Status of Projects in Execution 2007 - Russia

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The World Bank Russia Country Unit




Operations Policy and Country Services

OCTOBER 10, 2007

Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION

Introduction The Status of Projects in Execution (SOPE) Report for FY07 provides information on all IBRD/IDA projects that were active as of June 30, 2007. The World Bank has issued a SOPE Report every year as an internal communication to the Board of Executive Directors. In accordance with the Bank’s revised disclosure policy, since FY02, the SOPE Report is available to the public. The report is intended to bridge the gap in information available to the public between the Project Appraisal Document or Program Document, disclosed after the Bank approves a project, and the Implementation Completion Report, disclosed after the project closes. In addition to the project progress description, the FY07 SOPE report1 contains project level comparisons of disbursement estimates and actual disbursements, and a table showing the loan/credit/grant amount and disbursements to date.


Notes: • • •

Amounts and Graphs for loans/credits/grants in currencies other than U.S. dollars may not match exactly due to exchange rate fluctuations over the life of the project. Disbursement graphs are not included for Development Policy Operations, which provide quick-disbursing financing to support policy and institutional reforms. For these operations, funds are disbursed in one or more stages (tranches), released when the borrower complies with agreed prior actions. Projects which are not yet effective may not have a planned disbursement schedule and thus will not include a graph.


Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION

Country: Russian Federation

Project Name (ID): Environment Management ( P008821 ) Country: Russian Federation Board Approval Date : 11/08/1994 Midterm Review Date : 02/10/1999 Closing Date : 12/31/2009 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : SWTZ-3810, SWTZ-20217, IBRD-38060 Sector(s): Other industry(67%), Central government administration(13%), Sub-national government administration(9%), Water supply(6%), Solid waste management(5%) Theme(s): Environmental policies and institutions(P), Pollution management and environmental health(P), Water resource management(P), Other financial and private sector development(P), Administrative and civil service reform(S)

Project Development Objectives: The objectives are to: (a) strengthen and streamline federal and regional institutional structures for environmental and natural resource management; (b) improve federal and regional environment policy and strategy formulation and implementation; (c) upgrade environmental and natural resource management systems; (d) address priority environmental management investment needs through the setting up of initial capitalization of the National Pollution Abatement Facility; (e) assist in the financing of economically viable, high priority resource recovery/pollution abatement projects in the country; and (f) facilitate the flow of donor funds and resources to the environmental protection sector. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Preliminary results for the first five sub-projects were tabulated and generally indicate that the National Pollution Abatement Facility investments have resulted in significant environmental performance improvements, consistent with the project objectives. The government did not agree with the Bank's cancellation proposal, and instead proposed to amend the loan agreement to offer improved on-lending conditions. The Bank agreed in principle, provided that a portfolio of viable investment projects. The appraisal of two new sub-projects has been completed, and a portfolio of five new, viable investment subprojects, ready for preparation and implementation exists. With the new pipeline built for future implementation, there are better prospects to address pollution abatement needs and reduce emissions/discharges/waste accumulation. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Grant SWTZ-3810 SWTZ-20217 IBRD-38060

Status Effective Closed Effective





9.79 3.00 110.00

5.06 2.85 82.39

4.35 0.00 27.61

0.00 0.15 0.00


Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION


Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION

Project Name (ID): Municipal Water and WW ( P008832 ) Country: Russian Federation Board Approval Date : 12/21/2000 Midterm Review Date : 04/18/2005 Closing Date : 12/31/2007 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IBRD-45930, JPN-25555 Sector(s): Water supply(50%), Sewerage(50%) Theme(s): Access to urban services and housing(P), Pollution management and environmental health(S)

