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3.2 Most Commonly Farmed Insect Species
TABLE 3.2 Most Commonly Farmed Insect Species
Species utilized in full-grown (adult) stages Species English name For food For feed Notes
Crickets order: orthoptera Acheta domesticus house cricket x x (pets) Farmed for feed for pet birds and reptiles in many countries, particularly in southeast Asia, especially thailand. emerging consumption by people in europe, Australia, and north America. Farming has expanded to Africa. Gryllodus sigillatus banded cricket x same as above. this cricket species is resistant to the Acheta domesticus densovirus paralysis virus, which is known to decimate cricket populations. Gryllus assimilis Field cricket x x originates from the Caribbean. Commonly used in the us pet food industry. resistant to the Acheta domesticus densovirus paralysis virus.
Gryllus bimaculatus Black cricket or field cricket x widely farmed in southeast Asia with Acheta domesticus. Farming introduced to europe for food. resistant to the Acheta domesticus densovirus paralysis virus.
Teleogryllus testaceus (Gryllus testaceus) Common or field cricket x Field cricket native to the Americas.
Scapsipedus icipea Field cricket x Field cricket native to east Africa. recently described as a new species. the species is commonly farmed in kenya.
grasshoppers/locusts order: orthoptera Oxya spp.; Melanoplus spp.; Hieroglyphus spp.; Acridia spp. Locusta migratora; Schistocerca gregaria various species x x (pets) various grasshopper and locust species are produced for pet food. some species are marketed for human consumption. in Africa and elsewhere, grasshoppers and locusts are consumed and collected from the wild.
TABLE 3.2 Most Commonly Farmed Insect Species (Continued)
Species utilized in larvae stages Species English name For food For feed Notes
mealworms (larvae of darkling beetles) order: Coleoptera Alphitobius diaperinus lesser mealworm x x Farmed for human consumption, mainly in europe and north America.
Tenebrio molitor mealworm or yellow mealworm
Zophobas morio superworms x x Farmed for human consumption, mainly in europe and north America. Farming of this species for animal feed is expanding. giant mealworms of this species are treated with juvenile hormone, an insect hormone that delays metamorphosis. x (pets) Commonly farmed for pet reptile food.
Blattidae (Blattodea) Cockroach
Protaetia brevitarsis white-spotted flower chafer beetle x Chafer beetles are farmed in east Asia (including the republic of korea) for consumption and traditional medicine.
x Cockroaches in China are primarily used for waste management. they are also occasionally farmed for animal feed.
TABLE 3.2 Most Commonly Farmed Insect Species (Continued)
Other species utilized in pupae or pre-pupae stages Species English name For food For feed Notes
Flies order: diptera Musca domestica Housefly x Housefly larvae are produced on an industrial scale in China and South Africa. experimental or emerging commercial production takes place in other countries, including in West Africa. Reared for animal feed for fish, pigs, and chicken, as fresh or as a dried and powdered protein supplement.
Hermetia illuscens harvested as larvae, pupae, or pre-pupae, depending on the production system Black soldier fly x Black soldier fly is the fastest developing insect farming system. There is confirmed industrial production in Europe, Africa, Asia Pacific, and North America. Produced for livestock feed for fish, pigs, and chickens, among others.
palm weevils order: Coleoptera Rhynchophorus ferrugineus red palm weevil x traditionally collected in southeast Asia. recently, farming systems have developed in thailand. Rhynchophorus phoenicis African palm weevil x x traditionally collected in west and Central Africa. recently, farming systems have developed in ghana and other countries.
silkworms order: lepidoptera Bombyx mori silkworm x x A by-product of silk production. traditionally used for human food and animal feed in Asia. it is used experimentally in processed food and feed products. Samia ricini eri silkworm x x eri silkworm is a domesticated silk-producing moth that is less commonly farmed because of its less valuable silk. thailand is experimenting with using eri silkworm in food products. Source: Original table for this publication, using observations from various sources, including van Huis et al. 2013; Halloran et al. 2018; and EFSA 2015. a. Tanga et al. 2018.