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(b) encouraging and facilitating flexibility and innovation in the provision of legal aid services, while recognizing the private bar as the foundation for the provision of legal aid services in the areas of criminal law and family law and clinics as the foundation for the provision of legal aid services in the area of clinic law; (c) identifying, assessing and recognizing the diverse legal needs of low-income individuals and of disadvantaged communities in Ontario; and (d) providing legal aid services to low-income individuals through a corporation that will operate independently from the Government of Ontario but within a framework of accountability to the Government of Ontario for the expenditure of public funds.” 36. For details about Legal Aid Ontario, see https://www.legalaid.on.ca. 37. Uruguay,Law 19580 on Violence against Women.2017.Article 1:“Esta ley tiene como objeto garantizar el efectivo goce del derecho de las mujeres a una vida libre de violencia basada en género.Comprende a mujeres de todas las edades, mujeres trans, de las diversas orientaciones sexuales, condición socioeconómica,pertenencia territorial,creencia,origen cultural y étnico-racial o situación de discapacidad, sin distinción ni discriminación alguna. Se establecen mecanismos, medidas y políticas integrales de prevención, atención, protección, sanción y reparación.” Article 7, Section G: “A recibir orientación, asesoramiento y patrocinio jurídico gratuito, dependiendo de la posición socioeconómica de la mujer.

Dicha asistencia deberá ser inmediata, especializada e integral, debiendo comprender las diversas materias y procesos que requiera su situación.”

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4 Access to Public Services and Social Protection


Mexico, South Africa, and Uruguay possess the most advanced legal frameworks that prohibit sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) discrimination in public services and allow civil society organizations (CSOs) to provide social services to sexual and gender minorities.

Out of the 11 services considered by the report, health care is the most protected public service; most countries explicitly prohibit discrimination in this sector, followed by subsidized health insurance and social housing.

Of the 16 countries surveyed, only Nigeria explicitly forbids the registration, sustenance, processions, and meetings of CSOs.

Most surveyed countries do not have any equality bodies or national human rights institutions that explicitly include sexual and gender minorities or SOGI within their mandates.

It is advised that countries establish a comprehensive legal framework to regulate nondiscriminatory access to public services.

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