3 minute read
To The Men We Love
We had a great first quarter. Thank you to our readers, sponsors, and advertisers.
This is a love message to all our readers planning their wedding. The best advice I can give you is to savoir every moment planning your wedding day.

The reality is you should have already committed your lives to each other if you are at the stage of planning your wedding. The wedding is simply a public display of your love to your fiends, and families. They are simply celebrating your union together and witnessing the blending of two people from two different backgrounds, that promise to love, cherish, respect, honor and build a family life together. You should already be friends. Continue to build on that foundation.
Therefore one of the most important things is to surround yourselves with beautiful people who wish you well, as much as you want to surround yourselves with beautiful possessions as you create the home of your dreams that will be sustainable and have meaning to you both.

Gentlemen, this issue is dedicated to you. It is ok for you to get involved and express your wants and needs in this marriage as well as your wedding day. Walk into this union with purpose. Take time for yourself and your mental health. Talk things out. Seek advise. Its ok if you don’t know everything. No one does. You are enough. Be bold. Be sensitive. Be vulnerable. Be loving. Invite the right people into your space that will guide you and want to see you succeed in every aspect of your life. Seek spiritual guidance, something higher than yourself.

Congratulations to you both as you begin your new life.
With thanks, Myrdith luxurybusinessemporium.com