hossner, Millard Lions Club Shelby House, Missouri Western State neighboring states, governors’ academic Nicholas Houston, Southeast Community College athletic; UNK athletic; Midland athletic Paul Ivey, USC NROTC Peyton Johnson, Rockhurst directors, Robert Ridgway Connor Jones, Northwest Missouri State merit, Bearcat Weston Karschner, UNL Marymee family; Missouri-Kansas City non-resident, academic Brandon Khim, Millard Lions Club Joseph Klimschot, Millard Public Schools Foundation Mutual of Omaha Steven Koontz, Wayne State education matters; UNL Canfield; UNO deans; UNK chancellor’s; OEA foundation presidents Matthew Kraft, Millard Public Schools Foundation Dr. Vicki Kaspar memorial Karlie Kriss, Northwest Missouri State merit, Bearcat John Lane, UNL regents Kyle Leonard, Millard Lions Club technology/vocational; Briar Cliff academic; Doane Van Hoy Raegan Leslie, Northwest Missouri State merit, Bearcat Rachael Loke, UNO regents Sydney Martin, Chadron State tuition; Rockhurst regents, dowling, Lakas English; Augustana presidential, travel; Loyola Damen; Morningside trustee; UNL honors, regents, Living and Learning; Millard South National Honor Society Mariah Matson, Metro Community College governors Shelby McCabe, UNO regents; Millard Public Schools Foundation Pamela Breci memorial; South Dakota housing, Coyote commitment; Colorado State provost Shawn McCarville, Northwest Missouri
See Page 19
2013 Greater Omaha Packing Company Scholarship & Education Recipients Best wishes to these outstanding leaders from all of us at Greater Omaha Packing Co. Maria Alvarez
Daughter of Servando & Maria Alvarez
Janet Carlos
Daughter of Felipe Carlos Mireles & Juana Santos
Ana Ceballos
Daughter of Rodolfo & Maria Ceballos Lopez
Natalia Ceballos
Daughter of Rodolfo & Maria Ceballos Lopez
Marcela Chacon
Daughter of Jose Chacon-Pimentel & Maria Ceballos Ramos
Edwin Chavez-Trejo Savanna Christensen Son of Juan & Juana Chavez
Daughter of Tom Vukov & Laura Christensen
Joel DeLong
Son of Jeff & Lisa Phillips
Janeth Hernandez-Islas Jessica Hernandez-Islas Daughter of Jeff & Evelia Lucas
Henry Davis
Daughter of Jeff & Evelia Lucas
President and CEO
Angelo Fili Maria Herrera-Diaz Daughter of Jose & Maria Diaz de Mora
Sydney Klein
Daughter of Scott & Alison Conley
Chelsea Mark
Daughter of Kevin Mark
Anne Mullins Daughter of Pat & Roxanne Mullins
Maricela Sanchez Daughter of Jose & Soledad Sanchez-Suarez
Nelson Tombe
Son of Rebecca Tombe
Joshua Voet
Son of Perry & Vicki Voet
Laura Wiggs
Daughter of Jerry & Bev Wiggs
Marie Wiggs
Daughter of Jerry & Bev Wiggs
Rene Yanez
Executive Vice President
Son of Gerardo & Maria Yanez
Greater Omaha Packing Company, founded in 1920, processes 2500 steers and heifers daily, supplying the highest quality beef products to restaurants and grocery stores in the United States, and over 45 countries around the world. Greater Omaha Packing Co. Inc. and its partner companies TREX in California, High Countr y Meats in Colorado, GO Express and Progressive Protein in Omaha, Nebraska and Midlands Alternative Energy in Iowa employ over 900 team members producing over $1.3 billion in sales annually.
Dan Jensen Vice President Sales and Marketing
Continued from Page 18
Quentin Williams, Wesleyan academic, achievement Tyler Williams, Midland athletic Macy Woitzel, UNO athletic Shannon Workman, Millard Public Schools Foundation Bob & Mary Lykke educator, Sandoz PTA Alexa Wray, UNL Canfield, Legends; Millard Rotary Focus on Youth Jill Ziegenbein, UNO regents; Wesleyan academic; UNL Canfield; Creighton academic; Florida State tuition, academic; Loyola Marymount academic, supplemental; Santa Clara incentive
Millard West Jinfeng “Jay” Jiang Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1st out of 522 College plans: Washington University in St. Louis; pre-med Parents: Bin Li
and Dequan Jiang About: “Jay has been an extraordinary student leader at our school. His extracurricular activities and dedication to volunteer service are a reflection of his intelligence and outstanding character.”
Zarmina Niazie Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Editor in chief, columnist and entertainment writer College plans: UNO; journalism and business/
marketing Parents: Rabaya Niazie and Tahir Niazie About: “When Zarmina enters the classroom, she always wants not only the best for herself, but strives to do the same for others. With her persistence and passion for journalism, she has become one of our most widely read and recognized writers.” Scholarships offered at Millard West:
Nicole Adkins, Metro Community College governors Elycia Ahl, UNL Canfield; UNO regents Skylar Albers, Millard Public Schools Foundation Janet R. Singleton memorial, Neihardt PTO; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit; Peru State cooperating school Mia Allacher, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Courtney Allen, UNL Canfield; South Carolina equestrian Samantha Anderson, National Merit TD Ameritrade; Denver chancellor; Minnesota Twin Cities Gold National; UNL Durham School of Architectural Engineering, regents; UNO regents, Walter Scott Jr. Garrett Ashby, Colorado State dean’s; Kansas distinction; UNL Canfield Caleb Ashton, Kentucky Patterson; UNO regents Chelsea Badders, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange; UNO chancellor’s Justin Baird, Northwestern College collegiate, soccer Zachary Baker, UNO regents Tyler Banyay, Creighton Sanders; Kansas excellence Noah Batenhorst, South Dakota State diving, Yellow and Blue Amber Baudler, Benedictine Benedictine; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit Blayd Beal, UNO chancellor’s Marcie Bebout, UNK Department of Music & Performing Arts Taylor Beck, Johnson & Wales SkillsUSA; Millard Rotary Club vocational; New England Culinary Institute Nebraska State Competition Commercial Baking, SkillsUSA; Omaha Restaurant Association Foundation; Oregon Coast Culinary Institute honors Olivia Belanger, UNO regents Emily Bender, Eastern Chapter of the Nebraska Society of Professional Engineers; Wesleyan academic; UNK regents; UNL engineering, regents; UNO regents Jessica Berens, Briar Cliff academic; Chadron State trustees, Sophia Uhlken Hodges; Kansas State honors; Millard Rotary Club Focus on Youth; Millard Lioness Club; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower; Kansas distinction; UNL Canfield Brittney Betts, Wesleyan academic achievement, academic Jason Blessing, Wesleyan academic Charles Bogatz, UNL David, honors textbook, regents Kathryn Bourgeois, Cornell dean’s; Kansas City Art Institute merit; Mills faculty; School of the Art Institute of Chicago distinguished Desiree Bourne, Hamline Hamline; Missouri Western State deans’ academic Samantha Boyle, Doane trustees; Millard Educational Paraprofessional Associaton of Millard; Millard Public Schools Foundation Kiwanis Club of Southwest Omaha, Martha Reed Burwell memorial, Ron Witt educator; UNL Canfield, Legends Ashton Bradley, Northwest Missouri State excellence, Bearcat, midwest student exchange Brianna Brown, Avila achievement; Grand View directors Mitchell Bruckner, UNL Computer Science & Engineering Day; UNO regents Mary Brummel, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Sarah Bugajny, South Dakota Coyote achievement Riley Cahill, Westminster alumni sibling, breakthrough, dean’s Shelby Cahoy, Wesleyan talent Callen Campagna, Wesleyan academic; South Dakota Coyote promise Jordan Cassalia, U.S. West Point Military Academy Kaila Cassling, Pace opportunity, Pforzheimer honors program Aaron Chieply, Northern Michigan National Success Caylee Christensen, UNL debate team Travis Collins, UNK regents; UNL David, honors textbook, regents, Raikes; UNO regents Emma Cuda, Friends presidential, soccer; Millard Public Schools Foundation Ackerman AVT Steven Curley, U.S. Army ROTC; UNO chancellor’s Logan Davis, Hastings football Rachel Dinan, Creighton founders, Grace Keenan; Drake presidential; Wesleyan achievement, academic, talent; Oklahoma City university; UNK chancellor’s; UNL Canfield; Northern Colorado national undergraduate Allison Dirks, Briar Cliff academic; Kansas State heritage; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower,
vocal music performance Benjamin Doan, UNL Canfield, Computer Science & Engineering Day; UNO regents Nathaniel Dorste, UNO regents Emma Dubas, UNL honors textbook, regents Alexander Dyer, UNL Canfield Patrick Ebert, Iowa State Generations Stephen Enke, UNL regents Jennifer Fallon, Indiana-Bloomington prestige; Purdue presidential; UNL Canfield Sarah Ferguson, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit Rachel Feuker, Chadron State full-tuition; Kansas excellence; Missouri Columbia Mark Twain non-resident; UNL Canfield, global engagement, Legends Alexander Fickle, UNL regents Allyson Figura, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange Garrett Frazell, U.S. Air Force ROTC Katherine Fusselman, Metro Community College governors Lauren Gaare, Millard Public Schools Foundation Nancy Yaley memorial; UNK chancellor’s; UNL Canfield; UNO chancellor’s Lucas Geiken, Iowa State competitive excellence, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences and Computer Science, Generations; Millard Public Schools Foundation Alpha Delta Kappa; Millard Rotary Club Chris Bothoff memorial; UNL Canfield Kaitlyn Goevert, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange Allison Grady, Coe presidential; Wesleyan academic; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange; Kansas excellence; South Dakota Coyote leadership Marisa Graslewicz, Des Moines Area Community softball Jennifer Gray, UNL dance Mackenzie Grieve, Wyoming Rocky Mountain Scholars Erica Hall, Eastern Nebraska Soccer Association; Midland soccer; Northwestern College soccer Tyler Hardy, Metro Omaha Tennis Association; UNL Canfield, Legends Joseph Harter, Millard West Boys Cross Country; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit; UNL track & field Carson Hassel, Kansas Wesleyan trustee Leigha Herman, Ralston American Legion Auxiliary Sidney Hirsch, Millard West Girls Cross Country; Wichita State academic, housing, track & field Kasia Hood, Missouri Western State Dr. James & Lauren Scanlon service, neighboring states, president’s; Truman State combined ability, non-resident tuition, president’s leadership Zachary Houfek, Creighton founders; Loyola Loyola; Marquette Ignatius achievement; Seton Hall university Baylee Huard, Northwest Missouri State excellence, Bearcat, midwest student exchange Jinfeng Jiang, UNL Living and Learning, regents; Washington in St. Louis Thomas H. Eliot; World-Herald outstanding student Trenton Johnson, Children’s Hospital & Medical Center Teen Connection; Millard Public Schools Foundation Beadle Middle, Black Elk VIP Tyler Kallman, Augustana presidential; Concordia presidential; Doane presidential; Millard Public Schools Foundation Black Elk VIP; Wesleyan academic; Kansas excellence; Missouri Columbia Mark Twain non-resident; UNL regents; UNO regents; Denver music Asmini KC, Alegent Creighton Health; Best Buy; Creighton Magis, Muchemore; UNL regents Tyler Keith, UNL music Presleigh Keplinger, Millard Days; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Adit Khajuria, U.S. Air Force ROTC Dylan King, UNO regents Katelyn Klosterman, Missouri Western State neighboring states, provost’s, softball Ashley Koluch, Doane dance, Doane community; Goucher alumni; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Shayla Koory, Midland directors Natalie Krokaugger, Charles & Alberta Walther; Millard Public Schools Foundation Beadle Middle, excellence; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange; Omaha Education Association Foundation presidents’; UNL honors textbook, regents; UNO regents Jenna Kruntorad, South Dakota Ullyot Science Technology & Math Morgan Kuhl, UNL Canfield, global engagement, Legends Dustin Kuzelka, Creighton academic; Morningside dean; Sioux Falls provost’s Joshua Lallman, UNK Kearney Hub/Omaha World-Herald; UNL regents Cody Largent, UNL honors textbook, regents; UNO regents, Walter Scott Jr. Danielle Leichtenberg, Wesleyan academic Amber Leighty, Wesleyan academic Zachary Lindquist, UNL Department of Music & Performing Arts, music Ryan Long, UNL honors textbook, regents Austin Lubker, UNL Computer Science & Engineering Day Connor Lusso, Truman State basketball, midwest student exchange Jake Luther, John Atkinson Lung Cancer Foundation; UNK regents; UNL honors textbook, regents; UNO regents Bridget Marcuzzo, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit Nicholas Marx, Iowa National Scholars; Kansas distinction; UNL Canfield Emily McCoy, UNL Canfield Katelyn McGuire, UNL David, Legends Cale Meier, Chadron State full-tuition; MidAmerica Nazarene merit; UNL Canfield, Living and Learning; South Dakota Coyote leadership Ryan Merrill, Iowa Western Community baseball; UNO baseball Paul Meyer, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Nicole Milius, Iowa State competitive excellence, College of Engineering; UNL Canfield, Living and Learning Brittani Miller, UNL Canfield Madeline Miller, Distinguished Young Woman of Nebraska; Point Park dean’s Lawrence Mitchell, Loyola Maryland presidential; Denver Crimson & Gold; Tampa presidential Kourtney Mix, MidAmerica Nazarene merit; Millard Public Schools Foundation Dr. Vicki Kaspar memorial Austin Moore, UNL Canfield McKenzie Moore, Wesleyan academic, Bennett music Nathan Morhardt, Colorado State presidential; Creighton founders; Iowa State competitive excellence; Kansas State honors; UNL David, Legends; UNO regents Neil Morrissette, UNL Canfield; UNO regents Taylor Muehlich, Doane trustees, Ed Pallett IMPACT softball, softball; Millard Public Schools Foundation Jeffery Koehly memorial; Omaha Steaks; Simpson endowed, honor Christof Muller, Concordia cross country, track, regents; Wesleyan academic; Northwestern track, presidential; Truman State combined ability, non-resident; UNK regents; UNL David Kaycie Mullins, UNO dean’s Brian Murray, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange; UNL Canfield; UNO chancellor’s Mark Nellis, Briar Cliff academic, football; Doane Doane community; Doane football; Grand View academic, football; Hastings football; Wesleyan academic; St. Ambrose academic, football Jazmin Nelson, UNL Canfield; UNO chancellor’s
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Bailey Netsch, Arizona State president’s; Colorado Boulder chancellor’s; Miami president’s; UNL David Zarmina Niazie, UNO chancellor’s Brooke Novacek, South Dakota Bush education Sarah Nowell, Millard Public Schools Foundation George F. Russell Middle; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower; St. Louis university; St. Thomas academic Brooks Nusz, Millard Public Schools Foundation Bryce Gerhardt memorial, Willowdale PTO; UNK chancellor’s; UNO dean’s Erin Oeltjen, UNL honors textbook, regents, swimming & diving Anna O’Gorman, Peru State softball Hannah Olson, Family Career & Community Leaders of America; Iowa State competitive excellence; Millard Public Schools Foundation Lauren Klostermann memorial; UNL Education and Human Sciences, regents; UNO regents Rebecca Olson, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat Harris Omoregie, Iowa State recognition; Missouri-Columbia diversity; UNL Health Sciences Destiny Osborne, UNL honors textbook, regents; UNO regents Shannon Passey, Wesleyan achievement, academic Justine Petersen, Evangel merit, Music Department, Science & Technology Department; Hastings Crimson, music, trustee; Morningside trustee; Omaha Music Teachers Association; UNL regents; UNO regents James Pettay, Arizona State National Merit finalist; Chadron State full-tuition; Creighton merit; Kansas State honors; Wesleyan academic; Kansas National Merit; UNL chancellor’s, honors textbook; UNO regents; Texas-Dallas excellence Taylor Pfeifer, Millard Days Luke Phillips, UNO regents Connor Phipps, Creighton founders; Wesleyan academic; UNL regents; UNO regents Kaitlyn Phipps, UNO dean’s Danielle Pleiss, Nebraska State System trustees’ Stephanie Pleiss, UNL Canfield Aaron Post, UNL honors textbook, regents, Raikes Hannah Price, DECA Otis Spunkmeyer; Nebraska Association of Marketing Educators Mike Logan memorial; UNL Canfield, Living and Learning; UNO chancellor’s Cassandra Rand, Boston academic; Briar Cliff academic; Creighton Magis; LoyolaChicago Damen; Tulane presidential Kyle Ray, Iowa State competitive excellence Corey Ridge, UNO regents Stephanie Robinson, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Kayla Roesler, Doane Doane community, soccer; Independence Community College academic, soccer; Midland scholar-athlete; Wesleyan achievement, academic Caitlyn Root, Akron Akron Blue Ryan Rothman, UNL Canfield, chancellor’s leadership, Legends Danielle Saenz, UNL Canfield, Legends Eric Salmonson, Benedictine academic, football; Briar Cliff academic, baseball, football; Concordia baseball, football, Lutheran, regent’s; Doane baseball, football, Van Hoy; Morningside baseball, football, founder; Wesleyan academic Emma Schelble, Rockhurst community, tennis Scott Schenkelberg, Colorado School of Mines merit; Iowa State competitive excellence, College of Engineering; Kansas State honors; Millard Public Schools Foundation Buell-Jipp memorial, George F. Russell Middle; Nebraska Elks Association; Ralston Volunteer Fire Department Edward A. Andersen memorial; UNL College of Engineering dean’s, honors textbook, Living and Learning, regents Bailey Schollmeyer, UNL achievement, Legends Casey Shapiro, UNL Canfield, Legends Spencer Sharp, Wesleyan academic Connor Shelton, UNL Canfield Marissa Siedlecki, Creighton founders Jenna Sime, Millard Public Schools Foundation Rohwer PTO; Northern Colorado Finley, national undergraduate Lauren Skrabal, Millard Days; Millard Lions Club/Millard Noon Lions Club community service; Millard Rotary Focus on Youth Bryce Smidt, Metro Community College governors John Spady, UNL Living and Learning; UNO regents Joseph Stapleton, UNL Canfield Karlie Stewart, Wesleyan achievement, academic, Legacy, Nebraska United Methodist Brooke Stilmock, Millard Days Taylor Stobbe, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Ethan Stohs, UNL Canfield, chancellor’s leadership, Legends; UNO regents; Webster academic Joshua Strafelda, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange; UNO regents Kayla Suiter, Nebraska Methodist Becker presidential Mitchell Sullivan, Iowa State competitive excellence; Kansas achievement Ian Susman, Berklee College of Music Tyson Svoboda, Dubuque dean’s, Forerun-
ner Ashton Taylor, Hartford Hartt Performing Arts Andrew Thomas, Millard Public Schools Foundation Morton/PTO Tom Mosser; UNK chancellor’s; UNL Canfield; UNO regents Kacy Thurman, UNL achievement; UNO swimming & diving; Wright State Promise Matthew Tieken, Wesleyan achievement, academic; UNO dean’s Alexander Toole, UNO Business Administration-Nebraska Bankers Association Meghann Torchia, Doane Doane community, track; Millard Public Schools Foundation MEA; Wesleyan achievement, academic Kirstin Turco, Millard Public Schools Foundation Morton PTA; Wesleyan academic; Central Florida; Tampa Minaret Drew Underwood, UNL Canfield Courtney Van Hoosen, Central College creative writing, Pella Rolscreen fellowship; Creighton merit, Ignatius of Loyola; Macalester DeWitt Wallace distinguished; Millard Public Schools Foundation GE Nelson memorial; UNL Forrest Blood, honors textbook, regents, Top Scholar Amanda Van Sant, Iowa State competitive excellence, College of Engineering; UNL honors textbook, regents Stephanie Van Blair, Concordia music, regent’s Christopher Vargas, UNL Nebraska achievement Anna Wagemann, Millard Public Schools Foundation MEA, Wheeler PTA; Northwest Missouri State excellence, Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange; UNK chancellor’s, College of Education Foundation, cooperating school, music, track & cross country; UNL Canfield, Nebraska achievement Zachary Wagner, Creighton merit, Magis; Drake Bulldog, presidential, trustee; Wesleyan achievement, academic, Legacy; Iowa Belin-Blank Center’s talent search; Kansas Jayhawk Generation; UNL honors textbook, regents Austin Walenz, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Mackenzie Wall, Chadron State full-tuition; Creighton founders; Wesleyan academic; Kansas midwest student exchange; UNL College of Journalism & Mass Communications Wenbo Wang, Fraser Stryker diversity; King’s College presidential; New York University CAS; UNL regents; William Jewell academic Abigail Welsh, Colorado School of Mines merit; UNL Canfield, David Caitlin Welty, Augustana leadership, presidential; Creighton founders; Wesleyan achievement, academic; Rockhurst Dowling; UNL David, Legends Samuel Wendt, Iowa State competitive excellence, George Washington Carver; UNL Canfield Lauren Wenrich, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange Andrew Wicks, UNL Canfield; UNO regents, Walter Scott Jr. Alexandra Wilkie, UNL speech team Cara Williams, Hastings Ringland, softball Kelly Wilson, Northwest Missouri State alumni, Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange, music Justina Workman, Creighton academic, Labaj; Metro Community College governors Cassidy Yong, Briar Cliff academic; Drake presidential; Iowa State competitive excellence; Rockhurst deans, Ignatius of Loyola, regent’s Christian Yost, Butler Community College presidential, vocal music Tyler Zellers, Concordia preisdential, Lutheran; U.S. Army ROTC; UNL regents; UNO regents Abigail Zentner, UNL Canfield Lyndsay Zimmerman, Colorado at Boulder presidential; Colorado Boulder Norlin Nicole Zurek, Northwest Missouri State excellence, Bearcat, midwest student exchange; Missouri-Kansas City non-resident, School of Biological Sciences excellence; UNL Canfield, Legends
Mount Michael Jimmy Steier Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1st out of 36 College plans: undecided; biology Parents: Jim Steier Jr. and Mary Boland Steier About: “He has a 4.08 GPA and is valedictorian.”
Omaha Benson
Grant Ramm
Kylee Gwinn
Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Head staff writer senior year and features editor junior year College plans: UNL; journalism and mass com-
munications Parents: Mrs. Betty Ramm/Ted Ramm and Mr. Chad Schuttler About: “Grant’s dedication to creating the best paper possible is seen through many small acts. He took it upon himself to stay late for the last issue to make sure the paper was as perfect as it could be during a short month. He also has created several posters with shortcuts to help the rest of the staff.” Scholarships offered at Mount Michael: David Bastian, Creighton Legacy Joshua Bloomquist, Benedictine Michael Budler, Nebraska State College System trustees’; St. John’s president’s, Catholic high school, Abbey, recognition; St. Louis Ignatian; Denver Crimson and Gold John Choi, California-Berkeley Gabe Cohen, UNL Canfield J.T. Cronin, Benedictine student-athlete; Doane trustees, forensics, student-athlete; Hastings ambassador, student-athlete; Rockhurst directors’, Gray, HD Cyr, Loyola; UNO regents Peter DeWald, Creighton Ignatius of Loyola; St. Louis vice president’s; UNL honors, regents Curtis Farmer, Red Cross blood drive; Avila achievement, mission, student-athlete Yutong Gao, Creighton founder’s; George Washington presidential; Rochester Deans’ Vincent Harvey, Hastings honor Choir; St. Thomas St. Thomas Hunter Hottovy, Colorado School of Mines merit; Iowa State competitive excellence, College of Engineering; UNL honors, regents; UNO regents Christian Jones, Wesleyan academic, achievement, music Andrew Karstrom, St. John’s Catholic high school, Abbey, deans’; Texas A&M Corps of Cadets Cory Keegan, Police Federal Credit Union Omaha Benet Kinghorn, Iowa State recognition, Generations Joe Kucirek, Kansas excellence, deans’, College of Engineering; Missouri Mark Twain; UNL regents; UNO regents; Oregon State provost, College of Engineering Paul Kujawa, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Bicentennial merit; Colorado School of Mines merit; California Polytechnic State Cal Poly Outreach; Minnesota Cyrus Northrup, National; Embry-Riddle Aeronautical-Daytona Beach Embry-Riddle merit; UNL Dean’s Scholar and Chemistry Day Mark Loffelholz, Benedictine studentathlete; Doane student-athlete, community; Rockhurst community, family, Gordon-Tallman-Killiger, Ignatius of Loyola, Loyola Thomas Maliszewski, Loyola-Chicago dean’s; St. Louis academic; St. Thomas university Connor Moynihan, Quincy St. Francis Solanus; Rockhurst deans’, Loyola, performing arts; Dallas provost’s Yun Sik Oh, Creighton Matteo Ricci International Benjamin Pape, U.S. Army Post 9/11 GI Bill Ji Hoon Park, Pratt Institute international merit Joshua Policky, Western Douglas County Chamber of Commerce Elliot Prusa, St. John’s president’s, Catholic high school, St. John’s; St. Louis Ignatian Joshua Rauterkus, St. Louis merit Jacob Recker, Creighton founder’s; St. John’s president’s, Catholic high school, Abbey, recognition; St. Louis deans’; UNL Canfield, honors Nicholas Scheer, Creighton academic; Marquette Ignatius, Magis; Rockhurst achievement, Ignatius, Loyola Randy Speer, Benedictine student-athlete, president’s; Rockhurst deans’, Loyola, Ignatius of Loyola Jimmy Steier, Santa Clara university; San Diego Alcala merit, World-Herald outstanding student William Watson, King’s presidential; LoyolaChicago deans’; Wesleyan academic; St. Louis Ignatian David Wooten, Iowa State competitive excellence, Generations, College of Engineering; Kansas Generation, deans’, College of Engineering; Missouri Science and Technology Miner, Miner alumni; UNO regents; Ohio State National Buckeye, provost
Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1st out of 284 College plans: UNL; business and actuarial science Parent: Janice
Gwinn About: “Kylee has distinguished herself from her peers through her diligent work ethic, her high achievement and her willingness to accept the most challenging courses.”
Rhylee Richardson Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Yearbook editor in chief College plans: Grace University; elementary/ middle school education Parents: Stephany Sanderson About: “She is dedicated, responsible and extremely hard-working. She takes her role seriously and does her best to create high-quality, professional yearbook spreads. She has also dedicated herself to being the best photographer possible.” Scholarships offered at Omaha Benson:
Crystal Anderson, Omaha Education Association Charles Matthews memorial; American Red Cross Samantha Beaugard, Kiewit Sita Biswa, Benson High School Randall Owens memorial Janae Cannon, Suburban Rotary Club Charitable Foundation; Great Plains Chapter of Paralyzed Veterans Virginia and Tom Pierce memorial; Council for Exceptional Children high school Alonso Castillo, OPS Career Center MacCallum memorial Natalia Ceballos, Omaha Education Association Mary McNamara memorial; Greater Omaha Packing Company, Inc; Wesleyan achievement, academic Denzell Clements, Lawrence University College Consortium Katrina Coleman, Xavier Dalyon Conway, Metro Community College governors graduating senior; Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo Rafael Corrales, Omaha Education Association Mr. & Mrs. Henry Colson memorial; Rotary Club of Omaha West outstanding senior Kamisha Duncan, Benson High School leadership; Kansas State Denison; Urban League of Nebraska Mariah Frost, Metro Community College governors graduating senior Devin Gardner, Omaha Education Association Scotty Orcutt memorial baseball; UNO deans; UNL achievement; Creighton founders; Drake presidential; Bradley presidential; Kansas KU distinction Jessica Gepson, Omaha Schools Foundation Ally Milder memorial; Benson High School Instrumental Music Boosters; UNO deans; Wesleyan academic Gregg Graham, Metro Community College governors graduating senior Kylee Gwinn, Omaha Education Association Roberta Kiewit Mathematics; UNL university honors, Canfield Benson High School Instrumental Music Boosters; J.G. Masters Elementary PTO; World-Herald outstanding student Aniya Hankins, Urban League of Nebraska; Concerned and Caring Educators Cherish Harbour, Omaha Education Association Mr. & Mrs. Henry Colson memorial; Creighton academic; Carleton; Augburg early advantage, freshman regents; University of Nebraska Kearney multicultural community service; Lawrence college possible Rosemary Hernandez, Omaha Schools Foundation Donald F. & Mildred Topp Othmer; Iowa State academic recognition; University of Iowa Advantage Iowa, national scholar; Grassroots leadership Development Program; Omaha Education Association Dr. Edwin Parrish memorial Mitchell Hoff, Wesleyan academic, achievement; Kameron Hoock, UNO deans; UNL achievement; Peru State Campus Citizen Amanda Jack, Omaha Education Association Foundation presidents’; Nebraska Fur Harvesters; College of Saint Mary volleyball Brooke Jack, Nebraska Fur Harvesters
See Page 20
Megan Woodruff
20R S u n day, M ay 1 2 , 2 0 1 3
Continued from Page 19
Sarah Jack, Omaha Schools Foundation Superintendent’s Future Educator; Benson High School leadership; Omaha Area Retired School Employees Association Hunter Jacobs, Omaha Schools Foundation Superintendent’s ‘Super 13’; Omaha Education Association Wendy Cooper memorial, foundation; Morton Magnet Middle School PTO; J.G. Masters Elementary School PTO Kimberly Johnson, Doane community John Julin, Omaha Schools Foundation Donald F. & Mildred Topp Othmer; UNL achievement Nyayiey Kuon, Doane Access William Lane, Benson High School Marching Band — Andrew Krueger Heart of Band Jeffrey Lechner, Omaha Education Association Mr. & Mrs. Henry Colson memorial; Omaha Schools Foundation Ann Godwin memorial; ROTC; National Guard tuition; Metro Community College governors graduating senior Joseph Loghry, Omaha Schools Foundation Ione C. Paxton; UNO deans; Iowa State University award for competitive excellence; UNL achievement; University of Nebraska Kearney chancellor’s Michaela Menard, Minnesota State Maverick, tuition reduction Missouri Southern State presidential Kate Morgan, Benson High School cheerleading Sydney Morrow, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, freshman merit Angel Mujica, Omaha Education Association Mary McNamara memorial; Creighton founders Alexandrea O’Donnell, Northwest Missour State Bearcat, freshman merit; Doane community Emily Perez, Benson High School Dr. Roland Hoff; Adams Elementary PTA David Splittgerber Jordan Plater, Omaha Schools Foundation Harry A. Burke scholarship fund Rhylee Richardson, Omaha Education Association Gunnar Horn Journalism-key staffer Keith Ross, Benson High School endowment; American Red Cross Karen Saavedra, Omaha Schools Foundation Karl & Midori Johnson Science; UNO deans; Creighton academic; College of Saint Mary Marie Curie Corrina Seager, Omaha Schools Foundation Cari Morgan memorial Alexander Sobczyk, UNL Canfield; UNO chancellor’s; Missouri University of Science and Technology Miner, Miner Alumni, outof-state; Iowa State award for competitive excellence Breanna Thomas, Omaha Schools Foundation Carl W. & Antoynette Nielsen Educational Fund; Creighton Fr. Joseph Labaj Erika Valdez-Alvarez, College of Saint Mary Institutional Winona Vili, Benson High School Booster Club; Central Christian founders Breanna Walker, Horatio Alger Association Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben; Kiewit Chueqa Yang, Omaha Education Association Allen Seline memorial; Doane community
Omaha Brownell-Talbot Zhiyu “Linda” Liu Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1st out of 27 College plans: Princeton; mathematics or economics Parents: Luzheng
Liu and Amy Zhu About: “In all aspects of her life, Linda achieves at the highest level. As NHS president, she helped create a mentoring and tutoring program. As a three-year state competitor in forensics, Linda placed first in poetry last year. Linda has held lead roles in our musicals.”