Project Development Objectives: The objective is to arrest the decline of water and wastewater services of fourteen medium-size cities (less than 500,000 inhabitants) located in different regions of Russia that have demonstrated their commitment to the project objectives and the institutional reforms necessary to achieve them. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The energy efficiency of the participating utilities continues to improve. The weighted average energy consumption dropped to 1.853 kWh per cubic meter of water billed (from 1.98 kWh/m3 in 2005). Water losses have also decreased to 31 percent. These improvements in part have become possible due to the increased metering coverage. The majority of participating Vodokanals collect sufficient revenues to cover their operating costs, secure adequate maintenance, and project related expenses. The collection ratio in 2006 was back to over 99 percent (after a temporary drop to 95 percent in 2005) and the cash collection ratio for the same period increased from 92 percent to almost 95 percent. Water is supplied 24 hours a day in all cities. The percentage of samples per semester in compliance with quality standards has grown up in all Vodokanals reaching a compliance rate of 99 percent. The US$ 11 million that remain uncommitted is likely to be cancelled. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Grant IBRD-45930 JPN-25555

Status Effective Closed





122.50 0.82

45.93 0.77

42.95 0.00

33.62 0.04


Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION


Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION

Project Name (ID): Capital Markets Development ( P042622 ) Country: Russian Federation Board Approval Date : 05/30/1996 Closing Date : 12/31/2008 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IBRD-40290 Sector(s): Central government administration(76%), Capital markets(17%), Law and justice(7%) Theme(s): Regulation and competition policy(P), Legal institutions for a market economy(P), Infrastructure services for private sector development(P), Standards and financial reporting(P)

Project Development Objectives: The objectives of the project are: (a) to build a comprehensive policy and legal framework for development of the Russian Capital Market; (b) to build core institutional capacity in regulation and self regulation; (c) to improve the efficiency, transparency and systemic stability of market architecture; and, (d) to ensure the efficient issuance, service, and registration of Russian Federation debt securities. The project was restructured, or received Additional Financing during FY 07 While the core project development objectives remain unchanged, the scope of activities were expanded to reflect the more complex spectrum of issues facing the development of Russian capital markets today--ranging from sound management of government debt/assets to strengthening and monitoring of financial intermediaries and development of efficient and cost effective trading, settlement and payments systems. In addition to using the undisbursed funds remaining under the loan, the Ministry of Finance and Securities Commission proposed to increase the amount of co-financing to fund a series of follow-up and new activities. The Securities Commission proposed to undertake a series of activities focused on improving the capital market infrastructure as well as safety nets (investor compensation scheme) and strengthening of its own capacity in market monitoring. The Ministry of Finance proposed to undertake a series of activities in the area of financial sector policy including the development of the next banking sector strategy and liberalization of the domestic banking and insurance sectors in anticipation of Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Important Project contributions to the securities market agenda for the reporting fiscal year 07 include: (a) the development of the Federal Financial Market Strategy; (b) the introduction of more stringent listing and trade reporting requirements for exchanges and market participants closer in line with international standards; (c) the development of the legal base for mortgage-backed securities; (d) legal provisions to improve the regulation of the pension fund industry and investment activities of second pillar mandatory pension funds; (e) improvements to the legal framework for domestic initial public offerings (IPOs); (f) amendments to the Securities Market Law to establish a legal base for shortterm corporate bonds equivalent to commercial papers; (g) amendments to the Securities


Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION

Market Law to enable issuance and trading of Russian Depositary Receipts on foreign stocks; and (h) the development of insider trading and market manipulation legislation Finally, as the fragmented market infrastructure has increasingly become a bottleneck for effective and efficient functioning of the market (and contributes to a large extent to the migration of the trade and settlement in Russian securities to European exchanges), the project funded the development of a comprehensive feasibility study on the creation of a Central Securities Depository--a challenging undertaking given the complex entrenched interests of various structures in the current existing clearing and settlement infrastructure. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Grant IBRD-40290

Status Effective










Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION

Project Name (ID): MOSC Urban Transport ( P046061 ) Country: Russian Federation Board Approval Date : 02/06/2001 Midterm Review Date : 09/01/2004 Closing Date : 08/31/2007 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IBRD-45950 Sector(s): Sub-national government administration(74%), Roads and highways(26%) Theme(s): Municipal governance and institution building(P), Other urban development(P)

Project Development Objectives: The objective is to improve the institutional capacity of the city of Moscow to plan, design, implement, operate and enforce traffic management measures so as to improve surface transport mobility in Moscow. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project has achieved its development objective. The Traffic Management Center has been established and adequately staffed, and is operational. Five underpasses and the Donbasky Bridge Complex have been completed under the project. Police have been provided with equipment. Five studies, including a traffic management study, have been completed. Delays with the Third Ring Traffic Control System may require an extension of the closing date. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Grant IBRD-45950

