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in East Asia

11. For instance, Qualvis is using fully compostable packaging for its vegan chocolate, and

Fazer and Sulapac have collaborated to create a compostable, microplastics-free box for

Fazer’s handmade pralines. Recently, Air new Zealand conducted a trial with edible coffee cups both on flights and on the ground, with the aim of reducing its use of single-use coffee cups. 12. A plastic material is defined as a bioplastic if it is bio-based, is biodegradable, or features both properties (European Bioplastics 2018). 13. Edible food thrown out by restaurants in China is equivalent to nearly 10 percent of the country’s annual crop production. 14. Initiatives by the African union, the united nations, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the united nations, the World Food programme, and the World Bank are discussed at http://datatopics.worldbank.org/what-a-waste/global_food_loss_and_waste.html. 15. In 2017, China’s overall e-commerce market ranked first in the world in both sales and growth (ADB 2018). 16. “local Food Systems and COVID-19: A look into China’s Responses” (http://www.fao.org /in-action/food-for-cities-programme/news/detail/en/c/1270350/). 17. Ibid. 18. Indonesia’s processed meat and poultry markets grew at an annualized rate of 27 percent between 2011 and 2015 (Ecosperity 2018a). 19. Functional foods include food products containing probiotics, prebiotics, plant stanols, and folic acid. Some foods such as salmon and rye-based foods are products that naturally contain functional properties (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2014; Kotilainen et al. 2006).

Market research estimates that the market value for functional food was $44 billion in 2015 (Ecosperity 2018b). 20. The biotechnology (biofertilizers, biopesticides, tissue culture, GM, and GE) capacity assessment is based on the method applied by FAO (2019b) and the desk review (attention to awareness and vision, commitment, action, and skills for each innovation area). 21. The application of 3D printing to the creation of agricultural tools and machinery is already a growing industry in the united States, and there is evidence of 3D-printed farm technology in low-income contexts such as Myanmar (Harimoto 2016). 22. For instance, some areas of China, Vietnam, plantation crop sectors in Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia have well-functioning extension services. 23. This assessment draws on the Food Safety Initiative (World Bank 2019b) and the desk review (including readiness to adopt). 24. About 1 percent of the population suffers from celiac disease (an immune reaction to eating gluten) in Indonesia (Green 2018).


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