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Than Five Years

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Phase 2: Scaling

Phase 2: Scaling

FIGURE 2.6 Prevalence of Stunting, or a Height-for-Age More Than

Two Standard Deviations below the International Median, among Children Younger Than Five Years




Prevalence 40



10 13.6 21.2 23.5 24.9 25.3 26.9 27.6 28.9 30.1 31.1 31.3 36.8 38.2 39.8 40.8 42.3 42.7 48.5 52.5 54.2

0 Gambia, The (2018) Congo, Rep. (2014)Zimbabwe (2019)Burkina Faso (2018)Somalia (2009)Mali (2018) Guinea-Bissau (2014)Cameroon (2018)Liberia (2016)Comoros (2012)South Sudan (2010)Nigeria (2018)Sudan (2014)Chad (2015) Central African Republic (2018) Mozambique (2015) Congo, Dem. Rep. (2013)Niger (2018)Eritrea (2010)Burundi (2019)

Source: Compilation for this publication, using data from World Bank 2020. Note: The values are from the most recently available data (years are shown in parentheses).

smaller portion of the food supply (figure 2.7). Mali stands out with an average supply of animal products at 336 calories (kcals) per capita per day, followed by the Central African Republic at 252 kcal/capita/day and the Republic of Congo at 216 kcal/capita/day, all of which are higher than the African average of 215 kcal/capita/day. By contrast, Nigeria’s supply of animal products is only 84 kcal/capita/day. Vegetable supplies are even lower in these countries. The Central African Republic and the Republic of Congo produce only 11 and 41 kcal/capita/day of vegetables, respectively. Burkina Faso produces only 12 kcal/capita/day and Chad produces the fewest vegetables at 5 kcal/capita/ day. Meanwhile, Guinea-Bissau and Niger have the lowest fish and seafood supply, with only 3 and 4 kcal/capita/day, respectively. These figures suggest that African FCV countries lack the food production diversity and food subsectors to ensure balanced, nutritious diets.

TABLE 2.1 Cereal Balance Sheet for 13 African FCV Countries with Available Data, 2018

Thousands of tons

Burkina Faso Cameroon Central African Republic Chad Congo, Rep. Gambia, The Guinea-Bissau Liberia Mali Mozambique Niger Nigeria Zimbabwe FCV total

production 4,991 3,950 141 3,022 30 222 214 258 10,160 1,513 6,100 26,872 1,423 58,896 imports 652 1,582 5 116 482 300 177 402 470 1,619 928 6,392 440 13,565 exports 6 15 0 0 1 0 0 8 17 21 436 27 9 540

Total supply 5,637 5,517 146 3,138 511 522 391 652 10,613 3,111 6,592 33,237 1,854 71,921

Consumption 4,288 3,615 121 2,551 450 395 309 612 4,472 2,934 4,939 26,706 1,772 53,164 Feed 121 919 0 52 19 19 10 20 1,091 120 799 4,011 10 7,191 seed 117 82 8 43 0 10 9 10 208 72 266 369 49 1,243 processing 669 177 6 7 48 9 6 2 57 83 3 494 84 1,645 other (nonfood) 0 163 0 20 1,782 1 0 57 2,023

Total demand 5,195 4,956 135 2,653 517 453 334 644 7,610 3,210 6,007 31,637 1,915 65,266

losses 226 471 6 340 1 20 9 32 763 88 816 1,945 155 4,872 residual 0 0 0 0 −17 0 0 −7 1,563 −56 −434 −3 0 1,046 stock variation 216 91 5 145 10 48 49 −16 676 −133 202 −341 −217 735

Source: Compilation for this publication, using data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Note: The numbers do not always add up because of rounding. FCV = fragility, conflict, and violence.

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