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standards. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol has also produced a standard for scope 3 emissions accounting (Greenhouse Gas Protocol 2011) and a free, web-based tool—Scope 3
Evaluator—that allows users to make an initial, rough approximation of their full scope 3 footprint, regardless of the size or type of organization (https://ghgprotocol.org /scope-3-evaluator). 20. Danone provides a case study of the application of the Value Change approach. Danone’s supply chain is complex and global. For example, milk is sourced directly from more than 100,000 suppliers, many of whom are small farmers. The company developed a framework of representative farms across the globe that are monitored daily and extrapolates data from these farms to similar ones to estimate emissions from its global activity. The data are analyzed to identify which farming practices drive the most improvement in soil carbon sequestration. The issue of soil carbon sequestration is a hot topic in the carbon-footprinting environment. Danone would like to get credit for savings in soil sequestration, but this is not possible under current standards, including those of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (Plassmann and Norton 2017). 21. Originally, the baseline for emissions reductions was to be the average of emissions over 2019 and 2020. However, with COVID-19 drastically reducing air traffic and emissions in 2020, the impact on the CORSIA baseline would have been substantial. Recognizing this, the ICAO Council decided to use the value of 2019 emissions to avoid placing a higher economic burden on the aviation industry (ICAO 2020). 22. Airlines will only offset CO2 emissions above their 2019 level; they will not address any other global warming impacts of aviation, such as emissions of nitrogen oxide and water vapor. There is considerable uncertainty about the importance of these other impacts, yet many observers believe that the global warming impact of aviation is twice the impact of its
CO2 emissions alone. 23. According to Kusova and Dufour (2019), the following African countries intend to participate: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea,
Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Namibia, Nigeria, Uganda, and Zambia. 24. An official UK estimate suggests that additional paperwork leading to border delays because of Brexit could result in 142,000 tons of food being wasted in the first six months of 2021 (Stone 2021).
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