Status Effective










Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION

Project Name (ID): Health Reform I,[/ ( P046497 ) Country: Russian Federation Board Approval Date : 03/18/2003 Midterm Review Date : 12/04/2006 Closing Date : 06/30/2008 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IBRD-46850 Sector(s): Health(70%), Non-compulsory health finance(10%), Central government administration(10%), Sub-national government administration(10%) Theme(s): Health system performance(P), Administrative and civil service reform(P), Decentralization(S), Law reform(S)

Project Development Objectives: The objectives are to: (a) establish a system of federal regulation required for effective governance and management of the health system; (b) develop and implement strategic approaches to health sector reform in selected regions; (c) strengthen the institutional capacity of the Ministry of Health as a federal executive agency; (d) draw lessons from the implementation of regional programs and disseminate them to other regions; and (e) develop and implement an efficient scheme of restructuring of the health system, with emphasis on increased access, quality and efficiency of health services that will benefit from direct investment under the project. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): There has been substantial progress in all project components. The approach adopted in both pilot regions --Chuvash Republic and Voronezh Oblast--to health system restructuring is strategic and programmatic. In the Chuvash Republic, a multisectoral approach to health promotion is evident through an Interagency Working Group. Primary Health Care (PHC) strengthening continues. In Voronezh, PHC services have also been substantially strengthened and there has been good progress with restructuring of inpatient care. With project support, at the federal level, the Ministry of Health and Social Development has developed National Health Accounts, which provide information on health financing and detailed expenditure. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Grant IBRD-46850

Status Effective










Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION


Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION

Project Name (ID): Sustainable Forestry Pilot ( P053830 ) Country: Russian Federation Board Approval Date : 05/23/2000 Midterm Review Date : 11/04/2004 Closing Date : 09/30/2007 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IBRD-45520 Sector(s): Central government administration(90%), Forestry(8%), Agro-industry(2%) Theme(s): Environmental policies and institutions(P), Infrastructure services for private sector development(P), Administrative and civil service reform(P), Other environment and natural resources management(P), Trade facilitation and market access(S)

Project Development Objectives: The development objective is to improve public sector management of Russia's forests and to improve the enabling environment for private sector investment. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project is making good progress in public forest management (Part A) by helping to improve wildfire management and response, mainly by supplying communications and fire management equipment to some 250 fire stations in seven high-fire risk regions, which in turn has significantly improved early fire identification and improved mobilization. Some progress has been made towards reducing the extent of illegal logging as demonstrated by the government's development and launch of an illegal logging action plan and allocation of specific funds to support satellite and aerial monitoring of forest harvesting, log tracking and reporting of chain-of-custody. The likelihood of a demonstration/multiplying effect of the project is high because the government intends to put an additional US$39 million toward scaling up Part A activities. The replication effect of the project's Part B (institutional strengthening of forest enterprises) has less chance of being met given the unresolved procedural difficulties with its implementation in practice. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Grant IBRD-45520

Status Effective










Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION


Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION

Project Name (ID): Reg. Fisc. TA ( P058587 ) Country: Russian Federation Board Approval Date : 12/22/1999 Midterm Review Date : 02/14/2003 Closing Date : 12/31/2008 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : JPN-25361, JPN-51789, IBRD-45280 Sector(s): Central government administration(50%), Sub-national government administration(42%), Law and justice(8%) Theme(s): Tax policy and administration(P), Debt management and fiscal sustainability(P), Municipal finance(P), Law reform(P), Legal institutions for a market economy(P)

Project Development Objectives: The objectives are (a) to build institutional capacity to advance the reform of intergovernmental fiscal relations and (b) to improve fiscal performance at the regional and municipal levels. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project has so far achieved major results and is, therefore, likely to meet its development objectives. The Ministry of Finance has developed a system of monitoring sub-national public finance. In 2007 the government allocated an additional US$10 million from the federal budget to expand relevant project activities. The intergovernmental regulatory framework has been enhanced through key legislation, and a Regional Fiscal Reform Fund has been created under the project. Fiscal performance has improved in regions that have received technical assistance from the project. In August 2006, a new group of regions to benefit from extended technical assistance was selected. Best practice codes for regional/municipal public finance management have been developed and federal and sub-national employees have been trained. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Grant JPN-25361 JPN-51789 IBRD-45280