Emma Hussain
Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Yearbook editor in chief College plans: College of Charleston; biology or English Parents: Dr. and Mrs. Shahid Hussain About: “As yearbook editor in chief, Emma showed remarkable versatility, intelligence, vision and judgment. Her outstanding leadership and influence can be seen throughout the book, from concept and cover design to photography and page layout.” Scholarships offered at Brownell-Talbot: Madison Albers, Truman State president’s honorary, combined ability, midwest student exchange Alejandro Anderson, Marquette Magis; Xavier-Cincinnati dean’s; St. Louis Ignatian; Creighton; DePaul scholars’; High School Club Hockey Education Foundation Arielle Bloemer, Augustana dean’s, political science; DePaul St. Vincent de Paul; Eckerd presidential; Colorado State recognition; Rollins presidential Alison Brockman, Northwestern National Merit; Nebraska Academic Decathlon Foundation (two) Denise Dantzler, Drake presidential, athletic John Byron Davis, Creighton; St. Louis Ignatian Beatrice Duncan, American of Paris; Evergreen State achievement Nathaniel Hallagan, Metro Community College governors Emma Hussain, Siemens; National Merit; Charleston presidential; Colorado trustee; Creighton presidential, Magis; Carleton National Merit John Jordan, Washington-St. Louis Eliot; Grinnell trustee; Minnesota-Twin Cities Gold National, study abroad; Rochester Prince Street, research & innovation grant; UNL regents, honors Doussou Shannan Karibuhoye Said, UNL honors Zhiyu “Linda” Liu, National Merit; Chicago Odyssey; UNL honors, Living and Learning; World-Herald outstanding student Christopher Mathews, Creighton founders; UNL Canfield, honors Camille Oyler, Colorado Mesa mountains and plains Alexander Plambeck, St. Olaf academic; Creighton founders; American of Paris; Drake presidential; Briar Cliff academic; UNO chancellor’s Lorenzo Rivera, Creighton Lydia Schieuer, Cappex; Buena Vista arch, founders Ryan Segur, Beloit presidential; Grinnell trustee; Macalester DeWitt Wallace distinguished; Oberlin John Frederick Lauren Tims, Southwestern Ruter scholar; Austin honors; DePaul St. Vincent de Paul Dustin Waggoner, Kansas achievement; Creighton; DePaul St. Vincent de Paul Aisha Yapp, Loyola New Orleans; Creighton; St. Louis Billiken; Xavier-Louisiana; Fisk emerging leaders, Clinton B. Fisk academic; Urban League of Nebraska; Offutt Officers’ Spouses’ Club academic Chaojie Michael Zhong, Fordham dean’s
Omaha Bryan Hannah Lopez Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 2nd out of 370 College plans: UNO; education Parent: Rebecca Thomas About: “Hannah embodies the spirit of this award so well. Hannah is an excellent student. She is respected and is a welcomed and integral member in school activities including DECA, National Honor Society, student council, cheerleading, softball, tennis and concert choir.”
Lindsey Ciurej Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Yearbook “people” editor for senior year; newspaper during junior year, beginning journalism sophomore year College plans: UNL, fashion marketing with a minor in business Parents: Deborah and James Ciurej About: “Lindsey is a dedicated student who has three years of journalism experience, has won awards for her writing and has been an outstanding leader.” Scholarships offered at Omaha Bryan: Shelbie Adcock, Bryan High Achievement/ Jeans Day John Anaya, UNO deans Yennifer Antunez, Metro Community College governors Gerardo Barrera, Access College Early Kyle Block, Doane Van Hoy; U.S. Army Army ROTC; UNL opportunity Phillip Borer, Chadron State trustees, Everett & Martha Deans endowed; UNO chancellor’s Ju-Wan Bufford, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars Jonathon Chavez, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars Edwin Chavez-Trejo, AIM Achieve IT; Buena Vista Arch; Creighton founders; Greater Omaha Meat Packing; Highland PTA Lindsey Ciurej, Bryan High Coaches Association; OEA Foundation Gunnar Horn journalism; Runza Student of the Week Crimson Crouse, Suburban Rotary Club of Omaha Tia Cushinberry, UNL achievement, Living and Learning Jocelyn Elizarraga, UNO Jose Flores, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars Ashley Froehlich, Belle Ryan PTA; Bryan High Achievement/Jeans Day Nyakuoth Gai, Peru State cooperating schools Roxana Galvez, Omaha Schools Foundation/Chandler View Judith Ann Basye memorial Roxanne Garcia, Omaha Steaks; UNL Living and Learning, opportunity; Wayne State cooperating school Joshua Gardner, Metro Community College governors Daisy Gomez, Benedictine; Bryan Middle School faculty; Buena Vista Arch, deans, honors program, multicultural; Creighton; Iowa State recognition; Jefferson PTA alumni; Morningside ambassador; MissouriKansas City metropolitan; UNL Health Sciences, Living and Learning Victor Gonzalez, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars Jimenez Guzman, Omaha Schools Foundation Donald F. and Mildred Topp Othmer; UNO regents Martha Hart, Doane community Dillon Hearn, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars Alberto Hernandez, Metro Community College governors Angel Hernandez, Garrett Group Inc. Hernan Hernandez, Doane community, academic Vanessa Hernandez, Omaha Schools Foundation Harry A. Burke Ashley Herrera, Ritonya-Buescher-Poehling Culinary Guissella Herrera, Latino Leaders/ESL Migrant Program; OEA Foundation/Indian Hill Ida Gitlin memorial; UNO Micheal Homan, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars Douglas Jager, Chadron State; UNO deans Geddy Johnson, Kiwanis Club of Bellevue/ Omaha Valerio Junes, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars Meghan Kallhoff, Bellevue Rotary Club Rod Schmidt memorial; Creighton founders Maria Lizardi, Indian Hill PTO Hannah Lopez, World-Herald outstanding student; Pawnee Robert Acamo memorial; Superintendents Future Educator; UNO chancellor’s, Elmer C. Rhoden; West Omaha Rotary Marco Lopez, Bryan High Achievement/ Jeans Day; Buena Vista Arch; Creighton founders Reyes Martinez, Bryan High Achievement/ Jeans Day Michelle Martinez, First Data Corp.; Superintendents Super 13; UNL opportunity; UNO Coral Masek, Wesleyan academic, achievement; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange Tower Cierra Matthews, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars Jamie McCaig, Bryan High Achievement/ Jeans Day Dmitri McIntosh, Wesleyan; Ritonya-Buescher-Poehling Alex Millan, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars Katrina Miller, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars Nayeli Molina, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars LaShaunda Murphy, O’Donnell 9/11 Thomas Nekola, Bryan High Coaches Association; Metro Community College governors Quiondre’ Orduna, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars Eleazar Orozco, Metro Community College governors Vanessa Patino, Assistance League of Omaha Teen Parent; Omaha Schools Foundation Ione C. Paxton Bautista Perez, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars Phuong Phan, Buena Vista Arch; Omaha Schools Foundation Donald F. and Mildred Topp Othmer Adrian Pina, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars Nathan Provost-Kousgaard, Omaha Schools Foundation Carl and Antoynette Nielsen; UNK chancellors; UNL achievement, global engagement, Legends, opportunity Alexandra Puntiel, Wells Fargo Emma Reichley, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars Rosanna Reyes, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars Breanne Rubio, UNO; Sioux Falls achievement Cortes Ruiz, Bryan High McQuinn; Indian Hill PTO; Metro Community College Avenue Scholars; UNO Yack Rut, UNK deans Antunez Salgado, College of St. Mary opportunity; Ritonya-Buscher-Poehling Ernesto Sanchez, UNK chancellors; UNO deans Houston Thompson, Police Federal Credit Union Robert Sklenar memorial Oanh Trinh, Doane community Edward Trujillo, Assistance League of Omaha Teen Parent; UNO Hytzel Valadez, Bryan High Achievement/ Jeans Day; UNL Living and Learning, opportunity Gamez Valenzuela, Heartland Latino Leadership Conference Alyssa Welna, Bryan High Achievement/
Jeans Day; Doane Van Hoy; Peru State campus citizen Amber Yarger, Wells Fargo Alvarado Zavala, Bryan High Achievement/ Jeans Day; O’Donnell Fine Arts
Omaha Burke Matthew J. Kent Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1st out of 546 College plans: Drake University; pre-pharmacy Parents: Chris and Kathryn Kent About: “Matthew Kent is a highly intelligent student and a young man of genuine character. His transcript speaks volumes in qualifying him as our valedictorian. Teachers and staff members can corroborate that this young man truly loves to learn.”
Mychal Taylor Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Yearbook editor in chief College plans: University of Kansas; photo media Parent: Edward Taylor About: “Her creativity, maturity and dedication serve as a testament to her overall character. Mychal is a personable, dependable and capable young woman, and I know she will do great things!” Scholarships offered at Omaha Burke: Zachary Adams, Creighton founders; Wesleyan university; Northwest Missouri State midwest student exchange, Tower; Truman State combined ability, non-resident, president’s Ali Al Kadhim, Creighton diversity; UNL honors program, achievement, Legends, Living and Learning Alicia Anderson, Baylor president’s Gold; Drake presidential; Omaha Schools Foundation Harry A. Burke; Texas Christian faculty; UNL Canfield, Living and Learning; UNO chancellor’s Ryan Anderson, Wesleyan university, achievement Ethan Aschenbrenner, Midland athletic Samantha Banister, Hazel V. Emley Kelcea Barnes, Missouri diversity; Rockhurst community; Urban League of Nebraska; Zeta Phi Beta memorial Matthu Beck, Chadron State; Creighton founders; Kansas excellence; Louisiana State academic; Oregon Summit; Baylor president’s Gold; Seton Hall; Texas Christian; UNK chancellor’s; UNO regents; UNL achievement, global engagement Camila Benavides, Crestridge PTO alumni; Omaha Schools Foundation Judith Hennig Katie Bendon, Iowa State recognition; Omaha Schools Foundation Ione C. Paxton Daniel Bidne, Chadron State trustees; Chadron State Sophia Uhlken Hodges; Northwest Missouri State excellence, Bearcat, midwest student exchange; Omaha Schools Foundation Jill Garlock; Wayne State Neihardt scholars Matthew Brewer, UNO chancellor’s Alicia Browning, Beloit presidential; Drake presidential; Ignatius excellence; UNL regents Kylee Bullard, UNK merit Kayleigh Butler, Omaha Schools Foundation Mount View Ella Buxton, Wesleyan university; UNK regents; UNL Canfield Morgan Campbell, Colorado State dean’s; Creighton academic, College of Business Ethics and Social Responsibility; Wesleyan university, achievement, grant; Northwest Missouri State academic excellence, midwest student exchange; Regis trustees; Central Missouri Red and Black; Colorado Boulder chancellor’s Sonia Clark, Concerned and Caring Educators; Kansas State memorial; Missouri State multicultural leadership Abigail Cleary, Rockhurst chancellor’s Alison Concannon, Iowa State competitive excellence, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; Creighton founders; UNL Canfield; UNO regents Joseph Contreras, Burke Booster Club; Morningside athletic, founder Robert Cook, Creighton; Wesleyan university, achievement, Marshall music; Omaha Schools Foundation Shannon Lee Lloyd memorial; UNL School of Music Zachary Cook, Concordia athletic, regents; Drake presidential; Hastings Ringland; King Science and Technology Magnet; Morningside ambassador, athletic; Omaha Schools Foundation Superintendent’s Future Educator Travis Craig, Peru State trustees, campus citizen; South Dakota State Briggs and Bennett; UNK chancellor’s, cooperating schools; UNO dean’s; South Dakota Coyote achievement Lynsey Crnkovich, Assistance League of Omaha Teen Parent Seth Curran, Briar Cliff academic; Concordia achievement, athletic, Lutheran; Wesleyan university Eric Daubach, Coe presidential; Cornell trustee; DePauw faculty distinguished; Wesleyan university Kenneth Davis, UNO chancellor’s Cole Denne, Burke Awareness Committee; Grace Royal; Nebraska Christian president’s Austin Derby, AIM Achieve IT; Augustana presidential; Creighton Magis; Drake presidential; UNO regents Elisha Dunn, Horatio Alger AkSarBen Alex Durbin, Dordt soccer, presidential; OEA Foundation John Thies memorial Anna Eckstrom, UNL regents; UNO regents, Living and Learning Alex Edwards, Missouri Western State governors’, neighboring states; Wesleyan university; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Lauren Engle, Iowa heritage Catelyn Evans, Creighton founders, grant; Iowa State recognition; MKN director’s; Urban League of Nebraska Hannah Evans, Colorado School of Mines merit; Engineers Club of Omaha; Omaha Schools Foundation Donald F. and Mildred Topp Othmer; UNL chancellor’s, College of engineering dean’s Anna Marie Filipcic, UNL Canfield, honors program, Hixson-Lied, School of Music, athletic-swimming and diving Seanique Fleming Haynes, Midland performing arts MacKenzie Foster, Wesleyan university, achievement; UNL Canfield Zachary Garvis, UNK chancellors Megan Gierasch, Colorado State dean’s; UNO dean’s Samuel Gill, Concordia athletic, regents; Morningside athletic, dean’s; Nebraska State System trustrees; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower; Omaha Schools Foundation Superintendent’s Super 13; UNK chancellors; UNL Canfield Joseph Gomez, Colorado State presidential; St. Louis vice president’s; UNL regents, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Mario Gonzalez, Gates Foundation millenium; Omaha Schools Foundation D.R. Anderson memorial; UNL achievement Emily Gray, Kansas State midwest student exchange Richard Guinn, Metro Community College governors Kajsa Haines, Chadron State Gold presidential; Paula Jo Connell memorial; Northwest Missouri State excellence, Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange; South Dakota Coyote achievement Marcel Hallaert, UNL College of Journalism and Mass Communication Arash Hamidi, Burke Awareness Committee Steven Hart, UNO chancellor’s
Joseph Hillig, Creighton founders; UNL Canfield Demore’ Hoffman-Batey, Iowa State recognition; Omaha Schools Foundation Ohr Family artistic achievement; Kansas midwest student exchange; UNK dean’s Scott Irvin, UNL top scholars, regents Danielle Ishii, Briar Cliff academic, athletic Jordan Jenkins, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit Emily Jensen, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower; Omaha Schools Foundation Jill Garlock Derek Jenson, UNO regents Bryonna Johnson, Urban League of Nebraska Taylor Johnson, UNO regents Jacob Kawamoto, Burke Awareness Committee; Creighton Magis; UNL David Ian Kelly, Omaha Schools Foundation Nancy Fredericksen; UNL regents, College of engineering dean’s Mary and Elmer Dohrmann; UNO regents Deshanae Kent, Urban League of Nebraska Matthew Kent, Creighton presidential, magis; Drake bulldog, presidential, trustee, National Merit; Picotte PTA; BBB Student of Integrity; South Dakota State Jackrabbit, honors, National Merit; Errol Eernisse Foundation; World-Herald outstanding student Torey Kogel, Centris Federal Credit Union; Concordia athletic, Lutheran, NACC, regents; Crestridge alumni; Doane athletic, trustees, merit; UNL achievement Aaron Kurtzman, UNO dean’s Kenna Lammers, Morningside art, founder Connor Larsen, Iowa State generations; Wesleyan university; Peru State campus citizen, John Christ Jeffrey Lenihan, Kansas excellence; UNL Canfield Honey Lian, Omaha Schools Foundation Carol A. Nielsen Jonathan Lippy, Baylor merit; Briar Cliff academic Jennifer Loth, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Danielle Luty, U.S. Bowling Congress Calvin LynCook, Omega Psi Phi, Beta Upsilon chapter Miranda Maass, UNL Canfield Claire Macke, Central Community ACT Advantage Llani Main, Upper Iowa dean’s Adriane Martinez, UNL Mary and Elmer Dohrmann Alison McGovern, Kansas excellence Caroline McLeese, Burke Awareness Committee; UNL Top Scholars, regents Madeline Merrill, Wesleyan university Kelli Mommsen, Iowa State competitive excellence Cassandra Moore, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Mallorie Moore, Burke Booster Club; College of St. Mary athletic; Midland presidential; Morningside athletic, founder Kaitlin Moriarty, OEA Foundation Bertha Neale memorial; OEA Foundation Frank Williams memorial Jessica Mosites, Bancroft PTO John Murray, Burke Awareness Committee An Nguyen, Omaha Schools Foundation Donald F. and Mildred Topp Othmer; South Dakota Coyote promise Emma Nice, UNL Canfield; UNO regents Jonathan Novotny, Nebraska Academic Decathlon Optimist Club of Omaha; UNO dean’s Nolan O’Connell, Dodge PTA Elise O’Connor, First Data Corp.; Wesleyan university; OEA Foundation presidents’; UNL honors program, regents; UNO regents Chase Ohde, Midland athletic; Morningside achievement, ambassador, athletic; Northwestern achievement, baseball, trustee Cornelis Oldenhuis, UNL achievement Madeline Parker, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit Lisa Patterson, South Dakota Coyote promise Emily Peklo, Creighton founders; Peru State trustees; UNL Canfield Thao Pham, Wesleyan university, achievement, grant, Vaughan Robert Phillips, UNO chancellor’s Austin Plath, Buena Vista Arch Eva Prentiss, Optimist International; UNL chancellor’s, Canfield Kevin Prince, Iowa State competitive excellence; Kansas excellence; UNL regents, Living and Learning; UNO regents Zachary Pullen, Coe presidential; Illinois Institute of Technology Heald, STEM; Missouri Science and Technology Miner alumni, out-of-state scholar, trustees; Wesleyan university, achievement; New York Institute of Technology presidential Edward Purdy, Cornell Fine Arts; OEA Foundation Frank C. Heinisch memorial; UNL Canfield; UNK regents; Northern Iowa out-of-state scholar Geran Ramet, Theatre Arts Guild; UNO regents; Trevor Rea, UNL regents Natasha Riggleman, Susan Wehner Jones Jayden Riley, Doane community, music Jennifer Rivera, Wesleyan university, achievement Anna Rolf, UNL regents, College of Education and Human Services Maria Roman, Edison PTA Sara Scheidies, Columbia Chicago achievement; Doane Ed Pallet IMPACT Theater, music, presidential, theater; Northwest Missouri State merit, midwest student exchange, president’s, theater Brianna Shelbourn, Wesleyan university, achievement, art Jordin Shurter, Metro Community College governors Denise Sinclair, Dodge PTA; OEA Foundation Bernard and Eunice Gyger, Dr. Edwin Parrish memorial; Omaha Schools Foundation Donna Howells; Peru State Campus Citizen Jessie Sisneros, UNL achievement Shelbi Sisson-Carl, College of St. Mary achievement, athletic Maddison Skolkin, Doane access, music, theater Emily Smith, Metro Community College governors Timothy Song, Burke Booster Club Jamie Spotts, Wesleyan university; UNK dean’s Mackenzie Stock, OEA Foundaton Sharon Engelhart memorial Andrew Stone, UNO dean’s Mychal Taylor, Gunnar Horn Paige Tenski, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange, athletic Matthew Tran, UNO chancellor’s Michael Trevarrow, Creighton founders; UNL Canfield; UNO regents Nina Tucker, Northwest Missouri State excellence, Bearcat, cultural enrichment, midwest student exchange Emma Warner, UNL Canfield Blake Weatherly, UNK chancellor’s; UNL Canfield; UNO dean’s Shaela Wengert, UNL achievement Anna Whaley, Iowa State competitive excellence; Kansas excellence; UNL David Anthony White, Creighton diversity, founders; Fraser Stryker diversity; Horatio Alger AkSarBen; Wesleyan university, achievement; Omaha Schools Foundation Field Club PTA Jerrica Williams, Burke Booster Club; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit Ashlea Wolf, Buena Vista Arch; Wesleyan university Olivia Wolfe, Wesleyan university, achievement, Legacy Lindsey Yoneda, Wesleyan university; Picotte Elementary PTA; UNL Hixson-Lied Alden Zahm, Wesleyan university Rylee Zimmerman, Kansas achievement Aaron Zipursky, Nebraska State Historical Society Foundation Nebraskans of World War II; Omaha Schools Foundation Ohr Family academic achievement Naomi Zipursky, Omaha Schools Foundation Ohr Family academic achievement; Robert and Ellen Gordman Jewish teen leadership; Rotary Club of Omaha Honor Roll; Scott Mecham BBB Student of Integrity
Omaha Central Giselle Tran Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1st out of 533 College plans: Stanford; international relations Parents: Christina Nguyen and Paul
Tran About: “Giselle has consistently surpassed all other students in her class in areas of academics and leadership. She always strives for academic excellence and is one of the most positive, focused and well-respected students at our school.”
