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A.1 Policies concerning multimodal transport in China, 2011–19
TABLE A.1 Policies concerning multimodal transport in China, 2011–19
November 2011 Agreement on partnership in railwaywaterway multimodal transport
June 2013 Guiding opinions on the transportation sector, advancing healthy development of the logistics industry October 2014 Mid- and long-term plan for developing the logistics industry (2014–20) MoT and, formerly, MoRa
MoT The two ministries were to coordinate more closely on (1) improving plans for developing railway-waterway multimodal transport, (2) facilitating the building of infrastructure, (3) improving supporting policies and standards, (4) improving transportation organization, (5) sharing information, and (6) fostering leading enterprises. Multimodal transport was to be considered the principal focus when using transportation to promote the logistics industry.
State Council Multimodal transport was prioritized in 12 major projects. Development of multiple transportation modes was encouraged, including railway-maritime, railway-waterway, highway-railway, and land-air.
July 2015 Notification about conducting multimodal transport demonstration projects June 2016 Implementation plan for building a sound market environment and advancing the fusion of transportation and logistics July 2016 The 13th Five-Year Plan for the development of a comprehensive transportation service MoT, NDRC Demonstration projects were to be implemented for equipment and technologies designed for rapid transshipment, and for innovations in the organization of multimodal transport.
NDRC The goal was to promote multimodal transport and expand international multimodal transport services.
MoT The target for growth in container multimodal transport was set at an annual rate of 10 percent. A draft law to enhance the overarching design of multimodal transport was produced. Plans for multimodal transport corridors and improved infrastructure were commissioned.
October 2016 Plan for developing China-Europe cargo trains (2016–20) Office of the Steering Panel for Pushing forward the Belt and Road Initiative The plan proposed to optimize the system of organizing transportation, collection, and distribution of freight, thus improving the efficiency and benefits of China-Europe cargo trains.
TABLE A.1, continued
December 2016 Action plan for promoting the building of logistics channels (2016–20) MoT, NDRC Multimodal transport was to be facilitated by logistics. Outlined the development of multimodal transport systems for containers, semitrailers, and bulk commodities.
January 2017 Notice on encouraging the development of multimodal transport MoT and 18 other departments Promoted the development of an efficient and smooth multimodal transport system through creation of an enabling market environment, deeper reforms, greater information sharing, and enhanced cooperation with foreign countries. A target was set to increase the volume of multimodal freight in 2020 to 1.5 times that of 2015.
February 2017 The 13th Five-Year Plan for developing a modern comprehensive transportation system
May 2017 The 13th Five-Year Plan for developing railway container multimodal transport
September 2018 Three-year action plan for promoting transport structural adjustment (2018–20) State Council Set key goals for 2020, including to (1) increase railway and waterway transport volumes by 30 percent (1.1 trillion tons) and 7.5 percent (500 trillion tons), respectively, compared with 2017; (2) cut roads’ share of bulk cargo by 440 billion tons; (3) expand multimodal transportation volumes by 20 percent annually; (4) enhance ports’ rail connections by continuing to construct railway container yards; (5) boost direct transport from river to sea; (6) continue construction of multimodal demonstration projects and operational monitoring of these projects, as well as innovations in transportation organization; and (7) reserve land for special railway lines and waterfronts for wharves for rail-water transshipment.
State Council Aimed to develop multimodal transport of bulk commodities and specialty goods; set improved and uniform rules for multimodal transport and systems for operators; implemented a “single document” multimodal transport service model; and accelerated the development of technical standards for special equipment and apparatus for railway multimodal transport.
NDRC, MoT, China Railway Set goals that included facilitating the development of railway container multimodal transport and building an integrated, networked, standardized, and information technology–based container multimodal transport system.
September 2019 Outline for building China’s strength in transport State Council Proposed (1) shifting away from relatively independent development of transportation models toward their integrated development, (2) building national and regional multimodal transport hubs, (3) improving service quality of transshipment and hinterland transportation, and (4) creating a green and efficient modern logistics system based on intermodal transport and the integration of transport infrastructure.
Source: Xiao and Liu (2018), supplemented by research for this volume. Note: MoR = Ministry of Railways; MoT = Ministry of Transport; NDRC = National Development and Reform Commission. a. The Ministry of Railways was merged with the Ministry of Transport in 2013.
Xiao, J. H., and X. Liu. 2018. “Development of Multimodal Transport in China.” In Contemporary
Logistics in China, edited by Bing-lian Liu, Shao-ju Lee, Ling Wang, Xiang Li, and Jian-hua
Xiao, 137–60. Singapore: Springer.