Status Closed Closed Effective





0.48 1.25 30.00

0.48 1.25 23.45

0.00 0.00 6.55

0.00 0.00 0.00


Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION


Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION

Project Name (ID): Municipal Heating ( P038551 ) Country: Russian Federation Board Approval Date : 03/27/2001 Midterm Review Date : 10/05/2006 Closing Date : 12/31/2007 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IBRD-46010, JPN-25554 Sector(s): District heating and energy efficiency services(97%), Central government administration(3%) Theme(s): Other urban development(P), Municipal finance(P), Access to urban services and housing(P), Other financial and private sector development(S), Climate change(S)

Project Development Objectives: The overall objective of the Municipal Heating Project is to alleviate the financial burden on municipal governments associated with the supply of district heating to the local population. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Based on reports available thus far from the participating cities (Tambov, Dubna, Mytischi, Nerungri), the investments made under the project have already substantially contributed to improved operating efficiency of the district heating systems and reduced heat losses. The impact of investments is particularly high where the technological modernization of the district heating systems includes the installation of building-level heat exchanger substations (as opposed to outdated group substations serving several buildings). In some cases (Tambov), the boiler plant has also been replaced with excellent results. Finally, district heating pipeline network investments are also bringing substantial benefits, although the impact of the project on pipeline networks is somewhat more localized since only a portion of the city's network can be replaced in each case. Also, the preliminary evidence of performance with respect to the policy-oriented indicators is encouraging, although the details still need to be further analyzed. This refers to, in particular, the reduction of level of support to participating heating companies by their municipalities, levels of cost recovery in the tariffs, and the effectiveness of the new system of subsidies targeting the low-income households. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Grant IBRD-46010 JPN-25554

Status Effective Closed





85.00 0.68

67.22 0.67

17.78 0.00

0.00 0.01


Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION


Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION

Project Name (ID): TB/AIDS Control ( P064237 ) Country: Russian Federation Board Approval Date : 04/03/2003 Midterm Review Date : 10/14/2006 Closing Date : 12/31/2008 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IBRD-46870 Sector(s): Health(100%) Theme(s): Other communicable diseases(P), HIV/AIDS(P), Health system performance(S), Population and reproductive health(S), Law reform(S)

Project Development Objectives: The objectives are to (a) contain the growth of the epidemics of tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS in the short term and (b) to halt and reverse the courses of these epidemics in the medium term. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project has made substantial progress in improving tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment, following the introduction of the World Health Organization-agreed control strategy (Directly Observed Treatment-short course-DOTS), protocols and related guidelines. As of end 2006, all 86 Russian regions now follow the DOTS strategy, and the project is providing critical laboratory, other medical equipment and training to all Russian regions in support of DOTS. With respect to HIV/AIDS, the project has provided support in the finalization of the required ministerial decrees, guidelines and protocols for prevention and treatment. On the basis of regional needs assessments, 1,890 laboratory equipment items and supplies have been procured for strengthening HIV diagnosis, as well as for blood banks. These investments have been important to support the scale up of the anti-retroviral treatment under the National HIV/AIDS Program and the Global Fund project. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Grant IBRD-46870

Status Effective










Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION


Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION

Project Name (ID): N Restruct. ( P064238 ) Country: Russian Federation Board Approval Date : 06/07/2001 Closing Date : 09/30/2009 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IBRD-46110 Sector(s): Other social services(88%), Central government administration(8%), Subnational government administration(4%) Theme(s): Municipal governance and institution building(P), Improving labor markets(P), Social analysis and monitoring(S), Other economic management(S)