Jennifer Rooney Key Staffer Journalistic roles: editor in chief senior year; opinion editor junior year College plans: UNL; print journalism and broadcasting Parents: Robert and Michelle Rooney About: “Jennifer is always dependable, organized and a motivator of other students. She takes all of her duties seriously and is a tremendous help to the instructor.” Scholarships offered at Omaha Central: Akoy Agau, Baylor athletic; Clemson athletic; Colorado State athletic; Creighton athletic; DePaul athletic; Drake athletic; Georgetown athletic; Indiana State athletic; Jacksonville; Kansas State athletic; Marquette athletic; Mississippi State athletic; Oklahoma State athletic; Penn State athletic; Providence athletic; Rice athletic; Cincinnati athletic; Connecticut athletic; Florida athletic; Georgia athletic; Iowa athletic; Louisville athletic; Memphis athletic; Minnesota athletic; Missouri athletic; UNL athletic; UNO athletic; New Mexico athletic; Oklahoma athletic; Oregon athletic; San Francisco athletic; Southern California athletic; Tennessee athletic; Tulsa athletic; West Virginia athletic; Western Kentucky athletic; Wichita State athletic; Xavier athletic Jarel Allen, Urban League of Nebraska Natalie Allen, Iowa State recognition; OEA Foundation Foundation; Omaha Schools Foundation Harry A. Burke memorial; Winifred Ruth Frances and Dorothy Edwards Foundation; UNL College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources; UNO dean’s Nicole Allen, OEA Warren & Evelyn Hotz memorial, Jim & Elma Simpson memorial; Omaha Schools Foundation Ione C. Paxton; Denver pioneer Taylor Arvie, Briar Cliff; Concerned and Caring Educators; Central High School Foundation Terry Moshier; Lincoln presidential; McNeese State Shai-ann Augustine, Dundee PTO Thomas Hunter memorial; UPRR Council of Native American Heritage Lauren Bandel, Winifred Ruth Frances and Dorothy Edwards Foundation; UNK regents, honors program; UNL regents Justice Banks, Urban League of Nebraska Devin Barfield, Hutchinson Community athletic Samuel Bennett, Hastings Crimson, president Nicholas Billingsley, UNO athletic Jaid Blanton, UNO Emily V. Hazel Ryan Brehm, Chadron State tuition waiver; Wesleyan; UNK regents; UNO regents Allison Brock, OEA Foundation Jennie Kriebs memorial; Omaha Schools Foundation Donald F. & Mildred Topp Othmer; Winifred Ruth Frances and Dorothy Edwards Foundation; UNO dean’s Briana Brown, Nebraska Christian Andrew Bruch, Winifred Ruth Frances and Dorothy Edwards Foundation; UNL David Anna Brun, UNK regents; UNL Canfield, CASNR; UNO chancellor’s Violet Brusnahan, Loyola-Chicago presidential; St. Louis vice presidents’; St. Olaf; UNK regents; UNO regents; Washington PTO, Bertha Buckner Colin Buckley, UNO regents Rebecca Burkhardt, Charles Martin McNeil and James Patrick McNeil; Central High School Foundation World War II memorial; Grand Prix; Iowa Bowling Council; Phi Delta Kappa Future Educators; USBC DaTrina Cain, Metro Community College governors; Omaha Restaurant Association Foundation John Carter, Central High School Foundation Frank Knapple; Colorado State dean’s; Loyola-Chicago Damen, New Orleans Loyola; Regis trustees’; Rollins presidential; St. Louis dean’s Marin Castaneda, Central High School Foundation Jepsen Isabelle Chamberlain, UPRR Council of Native American Heritage Nikolai Charlton, UNL achievement Aniesa Clark, Central College; Iowa State recognition; Kansas State Denison; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, State Tower Emily Coffin, College of St. Mary achievement; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Anne D’Souza, UNK cooperating schools, deans Jackie Davis, Augustana athletic; Belvedere PTA Prodehl/Cackin/Jackson; Concerned and Caring Educators; Central High School Foundation Jepsen; McMillan staff and PTO; Urban League of Nebraska Jerrod Easter, UNL achievement Grace Easterby, Central High School Foundation James Baume Stryker; Redlands achievement; San Francisco merit Maritza Estrada, Central High School Foundation Robert Spire memorial; OEA Foundation/Walnut Hill Mary Ann Fields memorial; United Latino Endowment Nathaniel Farho, Wesleyan Emma Farrell, OEA Foundation presidents’; Winifred Ruth Frances and Dorothy Edwards Foundation; UNO dean’s Madeleine Ferguson, Creighton founders; Loyola-Chicago trustee Maggie Fey, Avila academic, music; Coe dean’s, Schauwecker music; Gustavus Adolphus dean’s, Jussi Bjorling music; Kansas State heritage Gabrielle Fields, UNO dean’s Nicholas Fields, UPRR Council of Native American Heritage Joseph Fitzgerald, American Express Charitable Fund; OEA Foundation Dr. Hollie Bethel; Omaha Schools Foundation Superintendent’s Future Educator; Henry Doorly Zoo; Temple founder’s; UNL Hixson-Lied, School of Music; UNO regents; Western Michigan presidential Gold Casandra Fraire-Favila, Morningside ambassador; Wesleyan university, achievement Victor Garcia, Omaha Schools Foundation Liberty Arellano German, Central High School Foundation Ruth Pilling Audrey Giambattista, Southern Virginia; UNK chancellor, cooperating schools; UNO dean’s Robert Gibbs, UNL David; UNO regents, Walter Scott Jr. Maya Gogoi, Best Buy; Buffett PTO; Case Western Reserve leadership, academic; Creighton Magis; Fullerton PTA; OEA Foundation Elsie Fisher memorial; Rotary Club of Omaha honor roll; St. Louis vice presidents’; UNL regents, honors Lauren Goodwillie, OEA Warren & Evelyn Hotz memorial; Syracuse founders; British Columbia international student; Minnesota Maroon National; UNO regents Danielle Gorham, Omaha Schools Foundation Cheryl Ann Heimes memorial; UNL achievement Marian Gottner, UNK chancellor C’Alayia Grant, UPRR Council of Native American Heritage Andrew Hackett, Chadron State tuition waiver; Central High School Foundation John E. Sunderland memorial; John Brown trustees; Minnesota College of Food Ag & Natural Sciences; Minnesota Gold National;
UNO chancellor’s Anna Hamblin, Metro Community College governors Fonta’ Hamilton, Wesleyan university, achievement Ross Harding, Central High School Foundation Debra Peirce; Dundee PTO Thomas Hunter memorial Clara Harlow, Bard College; Central High School Foundation W. Edward Clark; DePaul presidential; Fordham dean’s; Guilford presidential; Sarah Lawrence presidential; San Francisco scholars; Vassar Vassar Justin Hatfield, UPRR Council of Native American Heritage McKenzie Hauger, Iowa State recognition; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Henry Hawbaker, Central High School Foundation E. Frank Maycock Kara Hemsley, Kansas State honors; Wesleyan university, academic; Rockhurst achievement, Ignatius of Loyola; St. Louis; UNK chancellors Mitchel Hezel, Creighton; Embry-Riddle Aeronautical; Gustavus Adolphus dean’s; Loyola-Chicago Damen; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute leadership; St. Louis vice presidents’; Winifred Ruth Frances and Dorothy Edwards Foundation; UNK regents Andreas Hieb, Florence PTO Michael Hoit, UNL achievement; UNO chancellor’s Tra-Deon Hollins, Central Community College Clare Jasnowski, Dominican dean’s; Loyola-Chicago dean’s; Rockhurst Ignatius of Loyola Joshua Johnson, Central High School Foundation Ned Sariscsany memorial Gabrielle Jones, Creighton African American Student Association Social Justice; Urban League of Nebraska Brevan Jorgenson, AIM Achieve IT; McMillan staff and PTO; Omaha Schools Foundation Carl & Antoynette Nielsen; UNO chancellor’s, dean’s Nyadoar Jueny, Omaha Schools Foundation Mount View Maureen Kalkowski-Farrand, Carleton academic, National Merit; Macalester National Merit; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute leadership; Winifred Ruth Frances and Dorothy Edwards Foundation Shaleigh Karnik, Ashland Park/Robbin PTA; College of St. Mary achievement; Creighton founders; Doane trustees Mekenzie Kerr, Nebraska Press Association Foundation; OEA Foundation Josephine Frisbie; UNL College of Journalism & Mass Communications, achievement; UNO dean’s Emily Kirkvold, Winifred Ruth Frances and Dorothy Edwards Foundation; UNL honors program, regents, CASNR Savannah Kirwan, Metro Community College governors Jared Kmiecik, Concordia faculty; Creighton Magis; UNO regents Brittany Kraft, Washington PTO Bertha Buckner Peter Kuzelka, Washington PTO Bertha Buckner Cory Kyster, Colorado State-Pueblo honors, Pueblo merit Jeovanni Ladron De Guevara, Omaha Schools Foundation Donald F. & Mildred Topp Othmer Michael Lee, UPRR Council of Native American Heritage Devontay LeFlore, UNK athletic Justin Lohman, Cornell dean’s; Creighton founders; Knox Ellen Browning Scripps, founders, tuition; Loyola Chicago Loyola; OEA Foundation J. Arthur Nelson memorial Quinton Lovelace, Concerned and Caring Educators Aaron Macchietto, Creighton; LoyolaChicago dean’s, New Orleans Loyola; Regis trustees’; St. Louis Ignatian; Dayton merit; Xavier dean’s Lia Mancuso, Wesleyan; King College presidential; UNO dean’s, softball Tal Margalit, Hampshire College bell ringer; Macalester DeWitt Wallace distinguished; Oberlin College John Frederick Oberlin; Phil & Ruth Sokolof honor roll merit Harrison McMinn, Baylor president’s Gold; Gustavus Adolphus dean’s, legacy; Omaha Schools Foundation Super 13; UNL regents, honors Andria Meyer, UNO chancellor’s Lukas Meyer, BSC Stephen Thomas; UNO chancellor’s Tyler Miles, Concordia achievement; Morningside founder Emma Mills, OEA Foundation Josephine Frisbie; UNO regents Dreizan Moore, UNO chancellor’s Nathan Morris, Midland athletic Skyler Motykowski, Metro Community College governors Paige Muhammad, Central Community College athletic Carmen Ochoa, Creighton founders; OEA Foundation J. Arthur Nelson memorial; St. Louis dean’s, enhanced merit; New Mexico amigo Laramy Overton, College of St. Mary achievement; Creighton; Iowa State recognition; Lewis & Clark Patricia L. Burford; Wesleyan university Clare Patterson, UNL regents; UNO regents Katy Pellman, American Legion Auxiliary-NE Licensed Practical Nursing; Boyd PTA Phoebe Perry, Central High School Foundation Augusta Turpin; Pont Park dean’s; Texas Christian deans; Winifred Ruth Frances and Dorothy Edwards Foundation; Arizona excellence; Missouri-Kansas City conservatory dance Patrick Petersen, UNO dean’s DeShon Petitphait, Central High School Foundation Arthur & Genevieve Loomis Hannah Poeckes, Regis trustees’; Denver dean’s Mackenzie Pohlman, Wesleyan university; Wesleyan; OEA Foundation Dorothy Seward memorial, Thresa Clark honorary; UNL David, Education and Human Sciences Scholar, Living & Learning; UNO regents Madelyn Pospisil, DePaul presidential; Gustavus Adolphus dean’s; Morton PTO; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange, president’s; OEA Foundation Josephine Frisbie; UNL David; UNO regents Karlee Qualheim, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit James Reed, OEA Foundation Thresa Clark honorary; Winifred Ruth Frances and Dorothy Edwards Foundation; UNL regents Angela Rief, Lozier Foundtion sons & daughters Jennifer Rooney, OEA Foundation Gunnar Horn journalism, Josephine Frisbie Jaidin Ross, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit Miles Russell, Central High School Foundation Doc Moller; Creighton founders, Ignatius of Loyola; UNL David, Legends, Living and Learning, honors; UNO regents Melissa Seyler, Al Roeder BRAN Annah Shipman, Wesleyan university, achievement; OEA Foundation Elsie Fisher memorial, presidents’; Omaha Schools Foundation Mary La Barre Angood Art; UNO chancellor’s Dallas Sims, Central High School Foundation John Keenan; Creighton founders; Winifred Ruth Frances and Dorothy Edwards Foundation Brita Sjogren, Hy-Vee Foundation; OEA Foundation Elsie Fisher memorial, Warren and Evelyn Hotz; Winifred Ruth Frances and Dorothy Edwards Foundation; UNL David Mecca Slaughter, Buena Vista Arch; Concerned and Caring Educators; OEA Foundation Josephine Frisbie Elliott Smith, Central High School Foundation Ramona Byers Sanders; Joel Kudym memorial; Midland performing arts; North Central theater William Smith, UNO chancellor’s Sylvia Smith-Gatson, Trinity Valley Community College athletic Lauren Sorensen, College of St. Mary achievement Melissa Sutton, Winifred Ruth Frances and Dorothy Edwards Foundation; UNO dean’s Marika Svolos, Nebraska Academic Decathlon Foundation; Chicago university; Winifred Ruth Frances and Dorothy Edwards Foundation; Nebraska Lincoln Gallup Organization & Eastman memorial; UNL Math Day (three) Alliyah Taylor, St. Thomas scholarship Nataya Thomas, College of St. Mary achievement Kayla Tibbles, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit Diamond Todd, Eastern Nebraska School Security Union; Wesleyan university Giselle Tran, UNL Living and Learning; University of Nebraska Medical Center Travis B. Lewis Research; National Merit; World-Herald outstanding student
See Page 21
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SCHOLARS Scholarships offered at Omaha Christian:
Continued from Page 20
Emma Turbes, Iowa State competitive excellence, Generations; Loyola-Chicago Damen; OEA Foundation Thresa Clark honorary; Regis trustees’; Winifred Ruth Frances and Dorothy Edwards Foundation; Kansas distinction; UNK chancellor, cooperating schools Alexandra Vinci, Regis trustees’; Rockhurst community; Denver Crimson & Gold Jessica Vorthmann, Iowa State recognition; Kansas State midwest student exchange; Kansas midwest student exchange; UNL College of Architecture Friends Association Bokeim Walker, Omaha Schools Foundation Mary La Barre Angood art Cierra Waller, Concerned and Caring Educators LaNa’e Washington-Carson, Benedictine; Central Community College athletic, ACT; Wesleyan Pawel Wasniewski, Wesleyan university, achievement Matthew Weidner, UNL achievement Randi Westberry, UNO chancellor’s Evan White, Central High School Foundation Hird Stryker; Winifred Ruth Frances and Dorothy Edwards Foundation; Oklahoma National Merit; UNL chancellor’s; Minnesota Gold National; Colorado School of Mines merit Samantha Wiener, Binghamton excellence; Indiana prestige; Minnesota dean’s; UNL Canfield Lena Wolcott, Augsburg regents; Gustavus Adolphus president’s; OEA Foundation Josephine Frisbie; St. Olaf; Truman State combined ability, non-resident tuition, president’s honorary, president’s leadership; UNL regents; UNO regents Shelby Wolfe, Wesleyan university, achievement Chianda Young, Benedictine; Creighton founders Avery Zaleski, Buffett PTO; Central High Jepsen; Fullerton PTA; Iowa State competitive excellence, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; Northwestern National Merit; Rice National Merit, trustee; Edwards Foundation; UNL chancellor’s; Washington Thomas H. Eliot; CHMM; Tailhook Educational Foundation.
Omaha Christian Ariana Schmidt
Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1st out of 30 College plans: Wheaton; international relations Parents: Mike and LaRae Schmidt About: “Her teachers all find her to be an excellent student who is a positive role model in the classroom. Ariana is a very kind and compassionate person. She often reaches out to those around her who need some extra support. She is held in high regard by both students and staff.”
Grace Stiansen
Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Yearbook editor College plans: University of Sioux Falls; exercise science Parents: Timothy and Kimberly Stiansen About: “Grace was a major contributor to this year’s yearbook. She served as editor where she reviewed every page and photo that was submitted. She led the class/staff in the development of the vision of the book and carried the theme throughout each page.”
Alia Brown, Grace First Choice; Awana citation Laura Christensen, UNO chancellor’s Tyler Deaver, Dordt presidential, Century Jonathan Hempel, Cedarville University provost, diversity; Concordia regents; UNO regents; John Brown University regents Olivia Lovgren, Southwest Baptist Ingman distinguished, Dutile Elizabeth Lyle, UNO Alumni Association; Offutt Officers’ Spouses’ Club Katherine Marshall, UNO dean’s list Joseph McKernan, Nebraska Christian Christian leadership Jack Medlin, UNL regents Grace Moore, Midland presidential; Grace academic Micaela Myers, Cedarville University diversity, dean’s Adelene Oliver, Hastings Ringland, theater; Tabor honors, theater; Sioux Falls achievement, theater; Sterling academic, cheer Josh Roberts, UNL Canfield, Living and Learning; UNO regents; First Data Corp. Ariana Schmidt, Franklin College academic; UNL regents, honors; Dordt presidential; Wheaton president’s; World-Herald outstanding student Grace Stiansen, Sioux Falls athletic, provost; Concordia athletic, academic; Liberty academic Will Theroult, Metro Community College governors Anthony Valdez, Southwestern Community College athletic Jesse Wirges, Grace Christian high school; UNO chancellor’s
Omaha Concordia Charlotte Sjulin Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1st out of 46 College plans: UNL; pre-med and biology Parents: Drs. Dave and Ann
Sjulin About: “Charlotte is a very energetic student with strong skills and determination. She takes direction and is willing to try new things. Her dynamic personal skills make her an enjoyable and humble servant.”
Rebecca Mueller Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Yearbook and newspaper editor College plans: Concordia; biology Parents: Tom and Barb Mueller About: “Rebecca has been on staff for two years. In that time, she has gone from a writer to designer and editor. She is very responsible, timely and organized.” Scholarships offered at Omaha Concordia: Aubri Bro, Concordia Seward academic, athletic; Concordia High School Booster Club Kyle Burklund, Concordia Seward academic Evan Davies, Hastings ambassador; Drury presidential, residential; Peru State trustee, campus citizen Logan Deckard, UNL achievement; Concordia Wisconsin presidential; UNO chancellor’s Josh Didulo, Midland basketball Ian Gensler, Hillsdale Grewcock, violin; Wistrom music Brian Hawkins, UNL regents Erin Hoscheid, Northwestern College
scholar, college, academic Jennifer Jones, Dordt instrumental music, institutional, Heritage 21, presidential, Harkers Inc. leadership, Bonnema John and France, distance; UNL academic; Salvation Army DJ Hero; Concordia High School Booster Club; Omaha Jaycees TOYO Teen Mark Kemnitz, Concordia Seward Lutheran, academic Taylor Korte, Northwest Missouri State athletic; RG & Maxine Deardorf Reid Latimer, Northwest Missouri State grants, Tower; Concordia High School Booster Club; UNL Living and Learning Mason Lindbloom, Hastings academic, golf, Christian ministries; Grace academic; Concordia Seward academic Jonathon Misiewicz, Creighton Magis, merit; Hillsdale Grewcock; Tulsa Vision Rebecca Mueller, Concordia Seward regents, basketball, Lutheran Brandon Newhouse, Taylor director Jack Noel, Midland football Maryah Peterson, UNO chancellor’s Elizabeth Rasmussen, Concordia Seward academic, track, volleyball, Lutheran; Chadron ACT Jordyn Rolles, Capitol School of Esthetics; Metro Community College full ride Madeline Sharp, UNO dean’s; Hastings Crimson, provost; Northwest Missouri State excellence, midwest student exchange, Bearcat; South Dakota academic; Augustana presiential; Chadron State trustees, academic, Adelia Gebauer Danielle Sisson, Northwestern College president’s, academic; Dordt music, theater Charlotte Sjulin, UNL David; Concordia High School Booster Club; World-Herald outstanding student Hayden (Devon) Sterling, Oakwood academic; UNL Canfield; UNO dean’s Jarod Suhr, UNL Canfield, regents Catherine Todd, UNO dean’s; Seton academic Sarah Vehle, Briar Cliff academic; Northwestern College scholar; Creighton founders Rachel Wedige, Oklahoma Baptist president’s, athletic, bison; Oklahoma work study Taylor Westrope, Midland cheer Taylor Wickey, Central Florida volleyball, knights achievement; Central Michigan athletic; MidAmerica Nazerene Samuel Woods, Doane; UNO regents; Wesleyan
Omaha Creighton Prep Andrew McIntosh Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1st out of 279 College plans: undecided; finance Parents: Steve and Andrea McIntosh About: “Andrew has consistently demonstrated top achievement in all his classes. He has also been a leader in several school activities. He has been a model of compassion, honesty, responsibility and open-mindedness.”
Andrew Vipond Key Staffer Journalistic roles: three years on yearbook College plans: UNL; zoology Parents: Mr. and Mrs. John Vipond About: “Andrew has been an integral part of the Jay Junior staff for three years. His dedication to producing a quality yearbook has been an inspiration to our staff.” Scholarships offered at Omaha Creighton
Prep: Jeffrey Albrecht, Creighton athletic, Magis Alexander Allbery, Creighton founders; Gonzaga achievement; Regis trustees’, St. John Francis Regis; Rockhurst deans, Loyola; St. Benedict/St. John’s recognition, St. John’s Abbey, Catholic High School, president’s; St. Louis university-Jesuit high school, academic Casey Apker, Benedictine; Rockhurst deans, Loyola; UNO regents John Beal, UNL Living and Learning Nicholas Begley, Iowa State competitive excellence, engineering; UNO chancellor’s; UNL Canfield Mace Bogard, Regis trustees’, St. John Francis Regis; Rockhurst chancellors, Loyola, regent’s Cameron Bozarth, Missouri Science and Technology Miner alumni technology, trustees, out-of-state Garrett Bradley, UNL Canfield, Legends Tobin Brown, UNO regents; UNL honors program, Raikes, regents Sean Brudney, Creighton Magis; Marquette Ignatius excellence; UNO regents; UNL regents; Notre Dame provost’s, university William Brueggemann, UNL CASNR Brady Busteed, Marquette Ignatius distinction; UNL honors program, regents Andrew Buttner, Creighton Magis; Marquette Ignatius excellence; St. Louis vice presidents-Jesuit high school; UNO regents; UNL David Christopher Chavez, Arizona State New American; Cornell College Samuel Fellows; Regis trustees’, St. John Francis Regis; Arizona excellence; Denver chancellor Joseph Cortese, South Dakota Ullyot science, technology and math Brian Cronin, UNL regents Jared Dannenberg, Rockhurst deans, Loyola; UNO dean’s; UNL Living and Learning Samuel Davey, Creighton Magis; Fordham; Wesleyan academic; Santa Clara incentive, Jesuit Ignatian; St. Olaf presidential Patrick Davlin, UNO regents Szymon Day, Cal Poly outreach; Alabama engineering, presidential Kevin Dineen, Benedictine; Buena Vista Heritage; Creighton founders; Marquette Ignatius achievement; Rockhurst chancellors, Loyola; St. Louis deans-Jesuit high school; Dallas president’s; Mary Sr. Thomas Welder Eric Drustrup, Metro Community College governors Patrick Dunlap, Rockhurst deans, Loyola; UNO chancellor’s; UNL Canfield Jacob Eastman, Creighton Magis; Marquette Ignatius distinction; UNL Living and Learning, regents; Xavier presidential Matthew Eglseder, Creighton; Drake presidential; Marquette Magis; Wesleyan academic, achievement; Rockhurst achievement; St. Louis Ignatian-Jesuit high school Peter Elliott, Oral Roberts Xavier Ferrer, Southern Illinois; Iowa advantage, National Scholar, Old Gold Mitch Findley, Rockhurst achievement, Higgins, Loyola Nicholas Fischer, Creighton presidential Patrick Fisher, Marquette engineering, Jesuit high school; Santa Clara deans, Jesuit Ignatian; UNL honors program, Raikes Ryan Forney, St. Louis vice presidentsJesuit high school; UNL honors program, regents, top scholar Aaron Foster, Creighton founders Zachary Garrett, Buena Vista Arch Joseph Gehringer, Loyola-New Orleans Ignatian; St. Louis deans-Jesuit high school; UNO regents John Glass, Creighton Magis; UNO regents Paul Godberson, Missouri Western State deans’, neighboring states Andrew Goddard, Creighton Magis; Marquette FACHEX; St. Louis deans-Jesuit high school, merit; Texas Christian deans; St. Thomas academic, trustee Eldridge Graves III, Doane football Earl Greene IV, UNL regents Jakob Haeffner, Missouri Science and Technology Miner alumni technology, out-of-state, Miner; UNO dean’s; UNL Canfield Jared Hahn, Rockhurst Loyola, Provincial Andrew Hansen, Creighton Magis; DePaul presidential; Fordham dean’s; Loyola Marymount Arrupe; Loyola-Chicago Damen, Jesuit heritage; Marquette Ignatius distinction; Rockhurst Dowling; St. Louis vice presidents-Jesuit high school; Xavier presidential
Hayden Hanson, Marquette FACHEX Kyle Healey, UNL Canfield Jonathan Henderson, Missouri Science and Technology out-of-state, excellence, Miner Anthony Hilton, Metro Community College governors Scott Huber, Creighton Magis; Marquette Ignatius distinction; Omaha CPCU Chapter and Independent Insurance Agents of Omaha; Rockhurst Dowling; St. Louis deans-Jesuit high school; UNO regents Matthew Jadlowski, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower; Omaha Legal Professionals Association; St. Thomas Nicholas Jandrain, Benedictine College; Franciscan Steubenville deans; Rockhurst chancellors, Loyola Garrett Jerkovich, Iowa Iowa Scholars, Old Gold, Tippie Program Eric Jesse, Chaminade Leadership Grant Nathan Johnson, Loyola-Chicago Jesuit heritage; Oklahoma State non-resident achievement; Kansas non-resident KU achievement; St. Thomas; Tulsa academic Samuel Johnson, Loyola-Chicago Jesuit heritage, Maryland presidential; Regis trustees’, St. John Francis Regis; Colorado Boulder chancellor’s achievement; Kansas excellence McLaine Jonas, Creighton founders; Rockhurst athletic, deans, Loyola William Kathrein, Buena Vista Blue; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat Advantage, freshman merit Andrew Kemler, UNL Living and Learning Connor Kerschinske, Iowa State competitive excellence, Engineering; UNL David, honors program, Legends, Living and Learning; Tulsa academic, dean, Heritage Brigham Killips, Kansas Jayhawk Generations; UNL Canfield Max Kinney, Gonzaga regent; Marquette Ignatius achievement Patrick Kirby, Loyola New Orleans academic; Marquette Magis; St. Louis and Jesuit high school; Kansas Midwest Student Exchange Peter Kiscoan, Arizona State dean’s; LoyolaChicago Jesuit heritage, trustee; Marquette Ignatius Service; Denver Crimson & Gold; Iowa National; UNL Canfield Michael Koch, Creighton founders; DePaul deans’; Rockhurst deans, Loyola Jackson Koehler, Creighton Ignatius of Loyola, Magis; Loyola-Chicago Damen, Jesuit heritage; Marquette Ignatius excellence; Texas Christian deans; UNO regents; UNL Living and Learning, regents Noah Koehly, Drury presidential, residential; Metro Community College governors; Peru State campus citizen; Truman State nonresident, president’s Samuel Korth, Colorado State recognition Nicholas Kreski, Creighton Jesuit high school; Drake presidential; Wesleyan academic, achievement, honors; Rockhurst community, Loyola St. Ambrose academic; St. Louis Jesuit high school; St. Thomas Jonathan Krone, Creighton Ignatius of Loyola, Magis; Iowa State competitive excellence; Marquette Ignatius distinction; Regis trustees’, St. John Francis Regis; St. Benedict/St. John’s regents’/trustees’; St. Louis presidential finalist-Jesuit high school; Kansas excellence; Xavier presidential Nicholas Krone, Iowa State competitive excellence; South Dakota Coyote promise Sean Kuehl, Creighton Magis; Marquette Ignatius excellence; St. Louis vice presidentsJesuit high school; Texas Christian deans; Kansas excellence; UNL regents Michael Larson, Rockhurst directors, Loyola; South Dakota Coyote achievement Jonathon Latka, UNL regents Tyler Lawson, Wesleyan academic, achievement; Rockhurst Magis-Jesuit high school; South Dakota Coyote achievement Robert Leddy, Coca-Cola; Creighton merit; Loyola-Chicago Damen, Jesuit heritage; Seton Hall; UNL chancellor’s Alexander Lester, UNO regents; UNL regents Michael Martin, Dallas founder’s Alexander Masters, OEA Foundation president’s Matthew McGruder, Kiewit Scholars Program Andrew McIntosh, Creighton academic, Jesuit high school, Linn, Skutt-Mutual of Omaha; Georgetown Bellarmine; LoyolaChicago Jesuit heritage, presidential; Marquette Ignatius Magis; St. Louis merit, vice presidents-Jesuit high school; UNL Forrest
C. Blood, regents, Top scholar; Notre Dame; World-Herald outstanding student Maxmilian McKeever, Iowa State competitive excellence Charles McNeil, Benedictine; Creighton Ignatian Robert Messersmith, Creighton Magis, Skutt-Mutual of Omaha; Marquette Ignatius excellence; Rockhurst Dowling, Loyola, regent’s; St. Louis vice presidents’-Jesuit high school Henry Mishek, Creighton presidential; UNO regents; St. Thomas academic Steven Mitchell, UNL regents Tyler Moravec, Fairfield Loyola; Marquette Magis; Seton Hall; Tulsa academic, heritage John Moritz, Creighton; Regis trustees’, St. John Francis Regis; St. Louis Billiken-Jesuit high school Mark Moulton Jr., UNO athletic, College of Business Natan & Hannah Schwalb regents Seamus Mulcahy, Society of American Military Engineers student mentoring; UNL Canfield, Legends Patrick Mulhall, Creighton College of Business Administration Ethics and Social Responsibility, founders; Marquette Magis; St. Louis academic-Jesuit high school; Xavier presidential Foster Mullen, Creighton academic, Jesuit high school, Linn; Marquette Ignatius distinction; St. Louis merit, vice presidentsJesuit high school Nicholas Mullen, Boston dean’s; Loyola-Chicago dean’s, Jesuit heritage; National Merit; Santa Clara deans; Tulane presidential; USC presidential John Mulligan, Creighton Leo Vincent Jacks in classical languages, Magis; Wesleyan; Rockhurst Dowling, Loyola; St. Louis deansJesuit high school; UNO regents; UNL David; Xavier presidential Benjamin Myers, South Dakota Coyote achievement Christopher Nelson, Gonzaga Dussault; Loyola-Chicago Jesuit heritage, trustee, Maryland presidential Nathaniel Nemer, DePaul presidential; Loyola Marymount Jesuit high school; St. Louis presidential finalist-Jesuit high school; UNL honors program, regents Nicholas Nogel, Creighton founders; LoyolaNew Orleans Loyola; Marquette Ignatius Magis; St. Louis deans-Jesuit high school; Kansas distinction; UNL Canfield; Xavier presidential Alexander Penrice, Fordham Loyola; Marquette Ignatius distinction; Santa Clara Jesuit Ignatian; St. Louis deans-Jesuit high school John Perry, Denver pioneer Jacob Petersen, UNO regents Stephen Pfeffer, Loyola Marymount Arrupe; Southern Methodist cornerstone; Texas Christian faculty; Miami president’s Gerald Philbin, Creighton; Iowa State competitive excellence; St. Louis academicJesuit high school Alexander Pieper, Creighton Magis; Southern Methodist founder’s; Texas Christian deans Nikolaos Piperis, Creighton presidential Jonathan Pogge, Creighton founders; Suburban Rotary John Porter, Creighton founders; Loyola-Chicago Damen, Jesuit heritage; UNL honors program, regents Andrew Preston, Creighton Magis; LoyolaChicago Damen, Jesuit heritage; Marquette Ignatius distinction; Iowa National Scholars; UNO regents; UNL College of Journalism & Mass Communications, David, honors program, Kinman Oldfield; Thomas Prinz, Loyola-Chicago Jesuit heritage, Rambler; Regis achievement, St. John Francis Regis; Rockhurst community; St. Thomas; Xavier Jesuit leadership Ryan Pritchard, Creighton academic, Jesuit high school; Iowa State competitive excellence; Loyola-Chicago Jesuit heritage, Loyola; Marquette Ignatius service; St. Louis academic-Jesuit high school; UNO dean’s; UNL Canfield Luke Ramos, Creighton founders; LoyolaChicago Damen, Jesuit heritage; Marquette Ignatius achievement; St. Louis deansJesuit high school; Iowa National Scholars; UNL David Daniel Ricker, Nebraskans for World War II; Kansas excellence, School of Engineering SELF fellows Nicholas Rieschl, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower
See Page 22
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That’s what Brownell-Talbot students do. And colleges like what they see.
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Graduates of the Class of 2013 have been accepted to:
400 N. Happy Hollow Blvd. ������ �������� � �����
������������ � ������������ admissions@brownell.edu
Amherst College, MA
Loyola University Chicago, IL
American University of Paris, France
Loyola University New Orleans, LA
Augustana College, IL
Macalester College, MN
Austin College, TX
Marquette University, WI
Beloit College, WI
Midland University, NE
Briar Cliff University, IA
Metropolitan Community College, NE
Bowdoin College, ME
Northwestern University, IL
Brown University, RI
Oberlin College, OH
Buena Vista University, IA
Pomona College, CA
California State University, East Bay
Princeton University, NJ
Carleton College, MN
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY
Case Western Reserve University, OH
Rollins College, FL
College of Charleston, SC
St. Olaf College, MN
Colorado Mesa University
St. Louis University, MO
Colorado College
Santa Clara University, CA
Colorado State University
Southwestern University, TX
Columbia University, NY
Southern Methodist University, TX
Creighton University, NE (2)
Swarthmore College, PA
DePaul University, IL
Truman State University, MO
Drake University, IA
University of Chicago, IL
Eckerd College, FL
University of Illinois
Emory University, GA
University of Kansas
Eugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts, NY
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Evergreen State College, WA
University of Nebraska-Lincoln (4)
Fisk University, TN
University of Nebraska-Omaha (3)
Fordham University, NY
University of Rochester, NY
Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
Washington University in St. Louis, MO
Grinnell College, IA
Xavier University, OH
University of Nebraska-Kearney
Xavier University of Louisiana
Iowa State University ��������������� ������� ����������� ������ �� ���������� �� ��� ����������� ������� ����������� �� ��� ������� ������ � ������������� ��� ����� ������� ����������� �� �������� ��� ������� ����������������� � ��� �������� ���������� �� ��������� � ���������������������
Kansas State University
BOLD = Schools grads will attend ( ) = Number of grads attending
22R S u n day, M ay 1 2 , 2 0 1 3
Continued from Page 21
tively and write interesting articles.”
