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Other Publications
Collapse and Recovery : How the COVID-19 Pandemic Eroded Human Capital and What to Do about It
COVID-19 caused a hidden but massive collapse in the human capital of young people at critical moments in the life cycle.
The impact was much greater in low and middle-income countries and poorer households, threatening to reduce lifetime earnings and increase inequality for decades to come. A new World Bank report details the extent of COVID’s blow to human capital accumulation for people under the age of 25—the generation which will make up 90 percent of the primeage workforce in 2050.
Today’s students in #SouthAsia could lose up to 14.4 percent of their future earnings due to COVID-19induced education shocks.
#COVID19 pushed millions of #SouthAsia’s children and youth off-track but examples from the region shows that simple, low-cost programs can address these setbacks.
Hidden Potential: Rethinking Informality in South Asia

Informality remains widespread in South Asia with low earnings and high vulnerability that makes it a major development issue for the region. There are different types of informality, with different drivers and consequences. Using this approach, this report revisits old questions about the relationship of informality to regulation and taxation, and also poses new ones, such as how digital technologies and multi-faceted policy designs can improve prospects in the informal sector.
Global Economic Prospects, January 2023
A flagship bi-annual report of the World Bank (published in January and June) giving a global economic outlook. In this report, global growth is projected to decelerate sharply, reflecting synchronous policy tightening aimed at containing very high inflation, worsening financial conditions, and continued disruptions from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Investment growth in emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs) is expected to remain below its average rate of the past two decades. Further adverse shocks could push the global economy into recession.

International Debt Report 2022: Updated International Debt Statistics
International Debt Report (IDR), formerly International Debt Statistics (IDS), is a longstanding annual publication of the World Bank featuring external debt statistics and analysis for the 121 low- and middle-income countries that report to the World Bank Debtor Reporting System (DRS).
Poverty and Shared Prosperity 2022: Correcting Course
Poverty and Shared Prosperity is a biennial series that reports on global trends in poverty and shared prosperity.
The World Bank’s latest Poverty and Shared Prosperity report provides the first comprehensive look at global poverty in the aftermath of an extraordinary series of shocks to the global economy. Each report also explores a central challenge to poverty reduction and boosting shared prosperity, assessing what works well and what does not in different settings. By bringing together the latest evidence, this corporate flagship report provides a foundation for informed advocacy around ending extreme poverty and improving the lives of the poorest in every country in the world.
Commodity Markets: Evolution, Challenges and Policies
Commodity markets are integral to the global economy. This study is the first comprehensive analysis examining market and policy developments for all commodity groups, including energy, metals, and agriculture, over the past century.
Thriving: Making Cities Green, Resilient, and Inclusive in a Changing Climate

Globally, 70 percent of greenhouse gas emissions emanate from cities. At the same time, cities are being hit increasingly by climate change related shocks and stresses. This report analyzes how these shocks and stresses are interacting with other urban stresses to determine the greenness, resilience, and inclusiveness of urban and national development. It provides policymakers with a compass for designing tailored policies that can help cities and countries take effective action to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
Preventing, Preparing for, and Responding to Disease Outbreaks and Pandemics: Future Directions for the World Bank Group

This paper has outlined an ambitious agenda for the WBG to support Prevention, Preparedness and Response (PPR) enhancement at country, regional, and global levels as part of a broader approach to strengthen health systems.

Interoperability: Towards a Data-Driven Public Sector
This How-to Note provides advice on what interoperability in the public sector is, why it is needed and how it can be implemented with various examples and a wholeof-government approach to interoperability taking into account both digital and nondigital aspects is of the essence.

The World Bank Group’s Early Support to Addressing the COVID-19 Economic Response, April 2020 - June 2021 : An Early-Stage Evaluation

In the face of the global economic crisis caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the World Bank delivered the largest crisis response in its history. This evaluation assesses the Bank Group’s early response to the economic crises caused by COVID-19, and examines interventions over the 15 months from April 2020 through June 2021.
GovTech Maturity Index, 2022 Update: Trends in Public Sector Digital Transformation

The 2021 GovTech Maturity Index (GTMI) report and underlying dataset provide opportunities to replicate the study, identify gaps in digital transformation by comparing the differences among economies and groups of economies, and track changes over time in a transparent way.
Reshaping Global Value Chains in Light of COVID-19: Implications for Trade and Poverty Reduction in Developing Countries

Global value chains (GVCs) have driven dramatic expansions in trade, productivity, and economic growth in developing countries over the past three decades. This Report examines the economic impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic on GVCs and explores whether they can continue to be a driver of trade and development.