Project Development Objectives: The objective is to test a set of actions to assist municipalities in the Russian Federation to cope with the effects of economic transition by providing out-migration assistance and developing strategies to draw on potential efficiency gains from a decreased population in these municipalities. The project was restructured, or received Additional Financing during FY 07 Project restructuring was carried out in order to fully meet the development objective of ensuring broader dissemination of project results and to mainstream project results in national policies. In order to achieve this goal, the migration scheme was expanded to provide out-migration support to new participating localities. In addition, the amount of the migration assistance allowance was increased. Lastly, government co-financing increased to support work at the federal level to institutionalize the migration scheme and to provide additional support for migration subsidies in order to respond to high demands of out-migration from the Russia Arctic North. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project has provided out-migration support for 5,000 families and 12,000 individuals from the three remote pilot municipalities of the Russia Arctic North (Vorkuta, Norilsk and Susuman). The reductions in population have permitted municipal governments to downsize and consolidate the housing infrastructure, thereby generating substantial annual budget savings. The local restructuring model piloted under the project has proved to be an effective tool for improved sustainability of the local budgets, infrastructure and public services rationalization based on the reduction of populations in the North and the implementation of effective local restructuring plans. Based on this progress, the project has been extended for an additional 2.5 years to finance a fourth migration wave in the three pilot regions as well as in additional regions in the North. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Grant IBRD-46110

Status Effective










Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION


Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION

Project Name (ID): Treasury Development ( P064508 ) Country: Russian Federation Board Approval Date : 06/06/2002 Closing Date : 12/31/2009 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IBRD-46620, JPN-25812 Sector(s): Central government administration(100%) Theme(s): Public expenditure, financial management and procurement(P), Other rule of law(S)

Project Development Objectives: The objectives are (a) to ensure conditions for effective budget implementation; and (b) to provide a transparent system of accounting that enables effective management and audit of financial resources. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The Federal Treasury continues to make good progress in the implementation of reform measures, including: (a) the routing of expenditure transactions from spending units through the Treasury; (b) the routing of all tax and revenues to the Treasury Single Account; (c) closure of spending unit bank accounts; and (d) the implementation of the new budget classification system. However, there was a delay in the development of new treasury system as work on relevant software development and IT network infrastructure slipped for about one year. Activities planned under the project have been expanded thanks to an additional allocation of resources from the federal budget. The project is expected to meet its development objectives. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Grant IBRD-46620 JPN-25812

Status Effective Closed





231.00 0.50

11.69 0.50

219.31 0.00

0.00 0.00


Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION


Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION

Project Name (ID): Tax Administration 2 ( P066155 ) Country: Russian Federation Board Approval Date : 10/24/2002 Midterm Review Date : 11/24/2006 Closing Date : 06/30/2008 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IBRD-46800, JPN-26119 Sector(s): Central government administration(100%) Theme(s): Tax policy and administration(P), Administrative and civil service reform(P), Law reform(S), Legal institutions for a market economy(S), Other accountability/anticorruption(S)

Project Development Objectives: The objective is to modernize tax administration, so as to: (a) facilitate voluntary compliance, (b) increase efficiency, (c) strengthen enforcement, (d) enhance professional integrity and skills, and (e) improve tax legislation and fairness in the implementation of tax laws. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Progress toward achieving development objectives has been slower than expected. Current trends in terms of efficiency and effectiveness of tax administration are positive, and it is likely that the project will meet most of its development objectives. Progress has been made in improving taxpayer services, notably by launching a taxpayers' web portal, in updating the taxpayers' register, and in establishing dedicated inspectorates for working with large taxpayers. On the other hand, due to significant delays in implementing the human resource development component, the project’s institutional impact is lagging. There are also delays in launching some of the information technology applications foreseen under the project. However, all project activities are expected to be completed, though an extension in the project’s duration may be required. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Grant IBRD-46800 JPN-26119

Status Effective Closed





100.00 1.04

67.90 1.04

31.72 0.00

0.38 0.01


Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION


Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION

Project Name (ID): ST. Petersburg Economic Development ( P069063 ) Country: Russian Federation Board Approval Date : 05/15/2003 Closing Date : 08/31/2009 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IBRD-46940 Sector(s): General industry and trade sector(30%), Other social services(30%), Housing finance and real estate markets(20%), Sub-national government administration(20%) Theme(s): Municipal governance and institution building(P), Municipal finance(P), Legal institutions for a market economy(P), Small and medium enterprise support(P), Land administration and management(S)