Cameron Rose, Rockhurst Magis Jesuit high school Jude Sakowski, Creighton Magis; Gonzaga FACHEX; Loyola Marymount, Chicago Damen, Chicago Jesuit heritage, New Orleans Jesuit identity; Marquette Ignatius distinction; St. Louis vice presidents-Jesuit high school; Miami president’s; San Diego trustee; San Francisco scholars; Xavier presidential Carson Schaake, Iowa athletic Mark Schembari, Creighton Ignatius of Loyola, Magis; Fordham Loyola; Loyola-Chicago Damen, Jesuit heritage; UNL David Patrick Schmitt, Benedictine; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Nolan Schmitz, Creighton academic, Jesuit high school; St. Louis deans-Jesuit high school; Kansas excellence Colin Schroeder, Creighton; Missouri State midwest student exchange; Central Missouri non-resident, Red & Black Jacob Simpson, Creighton founders; Regis trustees’, St. John Francis Regis; Rockhurst directors, Loyola; Seton Hall Augustus Slavik, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit Alexander Smith, UNO dean’s Adam Sova, Rockhurst deans, Loyola, regent’s; UNL Canfield, Legends Cory Starman, UNO regents Eric Steele, Creighton presidential; Iowa College of Engineering, Iowa Scholars, Old Gold; UNO regents, Walter Scott Jr. Sean Stella, Kansas excellence; UNL David Steven Matthew Stella, Colorado School of Mines merit; Kansas excellence; UNL David Blake Stokes, Creighton founders; Loyola-New Orleans dean’s; OEA Foundation president’s; Seton Hall; UNO regents; UNL Canfield, Legends Samuel Stoltenberg, Runza Student of the Week; UNK chancellors, football John Strudl, UNO chancellor’s Seamus Sullivan, Colorado State presidential; St. Louis deans-Jesuit high school; Kansas excellence; UNL Canfield John-Henry Theisen, Creighton founders; Loyola-Chicago Jesuit heritage, JesuitB.V.M.-Sisters of Christian Charity Connor Tingstad, Creighton Jesuit high school, Labaj; Loyola-Chicago Jesuit heritage; Regis achievement, St. John Francis Regis; Rockhurst Loyola, provincial; St. Louis Billiken-Jesuit high school; St. Thomas; Xavier Buschmann Kevin Toner, Creighton academic, Jesuit high school; Marquette Magis; Rockhurst achievement; St. Louis Ignatian-Jesuit high school Conor Townley, Creighton Magis; LoyolaChicago Damen, Jesuit heritage; Marquette Ignatius excellence; St. Joseph’s Jesuit preparatory, legacy, presidential; St. Louis vice presidents-Jesuit high school Cameron Troshynski, UNO regents; UNL chancellor’s, College of Engineering dean’s, Dennis C. & Terri Hirschbrunner, honors program Ivan Tunzer, UNO regents Matthew Van Ormer, Creighton Magis; Engebretson Foundation; Hillsdale BottsJohn Millar, merit; UNO regents Andrew Vipond, Centris Federal Credit Union; Arizona excellence James Walsh, Creighton founders Chadwick Wiley, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, Freshman Merit; Truman State midwest exchange Adam Wilson, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, excellence, midwest student exchange John Wilson, Creighton Ignatius of Loyola, Jesuit high school; Loyola-Chicago Jesuit heritage; Regis achievement, St. John Francis Regis; Rockhurst Ignatius of Loyola, Loyola; Catholic University of America James Wingerter, Baylor president’s Gold; Colorado School of Mines merit; Colorado State presidential; Iowa State competitive excellence; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange; Texas Christian faculty; Arizona excellence; Colorado Boulder chancellor’s; Wyoming children of alumni Vincent Wirth, Arizona State New American; Army ROTC; Benedictine; Marquette ROTC; Arizona excellence; UNL Canfield
Scholarships offered at Omaha Duchesne:
Omaha Duchesne Jaclyn Grode Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1st out of 79 College plans: Texas A&M, biomedical engineering Parents: Kevin
and Mary Grode About: “Jaclyn has the most outstanding grade point average in many years at Duchesne. She has excelled in academic decathlon. Her talents are in math, science and Spanish, but she is strong across the curriculum. Jaclyn is a quiet leader who has put in service hours way beyond our requirement.”
Naomi Hageman Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Co-editor in chief; on staff for three years College plans: undecided Parents: Thomas and Vicki Hage-
man About: “Naomi has great enthusiasm for her every endeavor. She is a terrific leader who easily motivates others to ask tough questions, research effec-
Ellen Beerman, Creighton merit Grace Begley, Tulane founders; Creighton founders; Gonzaga regents; Santa Clara incentive; St. Olaf presidential; San Francisco provost merit Kaitlin Belitz, Calvin honors; Harding honors; OEA Foundation presidents’ Claire Blumel, Xavier Catholic presidential; Rockhurst deans, Loyola, regents; Drake presidential; UNL Canfield; Maryville Duchesne; Creighton founders, Ignation; Regis trustees, Catholic high school; St. Louis Ignatian; Loyola-Chicago trustees Kathryn Carlson, Northern Colorado athletic; Christopher Newport University leadership; Augustana athletic Emily Carmody, Michigan State National Spartan, National Spartan supplemental, presidential study abroad; Marquette Magis; Kansas achievement; Loyola-New Orleans recognition; Xavier Catholic Buschmann Catherine Carroll, National Merit; Case Western Reserve academic; Creighton founder’s; George Washington trustees, honors program; St. Louis deans, full-tuition; Grinnell trustees; Loyola-Chicago academic Lindsey Cimino, Rockhurst Catholic high school; Regis Catholic high school Haley Classe, UNL Canfield; UNO regents Zoe Cohen, National Merit; UNL honors, chancellor’s Rachel Connelly, College of St. Mary achievement; Suburban Rotary Club Suburban Rotary; UNO regents Jennifer Coover, Rockhurst deans, Loyola; Creighton founders Emily Crnkovich, National Merit; Macalester Wallace Alivia Crowl, St. Louis Ignatius; Rockhurst academic Elizabeth Danielson, Iowa competitive excellence, academic; Loyola-Chicago trustee Emily Dickas, UNL regents, honors; UNO regents; Benedictine academic; Creighton Loyola, founders, Labaj; Notre Dame; UNL regents, honors program; Children’s Hospital Teen Connection; Coeur de Jesu Amanda Dietsch, Indiana State merit; Midwest Consortium; Southern Illinois Carbondale merit Allison Dobberpuhl, Creighton founders; Loyola-Chicago Loyola; St. Louis deans; Gustavus Adolphus deans Susan Dobberpuhl, Loyola-Chicago presidential; Creighton Magis Abby Draper, St. Louis deans; St. Thomas academic; Creighton founders, Keenan performing arts Courtney Dworak, Rockhurst directors; Creighton founders; Wesleyan university; Missouri-Kansas City midwest student exchange Natalie Ehlers, Rockhurst Catholic high school Kaitlyn Fitzgerald, Pratt Institute presidential; Art Institute of Chicago creative honors; Parsons the New School for Design academic Amanda Foje, Creighton founders, Catholic high school Scholars Jaclyn Grode, National Merit; Arizona State New American presidents; Texas A&M academic; Boston trustee; UNL honors; Eastern Nebraska Soccer; World-Herald outstanding student Naomi Hageman, Rockhurst deans, regents, Fin cane service, Loyola; Creighton Ignatian, founders; Kansas excellence Megan Halbur, Creighton academic; DePaul academic; Drake academic; Loyola-Chicago academic; Marquette academic Francine Hamburger, Ave Maria academic, Catholic high school; St. Benedict presidential, Catholic high school; Fairfield Ignatian; Fordham deans; Mount St. Mary trustee, honors program, full tuition finalist; Northwestern University Northwestern St. Catherine Antonia honors program, Elizabeth Ann Beaton O’Shaughnessy finalist, presidential, alumnae, venture; St. Mary presidential; Foresters ; Omaha Urban Council of Catholic Women honorable mention Erica Hedrick, UNL regents, honors, top scholar; St. Louis vice presidential Michelle Heimerman, UNO regents; UNL Canfield Logan Hendricks, St. Louis Billiken; Seton Hall academic; DePaul scholar; LoyolaChicago deans Elizabeth Hillmer, St. Louis deans; LoyolaNew Orleans academic; Texas Christian deans; Xavier Catholic presidential; Marquette Ignatius distinction; San Diego trustee; Creighton founders Katherine Hillmer, Marquette Ignatius distinction; Xavier Catholic presidential; Texas Christian deans; St. Louis deans; Creighton founders Joslynn Hoburg, Creighton Ignatian, founders; UNL Legends, honors, Canfield, Living and Learning; UNO regents; Syracuse chancellor’s; Marquette Ignatius; UNL engineering dean Jennelle Jarrett, UNL regents, room and board; Kansas State Purple and White; Minnesota academic; Iowa State academic Rebecca Jeffrey, UNL David; Coast Guard Academy appointment; U.S. Military Academy appointment; Navy ROTC; Air Force ROTC; Colorado School of Mines merit Quinlan Keller, St. Thomas academic Gina Keplinger, Iowa State competitive excellence; UNL regents, honors; Kansas State honors Julia Kirwan, Creighton academic Elizabeth Knezetic, Creighton tuition remission; St. Joseph presidential, Regis, full tuition; Loyola-Maryland presidential; Loyola-Chicago Loyola, grant; Xavier Catholic presidential; Elon engagement Emily Knott, Tulane distinguished and honors program; Creighton founders; Loyola-Chicago Damen; Marquette merit; Loyola-New Orleans merit; 4H Douglas-Sarpy County; Colorado School of Mines Harvey; St. Joseph Catholic Church ladies guild Emily Knuth, UNL honors, Living and Learning; Texas Christian deans, honors program; Southern Methodist founders, Mustang; Creighton founders Caroline Kozlik, Regis trustee, Catholic high school; Creighton founders; St. Louis academic; Briar Cliff academic Zoe Kuhn, San Francisco deans; Seattle Bellarmine; Seton Hall deans; Bennington merit; DePaul academic Erin Laughlin, UNL Education and Human Science, honors, Canfield, Legends; St. Louis deans; Villanova Villanova BreighAnne Lawrence, St. Cloud State swimming, presidential; St. Louis swimming, Ignatian; Southern Illinois swimming, academic; Missouri State academic; UNL academic; Kansas State academic
Victoria Lee, Rockhurst Loyola, deans; Hastings academic; UNK academic Shalaika Lewis, Creighton diversity Megan Linehan, St. Louis deans; Creighton founders; Marquette Ignatius distinction; Missouri Mark Twain non-resident Elizabeth Marcotte, Creighton founders; Loyola-Chicago Loyola; St. Louis deans; San Francisco provost merit; Junior League of Omaha volunteer; Lakeside Hospital teen volunteer Megan Marron, Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat; Rockhurst directors, Ignatius, Thomas M. Reardon; Creighton academic; Drake presidential Margaret Marx, UNL regents, honors; St. Louis vice presidential; St. Thomas academic; Loyola-Chicago Damen; Seton Hall academic, Martin Luther King; UNO regents; Coeur de Jesu Mary Maxwell, Augustana presidential; Creighton founders; Texas achievement; LeTourneau presidential; UNL Canfield; Marquette Ignatius; UNO chancellor’s, regents; Rockhurst Loyola, deans, golf; St. Louis deans; Texas Christian founders Maddie Meyer, St. Louis academic; Kansas excellence; Creighton founders Lauren Mohatt, St. Thomas St. Thomas; Rockhurst achievement, Loyola, Cowden; Regis achievement, Catholic high school; Benedictine Benedictine; St. Louis Biliken; Creighton merit, Ignatian Rachel Patterson, Northwest Missouri State distinguished, midwest student exchange, Bearcat; Drake presidential; Rockhurst directors Anna Petrow, UNL regents, honors; UNO regents; Tulsa Vision; Marquette Ignatius distinction; St. Louis vice president’s Sarah Porter, UNL Legends, honors, Canfield; DePaul presidential, Loyola; Creighton founders; Missouri Kansas City non-resident; Coeur de Jesu Emily Ramelb, Maryville multicultural, Mouton; St. Louis Billiken; Rockhurst community, Loyola, Ignatius, family Mikala Rempe, UNO regents; Iowa National Scholars; Creighton founders; Fordham academic; Seton Hall academic; St. Louis academic Thalia Rodgers, Northwest Missouri State merit, Bearcat Annabelle Schmitz, St. Mary trustee; Gonzaga achievement; Catholic University academic, parish Erica Schneider, Iowa State competitive excellence; UNL regents, honors Aleyah Smith, UNL academic; Creighton merit; Howard Legacy Logan Stormberg, Xavier Catholic deans; Northern Colorado national undergraduate; Loyola-Chicago deans; St. Louis Ignatian; Rockhurst achievement, Loyola Olivia Straka, UNL regents, honors; Rotary honor roll Madeline Sullivan, UNO Aviation Institute KayLynn Swassing, College of St. Mary academic achievement; William Woods LEAD, academic excellence Anna Thayer, UNO regents; Bellevue Swim Club Stephan Thomas memorial; UNL honors program; Iowa State competitive excellence Melissa Ulrich, Creighton Ignatian; UNL Canfield Pooja Varman, National Merit Katherine Weaver, Kansas excellence; Benedictine Benedictine, presidential; Rockhurst deans; Creighton founders; UNL Canfield, Legends Madeline Webb, Kansas excellence, dean’s, EECS; Creighton Magis; US Institute of Peace essay contest Savannah Whitcomb, Randolph Macon achievement; Marymount achievement
Omaha Gross Nathan Henton Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1st out of 89 College plans: UNO; information assurance Parents: Michael and Deidre
Henton About: “Nathan is an outstanding student who is very gifted in math and science. He has taken courses in computer network management and has helped with the school’s technical support team. Nathan gracefully handles his tough schedule and is able to keep everything in perspective.”
Claudia Granillo Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Yearbook editor; on staff three years College plans: UNO; international business Parents: Julio and
Claudia Granillo About: “Claudia is a very dedicated member of our staff. Even more, she is committed to excellence in everything she does. She displays a positive attitude and works very well with others.”
Scholarships offered at Omaha Gross: Kelsey Ackerman, Buena Vista president’s; Florida Institute of Technology academic;
First Data Corp.; Iowa State competitive excellence; Spring Hill presidential Hannah Beaudoin, Bellevue Knights of Columbus; Briar Cliff academic; Creighton founders; Ave Maria University academic, Catholic high school; Benedictine academic; Rockhurst chancellors, Loyola; San Diego presidential; Avila academic Laura Bergeron, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange; Rockhurst chancellors, Loyola; UNK chancellor’s; UNO chancellor’s; Wayne State Neihardt Chad Bertagni, Benedictine academic, football; Briar Cliff academic; Concordia regent’s, football; Hastings Crimson, football; Chadron leadership, foundation; discus; Emporia State Hornet scholars; Mid America Nazarene academic; Morningside dean, football; Wesleyan academic; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, Tower, midwest student exchange; St. Ambrose academic; UNK dean’s; Sioux Falls provost’s; Washburn academic Matthew Bertelsen, Academic Decathlon Brandon Burback, American Red Cross Young Minds Change Lives Joseph Coenen, Hastings Success, football Daniel Conaway, California Polytechnic State academic; Iowa State competitive excellence; Fordham Loyola; UNL regents, Living and Learning Max Connor, River Cities Conference Joshua Cordwin, Chaminade presidential; Westside Lions Club; Suburban Rotary; UNL Canfield, Legends, Living and Learning Nathan Crnkovich, Creighton founders; Benedictine football, academic; Chadron State football; St. Benedict/ St. John’s Catholic high school, president’s, recognition; Doane trustees, football; Hastings Crimson, football; Midland presidential; Morningside presidential, football; Wesleyan academic; Northwest Missouri State distinguished, midwest student exchange, Bearcat; Peru State football; U.S. Air Force ROTC; UNL Canfield; UNO chancellor’s Emily Fanslau, Benedictine academic; St. Benedict/ St. John’s trustees’, recognition; Creighton founders, Ignatius of Loyola; Wesleyan academic; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange; Rockhurst College of Nursing presidential, Loyola; UNL David, Legends, Living and Learning; UNO chancellor’s; St. Thomas academic Nathan Felty, American Red Cross Young Minds Change Lives Elizabeth Frans, Rockhurst provincial, Ignatius of Loyola, Loyola Frank & Margaret McGee Anna Gibilisco, St. Benedict/ St. John’s Catholic high school, president’s, recognition; Loyola-Chicago academic; UNK chancellor’s; UNL Canfield; UNO chancellor’s Claudia Granillo, Central College presidential, multicultural, Journey; Hastings ambassador; Webster academic Tommy Hamilton, Doane golf; Southeast Community College golf; Wesleyan achievement, Legacy Cybill Hanson, American GI Forum theater; Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat Nathan Henton, World-Herald outstanding student; Iowa State competitive excellence; Rockhurst chancellors, Loyola; UNO chancellor’s Morganne Herek, American Red Cross Young Minds Change Lives Kristyn Huelskamp, College of St. Mary academic; Doane trustees; Hastings Crimson, dean; Wesleyan academic; Peru State campus citizen; Rockhurst deans, Loyola; Wayne State Education Matters Kevin Humlicek, American GI Forum music; Henry Doorly Zoo; UNO regents; UNL regents, Living and Learning; Omaha Steaks Mikala Hunt, Wesleyan academic Zachary Johnk, Benedictine academic, football; Chadron State trustees, Everett & Deans; Doane trustees; Hastings football, Crimson; Midland Anderson leader; Morningside dean’s, football; Wesleyan academic, achievement; Sioux Falls provost Jake Kampschneider, Chadron State academic; Doane trustees; Creighton founders; Morningside presidential; Hastings trustee, Crimson, tennis; Buena Vista president’s; UNO chancellor’s Kevin Kirk, American Red Cross Young Minds Change Lives Zachary Knicky, Chadron State academic; Creighton founders; Hastings Crimson, football; Morningside presidential, football; Wesleyan academic; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, distinguished; Runza Student of the Week; UNO regents Thomas Kolbo, Doane trustees, Legacy, piano, track; Simpson honor, music Sydney Krist, Northwestern College softball Paige Krupa, Creighton founders; Henry Doorly Zoo; Iowa State competitive excellence; Academic Decathlon highest scoring student, regional; UNK regents; UNL honors, regents, CASNR; UNO regents James Lebeda, Bellevue Rotary Elizabeth Leibel, Missouri Mark Twain nonresident; UNL Canfield; UNO dean’s Brandon Lockwood, American Red Cross Young Minds Change Lives Peter Lundak, Marquette Magis; Dayton merit; St. Thomas; UNL Living and Learning Ashley Mallett, Hastings Ringland; Missouri Western Arnholt, neighboring states, provosts Cody McCann, Iowa State competitive excellence; UNL Canfield, CASNR, global engagement; UNO dean’s Jennifer Melcher, Midland dance; Wesleyan academic Jordan Melton, UNO deans Katherine Mitzlaff, Iowa State recognition; Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat; UNK dean’s Michelle Mlynczak, River Cities Conference; Doane volleyball Joy Montgomery, Metro Community College Governor’s Samantha Morford, Centris Federal Credit Union; Creighton Magis; Drake presidential; UNK regents; UNO regents Zachary Mueller, Drake academic Julie Olechoski, Iowa State competitive excellence; Kansas academic Alexandra Opperman, Bellevue volleyball; Fort Hayes State volleyball; Morningside
volleyball; Northern State volleyball; Wayne State volleyball Benjamin Peters, Milikan academic, Legacy Trevor Peterson, McCook Community College Matthew Shukis, Bellevue golf Grant Sorrell, St. Mary University Bordeaux, housing Thomas Shaddy, Academic Decathlon regional Arielle Sullivan, UNL Living and Learning Elizabeth Targy, Iowa Western volleyball; Rockhurst Loyola, volleyball Courtney Teeters, Ritonya Buscher Poeling Vocational; Metro Community College governors Alexis Volcek, Iowa State competitive excellence; UNL Canfield, Legends, Living and Learning; UNO deans Jessica Wilson, Kansas excellence, deans; St. Louis vice presidents’; Kansas State honors; Iowa State competitive excellence; Marquette Ignatius excellence; UNL honors, regents; UNO Walter Scott, regents Rebecca Winkelmann, Metro Community College governors Alexandria Young, Ritonya Buscher Poeling Nathan Zimmerer, Briar Cliff academic, football; Hastings football; Morningside founder’s, football; Wayne State academic, football
Omaha Marian Megan Woodruff Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1st out of 145 College plans: Vanderbilt; computer engineering Parents: Dr. John and Lori Woodruff About: “She has been elected as a class officer and president each of her four years here. She has served in some type of leadership role in Campus Ministry, in journalism, in the local community and most recently, elected as one of seven members of our Technical Aid Resource Team.”
Lauren Tussey Key Staffer Journalistic roles: co-managing editor of the Network newspaper; MBeat broadcasting production editor College plans: undecided; com-
munications Parents: Mark and Catherine Tussey About: “Lauren helps lead her staff to create professional work at the scholastic level. She is a master designer, in-depth reporter and artistic photographer.” Scholarships offered at Omaha Marian:
Rebecca Adler-Garcia, Regis achievement, Catholic high school; Rockhurst community, Ignatius of Loyola, Loyola; Benedictine Sr. Jerome Keeler; St. Thomas St. Thomas Marissa Arana, UNL global engagement, achievement, Legends Laura Atherton, Rockhurst tuition exchange Eileen Baca, Wesleyan academic, achievement, honors; UNO deans; Dallas provost Anna Bartolomei, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit; Rockhurst Loyola Sarah Berger, St. Louis Billiken; Dayton deans merit Kathryn Blaser, St. Thomas academic; Creighton Magis; Butler presidential; LoyolaChicago presidential; UNL regents Elizabeth Boulay, UNL Canfield; Creighton founders Catherine Boyle, Seton Hall university Kinsey Brown, UNO deans Samantha Brown, UNL Canfield; Benedictine college; Rockhurst directors, Loyola; Creighton founders; St. Louis university Kayla Celello, UNL Canfield; St. Louis deans; Rockhurst directors; Creighton founders Anne Coder, Benedictine college Maria Corpuz, Tulsa academic; Regis trustees, Catholic high school; Rockhurst deans, Loyola, regents; Creighton academic Kelly Cunningham, Richmond (London) deans; Marquette Magis Regan Curtiss, Clarkson academic; Tulsa academic; UNL Canfield; Stevens Institute of Technology Edwin A. Stevens, Martha Bayard Stevens; Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology merit; Manhattan presidential Jennifer Denker, Columbia College-Chicago achievement; Loyola-Chicago Damen; St. Louis deans; New York liberal studies; DePaul presidential; San Diego presidential, academic Megan Dennis, Rockhurst achievement; Kansas Generations; Rockhurst Loyola Nyoke Dumba, UNO soccer Allexa Elman, Pacific volleyball Emily Fisher, Creighton Grace KeenanCreighton excellence in arts Rebecca Flores, Avila academic; Rockhurst Loyola; Anna Forbes, Benedictine academic; Rockhurst achievement, Loyola; St. Louis Ignatian; Creighton academic Lauren Gibbs, Loyola-Chicago Damen; St. Louis deans; Fordham Loyola; Gonzaga trustee; Seton Hall university Cassidy Gilbride, UNO chancellors; UNL
David Lauren Gornall, Samford academic; Xavier Catholic presidential; Gustavus Adolphus deans; Denison founders; Augustana presidential; Valparaiso presidential; St. Thomas academic; St. Louis vice presidents Alexa Gross, St. Louis swimming, merit, tuition; Truman State combined ability, non-resident tuition; Missouri State deans, midwest student exchange Victoria Grovas, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower; Colorado State deans; Creighton academic; St. Louis university Megan Han, UNK regents; UNL Dean H. & Floreen G. Eastman, top scholar, regents, honors textbook; UNO regents; St. Thomas academic; Notre Dame university Kayla Hasenjager, Nebraska Methodist Becker presidential Anna Hautzinger, Regis achievement, Catholic high school; Loyola-New Orleans recognition; St. Thomas academic Magdalin Heim, Ohio State volleyball Payton Horacek, Wesleyan academic; UNO track Elizabeth Hupp, Texas Christian deans; Kansas excellence; UNL regents Alexandra Johnson, Southern Illinois soccer Kathleen Johnson, Wesleyan Bennett music, honors, university; UNL David, Hixson-Lied, Living and Learning, School of Music, honors textbook; Theatre Arts Guild Ellen Juracek, American deans; Kansas excellence; Seton Hall university Madalyn Kaplan, Franciscan provost Theresa Kennelly, Creighton founders, Ignatius of Loyola; Mutual of Omaha-Skutt Kyrie Killen, Kansas midwest student exchange Claire Koory, UNL Canfield; UNO chancellors; Loyola-Chicago Loyola Madeline Lambert, UNL Canfield Katherine Lang, Rockhurst community, Loyola Nicole Liske, Northwest Missouri State excellence, Bearcat, midwest student exchange; UNO track, deans Katherine Lodhia, Hillsdale Grewcock Gabrielle Maenner, UNL Canfield; St. Louis deans; Creighton founders; St. Thomas academic; Loyola-Chicago trustee Anna Mandel, Rockhurst achievement, Loyola; UNK deans; Wesleyan university Madeline Marasco, Benedictine academic; UNL Canfield; Rockhurst deans, Loyola; Creighton founders; Loyola-Chicago trustee Hannah Martin, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange Emily McCusker, UNL College of Engineering deans, Living and Learning; Iowa State George Washington Carver tuition; Creighton Magis; UNO regents; Runza Student of the Week Nicola McCutcheon, Marquette Ignatius excellence; UNL regents; St. Louis vice presidents Erin McQuillan, Creighton founders; Marquette Magis; St. Louis university Jessica Mizaur, Loyola-Chicago deans Danielle Morrell, UNL Canfield Emily Mullen, Regis Blue and Gold, Catholic high school; Creighton Labaj Alexandra Naidenovach, Lewis & Clark College faculty; Kansas State honors; Puget Sound merit; Northern Arizona presidential non-resident; Seattle trustee Katherine Nelsen, Creighton tennis; St. Louis merit, tuition Courtney Neneman, UNL David, Legends, honors textbook Alexandra Paasch, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower; Marquette Magis Sydney Pelster, Xavier Catholic presidential; Rockhurst chancellors, Loyola; UNL David, Legends; St. Louis deans; Creighton founders, Ignatius of Loyola; Marquette Ignatius distinction; Missouri Mark Twain non-resident; Denver provost Barbara Pereira, Creighton Matteo Ricci International Abigail Peters, Colorado State recognition; St. Louis Ignatian; Kansas achievement Bridgit Peterson, St. Louis Ignatian; LoyolaNew Orleans recognition Allyson Pietrok, UNL regents; Gonzaga trustee; Seton Hall university Anna Pope, Rockhurst achievement, Loyola; Iowa State competitive excellence, Betty Kirkbride-Keller; Loyola-Chicago deans; St. Louis Ignatian; Creighton academic Sarah Pravecek, UNO golf Sydney Quinlan, UNL Canfield, global engagement; Daughters of the American Revolution Poorna Ramasubramanian, San Diego Alcala; Alegent Creighton Health; Minnesota Gold National; Creighton Ignatius of Loyola, Magis; DePaul presidential; St. Louis presidential finalist; Baylor president’s Gold; St. John’s provost; UNL regents, honors textbook; UNO regents Teresa Randall, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower; Morningside founder Rachel Rensch, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, out-of-state, Tower Sarah Reynolds, Rockhurst achievement, Loyola; Seattle Bellarmine; Regis trustees, Catholic high school; Creighton Ignatius of Loyola; Marquette Magis; St. Thomas academic Sydney Rhoades, Texas State achievement, non-resident; Missouri State governors, midwest student exchange; UNO chancellors; Benedictine college; Gustavus Adolphus deans; Rockhurst Dowling, regents, Loyola; Augsburg Early Auggies, regents; Creighton founders, Ignatius of Loyola; Trinity Murchison; Northern Colorado national undergraduate; Augustana presidential; Drake presidential, trustee; Loyola Maryland presidential; UNL regents, honors textbook Lisa Satpathy, Iowa State competitive excellence, pre-medicine; Denver Centennial; UNO regents Taylor Saucier, Texas A&M soccer Danielle Sautter, College of St. Mary academic Ann Skradski, UNL Canfield; Kansas Distinction; Iowa National Scholars Allison Smith, UNL Canfield Michaela Smith, Xavier Catholic presiden-
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See Page 23
Continued from Page 22 tial; Loyola-Chicago Damen; Loyola-New Orleans deans; Marquette Ignatius Distinction; Creighton Magis; UNL regents; St. Louis vice presidents Claire Sonderman, Northeastern deans; Colorado State Ival V. Goslin, presidential; Notre Dame provost, university; UNL top scholar, regents, honors textbook; Tulsa Vision Lacy Thompson, Wesleyan academic, achievement; UNO deans; Creighton founders Miranda Tingley, Miami -Ohio Red Hawk excellence; Loyola-Chicago trustee Morgan Tooley, UNL Canfield, Legends; Rockhurst deans; Creighton founders; Kansas distinction Sarah Townsend, Creighton Labaj Jaclyn Trader, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical academic; Arizona excellence; Florida Institute of Technology merit; Embry-Riddle Aeronautical women of excellence Michelle Tsatsos, St. Louis deans; Creighton founders; Marquette Ignatius distinction; Loyola-Chicago Loyola Lauren Tussey, UNL Canfield, Living and Learning; Loyola-Chicago deans; Marquette Magis; Kansas midwest student exchange; Columbia College-Chicago presidential; DePaul Scholars Jacqueline Tvrdik, St. Thomas St. Thomas Alexis Vinton, Seattle Campion; Iowa National Scholars; St. Louis university Katherine Warneke, Iowa State competitive excellence; Regis regents, Catholic high school; St. Benedict Catholic high school; Xavier Catholic presidential; Rockhurst chancellors, Loyola; UNL chancellor’s leadership, David, Legends; St. Louis deans; Marquette Ignatius distinction; Kansas excellence, School of Business; Loyola-New Orleans Loyola; St. Benedict presidents, recognition Annie Wolfe, UNK volleyball, merit Megan Woodruff, Maryland Banneker/Key; Michigan engineering honor; Vanderbilt Cornelius Vanderbilt, School of Engineering; Minnesota Cyrus Northrop, Gold National; UNL Raikes, honors textbook; USC presidential; Tulsa presidential, vision, honors; Villanova presidential; Santa Clara provost; World-Herald outstanding student MaryVirginia Yost, DePaul soccer, St. Vincent dePaul
Omaha Mercy Madeleine Randall
Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1st out of 106 College plans: Youngstown State or Northeast Ohio Medical; pre-medicine-chemistry Parents: Jeff Randall and Melinda Randall About: “Highest GPA in the senior class.” Scholarships offered at Omaha Mercy: Margaret Altman, Regis achievement, Catholic high school Erin Artz, St. Norbert College trustee Bridget Blessie, College of St. Rose provost, soccer Abigail Berg, UNO regents; St. Benedict trustees’, Catholic high school, art; OEA Foundation Melissa Borsch, South Dakota Coyote leadership; Benedictine college, presidential Miranda Borsch, South Dakota Coyote leadership; Benedictine college, presidential Ashleigh Broughton, Hastings Ringland Stephanie Bushman, Great Plains Chapter of the Paralyzed Veterans of America auxiliary Virginia and Tom Pierce memorial ShayLynn Culliver, Avila academic Abigail Culp, UNO regents; U.S. Air Force Academy; Georgia presidential leadership; UNO regents; U.S. Naval Academy; U.S. Coast Guard; National Merit Corp. finalist Liana D’Aquila, Benedictine college Elizabeth Davis, UNO deans Rebecca Davis, UNO deans Emily Dyer, UNL David; Creighton founders; St. Benedict trustees’, Catholic high school Cara Fangman, Drake presidential; Rockhurst Loyola, achievement; Buena Vista Arch; Creighton academic; St. Benedict president’s, Catholic high school Kathleen Goetzinger, UNO chancellor’s Bridget Hamata, UNO regents; Seton Hall university; Regis trustees’, Catholic high school; Loyola-Chicago Loyola Ella Hart, UNO regents Emily Janda, UNL David; UNO regents; Briar Cliff presidential Rachel Justice, St. Catherine nursing Michaela Keenan, UNL Canfield, Legends; Creighton Smola-McCormick, founders; Briar Cliff academic Danielle Lamer, UNL Canfield, Legends Justyne Lange, McCabe memorial teaching Sarah Locati, Midland scholar-performer; Buena Vista Arch, arts Christina May, UNO regents; Briar Cliff academic, St. Francis Margaret Maynard, Creighton academic, Ignatius of Loyola, leadership; Loyola-Chicago dean’s; St. Louis Ignatian tuition Megan McAuliffe, Wesleyan academic, Bennett music; Midland scholar-performer; Buena Vista arts performance, Arch Jennifer Meisinger, Creighton founders; St. Louis dean’s; Regis trustees’, Catholic high school; Rockhurst deans, Loyola; LoyolaChicago Loyola; Drake presidential, Bulldog Erin Moore, UNL Canfield; UNO dean’s Shannon Moore, UNL Canfield; UNO chancellor’s Jennifer Novotny, UNL regents; Marquette Ignatius excellence; Creighton founders; Loyola-Chicago Damen; UNO regents; St. Louis vice presidents’ Bridget O’Connell, Wesleyan academic, achievement, honors; Doane community, music; Benedictine; Simpson honor Treasure Pascal, Girls Inc. Lucile Miller Wright Scholars, national Madeline Peterson, UNL Canfield; UNO Leonina Langhorst Mockelman memorial, regents Mary Pflaum, South Dakota Coyote leadership; Benedictine academic; Creighton founders Mary Jo Pittman, Nebraska Library Commission 21st century librarian Michaela Randall, UNO regents; Youngstown State president’s; Kansas excellence; Akron excellence, Gold Madeleine Randall, Youngstown State trustees’; UNO chancellor’s; Kent State trustee, president’s, university, Oscar Ritchie memorial; Seton Hall public tuition rate; Akron excellence, Gold; World-Herald outstanding student Elizabeth Rashid, College of St. Mary academic achievement, golf Monica Salcedo, UNL Health Sciences Sarah Sambasile, UNO deans Madelene Shehan, UNO chancellor’s Sophie Simonson, Truman State foreign language, non-resident tuition, combined ability; UNK dean’s; Concordia regent’s, alumni Jill Sobczyk, UNO regents; Xavier Catholic presidential; St. Louis vice presidents’; Creighton Magis; Duquesne academic; Marquette Ignatius excellence; UNK regents; Dayton trustee’s merit Michaela Stolinski, Nebraska Christian loving compassionately Shelby Siderewicz, Midland performing arts Margaret Theiler, Midland presidential; Hastings ambassador; Northwestern College collegiate; Rockhurst achievement, Loyola; Benedictine college; Morningside dean’s Rebecca Wessling, Peru State cooperating schools, campus citizen Allison West, Augustana trustees, pro musica; Morningside president’s; Benedictine presidential, music/band, Sr. Mary Noel; Wesleyan university, Marshall, honors Abigail Wright, Truman State non-resident tuition, combined ability; UNK dean’s Margaret Yakus, Loyola-Chicago dean’s; Rockhurst provincial, Loyola
S u n day, M ay 1 2 , 2 0 1 3
Omaha North Ibukunoluwa Awodele Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1st out of 404 College plans: Duke; biomedical engineering Parents: Femi and Ola Awodele About: “Ibukunoluwa (known as IBK) is a one-of-a-kind student who has top academics and is very communityoriented. IBK is involved in the community and world. He has also done a mission trip to El Salvador with his church. Here in Omaha, he helped with a fundraiser for the Haiti Earthquake Fund.”
Savannah Behrends Key Staffer Journalistic roles: editor in chief of the North Star; features editor and manager the previous two years College plans: UNL; journalism Parents: Leroy and Diana Behrends About: “Savannah has been in journalism for four years. She has won multiple awards at the local and state level for her feature and editorial writing.” Scholarships offered at Omaha North: Brandy Anderson, Midland scholar-athlete Eric Anderson, UNO dean’s Cynthia Aspegren, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit; Omaha North High School Foundation; George and Sally Haddix memorial; Omaha Schools Foundation future educator; Iowa advantage; Urban League of Nebraska Zachary Aus, OEA Foundation-Joseph E. Chase Isaiah Austin, Creighton academic, George and Sally Haddix; EducationQuest Foundation; OEA Foundation-Ozzie Wilson memorial; Omaha North High School FoundationTerrell White memorial; Omaha Schools Foundation-Brian J. Slobotski memorial; Urban League of Nebraska Ibukunoluwa Awodele, Concerned and Caring Educators; Milwaukee School of Engineering; Omaha North High SchoolHumphrey, National Honor Society; Miami Ronald A. Hammond; UNL achievement; Urban League of Nebraska; World-Herald outstanding student Savannah Behrends, OEA FoundationGunnar Horn Journalism; Omaha North High School-PTSO; Omaha North High School Foundation-Harry D. Riley memorial; UNL Kinman-Oldfield, Legends; Kyle Black, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower; UNL achievement Miranda Black, Metro Community College governors; Rotary of Omaha-North Kameron Bradford-Gamble, UNL Legends Zachary Bram, OEA Foundation-Charley Hepfinger memorial; Omaha North High School-Vikings of Distinction; Orville Matzke; Omaha Schools Foundation-Brian J. Slobotski memorial; UNL Canfield, honors program, Legends Kristoffer Bridges, Creighton diversity, founders; Omaha North High School Foundation-John and Sheila Morgan; UNL achievement; Urban League of Nebraska Naki Brizendine, Omaha Schools Foundation-Harry A. Burke; Urban League of Nebraska Jordan Burt, Creighton academic, supplemental, George and Sally Haddix; Minne Lusa PTA Brittney Carter, Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance-Martin Luther King Jr.; National Baptist Congress of Christian Education; Omaha North High School-National Honor Society; Urban League of Nebraska Brenna Clark, Wesleyan university; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower; Omaha North High School-faculty; Ponca PTA Ashley Collins, Omaha North High School Foundation-Haynes family De’Ja Combs, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority,
Tamara Stovall memorial; Nathan Hale PTSC Noah Concannon, Iowa State recognition Ariel Dappen, Doane Van Hoy; OEA Foundation-foundation; Omaha North High School-faculty; Ponca PTA Kyle Dean, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit Lisa Dueling, Omaha North High SchoolVelma Morgan Gloria Fletcher, Omaha Schools FoundationCarl W. and Antoynette Nielsen Paul Gargarella, Omaha North High School Foundation-Phillip W. & Criss Welch; UNL achievement Dustin Gathje, Omaha North High School Foundation-Caryl and Katherine Brown memorial UNO dean’s Molly Gaughan, Omaha North High School Foundation-Frank and Lois Hobbs memorial; UNO chancellor’s Ashleigh Gildon, Iowa State recognition; Kansas State Denison; Omaha North High School Foundation-alumni memorial; Kansas, distinction Joshua Griswold, Iowa State recognition; Midland scholar-athlete Christopher Gunderson, Engineers Club of Omaha; Morton Magnet PTO; Omaha Schools Foundation-Donald F. and Mildred Topp Othmer; Thomas Edison PTA Steven Hansen, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, music, distinguished, president’s; OEA Foundation-Warren and Evelyn Hotz; Omaha Schools Foundation-Damon D. & Mary E. Laaker; UNK regents, honors program; UNL David; UNO regent’s John Heires, Omaha North High School Foundation; George and Sally Haddix memorial; Omaha Public Schools, Superintendent’s Super 13; UNL regents Reginald Holt, McMillan Magnet staff and PTO; Minne Lusa PTA; Omaha North High School Foundation-John and Sheila Morgan, Leonard Bond memorial Jaclyn Horan, Midland directors; Mobile university Andrew Hostert, Chadron State achievement; Doane presidential, trustees, George and Sally Haddix; Harry G. Stroh memorial; Wesleyan university; Omaha Schools Foundation-Larry G. Jensen memorial Ikponmwosa Igbinigie, Omaha North High School Foundation-Class of 1961 Brendan Jensen, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Armani Jones, Omaha North High SchoolChris and Brenda Wiley Zachary Kahn, Metro Community College governors Anthony Kohtz, Omaha North High SchoolFred W. McLafferty; UNL CASNR, David James Lindsay, Tampa presidential; UNL Canfield Zaiid Liwaru, Concerned and Caring Educators; Douglas County Farm Bureau; Iowa State recognition; Omaha North High School-Student Council; Urban League of Nebraska Kevin Lust, Iowa State competitive excellence Jacob Madison, Omaha Schools Foundation-Zdenka Sedlacek; UNO regent’s Carolina Malavasi, Doane community, George and Sally Haddix; Kansas memorial; NorthSTAR; OEA Foundation-Mary Uhl Collins memorial business education, Warren and Evelyn Hotz Zachary Martin, Emporia State athletic; Iowa Western athletic; Omaha North High School-Kent Lausterer, Kurt Jensen memorial; Omaha North High School Foundation George and Sally Haddix memorial; Wayne athletic Keon McKay, Concerned and Caring Educators; King Science & Technology Magnet Center, ACI; Omaha North High SchoolChris and Brenda Wiley; Urban League of Nebraska Kathryn Miller, Colorado School of Mines merit; Iowa State competitive excellence; UNL regents; UNO chancellor’s Madison Mize, Creighton academic, George and Sally Haddix; UNL achievement Mohamed Mohamed, Metro Community College governors Kierin Montgomery, Omaha North High School Foundation-George Anderson memorial Ki-Jana Moore, Concerned and Caring Educators; DePaul University -St. Vincent DePaul; Omaha North High School Foundation-John and Sheila Morgan; Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Beta Upsilon Chapter Kao Moua, Omaha Schools Foundation-John Paul Gustafson memorial Alyssa Mount, Omaha North High School Foundation-Class of 1960; Omaha Schools Foundation-Omaha Public Schools Magnet Sarah Myers, Doane presidential; UNL David; UNO regent’s Brianna Nielsen, King Science & Technology Magnet Center, ACI; Knights of Ak-SarBen-Horatio Alger; OEA Foundation; Metro Area Transit Transport Workers Union 223; Omaha North High School-Patsy and Marilyn S. Murray memorial, Vikings of Distinction, Scott sisters; Urban League of Nebraska
Zachary Nielsen, Briar Cliff academic; Creighton academic; Doane baseball, trustees; Midland scholar-athlete; Wesleyan university; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, academic; UNK chancellors; UNO dean’s Chase Nuzum, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower; OEA Foundation-Mary Uhl Collins memorial business education; Omaha North High School-Vikings of Distinction Ankit Pant, Omaha Schools FoundationDonald F. and Mildred Topp Othmer Conner Phillips, Excel Physical Therapy; King Science & Technology Magnet PTA; Missouri Western State governors, neighboring states; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, distinguished; Springville Elementary alumni; UNO chancellor’s Xochitl Pliego, Omaha North High School Foundation-Haynes family Aireon Porter, Mid-Plains Community Athletic Nathan Ramsdell, UNO dean’s Hershel Reed, Jefferson PTA-alumni Samantha Reed, Jefferson PTA-alumni; Omaha North High School-Vikings of Distinction; Omaha Schools Foundation-Brian J. Slobotski memorial, Ione C. Paxton Aaron Riley, Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance-Martin Luther King Jr.; Iowa State recognition; McMillan Magnet staff and PTO; Omaha North High School-faculty Jacob Rix, Boyd PTA; Suburban Rotary Club of Omaha Amanda Romer, Metro Community College governors; Omaha Schools FoundationZdenka Sedlacek Douglas Rowen, Dordt presidential; UNL regents; UNO regent’s Brendan Ryan, Milwaukee School of Engineering Ciera Sanwick, Iowa State recognition; St. Thomas academic; Western Michigan presidential Silver Casey Sayles, Bowling Green State athletic; Ohio athletic Austin Schmidt, UNL regent’s Zenith Sharma, Creighton diversity, George and Sally Haddix; UNO dean’s Zaina Smaus, Metro Community College governors Lucas Smith, Engineers Club of Omaha; OEA Foundation-foundation; Omaha North High School Foundation-Frank and Yo Tierney Benjamin Stahr, Iowa State competitive excellence; Rotary of Omaha-North; UNO chancellor’s Eric Sterling, Briar Cliff academic; Masters PTO; Omaha North High School FoundationThomas Harvey; UNO regent’s David Toft, Doane Van Hoy; Hastings baseball, Ringland; Midland baseball Regenmorter Van, Urban League of Nebraska Mark Wallace, Belmont Abbey College Benedictine; Duncan Aviation-Karen K. Duncan Summer Wallace, Urban League of Nebraska Joshua Ward, OEA Foundation-Thresa Clark honorary; Omaha North High School-Class of 2007 Dakota Welsh, Sunny Slope PTA Samara West, Iowa State athletic Imani White, Urban League of Nebraska Cameron Wiegand, Creighton founders Jonathan Williams, UNL Canfield Alyssa Wilson, Urban League of Nebraska Parker Wyatt, Omaha North High SchoolHumphrey; UNL Canfield Jennifer Zick, OEA Foundation-Richard Sedlak memorial vocational education
Omaha Northwest Bonnie Smith Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 2nd out of 278 College plans: UNL; pre-architecture Parents: Robert and Carol Smith About: “Bonnie excels academically and earned a perfect 36 on her ACT. She is also ranked in the top cross country runners in the state. Bonnie demonstrates an outstanding student in all respects and truly deserves this recognition.”
Jessica Carrillo Key Staffer Journalistic roles: yearbook editor College plans: UNL; pre-med Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Joel J. Carrillo About: “Jessica has been on the yearbook staff for two years and is the editor this year. She is enthusiastic and a great representative of Northwest Magnet.” Scholarships offered at Omaha Northwest: Miranda Allen, Omaha Schools FoundationCarl W. and Antoynette Nielsen Gabriela Arellano, Northwest Iditarod; Pinewood School PTA Brittany Bazer, Northwest Iditarod; UNK regents; UNO regents Makayla Bell, Beta Psi Zeta chapter-Zeta Phi Beta sorority memorial; Concerned and Caring Educators; College of St. Mary academic; Girls Inc. Lucille Miller Wright; KPTM Runza Student of the Week; Lewis & Clark-Patricia L. Burford; Midland directors, presidential; Northwest Iditarod, PTSO; Omaha Schools Foundation-Super 13; Springville-Nancy Amstutz memorial; UNK regents; UNO chancellor’s Connor Bergin, Briar Cliff academic; Iowa State competitive excellence; Northwest Fine Arts support team; Omaha Schools Foundation-D.R. Anderson memorial; UNL David, College of Engineering dean’s, regents Ashley Brust, Northwest Iditarod Tre’ Bush, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars David Calhoun, Northwest Fine Arts support team, Iditarod; Kansas dance; WisconsinMilwaukee dance, midwest student exchange Jessica Carrillo, OEA Foundation-Gunnar Horn journalism Courtney Craig, Northwest Iditarod Makeasha Deramus, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars Paige Dorau, Northwest Fine Arts support team Sarah Eberly, Adams PTA-Harry G. Stroh memorial; Kiwanis Club of Northwest; Metro Community College governors; Midland Anderson leader; Northwest alumni; OEA Foundation-Jesse J. and Angela Bavaresco memorial; UNK regents; Western Nebraska Community College ACT Nialah Edari, Barnard College Rachel Edinger, Midland presidential; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower; Omaha Schools Foundation-Donald F. and Mildred Topp Othmer Aaron Estep, Ione C. Paxton Toluwani Faokunla, Northwest Iditarod Jamie Fead, Masters PTO; Northwest Iditarod; Omaha Schools Foundation-Nancy Fredericksen memorial; UNK chancellors; UNO Deans Cyra Fenceroy, Central College academic; Wesleyan university; Simpson CollegeCarver G. Washington Austin Garrett, Herb Drezins memorial Azia Gillotte, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars Velazquez Gonzalez, Nebraskans for Peace Valkyrie Griffin, Metro Community College governors; Northwest Iditarod Marvin Hall, Rocky Mountain plus, academic; Wyoming string Federico Jaramillo, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars Alan Johnson, Metro Community College governors; OPS Career Center-Tommy Craft Dionte Johnson, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit; Rebecca Kalhorn, St. Benedict presidential, recognition, saints; Doane trustees; Loyola Damen; Northwest Iditarod; Omaha Public Schools Superintendent’s future educator; UNK regents, chancellors; UNL Canfield, Legends, chancellor’s Eron Keely, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars Stacy Keely, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars; South Dakota State athletic Marissa Lewis, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars Tovar Lopez, Chadron State; Creighton Founders; Harry A. Burke memorial; Morton Magnet PTO; Nebraska State Historical Society/Nebraska Pearl Harbor Remembrance; Northwest alumni, Fine Arts support team; OEA Foundation-Jane Nichols memorial; Omaha Schools Foundation-Donald F. and Mildred Topp Othmer; Westside Kiwanis Club-Jack C. Jackson Deng Lual, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars
Nicholas Lundeen, Northwest Fine Arts support team, Iditarod Easten Lwin, Concordia athletic Latrice Matebele, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars Lorne McFadden, Concerned and Caring Educators; Northwest Iditarod; UNO chancellor’s DeJa McIntosh, Concerned and Caring Educators; Johnson & Wales; Lothrop Magnet-Marilyn F. Gendler memorial; Metro Community College Avenue Scholars Larry McShan, New York Dramatic Arts talent Mariza Medina-Medrano, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars G’Teyia Milton, Northwest Fine Arts support team Katelyn Morris, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars Bryan Murrell, Concerned and Caring Educators; Morningside College ambassador; Northwest Iditarod; Westside Kiwanis Club Jack C. Jackson Jacob Nelson, Northwest Iditarod; Henry Doorly Zoo general, merit Nyamal Pal, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars Dariene Palmer, Iowa State recognition; Northwest Iditarod Regina Palmer, Northwest Booster, Fine Arts support team, Iditarod, Parent Teacher Student Organization Michelle Petty, Coe music, presidential; Doane trustees; Northwest Fine Arts support team, Iditarod; OEA FoundationSunny Slope-Kathryn Collins memorial; UNK regents; UNL Canfield; UNO marching band, chancellor’s December Price, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars Adriana Romero, Northwest Iditarod Anjela Rush, Northwest alumni Justin Sampson, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars Jonathan Sanders, Martin Luther King; UNO marching band Sarah Schwarz, Northwest Fine Arts support team, Iditarod; Northwest Missouri State excellence, Bearcat, midwest student exchange Ashley Sims, Midland directors; Simpson College Bonnie Smith, Creighton academic; Midland Anderson Leader; Nebraska Roping Horse Association-Ray Warren and Tom Forst memorial; Northwest alumni; OEA-Joseph E. Chase; World-Herald outstanding student; UNK regents; UNL Top Scholars, regents, honors textbook; UNO regents; Wayne State trustees; Westside Kiwanis Club-Jack C. Jackson Jordan Smith, Northwest Fine Arts support team Janesha Stapleton, Metro Community College Avenue Scholars Payton Tegels, Florence PTO; McMillan Magnet staff and PTO; Northwest Iditarod; UNO marching band Hannah Thomas, Metro Community College governors; Northwest Fine Arts support team J’van Willis, Lozier Corp. Megan Woosley, Herb Drezins memorial; Northwest Fine Arts support team; UNO chancellor’s
Omaha Roncalli Samantha Lonergan Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 2nd out of 59 College plans: UNL; biology/ chemistry Parents: Tim and Marilou Lonergan About: “Sammie consistently pushes herself to reach higher goals, is involved in athletics as well as school clubs and organizations, and supports younger students as well as her peers as a role model and mentor. I have never once seen her not give her best or exhibit a positive attitude toward her learning.”
See Page 24
Son of Ken and Gayle Derby Burke High School
Son of James and Lisa Weikle Omaha North High School
Son of Matt and Janet Perrone Millard South High School
Son of Curtis and Carol Payne Westside High School
Daughter of Dean and Tracy McCormick Millard North High School
Daughter of Terry and Shelley Zurek Millard West High School
Son of Mark and Kristi Curren Millard South High School
Son of Bill and Pam Clark Millard North High School
Son of Steve and Pamela Watkins Creighton Prep High School
Daughter of Don and LeAnne Vitito Millard North High School
Son of Tom and Angie Davies Concordia High School
Daughter of Roger and Patti McCabe Millard South High School
Daughter of Doug and Kate Barnes Burke High School
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Continued from Page 23
Natalie Boyce Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Yearbook contributor/photographer College plans: Wayne State; undecided Parents: Brian and Melissa
Boyce About: “Natalie is the most involved senior in yearbook and has a great attitude that is a great example for the younger students.” Scholarships offered at Omaha Roncalli: Emilie Barnes, Wesleyan; UNO dean’s James Bilek, OEA Foundation president’s; UNL regents; Baylor president’s Gold; Bradley presidential, neighbor state; Butler presidential, LAS; Colorado School of Mines merit; Evansville trustee; Indianapolis dean’s; Marquette Ignatius; Regis trustees’, Catholic high school; Rockhurst Dowling, regents; St. Louis vice presidents’; St. Thomas; Texas Christian provost; Tulsa Vision, dean’s; Valparaiso directors; Xavier presidential Timothy Bosn, Truman State midwest student exchange; Coe College dean’s, distinction Joe Campbell, Augustana dean’s, trustee, gift, early filers Ashley Cox, Peru State campus citizen Megan Dai, UNK dean’s Nicholas Dotzler, Doane; Wesleyan university; Briar Cliff Allison Everhart, American Legion Auxiliary Adam Fleming, UNK chancellor’s; UNO regents Grant Goertzen, UNO regents; UNL regents; Creighton founders; South Dakota Coyote veritas; Kansas excellence; Chadron State full-tuition; Spring Hill College presidential Laura Hall, Peru State campus citizen Morgan Holzapfel, Wesleyan; OEA Foundation Anthony Kitt, UNL regents Rachael Kudlacek, College of St. Mary athletic, achievement; Briar Cliff Elisabeth Laird, UNO regents Samantha Lonergan, UNL Legends; Rockhurst chancellor’s, Ignatius, Loyola; UNL Canfield; College of St. Mary; World-Herald outstanding student Molly Milbrandt, Wesleyan; Midland David Mucha, Wesleyan academic Nicole Musgrave, UNL CASNR Courtney Neeson, South Dakota Coyote leadership; Rockhurst chancellor’s, trustees’; Avila; Briar Cliff Kelsey Ryan, College of St. Mary academic, athletic Kevin Woodworth, UNO chancellor’s; UNL Canfield, Legends
Omaha Skutt Alyson Schulte
Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 2nd out of 148 College plans: UNL; biomedical engineer Parents: Mark and Maureen Schulte About: “Alyson was chosen for her overall academics, character and leadership abilities that she has always utilized to the best of her ability in high school. She definitely is an outstanding student.”