Project Development Objectives: The objectives are to: (a) improve the business climate in St. Petersburg, stimulate the expansion of private sector participation in the local economy, and promote development of land and real estate markets; (b) strengthen St. Petersburg's financial management and ensure the long-term stability of its fiscal revenue base; and (c) enable St. Petersburg to preserve its position as one of Russia's top centers of culture and the arts. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Progress toward achieving the objectives continues to be substantial. As a result of stimulating the private sector participation, the small business turnover has grown 150 percent, compared to the same period of 2005. The number of private transactions for land and real estate is nearly twice a large than the target value. The city budget has had a surplus for the third year in a row, and fiscal revenues have grown by 350 percent since the project’s approval. The number of foreign visitors to St. Petersburg increased by 9.8 percent in 2006 compared to the previous years. The city continues to implement the actions towards meeting the few outstanding conditions under the loan. Good progress has also been made in the implementation of the federal component. Given the need for even more significant investments for the rehabilitation of St. Petersburg’s cultural institutions, US$40 million was reallocated from the city to the federal component. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Grant IBRD-46940

Status Effective










Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION


Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION

Project Name (ID): Customs Development ( P072960 ) Country: Russian Federation Board Approval Date : 04/22/2003 Midterm Review Date : 11/22/2006 Closing Date : 06/30/2009 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IBRD-46890 Sector(s): Central government administration(100%) Theme(s): Tax policy and administration(P), Trade facilitation and market access(P), Administrative and civil service reform(P), Legal institutions for a market economy(S), Standards and financial reporting(S)

Project Development Objectives: The objective is to modernize customs administration to (a) ensure the processing of international trade flows according to internationally acceptable practices and (b) to increase taxpayer compliance with the Customs Code. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): In the past year the project has advanced towards its development objectives, despite delays in some project activities. Legislation has been passed to allow the implementation of the single-window concept and simplified cargo management at the border. Important steps have been taken to optimize customs clearance procedures and optimize business processes to the extent possible until the new Unified Automated Information System becomes operational. As a result, interim results have exceeded initial targets. Average customs clearance timeframes have been reduced, the percentage of customs declarations subjected to physical inspections has declined, revenue from enforced compliance has increased, and the compliance gap with EU statistics has been narrowed. Expedited border procedures enacted as part of the Green Corridor experiment are being expanded in the Finnish border as a result of a parallel Finnish grant. The project is, therefore, likely to meet its development objectives even earlier than scheduled, though the completion of some project activities, such as the automation of risk-based procedures might require an extension in the project’s duration. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Grant IBRD-46890

Status Effective










Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION


Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION

Project Name (ID): E-Learning Support (APL #1) ( P075387 ) Country: Russian Federation Board Approval Date : 03/02/2004 Midterm Review Date : 02/12/2007 Closing Date : 06/30/2008 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IBRD-47260 Sector(s): Central government administration(30%), Vocational training(30%), Secondary education(20%), Primary education(20%) Theme(s): Education for the knowledge economy(P)

Project Development Objectives: The objective is to assist in the implementation of Russia's education modernization program aimed to re-orient the educational system to the global information society. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): A recent mid term review of the project suggests that it is gradually attaining its objectives. Seven pilot regions have become true leaders in e-learning in Russia. Most of pilot schools in these regions have demonstrated progress towards the efficient use of modern technologies. The project has already greatly improved the availability of high quality learning resources to all Russian schools. It is also extremely important that project outputs are already successfully disseminated to another 32 regions, suggesting that standard solutions developed under the project can be applied throughout the Russian Federation. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Grant IBRD-47260

Status Effective










Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION

Project Name (ID): Cadastre Development ( P078420 ) Country: Russian Federation Board Approval Date : 07/05/2005 Closing Date : 06/30/2010 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IBRD-48000 Sector(s): Central government administration(98%), Law and justice(1%), Housing finance and real estate markets(1%) Theme(s): Personal and property rights(P), Land administration and management(P), Legal institutions for a market economy(S), Tax policy and administration(S), Administrative and civil service reform(S)