Amanda Woodman
Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Yearbook editor in chief junior and senior years College plans: Morningside; business Parents: David and Kathy Woodman About: “Amanda took a huge risk accepting this position without a lot of journalism training. She worked hard to be able to handle the position, and she has done an excellent job. She has good rapport with her editors.” Scholarships offered at Omaha Skutt:
Elizabeth Bartels, Marquette soccer Colleen Bernal, College of St. Mary achievement, swimming; UNO deans Nicholas Bies, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower; South Dakota Coyote achievement Meagan Bishop, South Dakota Coyote achievement Anna Bleyhl, American Red Cross Young Minds Change Lives; Franciscan Steubenville dean’s; Millard Days Inc. Millard Days; UNL Canfield Lauren Bruner, Doane Black and Orange, access, track and field Elizabeth Budden, UNO Laura Gogan memorial Taylor Bullins, UNL CASNR, achievement Brian Carmody, Creighton founders; Rockhurst directors; Kansas Generations Brennan Chandler, Wesleyan academic Devin Christensen, Omaha Urban Council of Catholic Women Omaha Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women; UNO regents Connor Coffey, Iowa State competitive excellence Anna Conway, Missouri State soccer Libby Cronican, American Red Cross Young Minds Change Lives; Briar Cliff academic, music arts, St. Francis; Creighton academic, founders; St. Joseph Catholic Church Biernbaum Jennifer Daro, Creighton founders, softball Jessica Diederich, University of the Pacific volleyball Tyler Donan, Loyola-Maryland presidential; Colorado-Boulder chancellor’s, engineering merit Kara Dudzik, Kansas State heritage Haley Eck, Midland ARTS; Rockhurst deans, Loyola; UNL Canfield; UNO deans; Washburn academic Austin Evans, Skutt Catholic Alumni Association senior ambassador; UNO chancellor’s; UNL global engagement, Canfield, Legends Matthew Feilmeier, Colorado State provost’s; DePaul presidential; Iowa State recognition, competitive excellence; Marquette Ignatius achievement; Miami RedHawk excellence; Kansas distinction; Missouri Mark Twain non-resident; UNL Canfield, School of Accountancy honors; Xavier Catholic presidential Aubrey Fleming, Ball State Heartland, midwest student exchange; Coastal Carolina president’s; Oklahoma City university; Pace president’s; Webster academic Brittany Garbina, Lynn dean’s, soccer; UNL Living and Learning Marie Garro, American Red Cross Young Minds Change Lives; Benedictine academic; Creighton founders Amanda Gordon, American Red Cross Young Minds Change Lives; Benedictine college; Creighton Christina M. Hixson, Ignatius of Loyola, Magis; Loyola-Chicago presidential; Rockhurst Dowling, Loyola; UNO regents; St. Thomas academic, trustees Nichole Gottschalk, Colorado School of Mines merit; Iowa State competitive excellence; Rockhurst Dowling; St. John’s excellence; UNL regents, honors Mackenzie Hagge, Creighton Magis; Iowa State competitive excellence; UNL regents; UNO regents; Texas Christian deans Elizabeth Harms, Ohio Gateway Promise Benjamin Harrison, ConAgra Foods Foundation National Merit ConAgra Foods Founda-
SCHOLARS tion; Iowa State competitive excellence, College of Engineering; U.S. Air Force Academy U.S. Air Force Academy Appointment; U.S. Coast Guard Academy U.S. Coast Guard Academy Appointment; U.S. Merchant Marine Academy U.S. Merchant Marine Academy Appointment; UNL chancellor’s; UNO regents; Oklahoma National Merit; Wisconsin-Oshkosh non-resident tuition remission Carina Harrison, Albright founder’s, National Honor Society; Carnegie Mellon undergraduate; Carroll Bishop Carroll; Creighton Magis; Hartwick Ad Altiora achievement, Oyaron; Marquette Ignatius excellence; Syracuse founders’; Massachusetts-Amherst chancellor’s; UNL CASNR, Living and Learning, regents, honors; UNO regents; Washington Seattle Purple and Gold; Washington State Cougar academic, Glenn Terrell presidential, School of Food Science Austin Hauptman, Wesleyan academic, achievement; UNL Canfield Nicholas Jensen, American Red Cross Young Minds Change Lives; Skutt High School wrestling Cash Coolidge 2013; Jesse Greise Foundation 2013 Jesse Greise SkyHawk wrestling; UNL Canfield; UNO regents Ryan Jesperson, Iowa State competitive excellence, Engineering merit; Omaha Steaks International Inc.; UNL David; UNO regents Emilee Jonas, UNK softball Stephanie Kaiser, Clemson out-of-state; Ohio State National Buckeye, provost; Texas Christian deans; Miami president’s Libby Kane, Skutt High School Booster Club Legend of the SkyHawk; UNO regents Lauren Keenan, Drake Legacy, presidential; Iowa State competitive excellence; LoyolaChicago dean’s; Oklahoma Boren, Legacy, Sooner heritage Alex Kenkel, Iowa State competitive excellence; Marquette Ignatius distinction; South Dakota State Yellow and Blue; Iowa National Scholars; UNL Canfield Kathryn Kerins, Creighton founders; Rockhurst Dowling, Loyola; UNL Canfield, Legends Melissa Kirker, Truman State combined ability, non-resident tuition, president’s; UNO deans Brady Kirkpatrick, Arizona State provost’s; Miami RedHawk excellence; St. Louis deans’; Arizona excellence, Apple iPad; Kansas excellence; Missouri Mark Twain non-resident; UNL Canfield; Xavier Catholic presidential Sara Kleinsasser, Skutt International Thespian Society Troupe Senior Michael Kluver, Creighton Magis; Omaha Football Club Kelley Jo VerVelde Clare Koneck-Wilcox, Iowa State competitive excellence; Loyola-New Orleans dean’s; OEA Foundation presidents’; St. Louis vice president, merit; UNL regents; UNO regents Mikala Korth, Creighton founders; UNL Canfield, School of Accountancy honors Abigail Krone, Drake presidential Iowa State competitive excellence; Regis trustees, Catholic high school; St. Louis deans’; Kansas excellence; UNL Canfield; St. Thomas academic Tyler Langel, Iowa State competitive excellence; Kansas excellence; UNL David; UNO chancellor’s Zachary Legband, Colorado School of Mines merit; Marquette Ignatius excellence; Rockhurst Dowling, Loyola; UNL College of Engineering dean’s, Living and Learning, regents; St. Thomas academic Todd Leutzinger, Rockhurst chancellors, Loyola; Iowa engineering, National Scholars, Old Gold; UNL regents Madison Lynam, DePaul presidential; Iowa State competitive excellence; LoyolaChicago Loyola Luke Maass, Midland basketball Zachary Matukewicz, DePaul presidential; Loyola Loyola; UNL David, Forrest Blood Alexus Matulka, UNL Canfield, Legends Caitlin McDermott, Loyola-Chicago trustee; Metro Omaha Chapter of Oncology Nursing Society nursing; Iowa National Scholars; Kansas achievement Ryan McKeever, Drake presidential; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange; Skutt High School Booster Club Legend of the SkyHawk; St. Thomas St. Thomas; South Dakota Coyote achievement William McNew, Iowa Western Gender Equity Foundation Alexia Mendick, Rockhurst Ignatius of Loyola, Loyola Jared Mertz, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Reese Meyer, Iowa State competitive excellence, College of Engineering; Kansas excellence, School of Engineering dean’s; UNL regents, College of Engineering dean’s Margaret Moore, Belmont Abbey Honors; UNL Living and Learning, Top Scholar, regents Ann Moylan, Benedictine college; UNL Canfield, Living and Learning; UNO regents; St. Thomas academic Victoria Musilek, Capital University CAP, Discover Capital, presidential; Creighton founders; Iowa State competitive excellence Garrett Nelson, Benedictine college; Iowa State competitive excellence; UNO chancellor’s Amanda Olson, Drake presidential; Marquette Magis; Metro Community College mock trial; Rockhurst Loyola, trustees’; Skutt Catholic Alumni Association seniora mbassador; Northern Iowa out-of-state, Legacy; UNO regents; St. Thomas academic Emily Olson, Hastings Pro Rege Mickaela O’Malley, Hamline Hamline Hannah Parry, Baylor president’s Gold; Creighton Magis; Rockhurst Dowling, Loyola; South Central Nebraska Quarter Horse Association; Southern Methodist leadership, Second Century; Texas Christian deans; UNK regents; UNL Living and Learning, regents Lauren Pavel, Missouri State midwest student exchange, multicultural leadership, swimming; Runza Student of the Week; St. Louis deans’, swimming; Truman State combined ability, non-resident Tuition, president’s Leadership; UNL Canfield Thomas Peterson, Benedictine academic; Creighton Creighton University Laura Pivovar, Minnesota State-Mankato in-state tuition, Maverick, soccer; UNL
Canfield, global engagement, Living and Learning; UNO chancellor’s Phillip Rasmussen, Metro Community College governors; Skutt High School wrestling Cash Coolidge 2013 Michael Rerucha, Hastings ambassador; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange; Rockhurst deans, Loyola; UNO chancellor’s, dean’s Aaron Robinson, Benedictine college Brenna Rossi, Benedictine college; Creighton Magis; Hillsdale merit; Dallas O’Hara Chemical Sciences Institute, trustee; UNL Living and Learning, regents, honors Ellen Ruden, Creighton founders; Marquette Ignatius achievement; St. Louis deans’; Dayton president’s; Xavier Catholic presidential Tyler Rump, UNL CASNR Megan Ruzicka, Benedictine college, Sr. Mary Noel Walter, volleyball; St. Louis Vice presidents’; UNL regents, honors; UNO regents Lauren Sauma, UNL Canfield, Living and Learning; UNO deans Shannon Schrader, Benedictine Benedictine College; UNL Canfield, Living and Learning Alyson Schulte, First Data Corp. First Data Corp.; Iowa State competitive excellence, College of Engineering; Millard Business Community Foundation Millard Business Community Foundation; World-Herald outstanding student; Texas Christian deans; Kansas CEAE, dean’s, excellence; UNL regents, University Honors; UNO regents Brian Schwetschenau, Rockhurst chancellors, Loyola, regent’s; St. John’s Catholic high school, president’s, recognition; UNL David Erin Slattery, Creighton founders; Northwest Missouri State academic excellence, midwest student exchange, Bearcat; Wayne State soccer John Sloboth, Westside Wrestling Club Inc. Katherine Slump, UNO chancellor’s, golf Rachel Stratton, Augustana leadership, academic; Truman State combined ability, midwest student exchange Emerald Stuttle, Iowa Western music ensemble Michelle Thommi, Drake presidential Courtney Trausch, Central Journey, presidential, Special Central; Drake academic, presidential; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower; Rockhurst achievement, Higgins, Ignatius of Loyola, Loyola Katherine Troupe, Arizona State president’s; Texas Christian faculty; South Carolina Woodrow Scholars Peter Vankat, Drake presidential Jared Vanlandingham, UNL regents Aaron Warneke, Benedictine baseball Anna White, American Red Cross Young Minds Change Lives; UNL David, Legends, honors; Texas Christian deans Amanda Wickert, UNL Living and Learning; UNO regents Amanda Woodman, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Margaret Wurtz, Kansas distinction; UNL Canfield Elizabeth Yosick, Kansas State honors; Rockhurst deans; South Dakota State Charles Roberts Allison Zadina, Morningside ambassador
Omaha South Lucero “Lucy” Aguilar Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 20th out of 523 College plans: UNL; national security Parent: Josefina Carrizales About: “Lucy is an involved student at South High. She can always be depended upon to help in any way. She is a dedicated student, a fine representative of South High.”
Jorge Ayon Gutierrez Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Yearbook staff member College plans: Metropolitan Community College; culinary arts Parents: Victoria
and Ruben Perez About: “Jorge always not only accepts all assignments but also asks for work.” Scholarships offered at Omaha South:
Angelina Acosta-Lora, Bright Start Lucero Aguilar, College of St. Mary; Upper Iowa; Sioux Falls; World-Herald outstanding student Cruz Alba, Kent State Allexus Allen, Doane access; College of St. Mary Malik Ammons-Keyes, Omaha Schools Foundation Dr. F.W. Rowe, Rosewater; Urban League of Nebraska Lakeya Atkins, US Bank Jorge Ayon Gutierrez, Ritonya-Buscher-Poehling Orsi culinary; Boys and Girls Club; OEA Foundation Gunnar Horn journalism Juan Ayon Gutierrez, King Science and Technology Giselle Baires, Bellevue South Omaha outreach, Peter Kiewit Foundation
Edgar Barragan, UNO dean’s; UNL achievement; Ritonya-Buscher-Poehling college; Heartland Latino Jorge Barrera, Metro Community College governors William Bartolo, Bright Start Adrianna Beck, Central Community College basketball; Bright Start Jacob Bruckner, UNK dean’s Thomas Burke, Bancroft PTO; MCC traveler’s Jose Cabrera, Omaha Schools Foundation Jerry Ball Alondra Calderon, Bright Start Brandon Calderon-Morales, Omaha Schools Foundation construction academy Diego Castellanos, Ritonya-BuscherPoehling George Buglewicz; OEA Foundation Hollie Bethel Stephanie Castellanos, Bright Start Magdalena Cazarez, UNL Davis; Horatio Alger Ak-Sar-Ben; Bright Start Julissa Chaidez, Metro Community College governors Rebeca Chaidez, Bright Start Lane Chapman, Franklin Dinges Jennifer Cifuentes, UNK Peter Kiewit Foundation educators opportunity; OEA Foundation Sally Fellows memorial Keonda Cook, Metro Area Transit; Concerned and Caring Educators; Urban League of Nebraska Mauricio Davila, Highland PTO; OEA Foundation Jean Christiansen memorial, Warren & Evelyn Hotz memorial Day Day, Bright Start Hay Dee, Metro Community College governors Joel Diaz, Hispanic leadership Catarina Diego, Franklin PTP Edgar Dominguez, Bright Start Shayn Dow, RHanna/RMiles Brandon Erives, UNK chancellor’s Ana Esparza Monreal, Carol Mandl Petsche; Metro Community College governors Evert Farias-Gonzalez, Bright Start Sarah Farnsworth, Bright Start Vanessa Flores-Bustamante, Bright Start Elba Flores-Castro, Bright Start Ti’Airea Foster, Bright Start Felipe Gallegos, Bright Start Martin Gamez, Bright Start Jesus Garcia, Bright Start Julio Garcia, Bright Start Vanessa Garcia-Cruz, Bright Start Luis Garrido, Bright Start Rasheil Ghaboush, Bright Start Dakota Ghegan, Hastings Pro Rege, McClelland music; US Bank; OEA Foundation Hollie Bethel; Bright Start Robert Gilbert, Peru State trustees; Bright Start Frank Gomez, Latino Peace Officer; Bright Start Marissa Gomez, Peru State cooperating schools, campus citizen Noe Gomez, Bright Start Blanca Gonzalez, Bright Start Jaime Gonzalez, Ritonya-Buscher-Poehling vocational Yajaira Gonzalez, Metro Community College governors Rosio Granados, Creighton achievement; D.J.’s Hero Xandria Gregory, Columbia College-Chicago achievement; UNO dean’s; Bernadine Benak memorial Brandon Grimm, US Bank technical Andrea Guzman, UNK multicultural community service Kalynn Hamlin, Horatio Alger Ak-Sar-Ben Taiksha Henderson, Bright Start Sharon Hernandez, Omaha Schools Foundation Wanda M. Clarke; MCC Traveler’s Michelle Hernandez, Bright Start Maria Hernandez Galeana, Peru State cooperating schools; Bright Start; Metro Community College governors; Hispanic Heritage Month essay; Jan M. Gilbert; Bright Start Myisha Hill, Bright Start Paw B Htoo, Omaha Schools Foundation Donald and Mildred Topp Othmer; OEA Foundation Warren & Evelyn Hotz memorial Jose Huerta, Bright Start Alejandra Iniguez Gomez, Metro Community College governors; Bright Start Anita Jaimes, Latino Peace Officer Eva Kammerer, Omaha Schools Foundation magnet schools; US Bank Joslyn Kirkpatrick, Bright Start Yesenia Lagunas, Bright Start Bernardo Leon, Bright Start Erica Lopez, Metro Community College governors Heidy Lopez, Bright Start Juan Lopez-Padilla, Bright Start Mario Luevanos Cabral, Bright Start Robert Mack, Wesleyan academic, Bennett music, Vaughan; Doane Ed Pallett IMPACT vocal music; Hastings Pro Rege, McClelland music; Omaha Schools Foundation Victory Ptak Sedlacek memorial Lee Mar, Metro Community College governors Marilynn Martinez, College of St. Mary achievement; American GI Forum music and performing arts Jesus Martinez DeLa Cruz, Bright Start Alejandra Mayorga, UNL achievement, Kinman Oldfield, Legends Ree Meh, Metro Community College governors Daniel Montelongo, Bright Start Hilda Morales, UNL achievement Leonardo Morales, Bright Start Michelle Navarro, Ashland Park/Robbins PTA; Grassroots leadership development; South Omaha community; Metro Community College governors; Peru State cooperating schools David Nevarez, Horatio Alger Ak-Sar-Ben; Creighton founders; Runza Student of the Week Jesus Ortiz, Bright Start Jaquelin Ortiz Sarabia, Kansas State honors; Iowa State; Omaha Schools Foundation JROTC Erick Ozuna, Bright Start Jose Partida, Bright Start Francisco Pascual, Jan M. Gilbert Francisco Payan, Bright Start Evelyn Perez, Wesleyan achievement
Sandra Perez, Bright Start Tyra Pierce, Omaha Schools Foundation Carl and Antoynette Nielsen; OEA Foundation Raleigh & Esther Pilster Ka Plue, Bright Start Nydia Puentes-Carranza, Bright Start Feysel Rahmeto, Omaha Schools Foundation Emma Rosicky; Bright Start Oliver Ramirez-Gutierrez, UNO dean’s; UNL Health Sciences; Marrs Middle School; Horatio Alger Ak-Sar-Ben; Grassroots leadership development; Creighton achievement; Loyola-Chicago achievement Salomon Ramirez Lucas, OEA Foundation Warren & Evelyn Hotz memorial; Iowa State competitive excellence Dulce Rangel, Assistance League teen parent Sagrario Rangel, Marrs Middle School Creighton diversity, founder; Rockhurst; Latino distinction; UNL resident life; HLLC; Dr. Andrade; Omaha Schools Foundation Superintendent’s Super 13; OEA Foundation Jonathan Renteria, Hastings College Crimson; Creighton founders; Midland directors; UNO chancellor’s; UNL achievement; Morningside dean’s; Doane trustees; Bowling Green State scholars, success; Kansas excellence; Iowa State competitive excellence Anthony Reyes, Bright Start Jacob Robledo, Bright Start Priscilla Rodriguez, Omaha Schools Foundation Donald and Mildred Topp Othmer Rodolfo Rodriguez, Bright Start Yesenia Rodriguez, Heartland Latino; Creighton achievement; College of St. Mary Daisy Sanchez, Bellevue South Omaha outreach Rodrigo Sanchez, UNL achievement Nicole Shockley, Wesleyan academic, achievement; OEA Foundation Roland Hinrichs performing arts Klow Shwe, Metro Community College governors Efrain Silva, Bright Start Martell Smith, Bright Start Timothy Smock, UNL achievement, Legends; Omaha Schools Foundation CSI Cynthia Soto, Bright Start Abril Tapia , Metro Community College governors Alexis Tapia Vargas, Omaha Schools Foundation Ione C. Paxton Berenice Tavizon, Omaha Schools Foundation Dr. Herbert Singer; Highland PTO; Creighton diversity, founder; Grassroots leadership development; Heartland Latino; College of St. Mary; Runza Student of the Week Javohn Templeman, Bright Start Katherine Thompson, UNO Boclt festival, Maverick marching band, Symphonic Wind Ensemble-fine arts; Omaha Schools Foundation Superintendent’s future educator, magnet schools; American GI Forum music education and performance Raina Thompson, UNL achievement, Legends Nyaliep Tip, Bright Start Zaida Torres-Arredondo, UNO dean’s; UNL achievement Juan Trejo Hernandez, Bright Start Isis Uribe, Wesleyan academic, achievement; MCC Traveler’s Miriam Valencia, Bright Start Dallas Vander Laan, Grassroots leadership development Alexis Tapia Vargas, South High bowling Sandra Vargas-Salinas, Omaha Schools Foundation Harry A. Burke Angel Vazquez, US Bank technical Yasmin Vega, UNL Health Sciences Marquez Wells, Bright Start Jhone White-Lucas, Concerned and Caring Educators; Urban League of Nebraska; Dr. Alfred E. Smith Julie Wilcox, Adah Chapter 52 Order of Eastern Star; Hastings McClelland music, ambassador; Morton PTO; American GI Forum Joseph Toledo memorial; RitonyaBuscher-Poehling Carol Van Metre softball; OEA Foundation Cis Wilcox Stephannie Zambrano, Gilder; Metro Community College governors Humberto Zendejas, Bright Start
Omaha Westside Grant Glazer Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 2nd out of 469 College plans: Stanford; earth systems Parents: Jennifer and John Glazer About: “Grant has the ability to change the dynamic of an entire classroom just through his presence; when he is gone, there is a definite void in the room. He lives the teachings of motivational speaker Zig Ziglar; he truly has a positive life attitude.”
Sonia Schrager Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Yearbook editor two years College plans: Undecided Parents: Jeffrey and Lisa Schrager About: “Due to her incredible work ethic and leadership skills, Sonia was the first-ever junior selected to be a co-editor in chief. For two years she has been a model of organization,
leadership and dedication.” Scholarships offered at Omaha Westside: Jacob Abboud, UNO chancellor’s Jehong Ahn, UNL regents; Rochester Youth Orchestra; Willsie Co. Lauren M. Akers, UNL College of Business Administration, David, Nebraska Legends; Indiana prestige; Truman State combined ability, non-resident, president’s honorary, president’s leadership Elena Anderson-Smith, UNL Canfield Shelby Anderson, Northwest Missouri State excellence, Bearcat, midwest student exchange Grace Arant, UNO dean’s Natasha Arritt, UNL Canfield, CASNR; Glen L. Spaulding Benjamin Ashby, UNL honors, regents; Georgia Institute of Technology president’s; Rockbrook United Methodist Wade and Alice Knapp Matthew D. Bacon, Wayne State presidential; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange Hannah Battafarano, Wesleyan achievement, university; UNL Canfield; Hendrix College academic, distinction; Knox College Ellen Browning Scripps, founders, writers Hannah M. Beber, Wesleyan university; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Erin R. Beerman, UNL Canfield, Nebraska Legends; St. Louis deans’; Truman State combined ability, non-resident, president’s leadership; Alpha Delta Kappa, Westside Kiwanis Club Jack C. Jackson Quentin Bishop, Chadron State achievement; Wesleyan university; Seton Hall; Truman State midwest student exchange David P. Bone, North Texas excellence Marissa R. Boyer, Wesleyan; Coe presidential; Hofstra presidential; Le Moyne dean; Manhattan presidential; Nazareth presidential Sara E. Braun, UNO chancellor’s; Drexel scholar; Iowa State competitive excellence; Texas Christian faculty Marissa N. Carson, UNO chancellor’s Kevin Chesire, UNO dean’s Paige N. Clemons, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower James P. Coyle, Creighton founders; Marquette Magis; St. Louis Ignatian Claire M. Cunningham, UNL Canfield, global engagement, Nebraska Legends; UNO regents; Rockbrook United Methodist Wade and Alice Knapp Rachel L. Cunningham, Wesleyan; UNL Hixson-Lied; UNO regents; Kansas City Art Institute merit; Rockbrook United Methodist Wade and Alice Knapp Cory J. Curfman, Hastings pro rege, athletic; Warrior Football Club leadership Alyssa Curran, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange Ann Demaranville, Metro Community College governors; Underwood Hills Community Club Jack S. Dickerson, Hastings pro rege, athletic Emily F. Dickson, UNL CASNR, regents; Paddock Road Community Club Grant R. Duin, Wayne State presidential Kate E. Durst, UNL David; St. Louis deans’; Tulane founders; Kansas excellence; Stephen Nelson Zacchary R. Ebert, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Justina L. Eckersley, Wesleyan Amy E. Elliot-Meisel, Lois Lucas Zachary D. Farho, UNL CASNR; UNO dean’s Laura L. Faucher, UNK cooperating schools; Underwood Hills Community Club Zane Fletcher, UNO regents; New York at Binghamton excellence Hannah Frankel, Creighton founders; UNL regents; UNO regents; Loyola-Chicago Damen Ellen M. Frederickson, UNO regents Adam B. Froendt, UNL honors, regents; Westside Community Schools Nick Arauza leadership Marissa A. Gigantelli, UNL David, College of Engineering dean’s; UNO regents; Iowa State competitive excellence, College of Engineering, mechanical engineering; St. Louis deans’; Tulane founders; Colorado chancellor’s; Minnesota College of Science and Engineering; Missouri Mark Twain Grant Glazer, UNL honors; Iowa State competitive excellence; Minnesota Bentson family, Cyrus Northrop, Gold National; Tulsa Vision; Washington-St. Louis Eliot; Unlocking Answers; World-Herald outstanding student Sophia R. Goldberg, Bennington College Brockway faculty Samantha L. Gonzalez, Niels C. Wodder Noah G. Gould, UNL honors, regents; Colorado State honors, presidential; Miami Gables, president’s Parker J. Grogan, UNL Canfield; Colorado State provost’s; Arizona excellence; Northern Colorado Finley freshman, national undergraduate Austin J. Guenther, Rockbrook Elementary; Wheeland family Joe Hack, North Carolina-Chapel Hill Morehead-Cain; National Merit; Sokoloff; B’nai B’rith Reid K. Hammitt, UNL honors, regents; Iowa National Scholars; Kansas excellence, Minnesota Maroon Sierra C. Hansen, UNL honors, regents; Loyola-Chicago Damen; Tulane presidential; National Voice of Democracy-Department of New Hampshire Dan & Jean Loud memorial Carolyn E. Hanus, College of St. Mary athletic; UNL Canfield, global engagement, Nebraska Legends; UNO chancellor’s; Briar Cliff achievement; Dordt College presidential; North Park Nyvall; Sioux Falls president’s; Red Cross; Runza/KETV High School Student of the Week; Stephen Nelson Zachary W. Hendrickson, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Morgan L. Herrera, Grace multicultural Eli J. Hershiser, UNL Canfield; UNO dean’s, Earl jazz, jazz spirit, marching band, music; New School for Jazz and Contemporary
See Page 25
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Continued from Page 24
Music dean’s Erin N. Hodges, College of St. Mary academic; Creighton founders, Ignatius; UNO chancellor’s; Drexel scholar; Loyola-Chicago Damen; New York University School of Continuing and Professional Studies; Texas Christian founders; Denver scholar; American National Bank; Kenyatta Bush memorial Jillian E. Hoppe, Wesleyan Grace L. Hoyme, Mississippi excellence, alumni (two) Molly R. Hughes, UNL regents; Minnesota Gold National Quintin M. Jaeger, Iowa State competitive excellence, College of Engineering; Iowa National Scholars; Tulsa academic Amelia L. Jensen, Chadron State achievement; Adams State Experience Colorado; Augsburg College Early Auggies, regents; Hamline honors, science, writing; Montana leadership, achievement and service Laura Jenson, Creighton; Colorado State recognition; Luther College dean’s; Regis achievement Harrison L. Jordan, Warrior Football Club leadership Kayln M. Kaslon, Iowa State competitive excellence, College of Engineering; Wyoming Rocky Mountain scholars; Westside Alumni spirit of service Jordan Kellogg, Vicki and John Hallett Karl R. Khandalavala, UNL achievement Leanna Klimisch, UNL Canfield Kathryn L. Kmezich, Alpha Delta Kappa Jacob M. Koester, Benedictine academic, athletic; Tom Hall Ariel T. Kohll, Bob Allen special education Henry H. Kutilek, UNL Canfield, College of Engineering dean’s, Nebraska Legends Catherine Kyle, UNK dean’s; UNL achievement; Ann (Godwin) Jessen Allison M. Ladd, Missouri Western deans, academic, neighboring states Emily Laing, UNL regents; Augustana cultural diversity, early filers, music, presidential, travel; Coe distinction, trustee, Williston Jones book honorarium; Concordia excellence, presidential, regents’; Grinnell trustee; St. Olaf presidential; Rockbrook United Methodist Wade and Alice Knapp Guillaume P. Leclou, UNO regents; EmbryRiddle; Florida Institute of Technology merit; Iowa State competitive excellence; Air Force ROTC Amber L. Leonard, UNO Elmer C. Rhoden Gabriel Levin, UNL David; UNO regents Kelly M. Lewis, Wesleyan; Bethany Leigh E. Lindquist, UNL Canfield; Indiana prestige; Kansas excellence; Southern Methodist cornerstone scholar; Texas Christian faculty Veronika E. Lovas, Wesleyan Grace Love, Creighton founders; UNL Canfield, Nebraska Legends; Kansas State honors; Rockhurst deans, Ignatius, regents; St. Louis deans’, enhanced merit Cailyn B. Ludwig, UNL Canfield; UNO chancellor’s; Purdue presidential; Aerospace Education Foundation of the Air Force Association, Ak-Sar-Ben Chapter; Nebraskans for Peace; Oakdale Elementary School; Unlocking Answers; Westside Alumni spirit of service; Westside Kiwanis Club Jack C. Jackson Hana Maaiah, Kelley; Willsie Co. Lyndsay Macdonald, David Charles Arenz memorial; Deb Mazgaj; First Presbyterian Christian education Brigit Mahoney, UNL Canfield, Living and Learning; Missouri Mark Twain, Robert A. “Red” Graham alumni; Omaha Police Federal Credit Union Kristin K. Manley, John Young Paddock Road Shay L. Maulsby, New York at Albany achievement Riley J. McQueen, UNL Top Scholar, regents; Iowa State competitive excellence, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences pre-medicine, Return to Iowa-Generations; Kansas State honors; Texas Christian deans; Kansas excellence Andrew Kenneth McVea, UNL Living and Learning; Chicago university, National Merit; Washington-Seattle Purple, Gold Andrea I. Meisenheimer, UNL Canfield Michael Mellen, Arizona excellence; Masterson scholar athlete Jordan T. Meradith, UNL David, Nebraska Legends; UNO regents, Savannah College of Art and Design honors; Kansas excellence; Kentucky provost; Ben Silverstein Karly A. Meyer, UNL David Robert Micheels, Wesleyan achievement, university; Wentworth Military Academy and College academic Mackenzie Mikkelsen, UNL College of Engineering dean’s, honors, Raikes; UNO regents, Scott; Purdue alumni, Purdue Club of Omaha, general, trustees; Minnesota Cyrus Northrop, Gold National, Gold Scholar, presidential; USC presidential; Robert F. Hartmann; Ida C. Koran. Abdullahi Y. Mohamud, UNL achievement Joshua L. Montanye, Grace award, first choice, music; Midland arts Sarah Moore, UNL David, Living and Learning, regents; Loyola-Marymount Arrupe Joshua Musser, Underwood Hills Community Club Leemah Nasrati, UNL regents; Illinois Wesleyan alumni Natalee G. Nelson, Wesleyan achievement Jake T. Newcomb, UNL Education and Human Sciences Erica North, UNL honors, regents Margaret A. Novoa, Creighton presidential; UNL Education and Human Sciences, honors, regents; UNO regents; Bradley neighbor state, presidential; St. Louis presidential, vice presidential; Tulsa Vision; Audrey Warming; Excel Physical Therapy; Masterson scholar athlete Emily Nygren, UNL Canfield Matthew D. O’Dell, UNL honors, regents; Stephen Nelson Carson M. Ohm, Wesleyan achievement, university Alycia M. Olson, Augustana founder’s Kiana Owens, Gary Ohm Westgate Elementary School Lila K. Padios, UNL Canfield; UNO regents; Benedictine; St. Louis deans’; Iowa National Scholars, Old Gold; Kansas excellence Monica Page, Rockhurst achievement, Ignatius Madeline F. Person, UNL honors, regents; Denver chancellor Madison C. Pflug, UNL Canfield, Nebraska Legends; WTV alumni Noah A. Placzek, UNL Canfield Nicholas Povey, Theresa “Rose” Derr Ellen J. Pribus, UNL Living and Learning, regents; Colorado State presidential; LoyolaChicago Damen Jiahao Qi, UNL Canfield; UNO dean’s Capris Quaites, Drake presidential; Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance Martin Luther King Jr. Gina C. Raneri, H. Vaughn Phelps Jamie Reed, Wesleyan Russell S. Riley, Hastings music Catherine Rock, UNL Canfield; UNO regents Zachary A. Roland, UNO marching band, music Claire R. Salem, UNL Canfield, Nebraska Legends; Loyola-Chicago Loyola; OEA Foundation presidents’; Rockbrook United Methodist Wade and Alice Knapp Emily M. Scribner, UNO dean’s Casey A. Seline, Creighton Ignatius, Magis; Villanova Emika A. Severson, UNL global engagement, honors, regents; Miami president’s Ella P. Sherman, Hastings crimson, president; UNO regents Kailey L. Siebert, UNK regents Anna Skold, Boston College athletic Christina M. Smith, Wesleyan Ryan Smith, Alfred University Jonathan Allen leadership Samantha Steed, UNL David, Nebraska Legends; UNO regents, Soka University of America merit, opportunity Elizabeth A. Stevenson, UNL honors, regents; Baylor president’s Gold; St. Louis vice presidential; Texas Christian deans; Trinity University Murchison; Denver chancellor; Kansas excellence; Methodist Hospital volunteen senior Natasha L. Stickel, Underwood Hills Community Club Noah R. Sullinger, Chadron State achievement; UNO chancellor’s; Kansas excellence; Nebraska USBC Association; GOA USBC Youth Division Morgan L. Teuscher, Minnesota StateMankato athletic Evan W. Thibault, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Heath N. Thomas, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange
S u n day, M ay 1 2 , 2 0 1 3
SCHOLARS Craig S. Timmons, Wesleyan Anne E. Torson, Creighton academic, Labaj; Wesleyan; Rockhurst achievement, performing arts in theater; Kansas achievement Megan T. Ulrich, UNL Canfield, Nebraska Legends; Kansas excellence; Westside Kiwanis Club Jack C. Jackson Katie Wallace, Wesleyan Audrey Wardian, Wesleyan; UNO chancellor’s Sydney A. Wieseler, UNL College of Journalism and Mass Communications, Esther & Ed Hirsch; Kansas excellence; Missouri Mark Twain Mathew F. Wiesman, Chadron State achievement; UNL Living and Learning, regents; Minnesota Katelyn M. Williams, UNL Canfield, honors, Nebraska Legends; UNO chancellor’s Louis A. Wilson, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower Elizabeth A. Woltemath, UNO chancellor’s Dawn F. Worthington, UNL Living and Learning
Papillion-La Vista Keegan Kush Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 4th out of 360 College plans: United States Naval Academy; mechnical engineering Parents: Kevin and Lynn Kush About: “He ranks at the top of the class after taking our most rigorous courses, as well as participating in three sports and serving in leadership roles in other activities. His two appointments to service academies confirm his role as an outstanding student and leader.”
Kasey Trouba Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Newspaper editor in chief College plans: Loyola (Chicago); theater Parents: Denny and Joni Trouba About: “Kasey led with a quiet intensity. She spent countless hours working on the paper, and her staff followed suit. They just did not want to disappoint Kasey.” Scholarships offered at Papillion-La Vista: Francisco Armendariz, La Vista footballRandy Cahill Nicholas Bartels, Colorado School of Mines merit; Iowa State competitive excellence, College of Engineering; UNL David, Legends Brent Bean, Midland Arts; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, cultural enrichment, merit, midwest student exchange, Tower; Missouri Western State neighboring states, governors Caleb Beaver, Buena Vista Arch, founders; Spring Hill College Gautrelet Jared Benak, Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #3 Geoffrey Birkemeier, Missouri Science and Technology Miner alumni, trustees excellence, trustees out-of-state; Kansas deans, excellence; UNL Canfield; UNO chancellors Damian Blankman, Ferris State Great Lakes Noel Blann, Papillion-La Vista High School bowling 2012 North Bend JV Invite, Bellevue Invitational, GOA USBC Youth Championship Tournament, GOA Youth Championship Tournament, Greater Omaha Junior Bowling Association, Kelley’s Pro Shop, Millard Invitational, Youth Championship Tournament Jessica Borer, Hastings Ringland; Midland directors; Morningside founder; Peru State campus citizen Trevor Borer, UNO regents Alfred Bracciano, Creighton founders; Loyola Damen; Regis trustees; Rockhurst chancellors Alyssa Brown, Wesleyan achievement, university; Peru State campus citizen Jacob Byrne, Tara Heights PTO Karolyn Cahill, Doane athletic, trustee; Bellevue Offutt Kiwanis Club, La Vista Lancer soccer, La Vista youth baseball, Parkview Heights PTO; Papillion-La Vista Foundation Papillion-La Vista High School Class of 1980; Sullivan ProStart Camille Cantu, College of St. Mary achievement; Wesleyan university Nicholas Cardona, Briar Cliff; Kansas State honors; UNL Canfield Nicole Carlson, Clarkson College presidents Platinum; Papillion Chapter Order of the Eastern Star; Washburn Meredith Carriere, Wayne State cooperating schools Mark Casper, Colorado School of Mines merit; Missouri Science and Technology excellence, out-of-state, Miner alumni; Papillion-La Vista High School Student Council; Houston excellence; UNL chancellors, College of Engineering; Tulsa dean, academic, Vision Michael Casper, DECA Bob Foehlinger Living a Legacy memorial; Milwaukee School of Engineering; UNL honors, Raikes, regents; UNO regents Edward (Marty) Choyeske, Midland baseball Ashley Clark, Manhattan Christian tuition Jessica Cox, Creighton Magis; Rockhurst Dowling, trustees; UNL regents Dalton Craft, UNL Canfield, CASNR; UNO deans Jacob Crnkovich, La Vista Lancer soccer Samantha Cunningham, La Vista Lancer soccer Nathaniel Dobesh, G. Stanley Hall PTO; Papillion-La Vista Foundation Jolene Bethel memorial Brett Dougherty, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, basketball, midwest student exchange Tower Dylan Eckel, Chadron full-tuition; Iowa State competitive excellence; Kansas State midwest student exchange; Henry Doorly Zoo; Papillion-La Vista Foundation PRO; UNL College of Architecture David & Terrie Irvin Student Cherek Elsasser, Parkview Heights PTO; Wayne State cooperating schools Jasmine Emerick, De Paul deans; PapillionLa Vista Foundation Kathy Kollars memorial; UNL Living and Learning Emily Erikson, Johns Hopkins APL tuition; Nebraska Methodist achievement, Horizon; Rockhurst achievement Ryan Evers, DECA Bob Foehlinger Living A Legacy memorial; Bank of Nebraska; Papillion-La Vista Foundation Michael Logan memorial; Papillion-La Vista High School Bowling Titans Invitational, 30 Bowl HS & JV Invitational; Prudential Spirit of Community president’s volunteer service Nicholas Falewitch, Chicago College of Performing Arts Fine Arts in Musical Theatre Voice; Florida Southern Walker; Roosevelt music; UNL School of Music Fraser Farmer, North Park- Chicago presidential; Papillion-La Vista High School Band; Missouri-Kansas City music; UNO deans, music; Oregon Summit Shantell Ferris, Horatio Alger Georgia; Papillion Area Lions Club, La Visa Junior High alumni, Papillion-La Vista School Principals & Supervisors, PLEA; Papillion-La Vista Foundation Harlan Cook memorial; Virginia & Tom Pierce memorial Jacqueline Florick, William & Mary Monroe; Creighton Ignatius of Loyola, Magis; Papillion Area Lions Club; Simpson Cowles fellowship Katrina Flynn, Missouri-Kansas City achievement, non-resident; UNL Living and Learning Megan Frans-Griess, College of St. Mary achievement Elliott French, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology merit Jose Fuentes, Wesleyan university Jeanne Gall, Iowa Western Lloyd Inc. Veterinary Technology Foundations Nyakia Gardner, Benedictine; Creighton university; Kansas State Denison; Papillion-
La Vista Foundation Former Superintendent Roger Miller; Sioux Falls achievement Jared Gaston, UNL regents; UNO regents Matthew Gay, Creighton university; SAC Federal Credit Union Adam Gilbertsen, Arizona Christian golf Nicholas Ginger, Nebraska Christian deans Dakota Grimm, Embry Riddle Aeronautical deans; Kansas achievement Lucas Hartford, Wesleyan university; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange Alexandria Hilliard, Papillion-La Vista Foundation Kids Club; Missouri-Kansas City non-resident Alexander Hoagland, Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo Madalyn Hoaglund, Nebraska Methodist tuition Hoang-Yen Hoang, Metro Community College governors; UNO regents Gabriel Hoins, Wesleyan university; Peru State campus citizen, cooperating schools Margaret Howe, Colorado State provosts; UNK chancellors; Utah State housing and dining services Katelyn Huckle, Metro Community College governors Samuel Huckle, UNK deans; UNO chancellors Connor Hulke, Harry Bossard American Legion Auxiliary Unit 32 Lindsey Hylen, Bowling Green State performance, BG Success Nichole Iversen, La Vista West PTO; Peru State trustees Ariel Jacobs, Kansas achievement; Wichita State academic, housing Alexa Johnson, Larmar academic, volleyball; La Vista Lancer soccer Brett Jones, Kansas City-Kansas Community College baseball Abigail Kelly, Creighton founders; Offutt Officers’ Spouses’ Club; Papillion-La Vista SCOOP; Syracuse founders; UNL Canfield, Living and Learning Naomi Kendall, Metro Community College governors Jason Kim, Drexel; Loyola-Maryland Claver; Loyola-Marymont achievement; Rensselaer leadership; Trinity Murchison; Virginia Polytechnic Institute Pamplin College of Business merit, Virgina Tech Raven Knight, College of St. Mary achievement; Northern Colorado national undergraduate Mikenzie Krysl, Metro Community College governors Regan Kulper, La Vista Lancer soccer Keegan Kush, Iowa State competitive excellence; World-Herald outstanding student; U.S. Air Force academy Appointment; U.S. Coast Guard academy Appointment; U.S. Military-West Point academy Appointment; U.S. Naval academy Appointment, ROTC; UNL College of Engineering deans, honors program, regents; UNO regents Zachery Lau, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit Cody Lee, Iowa State competitive excellence; Kansas State memorial; La Vista Lancer soccer Courtney Leeper, Northwest Missouri State alumni, Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower; La Vista Junior High alumni Alison Legett, Kansas State College of Agriculture, midwest student exchange; UNO regents Claire London, Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 3; Papillion-La Vista Foundation Arthur C. & Marie D. Grube Family Samuel Long, Midland soccer; La Vista Lancer soccer Joseph Ludemann, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit Karrie Lyles, UNO deans, Marching Band, music Amanda Madsen, Henry Doorly Zoo 2010, 2012 Nathan Maloley, Concordia; Hastings academic, basketball; Midland Cody Marsh, Creighton founders; Horatio Alger Georgia; UNL achievement; UNO regents Daniel Joseph Masek, Colorado State recognition; Doane community; Rockhurst community Gregory Matter, Hastings Pro Rege; Wesleyan academic, university Connor McLaughlin, La Vista youth baseball; Rockbrook United Methodist Wade & Alice Knapp; UNL regents; South Dakota Coyote leadership Matthew Melcher, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit Trevor Miller, Iowa State competitive excellence, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences; Kansas midwest student exchange; UNO chancellors Austen Moon, TeamMates; Papillion-La Vista Foundation Andrew Scott Zaraya memorial Nicole Moore, College of St. Mary achievement Alexandria Nelson, Wayne State athletic Linda Nguyen, College of St. Mary achievement Thuyduong Nguyen, Wesleyan university Elliott Nohr, La Vista Lancer soccer; UNK regents; UNL regents; UNO regents Hannah Noker, Papillion Masonic Lodge 39; Missouri Mark Twain non-resident; South Dakota Coyote leadership Kelsy O’Halloran, Benedictine; Kansas distinction; UNL Living & Learning; UNO dean’s, honors program Shannon O’Rourke, Marine Federal Credit Union; South Florida Green & Gold directors Alyx Olney, Hastings provost; Iowa State competitive excellence; Papillion-La Vista High School Band; Truman State combined ability, presidents, non-resident tuition; UNO regents Mary Overfelt, Papillion Area Lions Club; Rockhurst deans; Central Arkansas Andrew Pankow, Metro Community College governors Ashley Patras, Hastings Ringland Tori Pleiss, Doane Van Hoy; Iowa Wesleyan college; Nebraska Wesleyan univeristy; La Vista Lancer Soccer; Papillion-La Vista Foundation Shirley Minton memorial Samuel Plumb, Chadron State full-tuition; Wesleyan achievement, Bennett, university, talent; Papillion-La Vista High School Band; Southern Utah founders; Michigan School of Music Theatre & Dance merit, academic; UNL School of Music Matthew Popelka, Kansas State honors; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange; UNL Canfield, Legends; UNO chancellors Emily Pratt, Northwest Missouri State alumni Kody Rawson, Drury trustees; Missouri State provost, midwest student exchange; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange; Pinnacle Bank; UNL Canfield; UNO deans Newman Retzlaff, Metro Community College governors Alyssa Reyna, Air Force Aid Society Youth Center at Offutt Air Force Base Trevor Richt, Oklahoma Christian Bible, Boswell preaching, presidential; La Vista Lancer soccer; York competitive speech Paige Ritter, Eckerd College presidential; Florida Southern Hilburn; Regis trustees Matthew Rock, UNO regents Maria Rojas Florez, College of St. Mary achievement David Rosser III, Chadron State Lauren Roth, La Vista Junior High PTN; UNO chancellors Matthew Safranek, Harold Lusero memorial baseball Kylie Schleu, G. Stanley Hall PTO Matthew Schuette, Iowa State competitive excellence; UNL Canfield; UNO chancellors Michael Sempek, UNL honors, regents; UNO regents Alexis Sharkey, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit Bryce Sheard, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished, midwest student exchange Sydney Sheldrick, UNO deans; South Dakota Coyote leadership Emma Sinnett, Coe distinction, presidential; Creighton founders; UNK chancellors Addison Smith, Bellevue academic, volleyball Nicole Soto, La Vista Lancer soccer, La Visa Junior High alumni Amanda Stanek, UNL Canfield; Missouri Kansas City non-resident; Wayne State Education Matters Nathaniel Steinbach, UNK chancellors; UNL Canfield, Living and Learning; UNO regents, marching band; South Dakota Coyote, School of Law honor Thomas Stoller, Ozark Christian trustees Matthew Stolzenburg, La Vista Lancer soccer Sydne Strom, Nucor Corp. education Philip Sweet, Creighton Ignatius of Loyola,
Magis; Hastings ambassador; Papillion-La Vista High School Student Council; Omaha Rotary Club Outstanding Student; U.S. Air Force academy appointment; U.S. Army ROTC; UNL Canfield Mark Tentinger, Iowa State competitive excellence; Papillion-La Vista High School Band, Portal PTO; Rensselaer Polytechnical Institute Rensselaer Medal; Texas Christian chancellors; Minnesota National; UNL regents, Top Scholar; Texas engineering Harley Thernka, South Dakota Coyote promise Jordan Thompson, South Dakota Coyote promise Dylan Tomanek, La Vista football-Randy Cahill Christina Tran, American Red Cross; Best Buy; Horatio Alger National; QuestBridge College Match-Stanford Kasey Trouba, Gustavus Adolphus deans; International Thespian Society Thespian; Loyola-Chicago Damen; Wesleyan achievement, university Ryan Trouba, UNL Canfield Morgan Varble, Metro Community College Nebraska ProStart Taryn Uhe, Wesleyan university Robyn Varney, Bowling Green State success, university Alex Varon, Missouri Kansas City nonresident; UNL Canfield Nathaniel Vaughan, Arizona State New American, presidents; Iowa State competitive excellence, College of Liberal Arts; Ohio State provost; Texas Christian faculty; Arizona excellence; UNL Canfield; South Carolina McKissick Claire Weber, Wesleyan university; North Park Chicago School of Music, North Park Nyvall, presidential Music; Northwest Missouri State excellence, Bearcat, midwest student exchange; Papillion-La Vista High School Band, Papillion-La Vista SCOOP; Minnesota Agnes T. Nelson; Missouri Kansas City music education; UNL Canfield, School of Music; UNO deans, Symphonic Wind Ensemble, marching band, music Landen Weisbeck, UNO deans Alexander Wells, Concordia regents; Doane trustees, soccer, Van Hoy; Hastings ambassador; Morningside deans Tara Woessner, Portal PTO; Papillion-La Vista Foundation PRO; Winona State alumni, resident tuition Daniel Woodworth, American Red Cross; Creighton Magis; Hickory Hill Susan Walker, Papillion-La Vista High School Band, Papillion-La Vista High School Student Council; UNL honors, regents; UNO regents, Peter Kiewit Institute Tyler Wrice, North Dakota State athletic, textbook Jocelynn Wright, Tara Heights PTO Lovelyn Wright, Metro Community College governors Ian Wymer, Johnson Christian ministry, Preaching & Learning Richard Yule, UNO regents
Papillion-La Vista South Zachary Trail Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 6th out of 376 College plans: University of Chicago; neurobiology Parents: Randy and Melissa Trail About: “Every once in a while a student comes along that a teacher knows he/she will never forget, and Zach is one of those students. He has shown exceptional leadership skills, dedication to academics, kindness to
others and an overall excellence in all that he does.”
Clarissa Weers Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Newspaper editor in chief College plans: Kansas State; journalism and mass communications Parents: John and Lisa Weers About: “Clarissa is a taskmaster and a creative problem-solver. Clarissa took a leading role in the redesign and reimagining of our newspaper. She also produced, directed and edited a popular pep rally video that included students from all corners of the school re-enacting the YouTube sensation ‘Gangnam Style.’” Scholarships offered at Papillion-La Vista South: Aaron Anderson, South Dakota Coyote Promise Maggie Anderson, UNO regents Tyler Apgar, Briar Cliff academic, St. Francis, baseball; Doane Van Hoy; Midland Anderson leader; Peru State campus citizen; Nebraska U.S. Bowling Congress; Greater Omaha Bowling Association high school senior; Titan Defenders William Bakke, UNO chancellor’s; Arizona excellence; Colorado-Boulder chancellor’s; Denver dean, residence hall; High School Club Hockey Education Foundation; Papillion-La Vista Schools Foundation Dr. Leon Dappen memorial Melanie Baumhofer, Papillion-La Vista Schools Foundation Jolene Bethel memorial Austin Becker, UNO regents, chancellor’s; Wesleyan univeristy; Briar Cliff academic; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rensselaer Medal; William Jewell academic; Missouri Mark Twain non-resident Cody Belding, Central Community College COMPASS Advantage; NMC Sponsorship Arissa Benham, Wesleyan university Matthew Bennett, Harry Bossard American Legion Auxiliary Unit 32; Creighton founders, Ignatius of Loyola; Doane Van Hoy, golf; Wesleyan university, achievement; UNK deans; Trail’s End; Papillion-La Vista Schools Foundation Denker Family Kimberly Bierbaum, Doane community Tanner Bies, Bank of Nebraska; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, Tower, midwest student exchange; UNO College of Business Administration-Natan and Hannah Schwalb; Iowa State recognition; Iowa National Scholars Jacob Bittner, UNO chancellor’s; UNL Canfield, Living and Learning Austin Blankman, Peru State cooperating schools Kaitlyn Bober, Creighton founders, Ignatius of Loyola; Wesleyan university; Alegent Health Midlands Hospital medical staff; Alegent Creighton Health; Harry Bossard American Legion Auxiliary Unit 32 Jacob Bousquet, Metro Community College governors Brenna Boyd, Iowa State competitive excellence; Wesleyan university; UNL regents; UNO regents, Walter Scott Jr.; Bellevue/ Papillion Music Teachers’ Association Annaliese Baer music honorarium Rachel Bramhall, Doane Van Hoy, Ed Pallett IMPACT track; Wesleyan university; Sioux Falls provost’s; UNO track; UNL track Paige Breakfield, Doane access, dance, cheer Nicholas Brockman, UNL regents, honors textbook, Raikes, honors; UNO regents Luke Brown, UNO regents; Colorado School
of Mines merit Rachel Buchanan, Northern Colorado National Bear Tracks, Bear Tracks Nicholas Calandra, Kansas State honors; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower; Sioux Falls provost’s Kaitlyn Caron, Wesleyan university; UNK chancellor’s, cooperating schools; UNL Canfield; UNO chancellor’s Emily Casey, Doane Van Hoy; Wesleyan university, achievement Kelci Christensen, Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat Amanda Clark, St. Paul’s United Methodist Michael Cluck, Dakota Wesleyan soccer Joshua Conrad, Iowa State competitive excellence, Generations; UNO deans Gabriella Corbett, Albany achievement; Tampa Minaret Julianna Corbett, New York CAS Shelby Cornett, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, Tower, midwest student exchange; Iowa Wesleyan academic Cassandra Cosimi, Creighton Magis; UNL regents; UNO regents Christopher Cotton, Rotary Club of Omaha West; UNL achievement Courtney Cournoyer, UNL regents, College of Engineering dean’s; Worcester Polytechnic Institute university, merit; Georgia Institute of Technology academic Mattie Cunningham, UNO chancellor’s; Trumble Park PTO; DECA Dan Whitlock memorial Alexandria Curttright, UNL regents, honors; UNO regents Joshua DeCoster, Wesleyan academic; Doane community, music instrumental, Ed Pallett IMPACT-instrumental music; South Dakota music, housing Abigail DeWitt, UNK chancellor’s, cooperating schools; UNL Canfield; South Dakota Coyote distinction Brittany Dickey, Alegent Creighton Health Midlands Hospital medical staff Abigail Dillman, Minnesota Gold National; UNL regents; UNO regents; Penn State provost; Washington-Seattle Purple and Gold Andrew Driscoll, Dakota Wesleyan trustee, football; Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat; Missouri Western State neighboring states, provost’s Nicole Eagin, UNL regents, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources; Iowa State competitive excellence; Chadron State full-tuition; Iowa State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences dean’s; Papillion Junior High PTN; Titan Band Boosters Christopher Epp, Concordia regent’s; Concordia-Chicago regents; Doane trustees, football; Hastings Crimson, dean, football; Iowa State recognition; Kansas distinction; Luther diversity, president’s; Wesleyan university; UNK chancellor’s; UNL opportunity, Living and Learning, achievement; Rockhurst directors Daniel Forsyth, UNO regents; UNL regents; Dakota Wesleyan John Wesley; Missouri Western State president’s, Western neighboring states Jacob Foster, UNL Canfield; UNO chancellor’s; Papillion-La Vista South T-Club Miranda French, Chadron State full-tuition, trustees; UNO regents; UNL regents, Living and Learning; Wesleyan university Krysten Fries, UNL Canfield, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, global engagement; UNO regents; Iowa State competitive excellence, recognition; Minnesota Gold National, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences; Titan Band Boosters Nathan Fritch, UNO chancellor’s Nyajuok Gach, New York Film Academy Gage Gauchat, Louisiana Culinary Institute ProStart excellence; The International Culinary Schools ProStart; Johnson and Wales ProStart state; Metro Community College culinary; Sullivan ProStart state competition Alyssa Gibbs, Emporia State Hornet, volleyball; Fort Hays State Silver, Copper, op-
See Page 26
The OEA Foundation was formed in 1966 by the members of the Omaha Education Association.
From $250 awarded in 1966 to 103 scholarships totaling $347,600 in 2013! BENNINGTON HIGH SCHOOL
John Drumm – OEA Foundation Scholarship - $5,000
Andrew Curtis – OEA Foundation Scholarship - $5,000 Andrew Curtis – Dorothy Seward Memorial Scholarship - $1,000 Andrew Curtis – Irene Burnside Memorial Scholarship - $800 Elizabeth Rice – Thresa Clark Honorary Scholarship - $6,000
BLAIR HIGH SCHOOL John Shea – Thresa Clark Honorary Scholarship - $6,000 Maggie Young – OEA Foundation Scholarship - $5,000
BENSON HIGH SCHOOL Crystal Anderson – Charles Matthews Memorial Scholarship - $1,500 Natalia Ceballos – Mary McNamara Memorial Scholarships - $1,000 Rafael Corrales – Mr. & Mrs. Henry Colson Memorial Scholarship - $5,000 Devin Gardner – Scotty Orcutt Memorial Baseball Scholarship - $2,000 Kylee Gwinn – Roberta Kiewit Mathematics Scholarship - $2,500 Cherish Harbour – Mr. & Mrs. Henry Colson Memorial Scholarship $5,000 Rosemary Hernandez – Dr. Edwin Parrish Memorial Vocational Education Scholarship - $1,000 Amanda Jack – OEA Foundation Presidents’ Scholarship - $7,000 Hunter Jacobs – Wendy Cooper Memorial Scholarship - $1,500 Hunter Jacobs – OEA Foundation Scholarship - $5,000 Jeffrey Lechner – Mr. & Mrs. Henry Colson Memorial Scholarship - $5,000 Angel Mujica – Mary McNamara Memorial Scholarships - $1,000 Rhylee Richardson – Gunnar Horn Journalism Award - $500 Chuequa Yang – Allen Seline Memorial Scholarship - $1,250
BRYAN HIGH SCHOOL Lindsey Ciurej – Gunnar Horn Journalism Award - $500 Guissella Herrera – Ida Gitlin Memorial Scholarship - $750
BURKE HIGH SCHOOL Alex Durbin – John Thies Memorial Scholarship - $7,000 Kaitlin Moriarty – Bertha Neale Memorial Scholarship - $1,000 Kaitlin Moriarty – Frank Williams Memorial Scholarship - $750 Elise O’Connor – OEA Foundation Presidents’ Scholarship - $7,000 Edward Purdy – Frank C. Heinisch Memorial Scholarship - $10,000 William Ramm – Kathryn Collins Memorial Scholarship - $750 Denise Sinclair – Bernard & Eunice Gyger Scholarship - $1,250 Denise Sinclair – Dr. Edwin Parrish Memorial Vocational Education Scholarship - $1,000 Mackenzie Stock – Sharon Engelhart Memorial Scholarship - $750 Mychal Taylor – Gunnar Horn Journalism Award - $500
CEDAR BLUFFS HIGH SCHOOL Courtney Cleveringa – OEA Foundation Scholarship - $5,000
CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL Natalie Allen – OEA Foundation Scholarship - $5,000 Nicole Allen – Warren & Evelyn Hotz Memorial Scholarship - $4,000 Nicole Allen – Jim & Elma Simpson Memorial Scholarship - $750 Allison Brock – Jennie Kriebs Memorial Scholarship - $1,400 Maritza Estrada – Mary Ann Fields Memorial Scholarship - $1,250 Emma Farrell – OEA Foundation Presidents’ Scholarship - $7,000 Joseph Fitzgerald – Dr. Hollie Bethel Scholarship - $4,000 Maya Gogoi – Elsie Fisher Memorial Scholarship - $1,000 Lauren Goodwillie – Warren & Evelyn Hotz Memorial Scholarship - $4,000 Mekenzie Kerr – Josephine Frisbie Scholarship - $5,000 Justin Lohman – J. Arthur Nelson Memorial Scholarship - $850 Emma Mills – Josephine Frisbie Scholarship - $5,000 Carmen Ochoa – J. Arthur Nelson Memorial Scholarship - $850 Mackenzie Pohlman – Thresa Clark Honorary Scholarship - $6,000 Mackenzie Pohlman – Dorothy Seward Memorial Scholarship - $1,000 Madelyn Pospisil – Josephine Frisbie Scholarship - $5,000 James Reed – Thresa Clark Honorary Scholarship - $6,000 Jennifer Rooney – Josephine Frisbie Scholarship - $5,000 Jennifer Rooney – Gunnar Horn Journalism Award - $500 Annah Shipman – OEA Foundation Presidents’ Scholarship - $7,000 Annah Shipman – Elsie Fisher Memorial Scholarship - $1,000 Brita Sjogren – Warren & Evelyn Hotz Memorial Scholarship - $4,000 Brita Sjogren – Elsie Fisher Memorial Scholarship - $1,000 Mecca Slaughter – Josephine Frisbie Scholarship - $5,000 Emma Turbes – Thresa Clark Honorary Scholarship - $6,000 Lena Wolcott – Josephine Frisbie Scholarship - $5,000
LEWIS CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL Michaela Ruis – OEA Foundation Presidents’ Scholarship - $7,000
CREIGHTON PREP HIGH SCHOOL Alexander Masters – OEA Foundation Presidents’ Scholarship - $7,000 Blake Stokes – OEA Foundation Presidents’ Scholarship - $7,000
DUCHESNE ACADEMY Kaitlyn Bettin – OEA Foundation Presidents’ Scholarship - $7,000
MERCY HIGH SCHOOL Abigail Berg – OEA Foundation Scholarship - $5,000
MILLARD SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL Steven Koontz – OEA Foundation Presidents’ Scholarship - $7,000
MILLARD WEST HIGH SCHOOL Natalie Krokaugger – OEA Foundation Presidents’ Scholarship - $7,000
NORTH HIGH SCHOOL Zachary Aus – Joseph E. Chase Scholarship - $900 Isaiah Austin – Ozzie Wilson Memorial Scholarship - $750 Savannah Behrends – Gunnar Horn Journalism Award - $500 Zach Bram – Charley Hepfinger Memorial Scholarship - $750 Ariel Dappen – OEA Foundation Presidents’ Scholarship - $7,000 Steven Hansen – Warren & Evelyn Hotz Memorial Scholarship - $4,000 Carolina Malavasi – Warren & Evelyn Hotz Memorial Scholarship - $4,000 Carolina Malavasi – Mary Uhl Collins Memorial Business Education Scholarship - $1,250 Brianna Nielsen – Metro/Transport Workers Union, Local No. 223 Scholarship - $1,500 Chase Nuzum – Mary Uhl Collins Memorial Business Education Scholarship - $1,250 Lucas Smith – OEA Foundation Scholarship - $5,000 Jennifer Zick – Richard Sedlak Memorial Vocational Education Scholarship - $1,000 Joshua Ward – Thresa Clark Honorary Scholarship - $6,000
NORTHWEST HIGH SCHOOL Jessica Carrillo – Gunnar Horn Journalism Award - $500 Sarah Eberly – Jesse J. & Angela Bavaresco Memorial Scholarship - $1,250 Tania Lopez – Jane Nichols Memorial Scholarship - $750 Bonnie Smith – Joseph E. Chase Scholarship - $900
PAPILLION-LA VISTA HIGH SCHOOL Tegan Nissen – OEA Foundation Scholarship - $5,000
RONCALLI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL James Bilek – OEA Foundation Presidents’ Scholarship - $7,000 Morgan Holzapfel – OEA Foundation Scholarship - $5,000
SKUTT CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Clare Koneck-Wilcox – OEA Foundation Presidents’ Scholarship - $7,000
SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL Diego Castellanos – Dr. Hollie Bethel Scholarship - $4,000 Keonda Cook – Metro/Transport Workers Union, Local No. 223 Scholarship - $1,500 Mauricio Davila – Warren & Evelyn Hotz Memorial Scholarship - $4,000 Mauricio Davila – Jean Christiansen Memorial Scholarship - $1,400 Jennifer Cifuentes – Sally Fellows Memorial Scholarship - $3,000 Dakota Ghegan – Dr. Hollie Bethel Scholarship - $4,000 Jorge Ayon Gutierrez – Gunnar Horn Journalism Award - $500 Paw Htoo – Warren & Evelyn Hotz Memorial Scholarship - $4,000 Tyra Pierce – Raleigh & Esther Pilster Scholarship - $750 Salomon Ramirez – Warren & Evelyn Hotz Memorial Scholarship - $4,000 Sagrario Rangel – OEA Foundation Scholarship - $5,000 Nicole Shockley – Roland Hinrichs Performing Arts Scholarship - $1,000 Julie Wilcox – Cis Wilcox Memorial Scholarship - $750
WESTSIDE HIGH SCHOOL Claire Salem – OEA Foundation Presidents’ Scholarship - $7,000
UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA OMAHA Mary Koneck-Wilcox – Theta Phi Delta Scholarship - $1,500
26R S u n day, M ay 1 2 , 2 0 1 3
Robert Achenbach, UNL honors, regents; UNO regents; Missouri Science & Technology trustees, Miner alumni, trustees out-of-state Taylor Althoff, Offutt Officers’ Spouses’ Club; South Dakota Coyote promise; Southwest Minnesota State achievement Matt Bailey, Hult Creative Arts; Wesleyan academic, achievement Parker Baldwin, Wesleyan academic, achievement Jessica Bargstadt, Red Cross; UNO regents; UNL regents, honors; Creighton
Joyce Sramek About: “Kyle is an exemplary student, but more importantly, he is a young man with a solid moral and ethical character. He is highly involved in our theater and civic organizations and is always a positive, strong leader in every club and class in which he particpates.”