Project Development Objectives: The project development objective is to improve the information flow and rationalize normative and operational procedures for the Unified State Cadastre of Immovable Property so as to facilitate development of real property markets, improve the quality of services provided by the offices of the Cadastre Agency, and strengthen linkages with other organizations. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The Project has made strong progress during the reporting period. Successful piloting of the new automated cadastre system in the three pilot regions resulted in reducing the time to register properties in the Cadastre Agency from 4 months to 20 days. The installations of the Information Technology and Communications equipment for additional 8 regions were completed and expected to be completed in other 29 oblasts in the next few months. The Cadastre Agency has registered 1.4 million plots and 2.44 million objects in 2006. Cadastre maps of the three pilot regions have been digitized and already included in the new computerized cadastre system. Conversion of land cadastre into the real estate cadastre is already underway, as well as the process of developing and implementing a real property market information system. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Grant IBRD-48000

Status Effective










Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION


Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION

Project Name (ID): Hydrometeo System Modernization ( P082239 ) Country: Russian Federation Board Approval Date : 03/17/2005 Closing Date : 09/30/2010 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IBRD-47690 Sector(s): Central government administration(100%) Theme(s): Natural disaster management(P), Water resource management(S), Administrative and civil service reform(S)

Project Development Objectives: The main development objective of the project is to increase the accuracy of forecasts provided to the Russian people and economy by modernizing key elements of RosHydromet's technical base and strengthening its institutional arrangements. This would enable enterprise and household adjustments to protect lives and support economic growth. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Implementation progress has been slower than expected, due to technical complexity of a number of tasks, incomplete staffing, and complex procurement issues. The speed of procurement has accelerated since December 2006 and several large contracts were signed in June 2007. Progress in meeting the development objective can only be assessed after completion of tendering, selection and installation of equipment and completion of consultancy assignments. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Grant IBRD-47690

Status Effective










Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION


Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION

Project Name (ID): Judicial Reform Support ( P089733 ) Country: Russian Federation Board Approval Date : 02/15/2007 Closing Date : 03/30/2012 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IBRD-48490 Sector(s): Law and justice(100%) Theme(s): Access to law and justice(P), Judicial and other dispute resolution mechanisms(P), Legal institutions for a market economy(S)

Project Development Objectives: The objective is to strengthen judicial transparency and efficiency in courts supported by the project. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project loan was approved by the Bank's Board in February 2007 but has not yet become effective. It is, therefore, too soon to report progress towards the development objective. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Grant IBRD-48490

Status Not Effective










Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION

Project Name (ID): State Statistical Systems 2 ( P092429 ) Country: Russian Federation Board Approval Date : 06/28/2007 Closing Date : 08/25/2012 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IBRD-48670 Sector(s): Central government administration(100%) Theme(s): Economic statistics, modeling and forecasting(P), Managing for development results(P), Administrative and civil service reform(S), Other economic management(S), Macroeconomic management(S)

Project Development Objectives: The project objective is to build a sustainable state statistical system for the collection of timely, coherent and trustworthy data on the economy and social conditions. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project loan was approved by the Board on June 28, 2007, and the loan agreement has not yet been signed. It is, therefore, too early to report progress towards the development objectives. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Grant IBRD-48670

Status Not Effective










Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION

Project Name (ID): Registration ( P093050 ) Country: Russian Federation Board Approval Date : 06/13/2006 Closing Date : 05/31/2013 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IBRD-48260 Sector(s): Sub-national government administration(56%), Law and justice(37%), General public administration sector(7%) Theme(s): Personal and property rights(P), Land administration and management(P), Administrative and civil service reform(S), Legal institutions for a market economy(S), Municipal governance and institution building(S)

Project Development Objectives: The project development objective is to (a) simplify and improve procedures for the registration of rights in immovable property; (b)improve the information flow from the registry to users so as to facilitate the development of real property markets; and (c) improve the quality of services provided, and strengthen the linkages with other organizations dealing with real property. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Changes in the management and reorganization of the implementing agency that started right after project approval caused a one year delay in processing of the project. The Government of Russia approved the project in July 20, 2007, by issuing the Resolution “On Signature of the Agreement Between the Russian Federation and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development on a Loan to Finance the Registration Project�. The Project is expected to become effective in the next few months. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Grant IBRD-48260

Status Not Effective










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