Elisa Brinklow Key Staffer Journalistic roles: Editor in chief senior year; editor 11th grade College plans: UNO; psychology Parents: Emine Halac and Michael
Halac About: “Elisa is an outstanding writer and reporter herself. She also has a beyond-her-years ability to work with younger staffers. She is kind yet has high expectations.” Scholarships offered at Ralston:
Celena Adams, Oregon grants; Austin founders, grants; Augustana academic; Gustavus Adolphus deans; Creighton academic, grants Mikayla Baker, Ralston Optimists Shayla Bentley, Hal Kronberg memorial Lindsey Blazek, UNL opportunity Ashley Bockmann, UNL Canfield; UNO deans Taylor Brockhaus, Ralston Booster Club; Midland athletic, campus visit; Wayne State athletic; Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange; Doane Van Hoy, Legacy Seth Callen, UNL Canfield, Legends Andrew Chleborad, Ralston Booster Club; Max Heard memorial; Ralston Soccer Club; Colorado School of Mines athletic; Morningside athletic, deans; Hastings athletic, Crimson; Wesleyan achievement, academic Kaitlyn Christenson, Metro Community College governors Shaina Claassen, UNL achievement, David, Canfield Jared Cudaback, Pete Petersen memorialRalston Volunteer Fire Department BreAnn Ferris-Rainey, UNL Canfield; Hastings ambassador, athletic, grant; Doane
Scholarships offered to home-school students: Matt Anderson, South Dakota School of Mines & Technology School of Mines tech challenge; UNL regents, honors; Benedictine Sister Mary Noel academic, honors program John Aumen, UNL regents, top scholar; Iowa State grant, competitive excellence; South Dakota School of Mines and Technology academic; Benedictine academic; UNO regents Mariah Ayers, Dallas National Merit Bridget Safranek, UNL regents, top scholar; Dallas trustee’s, Classics Departmental; Benedictine presidential; Creighton Magis, Ignatian; King’s College academic Philip Wier, St. Thomas Air Force ROTC Type #1, academic, Board of Trustees; U.S. Air Force Academy appointment; U.S. Military Academy appointment; Benedictine Air Force ROTC Type #1, academic, Benedictine Presidential Scholar semifinalist; San Diego Air Force ROTC Type #1, trustee academic; UNL Air Force ROTC Type #1, regents, Living and Learning; UNO Air Force ROTC Type #1, regents; Minnesota Navy ROTC Type #1, Gold National academic; Creighton Air Force ROTC Type #1, founders, Ignatius of Loyola
The future is bright for this accomplished group of scholars
INSIDE: Meet these All Staters as well as members of the academic regional teams for Nebraska and western Iowa and those earning honorable mention recognition. Plus, find scholarship winners at metro-area schools.
Scholarships offered at Plattsmouth:
2013 Scholars All Academic Program Coordinators: Shelley Larsen and Kelly Forbes Section designer: Tom Knox Copy editors: Melinda Keenan, Howard K. Marcus, Joanne Stewart, Kelsey Stewart Reporter: Howard K. Marcus Cover photo: Matt Miller Photographers: Matt Miller and James R. Burnett Photo imaging: Jolene McHugh and Bob Zurek
Want a keepsake of your scholar? You can order additional copies of the paper or high-quality page and photo reprints. Contact the OWH Store at 402-444-1014 or visit www.OWHstore.com.
he Omaha Schools Foundation is pleased to present our 2013 scholarship recipients. We are proud of our Omaha Public Schools’ graduating seniors and wish them well as they pursue their dreams beyond high school. Jordan Plater Jeffrey Lechner Jessica Gepson Corrina Seager BreAnna Thomas John Julin Rosemary Hernandez Ione Paxton Joseph Loghry Johnson Science Karen Saavedra Superintendent’s Super 13 Hunter Jacobs Superintendent’s Future Educator Sarah Jack
Judy Basye Burke Nielsen Ione Paxton Othmer
Superintendent’s Super 13 Superintendent’s Future Educator Burke Field Club Donna Howells Judy Hennig Jill Garlock Nielsen Ione Paxton D.R. Anderson Nancy A. Fredericksen Mt. View Shannon Lee Lloyd Othmer Ohr Family Superintendent’s Super 13 Superintendent’s Future Educator
Burke Ann Godwin Ally Milder Morgan Nielsen Othmer
Roxanna Galvez Vanessa Hernandez Nathan Provost-Kousgaard Vanessa Patino Phuong Phan Francisco Guzman Jimenez Michelle Martinez Hannah Lopez Alicia Anderson Anthony White Denise Sinclair Camila Benavides Daniel Bidne Emily Jensen Honey Lian Katie Bendon Mario Gonzalez Ian Kelly Kayleigh Butler Robert Cook Hannah Evans An Nguyen Demore Hoffman-Batey Aaron Zipursky Naomi Zipursky Samuel Gill Zachary Cook
Burke Natalie Allen Nielsen Brevan Jorgensen Angood Annah Shipman Bokeim Walker Ione Paxton Nicole Allen Liberty Victor Garcia Mt. View Nyadoar Jueny Cheryl Heimes Danielle Gorham Othmer Jeovanni Ladron de Guevara Nicolas Allison Brock Superintendent’s Super 13 Harrison McMinn Superintendent’s Future Educator Joseph Fitzgerald
Michaela Algya, Wiley memorial Tallon Barber, Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat Darian Bell, Wesleyan academic Laura Bolton, UNL Canfield, bookstore; UNO deans Victoria Bradley, Wiley memorial; SAC Federal Credit Union Tabitha Cherek, Wiley memorial; Plattsmouth Harvest Festival sweetheart; College of St. Mary achievement Gabrielle Coffin, Wiley memorial; Plattsmouth Education Association; Plattsmouth Lions Club; Wesleyan academic, achievement; Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat; Central College presidential, heritage, Journey Megan Cole, Wiley memorial Andrea DeSimone, Wiley memorial; WorldHerald outstanding student; Offutt Officers’ Spouses’ Club; Wayne State Education Matters, athletic Keenan Doran, Wiley memorial; UNO regents; Northwest Missouri State distinguished, midwest student exchange Bearcat, cultural enrichment Joshua Forrest, Wiley memorial Andrew Han, Wiley memorial; Mr. PHS 2010; UNL Canfield, chancellor’s leadership; Wesleyan academic, achievement; UNO deans; UNK regents Patrick Hanson, Concordia baseball, achievement Phillip Hertel, Fraternal Order of Police; Mr. PHS 2013 second runner-up Olivia Johnson, UNL Canfield; UNO chancellor’s Brittany Kassube, Fred V. Duda memorial; Home Chapter 189 Order of Eastern Star Christopher Kerns, Wiley memorial; Plattsmouth Alumni Association; UNL Durham School of Architectural Engineering, regents; UNO regents Vanessa Klein, Wiley memorial Danielle O’Meara, Wiley memorial; Janet & Larry Cundall; UNO chancellor’s Jessica Ramirez, Wesleyan academic, achievement Jordan Richmeier, Burger King Brady Santee, Wiley memorial; Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat Jacob Shindollar, Wiley memorial Trevor Steinkruger, Wiley memorial; Mr. PHS 2013 first runner-up; UNO regents Dylan Sutton, Wiley memorial Amber Timerman, Wiley memorial; Plattsmouth Youth Citizen; Wesleyan academic; Northwest Missouri State merit, Bearcat; Peru State campus citizen Reid Wagner, Fred V. Duda memorial; Plattsmouth Alumni Association Joshua Wehrbein, Wiley memorial; Masonic; Janet & Larry Cundall Kiley Wheatley, Wiley memorial; Delta Kappa Gamma; Joe C. York; Plattsmouth Harvest Festival sweetheart; UNK regents; UNL achievement, Pepsi Abigail Zimmerer, Fred V. Duda memorial; Plattsmouth Harvest Festival sweetheart
Home schools
Burke Nielsen Damon and Mary Laaker Ione Paxton OPS Magnet Sedlacek Larry Jensen Othmer
Thomas Hunter Memorial John Paul Gustafson Memorial Brian J. Slobotski Memorial Superintendent’s Super 13 Superintendent’s Future Educator
Scholarships offered at Platteview:
Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 9th out of 120 College plans: Wayne State; elementary special education Parents: Lt. Col. Ernest and Mrs. Christine DeSimone About: “Andrea is an athlete, role model, leader, excellent student and a helper. She is the ideal student that every school wishes it had. No matter what kind of day she is having, she always has a smile on her face.”
Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 1st out of 220 College plans: UNL; biological systems engineering Parents: Tom and
merce; Ralston Community Schools Foundation; Ralston Area Baseball Association; Ralston Soccer Club; Nebraska Society of Professional Engineers; UNL top scholar, regents, honors; UNO regents; Wesleyan academic; Creighton academic; Morgen Wees memorial Dillon Rue, UNO chancellors; UNL Canfield, Living and Learning Elizabeth Schulz, Metro Community College governors Amanda Seek, UNO College Bound Nebraska, grant Madison Serrett, Ralston Community Theatre Katy Shupe, Bellevue academic, Marialyce Dennis, South Omaha Outreach, athletic; Runza Student of the Week Larisa Slater, Access College Early Kyle Sramek, Ralston Chamber of Commerce; World-Herald outstanding scholar; Dr. Marlin Nelson memorial; Josh Brockington/Dan Sasich memorial; UNL honors, chancellors, National Merit; Oklahoma State National Merit; Rotary Club of Omaha; Beta Sigma Phi; Elks Club most valuable student-state; Elks Club most valuable student-national Cody Stevens, Metro Community College governors Justin Tingwald, UNO deans Antoine Tureaud, Iowa Western athletic Sierra Weber, Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat; Elks student of the month Ashley Wemhoff, UNL David; UNO chancellors; Rockhurst chancellors, regents; Hastings Crimson, Provost; Ralston Lions Club Matthew Winkelman, UNO deans; Doane Van Hoy, Legacy, athletic, athletic; Wesleyan university; Briar Cliff academic; Bethany academic; Baright Library Rachel Wintle, Meadows PTO; Kansas excellence Gabrielle Wright, Alegent Creighton Health; Ralston Lions Club; Doane Van Hoy, athletic
Burke D.R. Anderson Fredericksen Ione Paxton Nielsen Kiwanis Othmer
Outstanding Scholar Class rank: 5th out of 73 College plans: UNO; neuroscience and biology Parents: John and Lori Bargstadt About: “I can’t recall a student with any more drive or with any more desire to succeed. Jessica is an achiever by nature, and I can say without reservation that she will succeed” in college.
Andrea L. DeSimone
Kyle Sramek
trustees, athletic, athletic; Morningside athletic, deans; Briar Cliff academic, St. Frances, athletic; Wesleyan academic, achievement, Vaughan; Midland academic, athletic; College of St. Mary academic Colin Frye, Ralston Booster Club; Ralston Community Schools Foundation; Ralston Community Theatre; Nebraska Music Educators Association; UNL David, School of Music, Hixon-Lied CFPA; UNO chancellors, music Matthew Goltl, Morningside athletic Shane Gray, Briar Cliff academic Andrea Guillen, Anthony Fucinaro memorialRalston Volunteer Fire Department Shelby Hamilius, Ralston Community Schools Foundation; UNL Canfield Carol Haskins, UNL David; UNO regents Shawn Henry, Ralston Booster Club Shawn Henry, Ralston Area Baseball-Doug Plack memorial Janet Hernandez, First State Bank; UNL Living and Learning; UNK deans; College of St. Mary academic achievement Award Amber Hilt, UNO deans Katie Hinsley, Ralston Soccer Club Ryan Huff, Ralston High School alumni; Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat; River Cities Conference Ashlee Huffman, Metro Community College governors; Patricia Cortese memorial Jonathan Ishii, Ralston Optimists Vocational; Bobby Foehlinger memorial; Ralston Fraternal Order of Police Brandon Jochimsen, Ralston Chamber of Commerce; Aim Achiever; UNO deans; UNL achievement, Canfield, grants; Michael McCracken memorial; Susan Thompson Buffett college opportunity Taylre Keenan, UNK athletic; River Cities Conference Rachel Kinney, Ralston Booster Club; Ralston Soccer Club Matthew Knight, UNL Canfield; UNO chancellors Patrick Kolvek, Great Western Bank; UNL grants Megan Korgie, Missouri Western State athletic; Ralston Education Association Madalynn Krieser, Megan O’Reilly memorial; UNO College Bound Nebraska, grants Angela Lee, Arnette Hansen memorial UNK cooperating schools Emily Maguire, College of St. Mary softball, academic Alfred Martinez, Ralston Chamber of Commerce; Ralston Community Schools Foundation; Ralston Curtain Raisers; Ralston Soccer Club; UNL achievement, Legends, global engagement, Johnny Carson; Columbia presidential Rebecca Maynard, Midland scholar, grants Serenity McAndrews, Ralston Chamber of Commerce; Ralston Band Parents; UNL regents; Creighton magis, grant Alexa McEvoy, Ralston Community Schools Foundation; Ralston Soccer Club; Wayne State leadership Makayla McWilliams, Iowa Western Burgart Early Childhood Foundation Skyler Meints, UNL regents, Friends of Architecture; UNO regents; Kansas State in-state tuition, architecture Bren Nible, Ralston Curtain Raisers; UNL Canfield; UNO deans Melanie Pennington, UNO grant; UNK grant; Buena Vista Blue, grants Christopher Petersen, UNL Top Scholar, regents, honors; Colorado-Boulder presidents; Lozier Corp. sons & daughters Jacob Quint, Ralston Chamber of Com-
Burke Wanda Clarke JROTC Ione Paxton Nielsen OPS Magnet
Superintendent’s Super 13 Superintendent’s Future Educator
Rosicky Singer Othmer
Rowe V.P. Sedlacek Superintendent’s Super 13 Superintendent’s Future Educator
Jessica Bargstadt
founders, World-Herald outstanding student Connor Brandon, Shoot-out Taylor Brechbill, Metro Community College governors; Northwest Missouri State Tower, Bearcat, midwest student exchange Eric Carlson, Springfield at Heart; Boys Letter Club; Southern Sarpy Activities Program; St. Joseph Catholic Church Knights of Columbus; Springfield PTO; Springfield Platteview Community Schools Education Association; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit; UNK business & technology; Wesleyan academic; Susan T. Buffett Foundation college opportunity Jennifer Carman, Doane community, soccer, art Shannon Costello, Masonic Lodge 112; U.S. Air Force Academy nomination Kaleb Dappen, Southern Sarpy Activities Program; Iowa Western science & biology; Midland athletic Michelle Ervin, Red Cross; UNO deans Kyle Finney, St. Joseph Catholic Church Knights of Columbus; Plains Eqpt Group JD Tech Program Payton Fluckey, UNK deans, athletic; Hastings Ringland, talent; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat; Wesleyan academic; UNK deans Austin Hart, New Mexico State VA Emily Hynes, Metro Community College governors; Wesleyan academic Megan Ingram, Peru State campus citizen, cooperating schools Emily Iverson, Girls Letter Club; Wade Lanum girls basketball/soccer; St. Joseph Catholic Church Guild; Bill Biernbaum girls track/volleyball; Wesleyan academic Xiola Koile, Springfield Platteview Community Schools Education Association; South Dakota music, Coyote leadership, School of Law honor Randi Lee, UNO Emily Long, Springfield American Legion Post 143 Carl Barr memorial; St. Joseph Parish Knights of Columbus; Sons of the American Legion Post 143 Leah Maguire, Metro Community College governors Mitch Mann, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, merit James McElwain, Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat Jake Miller, Army ROTC/National Guard-UNK Camden Persigehl, Wesleyan academic Wyatt Pratt, Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation Paul Riha, Springfield American Legion Post 143 Carl Barr memorial Mason Schram, Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat Sean Starks, Ed Zikas memorial; St. Joseph Catholic Church Knights of Columbus Scott Stoecklein, Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat Shelby Thayer, Friends of the Springfield Library; UNO regents; Runza Student of the Week; Springfield Platteview Community Schools Education Association; Wesleyan academic; Springfield American Legion Auxilary
portunity in nursing; Papillion-La Vista South T-Club; Titan Defenders; Papillion-La Vista Schools Foundation Kids Club Brittney Giddings, Alegent Health Midlands Hospital medical staff; Papillion-La Vista Schools Foundation vocational-technical Parker Grass, Pinnacle Bank Daniel Greco Jr., Wesleyan university Zachary Gregerson, Doane Van Hoy, basketball; Morningside basketball, dean’s; Northwestern Nebraska, collegiate, trustee; William Jewell presidential, Cardinal Hannah Guritz, UNL regents, honors; UNO regents; Iowa State competitive excellence; Kansas excellence Justin Hanig, UNO regents; UNL Living and Learning Antaeus Hanzy, Alaska Alaska Boys and Girls Club Youth of the Year Taylor Heinert, Metro Community College governors Claire Houser, Concordia-Wisconsin regents Erin Howard, UNO chancellor’s Francisco Hupp, Hastings student success, theater; Wesleyan university Marissa Jeffery, Papillion-La Vista South Sapphire Dance Team spirit Brittany Johnson, South Dakota Coyote achievement; Papillion-La Vista Education Association Tyler Johnson, Air Force ROTC; Liberty founder’s; Papillion-La Vista Schools Foundation Lt. Mark Noziska distinguished service memorial Kaitlyn Kalhorn, Creighton academic; Papillion-La Vista Schools Foundation Barney Shives memorial Joshua Kiger, Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat; UNK baseball Samantha S. Kim, Washington-St. Louis Eliot; Korean Association of Nebraska; Marquette Ignatius excellence; Baylor president’s Gold; Alegent Creighton Health; Papillion Area Lions Club Julia King, Northern Colorado national undergraduate; Regis trustees’; Distinguished Young Women of Nebraska; Randolph tuition; Salem International tuition; West Alabama tuition; Mercy tuition Brent Kirsch, Northwest Missouri State merit, Bearcat; Wesleyan university; UNK baseball Madeline Klasi, UNL achievement Luke Klingbeil, Missouri Western State neighboring states, provost’s, engineering Katelyn Kurtz, Wayne State Volleyball Ryan Lamb, Missouri Mark Twain nonresident; Wesleyan university; Georgia Foundation Fellowship-Bernard Ramsey; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat Elizabeth Lapke, UNL regents, College of Education and Human Sciences Jackson Lawrence, UNO regents; UNL regents, honors textbook; Creighton Magis; Chadron State full-tuition; Papillion-La Vista South T-Club; Creighton Ignatius of Loyola; Alegent Creighton Health; Monika Peters vocal music; Papillion-La Vista Schools Foundation Papillion Recreation Organization Carissa Leffler, Missouri State deans’, midwest student exchange; Korean Association of Nebraska Jacob Lenz, Creighton Ignatius of Loyola, Magis; Kansas excellence; Marquette Ignatius excellence; Minnesota College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences, Gold National; UNL David, Living and Learning, Legends; UNO chancellor’s Brandon Lewis, Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat Caitlin Lewis, Mississippi excellence, nonresident, Holmes, soccer Rachel Love, Creighton Army ROTC; UNL NROTC-nursing option Rebecca Mann, Briar Cliff academic; South Dakota Coyote achievement; UNL honors textbook; UNO chancellor’s; Carriage Hill Elementary PTO; Papillion Area Lions Club; Titan Defenders Kevin Martin, The American Legion, Department of Nebraska Nebraska Eagle Scout of the Year Christopher May, Rumsey Station PTO; Nebraska American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year; The American Legion, Department of Nebraska Nebraska 2013 Eagle Scout of the Year Erin May, Buena Vista president’s; Simpson presidential; UNO regents Emily Medcalf, South Dakota Coyote achievement, Coyote promise William Medley, UNK regents, chancellor’s Allison Mikesell, Alegent Creighton Health Midlands Hospital auxiliary Reid Milliken, Nebraska Christian fulltuition, Chapel Visit Day Alexis Mills, Creighton founders, academic, Ignatian leadership; New Mexico freshman Amigo; Alegent Creighton Health Midlands Hospital auxiliary; Papillion Chapter Order of the Eastern Star; Papillion Area Lions Club; DoDEA Pacific Junior Science and Humanities; Prudential Spirit of Community Flora Mondi, Midland tennis; Doane tennis; UNL Living and Learning; Morningside ambassador Taylor Moore, Wesleyan university Samuel Mounce, The International Culinary Schools ProStart; Johnson and Wales ProStart; Metro Community College Culinary; Sullivan ProStart state competition Tashinga Muchegwa, UNL achievement Joshua Mueller, Colorado School of Mines merit; UNL regents, honors; Titan Band Boosters Grace Murtha, UNL regents, Living and Learning; Offutt Officers’ Spouses’ Club James Myers, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower; Missouri Western State Dr. Scanlon service, governors, neighboring states, excellence Doane Van Hoy; UNL Living and Learning Holly Nelson, Kansas State honors, Rowing Sarah Newton, Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat; Wesleyan university Tin Ngo, Doane access Emily Nichols, Northwestern NROTC; UNL David; Loyola-Chicago Damen; Simpson academic, award; The International Culinary Schools ProStart; Johnson and Wales ProStart; Sullivan ProStart; Louisiana Culinary Institute ProStart excellence; Golden Hills PTO Tegan Nissen, Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat; Wayne State baseball; Omaha Education Association Foundation Nathan Nordbrock, UNL Canfield; UNO regents Nolan Nuzum, Wesleyan university Samuel Palensky, UNO deans; Papillion-La Vista South T-Club Mason Parriott, South Dakota Coyote promise; Titan Defenders Savanah Petersen, Wesleyan university, achievement Andrew Phelps, South Dakota Coyote promise Ellen Powell, UNO chancellor’s Ashlyn Pudenz, South Dakota Coyote promise; Daughters of the American Revolution; Alegent Creighton Health Midlands Hospital medical staff, auxiliary Justin Qualls, Doane Butler; UNL David Alexander Qvern-Henderson, Iowa Western vocal music; Walnut Creek PTO Chloe Rasic, Colorado-Boulder chancellor’s; Denver scholar; UNL Canfield; Veterans of Foreign Wars Ladies Auxiliary Voice of Democracy Tyler Reed, U.S. Air Force Academy appointment; Texas A & M NROTC; Embry-Riddle
Aeronautical scholar, Air Force ROTC; UNL regents, College of Engineering dean’s; Air Force ROTC; Texas A & M Sul Ross/Corps, non-resident tuition waiver Nicole Ricchini, Wesleyan achievement, university; Drake presidential; UNO chancellor’s; UNK chancellor’s, honors, cooperating schools; Morningside presidential; SAC Federal Credit Union Brianne Richards, Wesleyan university, achievement Kristen Rodgers, Wesleyan university, achievement Amber Rolfzen, UNL volleyball Kadie Rolfzen, UNL volleyball Sara Romanus, UNO chancellor’s; Savannah of Art and Design academic, achievement Eric Rosemann, Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat; Titan Defenders Hannah Rothermund, Eastern Michigan Emerald, National Scholars; Eastern Kentucky regents; UNL Living and Learning Katelyn Rowan, Kansas State honors; UNO deans; Arizona State dean’s; Iowa Wesleyan academic; MidAmerica Nazarene trustees Austin Sanford, UNO chancellor’s Ashley Saxe, St. Paul’s United Methodist; Arcadia distinguished; Pittsburgh university Courtney Schendt, Bellevue softball Olivia Schonewise, Albany volleyball; Albany achievement Alexander Severson, UNO regents Austin J Severson, Doane trustees; Hastings Crimson; UNK chancellor’s; UNL Canfield, Legends; UNO chancellor’s; Sioux Falls president’s academic Morgan Shaffer, Peru State trustees; UNK chancellor’s, cooperating schools Andreina Silva, Grace multicultural; Midland presidential; UNK dean’s; Hastings ambassador, college award Dalton Smith, UNL Canfield Logan Spady, Northwest Missouri State Tower, midwest student exchange, Bearcat Victoria Stangl, Northwest Missouri State merit, Bearcat Eleni St. Pierre, UNO chancellor’s Rachel Stack, Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, distinguished,, midwest student exchange; UNO regents; UNL Living and Learning Elizabeth Stanton, Papillion-La Vista South T-Club; Concordia presidential, Lutheran; Wesleyan university; Doane presidential, Butler; UNK regents, honors, honors program-room, honors program; UNO regents; UNL regents, Top Scholar; Northwest Missouri State president’s; Washington and Lee R. E. Lee Audrey Stephen, Papillion-La Vista Schools Principals and Supervisors Ariel Stillwell, UNL achievement; Northwestern College presidential, legacy, trustee, Moritz NE Bryce Stroyek, Iowa State competitive excellence; Kansas State midwest student exchange; UNO deans McKenzie Summerfield, Kansas excellence; Marquette Ignatius distinction; UNL David; Alegent Creighton Health; Papillion-La Vista Schools Foundation Papillion Recreation Organization Sarah Summers, UNL Canfield; National American Miss; Miss Nebraska’s Teen Miss Nebraska’s Outstanding Teen; Lindenwood; New York Film Academy Miss Nebraska Teen USA; O’More College of Design Miss Nebraska Teen USA; Arizona State provost’s; Texas Christian founders Allison Sutton, Wesleyan university Brandon Tauzin, Doane soccer, access Thomas Tevebaugh, VFW Post 10727; UNO deans Cassidy Thomas, Benedictine college award; Southwestern academic, theatre Elena Thornhill, Iowa State competitive excellence; UNL Canfield Jacob Trail, UNL Canfield, Legends Matthew Trail, Chicago National Merit, Odyssey; Papillion-La Vista Schools Foundation Wally and Rosemary Ridenour memorial Zachary Trail, National Merit Corp. National Merit; Papillion Junior High PTN; Rumsey Station PTO; Chicago Odyssey; Papillion-La Vista Schools Foundation Jessica Kathryn Dierks memorial; World-Herald outstanding student Jack Turman III, Minnesota CLA dean’s; Missouri Mark Twain non-resident; Indiana School of Journalism-Ernie Pyle, freshman journalism, Prestige; Michigan Jean Fairfax; Al Neuharth Free Spirit and Journalism Zachary Turner, Chadron State full-tuition; UNL Canfield, regents Tyler Valenzuela, Doane Van Hoy, football; Hastings ambassador, football; Wesleyan university, achievement, Vaughan, grant, special Cody Van Zuiden, Anderson Grove PTO; UNO chancellor’s Adelaide Wahlquist, Titan Band Boosters Nicole Warren, UNO softball, chancellor’s Clarissa Weers, Doane cheerleading, journalism and media, Van Hoy; Kansas State honors, Watson Carissa Weinand, Titan Defenders; Doane Van Hoy; Kansas State honors; Northwest Missouri State Bearcat, midwest student exchange, Tower; Wesleyan university, achievement; UNL Living and Learning Andrew Welsh, Midland bowling Elsa Whittaker, Doane trustees; UNO deans; Wesleyan university; Northwest Missouri State excellence, Bearcat, midwest student exchange Auset Williams, Alegent Creighton Health; Midland track and field Jessica Wilson, Buena Vista Arch Erica Wingate, Florida Southern Alderman Megan Yank, UNL Top Scholar, honors; UNO regents; UNK regents; Papillion Masonic Lodge 39
Continued from Page 25
Rosewater Jerry Ball CSI Construction Academy Tommy Craft
Naki Brizendine Gloria Fletcher Steven Hansen Samantha Reed Alyssa Mount Jacob Madison Amanda Romer Andrew Hostert Ankit Pant Christopher Gunderson Kenia Sanchez Kao Moua Zachary Bram Samantha Reed Isaiah Austin John Heires Cynthia Aspegren Tania Lopez Connor Bergin Jamie Fead Aaron Estep Miranda Allen Sarah Eberly Tania Lopez Rachel Edinger Makayla Bell Rebecca Kalhorn Sandra Vargas-Salinas Sharon Hernandez Jaquelin Ortiz-Sarabia Alexia Tapia Varga Tyra Pierce Eva Kammerer Katherine Thompson Feysel Rahmeto Berenice Tavizon Paw B. Htoo Priscilla Rodriguez Malik Ammons-Keyes Robert Mack Sagrario Rangel Katherine Thompson Malik Ammons-Keyes Jose Cabrera Tim Smock Brandon Calderon-Morales Alan Johnson